01x25 - Lost Locket, Found Locket

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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01x25 - Lost Locket, Found Locket

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was ♪

♪ Much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must ♪

♪ Somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way they all ♪

♪ Became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way they became ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch. ♪

Goofing off on a
Saturday morning, Jan?

Nothing else to do but goof.

Mom took Marcia to that
Saturday morning art class

and Dad took Cindy
to the playground.

Yeah, Cindy loves that
little merry-go-round.

Yeah, it's just her speed.

Too slow for me.

Every once in a while,
somebody has to get left out.

I'm gonna go downstairs and
goof off with some more ironing.

Hi, Alice.

Hi, honey.

I just got home and
met the mailman.

This is for you.

Oh, a package!

Well, it certainly
resembles one.

"Miss Jan Brady,
4222 Clinton Way, City."

That's me, all right.

What do you suppose it is?

You're going to
find out very shortly.

Oh, what a beautiful little box.

And inside the
box is... Mom! Look!

A locket!

Oh... It's beautiful!


Well, there isn't a card in it.


Who do you suppose it came from?

No return address.

That's pretty strange.

Nobody's sending me a locket.

And without a card.

Yes, it's quite strange.

( sighs)

But it is a lovely locket.

Here, let me put it on you.

It's more than strange, Mom.

It's a baffling mystery.

Something like this

has never happened to me before.

It sure still is a mystery
who sent this locket,

but I think it's adorable!

This magnifying glass doesn't
help much with the postmark.

Especially since Jan ripped it
when she opened the package.

If something's
addressed just "City," Dad,

doesn't that mean it's mailed

from the same city?

Attaboy, Peter! Now that's how

to solve mysteries... logic.

Could I use the
magnetizing glass?

Magnifying, Bobby.

Be my guest.

Wow... I just found
something out!

What, what is it?

Everything's much bigger!

( muttering)

Hey... What?

The typewriter that
typed this dropped its "y."

Dropped it where?

Three times, in "Brady"

in "Way," and in "City"... look.

So, the typewriter
dropped its "y" three times...

That's not much of a clue.

No, listen, Peter, that could
be a very important clue...

If we could find the typewriter
that did it, which I doubt.

It's pretty hard to
guess who sent it

with the scads of
admirers you have.

Like Willie Dalrymple...
He's a real scad.

You're both jealous.

Don't you even care who
your secret admirer is?

JAN: Of course I do.

I'm dying of curiosity.

Anyway, I'll be wearing it
to the library this afternoon.

Do you want to come with me?

Sure! We might run
into Willie Dalrymple.

( taunting): ♪ Willie
sent the locket. ♪

Maybe we should be looking

for fingerprints
on the locket box.

Good idea!

We could use my fingerprint kit.

Yeah, and even if you found a
fingerprint, what would you do with it?

Send it to J. Edgar Hoovey.



Well, listen, I hate to
discourage initiative, fellows,

but, you know,
there are millions

of fingerprints
on file in the FBI.

I just wonder if J. Edgar Hoovey

would take time to track down

one connected with Jan's locket.

Well, you can't argue with that.

I guess that's why he's a dad

and we're just guys.

Yeah, he thinks better.

Thanks, Bobby.

Well, this pretty
little velvet-lined box

didn't come from
an expensive store,

but it did come from somewhere.

Well, now, as deductions
go, that's a reasonable one.

I wonder who could've forgot

to enclose a card.

Aunt Martha!

Hey, now, there's an idea.

Well, she's always been
especially fond of Jan, and...

Well, you know
how forgetful she is.

( chuckles)

I'll never forget when
your Aunt Martha

drove home in that black sedan

and she didn't realize

it wasn't her own
tan station wagon

till she gets in the garage.

Well, I mean, like at
Christmas and Easter,

she always forgets
to enclose her name

or her address or something.

It would be just like her
to send a locket to Jan

and not enclose a card.

Yeah, agreed.

Well, I think I'll phone her.

The kids can't hear
me in here, anyway.

She's probably just come home
in somebody's red convertible.

Hello? Aunt Martha?

This is Carol.

Carol. Your niece.

Carol Brady.

( chuckling)

Well, listen, Aunt Martha,
what I'm calling about...

Jan received a locket a few days
ago with no card enclosed and...

No. Not locker, locket.

Well, you know, one
of those little things

you hang around your
neck and put pictures in.

Well, it really doesn't
matter, Aunt Martha.

Just anybody's pictures.

Yeah, well, she did receive one,

and I thought maybe you sent it.

No, it did not come from Alaska.

You were?

A month?

Oh... no, then it definitely
could not have been from you.


Totem pole?

No, we... haven't received it

yet, Aunt Martha.

We'll be looking
out for it, yes.

Thank you in advance.

Nice talking to you,
too, Aunt Martha.

Yeah. Of course I will.


Well, I got most of
that, but you will what?

Give her love to Roger.


My sister's husband.

Your Aunt Martha
is really on the ball.

Well, there goes our theory.

Yep. Right down
the proverbial drain.

Which leaves us
with one possible clue.


Well, you know
that Greg discovered

those "y's" that were
dropped from the label?


Well, now, if we could
just find a typewriter

that drops its "y's",

our problem would be solved.

Oh, honey, finding a typewriter

that drops its "y's" is like...

finding a needle that
drops its haystack.

ALICE: We were going
shopping for a new coat for me?

Well, I wanted him to stay home

while we sneaked
up here to his office.

My female intuition
tells me that Mr. Brady

might have sent
that locket to Jan.

Oh, Alice, I can't wait
to see his typewriter.


Oh, that's right, you
don't know about the clue.

Well, all the "y's" in
"Brady," "Way" and "City"

were lower than
the rest of the letters

on Jan's package.


Oh, I hope my
female intuition works.

Here, let me do
that, Mrs. Brady.

I used to be pretty
good at typing.

Okay, Alice, hurry up.

( typing rapidly)

"Now is the time for all..."

Oh, Alice, get
to the "y," the "y"!

I'm getting to it, Mrs. Brady.

"Country." There!

Oh... there goes
my woman's intuition.

The "y" is perfect, just
like all the other letters.


What do we have here, huh?

Two startled women.

Or two surprised
typewriter thieves.

Typewriter thieves?!

There's a ring been
working this building,

but I didn't know they
used dames for fronts.

We may be dames,
but we're not fronts.

This building closes at 8:00

and this office is
supposed to be locked.

Well, I have a
key to the building

that also unlocks this office.

Oh, how'd you get the key?

Well, it's a duplicate.

This is my husband's
office, Mr. Michael Brady.

Does he know you're here?

Well... no.

He thinks we're out
buying me a coat.

Oh... what are you doing?

I have Mr. Brady's home
phone number in this book.

I think I'll just call
him and ask him

if he knows anything
about a dame

masquerading as his wife.

Oh... I wish you wouldn't.

I'll bet.

Look, Officer, I think I
can explain everything.

You see, um, my daughter
received this locket

with no card attached...

The address was typed

on a typewriter
that drops its "y's."

And, uh, well, I
think my husband

may have sent her the locket.

So we came here to see

if his office typewriter
drops its "y's."

You know something?

I believe you.

You do?


You'd have to be nuts to
make up a story like that.

( typing)

What are you doing?

Something deceitful and sneaky

of which I'm highly ashamed.

Typing the alphabet
on Mom's portable?

You were the one who discovered

that dropped "y" in the
address on Jan's label.


Well, with your mother
gone to help Alice buy a coat,

doing a little sleuthing here.

Huh. Think Mom
sent the locket to Jan?

Well, you know, I
don't know anymore.

This is the only
typewriter she ever uses

and it's in perfect condition.

Well, don't you trust her?

Of course I do.

Well, wouldn't she tell you?

Sure she would, unless she
had a logical reason not to.

Like what?

( chuckles)

Greg, to a female
mind, anything is logical.

I'm going to take this back

and put it where
your mother keeps it.

Oh, listen.

Now, mum's the word, okay, Greg?

Man to man?

Okay. Mum's the word.

But you're right.


It was sneaky and deceitful

and something of which

you should be highly ashamed.

I am, I am. And
when it's all over,

I'll tell your
mother what I did.

When it's all over, Dad?

Yeah, she'll understand.

I'm beginning to think

we'll never know who
sent that locket to Jan.

No luck with the coat, huh?

The coat?

Yeah. The coat... that
you went to buy Alice.

Oh, that coat! Yeah.

Oh, well, we
didn't find anything.


( clears throat)

What happened here?

Oh, nothing.

Nothing at all.

How was Jan?

Well, she was fine
when she went to bed.

Well, uh, any late
developments on the locket?

( chuckling): Well...

we weren't exactly swamped
with people telling us they sent it,

if that's what you mean.

Well, something
will turn up tomorrow.


Well... what do you, uh, say?

I say warmly and affectionately

good night, Mrs. Brady.


Good night, Mr. Brady.

I'll, uh, just finish
this chapter.

Oh. Okay.

Oh, no.

Oh, no!

( yelling): Oh, no!

JAN: Oh, no!


Oh, no!

What is it, Jan?

What in the world
is the matter?!

My locket... it's gone.

I wore it to bed a
couple of hours ago,

then something woke me
up and I found out it was gone!

Are you sure you wore it to bed?

Yes. I've worn it to bed
every night since I got it.

Are you positive
you wore it tonight?

Positively positive.

It's gone, all right.

My beautiful little locket.

No card or return address.

Gone... as
mysteriously as it came.

We got a real mystery
on our hands, fellas.

Yeah. First the locket arrives.

Second, it disappears.

Any suggestions?

I got one.


Maybe somebody took it.

Well, of course, dumb-dumb.

But who, what, when,
where, why and how?

I just had a suggestion.

I don't know all that junk.

PETER: Hey...

What about us
trying to solve this

just the way they do on
detective shows on TV?

Great idea.

They always round
up all the characters

and then recreate the crime.


We'll do it all over again,

just the way it happened.


Don't we have to get
the locket back first,

if we want to do
it all over again?

A reenactment of the what?

Of the crime, Dad.

What crime?

Whoever stole Jan's locket.

We don't know

Jan's locket was stolen, Greg.

What else could've
happened to it?

Everyone's looked
everywhere for it.

That's why we thought we'd have

a reenactment of the crime.

If it's okay with you.

Like they solve things on TV.

You mean a reenactment of
the events leading up to the crime.

Yeah, Dad, I guess I do.

Yeah, but we know that everyone

was in bed that night.

Well, not everyone, Mom.


What do you know

that your mother and I don't?

Well, I know that Peter and I

were just getting back

after raiding the refrigerator.

And then Jan
let out that shriek.

And the others?

Well, I think we
should let each one

speak for himself... or herself.

After they learn their
Constitutional rights,

everything they say may
be used against them.

Looks like we have Perry
Mason Jr. in the family.

Cindy, you were asleep

when Jan's locket
vanished, weren't you?

No, Mommy, I wasn't.

Where were you?

Standing out in the hall.

In the hall? Why?

I thought I heard a
noise under my bed.

What kind of a noise?

Well, like a mouse.

Cindy, I have never seen
any mice in this house.

Well, maybe they see
you first, and scram.

Why didn't you come and get me?

I was going to and Jan
hollered and... well...


Marcia, you were asleep

the night Jan's locket
did its vanishing act,

weren't you?

No, Mom.

I wanted to make
you think I was asleep,

but I wasn't really.


Well, I was studying in my bed.

Studying for what?

The English test I
had the next day.

I'm not doing too
good in English.


You see?

Well, anyway, that's where
I was when Jan yelped.

I know you thought I was
asleep, Dad, but I wasn't.

Well, we know
that Greg and Peter

were in the kitchen

and Marcia was in bed studying

and Cindy was out in hall.

Now, just exactly
what were you doing?

Brushing my teeth.

At 10:00 at night?

I forgot earlier.

And teeth can't tell time.

This is a routine question

we're asking everybody, Alice.

Were you asleep when
Jan's locket did its fade-out?

No, I wasn't asleep, Mr. Brady.

I was writing a
letter to my sister.

In your room?

No, in the family room.

Nobody else was there.

I hope you don't mind.

Oh, we don't mind at all.

That is, if you don't mind
doing a repeat performance

in the family room tonight.

What's up, Mr. Brady?

The boys think we
ought to do a reenactment

of the events leading
up to the crime, see?

With everyone doing
exactly what they were doing

the night the
locket disappeared.

ALICE: Well, you want
my unsolicited opinion,

I think the boys are
watching too much TV.

Well, that may be so, Alice,

but at least they're trying to
do something constructive.

I'll go along.

Back to the family room
and another letter to my sister.

She'll drop dead.

Two letters from me
in the same century?

In the same week.

The reenactment is scheduled

to take place at 10:00 tonight.

On the dot.

Well, in that case, we'd
better synchronize our watches.

Oh, yeah.

Well, here we are.

Right where we were
when it happened.

( chuckling)

Hey, you know
something, Mike? What?

I think I could learn to like

the reenactment of crimes.

Ooh... groovy, Mrs. Brady.

Hey, we ought to have
one of these every night.

Come on, now, what
were we talking about?

The coat.

That you and Alice didn't buy.

Oh, yeah, that coat.

Listen, were you
nuzzling me like this?

Well, there can be a little
leeway in reenactments.

A little leeway?!

Come on, what really
went on around here

the night Alice and I were gone?

Oh, everything was
just completely peaceful.

Hey, this is a
phony reenactment.

Last time we
stole fried chicken.

It doesn't matter.

We get to eat again, don't we?



Get to bed.

( garbled): I'm
brushing my teeth!

Put that down and get to bed.

You're supposed to be asleep.

Yeah, I know.

But how can I be asleep

when it's almost time
for me to scream?

Well, why don't you try?

Close your eyes

and count sheep or something.

One sheep, two sheep...

What do you suppose is going on?

I don't know, but
we better stay here.

( garbled): Can't I even
spit out the toothpaste?

Why didn't you spit it
out in the bathroom?

You said we had to
do just what did before.

I didn't spit now
'cause I didn't spit then.

And you know something?


It's hard to talk with your
mouth full of toothpaste.

The suspense is k*lling me.

So's the toothpaste!

( screaming)

( screaming)

( screaming)

Oh! Oh, I just
remembered something!

You remembered what, Jan?

That's why I screamed.

Only it wasn't a screamy scream,

it was a happy scream.

It was still a scream;
what's happened?

Well, you know,
I've been wearing

this whistle around my neck

instead of my locket.


Well, um, what's happened

is what I remembered.

I completely forgot
about the little bear.

The little bear?

JAN: Yeah.

The night my locket vanished,

all the stars were out...

Jillions of them, like tonight.

And you stopped
at the window to see

if you could see
the little bear.

Yeah. And you know
what you said, Mom?

Yes... that maybe
the clasp broke

and the locket just fell off?

Yes, so if it did...

it just might have
fallen off here

while I was looking
for the little bear.

( crickets chirping)

And there it is!

Jan, wait a minute.


Right there.

( grunting)

Oh, my beautiful little locket!

Found in the ivy,
outside the window.

Dad, did you find it?

Did you find it?

Yeah, in the vines
underneath the windowsill.

Hey, that's great.

That means the
reenactment really worked.

Yeah, I guess it did.

Oh, that's good news, Mr. Brady.

That sure is good news.

You look radiant.

This is the happiest
morning of my life

after the happiest
night of my life.

'Cause you got the locket back?

Of course. And if I hadn't
been looking for the little bear,

I would've never found it.

It was the
reenactment that did it.

I thought the reenactment
was a lot of fun.

It was better after Bobby
spit out his toothpaste.

Did you ever finish

that second letter
to your sister?

Well, I just pretended

to write that
second letter, Jan,

because my longhand is so bad.

Your longhand?

Yeah, even I can't read it.

Jan, you're growing older.

What's that got to do
with anything, Alice?

Well, there's something
I'd like to explain to you,

which I think you'll understand,

which I want to keep a secret
just between the two of us.

You stay here.

I'll be right back.

Alice, you mean you
typed my name and address

on the label on that package?

Same way I typed

that first letter
to my sister...

On that beat-up old
portable I keep in my closet.

Then you sent me the locket.

I'm the guilty party.

That was a
wonderful thing to do.

Why didn't you say so?

Well, that's what I
want to explain to you.

And what I want
to keep a secret.

You and Peter are the
middle kids in this family,

but he's a boy, and it doesn't
make so much difference.

Sometimes I get a little jealous
of Cindy 'cause she's the baby.

And sometimes Marcia
bosses me around.

That's what I'm talking about.

See, I know what
it is to be middle

'cause I'm a middle
sister, just like you.

I was born between
Emily and Myrtle.

Myrtle was the baby,
and Emily did the bossing.

Did your mother and father
love you as much as them?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

It was just that,
every now and then,

I got the feeling that I
was nothing very special

'cause I wasn't the oldest
and I wasn't the youngest.

You know what I mean?

I know what you mean.

Well, that's why...

Even though I never play
favorites among you kids...

From one middle
sister to another.

You know, my favorite
aunt gave me that locket

for the same reason.

Oh, Alice, you're...

you're just too
much, that's all.

That's enough, Jan.

Now, this battered old
typewriter has a date

with a screwdriver.

And nobody but you
and I will ever know

that, for a few days, you
were... something special.

Alice, as long as
I have this locket,

I'll always feel that
I'm something special.

Mom! Dad! Guess
what just arrived

all the way from Alaska!

A totem pole! A totem pole!

How did you know?

And I'll bet there
was no card attached.

How did you know that, too?

Were you expecting a totem
pole with no card attached?

In this family, who
knows what to expect?

( laughing loudly)

I didn't think I was that funny.

I was thinking about
something else, Dad.

What, honey?

That I'm the middle girl

on the tele... totem pole!

( all laughing)
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