01x18 - Tiger! Tiger!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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01x18 - Tiger! Tiger!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group ♪

♪ Must somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way they all
became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way they
became the Brady Bunch. ♪

Tiger, come on.

Come on, Tiger.

Come on.

Tiger... Tiger! Come on!

Come on, boy.

Come on, Tiger.

Tiger... Tiger, come on.

Tiger... Bobby!

It's time to feed Tiger.


Now, you stay here, Tiger.

I'll be right back.

After you get Tiger
fed, we'll feed us.

Alice, we need
some more dog food.


That dog eats more like a horse.

One of these days

instead of barking,
he's going to whinny.

Tiger... Chow time, Tiger.


Come on out of there, Tiger.






Nothing to worry about, Bobby.

Greg and Peter and Marcia

are checking the neighborhood,

and I'm sure they're
going to find Tiger.

I hope so.

He never did anything
like this before, Dad...

Just... disappeared
for all night.

Oh, he's gone, all right.

I've looked every place for him.

Well, Mike, you
better get going.

You're going to be
late for your golf game.

Ooh, yeah.

You seen my car keys?

Yeah. I think I saw
them in the kitchen.

I'll take a look.




Would you play
golf if I was missing?

No, Bobby, of course not.

Then how can you
leave with Tiger missing?

( sighs)

Look... I am sure they're
going to find that dog

in the next five minutes.

You don't know
that for real sure.

Well, no.

Tiger's a member
of the family, isn't he?

Well, yeah, Tiger's a
member of the family.

And you've even had him
longer than you've had me.

Hmm... Yeah, that's true.

Then how can you go play golf?

He wasn't anywhere...
anywhere at all.

Well, at least it
was a try, Bob.


and you said if
we didn't find him,

you'd put a lost-and-found
ad in the paper.

Yeah, that's right...

and with this pad and
pen and the patio table,

we're all ready to get to work.

Come on.

What do we say in the ad?

Well, just say the truth.

Say the best dog in
the world was lost today,

and we want him back.

Well, that tells a
lot about him, Bob,

but maybe we ought to
say what he looks like,

too, hmm? Okay.

Let's see.

Um... "Lost: large...
shaggy... "tan dog

with... white... muzzle."

Um... "Family...
pet "wearing collar

with name tag 'Tiger Brady.'"

You forgot the part about
best dog in the world.

Yeah, well, let's see here.

Uh, how's this?

Uh, "Family pet...

"best dog in the world...

wearing collar..." and so forth.

Okay. How much of a
reward are you going to offer?

( sighs)

Well, what do you
think we should?

A million dollars.

That's a lot of money for Tiger,

and it's a little
steep for me, too.

Well, Tiger's worth it.

Well, I was
thinking of offering,

oh... $25 for Tiger.

Well, okay.

Let's go call the paper.

GREG: Uh, Dad?


We peddled around
till we were exhausted.

Now we're going to
go out and look again.

Dad's going to
offer a $25 reward.

$25! Wow!

I saved up four
dollars I'd like to add.

$25's enough, Greg.

Really, Dad. I want to.

All right.

That'll make it $29.

There's this nifty
model airplane

I've been saving for,

but I'd rather give the
money for Tiger. $2.14.

All right, Peter.

I got $1.12.

And $1.12.

Let's see, that
makes, uh... six...

$32.26, and that's a lot
of money, even for Tiger.

Yeah... but it's
still not a million.


See you later, Dad.


Now, you have to watch
egg whites pretty close

'cause if they get too
stiff, you can't unstiff 'em.

That should just about do it.

( screen door opens)

Hey, Dad started
a reward for Tiger

with $25, and Greg

and Peter and me
put some more in,

and now it's over $32.

You can put me down
for five, Mr. Brady.

I'll take it out of
my dowry money.

Oh, Alice, you
don't have to do that.

I want to.

Besides, the chances
of getting Tiger back

are a lot better than
me using that dowry.

( laughing)

All right, that
makes the total $37...

and 26 cents.

Yeah, right.

Come on, let's put the
ad in, before it's too late.

Let's see... call information.

Jan, Cindy...

Now, I can put in three dollars.

How about you?

All I have is two dollars.


I don't have any money.

None at all?

Can you lend me some?

I can let you have 50 cents.

I could give more if
you lend me more.

That's all I've got.

How about you, Jan?

After the two
dollars, I'm broke.

Then 50 cents is all I can give.

We better tell Dad
before he hangs up.

MIKE: Would you read
the ad back to me, please?


Uh... Dad?

MIKE: Yes, that's...

Yeah, yeah, that's right.

W-Would you hold on
for just a moment? What?

Jan, Cindy and I

would like to add $5.50
to the reward money.

50 cents is mine.

I lended it from Marcia.

Would you change the
amount of the reward, please,

from $37.26 to... $42.76?

( Mike laughs)

Yeah, I know it's an
unusual amount, but...

Yeah, but that's it.

( chuckles)

Thank you very much.

( chuckling)

You know something?

You guys are really nice,
considering you guys are girls.

( Mike laughs)

( sighs)

Strange how lonely it
is around here tonight.


With me here?

And Alice in the kitchen,

and six kids wherever
six kids might be?

Yeah, well... you're right.

Strange how lonely it
is around here tonight.

( chuckling)

( sighs)

How many times I've
looked around this room

at the muddy paw
prints and the dog hairs

and wished that Tiger
belonged to somebody else.

You know something, Mike?


I miss him.

Aw... Yeah, that
walking lump of hair

has an intangible something.

Well, he'll be back.

ALICE: I hope so.

I'm sorry to interrupt,

but, uh, there was
something I wanted to mention,

and I haven't had
a chance till now.

Go ahead, Alice. Mention.

I wonder how come we
always get hungry at night.

I don't know. I guess
dinner gives us an appetite.

Let's ask Alice
what's left over.

Yeah, I think I hear her in
there with Mom and Dad.

ALICE: I didn't
want to say anything

in front of the kids
'cause I was afraid

it might upset them,

but I hear there's
been a rash of robberies

in the neighborhood recently.

I heard that, too.

The Stewarts were
robbed last week.

That's right.

Well, it occurred to me

that the thieves might
have lured Tiger away.

So they could take a whack

at this house some night
when we were all asleep.

MIKE: Alice...
you've been watching

too many detective shows lately.

Well, it is a possibility, Mike.

I mean, after all,

there have been
a lot of robberies,

and Tiger is missing.

That's why I thought
I should mention it.

Come on.

Well, what if Dad's wrong,

and Mom and Alice are right?

Let's get upstairs and
figure out our next move.

If there's going to be
a robbery here tonight,

we better be ready.

( footsteps approaching)

Who is it? Who's here?

It's me, Bobby. Dad.

Oh. Hi, Dad.

( sighs)

Listen, your mother and I

went in to kiss you good night,

and you weren't there,

and we had to worm out
of Greg where you were.

What are you doing out here?

I wanted to be here
if Tiger comes home.

It's all right, isn't it?

No, Bob, it isn't all
right. It's cold out here.

There have been robberies
in the neighborhood.

We can't let you
sleep out here all alone.

Well, there are some more
sleeping bags in the garage.

You can sleep
with me if you want.

Thanks. I think we both
better sleep in the house.

I'm not afraid of burglars, Dad.

Besides, they only
steal things inside houses

not outside houses.

Your mother and I
wouldn't sleep all night long.

Now, come on. Let's
get out of this thing.

Well, what if Tiger comes
home, and I don't know it?

Then we'll have a big
celebration in the morning.

Hurry up, get your slippers on.

I won't sleep a wink
inside the house.

Not a wink.

Are you sure this'll work?

Sure. Anyone tries to get in,

these strings'll pull
those cans down

right on top of him.

The racket'll
scare him to death.

What about the kitchen?

We'll do that last.

Robbers never
start in the kitchen.

Why not?

Well, who wants to steal
lettuce and tomatoes?

You bring the rest
of those empty cans.

( clattering)


( cans rattling) Shh! Shh! Shh!

( rattling)

( clunk)

Mike! Mike!

Mike, are you asleep?

No. I'm awake.

I'm wide awake.

Mike, I heard something.


No. It-It... it was a noise.

One of the kids?

No, it sounded
more like a... a noise.

If you hear it again,
let me know what it is.

Oh, no, Mike, listen.

I-I've been thinking
about what Alice said

about all those
robberies, and... ( sighs)

Are the doors locked?

Mm-hmm. I checked them
before we came upstairs.

I locked them before
we came upstairs, too.

Where you going?

Downstairs to check the doors.

But you said you locked them.

I know, but if I
don't check them,

you won't be
able to fall asleep,

and I won't be
able to fall asleep,

'cause you'll keep
right on talking, right?



I think I saw someone
moving in the kitchen.

Well, maybe it was Tiger.

Walking on his hind legs?

It must be the robber.

What'll we do?

Let's get my baseball
bat out of the closet.

( loud whisper): Boys!

What are you doing?

( whispering):
Someone's in there!

( whispering): Here,
give me the bat.

( Alice shrieks)

( screaming)

What's going on?!

What-What happened?!

( Alice shrieks)

It's-It's me... Alice.

Alice, your housekeeper.

( laughing)

Good morning, Alice.

Listen, I'm sorry
about last night.

The boys tried to booby-trap
the house against robbers.

They thought that
would keep 'em out.

Or knock 'em out.

Well, they promised
not to do it again.

Okay, Mr. Brady, but
just to be on the safe side,

from now on, when
I go to my room,

I stay in my room.

( laughs)

Hi. Hi. Hi.

Did anyone call about Tiger?

No, not yet, sweetie.

But it's early.

Well, someone should
have seen our ad by now.

Most people don't look at
the lost pet ads right away.

Well, I would, if I found a dog.

The first thing I
would do would be to...

( doorbell rings, dog barks)

BOBBY: It's Tiger! It's Tiger!

( barking continues)

It's Tiger!

( phone rings)


Yes, we're running
an ad about a lost dog.

No, our dog has a tail.

( phone ringing)


Yes, we lost a dog.

Yes, he's shaggy.

Yes, he's tan.

Yes, he does have
a white muzzle.


No, our dog is a boy.

Bobby, didn't you want
any supper tonight?

I wasn't hungry.

Sweetheart, I know how you feel,

but not eating isn't
going to bring Tiger back.

There wasn't any
room in my stomach.

It's got a great big lump in it.

( phone ringing)


Oh, hi, Steve.

You what?!

You saw Tiger?

Where?! Hold on.

Hey, everyone, Steve saw Tiger!

Steve saw Tiger!

You sure it was Tiger, Steve?

Well, what did he do
after you called him?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And then what?

Where'd he go?

Well, thanks.
Thanks a lot, Steve.

What happened?

Where'd he go? What'd he say?

That was Steve Miller.

He saw Tiger over by
Plummer and Verdun.

Oh, boy! And Steve knows Tiger!

GREG: Sure! He's
seen him lots of times.

And then he called
him, and Tiger stopped,

and then when Steve
went near him, he ran away.

Aw... No, no, no, that's okay.

Listen, I'll take the
kids and their bicycles

with me in the station wagon,

and we'll scout the area and
see if we can find him, okay?

Good idea!

Come on, come on,
come on. Come on.

Bobby and I dropped
off Marsh and the boys

about ten minutes ago,

and we've been driving
around, but no sign of Tiger.

Yeah, Mike, well,

Greg said he just saw Tiger
over on Talmadge Place.

He yelled, and Tiger stopped
and-and looked around,

but then he just took off again.

Okay, okay.

We'll keep in touch.

What did Peter say?

He just saw Mike and
Bobby on Mason Road,

but no sign of Tiger.

I think we'd be better off

if Tiger was out
looking for them.

I saw him.

He was heading
toward Maple Avenue.

Hold on, he's heading
toward Maple Avenue.

Hey, Maple Park's
two blocks from there!

Where there's a
park, there's trees,

and where there's
trees, you'll find dogs.

Listen, Marcia, get
right over to Maple Park.

Yeah, it's two
blocks to your, uh...

Uh, left.


Huh. Hold on.

Uh, he's heading south,

on the 400 block on Hillside.

Oh, Peter'll be able to cut
him off at Seventh Street.

Hey, Greg, head for
Seventh and Hillside

and help Peter.

Now, Marcia's got
Compton Avenue covered.

Yeah, and Mike and Bobby
have got Kingsley and Bell.

Suppose the FBI
has any old cases

they'd like to throw our way?

Peter found him?


Good. We're on our way.

( barks)

Oh, Tiger, we've missed you.

I'm sure he's missed you, too.

( chuckling)

BOBBY: Tiger!

Come on!

Yeah, I missed you so much.

BOBBY: Where were you?

BOBBY: Tiger...

WOMAN: Oh, is
he glad to see you!

BOBBY: I missed you so much.

WOMAN: Look at that dog!

( woman chuckling) Mm.

WOMAN: Hello, there.

Mrs. Simpson? Yes, yes.

I'm Mike Brady.
Oh, how do you do?

We live way away from here!

I can't imagine why Tiger
would go so far from home.

I think you'll
understand in a minute.

Yeah? Follow me.

Oh, Tiger!

Now, that's a pretty good reason

don't you think, Mr. Brady?

( puppies whimpering softly)

Aren't they neat?

Look at the brown one there.

Y-You mean Tiger and...?

I don't know if this
makes us related or not.

( laughs)


Dad, does this make
you a grandfather?

I guess it does.

( laughter)

Every time I tried to get a
look at Tiger's name tag,

he'd run away. Ah.

He's been here before.


What is it, Dad?

Look here.

( puppies whimpering)

You mean the
puppies are Tiger's?!

( chuckling)


Congratulations, Tiger!

Come on, Tiger! Tiger!


Tiger! Tiger!

BOBBY: Come on.


Time to feed Tiger.


Now, Tiger, you stay here.

And this time, I mean it.

You stay here.

I'll be right back.

Sure is nice to have the
old Bobby Brady back.

Sure is nice to have
old Tiger back, too.

And a good thing you
bought more dog food

like I asked.

Hey, hey!

Don't-Don't give it all to him
in one meal. Tiger'll burst.

It isn't all for Tiger, Alice.

He's a father dog now.

He's got a wife and kids to
feed over at Mrs. Simpson's.
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