01x23 - Lover's lane

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x23 - Lover's lane

Post by bunniefuu »

You know that I'll never ever leave you.

I'll never ever leave you.

You know the anything me and you hear...

it's just jealous people talking.

No one has we have.

That's why they're jealous.

Can't wait for Paris until be an adult.

Can't wait either.

Wanna get in the car?

Come on!

Come on!

Who's Anna Mayes?

Don't know.

Says she knows you from West.

Oh, her.
She's detective.

Pain in the ass.

She called Lil.
She's bringing us something.

How are things going at home?

She went to her sister's.

Well, that's probably good
that she's, uh,

get some company
during the day, huh? / Mm.

Scotty Valens, Homicide.

Hey, Anna.

The big time looks good on you.

Anna says all your old CIs
still ask after you.

Is that right? / They miss the
steak dinners particular.

This is Lieutenant Stillman.

- Detective Mayes, th District.
- Well, Detective,

you got an angle on an old one, huh?

Sam Terrence. Just arrested him
on a loitering complaint.

Got to talking. Turns out he was just
sprung from Camp Hill after years.

- What did he do?
- Nothing.

He was convicted of r*pe and m*rder.

DNA just showed they
pinched the wrong guy.

Sam, join the party.

Hi, Sam. John Stillman.

Hey, I got to be at
the Budget Wash on time.

I'll get you there.

These Detectives wanna hear
about the Eve Kendall m*rder.

Were you in the area, Sam?

I was collecting cans in the park.

Middle of the night, I get picked up
and ID'd as a k*ller.

- Who ID'd you?
- Boyfriend of the girl.

He was also att*cked.

I did almost two dimes for it.

I was a young man
when I went in there. Like you.

- This was, uh, ' ?
- Lover's Lane. Teenagers.

She's r*ped and k*lled,
he's left for dead.

The least we can do is figure out
whose time you've been doing.

Eve Kendall, .

Died from s*ab wounds.
No w*apon recovered.

Boyfriend Mark Adams was att*cked, too.

Concussion, shallow wounds.

Found at Lover's Lane, Fairmount Park.

Big make-out place in the summertime.

So you were there a lot.

How'd Sam become
the whipping boy for this?

He was half homeless and a boozer.

Only person in the area
Mark ID'd him from a lineup.

An ID we now know is bogus.

That plus the "shallow wounds"
makes me want to talk to Mark again.

Check it out.


Kind of looks like you.

Sam told the cops about a couple parked

in a green Datsun a few spaces
away from Mark and Eve that night.

No follow-up.

They didn't believe him?

So maybe that's a job for you.

What? Tracking green Datsuns from ' ?

It's glamorous, being in Homicide.

I know I saw that guy.

You got knocked out, though, right?

But I saw him. I'm positive.

Thing is, an eyewitness being sure

has no correlation to them being right.

Sam Terrence is out of jail.

We're looking at other possibilities now.

I'll help if I can.

Remember seeing anyone else
in the park that night?

It was years ago.

Maybe another couple parked nearby?

No. I don't remember that.

Were you and Eve having
any problem before she died?

We were completely happy.

Recent fights...?

I just said we were completely happy.

Was she worried about any unwanted attention?

Eve got all kinds of attention,
but it didn't worry her.

We'll live in Paris, like expatriates.

You'll write plays for me.

And poem.

And I'll read them out loud at cafes.

- We'll live in a garret.
- What's that?

It's where artists live.

With no heat.

Someone's staring at you.

Come on.

Everyone stares,
'cause you're so pretty.

What do we do for money?

Nothing. We hate money.

See you later? / Okay.


What happened to you being a writer?

Family business.

Ever got you upset,

all that attention she got?

No. I felt lucky I was her guy.

Eve was the heartbreak of my life.

We were gonna be together forever.

First love?

It broke me losing her.

It's weird how much you look like her.

Wayne Larkin?

Is it about the trash?

It's about Eve Kendall.

She was m*rder*d...

Oh, yeah.

Trying to watch the program.

It's the cops, Dad.


Diabetes and gout.

So how did you know Eve?

We both worked at the mall.

We were sort of weekend friends.

In our write-up, it says you
saw her the day she died.

Uh... around : after work.

Saw her at the bus stop.

Her boyfriend Mark didn't
pick her up after work?

Oh, he dropped her off a lot,
but she took the bus home.

She talk about her boyfriend to you?

Yeah. I guess he was pretty possessive.

Really? / Yeah, but I don't think
the feeling was mutual.

She was still, uh,

you know, looking around.

You work till : ?

Yeah, 'cause after the movie,
I got to sweep up all
the popcorn and leftover junk.

That's so late.

You're a Summer.
You should wear baby pink.

I don't mind.
I like being at work.

You know, I-I can get you in free.


Yeah. Tonight even,
if you want.

Top g*n. : and : .


Remember me?


Peach-banana, well-blended.

You move pretty good.


You sing, too?

Yeah, I sing.

So you ever gonna take me up on my offer?

You mean about - - ?

Yeah. It's a hot place.

I don't have I.D.

I'll get you in.

Can my friend come?


How's tonight?

My mom leaves for work at : .

So, who was this guy?

Worked in the music store.

I guess they met at the food court.

Do you remember a name?

You know, I want to say Max, uh...

but it was a pretty long time ago.

Mark has this girl up on a pedestal.

She was everything to him, his one and only.

But he apparently wasn't hers.

Sounds like the older dude
took her out at least once.

Hmm, a week before she bought it.

So, either Mark was totally in the dark,

or he knew about the extracurriculars.

And maybe did something about it.

Him being possessive.

Oh, years old, I find out
my girl's stepping out on me?

That feels like the end of the world.

Pretty vicious crime for a teenage doer.

Wouldn't set any records, Lil.

Must be Eve's mom.

She was a super nice kid.

No enemies.

Any strange behavior from
her those last few weeks?

Strange behavior was constant.

One thing was a little off.

She wanted to borrow $ .

Wouldn't say why.

What did you think of
her boyfriend Mark?

Nice. Especially for a rich kid.

He treat Eve okay?

Yes, called about four times a night.

Like he was checking up on her?

I just took it as kids in love.

Did you ever hear of a guy named Max?

Oh, you bet I did.

That jerk came to my house!

Don't forget to call before you go to sleep.

You tummy hurt?

No. I don't know.

- Need me to stay home, baby?
- No, Mom, go.

Uh... Good evening.


Is Eve here?

Who are you?

I'm Max... Tanning.

Well, turn around Max.


How old are you?


'cause she's !

Ok, no harm, no foul.

Walk away.


You can wait makeup... / Why?

You don't know how you look to the world!

What are you talking about?

'Cause you're young.

But not so young that people
don't see you and think things.

- I can handle it, Mom.
- And want things.

- You don't even understand.
- I can handle it!

Did Mark know about this guy?

I don't know.

There was a lot
I didn't know with Eve.

She was in that hard teenage stage.

I'm familiar.

I was just waiting till
she got... to her twenties.

We could be friends again.


But we never got there.

If I'm -year-old girl,

why do I need $ ?

And why not get it from
the rich boyfriend?

Maybe it had something
to do with this older guy.

You mean some she didn't
want Mark knowing about?

Her mom said Eve was feeling
queasy that night creepo came over?


Maybe he knocked her up.

She can't tell her mom
or home-sliced Mark.

Autopsy didn't show that.

Well, let's double check.

Well, that would give motive
to the older guy...

say she wanted to keep it.

Or Mark, same motive.

Let me go back to him.

I'd better zip.
I'll go down with you.

My boss sends his regards.
Lieutenant Doherty.

Yeah, we worked the streets together.

And if you got an extra desk around here,

he'll recommend me for keeps.

Subtle, Mayes.

You two want her to find Creepo?

So, Eve being pregnant?

It's impossible.

How come?

We hadn't gone all the way yet.

That garret in Paris,
that was gonna be the place.

But if there was another
guy in the pictures... / No, no.

There was, Mark.
Someone named Max.

There was no other guy.

Yeah, you don't... didn't know Eve.

I know what it's like being .

How flattering it is to have
an older guy giving you attention?

- Eve wouldn't have cheated on me.
- And what if she did?

What would you have done to her?

I didn't k*ll her.

I loved her.

People k*ll people they love.

I got att*cked myself,
for God's sake.

She was m*rder*d.
You had minor wounds.

Do you have a soul mate?

'Cause if you did,
you would understand Eve and me.

I understand you were
controlling with her.

So you've never been in love like that.


You'll picked them up? / Yeah.

Five O'clock.

Uh... we've been having a rocky time.

She senses the truth.

Which is?

That I loved Eve more than anyone.

Vaguely familiar.

Worked at the Smoothie Spot.

You went to her house one night,

her mom made you for the sleazebag
you were kicked your ass out.

Oh, her.

One of the many youngsters in your past?

I met her at the food court.

Struck up a conversation,
and eventually

I asked her
did she wanna go dancing.

Is that all you were after,
a dance partner?

Did I find her attractive?


Did I know she was ?

So you made a date with her.

Hey, let's not make her
the babe in the woods

and me the Big Bad Wolf here, okay?

Sounds accurate to me.

I made an honest mistake.

Her mom flew in on
the broomstick, I split.

Hour later, who shows up at the club...



Well, look at that.

You made it.


My mom finally left.

No problems getting in?

They didn't even ask.

The world smiles on pretty girls.

Uh, you remember my friend Carrie.

How you doing? / Hi.

Let me ask you something.

You ever think about making a video?

What do you mean?

You've seen MTV, right?

Cyndi Lauper, Madonna.

Belinda Carlisle.

'Cause I think you got something.


My store in Atlantic City,

we have this sound booth.

We could book some time,
make a demo, see how it go.

I've never been to Atlantic City.

I'm going next weekend.
I'm staying with my cousin.

Think about it.

Come on, let's dance.

Danced a few dances,
then I lost her.

She left with her friend.

You didn't take her to Atlantic City?


- That was just dumb talk.
- Did she know that?

Hey, how much did it cost,
renting that sound booth?

bucks a session.

The autopsy's conclusive.

Eve wasn't pregnant. In fact,

she was probably
a virgin before the r*pe.

Well, that backs up Mark's claim.

- And, I guess, Max's.
- What's his story?

Well, he and Eve talked about making
a demo video, price tag, bucks.

Oh. What kind of video?

Singing and dancing, 'cause maybe
she was the new Madonna.

Oh, that'll work on a -year-old.

Vera found Eve's friend Carrie.

He's upstairs with her now.

Well, maybe she knows where Eve
came down on Max versus Mark.

I remember Max from the music store.

Him and Eve have something going on?

She had a boyfriend, Mark.

We've met him.

Yeah, she really loved him.

So why's she sneaking out at night
to go meet Max?

We were kids, you know.

Max says he never saw
Eve after that night at - - .

He didn't mention Atlantic City?

Said that idea never took off.

No, they were going.

It was all she talked
about the next day.

Thanks, Wayne.

And don't tell about Atlantic City.

I don't think it's a good idea, Eve.
I don't trust that Max guy.

Me, neither.

Well, he wants me to make a video.

You know what he really wants.

Come on. / Personally,
I think he's sleazy.

Why do you want to do
that to Mark, anyway?

I'm not doing anything to Mark.

I think he just wants
to make a move on you.

Well, I wouldn't let that happen, okay?

You want to go do something...

the three of us?

Well, I'm meeting Mark.

But you and Carrie should go.

Her boyfriend's like the
nicest guy in the whole school.

Yeah, I've seen him.
He brings her to work sometimes.

I could get us free into the movies.
Top g*n.

I already saw it.

Me, too.

You ever just want to leave?

Just go away, forever?

Drive, and drive,
till you get to California?

Not really.

Wanna hang out?


We both told Eve not to go,

but, well, she kept saying
she could handle it.

Well, what kind of car
did Wayne drive?

This beat-up old Datsun.

Carrie said that Wayne from the mall
drove a green Datsun in ' .

A ' B- was registered to
a Jim Larkin. Probably his dad.

The same type of car Sam thought
he saw the night Eve was k*lled.


Don't look so wonderful,
cops comin' here for me.

I badged the boss.
Told him what it's about.

Want you to look at some pictures, Sam.

That's the guy in the Datsun.

You sure?

I mean, I don't wanna say definitely but...

You think you saw him before.

That night.

It's what my mind is telling me,

but I wouldn't swear to it.

But your gut reaction is
this kid was there that night.

With a heavy-looking girl.

Heavy, huh? / But I couldn't put
my hand on a Bible and say it.

I better jump back in here.

An eyewitnesses puts you
at the scene, Wayne.

- What do you mean?
- Lover's Lane.

You were there that night...

in your Datsun with a girl.


A big girl.
Like Carrie.

That's crazy.

See, I think you had it bad for Eve.

But you didn't have a shot there,

so you went for the friend.
That's common enough.

- I gotta be at the airport.
- So, you go parking with Carrie.

But she's not really rocking your world.

After a few Tall Boys,
you're feeling pretty loose.

And there's Eve with Mark
just a few spaces over,

doing stuff she'd never do
to Wayne Larkin.

I was never at Lover's Lane with Carrie.

You can polygraph me.

You hung out with her the weekend before.

Carrie told us.

We watched TV.

I didn't dig her,
she didn't dig me.

It was a nonevent.

Were you pissed off about Eve
going to Atlantic City, Wayne?

I thought it was a bad idea,
but it was her life.

- So you didn't try to stop her?
- I helped her.

She borrowed bucks,
so she could run off
with that statutory r*pist.

You loaned Eve the money?

And that guy Max was so sleazy,

he wouldn't give it
back to me after she died.

There was no trip to Atlantic City.

Yeah, but there was supposed to be.

Eve even gave you the money.

- She was a kid.
- That wasn't stopping you.

You had it all set up
for a Saturday night score in A.C.

I'm telling you, she was a kid.

You liked kids.

That's why you hung out at - - .

Too bad that joint got shut
down for serving to minors.

Where do you hang out now,
high schools?

I didn't do anything to that girl.

I'm the one who called it off.

You ready?

I'm ready.

What's the sleeping bag for?

Well, we're staying over, right?

Yeah, you're not gonna need that.

Is there a guest room?



where am I sleeping?

Eve, we're going on a trip here.


Yeah, I know.

Okay, you a grown-up or not?

'Cause if not, you should stay here.

Go have hot fudge sundaes with
your girlfriend, you know. Play dolls.

You wanna go with me,
you gotta be an adult.

So you tell me.

You a kid?

Or are you a grown-up?

I guess I'm gonna need
my bucks back.

The money's already spent.


It's spent.

Didn't get the booty you wanted,
figured you were owed something?

Sounds more like pretty
theft than calling it off.

The point is, we didn't
go anywhere that day.

And that was the last I ever saw her.

So the D.A.'s really enjoying

all the publicity on him
blowing the Kendall case.

That's his problem.

Yeah, and mine,

if he ships me off to Welfare Fraud.

For what?

For associating with the troublemaker.

What, your dealer?


Hi. / I'm sorry.

I just needed to...

I looked you up.

I-I keep thinking about her.

I'll just be five minutes.

She'd hate who I am now.





But we wanted...
we wanted exciting lives.

Like yours.

Oh, it's, uh, not so exciting. / No?

No. It's more like I watch other
people's lives from a front row seat.

Are you who you thought you'd be?

I mean, when you were ?

No. No, I...

I had a whole other plan for
what I wanted.


It was impossible.

Well, I'm glad you came along.

I mean, I feel... I feel awake again.

You've been living a life...


I've been going through paces.

Like it was all forgotten,
buried away with her, but


- I remember everything.
- Floods back, huh?

Like it was yesterday.

I still love her.


Wendy knows and I-I...

I couldn't stay there tonight.

I just, I just wanted to be with...

with her.

And I found myself coming to you.

Oh, crap.
It's... it's : .

Yeah, I'm gonna go.

- I.I lost... I lost track of time.
- Well, you're busy.

You're busy, so I'll see you
tomorrow. / Kite...

I'll see you tomorrow.

We got a new theory, Carrie.

You and Wayne.

Me and Wayne, what?

You were both nursing
some hard feelings towards Eve.

Him 'cause he was so hung up on her,

and you 'cause she got all that attention.

Maybe you too got tired of her
being the queen bee all the time.

Started talking revenge.

I didn't talk to Wayne about anything.

I know what it's like being
the fat kid in high school, Carrie.

It's a misery.

It's not great.

Changing for gym class
in front of everybody.

Going to pool parties
and wearing your shirt the whole time.

Girls like Eve prancing around
in bikinis, getting ogled.

Always their friend,
never the girlfriend, right?

That could lead to some dark thoughts.

Maybe Wayne did something...
but not me.

His car was seen at Lover's Lane,
night of the m*rder.

Two people inside.

We were thinking it was you with him.

You must be joking.

I hated Wayne.

Oh, what was to hate?

I love this part when the pizza
comes to Mr. Hen's class.

Yeah, it's funny.

Oh, Dad, I thought you were asleep.

How's it going?


You seen this before.


Come in here.

I got something better on.

- I don't know.
- Brings the beers with you.

No big deal.

Are you coming?

I really wanna watch this.

Can't you ever bring a good one?

What happened in the bedroom?

What do you think?

And you didn't report it?

"Mom, could we call the cops?

'Cause I got drunk with some guy,

and then his dad said
to come into his room..."


And there's the humiliation factor.

After he finished,

he told me to get my giant ass out.

You bring girls home to your dad
as a regular thing, Wayne?

We've been talking to Carrie Plummer again.

- I should be working.
- Forget work.

He made me.

Made you what?

Get girls. / You were , Wayne.
That's an adult.

He terrorized me my whole life.
He still does.

You still go strolling for girls,
bring 'em home to dad?

No. That stopped.


After Eve.

You brought Eve home?

My dad's gonna k*ll me.

Come on, Wayne.

The right thing is to tell.

Win or lose, I should tell.

That day, when I saw her
at the bus stop.

Thought you left already.


What about Atlantic City?

I didn't go.

So you're not gonna make that video?

I gotta make it up to Mark.

Do I tell him and ask to be forgiven?

Or do I never let him know
how stupid I was?

Don't ask me.

Could you give me a ride, Wayne?

I gotta be home.
My dad's medication time is soon.

Okay, I'll go with you
and then you can drop me off.

I have to change to meet Mark.

It's probably not a good idea.

Why not?

How about we go away?


Drive and drive, as far away as
we can go towards California.

What are you talking about, Wayne?

Taking you to California.

Wouldn't you like that?

'Cause I would.
I would love that.

That's crazy.

Yeah, 'course it is.

Hop in.

After Carrie,
Dad wanted a good one.

So you brought him Eve.

Usually I could only get
girls from the theater to come back.

Girls I let in for free, you know?

They were mostly homely and all.

But dad got real excitied
when he saw Eve.

And he did to her what he did to Carrie.

He tried.

She called him names,

ran out of there,
said she would tell the cops.

And that got him mad like I never seen.

So what did he do about it?

I can't say any more.

He'd k*ll me.
I don't wanna talk anymore.

Remember that fat girl,
Sam thought he saw with Wayne?

We think it was actually Pops Larkin.

The guy is Jabba the Hut with a mullet.

From the back, at night...

And you think they were targeting the Eve?

Wayne brought her home earlier that day.

Jabba tried to grope her,
she didn't go for it.

Sassed him pretty good.
Said she'd rat him out.

So he and Wayne went driving
that night, found Eve and Mark.

Where is this Jabba?

Drunk in front of the tube probably.

He don't leave the hut.

He does now.

You guys go ahead.

So, thanks and sorry about the...

That's okay.

I've made a mess of my marriage,
and your situation.

I said it's okay.

And I don't know what I'm going to do.

'Cause this-this Eve thing...

Mark, she was as sweet as
you remember.

But she was mixed up, too.

Like any -year-old.

You're talking about that older guy.

I'm just saying even if she had lived,

you still might not have
the life you talked about.

'Cause you were kids
when you dreamed it up.


Or maybe...

maybe she was the best thing
that ever came my way,

and nothing that good is possible.

Now, let's say that's true.

But you are here.

She's not.

No. But...

I'm not her.


I gotta be someplace.

I'm really sorry.

Yeah, yeah, me, too.

What happened with that guy?

Oh, he left.
Five minutes after you did.

You got a funny definition of five minutes.

It was work, Kite. / Really?

Was he, was he, um. confession?

You know how the job is.

Yeah, the job.

The job.

That's always going to be the thing.

What does that mean?

We all got jobs.

We don't all put them ahead of
every other things in our lives.

Look, this guy left his wife.

And came to you.

And there you were.

He was in a crisis. / Look, Lilly.

You want save people at :
in the morning, great.

God bless.

I know I screwed up.

It's just who you are, you know,

and-and I admire it.

I do.

But, uh,

I don't wanna live like that.

I'll see you, okay?

Wayne's in trouble?

You're both in trouble.

What did I do?

I don't leave my place,
I got the gout.

This dates back to when you
did leave, once in a while.

August, ' .
Lover's Lane.

I don't know what you're talking about.

The r*pe and m*rder of Eve Kendall.

Your boy's been talking.

Wayne is a liar.

Carrie Pummer's been talking, too.

About you raping her when she was .

A lot of girls been around here.

Anything that happened was voluntary.

Really? / They were cows.

Should'be thanked me.

Who else was gonna give it to 'em?

You got personality plus there, Jimbo?

Lay of the land, Jim.

We got sperm from whoever
r*ped and k*lled Eve.

We got three bags of your
beer bottles in the hall out there.

We compare DNA from your saliva
on them bottles to the spunk?

End of you being free to sit
your fat ass on that couch all day.

- Where the hell is Wayne?
- Locked up.

I'm gonna k*ll that stupid kid.

Might as well give it up, Jim
Curtain's falling.

They both should have died.

But Wayne, he was so weak.

He couldn't pull off his part.

Call me disgusting?

I'll show her disgusting.

Let's just go home, Dad. / Oh, no.

Girls thinks so much of herself.

We're gonna pull her down off
her high horse.

Then we're gonna give it to her good.

Can't you just forget it?

I'll meet another girl...

No, no, we're getting this one.


Take care of the kid.

What the hell?

Remember us,
you haughty little bitch?

- Wayne?
- k*ll the kid, Wayne.

- Wayne, what are you doing?
- Take the bottle and k*ll him.

Come on, Dad... / Shut up!

I got the girl.
Deal with him.

- Mark! No, Wayne. No!
- Shut your mouth!

k*ll him, Wayne.

Don't you hear me?
Don't be weak!

No! No!

♪ Steve NicksÀÇ 'Leather and Lace' ♪

♪ Is love so fragile... ♪

♪ And the heart so hollow ♪

♪ Shatter with words... ♪

♪ Impossible to follow ♪

♪ You're saying I'm fragile... ♪

♪ I try not to be ♪

♪ I search only...
for something I can't see ♪

♪ I have my own life... ♪

♪ and I am stronger than you know ♪

♪ But I carry this feeling ♪

♪ When you walked into my house ♪

♪ That you won't be walking out the door ♪

♪ Still I carry this feeling ♪

♪ When you walked into my house ♪

♪ That you won't be walking out the door ♪

♪ Lovers forever... face to face ♪

♪ My city your mountains ♪

♪ Stay with me stay ♪

♪ I need you to love me ♪

♪ I need you today ♪

♪ Give to me your leather... ♪

♪ Take from me... my lace ♪

♪ You in the moonlight ♪

♪ With your sleepy eyes ♪

♪ Could you ever love a man like me ♪

♪ And you were right ♪

♪ When I walked into your house ♪

♪ I knew I'd never want to leave ♪

♪ Sometimes I'm a strong man ♪

♪ Sometimes cold and scared ♪

♪ And sometimes I cry ♪

♪ Lovers forever... face to face ♪

♪ My city or mountains ♪

♪ Stay with me stay ♪

♪ I need you to love me ♪

♪ I need you today ♪
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