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07x10 - Mr. Monk's Other Brother

Posted: 07/23/21 06:25
by bunniefuu
(Woman) Craig, I'm here at the bayside correctional facility right now where a state-wide manhunt is underway for this man, Joe endicott.

Endicott escaped last night after tunneling under that fence and then k*lling a woman here in the parking lot before fleeing the scene.

Authorities now warning that endicott might be armed and must be considered extremely dangerous.

[Glass shatters]


Don't move! Hey, man, that really hurt!

Don't make a move! There's a g*n in here!

Hey... I said don't move!

I didn't move.

There's a g*n in here.

Take... take my word for it.

Where ya going? Hey... Adr...

Wait... who you calling?

Who do you think I'm calling?

Oh, you don't wanna call the cops, man. I don't, huh?

No, come on, put the phone down!

And the g*n. Give me one good reason.

I'm your brother!

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

You're my...

I'm Jack junior. I'm your brother.

Well, technically, I'm your half brother.

So you could say I'm rounding up.

Come on, dad must have told you about me.

Right? I mean, I can't imagine what he said, but... as you can see, it's pretty much true.

(Woman) 911. What is your emergency?

Come on, man, gimme a chance, okay?

I'm your brother. I'm family.


Yeah. Can't you feel it?

911. Sir?


Are... really?

Come on, we have the same DNA, same dad... Same alcoholic son of a bitch.

Do you know he ran out on us ten years after he bailed on you?


Fine. You still don't believe me.

All right, ask me something. Don't... wait!

Ask... Ask you what?


Us, dad, anything. Go. sh**t.

Okay. What was his favorite song?

Ain't misbehavin'. Sang it in the bathtub.

How did he take his coffee?

With whiskey.

Jameson's, if he could afford it, which he never could.

Sir, are you still there?


Should we hug?

No. Hey, come on.

I really... i really think we should hug.


911. Are you still there?

I'm sorry. It was my mistake.


Okay. Who's Joe endicott?

I am. Uh...

Well, at least that's who I was when I was arrested.

Yeah. Arrested for what?

Sellin' cars... That weren't... Mine...

[Laughing] Exactly...


I'm starving. Do you have any food?

No! No, no, no, no, no.

No, wait. Whoa.

No, y-y-y-you're not eating here.

All right.

You wanna tell me what happened last night?

Yeah. I busted out. That's what happened.

You k*lled a woman.

No way. Hey... Adrian, look!

Hand to god...

I've never hurt anybody!

Uh-huh. Ever!

I'm a con man. I'm a grifter.

I'm a... Loveable rogue.

A loveable rogue?

People don't call themselves loveable rogues.

Loveable rogues do.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

Why? Come on, what are you doing?

Adrian, no, no, no, wait, wait!

Think about it!

I could be halfway to Paraguay right now...

But I'm not. I'm here.

I came to you! What does that tell you?

That you're an unstable person and that you belong in prison.

No, that I need your help.

Come on, I didn't k*ll that woman!

I crawled through the sewer.

When I got to the parking lot, she was already dead.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait.

Uh... go back.

You crawled through the what-what?

I crawled through the sewer. That's how I escaped.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Go back...

[Softly] You crawled...

Through the... What?

The sewer?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Go back.

[Shower water running]


[Shower water stopping]

What happened? The shower stopped.

You ran out of hot water.

No, no, no. Keep washing.

I'm freezin'!

Keep... keep washing. Just...

Oh, my god! What... what... what'd you do?

Little camouflage... Huh?

Wrong people might see us working on the case, so...

What case? My case!

I told you I didn't k*ll that woman,.

We gotta prove it.

No, no, no, no, no. There is no case.

We're gonna call a lawyer, then you're gonna turn yourself in.

No! No, I can't do that. I can't go back to jail, okay?

Not yet. What...

Hey, how is ambrose? He's... he's fine.

You know what? We should call him.

I would love to say hi to him.

I'd rather not involve him. Excuse me...

What do you mean, you can't go back yet?

Look, that woman, the woman that was k*lled, Lindsey bishop was her name.

Hey! She was a social worker there.

Everybody in the joint loved her.

She used to work on letters, help people with their appeals.

I mean, look, if I go back there and they... Don't worry, it's perfect...

And they think that I k*lled her...

I wouldn't last more than ten minutes in there.

Look, clear my name.

And then I'll go back, I promise.

Hey, you know, these are all the same.

What, you... you wear the same thing every day?


I feel like I'm back in prison.

Y-you know, could I have a little bit of privacy, please?


Do you have any other kind of Mayo?

What are you doing?

I'm making a sandwich. I'm starving.

Are you ever gonna tell me what happened?

Yeah. After I eat, okay?

I have been running all night.

No, no, no, no. That's mine.

Talk first. Then eat.

[Sighs] Look, I can do both. All right?

There's not much to tell.

It took me two months and 87 spoons to get outta there.

What about your cellmate?

I didn't have one. Made life a lot easier.

So last night after lights out, I made my move.

Three minutes later, I was in the sewer pipe.

Yeah, okay. You... Can skip that part.

The stench was god-awful.

It was like crawling through someone's...

Okay. Yeah, it's okay. Just... Skip ahead.

Okay, about 3:00 A.M., I come out the other side, and I saw a car.

Looked empty. I figured I got lucky.

I thought maybe I could hotwire it.

I yank open the door, and there she was.

I tried calling 911, but then some guard in the tower spots me, opened fire, and I just... I just took off and never looked back.

So... let me see if I understand this.

If you're telling the truth...

It's hand to god.

Right. Hand to god.

This is your story:

A homicidal maniac happened to be strolling by the federal prison.

He saw the car. He stabs the driver.

But he doesn't steal the car.

He just runs away.

Couple minutes later, Jack monk, Jr. Crawls out of a manhole a few yards away and finds... The body?


Thank you. You made this very easy for me.


Wait. What are you doin'?

Adrian, what are you doin'?

No, no, no... what is it with you and the phone?

Come on, you're treating me like another schlub.

This is family!

Hey, this is family talkin' here.

That's gotta mean something. Not to me.

No! Okay, okay, okay, okay!

You win. I'll go back to jail.

[Beep] Straight up, I'll do my time... Okay?

Just... do me one favor.

Let me call my mother.

Your have a mother.

Yes, Adrian. I have a mother too.

Her name is Darlene monk.

She lives in amarillo, Texas.

I'm sure she's been watching the news, and she must be scared to death, okay?

Come on. Just one phone call.

For old time's sake?

We don't have any old times.

Sure, we do.

Come on, remember?

[Laughs] Remember in the hallway, when you hit me over the head with that metal box?

That was a half hour ago.

Yeah, well, it's something. I mean, it's a start.

[Electronic tones]


[Line ringing]

(Woman) Hello?

Hey! Mom, it's Jack.

Jackie! My baby! Are you okay?


On the news, they said you k*lled a woman.

No, mom, I didn't k*ll anybody.

You gotta believe me.

My baby!

I know, I wish I could prove it, but I-I can't.

Jackie, go to your brother. Go to Adrian.

He has to help you. He's family.

Mom, I'm with him right now, and, uh, he wants to turn me in.

[Loud gasp]


Why won't he help us?

I don't know, mom. I guess, um...

Family doesn't mean anything to him.

[Gasps] Adrian monk!

Are you there?


We've never met, but I feel like I know you.

Your father bragged about you all the time.

He did?

Uh-huh. He said you were the light of his life.

He said there's nothing you couldn't do.

I am begging you, Adrian. I'm a mother.

I'm on my knees. Help my little boy.

Help little Jackie! [Sobbing]

He's no angel, but he wouldn't hurt anybody.



Darlene... [Sobbing]


It... it's okay.

I-I am going to help your son.

You are?

He's gonna be okay, I promise.

I'll, uh, I'll do what I can. [Giddy laughing]


God bless you, Adrian! Oh!

Yay! Love you, mom.


Thanks, bro.

Half bro.

(Stottlemeyer) Hey, monk.

Who's your friend?

Oh, that's my...

Pen pal.

Pen pal!

I didn't know people still did that.

Yep. [Chuckles]

Hey, you guys even dress alike.

Where's he from?


East Canada.

What's his name? Jack.

Uh... gretzky.

Really? Any relation?

Why would you say that?

We don't... we don't... We don't even look alike.

No, not to you, to Wayne gretzky, the hockey player.

You okay?

Yeah, i'm... I'm fine.

Let's just see what there is to see, and then we can all go home in separate cars.

That's it, huh?

Yeah. Kinda scary how easy it was, huh?

It's funny, you know, I've known Mr. Monk for four years, and he never mentioned having a pen pal.

Well, you know, I shouldn't say anything else.

I don't wanna break the pen pal code, so...

[Laughing] Okay...

Her cell phone? Yep.

It wasn't near the car?

Nope. That's right where it was.

(Disher) Captain stottlemeyer, Adrian monk.

This is Tom Bennett, Dan Reese.

Tom's the warden here.

(Stottlemeyer) Warden.

Whatever you need, captain. Whatever we can do.

We appreciate that.

We've assembled a task force, working with the sheriff's department.

He can't get far. We'll find him.

I can't wait to get that son of a bitch back in here.

This is personal.

Everybody loved that woman.

Not just the inmates. Staff too.

Dan was on duty last night.

He's the one who sounded the alarm.

Yeah, what... what was she doing here at 3:00 in the morning?

Lindsey worked late a lot.

Sometimes she'd be here all night.

You know, dedicated.

Did you actually see him, the escapee, whose name, of course, is Joe endicott, attack miss bishop?

No, sir, I can't say I did.

I thought I heard something, someone screaming, I hit the lights.

He was right there, right by the car.

I got off about a dozen sh*ts, but he was gone.

A-and that's the w*apon?

Is it a fork or a spoon?

Oh, they can make a knife out of anything...

Utensils, toothbrushes.

"Gos" something.

That's sterling silver.

Really? [Laughs]

What are you guys doin' up there, having tea parties?

[Chuckles] That's not standard issue.

It must have been smuggled in.

[Dogs barking]

Dogs? Those dogs...

(Warden Bennett) Skinny must be bringing the hounds back in.

They must have caught his scent.

Hey, we gotta go! We're late.

For the... Thing.

That's Jack, uh, my pen pal.

How ya doin'? We gotta go.


Yeah. Uh... Cap, we gotta go.

Natalie's gonna drop us off.

Okay, I'll call ya later. I'll fill ya in.

Nice to meet you, Jack.

Are you gonna eat?

Not here. Or near here.

Or far from here.

Yeah, dad said you were peculiar.

Mm. Mm.

Avy'aite roikuaahaguere.

Jahoecha peve.

Ah? [Chuckling]

I knew it.

What was that? It wasn't Spanish.

It's guarani.

It's the official language of Paraguay.

Do you know that the most beautiful women in the world come from Paraguay?

Do they?

Exhibit a... You didn't even look at.

What... are you human or what?

I'm human... Enough.

Okay, Sherlock.

Where are we? How's the case comin' the victim's cell phone was exactly where you said it would be.

And there was blood spatter all over the car, but you didn't have any on your pants.


So... there's a more than even chance that you were telling the truth.

We're gonna hug soon. I can feel it.

No, we're not gonna hug, Jack.

You're still a criminal.

I can believe you and still not like you.

Well, who do you like? I can be anybody.

Listen to me. This is serious.

Somebody k*lled Lindsey bishop and tried to frame you.

So who else knew you were planning to escape?

Nobody. Somebody did.

Somebody knew you'd be in that parking lot.

Nobody! Hand to god, nobody knew!

Nobody! Nobody!

Nobody. Nobody.

Oh, except shiv.

I have a follow-up question.


Who's shiv?

Uh, he's my cellmate.

You said you didn't have a cellmate.

I don't think so.

You must have misconstrued my connotation.

Tell me about shiv.

His real name is Norman Logan.

It was his cell. It was his plan.

Somehow he got a hold of a real chisel, and he dug the tunnel himself.

They moved me into his cell yesterday, and, um, he showed me the tunnel.

And I figured if someone was gonna bust out, might as well be me.

You said you'd never lie to me.

We had a deal.

Okay, I know. I did lie about shiv.

But that was before I promised never to lie.

So I don't think that should count.

What was that look?

It's called disappointment, Jack.

I'm sure it's a look you've seen before.

Come on, let's go.

Well, where are we going?

I'm going back to the prison and talk to your cellmate.

No, you... No, you can't talk to him.

He'll know that we talked. He'll know that we're together!

All right, I'll have the captain ask around.

But let's go.

Well, where now?

Plan b... Lindsey bishop's house.

I'm not... i can't... come on.



I can't believe it! I'm so...

I still can't believe that she's gone!

I'm sorry.

I didn't even know she had a brother.

We were close, and of course now...

It's too late to tell her

[sobbing escalates] All the things I wanted to tell her!

Yeah, I know, i-i... I'm gonna miss her too.

She was probably my favorite tenant.

Are you family too? Pen pal.

(Superintendent) Oh... oh, okay. Well, uh...

I'll let you two boys get to it.

Just remember to lock up as you leave.

Again, I'm sorry.

Wow. He was a nice guy.

Can't help but notice your fake crying looks a lot like your real crying.

Thank you.

Wow, I love what you do with your hands.

You're like one of those pantomime guys, huh?

Okay, what are we looking for?

I'm not sure.

I'll know it when I find it.

What... what... what are you doing?

Believe me, brother, she's not gonna miss it.

Put it back. You put... put it back.


[Coins clattering]

And the rest of it.

Okay, jiminy cricket.

Look, you win! Puttin' it back!


That's weird.

What is it?

This picture's out of focus.

Look. That one makes her look fat.

These pictures don't make sense.

You're right. They're terrible.

She didn't put these up. No one would.

I don't understand.

They're from this drawer. They're the discards.

Someone was in here after she died...

Removed the real pictures, and replaced 'em with these.


Hmm. Maybe she was having an affair...

And he didn't want anyone to know.

Wow. Wow!

Dad was right. You're like a wizard.

Hey, we make a pretty good team, monk!

Come on! Hey, we could be partners!

The monk brothers.

Don't count on it.

You're going back to prison, remember?

Oh, right. Yeah, I forgot.

[Dramatic music]

[volume rising]

(Man) My enemy seemed immortal, more than a spider.

It was every unknown terror in the world, every fear fused into one hideous night black horror.

Still, whatever else had happened, my brain was a man's brain, my intelligence still a man's intelligence.

An idea came to me. Did I wake ya up?

No. It wasn't you.

It was all the noise... You were making.

Aw, sorry.

This is a real treat for me.

You know, I've been in the joint.

It's lights out at 9:00.


You are obsessed, aren't you?

[TV plays]

(Monk) Is this the incredible shrinking man?

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Oh... dad used to love this one.

Oh, he still does, I imagine.

[Monk chuckles]

Have a seat. Make yourself at home.


[Dramatic music]

I knew sooner or later it would come charging down that web, skimming out blackly toward me.

[Motor whining]

You have to do that now?


[Turns motor off]

[Turns motor on]

[Turns motor off]

[Dramatic music]

Now we can relax.


You put cinnamon on it? Mm-hmm.

I do that too!




Was he... A good father?

Look at us. What do you think?

Was he... Terrible?

Look at us. What do you think?

We got robbed, brother.

Are you still... In touch with him?


Not since I got busted.

I mean...

He didn't even bail me out and didn't come to court.

He really hasn't been the same since mom died.

[Dramatic music continues]

♪ Since who died?

Since mom died.

Her... hair.

[Chuckles] She dyed her hair.

It used to be strawberry blonde...

Your mother is dead?

Who was that woman on the phone?

I want an explanation, Jack, and I want the truth.

Okay, uh... Which one do you want first?

Who is she?

Your girlfriend.

No... Theresa? No.

No, she's like a friend with benefits.

Okay, brother.

Half... half bro. Half bro.

Leland. Leland, it's me, Adrian monk.

Listen, can... can you come over right away?

Yes, it's extremely urgent.

And, cap... Bring your handcuffs.

[Jack, Jr., sobbing] Adrian, you can't do that!

You can't send me back. I'm your brother!

Half brother.

Adrian, I know... [Sobbing]

I'm sorry, I lied. I'm sorry.

It won't... It won't happen again.

Hand to god.

Oh, just put your hand down, Jack, and get dressed... The captain's on his way.

Wait... no! I'm on my knees!

Your brother is in your kitchen, and he's on his knees.

Don't scuff up the floor.

Oh! You're making a big mistake!

I already made a mistake when I agreed to take you in.

Actually... it was you who took me in.

I was in trouble. I was scared.

You know what it's... hey, you know what it's like being scared... You of all people!

Just stop talking! Can you stop talking?


What is your problem? Are you allergic to the truth?

Yes, that's... i am, I am!

That's it! I'm a cheat, I'm a liar, okay?

That's who I am. I am as god made me.

But I am not a k*ller!

[Knocking on door]

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hang on!

I didn't k*ll Lindsey bishop, and you know that.

Now, if I go back to prison, they know I did it, I am dead, okay?

You send me back there, you'd be k*lling your own brother.

Half brother.

Can you live with that?

I live with worse.

[Groans] Oh...

And stop saying you're family.

It doesn't mean anything, especially from you.

Oh, no, now shiv is gonna be after me.

I'm sure he is.

Wait, Adrian, Adrian...

Hey, whatever happens...

You'll always be my...

My big brother.

What the hell is goin' on?

Are you okay?

Yeah. Sorry, it was a false alarm.

False alarm. Yeah.

I thought I heard a prowler, and it was just Jack.

I-I forgot he was staying here.

Wait. You forgot that you had a houseguest?


Are you crying?

Yeah, a little. I mean...

How would you feel if your pen pal thought you were a prowler?

Okay. I'm going home.

If I can get back in bed in 20 minutes, there's a chance I won't remember any of this.

[Monk chuckles]

Oh, uh, hey!

The prisoner you were asking about, the cellmate?

Shiv Logan? Yeah.

You better start knockin' on a different door, because they just now found him dead in the prison rec room.

He was stabbed in the neck with a shiv.

Guy should have picked a different nickname.

Well, you kids have fun. Nighty night.



Let's say somebody was a fugitive from the law...

And they needed help and they came to you.

A fugitive.

Like the man who escaped from bayside correctional?

The one who m*rder*d that woman?

Okay, let's say, hypothetically...

That it's not hypothetical.

He's in my apartment.

He's been there for two days.

It's my half brother Jack. He's the fugitive.

He's been using a fake name.

Did he k*ll that woman?

No! I don't think he did.

But he did escape from jail. He's guilty of that.

But he's going back as soon as I clear his name.

All I ever wanted, since I was a boy, was a real family.

I used to pray for it.

I hate to break the news to you, Adrian, but you already have a real family.

In a lot of ways, your situation is typical.

I've seen it quite often.

There's a four-state dragnet out on my brother.

You get that a lot?

Now, th-these are fundamental questions.

People have been asking them for ages, all the way back to Cain and Abel...

"what do I owe my family? What do I owe my brother?

What is my obligation?"

See, sometimes he's not really so bad.

Last night, we were watching this old horror movie and talking about our dad and Paraguay...

And I-I was feeling... Paraguay?

Yeah, he's obsessed with Paraguay.

He's been reading all about it...


Uh-oh what uh-oh?

Mm. Adrian...

I've been doing some workshops in local prisons, and Paraguay is considered the promised land.


Mm-hmm. Because of their new extradition laws.

They won't extradite anyone.

Unless he's been indicted for m*rder.

Yeah, you remember. I bought that album.

You know that most of that money didn't even go to the children of Africa?

But most of this money goes directly to the orphans.

It's like only 2% goes to marketing.

Which is probably why I never heard of it.

Exactly. That's why they call it a word of mouth charity.

Well, I wish I could give you more.

Oh, bless your heart.

So I... Make it out to you?

Yeah. It's like a... Weird Canadian tax thing.

I don't even understand it. [Door closes]

[Monk, shouting] Where is he?

Liar. You're a liar!

You were never going back to prison.

Mr. Monk!

You were going to Paraguay. That's why you came to me!

You couldn't leave until I cleared your name.

Okay, look, Adrian, I swear...

Just admit it, Jack!

Just... can you please...

Just once...

J-j-just for the novelty of it...

Wait, I-I don't understand. He's your pen pal, right?

He's my half brother.

He's Jack, Jr.

Oh, my god! Jack?

Aka... joe endicott.

The fugitive?

Oh, my god!

So... oh, my god!

You k*lled that woman?

No. No!

No, he's not a k*ller, but he's practically everything else.

Oh, my god!

I want my check back.

What? What is that?

He said he's building an orphanage in Quebec.

[Laughing] Ah... okay!

You know what, I am relieved that this happened.

I really am. Let's talk about this.

No more b.S. No more lies, okay?

Hand to god.

God doesn't wanna see your hand.

What is that?


That watch.

I've seen it before.

In Lindsey bishop's apartment.

You stole that watch!

They haven't even buried her yet, and you're wearing her watch?

Oh, my god!

Okay, first off, wasn't her watch.

So it doesn't count.

It's a guy's watch, okay?

Here, look.

Take it back. It's not even my style.

You are the most selfish human being on the planet.

You don't care about anyone or anything...

Is he okay?

He just solved the case.

Why don't you hang back here?

When were you going to tell me?

What year is it? Mr. Monk.

Natalie, I was harboring a fugitive.

I was trying to keep you out of it.

Yeah, but see, we're partners.

You're supposed to trust me.

I couldn't trust him. That was the problem.

I still don't.

Oh, Mr. Reese.

My name is Adrian monk...

I remember you. The consultant.

That's right.

You remember my assistant Natalie, and, uh, Jack, my pen pal.

Yeah, the pen pal. What can I do for you?

Well, we think that Lindsey bishop had a fornication partner.

We found this wristwatch in her apartment.

A fornication partner?

Yeah, it's, uh, it's a man's watch, and it's engraved:

"L.b. To d.R." It's not mine.

Must be a dozen d.R.S working at the prison.

Only three, actually.

So you got two more to go.

Did you ever see miss bishop outside of work? No, ma'am, I did not.

I have a wife and kid, and I'm trying to hang on to both.

How do you know this fornication partner even works at the prison?

We assumed because...

That's... that's a good point.

We... we should keep looking. Well, that's it, I guess.

Sorry to bother you. Thanks again.

He's the guy. Just keep walking.

Don't look back.

Well, were there two other names on the...

No, no, no, the spoon in his hand was sterling silver.

Has the same lettering as the one that k*lled Lindsey bishop.

Are you sure?

I'm 80% sure he's the guy.

I'm 95% sure!

[b*ll*ts thudding, ricocheting]

Oh, god!

Are you okay? Yeah.

Where's your cell phone?

In my purse. Thank god!

Which is in the car.

Hey, that's my g*n!

What? Oh, yeah. No, I borrowed it.

And be glad I did.

[Natalie muttering, squealing]

Will somebody please tell me what's going on?

Reese and Lindsey bishop were having an affair.

They were the fornicators!

[r*fle fire resumes]

Things must have gone bad.

Maybe she threatened to tell his wife.

All we know for sure...

Oh, god!

Is he wanted her gone.

(Monk) It was a setup from the beginning.

He was going to k*ll his mistress and make it look like an inmate did it during an escape.

He went to shiv. It was a perfect choice.

The guy's a real moron.

Reese told shiv how to go, where to go, and most importantly, when to go.

It had to be Monday night, at 3:00.

That night, he k*lled Lindsey bishop in the parking lot, then he reported for duty.

He took his position in the guard tower and waited.

He expected shiv to be escaping any minute.

He didn't know Jack monk, Jr. Had other plans.

It wasn't exactly how Reese planned it, but he didn't care.

One patsy's as good as another.

[sh*ts firing]

I'm out!

Oh, god.

Oh, god, oh, god!


He stopped. He stopped.

Did you get him?

I don't know.

Hold on.

No, Mr. Monk, what are you doing?

Quick, go, go!

We have to get to my purse!

Don't go. I'll go.

No, I'll go! You stay!

I wanna do it!

Are you sure? [r*fle sh*ts]

You were wrong about me, brother!

Throw me the keys!


Oh, god, oh, god!

[r*fle fire]

[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

He made it! He made it! Oh, god!

Oh, thank god!

He's going!

Oh, my god, oh, my god, Mr. Monk!

Where's he going? Where's he going?


The most beautiful women in the world.

Oh, god, Mr. Monk!

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god, what do we do?

(Monk) Okay. Okay.

I'm gonna count to three.

Okay. Yes, okay.

On three...

You come up with a great idea.


Is that way.

(Stottlemeyer) Good deal, thank you.

That was the d.A.

He says that Reese is awake and pourin' his heart out.

We got him on Lindsey bishop and shiv Logan.

What about Jack?

Well, he did escape, so they're gonna add a little time to his sentence.

He wanted to say goodbye.

Figured he was family, right?

Yeah. He's... He's family.

It was almost worth it hearing you say that.

Hey, uh, bayside correctional is only like an hour away.

Maybe you could come out sometime.

Yeah, I could do that.

Maybe Monday.

All right, Jack, time to go.

Uh, Jack, listen, uh, I just wanted to say I'm proud of what you did.

And I'm proud... You're my brother.

You mean half brother.

I'm rounding up.

I'm just gonna... Sneak in here a minute.

Thank you.

(Natalie) What are you looking for?

Think I left my handcuff keys in my other coat.