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07x05 - Mr. Monk Is Underwater

Posted: 07/23/21 06:21
by bunniefuu
[Sonar pinging]

(Kramer) I've acquired a target, sir.

5,200 yards.


Zero-three-five relative.


450 feet, sir.

Helm steer zero-nine-five.

15 degrees down bubble.

Weps, get me a firing solution.

Did you find him?

No, sir.

You can't find the second-in-command?

How far can he be?

We're on a submarine.

I just tried his cabin.

The door's locked.

Chief, take the conn.

Skipper's off the conn.

Cobb has the conn.

[Knocking on door]

Lieutenant Pierce?

It's captain Whitaker.

Are you all right?


Wait, wait, wait.

He's dead.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

I was afraid you wouldn't remember me.

I don't.

I just love a man in uniform.

Steven albright, you look great.

You look better than great.

Well, here, come in.

Come in.

Gosh, how long's it been, like, nine years?

Nine and a half...

Since the, uh, memorial service.

(Natalie) Yeah.

This can't be Julie.


God, she's beautiful.

Yeah, she is beautiful.

A little too beautiful.

Is she here?

No, she's with my mom for two weeks.

Camp grandma. Mm-hmm.

Really is great to see you.


I didn't expect...

I mean... [Rattling]

(Natalie) Oh, this is my boss.

This is Adrian monk.

Mr. Monk, this is Steve albright.

Lieutenant albright.

He is one of Mitch's oldest friends.


Actually, Mr. Monk, you're the real reason I'm here.

Oh, yeah.

I've heard a lot about you.

I've got a problem.

Oh, here, sit down.

I don't know how to begin.

I've never actually spoken to a detective before.

Well, you can speak to Mr. Monk the same way you speak to a normal person.

A close friend of mine, Jason Pierce, died last week.

Oh, I'm sorry.

He was the x.O... The second in command on our boat.

They said he committed su1c1de.

They said he'd been drinking.

They found a bottle of vodka in his cabin and there was alcohol in his blood.

But you don't believe it?

No, sir, I don't.

Jason had been sober for nine years.

He had a physical three weeks ago, which I administered.

I'm the ship's medical officer.

There was no alcohol in his blood.

Hmm, well, people do have relapses.

You know, they fall off the wagon.

Not Jason. I don't believe it.

[Vacuum whirring]

Sorry, go on.

There was one other thing.

I saw him the night before.

We made plans to go to a giants game while we were here.

He seemed fine. Uh-huh.

I assume there was an investigation.

Yes, of course.

NCIS ruled it a su1c1de.

Mr. Monk, I know you're a busy man.

We're only in port for one day.

I wonder if you could come down to the boat and take a look around.

I just... i wanna know if I'm crazy.

Well, of course we can. [Groaning]

I'll get my purse.

Well, uh, you mean now, today?

I can't today.

Why not?

Here's the thing.

It-it's a boat, and I really don't do boats.

Mr. Monk, I've been on these boats.

These boats are so big they don't even feel like boats.

They're like islands.

You've been on islands before, right?

You like islands.

No. It's like Hawaii.

Think of it like that.

We're goin' to Hawaii.

I believe you are the devil.

Nice belt.

Oh, thanks.

Julie made it for mother's day.

It's supposed to be good luck.

Nobody shaking hands.

Everybody's saluting.

Maybe I should enlist. No, Mr. Monk.

Please don't enlist.

Don't even joke about it. Why not?

Because I love America.

Here she is.

My... god!

Where's the rest of her?

That's it.

Is she sinking?

No, sir.

That's the USS Seattle.

She's a class-four submarine.


Are you okay?

A sub-submarine... you said boat.

You distinctly said boat.

Natalie, you were there.

We call her a boat.

It's not a boat, it's the opposite of a boat.

You familiar with the word "float"?

Mr. Monk, we're already here.

How about this?

Three minutes, we just go on board and look around.

What could happen in three minutes?

Asphyxiation, cerebral hypoxia, gas embolism, Epstein-barr.

You know more about this stuff than I do.

Why can't I do it from here?

I'll just look in a window.

No, Mr. Monk, it's a submarine.

There are no windows.

Please, I'm saying please.

He's Mitch's oldest friend.


Three minutes.

Three minutes, 180 seconds, on and off, I promise.

Do you have a stopwatch?

Yes, sir.

You got it.

Just two more steps.

There you go.

Sir, you don't have to hold your breath.

There's plenty of air.


How much time?

15 seconds.

I'm pretty sure he k*lled himself.

How do you know?

I've been on board 15 seconds and I'm suicidal.

It's down here.

How much time?

35 seconds.

Mr. Monk, be brave.

Why, what's in it for me?

It happened in here.

This is just how we found him.

They still haven't fixed the lock.


You're not even looking.

Yes, I am.

I'm squinting so I can see better.

Mr. Monk.

Okay, all right.

Commander Whitaker called a surprise drill.

The x.O. Didn't report.

Commander and I came down here to find him.

When we got here, we heard a g*nsh*t.

(Monk) A g*nsh*t...

From inside the room.

The locked room.

Yes, sir.

Commander Whitaker kicked down the door.

Jason was over there on the floor.

W-w-w-where were the keys to the cabin?

In his pocket.

And who else had a copy?

No one.

[Sighs] Okay.

Look, I'm sorry, lieutenant.

I really... i really am.

But I just... I just don't see anything here that would suggest...


[Snaps fingers] Tweezers.

Thank you.

What is that?


Looks like it has some adhesive on it.

Maybe from duct tape.


What does it mean?

I don't know.

Probably nothing.

[Alarm sounds]

(Albright) Sailor, what's going on?

We're shippin' out.

Fleet-wide a.S.W.

It's a drill.

An emergency exercise.

He said we're shipping out?

Deck is clear.

Secure the hatch.

Submerge the boat.

Depth two-five-zero feet.

Two-five-zero feet.

Aye, aye, sir.

Chief of the watch on the one-m-c.


For the love of god, where's the exit?

Open that hatch!

That's an order!

I don't think so.



We're underwater, sir.

It's too late.

It's okay. It's okay.


All right.



This guy...

(Whitaker) Helm steer zero-five-zero.

Five degrees down bubble.

Helm zero-nine-zero.

Five degrees down bubble.

Identify yourself.


I'm a... I'm a...

Oh, god. [Whispers] Adrian.

Adri... i know.

Adrian monk.

And this is Natalie teeger, my former assistant.


Lieutenant, what the hell's going on here?


That's an excellent question.

Sir, as I mentioned, I had some questions about lt. Commander Pierce's death.

Mr. Monk is a highly decorated detective.

I thought while we were here in San Francisco that...

Uh, commander, sir.

May I say something?

No, you may not.

What the hell are they doing on my ship in the middle of a fleet-wide exercise?

I have that same question.

I wanted them to see the crime scene, sir.

There isn't a crime scene.

Lieutenant, I sent you a copy of the NCIS report.

Apparently you haven't had a chance to read it.

(Monk) Commander, sir?


You're obviously very busy turning knobs and up-periscoping.

Why don't you just drop us off and we will be out of your hair.

How about...

Right there, seal beach?

Right there?

We could take a taxi. No, actually, fisherman's wharf... It's a little bit closer.

If it's not out of your way.

We could turn back around this way...

We are not turning around for anything.

This is a fleet-wide attack-submarine-warfare exercise.

For all intents and purposes, this ship is at w*r.

Do you understand that?

Uh, yes, okay.

I... yes, I get... How much do you want?

She'll pay 'cause her father is loaded.

You've heard of Davenport toothpaste?

That's the one with the girl who...

I've finished talking.

You are now the guests of the United States Navy until the completion of this exercise.

Thank you.

Four, maybe five days.



Comin' about!

Blinker, blinker!

What's he doing?

Comin' about!

Blinker, blinker, blinker.

That's the sonar.

You're turning the sonar tower.

Okay, okay, I didn't wanna bring this up, but I am a taxpayer and that means that you, sir, work for me, and I am ordering you to turn around and take us home!

Okay, I'm not ordering, I'm asking.

Please, please, you don't know him.

Sir, he can't handle this.

Confined quarters like this underwater?

He's gonna crack any second.

I'm surprised he's even hanging on a little bit.

Lieutenant, why don't you take your friends to the officers' ward room?

You and I can talk later.

Mr. Monk, it's okay.

Baby steps... left, right, left...

I'm sorry.

It doesn't feel like a man-made boat or a submarine.

Feels like a living thing.

Like a beast.

And I'm in... In the lungs or the stomach.

It's like it's swallowed me whole.

I feel like it's digesting me.

Honestly, I-I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here.

Yes, it's quite fortuitous.

I heard you were on a submarine, and I thought you could use my help.

So I climbed on board just as the ship was going underwater.

Wow... wow.

W-w-w-what do we do now?

We're gonna take it one day at a time.

One hour at a time.

We're gonna get through this together.

I've been observing you, Adrian.

You're doing very well in spite of your condition.

Your acute claustrophobia. Well...

I'd even say you're being rather heroic.

I have to be brave for Natalie's sake.

She's just a girl.

She's depending on me.

Well, she's lucky to have you.

[Chuckles] That's true.


Medal of honor?

I think that's a bit premature, Dr. Bell.

Who's Dr. Bell?

His new therapist.

It's a coping mechanism.

Someone to lean on.

Makes sense.

It does?

The important thing is to stay busy.

Focus on the case, all right?

Now, tell me about the crime scene.

Okay, well, the room was locked from the inside.

Everybody's saying su1c1de, but it doesn't feel right.

You know?

I-I found this.


Smells like gunpowder.

I noticed that too.

Hey, we make a pretty good team.

Mr. Monk, they're patching you through.

Thank you.

[Phone ringing]

This is disher.

[Monk over telephone] Yeah, Randy, it's me, Adrian monk.

I need you to...

I need you to research a possible m*rder victim.

Yeah, sure, what's the name?

Okay, he's a lieutenant commander.

Jason Pierce.

Talk to his family, see what they think.

Maybe he kept a diary or some sort of log.

Yeah, I'll get right on it.

Where are you?

I'm on a submarine.

The USS Seattle.

[Chuckles] Yeah, seriously.

We're underwater.

Uh, periscope depth.

Water temp, 46 degrees.

Speed, 50 knots.

Relative bearing two-five-niner.

You're on a submarine?


How you doin'?

Um, fine, I'm fine.

I'd be going crazy if Dr. Bell wasn't here.


Dr. Bell's there?

How did he get on the submarine?

Well, uh, hold on.

I'll let him tell you.

He's right here.

It's disher.

Yeah, I work with him.



I know, right?

Hey, monk?


Can you believe it?

That's a true story.

Yeah, uh-huh.

Is there anyone else there I can talk to?

You can stay here.

It's the only place on board with any privacy.

And believe me, you're gonna want privacy.

These guys haven't seen a girl since we left port.

That was three hours ago.

I know.

Clean towel, soap, toothpaste...

Davenport, of course.

You think I'm crazy?

I mean, about my friend?

I don't know, but you knocked on the right door.

Mr. Monk will figure it out.

Nat, I'm sorry about getting you stuck like this.

You don't look like you're sorry.

Well, I'm sorry I'm not more sorry.

Do you ever wonder what would've happened if you met me first?

I mean, before Mitch.

I did meet you first.

Austin, Texas, new years Eve, 1989.

You were there?

You were with your fiancee.


Caroline Shelton.

So what happened to her?

She sobered up.

Realized she could do better.

You never married?

A submarine's not a coed vessel.

It's kinda hard to meet a woman on this job.

Well, it's coed now, isn't it?

Yes, it is.


Permission to come aboard.

You're already on board, Mr. Monk.

Right, I mean, permission to come into your cabin-room-crib.

Permission denied.


It's me again.

How about now?

Come in, Mr. Monk.

Thank you.


That's my father.

He was secretary of the Navy.

He must've been very proud of you.

Oh, you'd think he would have been, wouldn't you?

(Monk) "Non sibi sed patriae."

"Not self, but country."

I like it.

You like it.

I live it.

I thought I told you to stay in the officers' ward.

Yes, sir, I know, but my therapist thought I should focus on the case.

Your therapist?

It doesn't matter.

There is no case, detective.

Lt. Commander Pierce shot himself.

It's in the NCIS report.

There were two other witnesses.

We heard a g*nsh*t.

The door was locked from the inside and I had to break it down.

So there's no other explanation, is there?

I don't know.

Well, what you don't know could fill a super-tanker.

Did you know that Pierce was a recovering alcoholic and had started drinking again?

Had he?

He confided that in me two weeks ago.

And that's why I was worried when he didn't show up for the drill.

About that drill.

That was the second drill of the day, is that right?

Is that normal, two drills in one day?

No, it's quite unusual.

My job... my mandate...

Is to prepare these children for battle.

w*r is not tidy...

Mr. Monk.

w*r does not follow any set schedule and neither do I.

Is there anything else?


You're with us until Thursday, Mr. Monk.

I'd like very much not to see you again.

It's a rather small boat, but with vigilance and Patience I believe we can manage to avoid each other.

Yes, sir, I'll do my best.

It looks like a match.

What do you think?

Yep, I think you're right.


You've done it again.


Does anyone else on board drink this brand?

Only commander Whitaker.

Nobody else can touch it.

It's his private stash.

I need to borrow your w*apon.

And, uh, some surgical tape.

It's not loaded.


You'll see.

Be patient.

A sil*ncer.

That would explain the gunpowder and the duct tape.

Who would use a sil*ncer to k*ll himself?

Okay, Mr. Monk, what are you saying?

Are you... commander Whitaker?

What about the locked door and the g*nsh*t?

I don't know how he did it.

I don't know why.

But he's the guy.

Where's your lady friend?

Oh, she's...

She's staying in the infirmary.

Lt. Albright has got her in his sights.

The target has been acquired.



What are you doin'?

I'm separating my food.

Is there a name for that?

Well, I don't know.

Why don't you ask him?

He's the expert.

You're not hungry?

No, I'm starving.

So, tell me about commander Whitaker.

Were he and lt. Commander Pierce close?

You're on a sub, brother.

Everybody's close.

Pierce and the C.O. went way back.

They were in the Gulf together.

Who ordered vegetarian?

Right here.

Somebody wanted vegetarian?

Here, you can have mine.

I already separated it.


What was that?

Did you feel that?

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god, we've been hit!

We're goin' down!

I mean, we're goin' down more!

It's okay, brother.

It's just a little sea turbulence.


Good thing he wasn't with us in January.

W-w-w-w-what happened in January?

We hit a mountain.

You hit a mountain?

You didn't see a mountain?

It was an undersea mountain.

There was a mix-up on the bridge.

They were using some old nav charts.

And you hit a mountain?

Well, it's nobody's fault.

There was a big inquest.

C.O. testified.

Everybody was cleared.

B-b-but you have a new chart now, right?

Yes, sir.

We sure about that?

It has all the mountains?

Yes, sir. Not just most of the mountains, it has all the mountains?

Wait, you know what?

I'm not sure.

I'm kidding, sir.

We have... yeah, we're gonna be fine.

You shouldn't joke about...


It's not funny.

[Knock at door]

Hey. Hey.

I'll just be a second.

I left a book in here.


You talked to Julie?

I did, thank you.

She couldn't believe I was calling from a nuclear submarine.

She wants me to bring her home a torpedo.

I'll have them gift-wrap one for you.

[Sighs] I thought it was here.

What's it called?

The art of w*r.

Best book on male-female relationships I ever read.

Maybe it's up here.


Any luck?

Just a second.

Ah, that's too bad.


I found it.


I can't.

I'm sorry.

Is it 'cause of Mitch?

'Cause we were friends?

Oh, god, I don't know.

I just keep picturing him.

[Sighs deeply]

I'm sorry.

Well, I understand.

You do?

Then explain it to me.

Um, this is you.

Sheets are clean.

Does it fold out?

Nope, that's it.

Does it fold out?

Uh, no, that's it.

Does it fold out?

It's actually more comfortable than it looks.

It would almost have to be.

Well, what about my friend?

Do you have room for him?


Dr. Bell.

Uh, he can have jonesy's rack.

Where's jonesy?

Jonesy broke his neck.

In January, when we hit the mountain.

Oh, how's he doin'?

We lost him.

He, uh... he died in Bethesda hospital a week ago, Tuesday.


Good night, Mr. Monk.

Does it fold out?

That's it.


It's... good night, Mr. Monk.

Good night.

I'm just gonna fold it out.

No, you're gonna wanna get in there.

Uh, a week ago Tuesday?

That's the same day commander Pierce died.

Right, doc?


Monk, you might be right about lt. Pierce.

Spoke to his family, sisters, parents.

They all say he would never k*ll himself.

Devout catholic, for one thing.

We still can't prove it.

Well, maybe you can.

They gave me his computer.

He made an appointment with a criminal attorney.

They were planning on meeting next week.

Really, why? I don't know.

I called the guy and he wouldn't talk to me.

Attorney-client blah, blah, blah.

(Natalie) All right, well, thanks, Randy.

We'll let you know what happens.


What are those?

Just some old nav charts.


Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

I bet he is.

I've just talked to nav-tech.

They're gonna be throwing decoys at us all week.

We better be ready for anything.

Yes, sir, we'll do you proud.

Detective monk.

What part of "confined to quarters" don't you understand?

I thought you'd like to know how the investigation is going.

I'm getting closer.


To what?

To... to the truth.

I have the "who."

I have the "why."

All I need is "how."

Come here.

You have something to say to me?

You did it.

You k*lled lt. Commander Pierce and I know why.

It was the accident last January.

You hit a mountain.

I still can't believe it.

How do you hit a mountain?

But you knew it was a career-ending mistake.

You convinced lt. Commander Pierce to help you cover it up.

You switched charts so that you could tell everyone that it wasn't your fault.

That you'd been given a chart that was out of date.

But one sailor...

A kid named jonesy had been badly hurt.

And when jonesy died, lt. Commander Pierce had a change of heart.

And he told you he wanted to confess.


I k*lled him to protect my reputation, to save my career, so I wouldn't disappoint dead daddy?

Is that your story?

Something like that.

What about the g*nsh*t from inside the room?

There were three witnesses, can you explain that?

Not yet.

Lt. Commander Pierce's death was a su1c1de.

I'll tell you how I know.

Because I said it was!

When I'm on land, I'm a decorated commander in the United States Navy.

When I'm on this ship, I am the lord thy god!

I am jehovah!

Do you understand?

No one questions me!

Now, I've asked around.

I know all about your problems.

Your fears, your claustrophobia.

You are having a breakdown, sir.

It happens on submarines all the time to men far better than you.


Are delusional.

I have my share of problems.

I don't deny it.

But when it comes to this case, the last thing I am is delusional.

Tell him.

Does that sound delusional to you?

Watch your step.

Natalie, just talked to the commander.

He's definitely the guy.

Practically confessed.

Went on and on and on how he's god on this ship and Adrian must be delusional. Mr. Monk.


The answer must be in lt. Pierce's cabin.

We've got to get back in there and look around.

(Monk) Let's move out.

What's this?

This is it.


Sorry, it says "come alone."


(Monk) Hello?



Something's wrong.

Let's shake some things up today.

Chief of boat, make your depth one-five-zero feet.

Slow to all ahead two-thirds.

Aye, aye, skipper.

Depth one-five-zero feet.


[Alarm sounds]

We're diving!

Natalie, we have other things to worry about!

Well, Mr. Monk, we must be in the ballast t*nk.

My god, it's the ocean!

Natalie, it's the ocean!

It's the pacific ocean!


Dr. Bell, he's right outside.

Dr. Bell, open the hatch!

Dr. Bell!

Doc... [sighs]

Dr. Bell! Help!

(Monk) Dr. Bell, open the hatch!

(Natalie) Help, somebody, help!

(Monk) Open the hatch!

Help! Dr. Bell!

Somebody help!

We're in here!

Ocean in my shoes.

Ocean... ocean in my shoes, Dr. Bell!

Mr. Monk!

It won't do us any good if we both panic.

You're right, you're right.

We'll take turns.

I'll go first.

Oh, god!



Ocean in my pants.

Ocean in my pants.

Make your depth three-zero-zero feet.

Three-zero-zero feet, aye.


I don't know how to swim!

I took some lessons once, but...

Not actually in water.

Mr. Monk, I don't think swimming's gonna be a problem.

I'm not even sure I know how to drown.


Have you seen Mr. Monk and Ms. Teeger?

Yes, sir, about 20 minutes ago I saw 'em on level b near the stern.

Level b?

Helm steer zero-nine-five.

We're at 400 feet.

Leveling off.

Who ordered you to level off?

Keep diving.

Wait. [Coughing]

My belt. Huh?

My good luck belt.

Oh, yeah.

How's that workin' out for you?

Can you help me?

Get the beads out.

Get the beads out.

It's hollow.

We can make it like a snorkel.

It'll buy us some time.


No, I'm fine.

Why, because of germs?

Not now!

I'm fine. Mr. Monk!

I'm fine.

Stand back!

Gotta surface... surface now!

There's two people in the ballast t*nk.

That's ridiculous.

Why would they be in there?

You tell me.


We're surfacing.


Stand by for emergency ascent.

[Both coughing]

Detective monk, Ms. Teeger.

I'm glad to see you both in one piece.

Are you?

It's all over, commander.

We solved the case.

I'm gonna let Dr. Bell explain...

(both) No!

You do it. He's sleepy.

(Albright) It's better if you do it.

You're good at it. Okay, fine, I'll do it. I'll do it.

We have all the pieces.

The "who," the "why," and the "how."

Is that right? This is the how.

It's a firecracker.

And these ashes are from a cigarette.

We found them in the vent behind the door.

(Monk) It happened right here in this room a few minutes before the second drill.

You forced Jason Pierce to drink some vodka...

Then you shot him.

You ex*cuted your friend in cold blood...

With a homemade sil*ncer.

Nobody heard a thing.

[Muffled g*nsh*t]

You used a cigarette as a fuse, which gave you about five minutes to get back to the bridge.

It was a perfect alibi.

You were in the hallway with witnesses when you heard the g*nsh*t.

[Muffled g*nsh*t]

All you had to do was slip the key into his pocket when no one was looking.

We found a thumbprint on the inside of that vent.

I could fax it to NCIS.

I asked, it would take about a half an hour.

That won't be necessary, lieutenant.

In that case, sir, I'm relieving you of your command and confining you to quarters.

Congratulations, detective monk.

I hope the rest of the Navy does its job as well as you do yours.

Shall we?

[Sighs and chuckles]

I'm sorry, after you.

They're debriefing me tomorrow.

Then I ship out again.

Oh, for how long?



Home for Christmas, come on by.

I'll make you some cocoa.

With those little marshmallows?


That's a big step, lieutenant.

You sure we're ready for that?

Well, we'll find out.

Adrian, I'm so proud of you.

I'm... I'm just bursting.

I mean, you came through like a champ.

And under the worst possible circumstances.


I couldn't have done it without you.

I'll see you around, doc.

Wow, you really were on a submarine.


How was that?

Oh, it was... Was kinda horrifying.

I was scared to death every minute.

Same old, same old?

Pretty much.

I'm gonna go check out the sub.

(Bell) Adrian.

How did you do that?

Lieutenant told me what happened.

Oh, a submarine.

I can hardly wait to hear the whole story.

I thought we might drive back together.

[Chuckling] But you were there.

Yes... yes, it's true.

I-i-i was there.

Um, but you could remind me of some of the details.

But it just happened.

Now it's like a blur to you?

Just a little hazy, but...

Wow, it's funny how the mind works.

Oh, yes it is.

Let's get to the car.

(Monk) You found a parking spot?