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01x02 - Mr. Monk and The Candidate, Part 2

Posted: 07/23/21 06:17
by bunniefuu
You should've seen me, I'm telling you.
I had the moves.

No, I was diving, I was running,
I was diving out of the way.

That's great, Adrian.

Don't you get it?
It means we're getting close.

- We're making somebody nervous.
- I just can't picture outrunning a car.

I wasn't even
running my fastest.

- Why not?
- You know.

Were you touching
all the poles again?

I always touch the poles.

Adrian Monk for Gavin Lloyd.

- How old was she?
- .

It's heartbreaking.

She worked for Flo,
your bookkeeper.

She was here last summer
for about seven weeks.

We get kids like this all the time.
Every campaign does.

We call them floaters.

Their boyfriend comes back,
they get a new job...

fft!... they're gone.

So, Flo said that you
took Nicole aside one day.

I did?

Yes, this would've been
last July sometime.

And you talked to her for a while,
and then she never came back to work.

I talk to kids every day,
you know, more.

We, uh, actually, as a matter of fact,
we lost another one last week...

car crash in Sausalito.

We heard about that.

Sir, I...

I don't pretend to know
much about politics.

Vote for, uh, Warren St. Claire.
That's all you need to know.

But what was the reason
you held the rally at that plaza?

Heart of the financial district. We wanted
to assure the business community...

that Warren St. Claire is on
their side, and it's working.

Have you seen
the latest poll numbers?

Yes. Congratulations.

Thank you.


- That's a confidential document.
- Sorry.

- That's why we shredded it.
- Sorry. / - That's okay.

I have a suggestion, Mr. Monk.

I'm gonna do my job,

she'll do her job,
he'll do his job,

and you, sir, you and Miss...

- Fleming.
- Fleming, go out and do your job.

- Thanks. Good luck. Okay.
- Thank you.

Mr. Monk, sorry
to keep you waiting.

That's okay.

You know, Mr. Goodman,
your painting is very, um...

I can't think of the word. It's...


I just got that piece.
Something about it, I just had to have it.

- Yeah. / - You can tell a lot about
a person from his taste in art.

[whispers] He did it, I'm telling you.

Just a couple of questions, sir.

How long have you
worked for Mr. St. Claire?

Nine years.
I was the first person he hired.

But he never made you partner.

You don't see me complaining.
I'm a lucky man.

I see you've been out of town.

Upstate. My family has
a cabin on Rockaway Lake.

I needed some time
to clear my thoughts.

It's been a hell of a week.

Mr. Goodman,
I'm sure of two things.



One, your cabin is quite lovely.

And, two, you were
nowhere near it.

- What?
- Your wristwatch.

It's set two hours
ahead to central time.

You haven't been north,
you've been east.

Unless I'm wrong,
which, you know, I'm not,

you were in Chicago.

That's crazy.
I don't know anyone in Chicago.

You know Miranda St. Claire.

She told us she was going to Denver,
but her travel itinerary said Chicago.

So what we have here, sir,
are two consenting adults,

both lying about
where they spent last night.

What I'm about to say
can't leave this room.

Miranda and I have, uh,

been together twice.

So last night makes three?

No, last night it ended.

I swear I didn't want her.

I wanted to hurt Warren...

the legendary Warren St. Claire.

- I was sick of being his key chain.
- You say you wanted to hurt him?

No, no, no, I didn't mean...
I wouldn't really hurt him.

Oh, of course not.
You just wanted to hump his wife.

You want to charge me with
something, you call my lawyer.

What is this?


It's me, isn't it?

Look, I don't have time
for this, all right?

This meeting is over.

He's gone.

It's me, isn't it?

- Hello?
- Isn’t it?


It's me.

Hey, they got him.
We got to go. They got him.

Come on.

The F.B.I. coughed up
a major file on this guy lan Sykes.

Ex-Special Forces. Last April,

he purchased a scope for
a Weatherby Fibermark r*fle.

You guys stay here
until we're inside, all right?

Did he mention how tall he was?

Yes. He's foot inches tall.

I got lucky.

- Police! Police!
- Go! Go!


Police! Come out!

Slow! Easy!

You alone?

You don't have to
keep apologizing, sir.

Everybody makes mistakes.

The fact is, I was ' "...


You did buy a scope for
a Weatherby Fibermark r*fle.

Yes, sir, for my father.

Uh, he hunts alone now.

The Rocky Mountains aren't
exactly handicap accessible.


Okay, boys and girls,
the beat goes on.

We gotta talk to that profiler again.

Call the mayor.
Tell him we're back at square one.


Your shoes.


They're all scuffed up, and
they've got little creases in them.

Yeah, my shoes are
scuffed up, Monk.

They're not spotless like yours
because I actually use them.

His were all scuffed up, too.

Call up SWAT.

You go get in your car.
Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Get him out of here.


Stottlemeyer said
we'd be safer over here.

That's a crock. He put us in the cheap
seats so he could take all the credit.

Oh, great!
The battery's dead.

Look, I got to check on Benjy.

Stay here and don't move.

I'm gonna find a phone.

- Well, hurry.
- I will. I promise.


Hey. Hey!


Over... Over here!


He's here! Hey!
What are you...

Call the... Get...

Ughh. Come on!

Don't look up.
Don't look down.

Don't look up.
Don't look down.

Don't look up. Don't
look down. Don't look...

Excuse me.

You... You...

You have the...
right to... remain silent.

What, he actually said, "Excuse me,"
and then he crawled over you?

No, no, it was more like
he crawled around me.

- Good work, Detective.
- I don't think he recognized me,

before up in his room
or just now on the fire escape.

- Which means what?
- Which means...

he's not the guy who
tried to run me down.

I think we're looking
for two different guys.

Well, if only we had him in custody,
we could've questioned him.

Let me get this straight.
I'm confused, Monk.

You say you want your
badge back, is that right?

You want your badge back so you can
protect this city from rapists and murderers,

as long as they don't climb any ladders
or run across any big, bad, scary bridges.

- Is that right?
- Give him a break, Captain.

No, you give me a break.

Look, you want to carry a g*n?

You're gonna carry a loaded g*n
and have other cops depend on you?

No, I don't think so.
You're off the case.

Oh, bite me.

I'm sorry.
What did you say?

What did you say?

This isn't about what
happened today, is it?

This is about you and me.

- This is about you and me.
- No, Monk, this isn't personal.

The fact of the matter is the most
wanted man in the city got away...

because you got dizzy!

Am I right?

Don't expect the mayor to help you either,
because after this, you're a leper.

What is that, your tough look?

Hey, Mom, what's he doing?

This is where his wife was...

This is where
Mrs. Monk passed away.


- Hey, Monk.
- Hey, Monk.

Benjy, be careful.

She... She must've been
meeting somebody, but who?

Was it a story
she was working on?

I don't know. And I can't see it,
and why can't I see it?

I think you're too close to it, Monk.



Is he okay?

- He's okay.
- Yeah, I'm okay.

How many times have
I told you to be careful?

- How many?
- Don't worry, I'm okay.

You could've k*lled yourself.
I'll take it away if you don't watch it.

- I'm fine.
- Are you okay?

I'm okay.

- [shouting] Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.

- Are you okay?
- I'm okay!

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah, it's an echo.

- You have to get out more.
- Benjy, be careful. / - Okay.



I've got it.

You got what?

You know who did it?

You know who tried
to k*ll St. Claire?

Monk, who did it?

You're not gonna
tell me who did it?

It doesn't matter.

They're not gonna listen to me.
You heard the captain.

I'm a leper.

- Hi, Sharona.
- Hey, Sheldon.

- Can I come in?
- Yeah.


I need everybody to stand
exactly where they were...

after the sh*ts were fired.

Mrs. St. Claire,
you were standing right here.

What is the point?

We know who tried
to k*ll my husband.

It was that lunatic,
what's his name?

Ian Sykes. / He's probably
halfway to Mexico by now.

That's true.
Mr. Goodman, if you would.

That's true,
lan Sykes got away.

- Yes, he did.
- And I feel terrible about that,

but today we're looking
for his accomplice,

- the person who hired lan Sykes.
- Are you a poker player, Mr. Monk?

Because you're either
bluffing your ass off,

or sitting on a very sweet hand.

Well, let's find out. Sir, all week long,
I have been racking my brain.

Who would want to
take a shot at you?

Then last night,
it occurred to me.

Maybe we've all been
asking the wrong question.

Maybe the sh**t hit exactly what
he was aiming at, your bodyguard.

- That's insane.
- Who'd want to hurt Jason Rondstadt?

- That's not exactly showing initiative.
- Right, but what if...

what if Jason Rondstadt...

was the bodyguard
who knew too much?

You were dipping into
the w*r chest again.

You got to be kidding.

That's old news, Monk.

Mr. St. Claire, bear with me,
please, sir. On your mark.

Here's what I think happened.

Nicole Vasques was
going over the books,

and some numbers
didn't add up.

Excuse me, sir.

I was wondering if I could
talk to you for a sec.

It seems that a large sum of money
is going into a different account.

She asked you about it,
and you brushed her off.

Thanks for catching that, honey.
That's what I pay you for.

I'll look into it, all right?
Nice job.

Maybe you even accused
her of stealing the money.

Can you believe this guy?

You are out of your mind,
out of your mind.

You started to worry
the girl might talk.

You couldn't buy her off. She had
a little something we call integrity.

So you decided it was time
to hire somebody to k*ll her,

but who?

You asked Jason Rondstadt,

but he turned you down.

You were in hell,
surrounded by honest people.

I don't have to stand here
and listen to this.

Yes, you do.

- Yes, you do.
- Okay.

Thanks, Captain.

You kept shopping around.

You found a professional, lan Sykes.

Sykes k*lled the girl...

but you still had
one loose end left...

Jason Rondstadt,
the first guy you asked.

But, hell, that's all right.

Flying combat
missions in the Gulf...

k*lling Jason Rondstadt
in public was brilliant...

'cause everyone assumed it
was an assassination attempt,

and you got a two for.

Your problem was eliminated,
and your candidate gets to look heroic.

I don't suppose you're gonna
be able to prove any of this.

Well, here was your mistake.

My mistake?


This photograph was taken
seconds after the sh**ting.

That's you, isn't it, pointing up
at the sn*per? / Yeah. So what?

He's up there!

Up there!

You're the only one pointing.

How did you know where he was?

Because I saw him.
He was right up there.


Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, if you please.

Last Thursday, there were
approximately balloons right here.

There's only one way you could've
known where lan Sykes was.

- You hired the man.
- This is totally ridiculous.

It all happened so fast.
It was chaotic. It was chaos.

Maybe I, uh, maybe I didn't see him.
Maybe I heard the sh*ts.

- You heard them?
- Yes, I definitely heard them.

I definitely heard them.
We all heard them.

They were coming from up there.

Well, if that's true, then you won't
have any trouble finding Sharona.


She is up there in
one of these buildings...

with a starter's p*stol.

Heckle, this is Jeckle.

Are you all set?

Anytime, Jeckle.

Let's do it.

[ g*nsh*t ]
[ echoes ]

It's kind of like
an echo chamber, isn't it?

You want to take
another chance?

Heckle, we're going
for best out of three.

[ g*nsh*t ]

- There.
- There?

No, uh,

- over there.
- Are you sure?

Oh, my God.

No, wait, wait, wait.

Do it again. Do it again!

And you called yourself my Moses.

Like the real Moses, he won't
be joining you in the promised land.


Wa-w*r-Warren, I didn't have any choice!

That girl, Nicole,
she would have buried me!

She would have buried both of us!


Okay, Sharona, cut it out.
That's enough.

We got him.
It's over, it's all over.


- Let's go!
- Everybody out of here!

Go! Go! Go! Go!

[ g*nsh*t ]
[ glass shatters ]

[ g*n cocks and fires ]

Oh, my God, it's Sykes.
He's here.

Sykes? What's he doing here?

I think he and Gavin are having
some kind of contract dispute.

He's leaving.
I'm gonna follow him.

Where are you going, Sharona?
Just stay put.

He's stashing his g*n.

He's going downstairs.

All right, just stay put.
Stay right where you are.

- Who does she think she is?
- I don't know. Lois Lane.

He's in the boiler room.

Sharona! I can't hear you.
I've lost you. Come back.

Okay. We got him. Block it up.
Cover every door, every window.

- He's not coming out.
- What?

No. He'd expect you
to cover the street.

He's got some other way.

- He has a plan.
- How do you know that?

'Cause he's smart.

- Sharona, come back.
- Keep an eye on him.

How many guys
you got in the back?

Monk, he's going through a door.

I think it's a tunnel.
I'm gonna follow him.

Let's go! Let's go!
Everybody out!

- What about the basement?
- By the book, Monk.

We secure the exits, then
we work top to bottom. Give me that.

What about Sharona?
He might have Sharona.

We'll take care of Sharona.
Just stay here.

Monk, can you hear me?

Oh, no.


Adrian, can you hear me?
I can't hear you.

Monk, where are you?

Oh, great, a hostage.


We got upstairs secured.

Good. Now do the basement,
and watch your back.

Captain, have you seen Monk?

No. Why?

He's, uh, got my g*n.

Monk! Monk, help!

Hold it! I have a g*n.!

Sykes, hold it!

sh**t him!

sh**t him!

I'm not bluffing!
I have a g*n.

sh**t him!

Will you sh**t him!

Let her go, Sykes!

Let... Let her go!

What the hell were you thinking?

You kept saying,
"sh**t him.! sh**t him!"

Adrian, I could've been k*lled!

I knew what I was doing.

I was aiming high.

He's like feet tall!

What if you missed?
You could've missed!

Oh, right! How could I have missed?
The guy's King Kong.

What if it ricocheted?

Well, that... that's true.
I didn't think of that.



Give me the g*n.
Give me the g*n.

Here he is. Come and
meet a genuine hero.

Congratulations, Mr. Monk.

Mr. Monk,

on behalf of myself, Miranda,

and the city of San Francisco,
I want to thank you.

Well done.

Well done.

Mr. Monk, what next?

- Mr. Monk, can I get a picture, please?
- Mr. Monk, over here, please. Mr. Monk.

My son wants your autograph.

Really. No, you're his hero.

He put your picture up on the wall.

Well, I would be
happy to meet the boy,

but anybody would've
done the same thing.

I don't know about that, Adrian.

I mean, there were
cops at that scene.

Nobody did what you did.


You know, I think we're making
some real progress here, and I think...

I think it might be time that I talked to
the department about reinstatement.

Would you like that?

- I can't promise anything.
- Oh, I understand.

I can only make
a recommendation, okay?

- I understand.
- All right.

They might want you to meet
with some other doctors.

No problem.

It's not gonna be that easy, Adrian.
There's gonna be more testing.

Let's do it.
I want to take them right now.

- I want to take them right now.
- Alright, alright.

[ coughing ]

Going down?

[ coughing ]

- See you next week.
- Okay.

How'd it go?

You know.

Aw, don't worry,
we'll get them next time.

Come on, I'll make
you some dinner.

Oh, yeah, it's Tuesday.

Tuesday night's chicken potpie.

You know, actually, I thought we'd
try something a little different this week.

I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

Just kidding.

Adrian, you missed one.







