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06x12 - Mr. Monk Goes to the Bank

Posted: 07/22/21 19:43
by bunniefuu
They got nerve. Right in front of the sign.

Looks like the city just made an easy $85.

What are you doing?

This place got held up yesterday.

I remember. I took the call.

Looks pretty quiet.

Damn pen's out of ink.

Use mine.

Forget it.

Let's just grab some chili.

Funny, whoever owns that car has no idea.

Tonight was their lucky night.

Help! Hey!

Hey, somebody!

Help! Help!



Hey! Hello!

[All yelling]

It's no use.

[Whispering] Nobody's coming.

Nobody's coming.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

Permission to speak freely.

(Monk) Permission denied.

I'm gonna say it anyway.

You have to buy a new toaster.

I'm fine. It's fine.

It's burning all the toast. Look!

Mr. Monk, it's a fire hazard.

Natalie, I've had that toaster for 27 years.

I'll just call a repairman.

No, no, no, there's no such thing, Mr. Monk.

Nobody fixes toasters anymore.

You can buy a new one for $30.



Or you could see your house burn down around you.

Well, I am renting, so...

Let's see what kind of year we have.

(Male newscaster) Sharon, I've just been talking with police officials.

According to a department spokesperson, a masked gunman forced his way into this branch of the west bay trust here on vinton street.

Mr. Monk, isn't that your bank?

Just as they were opening for the day.

That gunman then shot one bank teller, and forced the other employees to break open the safety deposit boxes.

Natalie, that's my bank!

As we get additional details, we'll bring them to you live right here.

Hang in there, okay?

Don't worry about a thing.

Take good care of that girl.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought this was a crime scene.

Take it outside.

How's the teller doing?

Stabilized through and through.

She's a lucky girl.



I'm captain Leland stottlemeyer.

How you folks doing?

I could use a drink.

I'm sure you could.

We'll try not to keep you too long.

How's Jasmine?

Jasmine. Is that the teller?

She's gonna be fine.

Whatever they're paying her, it ain't enough.

That's for sure.

So I'm gonna have to get a statement from each of you individually.


Why aren't you out there trying to find that son of a bitch?

She's right! The guy's crazy!

He shot her. How could he sh**t her?

She was giving him all the money.

Well, look, we're gonna do the best that we can.

But it starts with you, okay?

I'm gonna need your help.

You the manager?


I'll start with you.

Can I use your office?

So, where do I start?

Well, the gunman came in at 9:05.

Let's start at 9:04.

I just unlocked the door.

I was flipping the open sign when this guy pushed right past me.

Can you describe him?

A white guy.


He must have been six foot.

(Stottlemeyer) What was he wearing?

A green hooded sweatshirt and a mask.

He made me lock the door and pull the shade.

He had his g*n pointed at Mr. Crawley the whole time.

And he made us empty all the drawers.

I'll never forget his voice.

He had an accent.

Definitely Russian. Very thick.

Just off the boat.

He had a big bag. We were filling it.

I saw Jasmine reach for the silent alarm.

He must have seen her.

It all happened so fast.

Then what did you do?

He made us all lie down on the floor.

Even Jasmine.

She was still bleeding.

And crying.

He had a drill and he was breaking open the deposit boxes.

It seemed like forever.

I thought I was gonna give birth right there.

He told us not to move for five minutes, and then he left out the back.

But we were too worried about Jasmine.

As soon as he was gone, Mr. Crawley pulled the alarm.

Okay, thank you very much.

Is that it?


Unless you can think of something else.

If we think of anything, we'll call you.

Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?

It's a boy.

Good for you.

Got names picked out?

We haven't decided yet.

What's your name?


We haven't decided yet.

Okay, thank you very much.


(Disher) So you didn't see anything?

I told you, I didn't even get here until 10:30.

Excuse me, lieutenant disher, sfpd.

You've got a pretty good view of the bank from here.

We're investigating a robbery that took place earlier this morning.


Sir, this is official police business.

It'll just take a minute.

If you're not too busy.

All right, I know you can hear me.

Look, I just saw you blink. You blinked.


Oh, I get it.

Normally we don't pay for information.

So what time did you arrive at the park this morning, sir?

Okay, you know what, pal?

I can get a crane down here in 20 minutes, lift you up and drag you downtown.


It's my break.

Thank you. That's more like it.


This is my job.

I mean, how would you like it if I came down to your office and got all [yelling] in your face, huh?


Was I here? Yeah, I was here.

I've been here all day. I'm here every morning.

Even sundays.

Good, did you see anything unusual around 9:00?

Yeah, I saw a guy. About 5'10", green hoodie.

He was hanging out, pacing around.

Looked kind of nervous.

And then he went inside.

Good, did you get a look at his face?

He had his hood up, sorry.

Okay, hood up. And then what happened?

Oh, about ten minutes later the alarm went off and I saw...


Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

[Laughs] No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, don't. Don't do that.

Hey, we're not done here.

What did you see?

Captain, what are you doing here?

Well, the robbery squad was shorthanded, so Randy and I took the call.

No dead bodies. It's nice.

Sir, I'm sorry. The bank isn't open.

I heard about the robbery.

Is the manager here, Mr. Crawley?

Mr. Crawley is busy right now.

If you come back tomorrow...

Mr. Crawley!

Peter. Yes, Mr. Monk.

I heard about the robbery.

It must have been terrible for you.

It was terrible.


Did you hear about Jasmine dadlani?

He shot her in the arm.

I was...

Is this gonna be a long story, Peter?

Oh. No, I guess I'm done.

Kind of worried about my safe deposit box.

Box number 100. Number 1-0-0.

Well, we haven't done a full inventory yet.

Why don't we take a look?

Oh no.

Trudy's bracelet.

Is was her grandmother's.

She wore it all the time.

Do you have insurance?

No, I didn't need insurance. I put it in the bank.

God as my witness...

I'm getting it back.

I'm just saying.

Randy, give it a rest.

We must have put 80 bucks in that can.

For three hours work, tax free?

The guy makes more money than I do.

Just doing nothing. Standing there.

I can do that.

Yes, you can.

Well, I'm gonna do it.

After work. Do it part time.

Pick up a couple of bucks.

You're gonna be a living statue?

Yes, I am.

Good for you.

But how are we supposed to know what job you're doing?

I'll be painted silver.

How hard can this be?

Captain, Mr. Monk wants to show you something.

And where is Mr. Monk?

In your office.

I hate it when he does that.

I told him not to go in there without me.

I don't know why he gets so upset.

It's not like he's gonna mess up anything.


What are you doing?


Hello? Are you all right?

Oh, my gosh. Tickle tickle tickle.

All right.


I'm taking these two pencils and I'm gonna stick 'em up your nose.

That's number one.

And number two.

Oh, our tax dollars at work.



Oh, come in.

Why don't you just make yourself at home?

Natalie said you wouldn't mind.

Natalie said... What the hell does...

Doesn't matter, Leland, take a breath.

Yeah, you know how to work this?

It's stuck.

Yes, I do.

Yeah, good. Have you seen this?

Only about 20 times. It's useless.

Can't see anything.

That plant's in the way.


Leland, that's my bank! I know that lobby.

That fichus tree has been sitting in the corner for ten years.

It's never been moved until today.

This morning, before the gunmen came in.

Somebody moved it in front of the surveillance camera.

Before the robbery?

Also, the Russian went out the back door and the alarm didn't sound.

So somebody disconnected it.

Yeah, that one we caught.

And there is a gate out back at the end of the alley.

It was unlocked. Somebody unlocked it.

So the Russian's not alone.

He's got an inside man.

If I can find the inside man, he'll lead me to the Russian.

And the Russian leads me to Trudy's bracelet.

Trudy's bracelet.

I should have known.

Well, I gotta get into that bank.

I gotta have a look around.

Well, monk, you just can't go hang out at a bank.

It's a place of business.

People don't like it if you just go and hang out in their office.

Maybe they need a security guard.

You know, after today, I bet they do.

Looks like you're gonna get to wear a badge again.

Good morning. Morning.

Gloria, would you call downtown and check the rates on this?

Mr. Monk.


How are you doing?

Can't complain.

I wanna thank you again for helping us out.

It's just for a day or two.

Well, it means a lot to us.

After what happened yesterday, I feel a lot safer with you here.

You do.

Of course I do.

Who wouldn't?

That's a good question.

One of you doesn't want me here.

But which one?

Who is the inside man?

Excuse me, could you use this pen?


That one's not working.

What are you talking about? It's working fine.


You're making me very nervous.

Where did they find you?

It's my first day.

Where were you yesterday, when they needed you?

That's a nice car, Peter.

Is that what you drive?

I wish.

I can barely afford the model.

I'm depositing this.

No problem.

$98. I'll just be a second.


That's right.

What's this?

Make it an even hundred.

Well, that's what I call service.

Are you allowed to do that?


He can.

I'd like to cash this.


Um... 500.

Thank you.

Next in line!

Next in line.

Oh, I'm waiting for her.

[All agreeing]

That's it. I'm broke.

Mr. Monk!


Look at you!

A man in uniform.

You look great!

Look at you!


Look... at... you!

Natalie, stop it.

Look at you!

Don't make me sh**t you.

How's it going?

I'm down $400. Do you have any cash?

I didn't have a chance to get to the bank.

No, did you find the accomplice?

The inside man?


[Whispering] Maybe.

Well, who is it?

Wait, don't tell me. Let me figure it out.

Next in line!

Her. The pregnant woman.

It's always the ones you least expect.

(Monk) Gloria morales.

Good guess, but wrong.

No, she's not strong enough.

The inside man had to move this ficus tree to block that security camera.

What about madge?

(Monk) Same problem. She couldn't move the tree.

She's got a bad back.

What about him? He looks pretty strong.

That's Leon Harrison.

He could probably move the tree, but he's too short.

Too short? Yeah.

The inside man had to trip the breaker to disengage the alarm.

He goes to the back door...

The junction box is behind this cabinet, which is bolted to the floor.

I tried, but I just can't reach it.

So the inside man has to be taller than me.

(Natalie) Hey, what about her? She's pretty tall.

Tiffany Preston.

It's her, isn't it?

God, kids today.

I blame the parents, really.

No no, Natalie, it's not her.

She is tall enough.

But the inside man also had to unlock the back gate.

Tiffany just started working here, so she doesn't have that key.

Yeah, but that's everybody. There's no one left.

Not quite.

Mr. M. Anybody miss me?

[Laughs] I didn't think so.

You remember Peter crawley.

The branch manager.

Three and a half hours. That is a long lunch break.


You see that blue ticket?

That's from a parking garage.

Why would he use a parking garage?

He has a private space right out front.

Shh shh.

Oh, my god. The back of his neck.

It's sunburned.


He just bought a car.

A convertible.

A car he didn't want anybody else to see.

He's strong enough.

He's tall enough.

He has a key to the gate.

He's the guy!

You're the guy. Look at you!

Mr. Monk. Oh!

That's enough.


Screwdrivers, gloves.

Rough wrench.

Extra scroll, saw blade, glass cover.

Here's the plan.

When he leaves the house, we're gonna break in the back door.

Have a look around.

I just hope he hasn't sold that bracelet.

I don't what I'd do if I lost it.

Mr. Monk, have you been working out?

Ow, no.

You think they'll let you keep the uniform?


Oh, I don't know.

You should ask them. It looks good on you.

I used to make Mitch wear his all the time.

He'd walk out and he'd look so shiny...

What are you talking about?

Are you bantering?

Am i... i don't know, I guess a little.

I don't banter.

We were right about the new car, Jaguar.

(Natalie) How can you tell?

It's the same shape as the toy on his desk.

Well, I hope he has a good warranty because it's leaking oil.

That's not oil.

(Natalie) Is it blood?


Don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look!

I have to look, I'm a detective.

I'm talking to myself.

Don't look, don't look.

How's it going?

Well, it's definitely the bank manager.

Shot twice in the head. 22 caliber.

A .22, just like the teller.

Just like the teller, only she's not dead.

Looks like our Russian friend never learned how to share.

Anybody ever tell you you look really sharp in that uniform?

Really, you think so?

I love a clip-on.

So any sign of the jewelry or the cash?

No, nothing yet.


Monk, I know how much that bracelet means to you.

I got two shifts of guys in there.

We're ripping the house apart.

We'll be here all night if we have to be.

I appreciate that.

Well, I guess we'll be going then.

You're leaving?

Well, it looks like you've got it covered.

You don't really need me.

Since when?

I don't know, it's been a long day.

I guess I'm just tired.

Call me if you find anything.


Wait up, wait up, wait.

Okay, what is going on?

What do you mean?

You know what I mean.

What are we doing?

Trudy's bracelet could be in there.

It's a pawn ticket.

I found it in crawley's pocket.

He pawned something yesterday three hours after the robbery.


You didn't tell the captain?

I will, I promise. But after we check it out.

No, no, no, no.


If they find that bracelet first, it'll get locked away in some evidence room for about ten years.

Okay, go. Go.

Thank you.

How long was that?

How long was what?

I thought you were timing me.

I was practicing. Didn't you notice?

Nope, sorry.

Hey look, why don't you do it again?

This time I'll clock you.

Go for it. Really go for it.

See if you can't break the world's record.

You think I can? Absolutely.

Okay. Hold on.

Okay. You ready?

And go.

[Rings bell]

I heard you the first time.

I only rang it once.

Doesn't matter, I was just closing up.

Come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow's too late.

Please? It's very important.

Rent-a-cop, huh? I'm not afraid of you.

No, I'm not.

We're just here, look...

We wanna redeem this.

You're not the same guy.

No, sir, the same guy is dead.


Deceased. Deceased?

He was a bank robber.

Or at least an accomplice.

Yeah, the merchandise he sold you was probably stolen.

He said this stuff belonged to his grandmother.

And you believed him?

I believe everybody. Store policy.

Stay here.

Mr. Monk, look, look, look!

A toaster! It's in perfect condition!

No. No, thank you.

Look, it's five dollars. Please, I'll pay for it.

Natalie, it's used.

I'm not gonna make food in somebody else's toaster.

Unless I'm wrong, that's how the bubonic plague got started.

That's not true.

I said, unless I'm wrong.

No. No, it's not here.

Is this all he had?


We're looking for a bracelet.

You see?

Hmm, nice piece. I like the bracelet too.



He did say there was more where this came from.

Said he still had half a box full of stuff back in San Francisco.

Half a box?

That's an unusual phrase.

That's what the man said.

A box.

Half a box.

What are you doing here?

You said meet us at the bank.

We're meeting you at the bank.

Inside. I said inside the bank.

They just closed at 7:00.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

We gotta get in there.

There's somebody... There's somebody inside.

It's madge. Madge!


Madge! Hey, it's me.



I just heard about Peter crawley.

I couldn't believe it.

None of us could.

I worked with him for seven years.

I guess you never know anybody. Not really.

Madge, I think Trudy's bracelet is still here in the bank.

Still here.

Yeah. Yes.

Crawley told a pawn broker in Brisbane that he still had a half a box full of jewelry somewhere in his...

(Stottlemeyer) A pawn broker in Brisbane?

I guess my cell phone was off the hook?

Uh... Here's the thing.

Yeah, we just weren't sure. We know how busy you are.

You're the captain. It's a big job.

It's okay.

Just a little lead. It's okay.

Natalie didn't think we should bother you.

It's okay. We'll talk about it later.

I don't understand.

Half a boxful. It's an unusual phrase.

Then I remembered.

There are six extra large deposit boxes in that vault.

But during the robbery the Russian only opened five.

Well, he ran out of time. He was in a hurry.

But it wasn't the last one.

The one he skipped was in the middle.

Box 503.

The money never left the bank.

It's brilliant when you think about it.

It's the last place anybody would look.

Come on, box 503.

503. 5... 5-0...

Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

Hold on, here it is. 503.

Oh, j.A. Guar.

Jaguar. Very cute.


(Stottlemeyer) So this is definitely the guy. Good work.

We'll come back tomorrow with a court order.


Why don't we just look right now?

Come on, we're already here.

Crawley's dead. He's not gonna mind.

I don't know.

Please, just a look.

Just to see if it's in there.


It'll just take a minute.

Well, I'll go get the master key.

You can wait in here.

Thanks, madge.

So any sign of the Russian?


No, we're checking the phone records, but it's still a dead end.

(Disher) What is it?

Six toothpicks.

Why six?

Looks like someone got the short end of the straw, huh?

Oh, my god.

We gotta get out of here.

No, hey!

Hey, madge!


[Breathing heavily]



It's pretty quiet.

My pen's out of ink.

Use mine.

Forget it.

Let's just grab some chili.

It's funny.

Whoever owns that car has no idea.

Tonight was their lucky night.

Help! Hey!

Hey, somebody!

Help! Help!

It's no use.

It's no use. They're not coming.

They're not coming.

I'm gonna die right here.

No, you are not.

You're right. You're right.

You're right.

I'm gonna die over there.

I call this spot.

You can die over there.

That's it.

Monk is no longer the morale officer.

Still no signal.

Phone lines must go through here.

Mr. Monk. Mr. Monk.

Come on, you have to...

Come on, you gotta pull yourself together.

Look at me.

Look at me.

We just have to make it until 9:00 am.

When the bank opens, they'll open the vault.

No, they won't.

Sure they will. Somebody will.

You don't get it. It wasn't just Peter crawley.

Yeah, well, obviously we know now that madge was in on it too.

And the Russian.

No, no, you still don't get it.

It was all of them.

They were all in on it. Look, six toothpicks!

Madge, crawley, Jasmine, Harrison, Tiffany, Gloria.

The whole staff! They planned it together.

Here's what happened.

It was like they were putting on a play.

They must have rehearsed it for weeks.

One of them had to play the Russian.

It was probably madge.

She was about the right height.

I didn't see her on the surveillance tape.

(Natalie) But what did the toothpicks mean?

(Monk) One of them had to get shot. To make it look good.

So they were drawing straws.

I don't get it. Why did they k*ll the manager?

Well, they probably had an agreement not to spend any of the money, but crawley couldn't resist.

Of course...

We'll never know for sure.

Because we're gonna die.

You're doing great, Mr. Monk. I'm proud of you.

Julie must be worried sick about you.

She's at dance camp, thank god.

How's she doing?

Oh, she loves it.

She wants to be a counselor next year.

Ha! Ha ha.


You were right. It never left the bank.

I believe you've been looking for that.

That's really beautiful Mr. Monk.

Hey, at least we'll die rich.


I don't understand.

How does a big vault like that get broken?

It's the lock, Mrs. Van de camp.

It's the mechanism or something.

I'm sure everything will be back to normal on Monday.

Thank god I finished recording my demo.

I'm gonna live forever through my music.

[Disher singing and humming]

How much longer?

Without air? Nine, maybe ten hours.

There's no air. Turned it off.

Whatever you do, don't open box 444.

Or the one directly below it.


[Breathing heavily]

Monk, that bracelet's the right shape.

The diamonds might cut through the lock.

But it's...

I know, I know, it's Trudy's bracelet.

But there might be a phone line in there.

It's our only chance.

Get that necktie.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

No phone lines.


(Stottlemeyer) No, maybe not, but there's the next best thing.


Shh. Shh, shh, shh.


There's nobody out there.



No, there is somebody out there.

And I know he's watching.

Oh, I can feel it, you son of a bitch.

He's looking right at this thing.


Oh, I hate this guy.


Yeah, I'm here at Vincent place.

In front of the bank.

I think you better get down here.

As you can imagine, Mr. Monk, it's been a public relations nightmare.

It's almost unthinkable.

Six employees, the entire branch planning something like that.

Anyway, if there's anything that we can do for you, anything at all, please.

Well, he could use a new toaster.

Yes, of course!

Of course.


Take it. Use it in good health.

It's the least we can do.

You just moved. I saw you.

Did not.

Get off of my corner.

Okay. Come over here and make me.

You come over here.

You come here.

You come over here. You come over here.

You come over here. You come...

Ha ha ha ha ha.


I hate you. I hate you so much.