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06x11 - Mr. Monk Joins a Cult

Posted: 07/22/21 19:42
by bunniefuu
(Monk) Are you ready?

(Natalie) What's the big surprise?

I'm finally gonna do it.

I'm gonna take the plunge.

Oh, my god.

You're going to buy a cell phone?

(Monk) No, beeper.

(Natalie) A beeper?

Yeah. It's all you need.

No, Mr. Monk, nobody uses "beepers" anymore.

They're ancient history.

Dr. Kroger has one.

Well, except for doctors.

Doctors use them because they work anywhere.

They're more reliable.

Reliable is good.

That's what we want. No.

So when you're out with Julie, or you're on a date I can beep you.

Hold on, hold on.

The beeper's... For me?

Yeah, it's only $29 a month.

You can afford that.

And you want me to pay for it.

That's your big surprise?

Are you...

Are you surprised?

You know what's kind of sad? I'm not.


Look at that, Mr. Monk.

Look, that couple over there.

They've been on the news all week.

Their daughter was m*rder*d.

Looks like they're staring at you.

I bet they wanna hire you.

They want you to solve the case.

No, no thank you. Mr. Monk, you can't say no.

This was their daughter.

Natalie, you know how busy I am.

I'm doing my taxes, I'm rotating the couch cushions...

I'm just gonna tell them I can't do it.

They're probably gonna start crying, right?


And then they're gonna show me pictures of their daughter, pictures of her when she was a kid, pulling a little red wagon, or maybe a dog and a wagon.

There's always a dog.

And they're gonna start begging.

They're gonna offer me all the money they have.

This is gonna go on, and on, and on, the police can't do anything, I'm the only one who can help them...

The crying, and the weeping, and the pleading.

Okay, fine.

Fine. You win.

I'll take the case.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

So she was k*lled over there.


Under that tree, on that picnic table.

I've got the case file in the car.

It's full of not-very-pretty pictures.

How long ago?

(Stottlemeyer) Wednesday night.

So five days.

I figured you'd wanna talk to the guy that found her.

This is Donovan.

Captain? Yeah.

You remember Tom Donovan?

I do.

Mr. Donovan, thank you for coming.

This is Natalie teeger, and Adrian monk.

Mr. Monk has been hired by the Clark family to look into the case, if you wouldn't mind.

Yeah, I feel like a broken record.

Uh, it was about 1:00 A.M.

I was coming back home from Sacramento...

Tom and his wife own a restaurant supply company in rockaway.

He travels a lot. That's right.

I pulled in here to use the facilities...

It was a long drive, he was drinking lots of coffee, and the facilities uh... (Stottlemeyer) Randy...

Mr. Donovan came all this way.

He's doing us a favor.

I think we ought to let him tell the story.

I was just filling in the gaps.

Go on.

I got a good look a them in my headlights, there were five or six of them.

One was clearly the leader.

They call him "father."

[Whispering] Go on.

They were holding her down on that...

That picnic table over there.

They were stabbing her.

She was screaming.

They carved a...

Symbol of the sun into her chest.

I mean, it was like their logo.

They saw me, they ran to their Van, and drove away.

Big silver Van.

(Disher) Which is what they always drive. Go on.

She was still breathing.

I put her in my car.

Drove her to the hospital.

At least I tried to.

She died before we got there.

Did she say anything before she died?

Unfortunately no.

Yes. Yes.

She whispered something.

She said "he found me, father found me."

Thank you very much, Mr. Donovan.

You're welcome.

Would you give us a minute?

Yes, sir.

Does all that check out?

Yeah, so far.

We, uh, found hair on the picnic table, and a lot of blood.

Hers? Yeah.

We had a lineup yesterday.

Brought in the father, Donovan picked him out.

Positive I.D.

What do we know about this "father"?

Well, his real name is Ralph Roberts, he used to sell used cars.

Can you believe it?

Before he went into the son of god business.

Nice work if you can get it.

God, just the name creeps me out.

Siblings of the sun. Yeah.

Though we've been talking to Amanda Clark's parents, and their daughter left the cult about a year ago.

"Escaped" is more like it.

Apparently father got pissed off.

He doesn't like it when people start thinking for themselves.

Well, the parents said she was scared to death.

She was sure he was gonna try to find her.

Yeah, well, that checks out, cause she changed her name, she moved to north beach, rented a basement apartment, and started working off the books.

Hm, doing what?

She became a member of the world's oldest profession.

Stone Mason, huh?

No, prost*tute.

(Natalie) So what else do you need?

A little something called evidence.

I'm guessing father had an alibi.

Father has a hundred alibis.

We've been talking to his so-called children, and every one of them swears that he never left the compound on Wednesday night.

Send somebody in.

I wish I could, but the commissioner won't sign off on it.

These people have, like, 20 lawyers on retainer, and they love suing cops.

Wait, so that's it? You're just giving up.

I'll do it.

I'll go undercover.

Forget it, monk. It's a cult.

You wouldn't last 20 minutes.

This guy Roberts is a svengali.

He brainwashes people.

I think I can handle myself.

All right, don't take this personally, monk, but you're about the most gullible person I know.


Gulli...? Come on.

Well, it's not just my opinion.

I was talking to Joey heatherton, and she agrees with me.

Jo... Joey heatherton, the singer?


Joey... Joey heatherton, can you believe it?

Joey heatherton.

Okay, I'll do it.

Thank you.

(Natalie) Well, there they are.

My new family.

I might not see you for a while, are you gonna be okay?

You're going undercover, and you're worried about me?

Yes, I am.

You have a point.

I'm gonna need food.

No, I already stocked up.

There's plenty of food.

And beverages. I need beverages.

There's 50 bottles of water under the sink.

I asked the captain to check on you every day.

Okay, then.

I think we're ready. Okay.

Hello. Hello.

Do you live around here?


Uh, what is all this?

We're a community of brothers and sisters, working to make the world a better place.

Would you like a pamphlet?

Oh, a pamphlet. How much are they?

(Brother Ted) It's free.

Go ahead, go ahead. She loves pamphlets.

Why don't you read it.

The siblings of the sun.

What's your name? Natalie.

And do you have any family in the area, Natalie?

No, it's just me.

Oh, he's nobody.

I'm nobody.

Just an old friend.

I literally just bumped into him.

[Laughing] Crashed.


It's tough, isn't it?

Without loved ones nearby.

You must feel so disconnected.


It's really funny.

We were just talking about that.

About how she feels disconnected, remember?

Exactly. (Brother Ted) Would you like to fill out a questionnaire?

We could do it here, or you could come with us.

We have our own ranch up the coast.

I think you'd really enjoy it.

Oh, my gosh. Your own ranch?

I've never been to a real ranch.

"World's greatest mom."

(Natalie) Oh.

You said you didn't have any family.

Well, except for my daughter, but uh, we never talk anymore.

It's... i... I haven't seen her.

It... it's sad.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone keeps ringing]

Excuse me.


Yeah, now's not a good time.

Well, how long has Sarah had a license?

No, absolutely not.

I will talk to you later.

[Clears throat] Thank you.

Sorry, business call.

Thank you very much. Have a beautiful day.


May I... May I?



You have your own farm.

Oh, yes.

We're completely self-sufficient.

Are... are these beets?

I'm not sure.

I think they are.

Oh, beets. Beets.

You don't... You don't like beets.

I love beets.

Since when?

Since this morning.

I had them for breakfast. You weren't there.

She wasn't there.

I was just feeling...

Sad and... Disconnected.

Just me and... Me and my beets.

What's your name?


And do you have any children, Adrian?

No. None.

I think we can help you, Adrian.

Well, Adrian isn't interested.

He has uh... To get home.

Right? You have that... Thing.


Oh, yeah. I cancelled that thing.

I'm fine.

We can put order back in your life, Adrian.

How's that sound?

(Sister Sally) Why don't you come with us?

We can tell you all about it at the meeting.

That sounds great.

Bring the Van.

What are you doing?

This was supposed to be me.

Well, they don't want you.

This is plan b.

Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.

I got them right where I want them.

They think I'm some kind of boob.

Adrian! Time to go.

Can I sit up front?

I always sit up front.

Of course you can sit up front.


Whatever you want, Adrian.

Whatever makes you happy. Okay, great.

(Sister Sally) We own the whole mountain.

Over 4,000 acres.

We have food, water, solar power...

We never even need to leave the ranch.

Most of us don't.


The system is going to fail, Adrian.

A great blanket of darkness will descend, and when it does, we'll be ready.

We'll be ready.

Will you be ready?

I don't know.

To be honest, this is the first I've ever heard about the...

Whole blanket of darkness deal.

(Sister) Brother Ted, sister Sally!

It's a wonderful day in paradise.


We make extra money selling flowers in town.

They seem happy.

Of course they're happy.

It's easy to be happy, Adrian.

All you have to do is let yourself go.

You know, I used to be like you.

My whole life was stress.

Numbers, and money, I was depressed all the time.

I was living on the street, like an animal.

What happened?

We found father.

It was that simple.

Praise be he. Praise be he.

So everybody here is happy?

Oh, there he is.

He sure doesn't seem worried.

About what?

(Monk) By the girl who was k*lled.

According to the newspapers...

The devil rags.

That's what I meant, thank you, the devil rags.

The police think he might have been involved.

Does he ever talk about the case?

Not to us.

Hm... Did you know her well, the girl who died?

Sister Clark betrayed us all.

Amanda Clark didn't die last week.

As far as we're concerned, she's been dead for over a year.

She died the day she left.

And that's the new dining hall.

Are you hungry?

(Brother Zack) ♪ father, please protect me

♪ father, please correct me ♪ Hey.

That's beautiful.

It's a birthday gift for father.

My gift is my song.

Oh, well he's gonna...

You know, love it.

Are you Zack?

Brother Zack? Yeah.

I heard the cops were hassling you about the m*rder.

I talked to them twice already.


They're bringing everybody in.

Yeah. Bummer.

Bummer city.


But they said I'm like a key witness, 'cause I was on security detail, you know, the night she... Died I was stationed right in front of father's cabin.

You know, I'm his alibi.

And you were there all night, right?

I never left.

You're sure.

You could see him.

Well, no, but I heard him.

I heard him talking.

Oh, to... to who?

Well, talking to god.

Oh, yeah.

Father and god talk all the time.

And I heard him cooking something, you know, cause I could hear the microwave oven beeping, you know, "beep, beep, beep."


Maybe he snuck away when you weren't looking.

You sound like a cop.

Me? No.

[Laughing] I'm not... no.



No, don't freeze. Play.


[Birds chirping]

[Humming Zack's song]


May I help you?

Uh, sorry.

No, I...

I was just...

I was looking for...

I just wanted to be alone, and...

But you are not alone.

Not anymore.

We are here to share your burden...


That is your name, isn't it?


Have you had a chance to look around?


And how do you feel being here?

Feels right, doesn't it?

It feels like home, doesn't it?

Something's missing.

Something in you.

Something that was in you.

A light that's been extinguished.

What was her name?


Her name was Trudy.

You came here with questions.

I might be able to answer some of those questions.

I want you to have it.

Read it.

The more you read it, the more you know.

The more you know...

The less you don't know.

The more you know, the...

The less you don't know.

[Chanting] Aah room sa maa.


Aah room sa maa.

Hello, brother Ted, I'm talking to you.

I could book you for obstruction right now.

Are you listening to me?

Lieutenant, are you listening to yourself?

Meditate on this, we know Amanda Clark was one of father's favorites, one of the chosen children.

They lived together for a year and a half.

That was her choice.

Plus we have an eye witness who saw father at that rest stop, that night.


He was stabbing her, Ted.

An he's been positively identified.

Father hasn't left the ranch in three weeks.

How do you know that?

He never leaves for harvest season.



What if he gets sick, and he has to go to the hospital?

Father doesn't get sick.

He's never even had a headache.

He's going to live forever.

He is the eternal one.

The nurturing light.

The nurturing light.

What if he got hit by a bus?

I bet you that would put his nurturing light out pretty quick, wouldn't it?

There are no buses on the ranch.

What if a bus careens off the highway, you know, smashes through the fence, rolls onto the farm, runs him over?

The highway is seven miles away.

What if it careens seven miles?

It can't careen seven miles.

Oh, I've seen vehicles careen a pretty long way.

Not seven miles. It's possible.

I once saw a truck lose his breaks on route 15, near avalon mountain, it's started careening in full spee...

[chanting] Hey!

Hey, you listening to me, Ted?

Philipsburg, careening in philipsburg.

Do you know where philipsburg is, Ted?

Natalie, where is monk?

Change of plans.

Um... it was a last-minute thing, but Mr. Monk joined the cult.

He what?

I couldn't help it. They wanted him.

Of course they wanted him, Natalie.

He's like play-doh to them.

No, no, no. He seemed okay.

He waved like he was okay as he got into the Van.

He did.

He waved like...

Come here, Natalie.

Look at this guy.

18 months ago, he was teaching at mit.

He was considered a genius.

Now he's a complete basket case.

Can you imagine what they're doing to monk?

Don't underestimate Mr. Monk.

He's a lot stronger than you think.

♪ Everywhere I go

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ everywhere I go

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ everywhere I go

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ let it shine

♪ let it shine

♪ let it shine ♪

(father) Okay.

As you people know, I have never been sick a day in my life.

[Cheering and clapping]

(Father) People ask me how do I do it.

What is my secret?

Is there some sort of special prescription?

Some sort of... New age medicine?

[All laughing]


No, the only medication I've been taking is four milligrams of the light!


To be taken as needed.

[Cheers and applause]

We have a new member of the family.

I want you to welcome him.

[Clapping and cheering]

Brother Adrian, I am sensing fear.

You are filled with fear.

That is true.

Wh... what are you afraid of, Adrian?


You're afraid of fire?

Well I have some good news for you.

And heights.

And heights.


Then today is your lucky day.

Germs, needles, milk, crowds, spiders, sand...

That is quite a list.

You have been living in darkness.

Yeah, darkness, yes.

Um... elevators, earthquakes, mushrooms, tigers and boats.

What about charcoal?




You have dirt on your hand, brother.


Oh, uh, wipe.




Don't wipe that off.

Listen to me.

These wipes you carry are a crutch.

You're with me now.

You don't need the wipes.

Drop the wipe.

Drop... drop the wipe?

(Father) It's okay.

Just give up.

Just surrender.


Let it go.

That wipe is like a chain, Adrian.

It's dragging you down.

Set yourself free.

Let yourself live.

You can do it.

Drop the wipe.

[New age music]

I'm free.

♪ I'm free.

[Piano music]

♪ This little light of mine

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ this little light of mine

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ this little light of mine

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

Randy, hang up the phone.

Yeah, I'm on hold, I'm just waiting to get one of the representatives... I don't care.

I found him.

Mr. Monk? Yeah.

Oh, thank god. Is he okay?

I don't know. It's complicated.

Where is he?

He's at the airport. He sold me this.

I barely recognized him.

He was wearing one of those yellow shirts, and he was smiling.

Well, did you talk to him about the case?

Yeah, I tried. I took him aside.

I said, "did you learn anything?"

What did he say?

He said, "Leland, I've learned everything."

That's not good.

And he kept smiling.

That's not good.

They all have ten petals.

Ten petals.

(Monk) Beautifully done.

Well done.

Oh, monsoon.

Make sure they're all diagonally cut.

Brother Zack.

Brother Zack what are you doing?

You're mixing the gloriosa lilies with the calathiums.


We cannot afford any mistakes.

I promised father we'd sell a thousand of these by the end of the week.

Don't worry. I'm not mad.

I'm not mad. I like you, Zack.

I like your enthusiasm.

You remind me of myself when I first got here.

But you've only been here...

I'm gonna tell father how well you're doing.

(Sister Sally) Brother Adrian!

Oh, sister Sally, brother Ted, it's a beautiful day in paradise.

Father wants to see you.

[Knocking at the door]

Adrian, come in.

Would you like some tea?

I have five cups a day. It's my only vice.

No, no, no. Thank you.

You should be honored.

Most of my children never set foot in here.

It's charming.

How did it go at the airport?

Nine hundred dollars.


And the train station?

Not so good. 70, maybe 75.

Brother Zack, he's meek.

They say the meek shall inherit the earth.

They say many things.

That is why we cleanse.

It's not boiling.

Oh, you're unplugged.

[Chuckles] That's all.

Hold on.

I'll do it.

Please, let me.

You dropped this?

Must have fallen off a pen.


Is there something you wanna tell me?

Sister Gina has a radio.


About yourself.

I am not an idiot.

I read the papers.

I know the name Adrian monk.

The police sent you, didn't they?

I'm sorry about what happened to Amanda Clark.

I was angry when she left, and hurt, I don't deny that.

I might have said some...

Intemperate things, but I did not k*ll that girl.

I did not have her k*lled.

Go back to your captain stottlemeyer, and you tell him he's making a mistake.

You tell him to look some place else.

I can't, I can't, I...

I can't leave. I can't leave.

Father, please.

It's true.

When I came here, I was working on the case.

But that isn't me.

Not anymore.

I can see that now.

I belong here with all of you.

I love it here.

I love...

Not thinking.

Cause I'm so tired of thinking.


Just... please.


You can stay.

It's okay.

You don't have to think.

Thank you.

I'm so thankful.

I'm gonna make you prove that.

32 thousand dollars?

Is this all you have?

I wish I had more.

What about your brother?


Doesn't he own his own house?

Oh, yeah, I could talk to him, but...

[tires screeching]


Mr. Monk, it's for your own good.

What are you...?

Hey, wait! What are you doing?

(Ted) You can't do this!

Brother Adrian!

Believe in father, father will set you free!

Brother Adrian!


Mr. Monk, are you hungry?

You can't keep me here.

It's against the law.

I'm sorry, Mr. Monk.

We didn't know what else to do.

Father warned us this would happen.


You haven't eaten all day.

What is it?

Chicken pot pie. It's your favorite.

I don't eat anything I haven't grown myself.

You don't know me... At all.

Yes, I do.

I'm here because you don't know you.


If you let me go now, I won't press charges.

I promise.

Please, just eat something.

Please, just eat.

I'll get a wipe.

He wouldn't eat.

He'll eat. Eventually.

He acted like I was trying to poison him.

I feel like the mother in "the exorcist."

Leland, why don't you go in and talk to him.

But, uh, leave your watch here so that he doesn't know what time it is.

We want to keep him disoriented.

That shouldn't be too hard.

How you doin'?

What's the matter? Father got your tongue?

I brought you a gift.

You remember the Amanda Clark case.

Remember her parents?

And the promise that you made?

Maybe you remember this.

What was done to her.

It wasn't him.

Look, we've got an eyewitness.

He was seen attacking her. She was 22 years old.

It couldn't have been him.

As father says, we don't hate our enemies, we pity them.

Well, it looks like your father pitied this poor girl to death.

I pity you, Leland.


♪ Father please protect me

♪ father please...

Hey, monk.



[Still singing]

Well, uh...

Guess I'm up.

Let's do it.


Hey, monk, how's it going'?

Hello, Randy.


Listen, I just uh...

Have a couple of things to say about this so-called father of yours...

I think the guy's a joke.

I mean, have you read this?

Have you?

(Disher singing) ♪ father please correct me oh, god, he's singing again.

That's not monk.

It's okay. I'll take care of it.

(Monk and disher) ♪ father please mend me

♪ father please correct me Randy?

[Still singing] Randy?


Thank you, Randy.

We'll meet you back in the living room.

Thank you, really.

Nice, nice job.

Good work. Thank you, Randy.

Thanks for coming.

I uh...

Should go to the bank.


Someone wanna keep an eye on Randy?

[Door closing]

I'm not afraid of you.


No reason to be.

Can I sit down?

The siblings of the sun.

You know, I had some dealings with them.

About three years ago, they tried to recruit Harold krenshaw, but Harold was too smart for them.

Nice try, doc.

I know all your tricks.

Psychiatry was invented by the devil.

Really? Hm.

See, i-i didn't know that.

That is not just my opinion.

That's a fact. A fact?

Like... like all the facts in this book.

Like... oh, uh...

"Money begets envy.

Envy is the root of all evil."

You believe that?

If it's in the book.

'Cause the father doesn't believe it.

He's worth 20 million bucks.

He lives in a cabin.

He has seven other houses.


They did a...

An expose on him last year.

See, now, this here is a little shack in the Cayman Islands.

He owns parking lots, karate schools, a cable news channel.

Looks like your Messiah's been a pretty busy guy.

He's using you, Adrian.

That's what he does.

That's all he does.

I love him.

He's taught me what love really means.


That's funny.

That's what you used to say about Trudy.

I wonder what she would say if she were here.

She's not here.

Father's here.


Well, then I guess we can just throw this out, right?

[Whispering] Wait, wait, wait.

[Whispering] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.


Welcome back.


Your beeper.

Yeah, sorry.

Doctors have to carry them.

[Dramatic music]

♪ You're all right?

I think I just solved the case.

Mr. Donovan.

Hello, again.

Captain stottlemeyer.

Sorry to bother you, sir.

I'm not. I'm not sorry at all.

W... what's going on?

Is there any news?

(Stottlemeyer) You remember Adrian monk?

He just spent five days with Ralph Roberts at the sibling ranch.

Oh, good. What did you learn?

Two things:

People don't like being stopped at the airport, and you're hiding something.

You k*lled her.

Didn't you?


Is everything all right?

I... I'm not sure.

My wife Susan.

These men are with the police.

They just accused me of murdering that poor girl.


You must be joking.

Everyone knows who k*lled her.

It was that wack-job.

That cult leader.

I thought so too, ma'am.

We all did, but that wack-job was definitely 140 miles away in his cabin on the night of the m*rder.

We know that father was there, because he wasn't alone.

(Monk) I remembered something.

One of the cult kids, brother Zack, said he was sitting outside the cabin all night.

He said he heard a microwave beeping from inside.

What the hell are you talking about?

(Monk) I was in that cabin.

There are a couple of lamps.

There's a hot plate.

There is no microwave oven.

What the boy heard was a beeper.

It belonged to a doctor, making a house call.

Father has trouble bending down and that explains the plastic cap I found on the floor: It was from a syringe.

Father has a bad back.

(Monk) It's a big secret, of course.

He's supposed to be the eternal one, who never gets sick.

He even built a secret door in the wall so that doctors could go in and out without being noticed.

(Stottlemeyer) We found the doctor.

He's an osteopathic surgeon named wesserman.

(Disher) He goes to the ranch once a week to give father a cortisone shot.

See, father has a beautiful alibi that he can't tell anybody.

Okay, so maybe it isn't this man, this... this father person.

That doesn't mean that Tom was involved.

Your husband swore that he saw father at that rest stop.

He picked father out of a lineup twice.

Now, if father wasn't there, that means your husband is lying and I'd like to know why.

Okay, this is ludicrous.

My husband is a hero.

He tried to save that woman.

He drove her to the hospital.

Look, look.

This just came in the mail.

I can prove it.

It's a traffic ticket.

He must have run a red light.

They have one of those a*t*matic cameras.

That's him and that's the girl.

That proves it, right?

Yes, ma'am.

I'm afraid it does.

Where's the car?

This is the car you were driving?

It hasn't been cleaned or anything?

(Susan) It's been here all week.

It's a company car.

We were gonna have it cleaned and reupholstered on Monday.

Oh, my god.

That poor girl.

Could I have that back, please?

(Monk) I'm afraid not.

This picture is material evidence in a homicide.

In fact, I think this is the key to the whole case.

This is the motive. This is why you k*lled her.

Here's what I think happened.

Amanda Clark was a sex prost*tute.

(Susan) A what?

A sex prost*tute.

As opposed to what?

Monk, just keep going.

You were with her that night.

You drove through that intersection.

You saw a camera flash.

You knew your picture had just been taken.

A picture of you and her.

As you said, it's a company car, which meant they'd be sending the ticket here to the office, which meant your wife would see it, and she would not be happy.

You got that right.

Somehow, you were gonna have to explain this photograph.

Amanda must have told you about her past, about her life in the cult.

You realized you could k*ll her and blame it on the whacked-out cult leader.

He was the perfect fall guy.

Everybody knew Amanda was afraid of him.

(Donovan) That's it?

That's just a story. Where is your proof?

This isn't proof.

It's not even a good picture.

It's all dark, it's all grainy.

You can't see anything.

You can see the seatbelt.

She was wearing a seatbelt.

So what?

She was dying.

I put her in my car, I buckled her seatbelt.

You're saying this photograph was taken on the way to the hospital after she was att*cked?

That's right.

This woman was stabbed ten times.

She was bleeding all over the seat.

That's right.

So this seatbelt, the seatbelt she was wearing in this photograph, should be covered in blood, am I right?

That's gonna be hard to explain.

I'd say impossible.

Mr. Donovan, you're under arrest.

Come with me, please, sir.

Be careful with the bags.

You're crushing everything.

Don't squeeze too hard.

Mr. Monk, they're heavy.

Well, why didn't you make two trips?

Brother Adrian!

It's okay.

I just wanted to thank you in person.

You cleared my name, brother.

You answered my prayers, you lifted my burden like the angel Gabriel.

I have some sherbet here.

It's gonna melt.

Would you like to come home?

No, th... no, thank you.

Well, just think about it.

In the meantime, if there is anything I can do for you.

Anything at all.

Just say the word.

There is something.

Name it. Anything.

Your shoelace is untied.

My shoelace?

I'd like you to bend down and tie your shoe.

Right now, in front of your children, I want you to bend down, and tie your shoe.

Can you do that for me?

Maybe a little cortisone shot would help.

Or we could call Dr. Wesserman, right?

Dr. Seth wesserman of sausalito.

He's been treating father for years.

Call him.

The more you know, the less you don't know.

Isn't that right?

So long, pops.

We sure showed him.

We sure did.

You did good, boss.

Oh, my god!

Did you stop that check?

Yeah, I already called the bank.

We sure showed him, huh?

We sure did.

You did good. You did really, really good.