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06x08 - Mr. Monk and the Wrong Man

Posted: 07/22/21 19:39
by bunniefuu
[Woman screaming]

What was that?

I'll call you back.

[Knocking at door]



The door was open.


Are you okay?

Oh, my god.


Somebody call the police!


Please help!

Mr. Monk, 14 years ago you were the chief investigator of this crime scene.

It was your testimony that put Max barton behind bars.

As you know, Mr. Barton's eligible to be paroled at the end of this month.

I understand you'd like to make a statement before we make our final decisions.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

I've been a homicide investigator for more than 20 years.

I have seen more crime scenes than I could possibly count.

Well, 410, but...

That's not the point.

What I saw that morning in that house was beyond imagination.

What he did to those people, the...

The husband had been tortured.

We found the wife in the backyard.

She had...

She had tried to crawl away...

Take your time, Mr. Monk.

I've tried to forget it, but I can't.

And I'm sure that Sarah McNally, who found the bodies, will never forget it either.

Putting people like Max barton behind bars is the reason I became a cop.

In my opinion, he should never be released.

He should never be considered for release.

He... Ms. Lawrence.

Is there a problem?

Excuse me.

Commissioner, members of the board, Mr. Barton would like to withdraw his application for parole.


Yes, sir... this is Daniel Crosby of the innocence league.

The federal appeals court has exonerated Mr. Barton.

He will be released by the end of the week.

Uh, what...

What's going on?

It's a new DNA test.


They've retested the crime scene evidence.

Apparently, the blood at the scene under the victim's fingernails does not belong to Mr. Barton.

May I say something?

I'm afraid it's too late, Ms. McNally.

There's been a mistake.

Uh... a mistake?

Looks like you got the wrong man, Mr. Monk.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

14 years ago, San Francisco was shocked by the gruesome double murders of John and Valerie Davis, two local jewelry merchants who were found tortured and slain in their quiet Anderson village home.

Everyone considered the case closed with the conviction of this man, Maxwell g. Barton.

Until last week, when, in a stunning reversal, the ninth circuit court of appeals, citing new DNA evidence, overturned the conviction and ordered Mr. Barton's...

Max, you son of a bitch.

Police department spokesmen Leland stottlemeyer will be holding a news conference later this afternoon.

So I come out.

"The department deeply regrets..."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"We are reviewing procedure to make sure mistakes..."

Yak, yak, yak, yak.

Are there any questions?

Randy, the questions.

[Chewing gum loudly] Sorry.

"Captain stottlemeyer, Max barton plans

"to sue the state for wrongful conviction.

Do you have any comment?"

Max barton can sue whoever he wants to.

However, we are not at Liberty to comment on any pending litigation.

How about that?

That's great. It's wonderful.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Good. Keep going.

"Does the department plan to dispute the DNA evidence?" Nope.

In fact, we have tested the evidence ourselves, independently, and we agree that the blood found at the crime scene does not belong to Mr. Barton.

[Snaps gum] Hey.

Sorry. Um...

"Will you be reopening the case?"

We already have reopened the case.

And, uh, as you know, there is no statute of limitations on m*rder.

However, we... What the hell is going on?

It wasn't me.

What wasn't you?

This screwup.

It wasn't me.

It's always me.

I can't believe it's not me.

It's always me. This wasn't me.

I wasn't even on the force back then.

You understand that this wasn't a traffic violation.

An innocent man spent 14 years of his life in a state penitentiary, and the son of a bitch that m*rder*d those poor people is still out there.

Yes, sir.

I know, but it wasn't me.

You're right, Randy. It wasn't you.

It was Adrian monk's case.

I just talked to Natalie.

Monk is devastated.

I can't blame him.

Can you imagine?

The guilt.

The pain.

Adrian monk had this much confidence to begin with... This'll probably k*ll him.

What have you got to say to that?

It wasn't me.

I should just quit.


Why don't I? Just quit.

Now. Today.

Never leave the house again.

If I had any decency at all...

I-I won't let you quit, Adrian.

You're too good a detective.

I haven't been sleeping.

Been up all night.

Reviewing my old cases.

How many other mistakes have I made?

What else did I miss?

How many other innocent people are sitting in some cell right now because...

Adrian, it was one case.

One case is enough.

I used to think the worst mistake I could make was letting a k*ller go free.

But this is worse.

Sending that man to prison...

14 years.

Adrian, what you're feeling here now, this remorse, this is actually healthy.

You're... no, you're connecting with another person.

This Max barton.

What you're feeling is empathy.

It will make you a better detective.

It might even make you a better human being.

You should've seen him at that hearing.

Staring at me. He hates me.

At least we have that in common.


He's being released tomorrow morning.

From the seabrook penitentiary.

It's a 47-minute drive.


I know where you're going with this.

You do?

Yes, yes.

And I think it's a great idea.

Really? Yeah.

Thank god. I'm so relieved.

Tell him how sorry I am.

What is this?

It's a card.

I wrote a little note on the back.

No, Adrian, I thought you were going up there.


I put the man away for 14 years.

He'd crush me like a peanut.

Well, Adrian, I cannot do this for you.

You're right.

Sorry. You're absolutely right.

I don't know what I was thinking.

And Natalie can't do it either.

Barton, Maxwell.

5122b. Order for release.

[Chuckling] Yeah.

Barton, I'm happy for you, man.

Got some personal items for you.

Wallet, belt, and...

Just check that and that.

Well, looks like I lost a little bit of weight.

Yeah, just throw this out.

No, just take the belt, punch a hole.

You ready?

Oh, yeah.

Mr. Barton.



It's me.

You... you look great.

Get me out of here.

(Monk) Max!

Mr. Barton.

I... just wanted to say sorry.


I'm... i am sorry.

I'm... I'm really sorry.

This is Natalie teeger, my assistant.

Natalie, this... this is Max.

Hello. You know the best thing about getting sprung?

I don't have to listen to you.

Right. Max, this is for you.

Uh, it's a little... Little something.


Are 14 years of my life in there?

No, just... Mostly caramels.

Chocolate pretzel.

And a chocolate pretzel.

Listen, I-I just wanted to explain about what happened.

It was an honest mistake.

I mean, look at all the evidence.

The k*ller used an upholsterer's knot.

You were an upholsterer.

You had a criminal record.

Your fingerprint was on the doorknob.

I made a delivery there the week before.

I told you that.

But you didn't listen.

There was an eyewitness.

Mrs. McNally swore she saw you leaving the house.

Plus, the k*ller was left-handed.

I proved that. And you're left-handed.

Yeah, not anymore.

My first week here, they stomped on it.


Because I looked at a guy, that's why.

I'm against that. Stomping on hands.

I've always been against that. Do you need a lift?

No thanks. Somebody picking you up?

Your wife?

My wife?

You mean the woman who stopped visiting me nine years ago?

Who divorced me five years ago? That who you mean?

You really want to help me, monk?

Why don't you curl up in a corner and die?

Well, at least you tried.

(Monk) I have to do something.

I have to help him.

Mr. Monk, I don't think he wants your help.

How do you know?

Well, the "curl up and die" thing was sort of a hint.

I can't just walk away.

I have to make this right.


Hello again.

It's me again.

What do you want?

Just want to start by reiterating once again how very, very, very sorry we both are...

Mostly me...

I'm very sorry.

So, really... so sorry.

Do you live here?

I got a room in the basement.

It's part of their halfway program.

Oh, it's, uh... It's nice.

It's a cesspool.

I'm lucky to get it.

(Natalie) I thought you were suing the state.

Yeah, my lawyer said that could take years.

Meanwhile, I'm broke and alone.


I'm so, so, so, so sorry.

Let me... I'll take that.

Let me take that, no problem. I'll just...

What are you doing here?


Well, I-I wanted to...

We wanted to invite you to, um...

I'm sorry, is that Steven rudner?

The district attorney?

That's right.

Is that...

Is that me?

That looks like me.

It is me.

Is that a knife?

Heh. It looks like...

Looks like you're... Stabbing me.

Right between the eyes.

Invite me to what?

I don't know if you're hungry.

We, uh, just did some shopping, and we have plenty of food.

You made me a sandwich, monk?

You think that's gonna put things right?

We have chips.

Admit it, monk.

You're not here for me, you're here for yourself.

The pain, the guilt, it's... it's crushing you.

Am I right?

Yeah, you wanna hear those three magic words, "I forgive you."

Well... you want me to give you absolution?

You want me to release you?


Sorry, detective.

It's not my job.

Why don't you go talk to a priest?

Thank you.


(Monk) Ow!

Oh... You okay?

I can feel it.

That knife tattoo going into my head.

It's like voodoo.

Mr. Monk, there's no such thing.

It's all in your head.

Oh, yeah?

What... what are you doing?

What? I'm hungry.

I made that sandwich for Max.

Mr. Monk, I don't think he's coming.

What if he changes his mind?

He'll come in here, see you eating his sandwich.

He'll never forgive me. Ow...

Mr. Monk, he obviously doesn't want your help, okay?

Let it go.

You did everything you could.

Maybe not.

Look, I have an idea.

He likes you.

Who likes me?


I could tell.


So you go back there.

Talk to him.


I think you should date him.

Mr. Monk.

I'm not gonna date him.

I don't even know him. Okay, okay.

It doesn't have to be a date.

Just make out with him.

All right.


No. Come on!

As a favor to me.

No. What would it take?

You're telling me you can't spare five minutes?

You're so busy?

Mr. Monk, I'm kinda choosy who I make out with.

What? You made out with a leper.

That's different.

You sent him to prison.

Why don't you make out with him?


Ow, ow... Oh.


He's working out again.

[Cell phone rings]

Hello? Ow, ow, ow! Ow.

Oh, my god. Where?


All right. We'll be right there.

What? What is it?

[Sighs] That was the captain.

Max is in trouble.

Let's go!

It's that guy they just released, Max barton.

We know. He's in there freaking out.

Something about his ex-wife.

Wait, wait, wait! What are... what are you doing?

We're taking him in.

No. No, wait.

Let me, uh... let me talk to him.

I can talk to him. He'll listen to me.

Is he a friend of yours?

No. He hates my guts.

(Barton) Look, I need to find her right now!

I've been in prison for 14 years!

Where is she?

You tell me right now and I'll leave you alone.

You'll never see me again. Max.


It's me.

And her. It's us.

(Natalie) How you doing, Max?

Get on outta here!

I am not talking to him!

Okay. It's okay.

What's going on here?

His ex-wife used to work here.

She quit four years ago.


Max, you're scaring everybody.

I've tried to tell him.

We haven't heard from her.

Except for that one picture in a Christmas card.



Max, can I see it?

Come on.

Give me a chance.

Watch this.


She's in a hotel.

Probably a resort near a beach.

There's sand on the bedspread.

A-A resort?



The... the card on the gift basket?

It's in Dutch, so...

She's probably in St. Martin.

St. Martin?

She was always talking about that place.


She's not alone.

Two plates on the room service cart.

It's probably a man, because the toilet seat is up.

You can see it in... In the reflection in the mirror... a man?!


Okay, did i... did I say a man?

Look, I-I could be wrong.

Max, I am not an expert on toilet seats.

Did she stand up when she made water?

Look, I could be wrong.

Yeah, he's wrong a lot.

I-I don't have to tell you that.

I'm nothing without her.

Listen to me, Max.

Listen to me.

There are two officers outside, and they are just looking for an excuse to come in here and lock you up again.

You don't want that.

I don't want that either.

But... but I can't live without her.

I understand.

I'm gonna find her.

I promise.

I'm not gonna quit until I do.

They're reopening the case.

So we're going back to the original crime scene.

They're gonna find the real k*ller.

After 11 years? The trail went pretty cold.

No, Mr. Monk doesn't need a trail.

He's done it lots of times.

Oh, good.

Go get him.

You nail that son of a bitch.

I won't let you down, Max.

You're tracking down his ex-wife?

Yeah, and getting him a job.

Natalie's father's gonna give him some work on the loading dock there.

Why don't you just adopt this guy and make it legal?

You don't understand what it's like.

I feel so responsible.

Yeah... It must be tough.

I mean, I wasn't involved in the case, but I can certainly appreciate...

Well, I mean...

I can imagine what you must be going through.

Why don't you just make a t-shirt that says, "it wasn't me"?

Mr. Gelbertson?

Captain stottlemeyer. We spoke on the phone.

Good time?

Not really.

How about now?

Oh. Sure.

Michael, Matthew, these men are from the police.

Ooh. Are they real police?

That's right, they're gonna take a look around for a few minutes.


Oh, well, because a long time ago, before I was on the force, something happened in this house.

Was it scary?

I don't know. I wasn't here.

It was before my time.

What's he doing?

Him? He's a detective.

Like on TV.

Oh, we don't let the boys watch television.

It's too violent.

Well, yeah, I can't blame you.

I got two boys myself.

The realtor did mention something when we bought the house... Something about a robbery?

It's a home invasion.

Double homicide.

Husband and wife. Tortured.

Then k*lled.

Were they drug dealers?

No. They were a nice couple.

About your age.

They sold jewelry. They had a wall safe.

It was loaded with merchandise.

That's what the guy was after.

I thought you caught him.

Yeah, so did we.

It turns out we had the wrong guy.

So, um, we've reopened the case.

Well, what can you find now?

I mean, after 12 years?

Actually, 14 years.

I've only been on the force for 9.

It was 5 years before that.

So it's 14 years.

The wall safe was here.

We found bloody footprints over there.

There was a whole trail of blood all the way through here.

Splattered all over.

I remember we found a piece of the thumb over there.

The wife broke free.

She crawled across the playroom...

Out over the patio.


Yeah, he k*lled her out there.

Right where your sandbox is.

Do you guys play outside?

You ever found anything unusual out there?

Like what?

9-millimeter shell casing, bone fragments...

No? Nothing like that?

Hacksaw blade?


What do you got?

Scratch marks.

From a dog.

They were there when we moved in.


Can't be.

I don't remember a dog 14 years ago.

Well, according to this, the victims did have a dog.

It died the day before the m*rder.

The day before?

What are the odds of that?

Yeah, well...

They buried it out there.

Under a pine tree.

Well, let's go find it.

We'll dig it up.

There's gotta be enough hair, skin, skeletal remains.

Enough to test for poison.

You boys wanna help dig a hole?

Come on, pauly.


Hello, pauly.

I heard you was out.

I was gonna call you.

Yeah, sure you were.

I understand, brother. You're a taxpayer now.

Gotta keep your distance.

[Nervous exhalation]

So, um...

How you doin'?

How you think I'm doin'?

I felt terrible, Max.

But it wasn't my fault, huh?

I mean, it was just bad luck.

The safe being empty, and... and you getting nailed like that.

You want a drink?

Sure you do.

I got some of that nice imported stuff you like so much.

Been lookin' for you, pauly.

Don't worry about me, bro.

After all those jobs we pulled together?

It's those other jobs I'm worried about.

[Grunting, choking]

[Both grunting]


[Breathing heavily]

Sorry, pauly.

I ain't never going back.


Toxicology report on the Davis's dog.


Yes, he was.

Doberman pinscher, 85 pounds.

I guess the k*ller didn't want to have him around.

With penzedrine?

Yeah, they use it during heart operations.

It's very rare, which is good news for us.

I need you go to back 14 years.

I want you to compile a list of anyone who had access.

That's, uh, medical supply.

Pharmaceutical companies... 14 years?

We're looking for somebody with a rap sheet.

Somebody who might've missed work the day of the murders.

[Quietly] Wasn't my case.

Excuse me.

What did... did you just say it wasn't your case?

No, sir.

I said, "your cousin has a face."

Just get me the names.

[Muttering] My cousin has a face.


Max? Hey.

Hey, how you doing?


A comic book, huh?

Great. Not gonna help you.

Well, here's the thing.

The foreman called Natalie's father.

And, uh...

He said that you haven't been...

You know, working.

Or anything.

I know it's your first day...

My back hurts.

Your back?

Is, uh...

You told the foreman you had a headache.

It's my back.

I think it happened when I got the crap beat out of me.

In prison.

Yeah. Well...

Maybe I could talk to someone.

Maybe there's a clerical position...

I'm fine.

Look, did you take care of that parking ticket?

Yes, I did that.

No problem.

Talk to the bank?

Yes, I talked to the loan officer.

He said you're going to need someone to cosign those papers.


Of course, I would be more than happy to do.

(Foreman) Barton!

I don't care whose friend of a friend you are.

I want that pallet on that truck in ten minutes or you're fired!

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

He sounds pretty mad.

You better get started.

Mr. Monk!

What are you doing?

Helping Max.

Shh, shh, shh.


Mr. Monk, I found her. I found Max's wife.

You found her? Yeah, yeah.

She's been living with her sister in Oakland.

Oh, thank god.

This is great.

It's gonna make all the difference.

I just... Max, we found your wife!

(Natalie) No, no, wait, Mr. Monk!

Sherry? You found her?

Well, Natalie found her. Well, it's not that easy.

Where is she?

Here's the thing.

There's just a little problem.

(Minister) Sherry, Justin.

The rings that you are about to receive are perfect circles.

They are symbols of the sun and the moon, of peace, and of true faith.

May they always remind you of the commitment and the love that you are sharing on this day.

[Monk rapping loudly] Marriage...

[Louder] Marriage is an act as ancient (Monk) Sherry!

As the history of the... [Loud banging]




Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you. Sorry.

Hello. I'm so sorry.

Do you know this guy?

He's a cop. He worked on Max's case.

What do you want, Mr. Monk?

First off, congratulations.

You look radiant.

I know this is...

A bad time.

Here's the thing... 14 years ago, I made a terrible mistake.

The biggest mistake of my life.


Max barton is an innocent man.

If I hadn't screwed up, you two would still be together.

We know the whole story.

We've been reading about it.

No, you don't know the story.

The real story is about a man who never gave up.

[Organist plays the wedding march]

Put yourself in his place.

Falsely accused.

Unjustly convicted.

Spending 14 years...

14 horrible, lonely years...

In that...


I'm gonna say it. Hell.

I sent that man to hell.

You know how he survived, Sherry?

You know what sustained him?


Even after you stopped coming to visit.

Memories of you.

Dreams of you.

Can we do this later?

Later is too late.

Sherry, don't make the same mistake I did.

Don't lock him away.



[Faintly] Oh...

I want you to look at this man.

Look into his eyes.


Is a good, good, good man.



I don't know.

I think you do know.

If you have any feelings for him at all, don't you owe it to yourself to stop, take a day, take a week, look into your heart?


Show her.

[Organ stops playing]

[Wedding guests gasp]


That's you.

The dragon?

No, no.

Next to the dragon.


That's a man.

No, that's the district attorney.

Across from the man, inside the broken heart.

(Sherry) What does it say?

"Sherry... my love...

My life."


[Organist resumes playing]

Oh, Max.



[Max laughing]

(Natalie) Well, you did it.

You happy?


Why not?

I don't know.

Something... I don't know.


I hate you.

Join the club.

How could you?

What are you doing here?

This is Sarah McNally.

She was the eyewitness 14 years ago.

I've been following you.

Watching you.

You've been helping him.

No... Max barton has been exonerated.

The police found some evidence...

I don't care about any new evidence.

I know what I saw.

I saw him leaving that house.

He's a monster.

Ma'am, a lot of people were wrong about this case.

It's not your fault.

You were in your house.

You were 45, maybe 50 yards away...

42 yards.

You measured, remember?

Your measuring tape broke.

You sent lieutenant culkin to get a new one.


You... you remember his name?

I remember everything.

It's a curse.

You were wearing the exact same thing.

Except it was a gray blazer with white buttons.

That's right. She's right.

Ask me anything.

Lieutenant culkin's badge number: 3241.

You were driving a white Chevrolet with one of those green air fresheners.

Photographic memory.

Like I said, I know what I saw.

I heard screaming.

I went to the window.

And I saw him.

Max barton.

Leaving that house.

I will never forget it.

How he walked down the street, his hands in his pocket, like he didn't have a care in the world.

His hands were in his pockets?

What, what, what, what?

The k*ller used an acetylene torch to break into the safe.

We never found it.

If the man you saw wasn't carrying anything...

There was a second man.

An accomplice.

An accomplice...

That's whose DNA they found.

I was right the first time.

He was there.

I never figured on a second man.

Let's call the captain.

(Mrs. McNally) It's too late.

He's been exonerated.

It's called double jeopardy.

You can't try a man twice for the same crime.

Wait... wait, that's it?

He gets away with m*rder?

How long before we get the other one back?

The usual?

Captain? Okay.

Thank you.

The blood type matches.

I'm sure the DNA does too.

He is definitely the guy.

Well, the other guy.

Thank you, Randy. The other guy.

Who was he?

His name was pauly flores.

He and barton were pals, high school buddies.

We found him this morning hanging from this door by his own belt. su1c1de?

Yep, what they call prison style.

I guess he freaked out when he heard that his pal had been released.

Guilt, flashbacks... I guess we'll never know.

And he had access to that drug?

Penzedrine. That's affirmative.

He worked as a security guard at lavallee pharmaceuticals for 15 years.

That's how we found him.

Computer spit out his name this morning.

You know, we figure he and barton were in on it together.

They poisoned the family dog, broke in the next day.

Looks like you were right the first time.

Half right.

Didn't know about him.

I spoke to the d.A.'S office.

They said there's nothing they can do.

Double jeopardy.

They've closed the case.

He's gonna walk.

Can you live with that?

[Short laugh]

Could you?


Wait. What?

We got him.

We got who?

Barton. Max barton. We can nail him.

No, it's double jeopardy. You can't...

Not for the first thing.

For this.

We got him on this.

Can we prove it?

I think so.

Randy, find him.

I know where he is.

He told a couple of guys in my dad's loading dock.

Well, let's pick him up.

Where is he?

You're not gonna believe it.

(Minister) As some of you may remember, the rings that Sherry and Max are about to receive are perfect circles, symbols of the sun and the moon, peace, and, um...

True faith.

True faith.



Marriage is an act as ancient as the history of the human race.


[Loud banging and shouting]

Help me, lord, it's the same guy.


Thank you again.

Excuse me.

Sorry. Hello again.

Sorry, sorry.

Sorry! Sorry.

This... this'll only take a minute.

What do you want, monk?

Sherry, you can't marry this man.

[Wedding guests groan]

No, no, he is a very, very dangerous man.

He's k*lled three people.

That we know of.

But you said...

I know.

I know, but this time, I'm positive.

I want you to look at this man.

Look into his eyes.

This is a bad, bad, bad man.

Sherry, I made a mistake, and then I compounded the mistake.

Don't you make the same mistake by compounding... My other...

Mistake... My first...

Sherry, they were right about Max 14 years ago.

What we didn't know is he had an accomplice named pauly flores.

It was pauly's DNA we found at the crime scene.

Pauly. I remember him.

I haven't seen that guy since high school!

I swear to god. Anybody got a Bible?

Did he confess?

(Natalie) Pauly's dead.

We found him this morning in his apartment, hanging from a belt.



This is our day.

Our moment.

If pauly decided to hang himself with his own belt, well, that's his problem.

Actually, Max, he didn't use his own belt.


This is the belt we found.

This is your belt, isn't it, Max?

I was there when you were being released.

You said you'd lost some weight, remember?

That you needed to punch another hole into it.

What does that prove?

A lot of people punch holes in their belt.

Nobody's gonna believe you anyway, monk.

Not after last time.

This guy is still out to get me.

I mean, he's obsessed or something, i-i...

You're right, Max, there's no way we can prove that this is your belt.

But we can prove that the belt you're wearing belonged to pauly flores.

The man you k*lled.

You k*lled pauly with your belt.

But then you made a mistake.

(Stottlemeyer) Where's pauly's belt?

Because we can't find it.

It's not in his apartment, and we just checked your room.

What are you talking about?

A belt's a belt.

You can't prove any of this anyway.

Well, we caught a little bit of a break there, Mr. Barton.

Pauly's belt's part of his uniform.

It's company issue.

Their logo's stamped on the inside.

Sir, remove your belt.

What are you, crazy?

I'm not taking off this belt.

[Scoffs] Can you believe this?

Take off the belt, Max.

Max barton, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Paul flores.

We all make mistakes, Max.

Just means you're human.

(Cop) Let's go.

[Banging on glass door]


[Guests murmuring and groaning]




Yes, sir?

That was judge Heller's office.

She's not giving us a search warrant on that Chinatown thing.

She said she never got the coroner's report.


That, uh...

I'm sorry. It's my bad.

I brought it... I brought it home last night, and I was gonna...

I forgot.

I forgot. I'm gonna go get it.

You're too late.

She's gone.

She's gone on vacation for two weeks.



Captain, I'm sorry.

Look, if there's anything I can do...

I can... I'm gonna call the coroner.

We can get a hold... Just to be clear, this was you.

You screwed this up.

Yes, sir, and I feel terrible about it.

Wasn't me.

Wasn't monk.

Wasn't you and it wasn't monk.

It was...

It was me.

It was you.

I promise it won't happen again.

God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.