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06x07 - Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Posted: 07/22/21 19:38
by bunniefuu
He's late.

He's always running late, Mr. Monk. Just relax.

If I could relax, I wouldn't be here, would I?

It's Harold krenshaw.

He's in there right now.

He knows I'm waiting. He knows it.

Oh, they're never gonna catch him. Who?

The frisco fly.

This is him on the golden gate bridge.

This is him, three weeks ago, climbing coit tower.

The police always get there too late.

He's like a real-life superhero.

(Monk) Mm-hmm.

I wonder if he's single.

I wonder if he needs an assistant.

Mr. Monk, what are you doing?


[Whispers] He's crying.

(Natalie) You can't listen in.

What if somebody listened to you?

They wouldn't hear me crying... Very often.


11:02, Harold.

Sorry. I guess we lost track of the time.

I heard you crying.

I was not crying.

I heard you, Harold, through the wall.

We were laughing, you idiot.

We were laughing.

I told him a joke, and we both just started laughing.

He doesn't laugh.

Yes, he does.

He doesn't laugh with you.

Go to hell, Harold.

You go to hell!

The only reason I would even consider going to hell would be to visit you.

You are really a sad, sad man.

I don't know why Dr. Kroger even bothers.

[Imitates baby crying]

I wasn't crying. I wasn't crying.


Good-bye, Harold.


[Door closes]

So how was your session?

Mr. Monk?



Natalie! I just got it! Got what?

What I should have said to Harold!

Oh, my god. A zinger!

It's what they call a "comeback."

Mr. Monk, I don't think it really matters. I mean...

No, no, no, no. Just listen, listen to this.

Listen to this.

I said Dr. Kroger doesn't laugh.

He said, "he doesn't laugh with you."

What I should have said is, "maybe he's laughing at you, Harold."

At you. Get it? At you. Get it?

At you. Yeah, I got it.

It would have destroyed him!

He'd be boxed in. He'd be boxed in.

There's no possible response. At you.

Let's call him. Call him?

Yeah. No!

No, you're right. You're right, you're right.

We'll go to his house.

We'll do it in person.

But we have to hurry, before he forgets what he said! No, Mr. Monk.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Please, Natalie. I have so little.

No, forget it.

I am not driving downtown so you can zing Harold krenshaw.

Why don't you just mail it to him?

It's not the same.

(Boy) Hey, dad, look. It's him!

It's the frisco fly!

(Man) I can't believe it. It's actually him.

Wow, he's awesome.

Is he okay?

(Father) Yeah, he's fine.

It's all part of the show.


Come on.

(First fan) He's moving! He's alive!

Call 911! I already did.

They're on their way!

The awning must've broken his fall.

Be careful with him.

Easy, easy.

Hang on, fella.

You're gonna be okay.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ You know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

(Stottlemeyer) Where's Natalie?

(Monk) Oh, she's still in the car.

She's talking to Julie.

One body?

Yep. Driver.

He was still behind the wheel, buckled in.

Who was he? We don't know.

The k*ller doesn't want us to know.

Whoever did this stuck around and removed every bit of I.D., filed off the vin numbers off of the car.

All we got is a gas can and a flashlight.

No fingerprints.

(Disher) Yeah, Dr. G figured, uh, it happened about four days ago.

No, it was longer. At least a week.

The grass is already starting to grow back.

It wasn't me. It was Dr. G.

Cause of death?

(Disher) Vehicular homicide.

Dr. G says the victim was forced off the road.

I don't think so.

There's no dents on the side or the rear.

I think this was an accident.

Look, I think this poor guy hit a deer. Look.

A little piece of antler.


Plus, the headlights were off, so this must have happened during the day.

But the guy burned the car later.

He needed the flashlight.

I guess Dr. G is 0 for 2.

(Stottlemeyer) This doesn't track, does it?

The guy hits a deer, runs off the road, crashes into a rock, dead on impact, a few hours go by, maybe a day.

Somebody comes along, a stranger.

He files the vin number off the engine, which would have taken a few hours, then torches the car and the body.

Why? Why, indeed.

Is that poison Ivy?

(Disher) No.

Oh, thank god.

It's poison oak.

(Natalie) Wait, you guys.

You're not gonna believe what I just heard on the radio.

I've got some weird news, and some really weird news and some really, really, really weird news.

What do you want first?

Uh, I guess the weird news.

Okay, you know the frisco fly, the daredevil?

He was just climbing telegraph tower and he fell off.

Hmm. And what's the really weird news?

(Natalie) He's okay.

It's a miracle.

He hit a flagpole and two awnings on the way down.

What's the really, really, really...

What's the last one?

It's Harold krenshaw.

He's the frisco fly.




It doesn't make any sense.

Harold krenshaw is more afraid of heights than I am.

He's more afraid of everything.

Well, apparently he got over it.

How? How did he do it?

I don't know.

How did he do it?

I don't know. Okay. But how did he do it?

I don't know.

Harold krenshaw.

Friend or family?


We have the same therapist.

They're very good friends.

They just don't like to admit it.

Room 312.

Oh, do me a favor.

Tell him Sylvia said thank you for the autograph.

My nieces loved it.

My family can't believe I actually met the frisco fly.

I can't believe it.

How is he doing?

Oh, much better.

I was here when they brought him in.

At first, he kept denying he was the frisco fly.


Yeah. Modest and brave.

If I wasn't married...

[Camera shutter clicks]

Look at me. I'm a hero sandwich!


You were telling us about the accident.

The last thing I remember, I was almost at the top, which we call "the summit," and I lost my footing.

I must've slipped.

You had a parachute.

Why didn't you...?

(Harold) It happened so quick.

I wasn't thinking.

Next time, I'll know better.

So there will be a next time?

I'd better not say.

Are there any cops in here?


(Clarissa) Oh, honey, look at this.

It's from evel knievel.

I... i... i... i still can't find my glasses.

Okay, I'll read it.

It says "Harold, you are the man.

P.s. Next time, check your damn parachute."


Evel. What a character.


Jimmy, how do you feel? Are you proud of your dad?

I am now.

I used to be kind of embarrassed.

I could hear him downstairs, crying and cursing all night.

But now I know what he was really doing.

Planning his next big stunt.

I love you, dad.

I love you, too.

Oh, Harold, your cousin Joey's here.

Harry. How are you feeling, cuz?


Uncle Ronnie couldn't make it.

He's not doing too well.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Who's uncle Ronnie?

Last of the original krenshaws.

He owns a dude ranch in Nevada.

About a thousand acres.

Me and Harry used to go down every summer. Yeah.

What was Harold like as a kid?

This guy?

He was indestructible, and that's a fact.

Me and uncle Ronnie used to throw him off the roof, then down the stairs, then off the dock.

Remember? Yeah.

Yeah, me and uncle Ronnie was just goofing off, but for Harold, I guess it was practice!


(Duty nurse) Okay, that's it, folks.

Everyone out.

I've got to change those bandages.

You can come back after dinner.

I'll call you later.

Thank you.


I knew you'd come.

Can I talk to him? It'll just be a minute.

Oh, I can't say no to the frisco fly.

Two minutes.

I'll be right outside.

Bye, Harold.



The frisco fly, huh?


You look surprised.

I am surprised.

Here's the thing I can't figure out.

You look surprised too.

It's k*lling you, isn't it?

How did you do it, Harold?

You've always been afraid of heights.

You got vertigo when Dr. Kroger put in thicker carpet, remember?

I'm cured.


It wasn't easy.

I'll be honest with you.

I don't think you can do it.

You don't have it in you.

It takes strength.

I'm not talking about physical strength, although I've got plenty of that.

I'm talking about it.



The right stuff.

Strength of character.

I have it.

Neil Armstrong has it.

Rocky has it.

Rocky was just a movie, Harold.

Excuse me.

I'm a little confused.

I just fell off telegraph tower.

How was your day?

Here's what I do know.

You don't have it, and you never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever will!

Mr. Monk.

Mr. Monk.

It couldn't be him.

He fell off a building.

There were 50 witnesses.

I know it was him.

Of course it was him.

But it couldn't be him.

(Natalie) For the record, my crush on the frisco fly is officially over.

(Monk) He's not the frisco fly.

He can't be. He can't be.

No, thank you.


You know, Mr. Monk, you and Harold have a lot in common.

I think that you could actually be friends.

I don't think so.

The fact that I despise him would always come between us.

(Fan) Harold, Harold!

[Yelling and cheering]

Fly! Frisco fly!

I love you!


Mr. Fly!

That's not him.

His room is up there.

You mean you've met him?

What's he like?

I've seen his file.

He wet his bed till he was 34.

And he has to be hypnotized to get his hair cut.

(Man) Excuse me. You were up there?

Yeah, is he okay?

'Cause we heard he broke, like, seven ribs.

Yeah. What he broke was at least seven city ordinances.

The cops won't press charges.

They wouldn't dare.

He's a real-life hero. He's a hero.

He is not a hero!

What is wrong with you people?

I mean, he fell, right?

A daredevil basically has one job...

Not falling.

I mean, I could fall.

I bet I could fall 100 stories if I tried.

Why don't you, man?

In fact, I'd be glad to help.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

Now, don't hurt him.

Hey, ask yourself, what would Harold do?

Yeah, I hate to tell you this.

I've known Harold krenshaw for 3 1/2 years, and he is a lot of things, but he is not the frisco flyer.

Oh, yeah, man?

Well, we were there.

We saw him fall, so how do you explain that?

We saw him fall.

It's so quiet.

(Monk) It is quiet.

Which I prefer, actually.

It makes it easier to hear the voices in my head, screaming and pleading.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. How high are we?

Uh, 24 stories.


All right, so that's west, which means he fell off the roof over there.

It's not possible.

I just came up in the elevator and it nearly k*lled me.

You're telling me Harold krenshaw climbed up the side of this building?

Will you shut up?!

Shut it!

Not... not you.

Okay, but Mr. Monk, everybody saw him fall off the roof.

Maybe not.

What if he had two costumes, and he put one costume on a dummy, hired someone to throw the dummy off the roof.

Meanwhile, krenshaw is down below, hiding, in the other costume, waiting to be discovered.

There. Mystery solved.

Will you stop interrupting?

I'm not gonna tell you again.

Okay, Mr. Monk, Harold krenshaw almost died.

He had a concussion and five broken ribs.

Are you saying that was self-inflicted?

Why would he do that?

Why would anybody do that?

To get to me.


So this is about you?

Not entirely.

It's mainly me.

He's obsessed with me, Natalie.

Okay. What happened to the dummy?

If somebody threw it off the roof, where'd it go?

What about the real frisco fly?

He would have contacted the press by now.

Here's all I know.

Harold krenshaw was never on this roof.

There is no way.


They look like Harold's.

He said he lost his, remember?

They couldn't be.

Oh, my god. They're engraved.


"H. K."

Oh, my god.

It really was him.


Mr. Monk, this is good news.

This should inspire you.

If Harold krenshaw can overcome his fears, then you can too.


Sure you can!

I'll help you. We'll do it together.

Okay, so we're just going to take this really slow.

Mr. Monk?

Okay, now, you're afraid of a lot of things.


Right, 312.

But all we want to do today is beat one of them.

Wouldn't that be great if we just crossed one of those right off your list?

Okay, here are four things that you're scared of, but don't worry, you don't have to do all of them.

You can just pick one.

You can drink the milk, or you could play the harmonica, put the ladybug on your finger, or you can climb the ladder.

That's a big ladder.

It's only four feet.

[Mumbling] Harold krenshaw did it...

Excuse me?

Is this how Harold krenshaw did it?

Why, I don't know, Mr. Monk.

But yeah, probably.

Something like this.

You know what?

Soon you'll be climbing skyscrapers!


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

We're not even gonna think about that right now.

We're just going to concentrate on one thing, okay?

Uh, baby steps, okay?

Little baby steps.

Here you go.

Baby step.

Baby steps!

Which one?


Oh, wait, I forgot.

Come on, come on, come on. You can do it.

You're doing great.


Is there a fifth thing?


The ladybug. Let me try.


Put out your hand.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes!

Yes! Oh, my gosh!

Yes, you're doing it. You're doing it.

You got it. You got it.

That's great, Mr. Monk.

Come on. Oh, yeah, yeah.


(Natalie) Oh.

A ladybug?

It was this big.

You could barely see it.

But I was the one who was scared.

When he flew away, I thought, that little insect...

Happier than me.

He's happier than I'll ever be.

Adrian, you know, when you talk this way, I get a little concerned.

How did he do it?

The man was a basket case, right?

We're talking about Harold krenshaw?

Harold krenshaw is climbing buildings.


And he's parachuting!

Whatever it is you did for him, why can't you do it for me?

I didn't do anything.

Did you hypnotize him? No.

Some kind of special, new treatment?

The 10:00 session, is that it?

It's one hour earlier, so you're sharper, you're fresher.

Adrian, I'm really not comfortable talking about other patients.

Oh. I'd hate to make you feel uncomfortable.

We wouldn't want that.

I'm dying over here, but as long as you're comfortable.

Are you warm enough? Are you thirsty?

Can I get you some water?

I'm sorry.

I understand how upset you are, but the fact is that when I heard that it was Harold up on the roof, the frisco fly, I was as surprised as anyone.

But whatever Harold did, whatever he accomplished, he did it on his own.

I'd like to take credit for it, but it wasn't me.

So no matter how bad it got, no matter how low I sank, I could always say...

"At least I'm not Harold krenshaw."

He was my northern star.

He was the only thing in the world I could really, really count on.

You know, you're unbuttoned.

Adrian, it's been a while since we talked about medication, but there are some new anti-depressants on the market.

It doesn't matter.

I give up.

Did you just say, "I give up"?

Captain, we got a hit.

A gas can by the burned-out car?

It was bought 15 days ago at a hardware store, g & g hardware in pacifica, eight miles from the crash site.

And they don't remember who bought it.

And he paid with cash.

Of course. No security camera.

No picture. But...


We can I.D. The car.

We got the vin number.

It was on the radiator support bracket.

Guess our boy must have forgot that.

They always forget the radiator support bracket.

Vehicle identification...

Universal tracking program.

Come on, come on, come on.

[Taps fingers on desk]

Okay, sh**t. First letter "t," as in Tsunami.


Silent "t."

Wha... no, "t" as in "Tom." Just say "Tom."

What's the difference?

It doesn't... the "t" is silent.

It's not completely silent.


All right, all right. Let's go.

Uh, second letter, "p" as in...

"p" as in "Paul." No.

Too late. I typed it. "P."

Yeah, but the person reading the letters gets to say the word.

That's how we do it.

That's how who does it?

Society. We live in a society.

Yes, we do, Randy.

Meanwhile, the p's been sitting on my screen for ten minutes.

Fine. "P" for pan.

No. Panavision.

Tsunami, panavision.

The next letter, "l." "L."

As in... uh...

No, we can come back to that one.

No, we can't come back to it, Randy. We... [Phone rings]

Whoever this is, thank you very much for calling.


Is he okay?

We'll be right there.


Come on. What?

Come on.

su1c1de watch.

[Speaking Japanese]


[Crowd cheering]

[Continues in Japanese]

Harold krenshaw!

Harold krenshaw!

[Yelling and cheering]

(Stottlemeyer) I've never actually seen him sleep before.

(Natalie) Sometimes I wonder what he dreams about.

Cleaning supplies.


No, I think he dreams about a perfect world with no surprises, no emotion.

Everything is clean and neat and in groups of ten.

For anybody else, that would be a nightmare.

(Natalie) Yeah.

Oh, he's smiling.

I'm glad he's happy somewhere.

He's probably talking to Trudy.


Hey, why don't you take off?

You have a life.

I can stick around.

Nah. Julie's with my folks. I can stay.

Well, I hope he enjoys it while he can.

'Cause when he wakes up, it's back to reality.

Have you seen this?

The whole city's gone ga-ga over Harold krenshaw.


Hey, how you feelin'?

"After years of thrilling the public

"and eluding authorities, "the frisco fly's true identity...

"Mild-mannered loan officer Harold krenshaw, school board member, a real-life spider-man."

He's not spider-man.

Spider-man goes around helping people.

Yeah. You're spider-man.

Where are my shoelaces?


Dr. Kroger thought that... yeah.

Okay, I get it.

Where are you going?



I'll go with you.

I don't think so.

No, let me go with you.

We promised Dr. Kroger we wouldn't leave you alone.

I am not suicidal.

I just wish I was never born.

There's a difference.

Monk, I gotta go with you.

I won't look.

That doesn't mean anything.

I'm not gonna look either.


You're gonna leave the door open.

Leave the door open? Have we met?

Monk, I am just looking out for you.

You're not going in there alone.

Then I'm not going.

Well, this is ridiculous.

You can't hold it in forever.

I think I can.

My record is nine days.

Let's keep going all the way to the ice machine.

That's the spirit. That's the frisco fly spirit.

Excuse me, Mr. Krenshaw.


I'm Sara hollins.

I teach kindergarten at St. Mark's elementary.

This is Evan, and this is Molly.

Hello. Hi.


The kids just adore you.

You're all they talk about.

We've been waiting downstairs all day.

They wanted to give you this.

It's a picture of you.

That's me, huh?

Well, I hope not.

Look at the size of my head.

I'm surprised you can stand up.

[Both laugh]

(Harold) I know.

And what is that?

(Evan) The golden gate bridge.


What's keeping it up, magic?

Because I don't see any suspension cables.

Joey, you got a pen? Yeah.

What's the matter with you?



Now it's a bridge.

It's basic physics.

They're only six years old.

They're not gonna learn any younger.

That's what my uncle Ronnie always says.

What's this, a bird?

My god, it must be 20 feet long. Yeah.

It looks like mothra. Remember that old movie?

[Squawks, hisses]

[Squawks, hisses]

You're on the school board?


[Cell phone rings]


(Dr. Levine) Mr. Krenshaw?

That's right.

This is Dr. Levine, calling from Reno.

You wanted me to call if there was a change in your uncle's condition.

I'm afraid it doesn't look good.

You might want to think about coming home to say good-bye.

How long does he have?

Five days. Maybe a week.

I'm sorry, son.

Thank you, doctor.

(Joey) All right, kids, you got your notes.

I want you to go back to school and try again.


Hit it.


That was nice. Who was that?

Cousin, that was money calling.

Endorsement money.

You ever heard of Neptune energy bars?


Well, they've heard of you.

They want to pay you ten grand to be in their next commercial.

Wow. Yeah.

But they're on a tight schedule.

They need to sh**t tomorrow.

You think you're up for it?

Of course I'm up for it.

I'm the frisco fly, right? Yeah.

I don't have to climb anything, do I?

(Disher) Thank you.

[Cell phone rings]


(Dispatcher) Lieutenant, I've tracked down the vin number you gave us.

I got a name for you.

Great. Hold on.

Okay. sh**t.

His name is Victor grajna.

"V" as in "Victor." [Tires squeal]

Sorry. "V" as in what?

"V" as in "Victor." [Motorcycle roars past]

Sorry. I still can't hear you.

"V" as in what?

I know it's a "v," but "v" as in what?

If you know it's a "v," what does it matter?

Well, I just... I'd still like to know.

"V" as in what?


Because that's how we do it.


Just... just say it. "V" as in what?

[Cars roar past]

That doesn't start with a "v."

How are you doing?

I feel good.

Never better. How are you doing?

I'm okay.

Don't you worry about me.

You know, I'm pretty well acquainted with all seven of the deadly sins, and I'd have to say that envy is the granddaddy sin.

That's the one that causes all the real problems out there.

What are you trying to say?

I'm talking about you and krenshaw.

You comparing yourself to him, wanting what he has.

What good is that doing you?

Hey, we gotta go.

I just talked to Randy.

He wants to show us something.

No, thank you.

Believe me, Mr. Monk, you're gonna want to see this.

(Stottlemeyer) Randy?

The landlord let me in, so we're legal.

But don't touch anything.

Okay, I won't touch anything.

Where'd you find this?

Under the bed.

Check this out.

Look at this.

A parachute, bright yellow.

That's his trademark.

Whose trademark?

I think the guy who lived here was the frisco fly.

The real frisco fly.

Well, where is he?

(Disher) He's dead.

Or at least I think he is.

Remember the burned-out car?

I tracked the vin number.

This guy owned it. I think he was our driver.

His name's, uh, Victor grajna.

I checked with immigration.

Guess what he did back in Hungary?

Circus performer.


What do you got?

(Monk) Coit tower...

Golden gate bridge...

Pacific electric building.

Wait a second. Reconnaissance photos. Before he climbed them.

Wait a second.

If this guy, Victor grajna, was the real frisco fly, what...

What was Harold krenshaw doing on that roof?

And how did he get into that costume?

(Disher) You okay?

Poison oak, that day in the woods.

Poison oak?

I didn't want to tell you. It's not contagious.

This is...

This is wonderful!

I know what happened!

Harold krenshaw isn't the frisco fly.

He was never the frisco fly.

Wait, it gets better.

Somebody is trying to k*ll him.

And shouldn't we do something about that?


I'll call it in.

What's this guy's name again?


"G" as in "gnome,"

"r" as in "Randy disher"...

Mr. Monk.

Your shoes are untied.

Should we leave a note for Dr. Franklin?


The energy bar people want to keep this on the hush-hush.

Why? Show business reasons.

Don't worry about it.


You okay?

Well, it's kind of tight.

You look great.

All right, let's go make some money.



Change of plans.

The energy bar people want to sh**t on the roof.

The roof?

Oh... mmm...

Oh, no. He's gone.

(Stottlemeyer) Excuse me.

Sfpd. We're looking for the frisco fly.

He's not the frisco fly.

He was just here.

He was with his cousin.

His costume's gone.

My god.


Listen, Joey, I gotta tell you something.

I... you gotta promise not to tell anyone.

I'm not the frisco fly.

Oh. I gotta tell you something.

I know.

You two stay here.

Randy, get some back-up. Call hospital security.

We're locking down this building.

This is disher. We got a possible 312.

Subject could be wearing a parachute and goggles.


I don't think they'd go outside.

It's too risky. Harold's famous now.

He'd be recognized.

The roof.

The roof.

Come on, buddy. It's not as bad as it seems.

All right, daredevil.

Let's go wave to the people.

We need some witnesses.

Uhh! Do it!

(Woman) Hey, on the roof!


(Crowd, chanting) Fly, fly, fly, fly!

(Joey) Sorry about this, cuz.

Uncle Ronnie said he's gonna leave everything to you and me.

As you remember, I never was very good at sharing.

Oh, a little extra.

Last time, I don't think I used quite enough.

Come on, Mr. Monk.

I can't. I can't.

All right, this won't hurt.

I promise.



(Monk) Harold! The g*n, Harold!

Grab the g*n!

Harold, are you okay?


I... i was just... i...

I saw my fans down there.

I thought I would climb down the building and say hello, 'cause the frisco fly never disappoints his fans.

Yeah, forget about it, Harold.

Give it a rest, okay?

The show's over.


Here's what happened.

Your cousin Joey wanted you dead.

I can think of five or six reasons off the top of my head.

(Harold) Money. We have a rich uncle.

He didn't want to share the estate.

(Monk) That's what I figured.

Two weeks ago, Joey's wish came true.

There was an accident.

He happened to see it as he drove past.

The driver's name was Victor grajna.

He was a professional acrobat.

He was the real frisco fly.

Finding that costume was like winning the lottery.

All Joey had to do was wait for the right moment.

On Monday night, he made his move.

Where did it happen? Was it at your house?

(Harold) It was in a parking garage.

(Monk) It was a brilliant plan.

Everyone would think the frisco fly slipped and fell.

It would have worked, if you hadn't hit that awning.

(Natalie) I don't understand.

What did you think when you woke up?

In that costume? 40 stories high?

(Harold) It was pretty confusing.

It was a very confusing few minutes.

It was probably the most confusing two or three minutes of my life.

Why didn't you tell anyone?

Why didn't you say, "excuse me!

Somebody just pushed me off the roof"?

Because of me. He was trying to drive me crazy.

It wasn't you, Adrian.

I know this is hard to understand, but not everything is always about you.

It's about my family, my little boy.

He was so proud of me.

Everybody was making such a fuss.

I didn't know what had happened or why.

I just... i knew that it felt pretty good.


It was driving you insane.

Harold, he just saved your life.

Thank you.

Mr. Monk.

You're welcome.

Glad you're...


Now I get it.

This is about money, isn't it?

Well, forget it. There's no reward.

What? He's not in this for the money!

You really are delusional!

Go to hell, teeger!

You go to hell!

You can both go to hell!

You go to hell! Not you.

I will see you both in Dr. Kroger's office.

And I hope that Chuck and I don't keep you waiting too long.

Ha ha ha... aah!

Harold! Is he... is he...

His parachute opened.

[Laughs] He's okay.

Well, what's going on?

Well, they're carrying him off on their shoulders.

Because he broke his legs?

I don't think so, Mr. Monk.

[Crowd cheering and chanting Harold's name]

Can I go home now?

[Crowd continues to chant and cheer]