01x08 - Prometheus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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01x08 - Prometheus

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on. This way.

I k*lled Xena, Warrior Princess!

I can still save your worthless
hide if you just hold still.


All right!


I was in the middle of the best...

I missed something.

Get me that small
knife out of my saddle bag.

Your windpipe's been severed. I'll have
to cut you a new breathing hole.

Who are these guys?

I'm guessing bounty

Are you all right?


Our melon didn't do so well.

Hold still.

Gabrielle, bandage the wound.

You'll be able to breathe out of that hole
until your windpipe heals.

Or until somebody hangs ya.

Do you realize that you just saved
the life of a man who was going to k*ll you?

See, you are a good person, Xena.


The gods are really mixing it up tonight.

You'd think I was running a hospital,
with this kid and your friend.

He's not my friend.

In fact, he tried to k*ll me.

I lost him.

You did what you could.

This doesn't make sense... I've used this
technique before. It's never failed.

Xena, what's happening?

He's dead.

Two people die in my
inn in one night.

Talk about bad omens.

What was that?

The screams of Prometheus.

This is no coincidence.

What are you talking about?

Prometheus has been captured by the gods.

The bards say that if
Prometheus is ever bound...

...then mankind starts to lose
the gifts he gave us.

Like fire?

And the ability to heal ourselves.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


How do you know you're supposed to visit this particular
oracle if Prometheus is captured?

I just know.

Hey, you're plenty mysterious
enough without having to work at it.

Are you going to give me a straight answer?

-A friend told me.
-A friend?

-Just a friend.

There it is.

If I'm not back by nightfall,
I want you to leave this place.

I take it, this isn't going to be
your typical, run-of-the-mill trip to an oracle.

What will you give?


A lock of hair?
A fingernail? A finger?

I don't understand.

You want to free Prometheus, don't you?

-Then what will you give?

My life, if I have to.

We'll see.

You better hurry.

What am I supposed to do?

Get the tablet,
it holds the key.

Try to interfere with the flame
and you'll never free Prometheus.

The chain...

Do you have the strength to pull it down?

Not much time.

You were willing to lose a
hand. Very impressive.

Don't worry about the tablet,
it said nothing.

-I didn't come here to play games.
-Well, that was no game.

It was a test to see how much
you were willing to sacrifice.

You passed.

Tell me what I came to hear.

If you want to free Prometheus,
you must go to Vulcan mountain...

...and enter the cave of Hephaestus.

There you will find a sword.

It's the only tool that can break
the chains that bind Prometheus.

-Then I'll get it.
-Warriors loyal...

...to the temple of Hera will try
to stop you from freeing Prometheus.

Don't take them lightly.

They're fierce fighters
and they're not afraid to die.

-Neither am I.
-Before you go...

I must tell you one more thing
about that sword.

You made it.

You had faith, didn't you?

Well, of course. Never a doubt.
You always come through.

Gabrielle, what if one day
I don't come through?

That's not gonna happen.

But if it does,
what would you do?

I'd become a travelling bard.

You'd be good at that.

Shouldn't you have some schooling first?

That would be great.

Where's the best place to
study that kind of thing?

Athens, at the academy.

Why are we talking about this?
It's depressing.

Nothing's gonna happen to you.

You're probably right.

Xena, look!
How cute.

Headed for Vulcan mountain, are we?

Come in, come in, you'll want
a memento of your visit.

Well, we're kind of in a
hurry, but...

I have just
what you're looking for.

This work of art was sculpted by
one of Athens' finest craftsmen...

...and we're talking only five dinars.

This looks like Mount Olympus.

It's a remarkable
resemblance between the two peaks.

-Not really.
-Oh, sure there is.

Not from this angle, of couse.
You have to look at it from the other side.

No, this is no good for a smart
girl like you, anyway.

How about a nice box
of lava rocks?

How far is the
cave of Hephaestus?

You don't want to go there.
It's a dangerous place.

I sell you a replica.
Save you the trouble.

This is so lifelike,
it gives me the chills.

How far is it?

You know, I have a very attractive map
of the area, suitable for framing.

I'm not going to ask you again.

Not far at all.

It's on the north side of the mountain,
you just bear to the right.

Wait here.

Would you be interested in a scroll
signed by the great god Hephaestus himself?

Hera, this won't work.

You'll never break
the spirit of mankind.

Yes, I will. As they lose
your gifts, they'll lose hope.

One of them will set me free.

I've taken precautions to
ensure that won't happen.

The bigger they are...

Do you want the same as your friend?


Give me the sword, Xena.

-I can't let you do this.
-You don't have a choice.

Xena, I'm not gonna fight.

With Prometheus captured,
a scratch could k*ll you.

Just you worry about yourself.

This one actually says "Mount Olympus"
on the bottom.

Oh, you're right.
I've obviously been ripped off.

Damned, unscrupulous artisans...

Look at this...

A piece of the shell
Aphrodite came ashore on.


Hello. You're the one interested
in the Aphrodite shell, right?

Better snap it up quick,
before he gets it... Five dinars.

I'm afraid you have me confused
with someone else.

I wanna know if you've seen a friend of mine.

He's tall, broad shoulders,
big arms...

-Very handsome.

I haven't seen him, but I have
the cradle he was nursed in.

Why are you looking for Hercules?

I have something he needs.

So you know him?


How well?

Well, he's my best friend.


Would you mind if I asked you
a personal question?

I suppose not.

What's it like to be friends with someone like Hercules?

Do you find it a little intimidating?

Do you know what I mean?

Well, I'm not sure.

Well, isn't it hard to just stand around
while he's doing all these heroic labors?

Well, I don't just stand around.

I'm right there with him,
fighting by his side.

Maybe I'll try that.

You see, I have a friend
who's a little bit on the intimidating side.

Who might that be?


Xena, guess who he knows?

-You're so good...

-Hello, Xena.

Is anyone going to buy anything?

You know him?

We have a history.

Come on, we're in a hurry. Let's go.


Don't you take another step.

What are you doing?
He's with Hercules.

That's exactly why
I don't want him at our back.

I've got a Dionysian love potion...

...could really mellow out a pretty lady
like that.

Ten dinars.

Hera, why are you doing this?

Prometheus, you waste
your affections on mankind.

There are other creatures much
more worthy of respect.



Yesterday my brother cut his hand on
a knife and now he's very ill.

-Please, do something.
-I'm gonna do everything I can.

I promise.

You know, I don't understand.
What would Xena want with that sword?

She plans to free Prometheus with it.

So why don't you two work together?

'Cause she knows I won't let her
strike the blow that breaks the chains.

Wait a minute. People are
dying of scratches...

...and you two are concerned
about who gets the credit?

-That's not what this is about.
-Well, it sure sounds like it.

Hercules, I thought you
cared about her.

I do care about her.

Then let her strike the blow.

Iolaus, I can't.

Just trust me.

So do you think that Iolaus
is still in love with you?

His love turned
to hate for a while.

I'm not sure
how he feels about me now.

What about Hercules?

What about him?

You're not much for
girl-talk, are you?

Of course, you're not
like most girls.

Get back.


That's a nice sword.

-You all right?

I blocked it with my gauntlet.

Now I understand.

Give me a hint.

Hercules' gauntlets
are forged by Hephaestus.

So are the chains
that bind Prometheus.

So if Prometheus' chains
are struck by that sword...

The swordhandler
turns to ashes.

So it's a su1c1de mission.

I'll strike the blow.

I won't let you do that, Hercules.

You two have got to work together.

Your friend is right.

Hera will put plenty of
obstacles in our way.

We made a pretty good team once.

Yeah, we did.

All right, we work together.

But it's still not decided who'll
use the sword to break the chains.

It is, as far as I'm concerned.

We'll see.


We haven't been
properly introduced.

My name is Gabrielle.

Oh, well, it's nice
meeting you, Gabrielle.

If I'm not too obsessive, can I ask you
a few questions about your labors?

Well, you know, actually Iolaus
is the one to ask.

You see, he knows all the facts and
he loves to hear himself talk.

-Would you mind?
-No, not at all.

Why don't you go ahead?
And I'll catch up later.

All right.

I've been hearing a lot about you.

Don't believe everything you hear.

From what I heard, I want to believe.

You've been helping people.

Someone taught me
it's the only reason to be on this Earth.

Now who would that be?

Some legendary hero...
I forget his name.

Do you think we should cut through
that pass over there?

Nice try.

-It should be me.

'Cause the world needs Hercules.

It needs Xena too.

Come on, people would hardly
miss me.

But you...
You give hope to so many...

You underestimate yourself.

You're not using your head.

Well, sometimes, in life, you go
with your heart, not your head.

What does that mean?

That means I can't let you die...

...if I can do anything to stop it.

Come on, you two.

Hey, Xena.

I thought we were going
up the mountain.

These caves and tunnels
work their way up to the top.

We better hurry.

How did you find out about
these caves, Hercules?

I came here a long time ago,
with my father.

Your father? Zeus?

The king of the gods?
The maker of all creations?


He's about as talkative as you are.


Actually, you know...,

...I feel much more comfortable
around a normal guy like you.

-I meant that as a compliment.
-Thanks. I'll take it that way.

-Are you sure you're all right?
-Yes, fine.



It's all right, it's just
a small wound.

We've lost the ability to heal ourselves.

Even a small
wound could k*ll you.

I'm fine.

-I'll get Xena and Hercules.
-Gabrielle, wait.

They can't do anything
until Prometheus is free.

-Well, then you should rest here.
-I can't.

Not when the whole
world's at stake.

I wanna help.

Please, Gabrielle.

Are you two coming?


We'll be right behind you.



Look out, Gabrielle!

Just like old times, huh?

If you mean, I'm doing
all the work again, you're right.

Come on, you two!

Are you all right?

Never better.

I'm sorry.

Iolaus was wounded back in the barn.

Why didn't you tell us?

Because he's brave of heart,
and hard of head.

You'll have to wait here.


If you stand any chance of making it
till Prometheus is released...

...it'll be because you've rested.

She's right.

I can make it.

I'll stay with him.



Be careful.



What do you mean, "goodbye"?

Don't strike the blow.

Be brave.

You'll be fine.

-You're too ornery to die.

But even if I do make it...

Let's go somewhere safe.



There's something I've been wanting
to say to you for a long time.

You changed my life.

You taught me how to live.
I'll never forget you for that.


Well, there's something
I have to tell you too.

When my wife died, I never
thought I'd meet anyone...

...who made me feel
the way she did.

But then I met you.

Come on...

No, I mean it.

Why do you think I told you
what oracle to go see...

...if Prometheus was ever captured?

Because I knew I could
trust you with that secret.

Well, I guess we're lucky
to have found one another.

Yeah, we are.

You never give up, do you?



Neither do I.



If you see Xena again,
will you tell her something for me?

-You can tell her.
-Yeah, just in case...

All right.

Tell her...
there are no hard feelings...

I'm proud to have known her.

She's really special, isn't she?

Sometimes I wonder
what she sees in me.

I see it.

You have a pure heart.

That is wonderful to be

Be quiet.

It has to be here, someplace.

The gift of fire, it's gone.


This is it.

You ready?

All right.

I'll go first.

Gabrielle wants to go
to an academy for bards in Athens.

Make sure she gets there.

You're going to make it, Iolaus.
I know you will.

Yeah, sure.

Let me tell you another story.

Once a long, long time ago...

...all people had
four legs and two heads.

And then the gods threw down thunderbolts...

...and split everyone into two.

Each half then
had two legs and one head.

But the separation
left both sides...

...with a desperate yearning
to be reunited...

...because they each shared
the same soul.

And ever since then,
all people...

...spend their lives searching...

...for the other half of their soul.




I'll free Prometheus!


The sword!


Nice of you to drop in.

He's free.

You know...

That wound can't take
much more attention.

-You're right. It'll be fine.

Iolaus, when you were kind of delirious,
back there towards the end...,

...did you hear a story I told you?

No, I was out.


It was nice getting to know you.

It was more than nice.

Goodbyes are never easy.

We do make a good team.

No argument.

Just be safe.

You've taught me what
to look for in life, Hercules.

Thank you.

Till we meet again.



Do you believe that everyone
has someone out there...

...that shares
a part of their soul?

I know it.
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