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05x06 - Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion

Posted: 07/22/21 16:53
by bunniefuu
Oh, for Pete sakes.

It's out of order again.

Looks like we're taking the stairs then.

After you.


[door slams]

[door slams]

Why don't you go on ahead?

I'm gonna be a while. [chuckles]

Are you Mrs. Rutherford?

That's right.

Katherine Rutherford, the nurse?

Well, not anymore. I'm retired.

Have we met?

I think you know my wife, unfortunately.

Why unfortunately?


[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

* It's a jungle out there

* Disorder and confusion everywhere *

* No one seems to care

* Well, I do

* Hey, who's in charge here?

* It's a jungle out there

* Poison in the very air we breathe *

* You know what's in the water that you drink? *

* Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing *

* People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time *

* If you paid attention, you'd be worried too *

* You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much *

* Might just k*ll you

* I could be wrong now

* But I don't think so

* 'Cause it's a jungle out there *

* It's a jungle out there *


What's going on?

Oh, what you see is pretty much it.

What do I see?

(Randy) It looks like an accident.

Her name's Katherine Rutherford.

62, lives here on the third floor.

Patrol officers called us in just to make sure.

What are those? Beads.

She was wearing a necklace, which broke.

She slips on the beads, breaks her neck.

Lot of gravity in these stairwells.

Yes, sir.

I just used the elevator. Why didn't she?

Um-- Was it broken?

Oh, uh--

If you don't know, just say so.

I don't know.

Hey are there any beads down there?

(officer) No, sir.

If she slipped on the beads, why didn't any of 'em roll away?

Beads, beads, beads, beads.

You don't know.

Randy... something's wrong here.

This is wrong.

Lift up her head.

It doesn't fit.

It's too small.

Okay, we're changing gears.

Lock down this stairwell from the basement to the roof.

Call the watch commander.

This is now a homicide investigation.

Yes, sir. Captain.

I just found this under the body.

What is that, a lapel pin?

Yeah, I've seen that before.

I know this pin. Someone was wearing it.


Hang on.

Wait, wait, wait.

I don't know. You don't know.

Is it straight? I can't get it straight.

Why don't you just stand at a slight angle?

Mr. Monk, maybe I should stay.

No, no.

My parents can pick up Julie.

I'm fine.

Well, it's just that the last time you saw these people, you were with Trudy.

And I remember, after Mitch died, how difficult it was, you know, going to parties and seeing our friends.

That's when I missed him the most.

I'm way ahead of you.

I did all my crying last night.

I'm good to go.

I'm gonna call my parents.

No. Relax, will you?

This is Berkeley. It's like my second home.

Wish you could have seen me here--Trudy and me.

We had a million friends. We owned this place.

I hope Dinky comes. Crazy Dinky Feeber.

He was always getting off these great zingers.

I hope Craig Hopper comes.

He was always explaining Dinky's zingers to me.

They made a great team.


Oh, have you filled out your registration form?

Yeah, yeah, I filled it out six months ago.

Oh, my God. Is that--

Is that Smitty?

(Monk) Smitty!


Smit man!

Uh, I thought that was Smitty.

That guy looked just like Smitty.

You--You still have my invitation.

Oh, yes, I do. Hold on.

Here you go.

"Adrian 'Captain Cool' Monk"?

Who's Captain Cool?


That was my nickname.

You were Captain Cool?


Why do you think?

I don't know.

Why do you think?

I don't know.

Look, I didn't write the invitation, did I?


Okay, well, uh, good luck.

And I will see you here at 7:00, okay?



Diane. Diane Sooner.

Not anymore. It's Diane Brooks.

Oh. Oh, my gosh, you look great.

Oh, my--

I can't be-- You haven't changed at all.

Neither have you.

Except for, you know, your age.



Well, you know, I don't think I've seen you since, well, since the memorial service, I guess, right?

How are you doing?

Are you-- Are you dating?

No. N--No.

No, no, no. No.

No. N--N--No.

Well, maybe you'll meet someone here.

No, I don't think-- Nah, no.

Well, you never know.

Yeah-- Yeah, you do.

Well, hey, where are you staying?

At home.

About a half hour from here.

Just across the bay.

Ah. Oh, you know what, that reminds me.

I forgot to fill out my form.

Remember me? Right?

Always the last minute.

Always. Yeah.

You know what? Do you mind?

Can I-- Oh.

Could you-- There.


You know, actually, My--My husb-- Sorry.

My husband Kyle is dying to meet you.

He--He is?

Oh, yeah.

He has been asking about you every day.

For months.

"Do you think Adrian Monk is coming?"

You know, "Is he really coming?"

Huh. Yeah.

He is gonna be so excited.

Great. Thank you.

Is this thing on? Oh!


Welcome back, class of 1981.


I'd like to thank everyone for coming.

We have a lot of great events planned, culminating in a big dinner and slide show tomorrow night.

Are there any questions?

(man) Yeah, how'd everybody else get so old?


Now, come on.

I think we all look fantastic.

Does everyone here have a lapel pin?

Okay, you need these to get into all the events and into the cafeteria.

So if you lose one or you need another, there's a box of them in the corner.

Help yourself.

I guess that's it.

Have fun and I'll see you around the campus.


Just some water.



Ten what?


Wild. It's so wild. Hi.

Hi. Hello.


Juliette. Oh, my God.

Dennis, I can't believe it.


Honey, you remember Mr. Amonk.

No. Um--

No, it's A. Monk.

Adrian Monk.

Adrian Monk.


I was dating Trudy Ellison.

(all) Oh, Trudy.

Yes, I loved her.

Wasn't she great?

I think about her all the time.

Well... take care of yourself.


Ten cubes.

You're welcome.

Oh, sh**t.

(Natalie) Hi, excuse me.

Are you going to the reunion?

That's right.

Oh, great.

Could you give these keys to Adrian Monk?

Who? Adrian Monk?

Um, Captain Cool?

[chuckles] Captain Cool?

Is he here? Yeah.

Sure. I'd be glad to.

Okay, great. Thank you.

Have fun. Okay.

Who's Captain Cool?

He was this weird guy.

(man) Real nervous.

Always worried about everything.

He spent every weekend defrosting his refrigerator.

So we called him Captain Cool.

[both laugh]

The last time I saw you was Mischief Night, 1981.

You and your friends were throwing toilet paper everywhere, right?

Mischief Night. That's right.


I don't remember you.

I wasn't with you.

I was following you.

I was cleaning up.

Was that you?

You had a girlfriend with short red hair.

Belinda. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

She and I, we got married.

But, uh, she passed away.

Oh, my wife died too.

Trudy Ellison. Yeah.

It's tough, huh?

But you just have to move on.

No, we can't move on.

We can try, but we'll never get past it.

It's unrelenting.

All we can do is live out our days alone in hopeless, quiet desperation.

Would you excuse me?

I, um-- I'm remarried.

My family's waiting for me.


The lapel pin.

I just remembered where I saw it. Where?

Just now at my desk.

No, I mean where--

Tell me about the pin, Randy.


He's been wearing the same pin all week for his 25th college reunion.

I think you're right.

Did the victim go to Berkeley?

No, she worked there.

She was a nurse in the university clinic for, like, 20 years.

But she didn't graduate, so this isn't her pin.

The k*ller.

It fell off the k*ller.

Which means the k*ller is at the reunion... with Monk?

This looks delicious.

So this is where you ate?

I mean, this was your hangout?

I don't know.

Natalie, I think I've seen enough.

Let's just go.

No, I'm not gonna let you go.

You've been looking so forward to this.

I don't know what I was thinking.

These people weren't my friends.


They don't even remember me.

The truth is, I was invisible.

It was Trudy they loved.

I was always just the guy with Trudy.

Just like you're the girl with me.

Mr. Monk, why is your name on the spit shield?

Oh, when I was here, there was nothing protecting the food.

So you donated all of these?

That is so generous of you.

Well, actually, it was more of a lawsuit.

Took up a lot of my spare time.


There you are.

We've been looking for you.

Hi, I'm Natalie Teeger. Hi.

Diane Brooks.

I'm his assistant.


Oh, so you two aren't--


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no. Not--No, no no.

Okay. Where are you sitting?

I'm not--We're not--

Kyle and I are over here. We saved you a seat.

Fair warning: we brought a lot of pictures.

See, you have a friend.

No, she was Trudy's roommate freshman year.

Well, she saved us a seat.

Out of pity.

It's what we call pity seats.

It's just pity.

So, Kyle, you didn't go to Berkeley?

Me? Hell, no.

Community college.

CC all the way.

Never had much of that book learnin'.

Kyle works for my father now.

He's one of our top salespeople.

Yeah, it's like Monopoly money.

Daddy pays me and I give it all to her.

[lowered voice] Kyle, not now. You promised.

So, Adrian, what do you do?

I'm a private detective.

I do some consulting. Really?


You don't look like a detective.


We don't have any children, so we just show pictures of our house instead.

Oh. [chuckles]

Well, it's beautiful.

We designed it ourselves.

And that's Tangerine.


Didn't you used to have a dog named Tangerine?

What a memory.

That's amazing.

Trudy was always bragging about his amazing memory.

That's right.

I had a poodle junior and senior year--Tangerine.

That's right.

And then Kyle brought home this big ball of love a couple weeks ago.

Yeah. He was already named.

That's what they were calling him at the shelter: Tangerine.

Isn't that funny? What are the odds of that?


(Monk) One in a million, maybe.

One in a trillion.

(Natalie) Mr. Monk, forget about the dog.

How could the same person have two dogs--

25 years apart-- just happen to be named Tangerine?


And this Tangerine is black.

Why would anybody lie about a dog's name?

I don't know.

But there is something weird about that guy.

Diane said that he couldn't wait to meet me.

But he didn't even know I was a detective.

Mr. Monk, come on. Let's have some fun.

You said you were gonna show me your dorm room.

All right. It's right here.

Ooh. This is it.

Old 303.


Tie on the doorknob.

My roommate and I did the same thing.

It's a code.

Yeah, I think I might know about that.


It means don't come in, I'm reorganizing my closet.

Your closet?

Yeah, my roommate freshman year, Greg-- he reorganized his closet four or five times a week.


And did his girlfriend ever come over to help?

Oh, yeah. All the time.

They were real neat freaks.

I used to tease him about it.

"Neat freak."

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe it.

He's still here.

Hello, old friend.

Remember me?

Oh, I knew we'd meet again.

It is our destiny.

[rumbling noise]

Natalie, put your hand right there.

Do you feel that?


[chuckles] He's afraid.

Step back.

Step back.

I'm going in.



I'm gonna need a spatula... a pan... and a Bible.

[hair dryer blowing]

(Stottlemeyer) There you are.

Captain, what are you doing here?

Looking for you.

I was about to give up, then I heard some clowns downstairs talking about a guy up here defrosting a refrigerator.

Who's Captain Cool?

[door opens] [footsteps]

(man) Captain Cool lives.

The return of Captain Cool.

[men laugh]

The Iceman Cometh. Exactly.


Might be me.

[switches hair dryer on]

(Monk) Katherine Rutherford.

(Stottlemeyer) Ring a bell?

She was a nurse here at the school clinic.

Found one of these near her body.

A reunion pin? Yeah.

Did you notice anybody missing a pin?

I haven't noticed.

I guess not.

Hey, Monk.

How's memory lane?

Oh, pretty awful. Thanks for asking.

Listen, I was at the security office going through some old files.

Think we've got a name--

Henry Kalimarakis.

Well, that's a name.

Oh, oh, oh, he was on the swim team.


He was trying out for the Olympics.

25 years ago, Nurse Rutherford administered a drug test.

Henry came back positive for steroids.

She turned him in, he threatened her.

Said she ruined his life.

Well, that's what the kids call a motive.

Then he waited 25 years to do something about it?

Who could hold a grudge for that long?

I could. And have.

Let's check him out.

Wanna come with? Maybe later.

I want to show Natalie the library.

I was just there. It's nothing special.

It's where he met Trudy.


Have fun.

Oops, I didn't know he met Trudy there.

I used to work here part time.

It was here.

I was standing right here.

It was a Tuesday, 4:30.

She was wearing a white blouse.

There was a button missing.

There was a little thread sticking up.

[chuckles] You remember it like it was yesterday.

It was yesterday.

Excuse me. Hello.

I can't find a book.

This is not the Dewey Decimal System that I know and love.

Do you work here?

Yes, I-- Yes, I do.

Uh, here's the thing.

We're reorganizing.

And we're--

We're moving all the stacks upstairs.

What are you looking for?

This is a long shot.

Trevor Rosenthal's biography of Alexander Pope.

Volume two.

Uh, yeah, I--

How did you do that?

I saw it last week.

And you remembered?

If I see something once, I never forget it.

That sounds pretty awful.

My bad memory is my salvation.

"Thus let me live, unseen, unknown.

"Thus unlamented, let me die--

"Steal from the world and not a stone tell where I lie."

You know Alexander Pope.

It's just--

So you never forget anything?

For example, you're never gonna forget this?

Me, us talking right now?

(man) Hey, Captain Cool, You work here, right?

Where's the Xerox machine?


Whoa, hey--

It's Trudy, right?

Yeah, I met you at Poor Herbie's two weeks ago.

I've been thinking about you.

You owe me a few hours of sleep, young lady.

Drew, right?

You got it.

I wanted to call you.

I've been dying to call you, but I lost your phone number.

Oh, please.

It's true. It's been driving me crazy.

Have a little mercy here and give me another chance?

Well, it's a new number.

I don't even know it myself.

Hey, Captain, do me a favor?

What, uh--

What are you doing?

You mean now?

Going back to the student center.

Me too.

I'll walk you.

Are these yours? Yeah.

See, chivalry isn't dead.

And that's how I got her number.

W-Wait, you mean when he wrote it on your back, you could feel it?

You could do that?

I have very sensitive skin.

That's like a superpower.

Like a really weird, not very useful superpower.

It took me three weeks to call her.

It was the bravest thing I ever did.

She was already dating that other guy, Drew.

Yeah, but she chose you.

Never forget that. She chose you.

Yeah, but I don't know why.

I mean, he was just written up in Tim magazine last year.

He's a famous heart surgeon.

He's rich, he's happy.

What was she thinking?

Oh, Mr. Monk, she knew exactly what she was doing.

(Monk) I can't believe this kiosk got all cluttered again.

Yeah, well, I guess you'll have to just come back for your 50th.

Okay, come on, come on, come on.

Adrian. Oh, my God.

Did you hear about Nurse Rutherford?

Yes, we were just talking about it.

Can you believe it?

The police are here.

They're talking to everybody.

They said she was k*lled.

Were you close with her?

Well, I haven't talked to her for years.

But-- But still.

Horrible. It's horrible.


Hey, Honey, are you okay?

The nurse who died--


Apparently, Diane used to know her.

These things happen, right?

I mean, it's a big city.


Oh, I'm so sorry. Have you all met?

This is Trudy. Gertrude.

But your nickname's Trudy, right?

I had--I had an aunt that called me Trudy.

So it's Trudy.

Trudy and I met over at the fountain, and I've invited her to join us for lunch.

Okay, all right, where are we eating?

How about Rocco's?



Honey, you've been telling me about Rocco's for years.

You said it was your favorite hangout.

Honey, I'm not even sure it's still there.

It is. I checked. No, no, no, no.

Rocco's, you don't want--

That--That place is terrible.

They have this-- this rotisserie thing in the window, with this one sad, lonely hot dog going around and around and around.

That sounds great.

Huh? Come on.

I am not taking no for an answer.

It'll be my treat.

Come on, let's go have lunch.


Honey, are you okay?

What's going on?

I just want you to have a great reunion, huh?

Who's hungry?

Actually, I've already eaten.

Oh, Trudy, have some coffee.

There's always room for coffee, huh?

Here we go.

[quietly] Who is this guy?

I don't know.

I can't believe I'm eating at Rocco's again.

I used to have nightmares about that hotdog.

Hey, it's me.


Yeah, I just left her. She's sleeping.

The sleep of the innocent.

Yeah, we all ate at Rocco's.

Took some doing, but I finally got everybody to go.

Now all I have to do is get everybody to play touch football tomorrow, and we're home free.

Hang tight, baby.

Just one more night.

She'll be dead, and it'll be just you, me, and a big pile of money.

Oh, look.

There's a reception

"for all current and past chess club members."

Weren't you in the chess club?

That sounds like fun.

You never know. Could be fun.

Natalie, have you ever seen a chess club?

What are you doing?


Mr. Monk, there are weeds everywhere.

What are you gonna do, clean up the whole campus?

(man) Here it is.

Katherine Rutherford's employment file.


So, if there were any complaints or any grievances against her, they'd be in here, right?

We'd have a copy of it, yeah.

But I can't think of anyone who had anything bad to say about her.

Katie was an angel.

A great nurse.

It's just heartbreaking.


Did you--did you go to school here?

Me? No.

You look familiar.

Maybe one of your kids?


I was here one time, though, for a no-nukes rally.

That was a long time ago.

Yeah, that must be it.

It must be.


I tracked down Kalimarakis.

I don't think he's our guy.

Number one, it turns out he was allowed to join the Olympic swim team as an alternate.

He got a waiver.

So there's no motive.

Right. Number two, he's dead.

He died in 1995.

And number three, he moved to Europe in the late '80s.

So there's no record of him ever returning--

Randy. Randy, excuse me.

I'm sorry to interrupt you, but could you read number two again?

Okeydoke. He's dead.


See, I probably would have stopped reading after number two.

In fact, I would have read number two first.

You would have switched, 'em?

Yeah. But that's just me.

And probably every other adult on the planet Earth.

Anything in her file?

No, not a single complaint.

Excuse me. Is this the right place?

It says, "In loving memory of Katherine Rutherford."

Yeah, this is the place.

Thank you.

That was a lovely wreath.

She must've meant a lot to you.

Katherine Rutherford saved my life.

My senior year was really tough for me.

(Monk) I remember.

Your mother passed away.

That's right.

I was in a really bad place.

So I wrote a note-- a su1c1de note.

I don't even remember what it said.

And then I took 53 little white pills.

Katherine was worried about me.

So she came by the apartment, she broke down the door, and she called 911.

I wouldn't be here today.

A wreath, you know, a few flowers, it's the least I could do.

Hey, who's up for some football, huh?


Yeah, yeah, come on. Four on four.

These guys just challenged us to a game.

No, we didn't.

Your boy here challenged us.


Come on, we gotta show these guys how it's done, huh?

Old school.

Come on, it'll cheer us up.

Let's play.

Everybody's playing. Natalie, Adrian, come on.

A little bit of touch football?

Here's-- Here's the thing.

I'm not a big football person.

And the touching, that doesn't really help matters.

Okay, Adrian, help me out, please.

Diane has been a little depressed lately.

All I'm doing is trying to cheer her up.

Oh, here, I'll hold 'em.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

All right. I'm in too.

Let's go. Let's do it.

Uh, let's make the end zones that tree to the walkway.

We'll be shirts.

(Stottlemeyer) Okay, Randy. Randy--

You stay and play football if you want to.

I'm gonna go work on this little homicide investigation.

I gotta go.

Look at that. Look at that.

And you said you don't play, Come on, let's go, you guys.

Watch it, fellas. Watch it.

That's all I'm gonna say.

Let's see a little hustle.

(Stottlemeyer) Randy.

Okay, let's huddle up.

Come on, everybody in.

All right, Adrian, I want you to go out, and then cut over to the left.

So that's one inch up, and three inches to the left?

No, Mr. Monk, it's like a map.

Like a scale map.

Okay, what's the scale?

I don't know.

Uh, one inch is 20 feet.

So that's 60 feet.

I-I-I'm gonna be in the shrubs.

You're sending me into the shrubs?

Okay, you know what? Let's keep it simple.

All right? Everybody just go out.

Try and get open.

And if you get the ball, don't get touched.

Okay, give the ball to Mr. Monk.

He hates being touched.

All right, break. [claps hands]

Here we go. Here we go.

Adrian, you hike it to me.

And ready, hike.



Come on, Mr. Monk.

(Natalie) Come on, Mr. Monk.

You can do it.

(Natalie) Go, go, go, go, go.

Yeah, yeah, Mr. Monk!

Yay! Yeah!

Okay, Diane, you're going to be quarterback this time.

What? Me?

I don't know what I'm doing.

Sure you do. Listen.

Just look for me, okay?

I'm gonna get open. And break.

Okay. Okay.

(Diane) All right, uh--

Say "hike."

(Diane) Okay, okay, hike.

Diane, over here.

I'm open.

Sorry, that was my bad.

It was the sun in my eyes.

Oh, my God, that is so weird.

I can't believe that happened again.


I broke a-- I broke a window in the science building right over there my senior year.

I tried to force it open, and it just shattered.

Guess the jinx continues, huh?


He missed that ball on purpose.

He dropped his hands.

I think he wanted her to break that glass.

But why, Mr. Monk? And the dog.

What about the dog with the same name?

And how he insisted everybody eat at Rocco's?

What was that all about? I don't know.

Maybe the guy is eccentric.

(Monk) No, I'm eccentric.

He's up to something.

(Natalie) Oh, yay!

That's Trudy Ellison and, um--

What was his name?

Adrian Monk.

No, that's not it.

Um, Anthony something.

Excuse me. Adrian Monk.

No, no, that's not it.

It's um--

What is his name?

[laughter and applause]


[clears throat] Excuse me.

Could you k*ll the music?

[music stops]

Thank you.

Sorry to interrupt your dinner.

This will just take a minute My name's Captain Leland Stottlemeyer.

I'm with the San Francisco police department.

And we're working on a homicide investigation and we could use your help.

As you may know, a woman was k*lled on Friday night.

Her name was Katherine Rutherford.

She worked as a nurse at the university clinic.

[whispering] What's going on?

(Stottlemeyer) Now, we have reason to believe that someone in your class-- possibly somebody in this room-- might be involved.

We're looking for information.

If anyone knows anyone who might have had a grudge against Mrs. Rutherford either now or in the past or someone who might be missing their reunion lapel pin-- the alumni reunion--

[crowd booing and hissing]

(man) Get him outta here.


All right. Hey, hey, hey.

Settle down. Settle down, everybody.

This--This is completely out of context.

You can't tell the whole story from one photograph.

[booing louder]

[angry shouts]

You didn't have a permit.

(man) Yes, we did.

[booing and hissing]

It expired at noon.

(man) It's 12:06!

[booing continues]

Like I said, it expired at noon.

[boos and angry shouts]

Hey, are you-- You all right?


(Stottlemeyer) He was--He was resisting arrest.

I'm gonna take her back to the hotel.

Is she all right?

She's been feeling a little depressed lately.

I'm gonna have her lie down and we'll be back for the last dance.

[crowd booing]

Thank you for your, uh, help.


Thank you.

[crickets chirping]

You forgot to give them the toll free number.

You know, I don't think we're gonna get any hot leads from this group, Randy.


Diane's earrings.

I forgot to give them back.

Hang on a second.

What do you think?

Well, it looks like they're from the same set.

I mean, they match perfectly.

(Stottlemeyer) Whose earrings are these?

Diane Brooks.

She and her husband left about a half an hour ago.

He said she was depressed.

He's been saying that all week.

Were they in town Friday night?

Yeah, they got in the day before.

Oh, my God.

Captain, I think Diane is in danger.

I think her husband... is planning to k*ll her... tonight.

Mr. Monk, what's going on?

Okay, I have a theory.

It's completely crazy, but it would explain everything.

Kyle and Diane moved recently.

At some point, Kyle must have found some of her old papers-- personal papers-- including the su1c1de note she wrote 25 years ago.

(Stottlemeyer) Her su1c1de note?

(Monk) He realized that with that note, he could k*ll his wife with impunity.

It was in her handwriting.

Nobody would ever question it.

(Diane's voice echoes) "The depression is overwhelming.

"Give Tangerine a good home.

"No relief.

"Even today I was eating at Rocco's

"with Adrian and Trudy.

"Breaking that glass in the quad today felt like the final straw."

(Monk) But he had one problem.

Because the note was 25 years old, obviously, there were a couple of things in it that were no longer true.

(Natalie) Like the name of her dog.

(Monk) Exactly. And breaking that glass.

And eating at the restaurant

"with Adrian and Trudy."

That's what he was doing all weekend.

He was recreating parts of her life to match that su1c1de note.

So when we found out, we wouldn't be suspicious.

Why did he k*ll the nurse?

He had no choice.

Katherine Rutherford read that note

25 years ago.

It would have been made public.

She would have recognized it.

Oh, my God, Mr. Monk, He could be doing it right now.

Registration sheets are all gone.

Monk, do you have a cell phone number?


Do you know where they stayed?

Some hotel.

There are over 200 hotels in this city, Monk.

It'll take us over five hours to check them all.

Hold on.

Hold on.

What's he doing?

I don't know. What are you doing?


The hotel where they're staying.

It was on the registration form.

Yeah, so?

When Diane signed in--

We were standing in line. She wrote--

She wrote on my back.

[Monk making short gasps]

[whispering] Can he do that?

That's how he met Trudy. It's his superpower.


There's her name.

Home address.

Okay, Mr. Monk, it was near the bottom.

[Monk groans]

She has terrible penmanship.

Why did it have to be cursive?

Oh. Oh.

She ordered the prime rib, medium rare.

Keep going. It's just below that.

Yeah, there's an L.

Uh, L-E.

Lexus! Is there a Lexus Hotel?

No, that was the car they drove, Monk.

Keep going.

Oh, oh, oh.

Uh, there's a P.

P--No, P. B, B, B!


It's a B, it's a B, it's a B, it's a B.

B, B--L.


Bl--Bla-Bluh-- Bla--


The Bla--

The Blaza! Pl-Pl-Plaza.


The Bla--The Bla--

The Blakemore Hotel.

Uhh! That's right up the street.

[Diane crying out]

(Kyle) Don't fight it.

Let go!

Aah! Aah!

(Stottlemeyer) Grab her.

It's okay, it's okay. It's all over.

(Randy) It's all right. It's all right.


Okay. It's okay.

It's all right. It's all right.

Here's the note. I found it on the desk.


[crickets chirping]

Trudy, I just--

There's something--

I love you.

Then we're in big trouble.

I love you too.