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05x04 - Mr. Monk Can't See a Thing

Posted: 07/22/21 16:52
by bunniefuu
All right, here they are.

Get 'em while they're warm.

Hey, Rusty, what's in these?

In case my doctor needs to know.

(Rusty) Let me tell you wise guys something.

When I was on payroll, we respected our elders.

I come in here, I volunteer.

Do I get a "thank you, Rusty"?

No, I get jokes.

And they aren't even funny jokes.

They're old and stale.

Come on, Rusty, we all love you. You know that.

Look, I'm eating one.

Hey, hey, Karl with a K.

Oh, hell, he's back.

Hey, Chucky, you-- You missed a spot.

Captain... can you believe it's been a year already?

You know, Mr. Monk, I told you you can test those smoke alarms at home by yourself.

Yeah, I know, I know.

But I'd rather you guys did it.

You're the experts, right?

[dispatch alarm blares]

House fire, three alarm.

Mr. Monk, I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait.

Captain, I was here first.

Sir, there's a house burning down five blocks away.

Don't you think that should take priority right now?

Don't you?

[siren blares]

Let's go.

[siren blares]

How many rooms do you have? [alarm beeping]

[coughing] Five.

Thirty smoke detectors... for five rooms?

Plus two hallways and a vestibule.

I used to say you can't be too careful.

Never say that again. [beeping stops]

(Rusty) Excuse me?


Hey, you're not allowed back here.







Uhh! Aaa! Ow!

[pained groans]



Mr. Monk?

(Monk) Uhh...

Oh, my God. Mr. Monk.

Oh, my God, Mr. Monk, are you okay?

Yeah. Uhh.

Is Rusty okay? Check on Rusty.

I think he's dead. What happened?

I don't know. There was a man.

I tried to stop him.

Mr. Monk, it's okay. It's all over now.

You can open your eyes.


Oh, my God.

Captain Stottlemeyer, please.

It's an emergency.

Natalie. Don't say anything.

It's okay.

Just sit over there, all right?

There's a chair right there.

Where? Where?

Right over there.


I can't see it.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

* It's a jungle out there

* Disorder and confusion everywhere *

* No one seems to care

* Well, I do

* Hey, who's in charge here?

* It's a jungle out there

* Poison in the very air we breathe *

* You know what's in the water that you drink? *

* Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing *

* People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time *

* If you paid attention, you'd be worried too *

* You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much *

* Might just k*ll you

* I could be wrong now

* But, I don't think so

* 'Cause it's a jungle out there *

* It's a jungle out there *

So, how's it look, Doc?

Well, okay.

The liquid that hit him was a mixture of detergent and muriatic acid.

Both of his corneas have been scarred.

And there is nerve damage.

(Stottlemeyer) Which means what, exactly?

It's hard to say.

Sometimes the tissue grows back by itself.


And sometimes it doesn't.


It's okay, Mr. Monk.

He's afraid of the dark.

Well, he might have to get used to it.

At least for a while. Excuse me.

(Randy, loudly) Monk? Huh?

It's Randy.

I'm speaking to you.

I'm standing right in front of you.

Now I'm squatting.

I'm about eye level.

I just want you to know that we're gonna find the man who did this to you.

I'm gonna work on this case 24/7.

I don't care how long it takes.

Except for May 11th.

Uh, my niece is getting confirmed, and there's a reception the night before.

So I'm probably gonna need--

I'm probably gonna need that whole weekend off.

So, Randy. Randy. From the 11th to the 13th.

I didn't think this was possible, but you're making this situation worse.


Mr. Monk, you know this is a top hospital.

They're gonna do everything they can.

You can't give up.

There's always hope.

There's never hope.

This is something we do at the school for the blind.

It's called an empathy exercise.

We use it to help families and friends understand what their loved one's going through.

How do you feel right now?

I feel helpless and out of control.

Yeah, I feel disoriented.

Even more than usual.

This is how your friend Adrian's feeling

24 hours a day.

He has to relearn everything.

Even things he's done a thousand times.

For example, you've spent a lot of time here in the station.

You both probably know it pretty well.

(Stottlemeyer) Sure.

I want you to find the water cooler, and pour yourself a cup of water.

Piece of cake.


[Stottlemeyer grumbles]




[clunk, crash]


[whispers] Where's the cooler?

[whispers] Sorry, sorry.

We're doing an empathy exercise.


He's cheating.

How does he know I'm cheating unless he's cheating?

I won!

Lieutenant, this isn't a competition.

I know, but if it was a competition, I would've been the winner.

[water splashing]

There's a trick you can teach your friend.

If you stick your finger over the edge of the cup, it won't overflow.

Ms. Stein, you've never met Adrian Monk.

He's not gonna be sticking his fingers in any cups.

He'd sooner die of thirst.

The thing is, this guy is really fragile to begin with.

I just don't see how he's gonna be able to function at all.

Then it's up to you to make him function.

Get him back to work.

That's the best medicine.

Back to work?


Okay, which one is this?

Uh, the one with the balloon.

Oh, yeah.

I love that one.

[frame bangs repeatedly]

Is it straight?

It's perfect.

I'll never see her face again.

Mr. Monk, don't say that.

Am I crying?

No. Ah.

Feels like I'm crying.

Feels like I'm crying all the time.

Natalie, my life is over.

Forget about me.

You have to move on, get another job.

I am not going anywhere.

Look at me.


Your life is not over. You could still do anything.

There've been lots of blind people who have done great and amazing things.

Like who?

Like Ray Charles.

And, um... you know.


You know, uh, I mean, come on.

Mr. Magoo.

Who's that?

Mr. Magoo?

Oh, gosh, he was a great man. inventor.


An entrepreneur, if you will.

He did lots of amazing, amazing things.

And he was blind?

I don't want to talk about Mr. Magoo anymore.

Me neither. (Stottlemeyer) Hello?

Door was open. Cap?

Hey, how's it going?

Uh, well, gosh, he's doing great.

He's just great.

I'm so proud of him.

Good. Good.

Uh, listen, Monk.

I'm on my way over to the firehouse.

I want you to come along.

What for?

I gave the lieutenant my statement.

Yeah, I know. I just, uh--

I thought that maybe you might see something.

Somehow I doubt that.

You know what I mean.

Look, Monk, even in this condition, you're still the best detective I know.


I think it's a great idea.

Aw, you don't mean that.

You're just trying to cheer me up.

Look, Monk, this isn't only about you.

This is a homicide investigation.

A fireman was k*lled.

Rusty. Rusty.

He was a stand-up guy.

He'd been on that engine for 35 years, and I'm gonna nail the son of a bitch that k*lled him.

And you're gonna help me.

Leland, I can't. I ca--I can't--

Monk, I'm not asking you.

Natalie, get him up.

Come on, you heard the captain.

Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming.

But listen, don't expect too much from me.

I'm no Mr. Magoo.

Mr. Magoo?

You know, Magoo-- the famous inventor.

[Monk stumbles] Oh.


(Monk) Uh-huh.



Now... the table is here.

No, Monk.

The table is here.

All right.

That puts the pole right there.

The pole's there.

I can't do this.

You can do this. You can do this.

Mr. Monk, just concentrate, okay?

All right, just try to picture the room.

You can do this.

You have an amazing memory.

Oh, right.

I forgot about my amazing memory.

Look, what we can't figure is what the guy was doing here.

What we he looking for?

Is anything missing?

(Stockton) I don't think so.

There's nothing here worth taking.

No money. Nothing.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Okay, let's do this.

Have a seat.

You and Rusty were sitting here.

You were checking the smoke detectors.

Right. Right.

And then this man entered from over there.

And he walked around the truck slowly, like he was trying not to be noticed.

(Randy) Monk, Lieutenant Randy Disher.

I'm speaking to you again.

Randy, you don't need to tell the man that you're speaking to him.

Yes, sir.

Okay, you know who this is, and you know I'm speaking to you.

Now, in your statement, you said that you could hear him.

That his shoes were squeaking.

[whispers] That's right.

That he was tall, maybe 6'1".

Heavyset, with sandy hair, wearing a leather jacket.

Right. That's right.

And then Rusty--

Rusty walked over to him, around the back of the truck.

(Monk) Then I heard this big noise.

Then I walked around the truck.

I went around the back of the truck.

Where-- Where's the truck?

The truck's been moved, Monk.

You're good. You're good.

And then--

Then I saw Rusty on the floor.

And the guy was holding a shovel in his hands.

You said you could smell him.

He'd been drinking.

Rum. He smelled like rum.

(Stottlemeyer) We got that, Randy.

Is there anything else?

Anything new?

Anything you forgot to mention?

No, no.

He grabbed the container, and he just threw the solvent in my eyes.

That was the last thing I saw.

Oh, my God.

[voice cracking] That was the last thing I saw.

Oh, what is that? What is it?!

[Monk struggling]

[crash] What is it?!

Is it off?

It's off.

Can I go home now?

Yes, you can go home now.

Hold on, hold on. Here.

Ok, step, step, step.

Here, here. Yes, yes.

It's okay, I gotcha. I gotcha.


You're okay.

Wait. Wait a second.


Wait a minute.

What is it?

There's a coat missing here.

A coat?

(Monk) There were six coats hanging right here.

He's right.

There's one missing.

(detective) He came in to steal a coat?

He's willing to k*ll for it?

It doesn't make any sense to me either, but it's something.

We find that coat, we find our guy.

See, you're amazing.


All right. Good work.

[cane banging roughly] Good, good, good.

All right, very--

Okay, see? There you go.

You don't need me at all.

Ow! Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. I didn't see it.

Ahh. Join the club.

Hey, how's he doing?

Oh, um, we just got back from the hospital.

They're very optimistic.

You mean pessimistic.

No, they're very optimistic.

Well, then, why are you shaking your head?

[whispers] Oh.


So what's so important, Randy?

I think we got him.

We just picked up a guy in Rockaway, and he was wearing the fireman's coat.

He's in the bullpen.

Who is he?

A guy named Kolbert. Jake Kolbert.

He's a drifter. He lives out by the beach.

You think you can I.D. him?

Oh, I don't know how.

Maybe you haven't heard.

I am blind.

But you'll do the best you can.


You're not gonna give up just because you've been dealt a bad hand.

Have I been dealt a bad hand?

I wouldn't know, because I'm blind!


Hey, I like the cane.

You look kind of dapper.

You say you found the guy?

We found a guy.

He's the right height.

He doesn't have an alibi, and he was wearing the missing coat.

Did his shoes squeak? Don't know.

He was barefoot when we picked him up.

But that doesn't matter, because we don't need shoes.

Because I've got and eyewitness.

(Monk) So to speak.

[cane banging]

Jake Kolbert, this is Adrian Monk.


We're here to figure out if you two met at fire company 53 last Sunday.


[English accent] I've never seen him before in my life.

I told you, man, I found that coat in a dumpster.

Behind a restaurant on Vinton Street.

He the guy?


I can't tell. I can't tell.

The guy at the firehouse never said a word.


Well, you know what we have to do.

We have to feel the man's face.

What? No.

No, Leland. Please.

I can't.

God, I can't.

You're the only witness I got.

He's a drifter. So what?

I have lived my whole life without feeling a drifter's face.

I've always been very proud of that.

Even on my worst day, I could tell myself at least I didn't feel a drifter's face.

This could be the man who k*lled Rusty and blinded you.

I am not letting him or you walk out of here until I'm sure.

Oh, God. Come on.




Oh, oh.

No. God.

That's a wart.

Oh, God. Wipe!

Wipe! Wipe! Yes. Yes.

Wipe! Uhh.

Right here, right here, right here.

He's not the guy.

I've been trying to tell you.

I found that coat in a dumpster.

I get cold at night.

I sleep in a cardboard box at the beach.

My life sucks!

What are you complaining about?

At least you can see.

Oh, I got plenty to complain about.

Don't get me started. No, no.

I've got a nine-year-old dog that needs a new kidney.

I had a bucket of acid thrown in my face.

I think I win.

I haven't had a hot meal in three years.

My wife is dead.

So is mine.

Car b*mb?


Natalie, car b*mb or pneumonia?

Mr. Monk, I don't know.

Yeah, I bet your wife didn't suffer.

Trudy lived for 20 minutes in pain, alone.

Y--You're an amateur.

Come back when you got something.

Who's next, huh?

Come on. Anybody.

You're looking at the most miserable man on Earth.

Oh, hey, you. How 'bout you?

How 'bout you? You want a piece of me?

I'll take you all on at the same time.

[shouts] I can't lose!

[voice cracks] I--I can't lose.

[telephone rings]



[answering machine clicks on]

(Monk, on machine) This is Adrian...Monk.

Thank you for calling my new answering machine.

When you hear the beep noise, please speak into the telephone receiver, and leave a message, which I will play back and listen to later.

This is the end of the message.

And here is the beep I was talking about.


(Dr. Kroger, over machine) Adrian, it's Dr. Kroger again.

Now, I know you're there, so please pick up.

Adrian, you missed your 10:30, and your 3:30.

Adrian, you can't stay in your house forever.

Wanna bet?

(Dr. Kroger) I know you, Adrian.

You're probably lying on your bed feeling sorry for yourself.

You can't just give up.

There are people out there who really need you.

Come on, Adrian. [chuckles]

You have to get up. Get out of bed.

Come on, you can do it. Here we go.

That's right. Come on.

Come on. Up and at 'em.

Okay, go on. Come on, come--

This must be it.

Describe it.

(Stottlemeyer) We're down in the tenderloin, Monk.

Right in the heart of wino land.

We're standing in an alley behind a bar, in front of a standard-issue dumpster.

Probably about three cubic yards.

It is filled with garbage.

Broken bottles, cardboard boxes.

Monk, Randy Disher speaking.

I'm opening my notebook.

Hold on, I--

I can't find my-- I can't find my notebook.

I'm checking my pockets.

Patting my pockets.

Oh--found the notebook.

Opening notebook.

Ah, yeah, according to Mr. Kolbert, he was here 5:00 PM last Sunday, collecting bottles.

He found the fireman's coat in the dumpster.


That's just three hours after Rusty was k*lled.

He also said he found a fireman's helmet, which he gave to a couple of kids.

He kills a man for a fireman's coat.

He throws it away a couple hours later.

That makes no sense. [high-pitched squeaking]

(Natalie) Ooh, rats.

Oh! Oh, God.

I'm glad I didn't see that.



[chuckles] Natalie, I'm glad I didn't see that.


This is-- It's an alley, right?

It must be pretty filthy.

Yeah, It's disgusting.

I'd probably hate this place.

Oh, Mr. Monk, you wouldn't last five minutes here.

(Natalie) There's cockroaches--

There's a dead cat right over there.

Natalie, it doesn't bother me.

Nothing bothers me.

It's great.

I can't see anything.

(Monk) I don't see any of it.

This could really work for me.

I hate this neighborhood.

I was stuck here for three hours Sunday.

The house that burned down was just around the corner.

Hold on. Hold on.

The fire on Sunday was--was--was right here in this very neighborhood?

Yeah. The woman was k*lled.

She fell asleep smoking a cigarette in front of the TV.

I don't think so. No, no.

There has to be a connection between that fire and what happened to Rusty.

Okay, let's go. Come on, people.

Come on. We got a case to solve.

Wait. Dead cat on your left.

[softly] Oh, oohhh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, Monk, do you want some gloves?

Don't need 'em.

Out of sight, out of mind.


Whoa, excuse me.

Blind man walking.

(Stottlemeyer) Excuse me.

Is this the living room?

That's right. She was on the couch.

Which is on your right.


Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Yeah, she was on the couch, she was watching TV.

She's smoking. She's drinking.

She falls asleep.

Cigarette falls on a pile of newspapers, and whoosh.

At least, that's the official version.

[bottle topples]


Rum. Rum.

Who was she?

Disher opening file.

"Stefanie Preston. 27."

She was a temp.

"Last job, Peter Breen Construction."

Lived here alone.

Well, I don't think she lived here alone.

At least not every night.

There's a bottle of men's cologne in the bathroom.

Two toothbrushes.

Two different types of toothpaste.

She's got a boyfriend.

Oh, there was--

There was something here.

Something etched in the glass.

The shape of an animal.

A donkey or a horse.

It looks like a horse.

Wh--Wh--What's this?

(Stottlemeyer) TV remote.

At least it was.

Okay, if she was watching TV from over there, why is the remote way over here?

(Disher) I don't know.

I think I do.

Captain, here's what happened.

(Monk) Somebody k*lled her.

Probably strangled her, then made it look like she fell asleep on the couch.

He probably walked away.

Then he stopped and realized he forgot something.

Something inside the house.

What was it?

I don't know.

Probably metal.

Something that would survive the fire.

Something that could be traced back to him.

Whatever it was, he had to get it back.

But how?

The house was on fire.

The trucks were already here. Excuse me.

The place was surrounded. Hello?

(Stottlemeyer) He needed a fireman's coat.

(Monk) Exactly.

That's what he was doing in the firehouse.

That--That's why he stole the coat.

He came back here.

He looked like one of the guys.

Nobody noticed him. Nobody questioned him.

He walked right past them, came inside--

(Stottlemeyer) Grabbed whatever it was he left behind.

Heh, heh. Not bad for a blind guy.

I'm back, baby.

Mr. Monk, you're talking to a doorjamb.

I'm back.

You know, Adrian, I--I just don't know what to say.

After you got the diagnosis, you were so despondent.

Was I? Yes.

You were catatonic.

You were sitting here sobbing, because you thought you'd never be able to look at Trudy's photos again.

All I know is I've never been happier.

I am at peace. Dig this--

Dig this?

Yesterday the school for the blind sent over a woman to teach me how to get around.

She wanted me to count the steps from my front door to the street.

I said, "Sweetheart, "I've been counting those steps for five years. 44."

So you see, I have been preparing to be blind my whole life.

All right, Adrian, what about your work?

My work? My work's great.

I'd say I'm operating at or just below Magoo level.

Adrian, I have to tell you I'm a little concerned.

Now, there are five stages of grief, and I think you've already leapfrogged over at least the first three of them.

And I think any doctor--

I'm sorry to interrupt.

I was just thinking-- you could be naked right now, and it wouldn't bother me.

Adrian, I'm not naked. But you could be.

Look it, Adrian.

I think that you're using this condition as an excuse to cut yourself off from the real world, even more than usual.

And the pendulum will swing back.

I don't think so. Yes, it will.

This is what pendulums do.

You could come crashing down.

It would be very painful.

I--I--I just refuse to believe that you are happy-- genuinely happy-- having lost your eyesight.

It's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Oh, okay, fine.

Well, then, why don't we get some ear plugs, and some nose plugs?

And then you can just cut yourself off completely from the world.

Or maybe we could arrange to have you put into a coma.

Well, let's try the ear plug thing first.

(Breen) Stefanie what?

(Disher) Preston.

She worked in your office until last week?

I remember her. Stefanie--nice kid.

Hey, you mind if we walk while we talk?

Time is money, and frankly, I don't have enough of either.

Hey, Mr. Monk, you might want to wait in the trailer.

It's probably a lot safer for you.

Ground's a little rough out here.

No, no, don't, uh--

Don't worry about me.

I just want to be treated like everybody else.

Oh, hey.

Make sure the electrical inspector gets a copy, all right?

So, what can you tell us about her?

Uh, not much. She was a temp.

She was here for maybe eight weeks.

My regular girl was away on maternity leave.

You said there was a fire?

That's right.

That's terrible. That's heartbreaking.

Mr. Breen, how well did you know her?

Well, I didn't really know her at all.


Oh, my gosh. Ow.

What is wrong with you?

What? There's barbed wire.

You're gonna cut yourself.

(Monk) I'm not going to cut myself.

I have a radar.

A radar? Yes.

I feel it now. It's like a sixth sense.

I'm like a bat in a cave.

You know, they swoop around, but they never hit the walls.

Well, I don't think your radar is working.

It--It's wor--

Listen to me.

It's working fine, okay?

I am a swooping bat.

My antennae are tingling all the time.

(Natalie) Hey, swooping bat guy.

I'm over here.

Stay with the group.

Have you ever been to Stefanie Preston's house?

Why would I go to her house?

She was a very attractive woman.

[chuckles] Yeah, and so is my wife.

Is that your Ferrari out there?

That's one of them. Do you like it?

I was thinking about getting one myself.

It's either between that or the Ford Festiva.

Where were you Sunday afternoon?

Uh, Sunday I was here, on site, meeting with the architect and construction manager.

Hey, boss, I got that work order.

Oh, and I still have those keys.

Uh, Eddie, we're a little busy right now.

You know what? We'll take care of that later.


[shoes squeaking]

[quietly] Captain. Captain.

Captain, listen to that.

Squeaky shoes.

That's the guy. Come on.

[shoes squeaking]

[power tools whirring noisily]

[conversation indistinct]

Mr. Monk?

[shoes squeaking]

[shoes squeaking]

This way. Definitely this way.

Can I help you?

It's the guy, Captain.


You're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Though I'd prefer it if you didn't.


[shouting] Captain!

[loud click]


[man groaning]


[pained groans]

(man) Son of a--


Uhh. Ow!


[shouting] Help! Somebody!


[elevator engine struggling]

[engine struggling]

[engine off]


[elevator engine switches on, struggling]

Oh... my...


Uhh. Help!

Help! Help! Somebody!

[shouting] Help me, here!



Heads up!


I can't breathe, the air's so thin.

Oh--Oh, God!

Oh! Help!

Mr. Monk? Help me!

Mr. Monk, what are you doing?

Aah! Aah!

Natalie. Yes?

Are you...flying?

Here, I got you. I got you.

Just take a step down.

No, no. Just a little step.

It's okay, we got you.

You're okay. We got you.

There you go. There you go.

There you go. There you go.

You're okay. You're okay.

You're okay. Okay.

[Monk groaning]

Oh, my God, Mr. Monk.

What were you doing?

Oh, my--My God.

The guy-- The guy who k*lled Rusty--

The squeaky shoes. He's here.

He's here. "Eddie Murdoch."



Here, I got you.

That's him.

[shouting] It's Eddie Murdoch.

Must've been up there lookin' for you, and slipped.

(Stottlemeyer) Well, I guess that's it.

Case closed.

I think I have some good news.

The optic nerves appear to be healing, and your pupils are starting to dilate.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

[Monk groans]

Is that how he takes good news?

Yeah, it is.

Look, if you could just stick around for a bit, I'd like to show these to my colleagues.

Be right back.

Thank you, doctor. We'll be here.

Isn't that great? She sounded so hopeful.

Hope. I hate Hope's guts.

Hey, what happened to all your confidence?

I don't know, Leland.

Maybe I dropped it when I was screaming for help ten inches off the ground.

(Monk) I am so pathetic.

I'm half the man I was, which was 3/4 of a man.

And so now I'm--

5/16 of a man.

Thank you, Randy.

Oh, no, wait-- 3/8 of a man.

(Stottlemeyer) Hey, would you quit whining?

The bad guy's on a slab downstairs.

We get to go home.

In my book, that's a good day.

Monk, he is definitely the guy.

I just came back from his house.

We found the clothes he was wearing when he set the fire.

(Disher) They were in a laundry hamper, covered with soot.

You guys, I'm sorry. I have to go.

I have to go get Julie.

You kids take off.

I'll stay here with Captain Sunshine.

(Disher) Hey, I can drop you off?

New wheels.

Oh, so you went with the Ford.

Yeah, I didn't like the way the Ferrari handled.

Or the way they turned down my credit application.

[keys jingling]

Yeah. Cool, huh?

I went with the four cylinder, instead of the six.

It's quicker.

Oh, and white, with tan cloth interior.

Leather makes me sweat.

Yeah, I need those.

All right, we gotta go. We gotta go.

Okay, bye, Mr. Monk. We'll see you tomorrow.

Why did he do it?

Why did who do what?

Why did Eddie Murdoch k*ll that girl?

Since when does a creep need a reason?

You remember when we were talking to Peter Breen?

Murdoch came walking up.

Do you remember what he said?

Yeah, he said, "I still have those keys."

Peter Breen drives a Ferrari, right?

That's right.

What do their key chains look like?

It's a rearing horse.

The impression on the coffee table.

Those were Breen's keys.

You said Murdoch's body's on a slab?



Well, we've got the place to ourselves, so to speak.

Do you see him? Do you see Eddie Murdoch?

No. Not yet.

Wh--What do you see?

Uh...people. Bloated.

Laying around, not talking.

Kind of like Thanksgiving at my ex-wife's house.

So you think the keys were still in his pocket?

Oh, it's worth a shot.

Eddie Murdoch k*lled Stefanie Preston.

There's no question about that.

But it wasn't his idea.

His boss paid him to do it.

So Breen was having the affair.


He had keys to her house.

Loaned 'em to Eddie Murdoch so Murdoch could sneak in and k*ll her.

He went back for the keys.

That's what he went back for.

Right. And if we find those keys--

Mr. Breen's gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

Got him.

Hello, Edward.

Don't get up.

Uh, they usually keep the personal effects in a plastic bag.




Ha ha ha.

Exhibit A.

D.A.'s gonna love this.

Can I feel?

That's it.


Leland, what happened?


Mr. Monk, I'm gonna need that key ring.

[shouts] Help, somebody!


The keys, please.

Oh, I don't have time for this.

Actually, it's pretty convenient you're both already here.

That way, they won't have to move the bodies.

[breathing hard] Don't move.

Don't move.

[crash] Oh!

[loud knocks]


[pained groan]

[Breen groaning]

(Stottlemeyer) Nice shot, Magoo.

[softly] Captain.

You got him.

Captain? You okay?

You okay?


You all right?


You can see me.



[chuckles] Hello.