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05x01 - Mr. Monk and the Actor

Posted: 07/22/21 16:49
by bunniefuu
[door opening]

(Michelle) What was your name again?

(Jack) Uh, Jack. Jack.

(Jack) You live here alone?

(Michelle) Not tonight I don't.

Come on over here. [laughing]

What is this stuff?

What stuff?

This stuff in your hair.

Oh, it's glitter. Fairy dust.


Why don't you make yourself useful, and open the bed?

Where's the bed? You're sitting on it.


The bed.

[shirt rips]

Oh, man.


I ripped--my wife gave me this shirt.

Oh, your wife gave you this shirt?


Oh, your marriage really is in trouble.

[laughing] Shut up!

Oh! [gasps]

Shut up.

Whoa! Oh, yeah, whoa.

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, I'm sorry.


Uh, don't worry.

Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. What the--

Is that a camera?

You setting me up?

What are you talking about?

Is this what you do?

You go out and you pick up married guys, you bring 'em back here, and you shake 'em down?

Give me the god damned camera!

Give it to me! Give it to me!

Give me the camera.

Give it to me!




[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

* It's a jungle out there

* Disorder and confusion everywhere *

* No one seems to care

* Well, I do

* Hey, who's in charge here

* It's a jungle out there

* Poison in the very air we breathe *

* You know what's in the water that you drink? *

* Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing *

* People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time *

* If you paid attention, you'd be worried too *

* You'd better pay attention, or this world we love so much *

* Might just k*ll you

* I could be wrong now

* But I don't think so

* 'Cause it's a jungle out there *

* It's a jungle out there *

Adrian, I just don't know what to say.

I'm speechless, and I'm very very proud of you.

No big deal.

No-no-no. I'm very, very proud of you.

And it is a big deal.

It's just one weekend.

I'll be gone for two nights.

Two nights alone in a hotel?

I might even leave my room.


Would you like to come along?

I'll treat. No.

No, I mean it's your vacation.

My treat.

But it's your breakthrough.

And I think it's the first time since you lost Trudy that you're actually looking forward to something.

I am.

I'm looking forward.

You know, there is a term for this, Adrian.

It's called affirmative reflex.

And it's a very, very big step.

Okay, it's 3:00. I'll see you next--

Okay, I'll see you on Wednesday.

Whoa, wait-wait-wait.

You know, I was thinking maybe we should eliminate Wednesday.

And you can come on Monday and Friday.

Two days a week?

Yeah, how would you feel about that?

I don't know what to say.

That's only twice as much as a normal person.

How many times has Harold Crenshaw come?

Adrian, you know I can't talk about another patient.

I'll bet he comes three times a week.


Adrian, it's not a contest.

The important thing is that you're making real tangible progress.

And I couldn't be happier.

You know, you've been stuck at square one for a long time.

I hate square one.

Well then let me be the first to say, welcome to square two.

How many squares are there?

We'll just take it one step at a time.

What square is Harold on?

Doesn't matter.

I understand.

He's still on square one, isn't he?

Blink twice if I'm right.

Tangible progress, can you believe it?

That's what he said. Tangible progress.

Those were his words. Good for you.

He said that I was on square two.

That's a good place to be.

What square are you on?

Oh, I don't know, Mr. Monk.

I never really thought about it.

Well, I'd say... you were on square... four or five.

That sounds about right.

But you're catching up.

Oh, I'm so proud of you.

Are you proud of yourself?

Proud of myself? No, no.

That's square-five talk.

Work your way up the street.

Every door, every neighbor.

Report on my desk by the time you go home.

What's going on?

Homicide upstairs.

No forced entry.

The ME says she's been dead since midnight.

(Natalie) Who's that guy?

I can't tell you.

It's a secret.

Captain wants to tell you himself.

Okay, when the captain tells you, you gotta act surprised.

It's a Hollywood producer.

He's making a movie about us.

I mean all of us.

What kind of movie?

It's called "The k*ller Astronaut."

Remember the jet pilot Steve Wagner?

Him. It's great.

There you are!

Hey, are you guys ready for some great news?

See that guy over there? He's a television producer.

His name is Hoberman.

They're making a movie about the astronaut case from last year.

Hoo! Ha-ho.



You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Just surprised.

It gets even better.

You know who's sleeping in that limousine over there?

David Ruskin.

Ooh. The actor?

He's gonna be playing you.

I know him. David Ruskin.

I saw him.

Trudy--Trudy and I saw him in a play.

She thought he was handsome.

Now he's playing me.

(Stottlemeyer) Well, I'm glad you're happy, Monk.

Because the guy wants to follow you around for a while.

Follow him?

Yeah, to study him.

It's entirely up to you.

Who's playing me?

Anybody lined up?

Is there any word from casting?

I don't know, Randy.

I'm thinking Brad Pitt.

I mean, if it's in the budget.

It's always about the budget.

Not enough stuffing here.

I think there was something else inside this bear.

Could a camera fit in here?


'Cause it was facing the pull-out couch.

They could have been, you know...

Makin' whoopee. Exactly.

His shirt?

(Stottlemeyer) Yeah, she tore it.

We found blood and skin under her fingernails.

It must have been a heavyweight bout in here.

What's out this way?

It's a balcony.

Hey, Captain.

Hey, David. How you doing, man?

Good. Welcome.

Thanks. Is she dead?

(Stottlemeyer) As a doornail.

Bummer. Yeah.

So it's cool if I...

(Stottlemeyer) Absolutely, make yourself comfortable.

Natalie. How are you? Pleasure.

I'm not here, so just ignore me.

I'm not here. Is that decaf?

Do you think I could get one of those?

Where was I?

You were headed out to the balcony.

Uh, no.


I have to check over here.

There's not enough stuffing in this bear.

I think there was something hidden in here.

You already said that.

Did I?

Mr. Monk? We have a visitor.

Oh. I-I didn't see you there.

Hey-hey-hey. Adrian Monk.

Hey. Uh, Dave Ruskin.

Listen, I am such a big, big fan of yours.

And I've been looking forward to this for a long time.

Normally I would shake your hand, but people warned me about, you know.

No-no, I'm fine. People exaggerate that stuff.

I can shake hands.

All right, cool.

Well, listen, I only got a little while to get inside your head.

So be patient with me.

Well good luck.


What's that for? What's the matter with you?

Mr. Ruskin?

Huh? Yeah.

Would you mind?

You want my--no, I'm not--

I'm just an actor.

You want this guy's autograph. He's the real hero.

Not me.

All right, all right, all right.

What's your name?

(female cop) Laura.

Laura. There you go.


All right, so look, I'm just a fly on the wall.

I'm here to watch and learn, all right?

You do your magic.

Hi, hey, howdy.

What do you got?

Broken glass.

Could be a piece of a crystal from a watch.

Bag it.

Bag it!

Thank you.

You okay?


It's just glitter.

It was in her hair.

It won't come off!

What are you doing? No, no.

Black decaf coffee?

Oh, yeah, cool.

Hi, Mr. Ruskin. David.

Dave--Davey--Dave. David Ruskin.

Dave. Dave's fine.


Randy Disher.

Oh, yeah, Lieutenant Disher. You're in the script.

That's right, that's me.

Hey, you don't happen to know who's gonna be playing me in the movie, do you?

I don't know.

The last I heard they were talking to Brad.

Brad Pitt? Yeah.


I swear that's exactly who I thought.

Excuse me, I gotta call my mother--

My girlfriend.

[laughing] Brad Pitt.

Yep. [laughing]

Thank you. I enjoyed that.

My pleasure. My pleasure, Captain.

So... what do you think?

You think this guy's gonna strike again?

(Stottlemeyer) Oh, no, I doubt it.

No, this was a straight-up crime of passion.

A one-time deal.

This guy will probably go the rest of his life and never cross the line again.


Hey! Stay right there.

Stay right there.

I'm just gonna go. Stay right there.

You're not going anywhere. Relax, I'm just gonna go.

I'm calling the cops.

I'm just gonna leave--



What's all this?

Yeah, I read about this place.

They have artists here who draw the customers.

On the walls?

What are they, cave dwellers?

That's why the place is called Sketches.

You know, they sketch people.

Natalie, cave dwellers draw on the walls.

These people are behaving like cave dwellers.

Okay, they're cave dwellers.

Hey, Monk. God!

Hey, you gotta see this.

David Ruskin's in here.

What's he doing?

He's doing you.

Hey, guys, can I ask you--

I just wanna ask you a quick--just a quick question.

I wanna do that thing, you know, that he does with his hands.

Oh, yeah, you know... No, I can do that.

What is that? What is that thing?

(Stottlemeyer) He floats.

It's like he's floating on the sea of... Like that.


All right. Hi.

Hey, there he is!

There's the man himself. Mr. Monk.

Oh, please, Adrian.

Adrian, okay. How are you?

Good. Good-good-good.

Or--or--or age.

Age. Okay.

All right, Age. Okay, no problem.

Listen, I wanna do that thing, you know, with the hands.

The thing you do with the hands.

Can you just show me quickly?

Oh, that? Yeah.

Yeah, that's like-- What is it?

See, you look between your fingers.


You just let your mind go blank.

Well, that won't be hard.


You let the room wash over you.

Yeah, all right.

And you can go up, or you can go down.


And you can lean.

Just making connections and just looking for, uh--

You're looking for inconsistencies.

I'm gonna do the same thing with Brad Pitt.

(David) Is this an inconsistency?

Oh, this is a mess.

Uh, people, the show's over.

We got a job to do here.

Lieutenant, why don't you bring the Monk--

This Monk up to speed?

Yes, sir.

Okay, the owner's name was Alexis Orlov.

He was robbed five times in the last five years.

So he slept downstairs in the basement with a g*n under his pillow.

(both) What kind of g*n?

I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry.

No, that was-- That was a good question.

That was good.

I just felt instinctually to, uh--

No, you have to ask what the w*apon is.

A revolver. Smith and Wesson, .38.

With a pearl handle.

(Stottlemeyer) Orlov ran up the stairs, confronted the doer.

There was a struggle, the doer grabbed the g*n and got off one shot.

Then he ran out the front.

Was anything missing?

(Disher) Uh, yeah, the victim's daughter was in here.

She did a quick inventory.

Said the guy took some cash from the register.

Maybe 35 bucks.

The Smith and Wesson and a wristwatch.

A wristwatch?

(David) Why would he take only one?

Why wouldn't he just take everything in the case?

Well, he was probably in a hurry.

He was afraid someone heard the shot.

(Monk) No-no-no-no.

It's clear from the footprints that he came here first.

But... he took the cheapest watch in the case.

Look, $72.

Why would he take the cheapest one and leave all the others?

He must have been after that particular watch.



That's like...

It's a gift and a curse.


I love it!

Yeah, he says that all the time.

He does? I love that!

It's a gift... and a curse.

That's it. You just nailed it.

That's great. Really good.

No. No-no-no.

No? Do it again for me.

Do it again.

It's a gift... and a curse.


It's a gift... and a curse.

No, that's not it. Do it again.

Say it again.

(Monk) It's a gift... and a curse.

And a curse. A curse.

Do it--okay.

It's a gift. Gift--gift.

Gift--that-- that's almost.

Gift. It's a gift.

It's a gift and a curse.

(David) It's a gift and a curse.

(Monk) No, that's not it.

It's a gift. It's a curse.

It's a gift. Put your mouth in my ear.

Gift. It's a gift...

Natalie? Natalie.

It's a gift. Natalie--oh.


That's amazing. Sounds all right?

Yeah, you sound just like him.

It's almost. It's almost--

You know what I'm gonna do, though.

But I'm gonna tape--

I wear, uh, I wear a wire like you guys do.

Oh, there you are. What are you doing?

Just getting some air.

There's a lot of air inside.

Everybody's in there. Breathing away.

Yeah, it's a little stuffy for me in there.

It's a gift and a curse. It's a gift and a curse.

It's a gift and a curse.

Mr. Monk, don't you see? It's already happening.

What is?

Okay, I've been doing a little research on your new pal.

Two years ago David Ruskin played an alcoholic in a TV movie.

He got so into it, he had to check himself into rehab for three months.

A lot of people check themselves into rehab.

He doesn't drink! That's the thing.

He had all the symptoms of an alcoholic without drinking.

He's had at least two other breakdowns.

Mr. Monk, I think this man is dangerous.

I think he's dangerous to you.

Maybe he's just dedicated.

Did you ever think of that?

Natalie, they're making a movie about me.

No, this is something that I might actually come close to almost enjoying.

Scratch marks.

This was moved recently.


I think the k*ller exited this way.

I thought he went out the front door.

Maybe he started to and then he got scared, came back here.

It's a g*n.

Don't touch it.

We should get the captain.

(Stottlemeyer) We got the preliminary ballistics back.

It's the same g*n.

There's no fingerprints, Monk.

No palm prints. g*n's been wiped clean.


What do you got?

Blue glitter.


From the other crime scene?

Maybe you still had some left on your hands.

(Disher) No-no-no-no.

He never touched the g*n.

I bagged it myself.

Anyway, I've washed my hands 100 times since yesterday.


Exactly 100?

It's a great number.

So the guy that k*lled the girl in North Beach on Thursday also k*lled the pawn shop owner last night?

That just doesn't track.

It would explain that watch he stole.

Maybe-- He was replacing his own, the one that broke.

He's right.

They're both right.

(Stottlemeyer) It's worth a shot.

If there's a connection, we'd better find it and find it fast.

Okay, um, all the overtime you need.

Every available man. Yes, sir.

Let's start with victim one, Michelle Cullman.

Her file's on my desk.

Maybe she knew the pawnshop owner.

Maybe she pawned something.

Mr. Ruskin, we're in the captain's office.

Hello? Mr. Ruskin?

David. Ah!

Sorry. Yeah, where--oh, okay.

Yeah, sorry, I got a little...

Where are we, the captain's office?

Yeah. Is that--yeah, good, right.

Oh, is that egg salad or tuna fish?



What are you doing here?

I was down the street checking out a lead at the pawnshop.

Had a couple of minutes to k*ll.

Stopped by. I was curious.

Any luck?

In the case?

No, it's a bear.

I mean, as far as we can tell Michelle Cullman was never at the pawnshop.

She never pawned anything.

There's no connection between them at all.

Other than the fact that they were both k*lled by the same guy.

Keep digging.

Yes, sir.

All right, let's do this.

What do you think of the moustache?

Moustache looks great.

All right, everybody, we are on.

Scene 12, page 15.

Captain Stottlemeyer, you enter. You're on the phone!

I need a cell phone. Props, cell phone.


And, action.

Uh, look, I know he's a bit eccentric, but Adrian Monk is the best damn investigator I've ever had.

So you tell the mayor, if he goes, I go.

That's right.

Lieutenant Disher!

Lieutenant Disher, you got a minute?

Yes, Captain?

(male actor) Uh, what the hell do I say?

The vic--I got it.

The victim just received a check for $50,000.

Pretty weird time to k*ll yourself.

What do you think?

(actress as Disher) I'll tell you what I think.

I think the department doesn't appreciate you enough.

Randi, what are you doing?

I'm doing what you taught me to do, Captain.

Following my instincts.

That never happened.

Not even once.


Oh! [clears throat]

Am I interrupting something?

I was just, uh, looking for evidence.

In his mouth?

Mr. Monk! We're in here!


Something's not...

Something's wrong here.

How tall was the victim?



Natalie, you're 5'7".

Um, would you mind...

I'd do it myself, but I'm afraid of heights.

And needles and germs and milk.

(male actor) It just doesn't add up.

Captain, I am 90 to 95% sure that Steve Wagner k*lled this woman.

The astronaut? Monk, he was in space.

Outer space.

I don't know how he did it, but he did it.

He, um...


I'm sorry, I gotta stop. Sorry.


David, you all right. Yeah, no, I'm fine.

Just--I can't work like this.

It's the crew.

What about them?

Well, I mean, look.

He has his hat on backwards, right?

And he has his hat on frontwards.

This guy's hat on backwards/forwards.

And then backwards/forwards, backwards/forwards.

I mean everything's like all, you know...

Uh, so what?

How am I supposed to work like that, huh?

I mean, how?

Can you do that? I can't.

I mean, it's not the way I work.

So why don't you--I'll be in my trailer, all right?

And why don't you call me back when everything is less, you know, mixed up!

All right? Thanks!



Hey, Adrian. Hey, it's Dave Ruskin.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Oh. Yeah.

Hey, hey. How are you?

What, uh-- What are you wearing?

Oh, this is-- the, uh, costume department gave me this.

Is there a problem?

Yeah. Yeah, there's a problem.

It's my performance.

Just today. It was just crap.

I don't have it.

You don't have what?


I mean, I don't... I don't

I mean, I have you.

I have your tics and your mannerisms and all that little like...

You know like little... tic-tic-tic-tic-tic.

But that doesn't mean anything.

You know, that's nothing.

That's just all, you know-- what is that, right?

It's not the thing.

It's just, like, surface tension.

It's like, it's not the thing.

Not the... [takes a deep breath]

The heart--the why.

I need to know the why.

How long have you lived here?


Okay. See, here we go.

This is it. See, here's the thing.

I want you to take me to Monk school.

And this is what I need.

I need you to teach me.

I mean, you have all these compulsions.

And these--you know, these phobias.

But it would cr*pple most people.

You--I mean, you keep going.

How do you-- sit down, relax.

How do you do it?

Why don't you stop? Why do you do it?

I need to know why do you do it?

Um, my job.

No, that's not it.

That's what I thought too, but that is not it.

No. Is this her?

Yeah. Yeah, but please don't--

This is Trudy? Touch.

She's beautiful.

Tell me about her. No.

Tell me.

I never deserved her. The world never deserved her.

You never deserved her. Nobody deserved her?

No, not...

You never deserved her?

No, I really... I mean, the world...

No one deserved her? Not--um, nah.

See that? That's what I need to feel.

I need to feel.

I need to feel what you feel.

That's what I need to feel.

You don't wanna do that.

It's not a question of whether I want to do it.

I have to do it. It's my job.

All right?

Some people don't believe that, but I believe it.

Because you have to tell the truth of the story.

If you don't tell the truth of the story, then the whole st--

Be careful. It's a lie.

And if you lie--if you lie, then the audience doesn't care.

They don't--what's this?

Is this the way she was k*lled?


She said she was going out to run an errand for Ambrose.

Who's Ambrose?

My brother.

We have a brother?

She pulled into this parking garage on Giraldi Street.

I know Giraldi Street.

I still don't know what she was doing there.

And the person responsible for this.

The man who did this.

He's still out there.

Oh, yes.

That must be t*rture.

Is it t*rture?

Yes, it's--

Is it t*rture?

It's-- Mmm-hmm.

See, this is it. This is the key.

That's why you do this.

You can't find Trudy's k*ller, so you do the next best thing.

You track down and you capture other criminals.

It's not enough.

No, it's not enough.

It's not. Not really.

No, it's not enough.

It'll never be enough.


Natalie, it's me.

At least I think it's me.

Oh, my God, Mr. Monk, what time is it?

You were right about actors.

He's completely unstable.

Oh, God, what did he do?

Oh, he's so selfish. He's immature.

Get this, he came barging into my house in the middle of the night.

Woke me up because he felt like talking.

Can't imagine what that would be like.

So we talked for hours.

I will say this, he gets me. He really gets me.

He understands about Trudy.

He was dredging up these feelings.

Feelings I haven't had in years.

And then he made us food.

Fried eggs with the yolk exactly in the center.

I mean exactly.

He used a ruler just the way I like it.


It was confusing, but delicious.


But delicious.

And then he said he was tired.

And he asked me to leave.

So you left?

He has to get up at 6:00.

Mr. Monk, that's your house.

Boy, he's a good actor.

All right, all right. Okay.

So you know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna call that producer tomorrow to see if he has any ideas, all right?

So I guess you're staying for the rest of the night?

All right, I'll get some sheets.

No, whoa-whoa-whoa. What's all this?

Oh, some boy wrote Julie a note.

It's all ripped up.

Oh, she didn't want me to read it.

So she tore it up.

So no one could see it.

Make that piece-- no-no, that piece.

Now, that's, uh...

No, that's not his. That's hers.

Now, take that piece. No, yeah, that piece.

Uh, yes, raise yours, Natalie.

That could go a little to the right.

There. Up.

It's the hand. Look, the hand.

Yeah, that goes to the right.

Is that an eyebrow?

No, that's a moustache.

How you doin'?

We were looking at this case all wrong.

It wasn't a burglary.

It was all about the wall.

The whole time.

Here's what happened.

The k*ller was in here last Thursday night.

This is where he met Michelle Cullman.

They have an artist in here a few nights a week sketching the customers.

He drew their picture right there on the wall.

After the m*rder, the k*ller remembered the sketch.

That sketch could hang him.

It could prove that he was with the victim the night she died.

And it would prove what he was wearing.

The same shirt we found at the m*rder scene.

He had to destroy that sketch.

So he smashed through the wall and pretended it was part of a burglary.

He just pretended to be breaking into a pawn shop.

It was never about the pawnshop.

I know.

You know?

I was here ten minutes ago when Monk was explaining it to you.

(garage attendant) Excuse me?

Can I help you?

I wish you could.

I'm looking for clues.

My wife Trudy was m*rder*d here.

Okay, we made him!

He paid with a credit card. Can you believe that?

He owns an auto dealership in Livingston.

Matty, get the street tac team on the phone.

I'm gonna wanna shut down the entire block.

Lieutenant, I'm talking to a parking garage attendant.

He's calling from Giraldi Street.

He says Adrian Monk is there. He's been there for an hour.

Acting kind of weird. Talking to himself.

He wants to know if we can vouch for him.

Yeah, Giraldi Street is where Trudy was k*lled.

He goes there all the time.

Actually, let me talk to this guy.

Line two.

Why would she back in?

Mr. Monk. It doesn't make sense.

I just talked to Lieutenant Disher.

He wanted me to let you know that they just ID'd the guy.


The man who k*lled Trudy?

I don't know, all he said is his name is Jack Leveret.

He owns Leveret Motors on Hamilton.

And they're all heading over there now.


After all these years.

Where's Hamilton Street?

Three blocks east. You can't miss it.



Sergeant, what the hell is going on?

(Sgt. Lyman) Captain, stay down!

We got a suspect in there.

Change of plans. We have a hostage situation.

A man walked into the showroom five minutes ago, waving a g*n and looking for the owner.

He kept saying, "You k*lled my wife.

You k*lled Trudy."


It's Monk!

It's Monk in there!

Put your weapons down!

Everybody relax! Stand down!

Put it down!

What the hell is he doing?


What's it about?

That's a little confusing.

(David) Do you know why she backed into the parking space?

Do you know why? I'll tell you why.

Because she was there to meet you.

But she didn't trust you.

Mister, listen to me. Listen to me!

I swear to God I don't know anybody named Trudy!

Liar! No!

Shut up!


David, David.

Oh, my God. There's another one?

What are you guys from, some cult?

Help, somebody!

Shut up! Quiet!

(Monk) David! David!

Quiet! David.

David, David, come on.

Adrian. Adrian, listen.

Oh, my God. That's my w*apon.

You found my lockbox.

You guessed the combination.

I know my combination. It's Trudy's birthday.

And now I'm going to give her the perfect birthday gift.


Adrian, look-look-look.

What? Look.


That tag, that sticker is peeling off.

Why don't you fix that?

No. No.

Why don't you? Okay.

No, it's not.

It's not really. It's not.

It's not really-- No, it's not.

It's not really down.

The left corner's bent. Well, I know.

No, there's a big bubble in the middle.

I know. I know, I know.

Okay, yeah. That's good.

Get it hard, though.

I mean, just press it down.

That corner's torn.

I know. I know.

Now there's two bubbles in the back.

More around.



Let go!

No! David!


Adrian, he didn't k*ll Trudy!

He didn't k*ll Trudy.

He k*lled a woman named Michelle.


A woman named Michelle Cullman and a pawnbroker named Orlov.

Yes, that's true.

I k*lled a woman, and I k*lled an old man.

I've never even met Trudy. Who the hell is Trudy?

She was my life! She was my life!

Adrian! Okay, listen to me.

Trudy wouldn't want you to do this, would she?

She wouldn't want you to do this.


No-no, not Trudy.

No, she wouldn't want me...

I know, I know. It's okay.

That's okay. I know.

That's okay. I know.

It's okay. I know.

I know.

That's okay.

I know.

It's okay. Shhh.

I know.

It's all right. It's over now.

Sorry, I just-- I was just--

That day, she wanted me to go with her.


She wanted me to go with her that day.

And I-- No.


Yeah. Yeah, she did.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

That's right.

I said I was tired.

That's right, she...

That's true.

I'm sorry. I could have saved her.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God. I'm sorry.

Oh, Trudy. Trudy.

Oh, my God.

[both crying]

I'm sorry.

Oh, Trudy. Trudy.

I didn't-- Didn't mean...

(Dr. Kroger) That must have been a traumatic experience for you, Adrian.

And what, they cancelled the movie?

He said he wanted to play a character that wasn't so dark and depressing.

He's in England doing Hamlet.

How about the little getaway you were planning?

The weekend away? Nah.

All right, okay.

Maybe another time.

I guess I'm back to square one.

Ah, it's nice to be home.

Adrian, please don't be hard on yourself.

Now, I think maybe we should go back to the three days a week for just a little while.

That would be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

And Tuesdays.

Tuesday would be four days a week Adri--okay.

No, I can see that.

You know, just until you're back on your feet.

And Thursdays.

Well, now, Thursdays is five days a week, Adrian.

Okay, that way, five days a week, that would be easier to remember.

And Saturday.

Well, Saturday is the weekend, Adrian.

And I don't like to see patients on the weekends.


Adrian, I have a family.

And I like to keep the weekends free.


Saturday. Okay, fine.

We'll try that for a week or two.

So that would be Monday, Tuesday...

And Sunday.