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04x10 - Mr. Monk Goes to a Fashion Show

Posted: 07/22/21 16:42
by bunniefuu
How are you today? Do you see anything you like?

Uh, is Dennis here? He usually takes care of me.

Oh, no, I'm afraid Dennis quit.

He quit.

Yeah, apparently he had one regular customer that was driving him crazy.

Now we're gonna be up all night wondering who that was.

Can I help you?

[whispers] Dennis quit?

Yes, we are looking for another shirt just like this.

You want the same shirt?

Identical. Same color.

Same pattern. 16 inch neck, 33 inch sleeve.

Okay, but you already have one of those.

So maybe it's time to try a little variety because...

Or maybe not.

Okay, um, yeah. Here you go.

16 inch collar. 33 sleeve.


No, this was inspected by number six.

I'm not a big fan of number six.

Do you have any that are inspected by number eight?

You're kidding, right?

You're not kidding.

Okay, the customer's always right.

[under his breath] At least until today.

Um, number five, number two. Okay, here you go.

Inspected by number eight. Ah.

Is there really a difference?

Are you kidding?

Look at this. Look, she's an artist.

I've been admiring her work for years.

Every shirt, every stitch, every button is perfect.

There's a tear. There's a tear.

Where? There's a tear right there.

And look at this, the sleeve is all wrong.

It's completely crooked.

Well, maybe she had a bad day.

No, that's not possible.

I know inspector number eight.

She never lets anything get past her.

Mr. Monk, are you okay?

Natalie, something's wrong. What?

Something is very wrong with inspector number eight.



[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

* It's a jungle out there

* Disorder and confusion everywhere *

* No one seems to care

* Well, I do Hey, who's in charge here *

* It's a jungle out there

* Poison in the very air we breathe *

* You know what's in the water that you drink? *

* Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing *

* People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time *

* If you paid attention, you'd be worried too *

* You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much *

* Might just k*ll you

* I could be wrong now

* But I don't think so

* 'Cause it's a jungle out there *

* It's a jungle out there *

Mrs. Hammond, I need to hear this again.

Now, you came home, and you found your husband on the floor about an hour ago.


And he'd been stabbed. Yes.

I'm sorry. It's not funny.

Sorry. Inspector number eight is very important to me.

No matter how bad things got, I knew I could always count on her.

Mr. Monk, you understand you're talking about someone you have never even met, who works in a factory somewhere, who inspects shirts.

She's my soulmate.

You don't even know if it's a man or a woman.

I love her. I think she's in trouble.

Maybe she's retired.

Maybe there's a new number eight.

No, it's not possible. She would never retire.

She loves her work.

Look at this shirt.

Now, inspector number five, I can see him retiring because he stopped caring years ago.

Monk. What?

They're about to take the body away.

Wanna come have a look. I'll be right there.

I've only got five shirts left.

What if I spill something? What if one rips?

Right, it's like an endangered species now.

Put two shirts in the dryer.

Yeah. Close the door.

See if they mate.

Hey, Monk.

What? What do you think?

About what?

About the dead guy in the kitchen.

I'm sorry.

I was thinking about something else.

He's worried about the woman who inspects his shirts.

I've been to three different stores.

The stitching, it's is all wrong.

The collars are crooked.

Okay, Captain, just please fill us in.

Okay, they're both classical musicians.

They got married about six months ago.

It's just not like her.

The wife was down at the rehearsal studio practicing her cello.

She comes home 3:30.

She finds her husband dead on the kitchen floor.

Room temperature. Stabbed three times.

She's lying. She wasn't practicing.

You can't play the cello wearing a long skirt like that.

You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna find inspector eight.

I'm gonna track her down.

Shirt factory's in Rockaway.

That's two hours.

I think he's right.

Take her downtown.

Hey, Monk. Thank you.

For what?

You solved the case.

Oh yeah. Sure.

If she is in trouble, maybe I can help her.

That's number four. He's a hack.

He makes inspector number ten look like inspector number six.

Hi. Six.

There she is. There she is.

That's her. That's number eight.

Well, are you gonna ask her out?

No, I'm just, um, I'm nervous.

Okay, go on. Go on.

Excuse me.

Number eight?

I'm Adrian Monk.

This is my friend Natalie Teeger.

Adrian Monk? The same?

(Monk) Oh, you saved it.

It's the only fan letter I ever wrote.

I am Maria Ortiz.

Maria, it's an honor and a pleasure.

It's so nice when you can put a face with the little tag on the pocket.

Uh-oh. Are you approving this?

It has a little stain there.

I knew it.

I knew it. You are upset about something.

Maria, Mr. Monk has been really worried about you.

It's not me. It's my son, Pablo.

I remember this case.

The model, Clea Vance.

(Maria) The papers are wrong. Everyone is wrong.

Pablo is a good boy. He's innocent.

I know it's hard.

You might feel better if you focused on your work.

You know, and started inspecting these shirts again.

Here's the thing, Maria.

I've only got five shirts left.

Mr. Monk, you can help her.

Yes, Maria, Mr. Monk is a detective.

He's a great detective. He's famous.

And you came here to help my boy?

Um, well, uh, no.

Actually, my first priority really is to get you to focus again, you know, because the shirts, Maria.

Mr. Monk, I have been praying for such a one as you to help me.

Pablo is innocent.

When you talk to him, you will see.

Whoa, when I talk to him? Uh, no.

I-I-I never agreed.

Oh my gosh. Maria, I'm so sorry, sweetie.

Stop it.

How did this happen?

How do you talk me into these things?

Because it's the right thing to do.

Have you read this?

There are witnesses. There's DNA evidence.

Natalie, he did it. There's no doubt about it.

Well, it doesn't hurt to meet him.

If I go back to Maria and tell her that her son is guilty, she'll completely fall apart, which would be worse because I am down to five shirts.

Mr. Monk.

Miss Teeger?


I talked to my mother. She told me you were coming.

How do you know my mother?

From her work at the factory. I'm a big fan.

A fan?

Pablo, your mother asked that we look into your case.

We'd like to hear your side.

I did not k*ll Clea Vance. That is my side.

I never met her. I never see her.

There was a fashion show at a big hotel.

I was a delivery boy.

I deliver some clothes there, then I go home.

The next day I'm arrested.

[speaking Spanish]

It is a nightmare.

Pablo, your DNA was all over the victim.

Your blood. Your hair.

How do you explain that?

I don't know.

It's a mistake.

A misunderstanding?

Clea Vance had a roommate who testified that Clea was afraid of you.

She said that you were stalking her.

Look. It says right here.

"Pablo Ortiz was obsessed with her."

You see that? Right there.

I see it.

You're lying, Pablo. It doesn't say that.

You can't read English, can you?

No, sir.

I was raised in Mexico with my father.

I have been here three years only.

And I can speak English, but...

I cannot read.

What is it?

That's an emergency exit.

(Natalie) Yeah?

The k*ller didn't use it.

According to this floor plan, he would have had to go all the way around, back through the kitchen.

It was crowded, it was risky.

Somebody could have seen him.

But he wouldn't use it, the alarm would sound.


Whoever k*lled this woman read that sign.

And Pablo can't read.

Do you think he's innocent?

You do, don't you?

The dead model, right?

I remember this case.

I did the work on this one myself.

Is there any new evidence?

No. Monk met the k*ller's mother.

She's a shirt inspector.

She swears he's innocent.

Oh, I know.

That's the hardest part of the job, the mothers crying and pleading.

That's one thing I'm not gonna miss.

Where are you going?

Didn't you hear? I'm retiring.

There's a party for me on Friday if you wanna come.

Cool, absolutely. I'm there.

You're retiring? How old are you?


Did you win the lottery?

No, I've been investing. In real estate.

What have you been doing with your savings?

Uh, eating.

You know, I need to talk to my accountant.

Wait, you have an accountant?

Nope, gonna have to get an accountant.

Then I'm gonna talk to him.

There's something wrong with this picture.

(Stottlemeyer) What?

I don't know. Something.

So these are her shoes?

That's right.

See this blood?

And this hair and these fibers?

They all belong to Pablo Ortiz.

It's a slam dunk.

Yeah, I don't see any wiggle room here, do you?

No, we got the right man.

People lie. People lie all the time.

But DNA never lies.

I'm thinking...

I'm thinking maybe he's not the guy.

See, there's this exit door...

Look, I heard about the exit door.

It's right there.

Look, Monk, I'd follow you anywhere.

But I've got four cases on my plate right now. But you have fun.

Knock yourself out.

Thanks, Gordo.

See you at the party.

Here's the statement from that Natasia Zorell.

She was the victim's roommate. Let's start with her.

Did you just say you were gonna go and talk with Natasia Zorell?

The supermodel.

Is that her?

Yeah, actually I've got the rest of the day off.

I should probably go with you guys.

Yeah, I think I'll come along too.

In the interest of...


Yeah, justice.

Get a close up.

They all look so unhappy.

How can you be that attractive and be so sad?

Well, maybe it's because we're never really sure if people like us for ourselves.

Now, what's this? No! No no no.

That's not what I asked for!

Look, the collar has to flare like this.

Huh? You see?

Julian, they just painted that.

Hmm? She's an animal.

She's in heat, huh? Good.

You. What do you think?

Uh, I like it.

You like it?

What's that supposed to mean?

Say you love it or say you hate it.

Anything in between is pointless.

Wet one, wet one, wet one.

Come on.

You, blue shirt.

Are you here to audition?

Me? No.

Well, you may want to consider it.

I like your attitude.


If you're gonna rob me, you should bring a g*n.

Pardon me?

The blouse.

It's a knock off of one of my designs.

Oh, it is? I didn't know.

Of course, that's not the real crime.

The real crime is how you look in it.

Julian, you're booked to Milan the day after the show.

And the girls are here.

You said you wanted some fresh faces.

Good, good. No, Don, no.

He did it.

Natalie, he's not even a suspect.


Turn around.

Not this time.

Next time.

Oh. Mmmm.

Yes. Yes, you're perfect.

What's your name? Sarah.


Heaven must be missing one of its angels.

Excuse me. Sorry, um...

What? Well, it's nothing.

It's just, uh...

Which one?

The left one's higher than the other one, isn't it?

Oh, this eyebrow is a little bit lower than that one.

Oh, maybe next time, Sarah.

Thanks for coming in.

Who are you?

I'm Adrian Monk.

I'm with the San Francisco Police.

Yeah, we're looking for Natasia Zorell.

We'll she's working.

Oh, and do me a favor.

Don't arrest her until after the show.

She hasn't done anything.

We're actually here looking into the m*rder of Clea Vance.

Well, why? Isn't that old news?

I thought the k*ller was in jail somewhere.

I mean, don't you people read the newspapers?

Did you know her?

I know every model in California and every wannabe.

Clea was a should-not-have-been.

She showed up wasted to my last show.

Almost ruined me.

Now, let that be a lesson to you girls.

She ruined my last show and two hours later the delivery boy k*lled her. And I kid you not.

We'd still like to talk to Natasia.

She's at the beach.

We are sh**ting our new catalogue.

Listen, I've got to be there very soon.

So you can follow me if you like.

All right, good.

I'll meet you there.

I gotta go pick up Julie. And change.

Okay, that's it. That's what I need.

Keep it going. Sell it.

Sell it. There we go.


Good. Sell it.

Sell it.

Sweetie, stay right here, okay?

I'll be back.

What are you doing?

What? I'm standing.

This is how I stand.

What are you wearing?

Clothes. This is how I dress.

This is how I stand. This is how I dress.

Excuse me, would you put that out?

It's bothering me.

But you're smoking.

My smoke isn't bothering me.

Thank you.

All right, she'll talk to you.

But make it quick.

I'm not paying her $1,000 an hour just to chat.

Uh, thank you. Can you give us a minute?

Sure--all right, everybody, take ten.

Let's get her in the other dress, please.

Sweetheart, oh, you look ravishing.

These gentlemen are from the police department.

They want to talk to you about Clea Vance.

Why? I don't know.

We're probably just tilting at windmills.


It's a literary reference. From a book.

Um, I guess I can talk while I change.

Um, meet me over there?

Only one of you.


I guess the only fair way is alphabetically.

Oh, Adrian.

Last names.

So A is, no.

Uh, B, no. C, no.

D, Disher. That's--

Monk, you go.

It's your case.

Disher comes before Monk.

What are you, in mourning for your life?

You were Clea's roommate.

Yeah, and best friend.

I see. I see.

I see. Oh.

Oh--oh. Oh, whoa!

Whoa whoa whoa.

Whoa whoa whoa.

It's okay, I'm not shy.

You have a, uh...

You have a uh, something.

Oh, it's a mole.

It's my trademark.

Did you know Pablo Ortiz?

I didn't know him.

Except that Cleo was terrified of him.

He was stalking her.

There's no evidence of that.

No phone calls. No other moles.

Witnesses. No other witnesses.

Are you saying I made it all up?

Um... Why would I do that?

I don't know.

Look, I saw what I saw.

He brought her flowers, he hit on her.

I already testified about all this a year ago.

I read your statement.

Then read it again.

What are you doing?

If you... put one on this side... you know, you'd be perfect.

Your career would...

Do you have any more questions?

No. Good.

'Cause I gotta get back to work.


How'd it go?

She's hot.

Ah, she's mildly irritated.

Give her a minute, she'll calm down.

All right, great. You look beautiful.

Keep going. Great.

Hi. Sweetie.

Mom, I got bored. Please, can I stay?

I won't say anything.

Shh sh sh sh. Watch.

Mom, that man's looking at me.

What's he doing? I don't know.

Mr. Hodge?

Shh. Who is she?

Who are you?

This is my daughter Julie.

This is Mr. Hodge.

Let me see you walk. Why?

Because lightning may be striking.

Your life may be changing.

Now, just walk over there. Come on.

That's it, good. Turn around.

Hold your head up. Smile.

Come back.


I want you to model for me.

You can be in the show on Thursday night.


You know, you could be a big star.

Great and wonderful things.

Oh, my God!

No, she's 13 years old.

I've had models younger than that.


She's practically middle aged.

Thank you, I don't think so.

Anyway, it's not up to you.

This is between Julie and her biological mother.

I am her biological mother.



Sweetie, come on. It's gonna get cold!

Are you wearing make-up?

I told you, not until you're 18.

Mom, when I'm 18 it'll be too late.

I really wanna do this.

A lot of these girls have serious problems, okay?

dr*gs and eating disorders.

It's just one show.

And if you're right and I hate it, I'll quit.

But at least I'll have tried.

You always told me to try new things.

Forget modeling, you should be a lawyer.

Is that a yes?

I'm gonna be with you the whole time.

Wow. Modeling for Julian Hodge.

Isn't he wonderful?

That's not exactly the word I word I would have used.

[knocking at door]




You surprised?

Not after today.

I figured you might be freaking out.

Do they know anything?

I don't think so.

You're not smoking.

No. No.

You know, cigarettes, they tend to leave a nasty odor.

I wouldn't want them to know I was here.


The police.

Oh, I didn't tell them anything.

But you will.


But-- Shh shh shh shh.

It's not your fault, my darling.

You're just too pretty.

And beauty likes yours, a face like this--


You just wouldn't be able to take the pressure.

[praying softly]

How's it look, Gordo?

Well, looks like su1c1de. Smells like su1c1de.

Smart money's on su1c1de.

She drained two of those bottles and maybe 30 sleeping pills.

Were those prescription?

Probably not.

We'll check with her doctor. Make a note.

I'll remember.

Where's your notebook?

I didn't bring it.

It's an Italian suit. It was ruining the lines.

Don't worry.

[clicks tongue] I got it.

[clicks tongue] Am I in your way?

She probably got depressed after you spoke to her.

All those memories of the m*rder bubbling up.

I don't think so.

One set of fingerprints on the glass.

Well, yeah. They're hers.

But look. She's wearing lipstick.

There's no lipstick on the glass.

Somebody wiped down the glass and then put it back in her hand.


This is now a homicide investigation.

Lock this joint down. Nobody touches anything.

Fabio, go and borrow a notebook and borrow a pencil and start talking to neighbors.

Captain, what do you think it means?

It means that your boss scared somebody.

Rest in peace.

Hmm. Oh! She looks beautiful, doesn't she?

Oh, too beautiful.

Sometimes I wish she had a big old fat hairy wart right here.

Or maybe here.

Everyone, could you just come around here for a moment, please? Thank you.

Yes, put that down. That's okay.

Do that later. Thank you.

I just want to say a few quick words.

This has been a terrible day for us today.

As you know, last night we lost a dear, dear friend.

And I know all of you here, everyone, how much we loved Natasia.

Except of course when she was driving us nuts.

[chuckles] But I can feel her here.

I can feel her spirit, her soul.

Can you feel it?

And I know she's going to be with us tomorrow night at the show.

So, let's not let her down. Huh?



This one's for you, baby.

Great. Thank you.

* On a starry winter night in Portugal *

* Where the ocean kissed the southern shore *

You know, you may want to change the earrings, I think.

Maybe her give an accessory like a nice little bag or something.

Hmm. That's great.

* Through an hourglass

* You made love to me like fire and rain *

* Ooh, you know you've got to be a hurricane *

* k*lling me with kisses so subtly *

* You make love forever, baby *

(Hodge) Oh, yes. Make a note.

Just change those earrings.

Cut! Cut! Cut, cut, cut, cut!

Julie, Julie, Julie.

Haven't you forgotten something?

Huh? What?

Have you forgot that when it comes to my art I'm a total monster?

I mean, just look at yourself. Look at--

You're a mess! I mean, look here.

Look at this. Look at the collar.

(Hodge) Look. It's all twisted.

And all these wrinkles on the dress.

I mean, look, sweetheart...

Natalie, give me the case file.

What? The case file.

Give it to me.

I mean, I'd rather put you in a burlap bag than have you seen wearing my clothes like this.

I knew something was wrong. Look.

Look at this. Her body is all contorted.

But the collar and her buttons are all perfectly straight.

After he k*lled her, he straightened them out.

He couldn't help himself.

He's the guy. Who's the guy?

Julie, we have to go right now.

Why? I can't tell you now.

Not here. Do not argue with me!

Get your stuff now.

Hey, what--Oh!

Look, what's going on?

She's taking Julie home.

Well, why on Earth would she do that?

Because I told her that you k*lled Clea Vance a year ago.

And I'm betting that you k*lled Natasia Zorell last night.

Who else would've straightened the clothes on Clea Vance's body?

Oh. And why would I do something like that?

I would have.

Is that it? I straightened out the clothes?

[laughs] I mean, that's not evidence.

That's--that's a hunch.

That's all it is.

So far.

You trust your instincts, don't you?

Oh, yes.

And would it be the same infallible instinct that you used when you picked out that jacket?

Or when you did those buttons right up to top on your shirt, eh?

[laughs] What about the evidence, Mr. Monk?

What about-- You've heard of DNA, right?

I mean, does that ring a bell here?

Hmm? DNA, yes.

The fibers, the hair, and the blood.

They all belonged to that boy Pablo Ortiz.

Who's in jail.

It couldn't have been me.

Just not possible.

You're right.

It's not possible.

But you did it.

Gordo. Thanks for getting here so fast.

Sure. What's going on?

Get a load of this.

Okay. There was a fashion show upstairs in the ballroom.

I remember. Last year.

Right. And one of the models, as you know, showed up drunk.

Clea Vance. Exactly.

So drunk, according to Julian Hodge, that she almost ruined his show.

He was furious.

I think he followed her down here.

They argued. He lost control.

He k*lled her.

He beat her to death right here.

Julian Hodge? What about the evidence?

He planted it. He framed Pablo Ortiz.

Is that possible?

How could he plant all that evidence and clean up every trace of himself?

Actually, he didn't. He missed something.

Check this out.

See, there was a health inspection the day before.

They hung that flypaper in the corner.

How'd we miss it?

We just found it this morning.

Behind that radiator.

It must've fallen back there during the fight. And look.

There's three or four hairs stuck to it.

And they can't be from Clea Vance because she had long hair.

The must belong to Julian Hodge.

The real k*ller.

This is the proof we need.

How soon can you do a test on those?

I'll get right on it. Good work.


Honey, I think they're done.

Ooh. Maybe a little overdone.



[bell rings]

(doorman) I don't have a John Carlo, okay?

How many times I have to tell you?

You're not on the list, all right?

Good night. Thank you.

Good night!

Hello. I'm on the list.

Name. Puff Daddy.

Plus one. This is my girlfriend.


Puff Daddy the rapper?

Oh, no. Not that Puff Daddy.

This happens to me all the time, doesn't it?

All the time. Yeah.

Let me explain. Where to begin?

All right, there are two Puff Daddys.

Why don't you change your name?

Why doesn't he change his name is what I'm saying.

I'm older than him. I had it first.

One time a lawyer told me I could sue if I--

My daughter's in there. I'm going in.

We gotta go in there. Hey, hey! Hey!

[disco music]


Have you seen my daughter?

Have you seen, uh, my daughter Julie?

She's 13, long, blond hair.

(Hodge) Beautiful.

And there's little Julie.

Good, she looks very good.

[gasps] Julie!

Natalie, don't eat the food.

I just saw four models back there throwing up.



That's not my design! Make an announcement.

[whispering] You can't just run away from me like that!

You scared me to death!

You know, if we have a problem, we need to talk about it, all right?

I thought we were partners.

[hissing] Get off!

You say I can't do this, and you don't even tell me why.

What kind of partner are you?

I had my reasons, all right?

There are grown-up things happening here.

There are dangerous things.

You have to trust me, honey.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

Oh, God.

All right? You're so grounded.


Well, look, here's to our next show in Milan.

Cin-cin. All the best.

And congratulations. You look stunning in that dress.


That was a great show tonight.

Really fabulous.

Except for that one little incident with that midget.


That was ridiculous. Ugh.



(Hodge) Oh, that's delicious, isn't it?



I want to get you new earrings.

I want them to be drops.

Oh! Look what the cat dragged in.

You know, you nearly ruined my show.

You nearly ruined my daughter.

Hmm. Mr. Hodge, hello!


Great party. Thank you.

There's somebody here I'd really love for you to meet.

There he is.

(Stottlemeyer) Come on. Now?

Oh, yeah. Can't it wait?

No, no, no. He's very important.

Julian Hodge...

I'd like you to meet Howard Gordon.

Howard is one of our forensic experts.

Oh. How do you do?

He's been examining some evidence that we just uncovered in the Clea Vance case.

What, new evidence?

That's right--four strands of human hair found at the scene of the crime.

For the record, Gordo, is this your report?

For the record, yes, it is.

Uh-huh, and you examined these hair samples that we found earlier today?

I did.

And were you able to match these hairs to any individual?

(Gordo) Yes, sir.

And for the record, who do these hairs belong to?

Pablo Ortiz.


Isn't that the boy who's already in jail for the m*rder?

[laughs] Well...

I think, gentlemen, we're finished here.

Don't mind if I get back to my party?

Hang on.

Hang on.

Gordo, I'm sorry, but you're under arrest.

Accessory to m*rder and Falsifying Evidence.


Here's what I couldn't figure out.

If you were guilty, how could all the evidence point somewhere else?

There could be only one possible answer.

There was something wrong with the evidence.

(Stottlemeyer) We did some digging, Gordo.

You did make a lot of money this year, but it wasn't in real estate.

Here's what happened.

(Monk) When you did the forensic work on the Clea Vance m*rder, you realized all the evidence pointed to Julian Hodge.

And you decided to cash in.

You made Hodge an offer he was in no position to refuse.

For a price, you'd bury the evidence against him.

There was only one problem.

You had to close the case.

You needed a fall guy.

Hodge remembered a young delivery boy named Pablo Ortiz, a poor kid, barely spoke any English.

He was a perfect patsy.

Hodge got Natasia to help him.

She called the police and accused Ortiz of stalking her roommate.

The police arrested Pablo.

They took hair and blood samples and sent them to you.

And the rest was easy.

All you had to do was re-label them.

Pablo never had a chance.

You can't prove any of this.

We don't have to.

You proved it for us five minutes ago when you swore that these hair samples belonged to Pablo Ortiz.

So you planted that hair to test him?


[sighs] Whose hair was it?

It was mine.

Natalie pulled it out with a tweezer.

She just yanked it out.

What was I supposed to do?

You could have cut them, like I told you.

We needed the follicles.

No, we didn't need the follicles because we knew he wasn't going to test anything.

That was the whole point.

Don't be such a baby. It's embarrassing me.

Hang on.

Hang on!

I forgot what we were doing.

Oh, yeah, we're arresting you two.

You know the drill, Gordo.

So, it's true what they say, huh?

You can never judge a person by how they dress.

Well, you know what?

Let me tell you what you're gonna be wearing.

I hope you like orange. It's a little jumpsuit thing.

Has a number right here.

You can wear it anywhere, really.

Indoors, walking around the yard.

[crying] Ay, mijo.

Es un milagro.

[speaking Spanish]


Ven, ven, ven.

Thank you, Mr. Monk.

(Maria) How can I repay you, Mr. Monk?

I have no money.

Now that you mention it, it is only 2:30.

If we left now, you could be back at work at 3:15, put in a couple of hours, inspect, what, 90, maybe 100 shirts.

But I took the day off.

No, no, no, no.

You don't wanna do that, no.

You're Inspector Number Eight.

You have a lot of people depending on you.

I'm sure they would like to visit.

You know, catch up.

Yeah, there's plenty of time for that.

They got the whole weekend for that.

Unless you want to work on Saturday.

Puedes trabajar Saturday... Sábado?

Shh! No? Domingo?

Overtime, overtime.