01x13 - Is There A Doctor In The House?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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01x13 - Is There A Doctor In The House?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story
of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up
three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was ♪

♪ Much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group ♪

♪ Must somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way they all ♪

♪ Became the Brady bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way they became ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch. ♪



What are you doing
home from school?

They sent me home.


It's either measles

or a strange case
of red freckles.

You have got a temperature.

They told me 101.1.

What's the record?

Never mind. That's one
record you don't want to break.

Right. You don't get to
hold the title very long.

I think you better go
upstairs and get into bed.

I'll phone the doctor,
and be right up.

Measles. Let's
hope all the others

don't start coming down with it.

Oh, that would be terrible.

Right. As the warden at
the state prison once said,

"I sure would hate to see
'em all break out at once."


( chuckling)

Oh, no. Are you
sure it's the measles?

Well, he's certainly
got all the symptoms...

A slight temperature,
a lot of dots

and a great big smile.

A great big smile?

No school for a few days.

Oh. Did you call the doctor?

I've been trying to, honey,
but the line's been busy.

Well, say hello to
my dotted son for me.

Tell him I'll bring him
some comic books,

and I'll see you later, dear.

Okay, honey. Bye.

Oh, Alice, have you
seen the thermometer?

Well, let's see.

The last time I used it
was in the roast beef.

Oh, you mean for people.

I'll get it.

Hello. May I please
speak to Dr. Porter?

Dr. Porter, this is Carol Brady.

Would you mind
stopping by the house?

One of the kids was sent home
from school with the measles.

Yeah. Thanks a lot.


You've got measles.

Golly. Mothers are
supposed to know everything,

but do you have
to keep proving it?

You've got a temperature, too.

What do you mean, too?

Peter was sent home from school

a little while ago.

Oh. What was his temperature?


Oh, is that all?

I'm 101.2.

You get right into bed.

Dr. Porter's on the way over.

Can I tell Peter he's
a point behind me?

I'm sure he'd appreciate
your sympathy.

Now into bed, Jan.

( muffled speaking)

I can't understand a
word you're saying.

Wait till I get the
thermometer out.

( muffled speaking)

Five, four, three, two and out.

What's a seven-letter
word for "drink"?

Good. Hasn't gone up a bit.

I need a seven-letter
word for "drink."

Oh, seven-letter
word for "drink."

JAN: Mom? Mom?

I'll be right back.

Your mother's in
the kitchen, sweetie,

fixing that special
milkshake you wanted.

Oh, yeah.

See what I drew, Alice?

Oh, that's beautiful, Jan!

Just beautiful!

Can you tell what it is?

Of course. It's a bird.

I don't mean that.

I mean what kind of a bird?

Oh... Peter: Alice!

Um... I, uh... I promised
Peter I'd help him.

Uh... let's see. A
seven-letter word for drink.

I think I got it.

Limeade. That's seven letters.

It starts with an "S."

Now you tell me.

JAN: Alice!

Uh... hey, uh... how...
how about soda pop?

That's two words.

Alice! I'll be right back.




It's a swallow.

Of course. It's a swallow.

PETER: Alice!

Swallow. I think I've got it.

Peter, you got
your pencil ready?


I've got that one.

What's a five-letter
word for exhausted?


Well, Dr. Cameron,
this is Mike Brady.

I've been wondering about Peter.

What do you mean,
wondering what?

Didn't Carol call you?

Peter's got the measles.

( chuckling)

Yeah. Maybe you didn't
get the message yet.

I'd appreciate it if
you'd drop by the house

and check him over.

Ah. Thanks.

I'll see you there. Bye.

( doorbell rings)

Oh, Dr. Porter.

Please come in.

How are you, Carol?

Oh, fine. I'm sure glad
you got here so soon.

Now not only Peter,
but Jan has the measles.

That's pretty sneaky,

trying to get two
for the price of one.

Well, I'll check her as
soon as I finish with Peter.

Oh, good. Will you tell
Peter I'll be right up?

I'm fixing something
in the kitchen for Jan.

He's upstairs, right?

Yeah. Boys' room...
First one on the right.

See you in a couple of minutes.

PETER: Mom?!

But, Peter, I am a doctor.

I've always taken care
of your mother's girls.

Then you're a girls' doctor!

No, I'm not.

I take care of little boys, too.

I'm a big boy! Mom! Mom!

What is it? What happened?

Come here.

Excuse me.

Mom, she's a woman.

We go to Dr. Cameron... a guy.

But, Peter, a
doctor is a doctor.

They don't take care
of just boys or girls.

They take care of both.

Well, she's not
taking care of me both.

JAN: Mom!

What is it?

Come quick!

Oh, what in the world...?

Would you please
explain it to him?

Now, Peter, you're
being very silly about this.


Coming! Coming!

Jan, what's...
what's the matter?

Can't you see? There's a
strange man in my room!

If you put one hand on this
girl, I'll... I'll call the police!

Mrs. Brady, I presume.

I think you presume too
much... Breaking and entering

and frightening
a poor little girl.

You better have a
good explanation for this.

Well, I think I have a
rather good explanation.

You see, I'm a pediatrician.

Then what are you doing here?

I never heard of a doctor

going door to door.

Mrs. Brady, I've been
taking care of Mike's kids,

well, from the time
they were born.

He asked me to come over.

Alice brought me up.


Doctor, I'm sorry. I...

My face must be
as red as her dots.

Well, Mike didn't tell me

that he phoned you,

so, naturally, when I
saw a strange man...

How can I apologize?

You already
have... very sweetly.

Well, uh... gee, I-I
called Dr. Peter... Porter.

Uh, she's in the room
with Porter... Peter!

You mean Katherine
Porter? You know her?

No, but I've heard of her.
She's an excellent doctor.

A girl's doctor!

Why don't you just relax, Jan?

Well, I'll go in and
talk to Dr. Porter.

I'm sure I can just
straighten this whole thing out

in a few minutes.

( embarrassed chuckle)

Meantime, Jan and I
can get better acquainted.

Only if you keep your distance.

Jan... Sir.

Oh, Mike.

Listen. Conference time.

Well, I was just going in to...

No. Come on, come on.

What's with the
conference at a time like this

when we have a kid
upstairs with the measles?

Two kids. Jan has
the measles, too.

Oh, wow.

What did the doctor say?

Which one? There are
two doctors up there.

Why two?

Well, naturally, I
called Dr. Porter.

And, naturally, you
called Dr. Cameron.

One and one makes two.

Amazing. Two doctors
both making house calls.

They may be drummed
out of the AMA.

You haven't heard
the rest of the story.

Dr. Porter is a woman doctor.


And Peter doesn't
want a woman doctor.

( chuckling)

Honey, I can't say I blame him.

A guy doesn't want
a woman, you know...

taking his temperature.

Well, Jan isn't exactly thrilled
about a man taking hers.

Dr. Cameron's a
very fine doctor.

Well, Dr. Porter's a
very fine doctor, too.

I mean she's taken
marvelous care of the girls for...

What's wrong?

We've got the measles.

All four of us.

Correction: all six of us.

You mean Jan and
Peter have them, too?

Well, you better
call Dr. Porter.

Dr. Cameron.

Dr. Porter.

Dr. Cameron!

Hold it.

They're both upstairs.

I like Dr. Cameron.

He gives lollipops.

Dr. Porter gives
all-day suckers.

Doctors must have

an arrangement with dentists.

( kids clamoring)

It surely was kind of
both of you to come.

We, uh... would like, uh...

What I mean to...
Well, Mike and I, uh...

We certainly are going

to discuss this situation.

We understand.

It certainly isn't necessary

to double your doctors.

Well, we want
who's best for the...

what's best for the children.

Fine. You make your choice.

That's right, Dr. Cameron.

Right. And may the best man...

uh... or woman win.

( all chuckling)

Thanks again.


( sighing)

Oh, honey, will you
stop worrying and relax?

We'll use your doctor.

I wouldn't dream of it.


If we used my doctor,

and anything went wrong,
I'd never forgive myself.

Oh, fine! And we use my doctor,

and I'd never forgive myself.

Nothing doing!

Okay, if you insist,
we'll use my doctor.

Fine. Hold it!


Hold what?

You outmaneuvered me.

Use your doctor.

That's what you
wanted all along...

To use your doctor.

You object?

Then we can use your doctor.

Oh, no. That's not
going to work either.

Oh, come on, Mike.
Why don't we just put it off

until you can
decide which doctor?

At this point,

I'd settle for a witch doctor.

Oh, Greg.

You won my railroad.

I'll be a sport.

You can ride on it free.

Thanks a lot.

It's your turn, Peter.

All I need is two more houses.

A six.

Aw, missed it.

Boy, this is the life, isn't it?

Yeah. If you have to get sick,
sure can't beat the measles.

That's right.

No medicine.

Inside or out.
Like sh*ts, I mean.

Don't even mention sh*ts.


Where did you land?

I won a 90-foot yacht.

Who owned that big yacht?


Who cares? I get seasick anyway.

Marcia, would you
please tell Bobby to stop it?

Listen, you kids. You
promised you'd stay

in the other room, and color.

That's what we're
doing. We're coloring.

I colored a tiger,

then Bobby colored a giraffe,

and now Bobby wants to color me.


My spots.

I thought they'd
look better green.

Go back and color your books.

And, Bobby, her spots
would look rotten in green.

Hey, how about blue?

I could make her spots blue.

I like them red, like they are.

Go on, you two. Back
to your coloring books.

Oh, come on, Cindy.

MARCIA: Go on.

Those two act
like such children.

Come on, Jan. It's your turn.

Boy, I sure am
lonesome for Mrs. Kittridge

and that algebra class.

I could almost cry.


Yeah. Everything
would be perfect...

except for the doctors.

Especially that woman doctor.

Yeah. Women are
supposed to be nurses.

Men are supposed to be doctors.

Who says so? There
are men nurses.


Yeah. Name one place.

The county hospital.

I just won it and, from now on,

it's going to have nothing but
women doctors and men nurses.

When are you girls
going to give up?

Everybody knows men doctors
are better than women doctors.

You're not everybody.

You're not even anybody.

Did you hear that, Greg?

You keep talking
like that, girls, and...

Gentlemen, if you don't like
the conversation in this room...

Which, by coincidence,
happens to be a woman's room.


Then why don't you get lost?


Come on, Peter.
We can take a hint.

Yeah. It's time
for lunch, anyway.

And just for that, Marcia,

no free rides on my railroad.

I know there's another
one somewhere.

I just remembered
where. In the garage.

I'll be right back.

( bell rings)

Is that you, Cindy?

Yes, Mother.

Your orange juice
is coming right up.

( slide whistle blowing)

Yours, too, Bobby.

( bicycle bell rings)

Oh, Marcia, can it wait?

( bongos beating)

Greg, your father's
looking for a bell.

Now please stop pounding
on those silly drums.

( noisemaker grinding)

Happy New Year, Jan.

( whistle blowing)

If you'll just wait a
minute, Sergeant Peter,

your lunch will be right there.

Oh, Alice, you know something?

I bet, when I go
to sleep tonight,

I'm going to dream about bells.

I always dream about bells.

They're always the same kind.

Wedding bells.

And then I wake up.

( cowbell clanging)

I found it.

No more bongo drums for Greg.

Oh, thank goodness.

Yeah. I kept getting the feeling

that the natives
were getting restless.

Come on, Mike. Let's
take these trays up.


We got everything here?

Well, I think so.

There are six luncheon trays,

uh... five comic books,

four jigsaw puzzles,
♪ Three magic tricks ♪

♪ Two ice cream bars ♪

♪ And one cowbell. ♪

GREG: It's sure great how some
people can sing, while other people

are dying!

Why is it

that kids always
say they're dying?

Because, to a child's mind,

that is the super
way of getting even.

You have to admit, though,

the kids have been awfully good.

After all, they're
uncomfortable, they're itchy...

Yeah. And stuck up in bed.

I think they've
been really great.

Hardly any trouble at all.

( cacophony of noisemakers)

You were saying, Mrs. Brady?

Coming! Coming!

Onward and upward.

After you, my dear
Miss Nightingale.

Oh, thank you, kind sir.

( noisemakers continue)

Okay, fellas, here
we are... lunch.

Lunch, lunch.

Everybody up.

Everybody get in line
'cause it's chow time,

and such chow you've never seen.

There, Greg.
Isn't that beautiful?

I'd really rather have bologna.


That's a feast fit for a king.

Then give it to the king
and get me some bologna.

Mike, he's sick and irritable.

If he wants bologna,
then... Okay, okay.

I'll get it.


Peter... there you go.


Cindy: Hey, Mom, whatever
happened to "ladies first"?

Be right there.

We came in this room first.

Broccoli... yuck!

Here we go.

Oh, I'm starved.

Me, too.

Here you are, sweetheart.

There... let me help you.

How come I always get

peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches?

Because you love them.

Oh, yeah.

I keep forgetting.

And last but not least...

Where's the gravy?

Oh, the gravy. I forgot.

Gravy, coming up.

We forgot the
gravy for Jan's food.

She likes everything
all mushed together.


Peter and Bobby want mustard.

All this up and down stairs...

Have to pay a gym $100
for this much exercise.

CAROL: Now, Jan had chicken pox

and, uh, Marcia and
Cindy had mumps.

There. Well, whichever
doctor we choose,

at least we'll have all the
information on all the kids.

Oh, except for poison oak.

Now, I know that
none of the boys had it.

Well, none of the girls
had poison oak either.

Okay, scratch poison oak.

Oh, Alice.

( giggles)

Greetings. How are things
in Brady General Hospital?

Well, we're still featuring
measles. Take a look.

What's this? Some kind
of wall-to-wall Scrabble.

Hey, it's a marvelous new idea,
but we sure could use your help.

What illnesses,
diseases do you recall?

The doctors have kept records

that they can transfer
from one to the other.

Besides, this is wrong.

Now, none of the kids have
had the sh*ts for distemper.

That's Tiger's column.

I figured I might as well
keep a record for the vet.

( cowbell clanging)


It's time for the kids'
ice cream sundaes.

Ice cream sundaes?
It's almost dinner.

( bicycle bell ringing)

That's Marcia.

She's afraid we
didn't hear Greg.

Kids. Just because they
have a few dots on their faces,

they think they can
order everybody around.

I think they're taking
advantage now.

I've got to do something

about this memory of mine.

Mr. Brady, who was it
that had the flu last year

that had to have one hot
buttered rum after another,

in addition to crossword puzzles

magnetic solitaire
game, dart board

and a pair of nails...

Twisted nails... that
had to be untwisted?

Oh, now, that's enough.

Which he never
could get untwisted.

That was a very
difficult puzzle.



You know, we almost had

a very foolish
argument last night.

About the doctors.

Look, we're both mature adults

with a reasonable amount
of intelligence, right?

Well, I think this business

of deciding upon a
doctor should be handled

on a very Logical,
reasonable, intelligent level.

Well, I couldn't agree more.

What do you suggest?

Let's toss a coin.

That's beautiful.

You happen to have one with
you? I mean, both sides the same?

Oh, look, Mike, I'm serious.

They're both fine doctors,

and we know that,
whichever one we choose,

the children are going
to have the very best.

Wait a minute. The children.

The children are the
ones who are sick, right?


Well, they've met
both of the doctors.

Let's let them make the choice.

But, girls, you can't avoid it.

Listen, there's
going to come a time

when you're going to have
to use a doctor that's a man.

Look. What if you
were on a sinking ship,

and it was going
down for the third time,

and you developed a bad cold,

and the only doctor available
was the ship's doctor...

Who happened to be a man?

Well, then, what would you do?

GIRLS: Drown!

Fellas, there's no difference

between a woman
doctor and a man doctor.

But, Dad, you're the one

who told us about
the birds and the bees.

You got nowhere
with the girls, huh?

Nope. Same progress
with the boys?


Doctors, doctors.

Carol, you have your
own doctor, right?


You have your doctor.

I have my doctor.

Suppose I said to you,

"From now on, you
have to use my doctor."

What would you say to me?

Now, Mike, let's
not go into that.

Exactly. And that's just
the way I would react.

We haven't switched
to one doctor

just because we got married.

That's true.

Then why should the
kids switch doctors?

How about that? I'm a genius.

If you're such a genius,

how come you didn't
think of it yesterday?

I'm what you call a slow genius.

Well, we'll just
have two doctors.

Yeah. One for the boys
and one for the girls. Simple.

( doorbell ringing)

That must be a member
of our medical staff.

I wonder whose, yours or mine?

Oh, come in.

Dr. Cameron's here, too. Good.

How are the children?

Oh, they're getting
along just fine.

We thought, before you went
upstairs to see the children,

we'd like to talk
to you for a minute.

Well, of course.

Mike and I have finally
reached a decision.

Some families have two cars,

some families have two phones...

Why not two doctors?

Why not?

Fine with us.

Uh... by the way,
if you call my office

and a man answers,
don't hang up.

It'll be him.

Dr. Cameron?

Well, yes.

Since Dr. Porter and I met here,

we've been
complaining to each other

about our long hours,

and the workload, and the...

well, the problems of not having

a... a... an associate.

So we've decided to
combine our practice.

Well, congratulations.

Hey, that's wonderful.

Uh... how long have you had

that red spot on your cheek?

What red spot?

Dr. Porter?

And the one on your chin.

Oh, no. Don't tell me
he's got the measles.

Of course, we can't be sure

until he's had an examination.

Well, we're practicing
together now.

Which one of us do you want?

Well, I think,

in order to prove a
point to the boys...

Oh, never mind.

Dr. Cameron, he's all yours.

( chuckling)

Measles, measles, measles.

Well, all the kids have
now had the measles.

So have I.

Well, I had them years ago.

Looks like the Bradys are
finished with the measles.

ALICE: Hold it.

You're not through yet.

Alice, don't tell me

you're coming down
with the measles.

Oh, I hope so.

I'd hate to think

I was just learning
how to blush at my age.

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