01x12 - The Voice of Christmas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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01x12 - The Voice of Christmas

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story
of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up
three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of
gold, like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when
the lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must
somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way they all
became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch,
the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way they
became the Brady Bunch. ♪

♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la,
la-la, la, la ♪

♪ Don we now... ♪

There! How's that for
a masterpiece, hmm?

Alice, you did such a
beautiful job with that

I'm gonna let you
help me with this one.

Oh, Mrs. Brady is really going

to be thrilled with
that tape recorder.

Well, she's been rehearsing
her solo day and night

for the church service
Christmas morning.

Thought she'd get a kick out
of putting her voice on tape.

I better get this wrapped

before she gets back
from choir practice.

She's really thrilled
about singing that solo.

I hope they like her.

You kidding? She's gonna knock

that congregation
right out of their pews.

You have a way of
putting things, Alice.

I need your finger.

Press down hard
right there. Okay.

I don't know how
Mrs. Brady does it.

Besides all that singing,

she's been addressing
Christmas cards, shopping...


I guess the singing gives
her something to think about

while she's doing
everything else.

Say, now, how's
that going to look?

Alice... Yes, Mr. Brady?

Alice, I hate to be a spoilsport

but I need that finger.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Hey, I got to remember
how I did that.

One of these days,
I'm gonna meet

an eligible bachelor, and I...

Oh, hi, Mrs. Brady.

Hi, honey. What's wrong?

( whispering): I can't talk.

You can't talk!

You lost your voice?!

ALICE: Oh, my!

The Christmas service!

How are you going to
sing without a voice?


MIKE: Yes?


Yes, Doctor, she's using it now.

Any further results
of those tests?

Get your head back under there.

Yes, Doctor.

She has what?!


More commonly
referred to as laryngitis.


I see.


Yes, Doctor, I'll tell her.

Thank you very much.


( Mike sighs)

The Doctor says
all that rehearsing

has strained your vocal chords

and if you want to
sing Christmas morning

you have to have
complete rest and quiet.

But, Mike, I have
to decorate the tree

and do my Christmas
shopping and...

And do not try to talk!

Mike, there's so much to do.

Will you relax?

Everything will get done.

When the boys get
back with the tree

we'll all pitch in
and help decorate it.

We'll get the
shopping done, too.

You take it easy
and rest your voice.


Don't talk.

( chuckles)

Aw, honey, I know you
don't like to baby yourself

but it's doctor's orders.

This is our first family
Christmas together

and that's the
main thing, isn't it?

( chuckling): Attagirl.

( banging) Now, you just...

GREG: Take it easy!

PETER: Hurry up, will you?

I better give them a hand.

Now, listen, you
don't go anywhere.

You get back under
your teepee, Pocahontas.

Hold it, hold it, we're
breaking the branches.

PETER: I told you

not to buy such a big one!

Well, let's swing it around.

Just a minute, Dad,
we got a problem here.

We're trying to get
the Christmas tree

through the door.

Come on.

Boy, are we dum-dums.

Don't feel bad, fellas.

They didn't give me an
architect's degree for nothing!


Now all we got to do

is figure out where to put it.

Honey, you shouldn't
be roaming around.


The boys picked out a beauty.

GREG: I picked it out.

PETER: I pointed to it.

BOBBY: I saw it first!

There's enough
credit for everybody.

MIKE: Where would
you like it, honey?

Oh, you're going
to leave it up to us?

All righty!

Let's see.

Hey, how about over there?

Looks great to me.

MIKE: Let's go.


Careful, now, we don't
want to break the branches.

Here, let's set it
down here, boys.

Okay, Bobby, Peter,
move the horse.

Don't drop it, fellas.

Put this over here
for the time being.

Okay... into the corner.

There, how's that?

Looks great.

Yeah, perfect, isn't it?


You heard your mother, boys.

She wants it in the entry hall.

Hop to it.

Up we go.

Okay, boys, put it down there.

Hey, hey, hey!

Yeah, yeah!

Yeah, okay.

You're right, honey,
that's the only place for it.

Did you find a spot, honey?

GREG: Where?

That's the first
place we put it.

You heard your mother, boys.

Let's go.

ALICE: Careful, girls,
don't drop those boxes.

We've got enough
Christmas ornaments

to decorate the
whole neighborhood.

That's what happens

when two families get together.

These are heavy.

Where should we put them, Mom?

Be careful with those
ornaments, kids, they're fragile.

What does that
mean... "fragile"?

( sighs)

That's "fragile."

Ugh! That smells
terrible, Alice!

I don't think
you're going to get

Mrs. Brady to try it.

It may not smell like gardenia

but the main thing is

it's a cure for laryngitis.

Aah, that needs more vinegar.

Vinegar! What else have you got

in that witches' brew?

Oh, oil of camphor, tar,
pepper, mustard powder...

My grandmother's secret remedy.

How could she keep it a secret?

You can smell it for 15 miles.

( coughing)

You're going to soak
that cloth in that stuff

and get Mrs. Brady to
wear it around her neck?

That's the idea.

( grunts doubtingly)

Well, none of the other
medicines has worked.

In fact, I'm planning
to exchange

that tape recorder.

Well, there's no need

in reminding her
she can't sing now.

If this works, she might get
her voice back by Christmas.

Yeah, I hope you're right.

I think the best
thing you can do

with that concoction is
to pour it down the drain

and hope it doesn't
wreck the plumbing.

Mr. Brady, many people
have scoffed at this remedy...

GREG: Hi, Dad.

We gonna go shopping soon?
Yeah, in a little while, Greg.

Before we go shopping

I'm going to fix lunch.

Not for me.

I just decided to go on a diet.

Mrs. Brady, this is
my grandmother's

secret remedy for
curing laryngitis.

Stand still, let me wrap
it around your neck.

I know it doesn't
smell very nice

but you'll get used to
it in just a little while.

( whispering): Alice, no!

But you've tried all
the other medicines,

Mrs. Brady, and
they haven't worked.

Now, please give it a chance.

Mrs. Brady, don't you trust me?

( whispers): No.

Look, I'll show you
it's not so bad to wear.

( inhales deeply)

See? I can hardly
smell it at all.

Will you wear it?

You won't be sorry, Mrs. Brady.

You'll be cured in 24 hours.

( whispering): 24 hours!

24 hours. Unless
you break out in a rash

and then you
ought to take it off.

You're wearing Grandma's
secret remedy, huh?

Let's hope it does the job.

We're going to go downtown

and finish the shopping.

I'll round up the kids.

Who knows, honey?

It might just work, you know.

Does the smell bother you?

No. No, it's not too bad.

( chuckles)

We better get going...
We won't be too long.

Uh, no.

Oh, it looks like we got here

during the rush hour.

Now, you be a nice little girl

and you'll get that
puppy for Christmas.

I can wait by myself, Daddy.

Well, I did want to
exchange this present.

You sure you don't
mind waiting alone?

Daddy, I'm six years old!

I keep forgetting.

Now, I'll be right back

and you wait right here.



( elevator bell rings)

Hi, I'm Cindy.

What's your name?

I hate girls.

A basketball and a BB g*n

and a four-speed
bike with hand brakes

and a dart game, and
a baseball mitt... lefty...

And a bow and
arrow set, and a...

All right, sonny, I'll
do all I can for you.

Now, you just run
along and be a good boy.

I'm only half
finished. Well, I know,

but I have to go and feed
my reindeer, and besides,

there are a lot of
other children waiting.

I'll read this later.

You might forget.

Oh, I'll never
forget you, sonny.

Merry Christmas.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

You're next, little girl.

Well, my sakes!

What's your name?

Cindy Brady.

My, but you are
a pretty little girl!

What toy would you like
to have Santa bring you?

Oh, I don't want any toys.

No toys?

Well, you must want
something for Christmas.

I do... I want my mommy
to get her voice back.

Your mommy's voice back?

Mommy's got
"Larry-gitis" real bad.

Well, that is a shame.

And she has to sing
at church on Christmas.

Well, Cindy, I
don't think I can...

Oh, please, Santa.

It's all I want for Christmas.

Well, you certainly are

a sweet, unselfish little girl.

I'm sure your mommy
will get her voice back.

Oh, thank you, Santa!

( Santa chuckling)

Daddy, Daddy!

What are you so excited
about, sweetie, huh?

Santa's going to give Mommy
her voice back for Christmas.

He's what?

He promised Mommy can
sing on Christmas morning.

Oh, honey, how could he do that?

He's not a doctor.

He's better than a doctor.

He's Santa Claus.

Why would you
make such a promise

to a little girl?

Listen, this is
Christmas, mister,

and I'm Santa Claus.

You know, maybe it's okay

to promise material things

like toys and
dolls and bicycles,

but not voices.

How's Cindy gonna
feel tomorrow morning

when her mother can't even
say "Merry Christmas" to her?

I'm sorry, but that
little kid is hard to resist.

When she looks at you

with those big baby blues

you just want to
give her everything.

Not things you can't deliver.

Look, she believes
in you, you know.

Honest... I only wanted
to make her happy.

That's great for now.

What's going to make
her happy Christmas Day?

I can hardly wait for
Christmas, Mommy.

( raspily): Me, too.

And wait till you see

what Santa's bringing you.

Santa's bringing me something?

Uh-huh. But it's a
secret, so I can't tell you

what it is.

All right, I'll tell.

You're going to
get your voice back

on Christmas.

It's true, Mommy.

Santa promised me.

You asked Santa to
give me my voice back?

Uh-huh. I asked Santa
today and he said he would.

Cindy, can I see
you for a moment?

Sure, Daddy.

Be right back, Mommy.

I told Mommy what
Santa's bringing her.

( sighs)



Did you bring me out here

to watch you walk?

No, sweetheart.

I have something to say to you

but I'm not sure how to say it.

You're going to scold me?

No, of course not.

I didn't think so.

You always know how to do that.

Cindy, I don't want you

to build your hopes too high

that your mother
will get her voice back

by Christmas.

Oh, she will.

Santa said so.

Well, maybe you
misunderstood him.

Now, he didn't exactly
promise, did he?

Oh, yes, Daddy, he did.

Really he did... and
he's Santa Claus.

( sighs)

Cindy, I don't want
you to expect a miracle.

Oh, I don't expect a miracle.

I just expect
Mommy to sing good.

Now, where would be a good place

to hide the boys' presents?

Do we have to hide them?

It's a surprise!

They'll never expect

to be getting presents from us.

How about in the closet?

No, that'll be the
first place they'll look

when they start snooping.

What makes you
think they'll snoop?

Well, we snoop, don't we?

All right, now, just make sure

the girls don't catch
you hiding these.

If they catch me
should I eat the present?

Eat it?!

He's been watching too
many of those spy programs.

Mrs. Brady?

MAN ( over radio): It is now 11:15
on this night before Christmas.

We interrupt the music

to bring you another
bulletin on Santa Claus.

Our Canadian tracking
station has spotted

his reindeer-powered sleigh

zooming through the
skies over Montreal

and headed for New York.

We'll keep you informed
as further bulletins come in.

And now, back to
Christmas music.

( knob clicks)

Find one of yours?

What did it sound like?

Who cares? I started thinking

about Mom losing
her voice on Christmas.

Yeah, just when she's
supposed to sing her solo.

It's a bum deal.

I thought sure she'd have
her voice back by now.

PETER: Me, too.

Keep it down, would you?

You'll wake everybody up.

JAN: Who can sleep?

Some Christmas!

It's no fun this year.

Aha! I caught you in the act!

Sneaking down, trying to guess

what the presents are, huh?

Nobody feels much
like guessing presents.

You know what I think...

I think we ought to
postpone Christmas

till Mom can talk again.

GREG: I'm for that.

BOBBY: Me, too.

Let's skip Christmas this year.

Okay, it's unanimous...
We'll cancel Christmas.

Take the tree down

get the presents
back to the store.

I'll throw the turkey away.

Of course, it might
disappoint your mother a little.

She's had one
tough break already.

She and your dad

were looking forward
to us all having

a wonderful first
Christmas together.

Well, why worry
about how they feel?

We don't want to
disappoint them.

Of course not.

Well, that's exactly
what you'd be doing.

It was your idea, Marcia.

I only meant it

because Mom can't sing tomorrow.

You can't throw the
turkey away, Alice...

It's got my favorite dressing.

Don't worry, honey, I won't.

I just wanted you all to
realize you didn't really mean

what you were saying.

You sure scared me.

Okay, everybody off to bed now.

Come on, back you go.

Off, Dasher, off,
Dancer, off, Prancer...

Off, Vixen.

On, Comet, on, Cupid,
and Donner and Blitzen.

We were just going back to bed.

Good night, kids.

Mr. Brady, I didn't
know you were there.

Alice, I heard part of
what you said to the kids.

( Carol humming "O
Come All Ye Faithful")

Honey... honey... wake up.


( with full voice): Sing?

At this hour?

I can't even talk.

I just did!

Oh, Mike!

I'm not dreaming!

I'm awake! I can talk.

Sing, honey, sing!

♪ O come all ye faithful... ♪

♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ O come ye ♪

♪ O come ye to Bethlehem ♪

♪ Come and behold Him ♪

♪ Born the King of angels ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ Christ the Lord ♪

♪ Come and behold Him ♪

♪ Born the King of angels ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ Christ the Lord. ♪

Cindy, I think it's time

you went to bed, sweetheart.

Just a minute, Mommy.

I want to finish

this thank-you
letter to Santa Claus.

Thank-you letter!

Oh, Santa's gonna like that.

That's very thoughtful of you.



There, now, it's all finished.

I hope Santa can
read first-grade writing.

Oh, I'm sure he can.

Daddy, I told you

Santa would give
Mommy her voice back.


Well... you were right, sweetie.

Christmas is the
season for miracles, huh?
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