02x01 - Confession

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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02x01 - Confession

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,
the people are represented

by two separate yet
equally important groups...

the police
who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

This isn't a criticism, Mike.

Well, I guess I'm a little

Look, it probably won't hurt us.

My point is, Ben was trying to get
a straightforward laundry list going.

That's exactly what I gave him.
Listen, Paul... I pinch hit for Max
in the grand jury,

I present the case the way
you and I reviewed it,

now you're giving me
a bunch of...
Come on, man. Chill.

Tomorrow, when we ask you
to name names,

don't go off on a tangent
about kickbacks

and stolen copper pipes
and mangoes.

"Mungo," not mangoes.

And I think everybody knows

that's extra building material
that just disappears.

Yeah, and it ends up
in somebody else's building.

Hey, we didn't pick
the grand jurors.

No, but your crash course in corruption
went way over their heads.

So what?

So they get too confused,

they may throw up their hands
and "no-bill" it.

Relax. You're going
to get your indictments.

Max is back tomorrow morning.

He's gonna give you
what you want...

Howard Neffer,
Jimmy "The Mope" D'Onofrio,

Morgan Stern.

I'm going to call him later,

we're gonna go over
the case notes,

and then I'm going out frugging

with Patsy Kelly.

I don't know.

He's still rummaging around
in the trunk.

You know Max...
always losing his paperwork.

Marie, can you tell him
to light a fire under it?

- Dinner getting cold?
- No, my date's getting cold.
I'm still at the office.

Tell me about it.

It's like being married
to a ghost.

Now he's out there gabbing
with somebody.

- Who's he gabbing to?
- I don't know.

It's dark.

Matthew, go out and tell your father
to hurry up, will you?

Okay, Ma.

- What is this?
- Marie?

Oh, Mary Mother of God.

- Marie...? Marie! Marie!

Left... right...

left... right...

left... right... halt.


Left and right face.

One step to the rear.

Present arms.

I'll testify as soon
as you need me.

I can take over for Max's
testimony as well.

The grand jury
will be suspended.

When you open back up,
you include Max's m*rder

as part of the offering, right?

If we find anything

and so far we've found nothing.

The night before his first day
of grand jury testimony,

somebody heard something
was going down and didn't
like the sound of it.

I'd like to go after the list
of pending indictments.

You and I should find out
who had knowledge

of those indictments
in our office.

What about a leak
out of the grand jurors?

Let's check their ties
to construction industry.
Every one of them.

If word on the grand jury,
or a list of indictments got out,

why hit Max...
the lead on a task force?

Because they already hit
the leading investigator

from the building department.

That was an open
investigation, right?
In the papers.

What were they going
to accomplish by that?

I don't think these people are
what you'd call "long-term planners."

Two in the back,
one in the face.

That's not a pro,

not a thinker.

The purpose
of this little get-together

is emphatically not to "bust
your chops," as you put it.

It's to help you accept
your partner's death.

I accept it.

Boom... he's dead.
It's end of story.

Also to help
the officer in trouble
reach a sense of closure.

All right, first of all,
I'm not "in trouble," okay?

Matter of fact, I'm alive,
and I'm on the case.

Second of all, I'm Irish Catholic...
I got a sense of closure at Max's wake.

Well, then, there's no problem.

That's right.
Can I go now?

Listen, thanks a lot.
But, really, I'm fine.

Hey, Detective?

Ever hear
of the "seven stages of grief"?


The first one is denial.

I'm fine.


You know Phil Cerreta
from the 39?

I know him by name.

He's handling Max's case.

I saw him the night
of the crime scene.

He's thinking about
coming over,

maybe as second whip.


So, he asked about you.

How you would feel?

Fine... I mean, whatever.
I don't care.

Same rank as Max,
pick of cases.

He comes over,
that means he's bringing
Max's sh**ting with him?

- I would assume so.
- All right, then I'm on this case.

Mike, I let you back in the field,

I got to be concerned
about your objectivity.

- Then you put
Cerreta on point.
- Mike...

I know the history of the task force.
Who else is going to interview
these people?

It doesn't matter.
You're still due time on a desk.



How are you doing with this?

I'm fine.

I only found one name
that makes sense.

"Magadan, Dan Sr.
Retired construction"?
It's a good possibility.

It gets better.
Check his pension ties.

Pull everything you can on him.

Your pension fund
is vested with Local 139.

It's hard to believe
you didn't know

any of the names offered
for indictment in that room.

I had heard of a few, maybe.

They were just names.

I don't know them.

Do you know any people who do?

Not that I know of.

Two of them are on the governing board
of that local.

I haven't been active
in the local for years.

My pension's there, that's all.

Still, if you'd
mentioned anything,

even out of a sense
of loyalty...

I didn't say anything.

Mr. Magadan...

we're not talking about loyalties
and pension funds.

We're talking about the k*lling
of a man who had 23 years on the job.

And we're talking about his wife
and his children,

who'll spend months,
maybe years,

trying to come to terms
with the fact that he is gone.

Look, we're not assessing blame.
We just need some help.

We've got to know
whether you said anything.

I didn't. I swear.
Nothing was said.

Captain tells me
we're partnering.


I'm sorry about Max.




I know you're the new whip
and everything, but I got
a few things...

Mike, you know all the players
on this copper business.
I need you on point.



You, Stern, Neffer,
you were all indicted.

And you don't know anything
about the special investigator

that got tossed down
on 48th Street?

Yeah, well, sure.
Everybody's heard about it,
but I don't know nothing.

Well, I want you
to think about it, Vince.

Because I got a hundred bucks
that says the guys that threw him off the

were the same ones who k*lled
my partner, Detective Greevey.

I swear, Detective,
I'm just a salesman.

- He seems okay to me.
- Yeah.

- Maybe a few degrees too cool.
- Another hothead?

Another mick.
Your lot in life, Phil.

Max was not exactly
"Mr. Mellow."

I can imagine
these two guys together.

They did fine.

You and Mike
get a list of the indictees?

Yeah, tomorrow.

Mike and I are going out
tomorrow on a couple of them.


I restore old buildings.

I consider myself a conservator

of the city's
architectural heritage.

Very noble of you, Mr. Neffer.

Is this part of your

It's pipe.
What do you want?

All kosher, Howie?
We hear it's stolen.

You want to show me
a search warrant?

You think we're gonna load
a bunch of pipe in our trunk?

We don't need a search warrant.

We'll go back and get you
an arrest warrant.

Just tell me what you want.

Somebody on the secret grand jury
couldn't keep his big mouth shut.

We believe that information led

to the m*rder
Detective Logan's partner.

Why me? I don't know
anything about that.

We know you supplied
a lot of pipe to the 48th Street project.

Remember that one?
That's the one they tossed
Inspector Janklow off.

I had nothing to do with that.

Who did?

Ask Morgan Stern.
He told me to...

He told you what?

To keep my mouth shut
about the leak.

Ball's in your court, Mr. Stern.

I want immunity on anything
that may come of this.

I want to know where you got
the information on the grand jury.

You already stated
to Detectives Cerreta and Logan

that you did warn Howard Neffer
to keep his mouth shut about the leak!

I want to know
who that leak is!

All right.
How about immunity
on the copper theft?

Five more seconds
of this, you'll need immunity
on a lot more than that.

My project manager.

His name?!


Magadan... the old man?

No, his son...
Daniel Magadan Jr.

The grand jury foreman
told his son.

I'll be a son of a bitch.

Mr. Magadan,

we're not interested
in why you lied.

What we need to know is,
why did you tell

your son about the grand jury?

He said he had a friend
who wanted to know

what the grand jury
was getting.

I told him not to be a hero.

If his friend was mixed up
in something like that,

then it was none
of his business.

That's all?

I told him this Detective Greevey
was going to name names,

and I hoped to God
the name Magadan wasn't one of them.

Where's your son now,
Mr. Magadan?

I don't know.

That I swear... I don't.

Look, I got...
Just two minutes.

These Danny's friends?

The ones he's covering for?

If he's protecting someone,
it's wrong.

You know it's wrong.

My partner died because
you opened your mouth
on the grand jury.

I'm not going away.

Somebody's got to do
something right.

Danny came to me
about the grand jury.

Pumped me for info.

Said it was for a friend...

but maybe there was no friend.
Maybe he did it for himself.

- What do you mean?
- I don't know.

Mr. Magadan, if you're saying
your son k*lled my partner,

then every cop in this city
will be gunning for him.

His best bet is with me.

Any other cop,
the odds go down to 50-50.

Your word you won't hurt him?

I promise.

Hey, Danny...?


On your head.
On your head!

The name "Max Greevey"
ring a bell, Danny?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You throw Inspector Janklow
off a roof, then k*ll my partner
to shut him up?



- Get on your knees.
- What?

I said, get on your knees.

This is how you did
my partner, isn't it?

I swear, I didn't k*ll nobody.

I don't believe you.

I'm just gonna ask you
one more time, "Danny boy."

Oh, God...


I did it, okay?

I did it.

You do understand
you have the right
to an attorney?

You maintain you've passed
on that right?

Yeah, I understand.

I've been through all this
already with that psychotic.

We'll go over it again,
for the record.

You don't mind,
do you, Mr. Magadan?


Will you tell me something?

How did you find out
where Sgt. Greevey lived?

Some chick my cousin knows
who works at the DMV.

It's not that tough.

So I went out there
and parked across the street.

Then you got out of your car...

and you shot him.
Isn't that correct?

Not quite like that.

I mean, I had to wait
a few hours...

and when he came out,
I pulled into his driveway.

Intending to sh**t him?

Not necessarily.

I thought maybe I could
scare him off or something, you know?

thr*aten his old lady
if I could get her alone.

What happened
to make you change your mind?

I don't know.

When he came out...

he was just...


I kind of lost it.

You said the g*n was not yours.

No, it belongs
to the construction company.

I've got an extra key
to the trailer.

That's where the g*n is
now, in the trailer?



Where exactly is it kept?

You want me to hand it over
to you on a silver platter?

Good job.

Make sure I get a copy
of that confession.

You need to be very specific

when we go
in front of the judge.

You know the drill.
Search warrant...

It's in the toolbox right there

with the tools
and the rest of the stuff.


Iooks like you got this guy
dead to rights, huh?

I guess so.

You want to check it
before I hand it in?

Just make sure
all the "T's" are crossed
and the "I's" are dotted.

- I'm sure it's fine.
- It's all kosher?

You want me to freakin' proofread it,
or what, Phil?

It's just that... in case
you had to drag it out of him...

We ought to know that before
his lawyer comes on board.

He's saying
I dragged it out of him?

He said something like that.

You see any marks on the guy?

It isn't that.

It's that he said
you threatened to k*ll him.

He said that, huh?

A cop k*ller?

You think I would have
k*lled him, Phil?

I don't know, Mike.

I don't know
what's in your mind.

I don't know you well enough.

That's right...

you don't.

"Maybe thr*aten his old lady."

Too bad he didn't take that route.
Marie would have kicked his ass.

- That's for sure.
- Everything all right
with you two?

Oh, yeah. He's a good kid.
The collar is top of the line.

We got a 100-proof
case against the skel...

Whoa, Phil, let's stop
with the cliches already.

What's going on?

Suppose Logan went a little
over the line on this one?

- How far over?
- Not much, maybe five yards.

I wasn't even
gonna mention this,

but apparently, or maybe,

he was gonna blow
this guy's brains out.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

Magadan says that Logan
was waving his g*n at him.

Mike's got to be thinking
this guy is armed.

I mean, this is the guy
who k*lled his partner.

Yeah. And he would have
his g*n out.

It was dark.

And you gotta be careful.

I mean, what are you
going to do?


Anything you want to tell me?


I got us Max's k*ller.

Okay, let's get a warrant,

get that freakin' g*n in here
before something happens to it.

Mr. Stern, we have a warrant

to search these premises.

If it's true, the officer's use
of his g*n to get a confession...

With all due respect, Judge,
these allegations of threats
are not relevant to bail.

Hold it. If you believe your client's
statement was coerced,

make a motion to suppress it.

People's case
appears to be tight...

confession was made
inside the precinct, the m*rder
w*apon was recovered,

corroborative evidence...
bail's out of the question.

Fine, Judge.

Legal Aid only
represents Mr. Magadan
for this arraignment.

I'm sure that his regular
attorney will submit papers

challenging a confession
obtained at the point of a g*n.

To which the People
will respond.

Pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law,
Section 51040,

the defendant is remanded
to the custody of the State.

Docket number 64788.


Dave, if this is
the "rubber hose" routine,
I've heard it a thousand times.

Well, this was no rubber hose.
It was a.38 police special.

- And you're buying?
- Hey, I hear this twice
as much as you guys.

I got nothing invested here.

Once his high-priced
mouthpiece rolls in,
my office is gone.

I'm telling you,
it feels on the level.

And if it is, it's a big pile
you've stepped in.

From out of nowhere,
this detective rousts me.

I'm trying to be cool,

but I figure the guy's
on speed or something.

Why do you think that?

Because before
I'm halfway into my act...

he puts his piece here.

He asks me did I k*ll
the fat cop.

I don't say anything.

I hear the hammer go back...

click... click...

No bruises or cuts.
No way to verify it.

You just spilled your guts.

You know how to read
a rap sheet, don't you?

Five arrests,
three convictions.

So you're a loser. So...?

So, no guilty pleas.

Two years ago,
I got popped in Jersey.

A missing semi-trailer
full of microwaves.

A sergeant questions me
with a cigar.

I didn't talk then, either.

But this son of...

and that sound...


The guy was brought in,

Sergeant Cerreta Mirandized
he duly confessed.

That doesn't undo the damage.

What damage?
You were there yourself,
for crying out loud!

- You see anything screwy?
- Not in the interrogation room.

Can I cut in on this tap dance?
We're talking about the alley, right?

What's the difference?
You have a signed confession.

I get the feeling we're not
getting the whole truth.

- Well, Mike?
- Well, what?

I asked the guy about Max,
he blurted it out.

Did you help him?
Did you?

What I am asking you,

is did you thr*aten Mr. Magadan
in order to obtain information?

- I pressured him, okay?
- Mike...

What the hell is this?
You expect me to sit on my ass

while my partner's k*ller
walks around free?!

Either way, that is exactly
what is going to happen.

Because if the first
confession is coerced,

then so is the second,
and the third...

no matter how many times
you Mirandize the suspect.

Coercion is a judgment call.

My guy never laid a glove
on the son of a bitch.

That doesn't matter.
If he coerced the first confession,

it is still "fruit
of the poisonous tree."

What "fruit"?
What's it some stupid technicality?

Perhaps you can explain
the concept to your men,

so they don't let
another cop k*ller walk.

I doubt if Max Greevey
would've considered it
a "technicality."

So Stone's holding you

for Magadan possibly
getting off.

You think that's fair?

No, I don't.

But I don't give
a damn what he thinks.

- That's not
what I asked you.
- It's not?

What I'm asking is, do you feel
it's a fair assessment?

You mean, do I feel responsible
for Max getting blown away?

Maybe, if I'd gone home
with him, you know?

Maybe he wouldn't
have gotten zipped.

Maybe I just should've stepped
in front of that b*llet myself, right?

No, I don't feel responsible.

I feel incredibly...


That one of your
"seven stages"?


This is a statement
which Detective Logan

gave voluntarily
to the investigators

of the Internal Affairs Division.

Please read it over, Mr. McAnally,
and advise your client.

Now, Don, where are we going
to assign him until this thing
is resolved?

Temp desk.
Plus he's got some
vacation time coming.

You don't expect the lad
to sign this right here now, I hope?

He and I have got
some conferring to do.

Come on... what am I,
the stiff at my own funeral?

"Aw, poor Mike,
he looks so lifelike..."

Come on, cool it, Mike.
What for?

Everybody's acting like
I'm the one that's dead.


You're charging me
with a class B misdemeanor?

We are not charging you
with anything yet,

but I do suggest you talk
to your captain here

about the odds on your losing
your pension and your badge,

and the possibility of a million dollar
lawsuit against you

for violating
Mr. Magadan's civil rights.

His civil rights?!

What about Max's civil rights?

This is not a case of ends
justifying the means.

Of course it is,
and you know it.

You know it, because you do

the exact same thing
every day of the week.

You thr*aten to send them away,

or whisper their dirty little secrets
to their wives or their bosses.

You thr*aten to screw up their lives
just so you can get a little
information from them.

I didn't do it at gunpoint, Detective.
There's a big difference.

Mike, as your PBA attorney,
I must advise you not to sign...

Why not?

It's the truth.

Just lucky
that this isn't L. A...

everybody walks around
with a video camera.

What's the point?
He never physically
injured the guy.

The best we can do is menacing.

- It's a B misdemeanor.
- For blowing our case?!

I'd bust him for reckless
endangerment if I could.

I thought of that.
But his partner was k*lled.

No jury would convict.

Any chance of arguing
the confession wasn't coerced?

- With a g*n to his head?
- The man is a suspect
in a cop k*lling!

- If Logan saw a g*n...
- Adam, there was no g*n.

There's no nothing.
Every piece of evidence,

every statement is tainted
by Logan's reckless action.

It's all useless.

A guy kills a cop.
Catch him...

and we can't close.
Hell of a system.

Talk to Logan.
Maybe Magadan said something

before he pulled his little stunt
with the.38.

His father told me where he was.
I took him by surprise.

It hasn't changed
since yesterday, Paul.

Hey, we're on the same side.

What about the initial investigation?
Can we get him on anything else?

Magadan's name never came up.

Look, we got the owner
of the company on the ropes.

Anything we can use there?

Morgan Stern
was one of the heavies
in the copper scam,

but we weren't able
to get to him.

We were waiting for Judge Merlis
to sign search warrant apps

for half a dozen
construction sites.

Are they still unsigned?

Due out the day
after Max went down.

You may be a hero after all.

Yeah, right.

We're arguing what if, basically.
It's a pretty big if.

No, we're arguing inevitability.
The first batch of unsigned
search warrants

are very much apropos
to the grand jury investigation.

And had they been signed,
Cerreta and Logan

could have used
the task force warrants
to confiscate the g*n?

Making any search warrant
springing from the coerced
confessions unnecessary.

Either way,
we would've found the g*n.

That's going to take
a lot of fast talking.

And we get
the calendar against us.

We draw the wrong judge,
we're in too deep to tread water.

Then it's sink or swim.

We got a choice?


The g*n is the fruit
of the coerced confession.

It must be excluded.

Tainted evidence is admissible

if it would inevitably have been
found by other police techniques.

And the Fourth Amendment
is obsolete?

It is the exception
to the exclusionary rule.

Now, the task force
applied for a search warrant

during the grand jury
investigation of corruption

and before Detective Greevey
was m*rder*d.

- It was never signed.
- Inevitably, it would have been.

It's very specific, Your Honor.
It covers cash, documents and weapons.

No doubt we would
have found that g*n.

Your Honor,
he is "bootstrapping."

His entire evidence string was
poisoned by the coerced confession.

Now he's begging
for another way in.

Supreme Court's stance
on the scope

of warrants is much looser
than it's ever been.

Given the recent
Fulminante decision...

I'm gonna have to allow
the g*n into evidence.

- Your Honor!
- But...

any reference whatsoever
to Mr. Magadan's confession

and I declare a mistrial
before Mr. Lambrusco here

even thinks about objecting.

We found out the g*n
was located in a trailer

at a construction site
on West 51st Street.

- Did you obtain
a warrant for the site?
- Yes, we did.

And when we arrived
we discovered the g*n
at the specified trailer.

To whom was the g*n registered?

Morgan Stern,
the defendant's employer.

The permit limits
use of the g*n

to the construction site only.

For purposes
of security, I presume?

- I would guess.
- Thank you. No more questions.

Let's stay with
this famous g*n, Detective.

Now you testified

that you didn't find it
on Mr. Magadan when
you arrested him?

That's correct.

Did you recover
any weapons at all
from Mr. Magadan's person?

No, he was unarmed.

Now, at that moment
when you first confronted
Mr. Magadan in that alley,

did you consider him
to be a witness or a suspect?

He wasn't immediately arrested.

And yet you placed him
under arrest

just a few moments later,
did you not?

Yes, I did.

I was at the site
checking on some invoices.

Danny showed up,
he was surprised to see me.

Did he have the g*n
when he arrived?

It was dark,

but he seemed to be
hiding something.

Could you describe
what that something was?

It was pretty obvious
it was a g*n.

Did Mr. Magadan
say anything?

He was sweaty,
kind of whacked out.

I asked him what was up,
he said, "The grand jury thing."

He was terrified that they
were going to look into
Inspector Janklow's death.

Objection... hearsay!

Statement against
penal interest, Your Honor.


What else did he say?

He said he "took care
of our problem" with the grand jury.

Objection, Your Honor, hearsay.

Same reason as before.

Your witness.

So you never actually
saw Mr. Magadan

with a w*apon that evening, hm?

No, I said I thought
it was obvious.

Isn't it true that you were

among the targets of that
secret grand jury, Mr. Stern?

- I have no idea.
- Oh, no?

Didn't you make a deal
with the District Attorney

for immunity against
those indictments

if you agreed to testify
against Mr. Magadan?

Yeah... yes.

So in other words,
before this arrangement
with the District Attorney,

you had just as much motive
as Mr. Magadan

to keep Detective Greevey
from testifying.

I'm not crazy enough
to k*ll a cop.

It was your g*n!
You had access to it.

You certainly had opportunity.

And by your own testimony,
Mr. Magadan said

that he had taken care of "your problem
with the grand jury"...

meaning yours as well as his,

- now isn't that correct?
- I didn't k*ll that guy.

Everybody knows
that Danny copped to it.

The cop's partner
put a g*n in his ear,
and he lost his water.

Your Honor, I move
for an immediate mistrial.

Your Honor, may we recess?

Court is in recess.

- What's going on here?
- It was his question

that elicited the reference
to the confession.

And your damn witness!

Are you suggesting he was coached
to let it slip out?

What the hell difference
does it make now?

Drop the histrionics.
Just give me the law.

And make it brief, gentlemen.

What the Supreme Court
said recently

in the Fulminante case
is to the point.

Yes, the confession is coerced;

Yes, the jury heard about it;

No, we needn't throw
the case out.

So we all fall back to the Dark Ages
because of the Fulminante decision?

What do you suggest?

That we find some guy in Milwaukee
with body parts in this freezer

and let him walk because
some cop got too rough with him?

That is hardly pertinent,
Ben, and you know it.

The hell it isn't!
The Supreme Court's
decision is based

on the belief that the jury
can be instructed to disregard
certain remarks.

You warned him yourself,

"One mention of the confession
and I'll throw the case out."

And that was directed
to both of us.

I know what I said, gentlemen.

And I am familiar with the law.

That's enough for today.

I'll have a decision
tomorrow morning.

I've made my ruling, Counselor.

You're guaranteeing
a conviction. Why bother...

Why bother following
the guidelines

of the Supreme Court of the United States,
Mr. Lambrusco?

Those guidelines
violate my client's right
against self-incrimination.

Last year's "a*t*matic mistrial"
is this year's "harmless error."

The Supreme Court has spoken,
Mr. Lambrusco.

Now, it's the law of the land.

Bottom line, Counselor...

In addition to whatever else
the prosecution can prove,

your client is guilty
of bad timing.

Defense motion
for a mistrial is denied.

- Thank you, Your Honor.

Give me 10 minutes,
then bring in the jury.

The world in which
Daniel Magadan Jr. Lives

has a very simple set of rules...

"You buy three
truckloads of cement,

you pay for two.

An honest building inspector
discovers your pattern

of extortion
and illegal payoffs,

you toss him 60 stories
onto 48th Street.

A police officer
testifies against you,

you put three b*ll*ts
in him."

The law has a set
of rules, too.

Not simple,
but ultimately unequivocal...

"You k*ll a cop,
you go to jail.

You don't get out."

All rise, the Court
of the Judge Manual Leon

is now in session.

Be seated.

Technically, Mr. Magadan...

you have been found guilty
of m*rder in the first degree,

which is reserved
for the k*lling

of a police officer
in the line of duty.

The death penalty having been
held unconstitutional

by our court of appeals
in Albany,

renders me powerless
to sentence you

to the punishment
you so richly deserve.

The Court therefore
sentences you

to a term of 25 years
to life imprisonment.

The People have recommended
the severest limitation

for any possibility of parole.

And I see no reason
to disagree.

Maybe life wasn't enough
of a sentence.

It's what the law allows.

I can live with it.

I know I went over the line.

I was down on myself for a while,

even though l... you know,
I tried to rationalize it.

I have to find a way...

to forgive myself.

Acceptance, Logan.
That's the...

Yeah... that's
the last stage, right?

Max is dead.

I accept it.

But I'll never accept it,
you know?
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