15x11 - Image of the Fendahl - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*
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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x11 - Image of the Fendahl - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 12 November 1977
Running time: 24:22

LEELA: Doctor? What's the matter? Where is he? Doctor!

LEELA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: No, no.

BOTH: Are you all right?

LEELA: You are very heavy.

DOCTOR: How did you find me?

LEELA: Well, I just felt something was wrong so I followed the feeling.


LEELA: I did!

DOCTOR: Yes, of course you did.



LEELA: Have I saved your life?

DOCTOR: Yes. I was careless. Come on, get up. Come on.

DOCTOR: You're becoming a metracion generator, aren't you.

LEELA: Is it alive?

DOCTOR: Yes. It's using appropriate genetic material to recreate itself.

LEELA: What is it?

DOCTOR: Shush. I think it's the Fendahl. It grows and exists by death.

LEELA: Most creatures do. That is what you told me.

DOCTOR: The Fendahl absorbs the full spectrum of energy, what some people call a life force or soul. It eats life itself.

LEELA: That must be what the old woman saw.


LEELA: Huge and dark, she said. Hungry for her soul.

DOCTOR: And she's still alive?


DOCTOR: Take me to her.

LEELA: What about that?

DOCTOR: It's indestructible.

LEELA: Well, what about the sonic time scan?

DOCTOR: No, no, first thing's first. Fendelman can operate that before the implosion for about a hundred hours, give or take a few minutes.

LEELA: But he might already have used his hundred hours.

DOCTOR: That's a risk I'll have to take. Come on, let's go.

COLBY: What's that for?

FENDELMAN: That is a running log. Some of the scanner components have a limited life.

COLBY: Ninety eight hours fifty six minutes forty three point seven seconds. You've been busy with this equipment.

FENDELMAN: It has been a joy.

COLBY: A labour of love, even. If man really is descended from aliens like this, why haven't we found evidence of it before?

FENDELMAN: Because we were not looking.

COLBY: Oh, come on.

FENDELMAN: No, we were not looking for this kind of evidence, and without the scanner we would not have found this. Adam, in all research there must be a single discovery. What is it the Chinese say? That a journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step.

COLBY: This isn't a step, it's a jump. And to rather an illogical conclusion.

FENDELMAN: You shall see. I have already reprogrammed the computer. This time it will give a visual interpretation of what the scanner picks up. On this screen, Colby, you shall see the true genesis of h*m* sapiens.

STAEL: Thea.

THEA: Max.

STAEL: I'm glad you are awake, Thea. I want you to understand why I brought you here. You are the medium through which the ancient power of this place is focused.

THEA: What are you doing?

STAEL: The scanner awoke the power. You know about the scanner, of course. I've been watching you for some time, you see. Through you, I shall conjure and control the supreme power of the ancients.

THEA: Oh, Max, don't be so ridiculous.

STAEL: You will sleep now, while we prepare.

THEA: Max! Max, you're a fool.

STAEL: I shall be a god.

TYLER: Is this him? Is this your man? Oi, do you know what's going on? My Gran in hell of a state.

DOCTOR: Come on, Mrs Tyler, wake up.

LEELA: Come on, old woman, wake up. Wake up now.

TYLER: Oi, what do you think you're doing? Leave her alone.

DOCTOR: Do you know what's wrong with her?

TYLER: Well, no, but

DOCTOR: I do. Make some tea.


DOCTOR: Tea. She does drink tea?

TYLER: Well, yeah.

DOCTOR: Off you go and make some. Use the best china. Four cups laid out on a tray. Off you go. Oh, and some fruitcake.

TYLER: Anything else?


DOCTOR: I love fruitcake. Come on, Mrs Tyler. This is no way to behave when you've got visitors. We've come for tea.

LEELA: And fruitcake.

DOCTOR: And fruitcake.

FENDELMAN: There, Colby, do you see it?

STAEL: Turn it off!

FENDELMAN: Where have you been, Stael. I needed you here.

STAEL: Turn off the scanner!

COLBY: Doctor Fendelman, I think you have an industrial relations problem.

FENDELMAN: What are you talking?

FENDELMAN: Have you lost your mind?

STAEL: The scanner.


COLBY: Relax, Max. I'll do it.

FENDELMAN: Why, Stael?

STAEL: I am not yet ready. My followers are not yet here.

COLBY: Followers? Well, that's impressive.

STAEL: Shut up, Colby, or I will k*ll you now. Outside, both of you.

FENDELMAN: Is this some sort of joke, Max?

COLBY: Oh no, Max isn't famous for his sense of humour, are you, Maxie?

STAEL: I shall not warn you again, Colby.

COLBY: You're going to k*ll us anyway, aren't you?

STAEL: That depends on whether I enjoy having you worship me.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Then you mix the peanuts with the treacle

DOCTOR: Throw in the apple cores very hard, put the lot in a shallow tin and bake in a high oven for two weeks. (quietly) It's too late. She's slipping away. Come on.

MARTHA: Here, just a minute.

DOCTOR: What is it?

MARTHA: That ain't the way to make a fruitcake.

DOCTOR: Mrs Tyler! (laughs)

MARTHA: Here, well, if you'm going to stay, you may as well sit yourselves down. I'll have the tea ready in a jiffy.

TYLER: It's here, Gran.

MARTHA: But that ain't the best china, John. And there's fresh cake in the other tin. Why, I'm sorry. When did I ask you to tea? I ain't never seen you afore in my life.

DOCTOR: You were slipping away, Mrs Tyler.

MARTHA: Slipping away?

DOCTOR: Yes, psychic shock. I needed something normal to bring you back to reality. How long have you lived here, Mrs Tyler?

MARTHA: Why should I tell 'ee ought?

DOCTOR: Tell her I'm trying to help.

TYLER: He's only trying to help, Gran.

MARTHA: You mind your place, John.

TYLER: Oh, now, no, we won't have none of those games. Now, Ted Moss and his cronies is up to something. It's something bad, and you're involved. Now, you tell him what he want to know.

MARTHA: I ain't involved in anything. I were consulted. A lot of people consult me. You know I've got the second sight.

DOCTOR: Yes. So you've lived in this cottage all your life, haven't you, Mrs Tyler.

MARTHA: Why should I tell 'ee ought?

DOCTOR: Well, telepathy and precognition are normal in anyone whose childhood was spent near a time fissure, like the one in the wood.

TYLER: He's as bad as she is. Here, what's a time fissure?

DOCTOR: It's a weakness in the fabric of space and time. Every haunted place has one, doesn't it? That's why they're haunted. It's a time distortion. This one must be very large. Large enough to have affected the place names round here. Like Fetchborough. Fetch. An apparition, hmm?

MARTHA: How do 'ee know so much?

DOCTOR: I read a lot. What did you see in the wood, Mrs Tyler?

MARTHA: I didn't see ought with my eyes.

DOCTOR: Then with your mind. Did it have a human shape?


DOCTOR: Mrs Tyler, I must know. Did it have a human shape?

MARTHA: No, it didn't.

DOCTOR: Mrs. Jack, do something for me.

TYLER: If I can.

DOCTOR: It could be dangerous.


DOCTOR: I want you to keep an eye on the Priory. I must know who comes and goes. We'll be back tomorrow sundown.

TYLER: Right.

MARTHA: Here, girl.


MARTHA: Take this. 'Tis a charm will protect 'ee.

MARTHA: I cast it for Ted Moss, but 'tis too late for him.

LEELA: Thank you.


TYLER: Yes, Gran?

MARTHA: I seed that figure he spoke of in a dream. 'Twere a woman.

FENDELMAN: How long have you been planning this, whatever it is you're planning?

STAEL: Ever since Mrs Tyler's visions began to come true.

FENDELMAN: Visions? Oh, come now, Max. You have a first class brain. Use it!

COLBY: First class brain? He's an occult freak. One of those feeble inadequates who thinks he communes with the devil. Oh, is that it, Max? Gonna summon up the devil, huh?

STAEL: Unlike you, I am not a crude lout, Colby. The grimoires do not impress me. Mrs Tyler's paranormal gifts and the race memory she draws on, these were the signposts on the road to power.

COLBY: Spare us the after dinner speech.

STAEL: I look forward to your terror, Colby.

FENDELMAN: I trusted him.

COLBY: I didn't, and I'm going to end up just as dead as you, if that's any consolation.

FENDELMAN: But why is he doing this?

COLBY: Fendelman, it doesn't matter why. What matters is he's doing it, to us, unless we can get free before his so-called followers arrive. Hey, what about the security guards?

FENDELMAN: In my absence, they are to take their instructions from him.

DOCTOR: The fifth planet's a hundred and seven million miles out and twelve million years back, so we've no time to lose.

LEELA: Do you think this thing, the Fendahl, comes from the fifth planet?

DOCTOR: Well, it came from it a long time ago, before your species evolved on Earth.

LEELA: How did it travel?


LEELA: Well, you said there's only one. It could not build a spacecraft. How did it get to Earth?

DOCTOR: Well, it. Well, it probably used that enormous stockpile of energy to project itself across space.

LEELA: Oh, you mean the way lightning travels.

DOCTOR: No. Yes, well, something like that. Humans speak of astral projection, travelling psychically to different planets. That could be a race memory.

LEELA: Race memory?

DOCTOR: Yes. You see, sometimes people dream they've been to other places. It's, er, déjà vu. No?

Leela is sleeping on the console room floor. She wakes and has her knife ready when the Doctor enters.)

DOCTOR: No, no, no. Put it away, put it away. It's a good thing your tribe never developed g*ns. They'd have woken with a start one morning and wiped themselves out.

LEELA: There was something chasing me. I, I couldn't move. Just a dream, I suppose.

LEELA: Hey, what's wrong?

DOCTOR: I've been checking the old data banks. There's no record at all of a fifth planet.

LEELA: Does that matter?

DOCTOR: Well of course it matters! We Time Lords are a very meticulous people. You have to be when you live as long as we do. All information is recorded.

LEELA: Perhaps there wasn't any.


LEELA: Information.


DOCTOR: Of course. That's why there's no record of the planet.


DOCTOR: That impression's produced by a time loop.

LEELA: Time loop?

DOCTOR: Yes, a time loop. All memory of a planet's been erased by a circle of time, making data and its records invisible. Only a Time Lord could do that.

LEELA: That's very clever.

DOCTOR: That's criminal! We've been on a wild goose chase. We'd better get back. Let's hope we're not too far round that time loop.

LEELA: Is there anything I can do?

DOCTOR: Yes. No, no. I'll just set the coordinates and we're on our way.

MARTHA: The Tower, struck by lightning.

TYLER: Still no sign of him. Sundown, he said.

MARTHA: I didn't reckon he'd be reliable. Never trust a man as wears a hat.

TYLER: Well, Granddad always wore one.

MARTHA: And a wicked old devil he were, too.

TYLER: I wear one.

MARTHA: Ah, but I give it to 'ee. That's different. Here, put this in your pocket.

TYLER: More charms! Look, I'm not one of your punters, Gran.

MARTHA: But 'tis Lammas Eve.

TYLER: Look, you know that I don't believe in all that.

MARTHA: Most round here do. And when most believe, that do make it true.

TYLER: Most people used to believe that the Earth was flat, but it was still round.

MARTHA: Ah ha, but they behaved as if 'twere flat. Here, just for me.

TYLER: All right, then, if it makes you happy.

MARTHA: Oh, I want they two cartridges.

TYLER: What, you going rabbiting, Gran?

MARTHA: I'm going to fill 'em with salt.

TYLER: Salt?

MARTHA: Salt's the best protection there be.

TYLER: Evil spirits again, eh, Gran?

MARTHA: You can laugh, John, but I know the old ways. Better than them up at the Priory, any road. You'd best get up there. We don't want 'em meddling in things they don't understand.

CORBY: What is that?

FENDELMAN: A remote control unit connected to the scanner.

CORBY: He's linking up that old bone with your scanner? Why?

FENDELMAN: The power source! Colby, I think I know.

LEELA: We're going to be late.

DOCTOR: Well of course we're going to be late! It's obvious we're going to be late! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The question is, where is it getting the power from? Inducted biological transmutation takes a lot of power. There isn't that sort of power available in the Priory.

LEELA: What is it? Have you hurt yourself?

DOCTOR: I've got it. It is available in the Priory. The skull's absorbing the energy released when the scanner beam damages the time fissure. Why didn't I think of that before?

LEELA: Even you can't think of everything.

DOCTOR: I can't?


DOCTOR: No. Well, I should have thought it. I was frightened in childhood by a mythological horror.


DOCTOR: Too frightened to think clearly.

LEELA: Tsk, tsk, tsk.

STAEL: The waiting is over. Prepare yourselves.

FENDELMAN: Don't do it, Stael!

CORBY: Shut up, you fool. Let him electrocute himself.

FENDELMAN: He will k*ll us all. Listen to me, all of you! He is a madman!

FENDELMAN: You must stop him! Stop him now, before he plunges everything into chaos and death!

COLBY: I'll plunge you into chaos and death if you don't shut up.

FENDELMAN: You don't understand. I see now what will happen.

STAEL: You do?

FENDELMAN: Max, listen. The Doctor asked if my name was real. Fendelman. Man of the Fendahl. Don't you see? Only for this have the generations of my fathers lived. I have been used! You are being used! Mankind has been used!

TYLER: Ain't in here, either.

MARTHA: Oh, the house is empty, then. Oh, I don't hold with all this. 'Tis agin nature.

TYLER: That sounded like a shot. Here, are there any cellars?

MARTHA: Oh, there are cellars all under here, but they haven't been used for years.

TYLER: Yeah, well they're being used now.

MARTHA: Come on, boy. Ow!

TYLER: You all right, Gran?

MARTHA: Well, what do you think?

COLBY: You murdering lunatic.

STAEL: The way to power is open!

MARTHA: Oh, dammit, boy, that hurt.

MARTHA: Listen, John. There's summat comin'. Can you hear it? Summat comin'.

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

TYLER: Damn, I'm glad to see you. You're not a moment too soon.

MARTHA: No, a moment too late. Listen.

DOCTOR: Come on, let's get out of here.

LEELA: Doctor!


LEELA: That dream! I can't move!

TYLER: My legs. I can't move my legs!

MARTHA: Look! Look!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Adam Colby
Edward Arthur

David Mitchell
Derek Martin

Dr. Fendelman
Denis Lill

Graham Simpson

Jack Tyler
Geoffrey Hinsliff

Martha Tyler
Daphne Heard

Maximillian Stael
Scott Fredericks

Ted Moss
Edward Evans

Thea Ransome
Wanda Ventham

Assistant Floor Manager
Karilyn Collier

Amy Roberts

Anna Ridley

Film Cameraman
Elmer Cossey

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Pauline Cox

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Prue Saenger

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Robert Holmes
Anthony Read (uncredited)

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Jim Purdie

Studio Sound
Alan Fogg

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson
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