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04x11 - All In A Good Cause

Posted: 07/20/21 10:30
by bunniefuu
Girl student:
This is unicef week.

Other children around
the world need our support.

Come to
the peace rally.



Did you see this
in yesterday's

Other countries need our help.

That's awful.

I go by this factory
all the time.

They're making electrical
systems for missiles.

We must do something.

What can we do?

I don't know.

But I'm going to do something,
I really mean it.

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ got to shake the feeling ♪

♪ I've got to face
a day of school ♪

♪ what's to be afraid of? ♪

♪ I can ask a question ♪

♪ or maybe even bend the rules ♪

♪ I'm searching for a place
where I'll fit in ♪

♪ there's a way, if I look
then I can win ♪

♪ yeah, I can see
I'm not alone ♪

♪ I can face the unknown ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ in yourself you must believe ♪

♪ give it a try ♪

♪ at degrassi high. ♪

People for peace.

Come to the demonstration.

Come to the rally.

People for peace.

"no nukes
is good nukes"?

I can't believe

No one thought
of it before.

We were supposed
to work

On the art
project today.

I can't today.

I'm volunteering
at people for peace.

Oh, yeah,
your new cause.

Some of us are concerned
about nuclear destruction.

Last year, "save the whales."

Next year, "pigeons
are people, too!"

I'm concerned about
who's going to do this.

I've done everything so far.

Okay, give me the stuff.

I'm really busy,
but I'll try tonight.

You better,
it's due next week.

I'll do it, okay?

What's that about?


I know what to do
about that factory.

We'll get people for peace
to organize a rally.

Yeah, that's
a great idea.

Let's go.

For next week, answer
the review questions

At the end of
chapters 11, 12 and 13.

Yes, luke?

Mr. Webster
never gives us
this much homework.

Well, I do.

Just think how impressed
he'll be when he sees

How far ahead
you all are.

My chips,
he took my chips.

Your homeroom rep
will now speak.

This is the third day

In degrassi's unicef
fundraising week.

So far, we've raised $143.


The bad news is

9b has raised $220.


We challenged 9b

To see who could
raise more money.

The losers have to be
the winner's slaves.

I can't be
anybody's sl*ve.

Me, neither.

I want to see you
at the car wash!

All right!

Don't forget the test tomorrow.

Why can't we get
a normal substitute?

I think there's
a shortage.

Right, they give us
the vice-principal.


Attention-- all the members
of the senior football team

Must meet to talk
about the new jerseys...

Can I give you
a drive home?


I miss you;
don't you miss me?


Look, I'm sorry.

It'll never happen
again, I swear.

Leave me alone.

I can't believe he's
still bothering you.

I can't believe I liked him.

All set to be
slaves next week?

No way.

After our car wash

We'll be rolling
in the money.

You guys
will lose.

Come on, we only
have five minutes.

Kick it!

♪ the name is bronco,
I rap, I don't yell ♪

♪ the name's sweet,
I got a story to tell ♪

♪ about unicef kids
who don't live like we do ♪

♪ they're not as lucky
as me and you. ♪

♪ unicef. ♪


People for peace.

Are you coming
to the car wash?

Umm, no, claude and I
are helping out

At people for peace.

So people for peace
is more important
than unicef?

What's the
point of saving
a bunch of kids

If the world's
going to blow up?

Oh, right,
of course.

Silly me.


What's with you?

Why are you
acting like this?


We were
supposed to go

To the movies
last week

But you couldn't go

Because claude
wanted to see

A foreign movie.

We were supposed to go
canvassing with melanie

But you couldn't

Because claude
wanted you

To help him
make the flyers.

It's just...

You're shoving aside
your friends

For the sake
of your boyfriend.

No, it's not like that.


It's not like that at all.


Are you going to help
with the car wash?

Come to the rally,
support people for peace.

This car wash
will b*at 9b's
talent show.

This car wash
is a great idea.

I hope we can
get customers.

When you're
talking car wash

You're talking
gold mine.

I want that sign
right there.

Girls, glad
you could make it.

Where's caitlin?

She can't come.

What's the point
of saving kids

If the whole world's
going to blow up?

Let's flag
some cars down.

Let's go.

What's that?

We've got
lots of rags.

It's not a rag,
it's a chamois.

A chamois?

It's for polishing cars;
it provides a superior finish.

What a nerd!

Why do you
call me a nerd?

You can't say that
without backing it up.

You play everything
by the rules.

You never take chances.

You don't know
how to have fun.

I have fun, and
I do too take chances.

Like what?

Forgot to floss
your teeth once?

A customer!

Welcome to
our car wash!

Aw, it's raditch.

A customer's
a customer--
let's go.

Welcome, sir.

Come on, guys.

Heads up!

All right!

We've known about
these plans for some time.

We have to do something.

We are.

It's going to be
a key issue

In our demonstration.

But that's a month away.

They'll be making stuff by then.

If we demonstrated
about every little thing

We'd lose our credibility.

Nuclear missiles
are not a little thing.

I know, claude.

Why can't we do

Something more
than just demonstrate?

Like throw bricks
through their windows.

You don't take the
law into your hands.

You'd turn people against you.

That hurts the message

You're trying
to get across.

I know
it's frustrating

But we have to play
the media carefully.

In the meantime,
we need your help.

Those newsletters still
have to be mailed out.


Come on,

See you later.


How much
have we made?


We're going
to be slaves.

No way.

We have to raise
some money fast.

But how?

We could do what
I heard they did last year.

What was that?

They toilet-papered
mr. Webster's tree.

They took bets
and made over $100.

They got
in trouble.

Because they got caught.

It wouldn't be fair,
mr. Webster's sick.

We could do
raditch's tree!

All right!

He deserves it.

Who goes?

I would, but
I have a bad leg.

I hurt it
in gym.


It's true!

I'll go.

No, I'll go.


Sure, it was my idea, right?

Well, okay.

All right, arthur!

Way to go!

They're helping make
nuclear weapons

And people for peace
does nothing.

They are doing

sending letters?

Well, it does get
the point across.

I want to do
something meaningful.

Look at the
great revolutionaries--

They fought,
and they risked
their lives.

They didn't stuff envelopes.

I've got it!

We'll paint
anti-nuclear slogans
on their walls.

We can't.

Why not?

It wouldn't
be nice.

Are nuclear missiles nice?


It would be like vandalism.

Big deal.

Nuclear missiles are m*rder.

Hi, kids.

Hi; can claude
stay for dinner?

Sure, it'll be
a bit late, though.

How were things
at people for peace?

Real fun.

We got to
stuff envelopes.

Well, sometimes you
stuff envelopes

Sometimes you

When I was your age

I used to go on
all sorts of marches.

Did I ever tell you
I was arrested

For chaining myself to a fence?

Yes, about 100 times.

Oh, well, it's good
you're doing something

For what you
believe in.

See? Even your mom agrees.

Sometimes you have to take
things into your own hands.

Spray painting's different.

How is it different
from chaining yourself
to a fence?

It just is.

Well, I'm going to paint
slogans tomorrow night

With or without your help.

It's time
somebody stood up

For what
they believe in.

Arthur's going to toilet-
paper raditch's tree?

No way.

The money goes
to unicef.

I'll pay to see raditch's
tree toilet-papered.

How do we know if
arthur really did it?


There has to be

A picture,
or something.

No problem.

There will be a picture.

You think arthur's
really going to do it?

Hope so, he's got
my money.

Are we going canvassing
for unicef after school?

Sure, but I have
to go home first.

I'll come over
to your house after.



Come on, pour it.

Watch for raditch.

Everybody, we're
getting money pledged

But we need proof
to collect it.

They want pictures.

I have
a camera.

You go with arthur.

Wait; I want yick
to come with me.



Unless you're chicken.

Ha, chicken!

No, I'm not chicken.

I'll go.

It's raditch.

Okay, books away.

You can begin as soon

As you get
your papers.

Yick's going to take pictures.

Can you
imagine raditch

When he sees his
tree toilet-papered?

I got to go.

I'll talk
to you later.

Have a nice

Are you still
going tonight
to the factory?

Yes, I am.

What if you get caught?

I'm not afraid.

Martin luther king didn't
worry about getting caught

Or che guevara,
or the chicago seven.

Who were
the chicago seven?

Well, they were...
Seven guys from chicago.

And they did really
radical things.

Like what?

Like... Lots of things.

Come on-- somebody has
to do something.

And it's
not vandalism.

It's only a statement.

We have to stand up
for what we believe in.

You're right.

I'll go with you tonight.


We have
to show people

That nuclear weapons

Are wrong.


Let's see if we can stretch that

To $5,000 by the end
of the week...


On arthur?
You bet.

Good luck.

Hear it was quiet
at the 9a car wash.

We made $50
at our talent show.

It's not over
till it's over.

That's tomorrow.

My locker could use
a good clean

And I'll have
a lot of books

To carry next week.

I still don't think
arthur will do it.

What time should
we meet tonight?


My parents won't
let me out that late.


The guys last year got caught
because webster was still awake.

I don't want
to get caught.

If you're too chicken...

No, I'm not chicken.

Midnight, it is.

See you.

Kathleen, I got
you a present.

I said I got you
a present.

Let go of me!

I'm getting
sick and tired

Of the way
you're acting.

This is for you.

I don't want anything from you.

I did this for you!

Let me go!

Is this the thanks I get?

Scott, you're hurting me!

What's his house
number again?


Are you sure?

Yeah, why?

We're in trouble, then.

Look, there's no tree.

Oh, great.

We've got to
toilet-paper something.

You're late.

Sorry, my parents took
forever to go to bed.

You're sure you want
to go through with this?


We have to stand up
for what we believe in.


Well, here goes.

Watch for
the barbed wire.


Throw the bag.

Come on,
hurry up.

I'm caught.

Let's go.

( whispering ):
Come on, hurry up!

Okay, it's finished.

Take the
picture, quick!

Gosh, does it have
to be so bright?

It's a flash, it's
supposed to be bright!

One more.

All right,
let's go.

No, I want
the bushes.

let's go, run!


Hey, you!


I'm done.

Let's go.

Okay, wait,
I'm almost done.

What's going on?

Stop right there!

Both of you!


Both of you!

I'm stuck!

Claude, help me!

Stop right there!

Help me!

I'm stuck!

Claude, wait!



Miss, you're
coming with me.

That's it.

Okay, let's go.

Two to one--
female trespasser

At the
west gate.

One trespasser
has escaped.

Why did you
call the police?

I was at the station
all night.

How could you
do this to me?

How could you do this to me?

I'm sorry, I really am.


Please drop the charges.

Don't ever talk to me again.

Don't even come near me,
you're not allowed to.

If you do, I'll
call the police

And I'll have you charged again.


It's worth
every penny.

Let me see that.

Hey, I thought
you guys

Were supposed
to do the tree.

There wasn't
any tree.

This is even better.

We didn't even
get caught.

All right,

I trust you raised a lot
of money for unicef this week.

Yes, sir,
we b*at 9b.

Well, congratulations,
I'm very proud of you.

Oh, there's
one more thing.

Yick, arthur--

I was wondering if you wouldn't
mind coming by my house later

And helping me
clean up some paper?


I went by
the factory.

They've cleaned off
what we wrote.

Great, so I get
a record for nothing.


The police charged me
with trespassing.

I have to go
to court in two weeks.


You ran.

There wasn't any point
in both of us getting caught.

My parents aren't
cool like yours.

They wouldn't
have understood.

You think mine liked it?

Your mom got arrested once, too.

Not for vandalism.

I was stuck, you could
have helped me.

You said you weren't
afraid to get caught.

You won't tell anyone, will you?

What, that you ran away?

You won't tell anyone?