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04x07 - Just Friends

Posted: 07/20/21 10:27
by bunniefuu
Is it bad
in the academic program?

We had a french test
this morning

We have a science test
next class

And a math test
this afternoon.

Erica and I want to transfer
back to junior high.

Anything but that!

We'll see you.


Still chasing
wheels, I see.

Yes-- I'm going to get him, too.

Look at this.

Okay-- right here.

"how to get him to see you
as more than just a friend."

It's time he saw me
as an object of desire.

Some of these articles
are pretty dumb.

No-- this one
is brilliant!

It says I should throw a party.

How will
a party help?

Low lights and hot
music can do wonders.

Oh no!

It will work--
trust me.

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ got to shake the feeling ♪

♪ I've got to face
a day of school ♪

♪ what's to be afraid of? ♪

♪ I can ask a question ♪

♪ or maybe even bend the rules ♪

♪ I'm searching for a place
where I'll fit in ♪

♪ there's a way, if I look
then I can win ♪

♪ yeah, I can see
I'm not alone ♪

♪ I can face the unknown ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ in yourself you must believe ♪

♪ give it a try ♪

♪ at degrassi high. ♪

Time is up.

Please put your pens down.

Make sure your name
is on your paper.

That was tough.

You thought so?

I finished early

So I started writing
a guest list.


Do you really
think a party

Will make wheels
like you?

Why not?

Don't be so negative.

You've had boyfriends.

Don't remind me.

I don't want you
to do anything dumb.

I won't do anything dumb.

Will you help me?


All right.

First we ask mom

If we can have
this party.

I did so much homework
last night.

I have time for
nothing else but homework.

Can you believe
all of these tests?

It's like
a labor camp.


She's busy.

Are you and scott
having a fight?

They broke up.

Kathleen is back in
the have-not club.

Have-not club?

We have not decent clothes.

We have not popularity.

We have not hickeys.

Sounds like me-- can I join?

Of course.

It's sort of a joke.

The purpose is to get out.

I'm not allowed
to have a boyfriend.

There's no decent guys
at this school anyway.

Where are
all the perfect guys?

What's your idea
of a perfect guy?

Considerate, tall,
good-looking, rich.

Mine would be romantic,
gorgeous, intelligent and sexy.

I'm not asking for a lot.

Mine is a doctor who falls
madly in love with me

And dedicates his life
to curing my disease.

Heather, there he is!

Here goes nothing!

Hi, guys.


Erica and I are having
a party tomorrow.

You're invited.

Right on.

Come to our place
after six.

What's the occasion?

Nothing special.



Why did you make
it so obvious?

Heather, relax.

He didn't figure
anything out.

I think heather likes you.

So? I like her too.

No, I mean,
she really likes you.

No way.

We're just friends.

Hi, luce.

Guess what?

We're having
a party tomorrow.


Would it be okay
if I invited clutch?

Oh... Sure.

Are the two lovebirds
getting back together?

Maybe. We'll see.

While you're here,
can you sign this card?

It's for l.D.

I thought she'd be
out of hospital by now.

They're doing
a billion tests on her.

You know how she
hates hospitals.

She still doesn't
know what's wrong?


She's really scared.

That was
the hardest test!

I don't even want
to talk about it.

I didn't
understand anything.

I am fed up
with midterms!

We need a meeting
of the have-not club.

Feel like going
for doughnuts?

Maya, want to come
for doughnuts with us?

I can't-- my mom
picks me up at 3:45.

I could go Monday

And tell her
to come later.

Sure, let's
make it Monday.

I've got to go
down the ramp.

They should have a ramp
at both ends of the school.

You have to go
to one end of
the building

And then all
the way back.

At least there is a ramp.

Not all buildings
are so accessible.

See you Monday.

See you.

Planning three days ahead
just to go for doughnuts?

Not exactly

You want to go
to a movie tomorrow?

Why not?

The have-nots
on the prowl.

What do you
want to see?

Queen in exile
is supposed
to be excellent.

I want
to see that.

It's on at
the mount royal.

invite maya.

How will she
get there?

And there's
a million steps there.

It's awful all buildings
aren't accessible.

She'd understand if
we don't invite her.

We don't have to do
everything together.


Can I speak to you
for a second, please?

Go ahead.

I'll catch up.


Look, I'm really sorry.

My temper... It was just
everything at home.

I didn't mean
to hurt you.

It will never,
ever happen again.

Please, I need you.




I brought this for you.

signed it.


How's it going?


How were the tests?

I find out tomorrow.

You'll be fine.

You look great.

I look awful--
thanks, anyway.

I wish I didn't
feel so crummy.

You'll get better soon.

The twins are having
a party tomorrow.

Too bad
you'll miss it.

Say hi to
everyone for me.

I will-- especially wheels.

Look, why don't I drop by
tomorrow before the party.


I hope I know by then.

They've done so many tests.

In one, they stuck a needle
in my hip bone.


I wish they'd
talk to me.

They smile a lot and
never tell me anything.

Come on, l.D.

This will all be
over really soon.

Hurry up.

I don't want to miss
the beginning.

I brought tons
of tissues.

I hate it when people
cry at movies.

I can't help it.

Besides, crying
is good for you.

It's too bad
maya couldn't come.

We all think it's too bad,
but she just couldn't.

Stop talking about it.

She can see it
on video soon.

I owe you
a ticket, melanie.

I'll pay the fare.

I'm paying
for both of us.

It says here, make sure
to touch his hair.

You're going to touch his hair?

It says guys love you
to touch their hair.

Heather, people are going
to be here any minute.

What do you want me to do?

Move that table over there.


You have to help me.

If you see us dancing
and it's a fast song,
change the music.

After we've
danced a bit

I'll say it's hot,
we'll go outside

And I'll snuggle up to him...

Heather, stop!


Don't plan so much.

Let mother nature
take its course.

Forget nature.

I am not missing
my big opportunity.


What do you think
of my new dress?

What's wrong?

I'm trying to be brave,
for my dad and everything.

Why do you have to be brave?

They told me...

I have leukemia.

Isn't that like cancer?

It is cancer!

My mom d*ed from cancer.

I have to start
chemotherapy tomorrow.

I'm going to lose all my hair.

It will grow back.

They say it will.

L.D., I know you.

You're strong,
you can b*at this.

Lucy, nice
to see you.


I better get going.


Lucy, don't tell
anyone, okay?

Not yet.


Come on, sweetie,
you have to be strong.

You've got
to fight this.

Hey, clutch!

What's up,

Where's lucy?

I haven't seen her.

You haven't
seen her?

Talk to you later.

I'm going
to go in, too.

Talk to you later.

Have you seen
lucy around?

She might be
in the next room.

I haven't
seen her.

She's supposed to
be here, though.

Hey, I liked
that song!

I thought it was time

For something
a little bit slower.

I love this song--
let's dance.

Come on, simon.

You want to dance?


You want to dance?


It's hot in here.

Yeah, it is.

Want to go outside?

Yeah, okay.

It's sure hot
in there.

Especially with
so many people.

It's nice out here.

Yeah, it is.

Want to go sit?


What? Do I have
something in my hair?

But it's gone now.


Are you cold?

Look at all the stars.

They're gorgeous.

Yeah, they are.

Do you know
any constellations?

Just the big dipper.

Isn't that it
over there?


There's cassiopeia
right there--
like the "w".

You're pretty good
at astrology.


Erica is astrology.

Alison, come here.


Amy, come here.

Look at this.

It's heather
and wheels.


Don't stare.

He's going
for it.

Go, wheels!
Go, wheels!

You guys, grow up!

Excuse me!



Mom's wondering where you are.

She said she'd
stay upstairs.

Well... Her curiosity
got the better of her.

But you better come inside.



I'd better be getting
home anyway.

So, uh...

I'll... Call you tomorrow.



Okay, bye.


L.D.'s father:
You've got to trust
your doctors.

They've told me

That your
medication will...


...Make you sick.

Is the party
over already?

I decided not to go.

You two talk.

I'll go downstairs
for some coffee.

Does anybody
want something?

No, thanks.

I'll be back
soon, honey.


I brought you
a friend.


I also got some magazines
we can look through

And pick out clothes.


This has the most
expensive clothes.

That's nice.


Thanks for coming back.

It's getting
hot in there.

Not as hot as it was
out here, though.

I'm getting
out of here.

Do you want to go?

Not really.

This is some party.

I really want to go.

If you want to stay,
that's fine.

Listen, I'll
come with you.

So everybody knows.



I didn't mean to--
it just happened.

When heather pins
a guy to the couch

He stays pinned.

This is serious!

There's nothing wrong
with making out.

You like her, right?

Yeah, but not like
as a girlfriend.

And I said I'd call her.

I don't really want to.

I don't know what to say.

Apologize to her.

You don't tell someone
you don't really like them

After you've fooled around.

What a fabulous party!

It was!

I can't believe
we ran out of food.

I don't think
anyone really noticed.

I think I'm in love.

Seriously, you were
really going at it.

Yeah, I know.

You should be careful.

Remember what
happened to me.

Erica, we are the same age.

I can take care of myself.

That's what I said.

What do you suppose
happened to lucy?

I don't know.

Maybe I should
call her.

Don't! Wheels said he'd call,
so I want to keep the line free.



That was such
an excellent movie.

I didn't stop crying
for hours after I got home.

My liege,
thou art balm
in my exile.

Stand back, swine!

Take your grimy paws
off the woman I love!

That's queen in exile!

Have you seen it?


We wanted
to ask you to come

But we took
the streetcar

And there's so many steps
in the mount royal.


If you guys don't want me
to go with you, fine.

But don't assume I can't go!

My mom would have
driven all of us.

You're right-- I can't get
into the mount royal

But I can get
into the princess

The cumberland, and
a whole bunch of others.

There's a lot
of things I can't do

But there's a lot
of things I can do.

I don't need

From hypocrites

Who talk about
handicapped accessibilities

And then have the nerve
to decide for me

What I can and can't do!


Maya, wait!

I'm sorry.

I'm sure he has
a good reason

For not calling.

He was probably
away this weekend.

He wasn't away.

He didn't say
when he'd call.

You'll see him
at school.

I don't want
to see him.

I'm really




What a creep!

I guess it was
what I wanted.

I mean, what was
the point of the party?

I still think
he's a creep.

You didn't call her.


So you just won't
talk to her

For the rest
of the year?

There's still plenty of
fish in the sea, right?


It's too bad, though.

We used to be friends.

Now we're not.