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02x09 - Dog Days

Posted: 07/20/21 09:59
by bunniefuu
Hello, arthur?

I'm so glad
I caught you.

Could you come here
today after school?

I know it's not
the weekend yet

But I need to
talk to you.

Okay, bye, arthur.

Stephanie, your brother's
coming for dinner tonight...

Stephanie, why
aren't you up yet?

You'll be late
for school.

I don't feel like going.

What's the matter
with you these days?

Are you sick?

You feel cool.

Come on,
get up.

I wish I was dead.

♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪


Do you know

Why mom wants me
to come for dinner?

Buzz off, arthur.

You said you would be nice.

Well, I changed my mind.


I've got something.

A puppy?

His name is phil.

Arthur, they don't
allow pets here.

He's very quiet.

Leave it open a bit.

I'm not a little kid.

You're only 12.

12 is not
so little.

At least you're
not a grouch, phil.

Hey, yick, I've
got something

To show you.

( on p.A. System: )
this is your principal,
mr. Lawrence.

Our thought for the day
is "be yourself."

It's the first step toward
being the best self you can be.

How was
the movie?

We didn't go.

Mom went out with
jerry instead.

He's such
a phony.

She never talks to me anymore.

Does your mom know
how you feel?

Are you kidding?

Meanwhile, my dad,
who I don't like

Wants custody of me.

My life is a disaster.

I might as well
k*ll myself.

Don't joke
about that.

Who's joking?

Greetings, aspiring scholars.

I have good news and bad news.

First, the good news--

We're near the end
of the school year.

The bad news is

That you have to survive
the exam first.

Open your textbooks
to chapter 61.

Ms. Avery:
For some of you

This will be the first
time you've written exams.

If you've been keeping up,
you should have no trouble.

If not

Come and see me.

I'm sure we can arrange
for some extra tutoring.

Arthur, open that bag.

This bag?



I think you'd better
go see mr. Lawrence.

Miss avery...

Now! Move.

He's so cute!

Arthur brought
a dog to school.

Mr. Lawrence:
If I see that dog
on school property again

You are going
to regret it.

Is that clear?


Bye, sir.

Mr. Lawrence:
Doris, mr. Kobalewscuy

Will be leaving
a dog in your care

To be picked up at
the end of the day.

Be good, phil.

I'll be back later
to pick you up.

Don't get into
any trouble

And try not
to leak on anybody.

Mr. Raditch:
What made t.S. Eliot one of
the greatest poets of our time?

One critic said

That he didn't
write poetry

That he
wrote whispers.

Some of the things
he whispered

Were very scary.

Some of our greatest
literary works

Can be attributed
to t.S. Eliot

And rumor has it that
he used to hand in

A heck of
a book report

To his english teacher.

Miss kaye, stay
behind, please.

A reminder that school sweaters
are still available

From the main office.

School spirit is
always in fashion.

Your attitude seems
to have changed.

You've lost

Is something
bothering you?

Are you having trouble
with the subject matter?

Is being school

Taking up too
much time?

Is something wrong at home?

No, everything's fine.

So then there's no reason

For this to
be happening.

Okay. Go.


If you need to
talk to someone--

Me, or anyone else--
we're all here.

Can I go?

Here she comes.

What did he want?

To hassle me.

We're going to see

These two
guys we met.

You want to come?

They're really cute.

And really nice.

I'd probably
be in the way.

No, come on!

Maybe they've
got a friend.

What's the point?

My relationships never work.

I'm worried
about her.

I know what
you mean.

Have you seen
the way

She's been dressing?

Is she serious about
k*lling herself?

No, she's just doing it
to get attention.

Talking about su1c1de
is a danger sign.

You know steph.

She overdramatizes

It couldn't
be that bad.

Come on, phil.

He smells gross!

You'd smell gross

If you spent the
day in a gym bag.

What will you
do with him?

Maybe I can leave
him at my mom's.

Come on, phil.

You need a walk
in the park.

What a cute puppy!


I'd hate it if my
parents got divorced.

It's okay once
you get used to it.

But living with
only one parent

And seeing the
other on weekends?

Joint custody
is great.

I get to live
with my dad.

Does he still want
custody of steph?

Yes, him and my mom
are still fighting.

Come on, phil.

Wow, those
are beautiful.

They're from jerry.

Good old jerry.


Hi, mom.

Meet phil.

What a smelly little puppy!

Where has he been?

You don't want to know.

Well, he can't come in here.

Tie him up

He doesn't like

To be lonely.

Outside, arthur.

But mom...

He's afraid
of the leaves.

They get stuck
in his fur.

He doesn't like
the wind and cold.

This is really
good, mom.

Want some more?

I know lasagna
is your favorite.

I'm sure your father
never makes it.

Actually, he does.

But this is better.

Can't phil come in?


Don't you like
the lasagna?

You've only had
a mouthful.

I'm on a diet.

You need to eat.

No I don't!

Stop trying to bully me.

Now look here...

Mom, is this
a special occasion?

Yes, it is.

As you know, I've
been seeing jerry.

He's a wonderful man.

What would you think

If he and I got married?

You've only dated him
for two months.

Sometimes you just know
something is right.

We'd have a proper
home, all of us.

But I live with dad.

Your father has no idea

How to take care
of a child.

Think of it--

All of us,
together again.

What about phil?

What's going to
happen to him?

Stephanie, are you
out of bed yet?


Better hurry.

I'm off.

Remember, jerry's
coming over tonight

To meet arthur.

They've been going out
for two months

And you haven't met him yet?

My mother sees us
on the weekends

And him during the week.

If they get married,
he'll be your stepfather.

I'm meeting him tonight.

Will your mom make you
live with her?

I hope not.

I like things
the way they are.



I thought you
were leaving him

At your mom's.

I didn't ask her.

The timing
wasn't right.

If mr. Lawrence
finds out...

I've got a plan.

You know
the boiler room?

I'll tie him up
down there.

Mr. Raditch:
"when in disgrace
with fortune in men's eyes

"I all alone beweep
my outcast state

"and trouble death heaven
with my bootless cries

"and look upon myself
and curse my fate

"wishing me like to
one more rich in hope

"featured like him
with friends possessed

"as I read...

Where's steph?

I don't know.

Maybe she's sick.

"...Yet in these thoughts,
myself almost despising

"happily, I think on thee

"and then my state

"like to the lark
at break of day

"rising from sullen earth

"sings hymns at heaven's gate

While I sweet love remembered
such wealth brings..."



What happens if your mom
won't let you keep phil?

Maybe you should give him
to the humane society.

No way!

I can take care of him.



He's gone!

I left him tied up
right here.



Looking for this?

Dogs are not allowed
in the school.

You'd better go
see mr. Lawrence.

Go on.

And you better
get that dog
off school property.

Mr. Lawrence:
Get that dog off
school property!

It won't happen again.

Your dumb dog

Keeps leaking.

He's not dumb.

He can't help it.

I have to take him home.

You get to go home early?

I have detention all next week.

So, I get detention

All the time.

Will you send in
mr. Yu, please?

Your turn.

Here we go again.

Have a seat,
mr. Yu.

I've never been sent
home early before

And detentions all next week!

What am I going
to do with you, phil?

I can't take you to my mom's.

I've got nowhere to put you.

Let's go to the park.

I need to think.

Come on, phil.


What are you
doing here?

I didn't feel like
coming to school.

Mom will be mad.

I could k*ll myself
and she wouldn't care.

That's not true.

What are you doing here?

Taking phil
for a walk.


Mr. Lawrence didn't
approve of him.

What did you expect?


Will I like jerry?

I don't know.

Will I have to call him dad?

Arthur, I don't know.

Leave me alone.

I've got my own problems.

Thanks a lot, steph.

We're supposed to be related.

I'd help you if I could.

Come on, phil.

A low-cut wedding dress?

I haven't thought...


Arthur, what are you
doing here so early?

School ended early.

I don't want
that dog

In my house.


Arthur, right?

I'm jerry.

How you doing?


What a cute
little dog.

What's his name?


You smell!

I want him outside.


We can solve this problem.

Have you
got a hose?

In the back.

Let's clean him up.

But that's cold water.

Dogs can handle cold water.

Your mom tells me

You're quite
a baseball fan.

Maybe we can go
to a game sometime.

I usually go
with my dad.


Could you help
me with dinner?

What a cutie!

Little wet,

You smell
better, anyway.

I think we
should talk.

Mom, I'm
fine, okay?

We don't need to talk.

Arthur, dogs
are creatures
of habit.

So don't start
feeding him scraps.

Feed him dog food.

It's cheaper.


Hi, steph.

That hose is
in bad shape.

We'll have to
get a new one.

Excuse me.


I had a dog

Whose name was ruff...

Who cares?

I've had all
I can take.

Fine, I'll k*ll myself.

Don't say that.

Mom, she
is right.

It's hard on us.

Stay out of this.

Why should I?

It's my problem, too.

You don't have to change
your bedroom and move.

Jerry, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I understand.

"I understand."


It's always jerry!

You're so selfish.

Look who's

I'm not making
everything change.

Come on, phil,
let's get out of this place.

You're not the only person

In the world.

Don't I have the right

To be happy?

And your brother?

Where is he?

He'll just


This is why
he should live here.

I'll find him.

No, you don't.

He's my brother, I'll find him.


We should run away, you and I

Where nobody can
shout or yell at us.

The only problem is,
I wouldn't get any allowance

And dog food is expensive.

What are we going to do, phil?


Go away.

Leave me alone.

I'm sorry.

I was so busy worrying about me,
I forgot it's worse for you.

I don't want things to change.

I like living with dad.

I thought everything
would be okay

After the divorce.

Me, too.

I'll have to
get rid of phil.

If I cleaned up
my act

Mom wouldn't
mind phil.



We'll talk to mom together.

After all

We're supposed to
be related, right?