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03x09 - #Woke

Posted: 07/20/21 07:25
by bunniefuu
Is it really that bad?


I can't wear that.

Do you know how many photos
they take at weddings? [sighing]

But, as maid of honor, it's your
job to do everything your mom wants.

Yeah, but if I believed that,
there'd be none of this...

or this...

- [Goldi] Zoë?
- Yes, Goldi?

- Do you have the play budget?
- Uh, right here.

Uh, Rasha was just
helping me... massage it.


- Nice dress.
- [Zoë chuckles]


I can't believe we
nearly got caught again.

- We are so bad at keeping secrets.
- [both giggle]

You know, Goldi might be okay with us.

But if she isn't and
she tells her parents,

- they might kick me out.
- You're right.

I just can't believe how
cool my mom's been about it.

I mean, she didn't
even mention the kiss.

And she didn't even flinch
when I mentioned my girlfriend.

You have a girlfriend?
Should I be jealous?

- [chuckles]
- Uh, are we not there yet?

Depends. Does your girlfriend get
an invite to your mom's wedding?

- Yes. You can come.
- [chuckles]

If I'm wearing that
dress, my mom owes me big.

On second thought, I'm not sure I
want to be seen with you in that.

- [both laugh]
- [theme song playing]

♪ Whatever it takes I know
I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out I know
I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best, be the best
The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it I
know I can make it through ♪

It's Friday night. Lola's
got the play. Shay's got Tiny.

How do you want to kick off the
weekend, bro? I'm thinking Yogalates.

The only thing I plan on stretching
is my hand in a chip bowl.

Uh, besides, don't you have a boyfriend?
Oh, that's right. You guys broke up.

Uh, no, we did not. We're on
a break. For two more weeks.

- [scoffs] A what?
- A break.

It's when two people take some time
and space to figure out what they want.

I think me and Yael might be on a break.

Um, what happens if the
other person realizes

that what they want is just more space?

Well, everyone says that distance
makes the heart grow fonder.

Okay, so what if you
see them in the hallway?

Are you just supposed to
pretend they don't exist?

I don't know. I guess
you just... play it cool.

Hey, Frankie.

[chuckles softly]

Hey, Jonah.

Fancy seeing you here, in
the school we both attend.

This has been great. It's been great.

But Hunter and I actually have a
family engagement we need to get to.

Right, Hunter? Let's go.

- [gasps]
- So that was cool.

How do you think he seemed?

The way he always does.
Vaguely aloof and withholding.

[sighs] Do you think he
wants the break to be over?

Don't ask me. I just figured out
what a break was two seconds ago.

Besides, shouldn't you be
figuring out what you want?


One minute, I was on the bench.
The next, I was in traffic.

- Do you think it was a hallucination?
- Hard to say.

Well, the Internet says hallucinations
can be symptoms of a brain tumor.

That would explain the changes
in my personality, right?

It could.

So what's next? CAT scan? MRI?

I may have spent all night on WebMD.

Sit down, Maya.

[sighs] Now, your weight's
dropped quite a bit.

- What's your appetite been like?
- Not great.

Have you been tired?

Just rip the Band-Aid
off, Doc. Is it cancer?

Maya, I think you're depressed.

[sighs] No.

[stammers] This isn't like last time.
I don't just feel anxious and sad.

Depression's a disease
that can take many forms.

And, like cancer, it needs
intense treatment to fix.

Okay, so there's a
magic pill I can take?

We may try medication, but I would
also recommend lots of therapy.

But I already did that
and it didn't work.

You guys said it was over, and it's not.

Depression's a life-long battle.

But look at the bright side.

Now that we know what's
wrong, we can fix it.

Okay, we've picked up
your dress and your shoes.

Oh, and I have to, uh,
confirm the AV equipment.

You told your friends
no heavy metal, right?

[sighs] Grace and Jonah are
taking this DJ job very seriously.

- And thanks for letting them do it.
- Of course.

It's not my wedding. It's ours.

- [chuckles]
- You, Phil, and I are becoming a family.


Does that mean I can
pick our bridesmaid dress?

[chuckles] Sometimes we make
sacrifices for the people we love.


Like allowing them to add a
last-minute plus-one to the guest list?

Oh, hon, you know how the
venue is about capacity.

- But Rasha really wants to come.
- [sighs] No.

So it's not really our wedding.

Honey, you don't wanna out
yourself in front of the relatives.

[scoffs] Because it might
ruffle some feathers?

No, 'cause you're not gay.

Come on, look at you. Look at
your hair. The way you dress.

You're just confused. [inhales deeply]

You saw me kiss Rasha, right?

And I've seen you also
kiss a lot of boys.

Sweets, don't worry.

Someday, you will meet
Mr. Right, and you will...

[inhales deeply] You'll forget
all about this little phase, okay?

What's next on the list?

Oh, yeah! The cake.

And, uh, after, I need to go to
the tailor to pick up Phil's suit.

I know what you're thinking. I'm
not supposed to see the suit...

[continues inaudibly]


Yael says I need to earn back her
trust, but she won't tell me how.

What am I supposed to do, read her mind?

[sighs] You should read this book.

I'm finding it very illuminating.

[scoffs] Break-Up
or Breakthrough?


It's actually explaining why we
have problems with our relationships.


Mmm. A father we barely see.

It suggests we use the CAT
technique to build trust.

We could try it on Yael.

But, first, you'd need to tell
me why you two are having trouble.


[stammers] On second thought, what
has anyone ever learned from a book?


Okay, CAT technique.

C. Start with a compliment.

You look pretty today.


[imitating Hunter]
"You look pretty today."

[chuckles] Oh, okay. No wonder you
wanted to keep that on the DL, brother.

Okay, A. Apologize and
accept responsibility.

[typing] "I'm sorry.
That must've been hard."

[inhales sharply] Mmm, no, not "hard."


"Because I love you."



[Mrs. Matlin] Okay. Describe
one event that upset you today.

The moment you opened this book.

[sighs] Very funny.

Look, Dr. Narello said these exercises
would help you understand your feelings.

[sighs] I feel like this
book is a waste of time.

I'm not depressed.

- I know it's hard to accept.
- Because it's not true.

Why are you siding
with that stupid doctor?

Because I just want to fix you.

Well, I'm not broken.

That's not what I said.
Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, so now I'm ridiculous?

You just don't like
the way I am right now,

so you want some stupid
disease to blame it on.

Honey, please. The book says
you can't trust your thoughts.

- You have to see...
- Oh, so now my thoughts are wrong, too?

Let's do this later.
I don't want to fight.

No, you're the one that started it!

Admit it. You hate me.

That's not you talking, it's
the disease! The book says you...

Oh, stop talking about
the stupid book, Mom.

- I hate it! And I hate you!
- Maya!

[breath trembles]

That mirror was my grandmother's.


I always thought it was ugly.




[Mrs. Matlin] I don't... I just
don't know what to do anymore.

She's like a different person.

I mean, how did I let it get this bad?

I feel like I've failed as a parent.

No, it's okay, Mom.

I'm here now. We'll sort it out.


[floorboard creaks]

[Mrs. Matlin] Maya?

Hey, munchkin.

What are you doing here?

Don't you have soccer
practice? And finals?

Yeah, but what's more
important than family time?

- You didn't have to ruin her life, too.
- Maya!

Okay. Let's just...

Why don't we hang out
today? We can catch up.

I can't. I have to
take care of something.

- All right. Well, I can come with you.
- Maybe next time.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [jazz music playing]

[Rasha] Hi, uh, have you seen Zoë?

Whoa! You... you took
a pass on the dress.

[both giggle]

I second-guessed my outfit
a kajillion times. [chuckles]

I've never been out with a
girlfriend. I'm so nervous. [chuckles]

Me, too.

There's my mom. Uh, we should go say hi.

Yeah. [chuckles]

Mom, this is my girlfriend, Rasha.

Ms. Rivas, you look beautiful.
Everything's beautiful.

Thank you so much for inviting me.

You should find yourself a spot.
The ceremony is about to begin.

Okay. [chuckles]

[inhales deeply and chuckles]

Go ahead. Say something.

Do you have the bouquet?
It's almost time.

- Yes. Uh, I'll go get it.
- Okay.



[muttering indistinctly]

Have you seen Hunter? [sighs]

I'm wondering how things are
going between him and Yael.


- What are you doing?
- Texting Jonah.

"Hey, Jonah. You look pretty.

- I love you."
- Don't you dare!

Because that would be a huge
violation of personal privacy.

- I was just trying to help.
- By interfering with my relationship?

[scoffs] Miles, some support?

First, I need more info.

Frankie pretended to
be me online to Yael.

And she forgave you.

- Because you told her I loved her.
- Don't you?

- Doesn't mean I was ready to say it.
- I'm good. Send the text.

No! Okay, wait.

I thought that maybe if I could
fix things between you and Yael,

- maybe there'd be hope for me and Jonah.
- [scoffs]

That is really pathetic.

[chuckles] And it's too late.


Jonah's gonna see this!

- He's gonna think I'm a crazy person.
- Probably.

[scoffs] I need to
explain what happened.

- Well, he's at the Rivas wedding.
- [sighs] Then that's where I'll go!

Good plan.


[Ms. Rivas] And
I, Consuela Rivas,

take this man, Phillip Hawthorne,
to be my husband. [chuckles]

[guests applaud]

"Love is patient. Love is kind.

It does not envy. It does not boast.

It is not proud. It does not..."

[indistinct chatter]

[Maya sighs]


That's a lot of money.
You going on a trip?

Yeah. Something like that.

Um, take care of Zig
for me, okay? [chuckles]

Um, okay. [chuckles]


[Zoë] "Love does not delight in
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres."

- [Ms. Rivas chuckles]
- [crowd cheering and applauding]

You seem to have a visitor.

[Jonah] Frankie?

- Have you checked your DMs recently?
- No. Not since before the ceremony.

Good, 'cause I need to delete something.

- You think I'm pretty?
- That was Hunter.

Oh, good. So, Hunter thinks I'm pretty.

Yeah, I always kinda thought
we had a special connection.

- Okay. I'm gonna go.
- Frankie?

What about the other
thing? Was that Hunter, too?

You mean the "I love you"?

He wrote it. But... I feel it.

And... I know you
don't feel the same way.

- Those words have never been easy for me.
- Because you're afraid to commit.

And I need constant validation,

which is probably why I
tend to overthink things.

Even though we're a
toxic couple... [sighs]

I really miss you and I
want our break to be over.

It's go time.

Call you later?

[Katie] Do I smell popcorn?

With extra butter, and there's also soda

and every type of candy
known to womankind.

I thought we could have a movie night.

- Wizard of Oz?
- Obvi.

Do I make the guest list?

You'll have to change first.

- Yeah. No mom jeans allowed.
- [scoffs and chuckles]

PJs, everyone.

- I got matching ones.
- [both chuckle]


Um, I fixed the mirror. Or...

at least, I tried.

It looks perfect.

I'm sorry I've been
such a burden lately.

- No.
- No, you haven't.

[scoffs] Don't lie.

I know things have been hard.

But I'm gonna make it all better.

I have a plan.

- Can't wait to hear it.
- [chuckles]

Okay, PJs, everyone. Let's
get this party started.


[indistinct chatter]

May I have this dance?

[both chuckle]

So, what's with the new look, hmm?

You don't like it?

I do, but is it really you?

I'm sick of everyone second-guessing
whether I'm gay because of my look.

- Do you like kissing me?
- Yes.

- Then you're pretty darn gay.
- [both giggle]

I'm so glad you're here.

Zoë, what are you doing?

[chuckles] Dancing with my girlfriend.

[Ms. Rivas] Stop it.

Now, before everyone sees.


I'm not gonna pretend
to be someone I'm not.

Not for you. Not for anyone.

Don't you dare turn this around on me!

I have done everything for you.

[scoffs] Except love me for who I am.

I love you despite who you are.

And then you bring this girl
to my wedding after I said no?

You are so selfish! God!

You're the one who can't get over her
stupid prejudices for her own daughter!

Okay. Okay. Okay, Consuela, I got this.

Come on, just relax, okay? It's okay.

Zoë, I think you should leave, okay?

You heard him. Just... leave.

Gladly. Come on, Rasha.

It's okay.

Can you believe she called me
selfish? As if I was in the wrong!


You said I was welcome at the wedding.

Well, I wanted you there.

- But not your mom. Not your family.
- What does that matter?

Two years ago, I was invited
to my aunt's for a party.

The police arrived to question me.
She had reported me for being gay.

- This is not the same thing.
- Really?

You put me in a situation where
people hated me for being who I am.

Look, I'm not the bad guy
here. We can get past this.

- I don't trust you.
- [gasps]

Can you call my phone
to check if it's working?

Has that ever, in the history
of time, been a problem?

[Jonah] Hey.

Uh, your mom let me in.

- You brought me flowers?
- Uh, yeah.

It was one of the centerpieces.
I thought you'd like it.

- I do.
- [both chuckle]

Here. What are you looking
at? You seem pretty into it.

Is that my inbox? [sighs]

- Um...
- How did you get my passwords?

- I...
- You know what?

Never mind. I... I don't care.

Okay, I'm... I'm sorry.

When you didn't call, I... I didn't
know what you were thinking. So...

technically, I did it for us?

All year, you've second-guessed
my feelings for you

and I liked you enough
to give it a pass.

Can you give me one more chance?

I mean, that was...
that was why I came here.

But this is a huge
violation of my trust.

I... I'm done.

And just to be clear, this
is a breakup. Not a break.

Wait! Jonah, no. Please.

Can we talk about this?

Well, I'd love to, but I have to
go home and change my passwords.

[door opens and closes]

You think she'll ever forgive me?

Your mom?



It was stupid to bring her to
the wedding after my mom said no.

I thought if she saw us together...

she'd be able to finally accept me.

- I never wanted to hurt anyone.
- I know, dude.

Now I have nothing.

No one.

- [sniffles]
- So, now I'm nobody?


I spoke to my mom.

You can stay with us
for as long as you want.

- [sniffles]
- Come on. Let's go home.

[Maya and Katie] "Oh, Auntie
Em, there's no place like home!"

I can't believe you
still remember every word.

Of course. [yawns]

I'm gonna hit the sack.

Mmm. I should get clean sheets.

Or Katie could sleep in
my room, like old times.

Oh, okay, if you insist.

But you'd better keep
those ice cubes to yourself.

- [Maya and Mrs. Matlin chuckle]
- Deal.

But, first, I must floss.

[yawning] I'm so tired.

- [knocking at door]
- [Katie] Pee emergency.

[scoffs] We need more than one
bathroom in this place. [chuckles]

- You okay?
- Yeah.

I'm just happy you're here.
Make everything easier on Mom.

Hey, I love you, too, sis.

[melancholy music plays]