01x17 - The lost soul of Herman Lester

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x17 - The lost soul of Herman Lester

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, guys!
Over here, now!

Listen up, listen up.

We're down one and we need a score.

You boys do what I tell you,
you'll be state champinos!

I want the ball in Herman's hand.

The rest of you guys just clear
out of his way, you understand?

All right, bring it in.
Saints on three.

- One, two, three...
- Saints!


Put us your back and get us a win.

Let's go, Herman, baby!

Herman, Herman,
do your uncle right, baby.

Do your uncle right!

Please, Lord, give young Herman
the strength to do me right.

Please! Come on, Herman.
Come on, baby.

Let's do it, baby.
Come on.

You figure : a.m.'s the right
time to start the day, boss?

These guys have been
here for an hour, Lil.

You ever hear of Herman Lester?


Ah, he's only the best basketball
player who ever lived.

Yeah? / And died.

He was m*rder*d on a playground
court in . Never sloved.

So what are we doing here?

You see the kid with the ball?

That's Herman's son.

Ball never touches the floor.

And make the layup now.
Let's go!

John. / Coach.

- Thanks for coming.
- No problem.

This is Detective Rush.

- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.

Look, look, watch this.

Doesn't have Herman's
size, but ... more range.

And the same confidence.

I tell you, John, it's like
coaching Herman all over again.

Hey, Ray! Come here!

Let's have him walk us
through this phone call he got.

Some kind of threat?

Ray, these are Philadelphia police.

Gonna help us out.

Hey. / Hey.

Hi, Ray.

Want to tell us about
the phone call you got?

Not much to it.

I'm home, pick up the phone and hear.

If I play Friday night,

I'm gonna get the screwdriver,
just like my dad.


It was the m*rder w*apon.

So... what's Friday night?

State championship.

Uh, no idea who it was
male, female, young, old?

Male. Can't say about the rest.

Ray, you having any problem in school?

Any issues on or off the court?

Nah. Things are cool.

Okay, Ray. Thanks.

Back out there.

I need him in the lineup Friday.

Do really think this threat is
connected to Herman's m*rder?

Well, the kid's a phenom like his dad.

They both lead their teams
to the state championship.

Herman gets m*rder*d,

now Ray gets this death threat.

Enough connection for me.

We'll check with the phone company,

see if we can trace where
the call came from.

And pull Herman Lester's case.

I wish you'd have eaten more.

- I ate all the melon.
- Yeah.

Yeah, and you made sure the
home fries didn't go to waste.

I like being out here.

In the cold.

I'll get you a cab. / Yeah?

What? What is it?

There's a giant behind you.


Well, look for yourself.

Yeah, look for yourself.

Oh, man.

What... what are you doing here?

Just getting my coffee.

What are you doing here?

Uh, uh, just, uh, coffee.

- Will Jeffries.
- Elisa.

Sorry. Bonehead.
We work together.

Pleasure to meet you.

See you at work, Scotty.


So, uh, a cab, right?

Guess, uh, Jeffries is
kind of a giant, ain't he?

Probably should've said "big".

If Herman Lester had lived,

folks around here would think
of Dr.J as just another player.

Come on, boss.

The good doctor would jump so high,

he could pick a dollar off
the top of the backboards.

Scotty, Herman Lester
would leave change.

Whatever Herman did,
he returned to earth

and caught the wrong end
of a Phillips screwdriver.

Yeah. Pierced once through the heart.

And bled out like a mere mortal
on the court at Player's Park.


One. Billy Berkenpass, a teammate.

Good player in his own right,
but no Herman.

Says here that was the problem.

Berknepass hated playing
second fiddle to Herman.

Attitude got him booted off the team.

He missed the state championship
same night Herman dead.

Yeah, he lost out in love, too.

Tanya Williams dumped Berkenpass
for Herman a few months earlier.

Double motive.

Footnote says maybe Herman was iced
by a bagman from a top school?

Sounds like urban legend.

Yeah, smart money was on Berkenpass.
On top of everything else.

kids saw him confront Herman
at an after-game party that night.

So why didn't he go down?

No hard evidence,
and he had an alibi.

Time of the m*rder, he claimed
he was home with his dad.

Aw, Dad vouching for
you ain't exactly airtight.

Are we sure this job is
connected to Ray's death threat?

Well, seems like it.

Especially since the threat was made
from a pay phone at the City Center Rec.

Yeah, and guess who hoops it up
there, every day over lunch hour.


Your son says he was with you
the night Herman Lester was k*lled.

Yeah, we sat in front of
the tube till : a.m.

You always watch TV that late?

No, just that night.

Good, Bad and the Ugly was on.

Got a pretty specific memory there.

I've only been asked the
question about times.

Hey, hey, hey!

No reason for you to touch that.

So, that night...

Billy must've been pretty steamed,
after what happened to him.

What do you mean?

Him getting kicked off the team,
missing the big game.

My kid got screwed.

Plus, Herman taking up with
his ex-girlfriend, Tanya, right?

Got screwed twice.

He was better off losing the girl.

You didn't like her?

I don't like any girls in the picture.

Women weaking legs.
That's no good for basketball.

Look, it's admirable,

- you defending your boy all the time...
- Yeah, somebody had to.

Within hours, you cops were all
over that boy for the m*rder of Lester.

The kid was years old.

I guess you didn't get enough,

'cause now you're at it again.

Why are you asking about Herman?

We're reopening his m*rder case.

No, leave it alone. Leave it.

Tanya, we think looking at Herman's
case will help your son's situation.


Tanya, let Uncle Freddie handle this.

I'm the man who raised Herman,

and I been like a father to Ray, too.

So tell me.
How will it help?

We think Billy Berkenpass may
have made the call to Ray.

- That's the dude who k*lled dad?
- We don't know that.

Oh, that white boy was
so jealous of your pop!

Freddie, don't start.

Ray, you recognize this guy?

Oh, man... that's The Ghost.

"The Ghost"?

When I'm out playing pickup,
he's there watching.

White dude looks at me funny.

How long's this been going on?

Ever since I started making
a name for myself.

Maybe about two years ago.

- The Ghost ever approach you?
- Nah.

That's it!
Uncle Freddie's stepping in.

Ray ain't playing Friday.

You said there'd be security,
right? / Right.

No, no, no! No risk!

The boy is going League, understand?


NBA pro scouts already got Ray marked
down as a first-round draft choice.

Ray hasn't decided where he's
going next year, Freddie, so shut it.

Hopefully, we clear this whole
thing before the game.

Are you sure Billy called my son?

Not a hundred percent.

I never believed he k*lled Herman.


Me and Billy dated.
I knew him.

It'd really help if you'd tell us what
you remember about that night, Tanya.

We won the state championship...

then there was a party.

Philly Tech says he's their guy.

But off the court, this man is mine.

Where the hell's Herman?

Billy... what are you doing here?

Being friends.

Isn't that what you said, Tanya?
We'd be friends?

Yo, don't be mad at her, man.

Okay, I'll be mad at you.

You take my girl, I'm
supposed to be cool with it?

- Oh, man, you're drunk.
- Don't you walk away from me...

Let him up, let him up, let him up!
Come on. Get off him!

Get off him.

You want to talk, Billy?


I'm on your home court here.

I'll catch you later.

How did Herman end up
in Player's Park that night?

He'd go there to clear his head.

What's Player's Park?

It's across town.
It's where your dad died.

Back in Herman's day that's where
a player would go to prove himself.

We'll let you know what
we find out, Tanya.

- Billy Berkenpass?
- Yes?

Detectives Valens and Rush.
Can we have a minute?

Doing real good, Michael.

Can we...?

Should have known you
people would show up.

Why is that?

Everyone knows Ray Lester
got a death threat.
I'm sure you think I made it.

The call was made from
the City Center Rec.

Where you play ball every day.

Guess someone's trying
to make me look bad.

We got some prints off the phone.

One of them gonna be yours, Billy.

I'll let you find that out for yourself.

Let's talk about , when your
teammate Herman died...

Knew this was coming.

... not long after Tanya
broke up with you for him.

That pretty hard on you?

Yeah. First heartbreak.

What happened?

Black girl. White guy.
The world wasn't rooting for us.

Hey, sports question:
think much of Ray's game?

Paper says he's the second
coming of Herman.

- What do you say?
- I've seen him a lot.

He's as good as advertised.

I didn't call that kid,
I didn't k*ll Herman.

Right. "Home with your dad."

So, if it wasn't you, Billy,
who was it?

Recuriting was out of
control over Herman.

One coach handed him a motel key,
said he had a super model waiting for him.

Saying Herman took that room key?

Not that one, but I saw
him take another key.

I mean, who knows how many
programs Herman took gifts from.

But a player can only
make one school happy.

Herman was about to piss off
a university, so they k*ll him?

Pretty far out theory, Billy.

Maybe not a president,
or a dean, but...

you'd be suprised what the round
ball's made grown men do.

Yeah, there was a car... for a day.

I got right in Herman's face, told him
the car goes back where it came from.

Which was where?

Well, that I didn't need to know.

Bottom line, Herman was
on the bus the next day.

Billy Berkenpass thinks Herman
received other under-the-table gifts.

Billy Berkenpass has been
trying to muddy Herman's name

since the day I kicked him off the team.

What happened there?

I guess enough time has passed.

I'll tell you.

That's right. I'm talking about
you and Big Ed Brown.

- You better watch your mouth, man!
- Hey, what the hell's problem?

- Herman don't want to win tonight.
- That's crap!

'Cause his bookie, Big Ed Brown,
he owns Herman.

That's not true, coach. Come on.

Then why'd he offer me bucks
to join you in messing the game?

- Don't you lie, Billy.
- It's the truth. He's on the take.

You gonna talk about Herman
like that you're off this team!

Coach! / You're off this team!

He'd saying anything
to take down to Herman.

Attitude problem three years running.

Nothing to his allegations?

Herman won the game for us.

Shook four guys and
dunked on a seven-footer.

End of story, okay?

End of story.

- Oh! Boy, he missed a bunny.
- That's like three in a row.

- ' State Championship?
- Yeah.

Herman's last night on earth.

He turned the ball over again.

Okay, and now here's the end.

Okay. Freeze it, Scotty.

Now, he just won the championship,

and everyone else is going
wild, but look at Herman.


Maybe he agreed to throw the game,
but in the end couldn't do it.

That would explain why he's not smiling.

And maybe why he got k*lled.

So, was that the lady keeps calling you?

Don't do that.

- Do what?
- Sneak up on me.

- I'm not sneaking up on you.
- I meant just like on the street with Elisa.

Look, don't shadow me, okay?
Especially if you see me with her.

What was that about?

I don't know.
Guy's losing it?

Hey, boss.

For you. Big Ed Brown, the guy
Berkenpass said approached him.

Longtime bookie.

Illegal lottery, bookmaking; spanked
with a bunch of probation, no jail time.

Maybe Vice has something on him.

See if I can get a hammer on him.

Hey, where's Lil?

Went to check with Ray to see

if he's been approached about
throwing this Friday's game.

Mm. See if history's repeating itself.

Ray, can I steal you for a minutes?

You catch that guy who
called me? / Not yet.

I gotta ask you, Ray,

did anyone offer you money
to fix the game this Friday?

No way.

How about other games
during the season?

College boosters putting
pressure on you, or...?

Coach keeps all the shady dudes away.

But coach can't be everywhere
at once, you know?

Why you asking this stuff?

Recuriting was crazy for your dad.

People were trying to get to
him in all sorts of ways.

And I figure it's like that for you, too.

Yeah, it can be crazy.

So maybe you're up against some
of the same things your dad was.

Now you're saying my dad
made a shady deal?

I'm not saying that.

Or if he didn't make it,
that got him k*lled?

Ray, I don't know what happened yet,

but I want to find out for you.

I thought that Berkenpass dude k*lled him.

Right, he was the primary suspect.

But maybe my dad got iced
over someone fixing a game,

over what school he was
gonna play for? Over ball?

Try not to guess too much, Ray.

Remember, we just need to
look at all the possibilities.

Never met no Billy Berkenpass.

Well, he says he met you,
Big Ed, years back.

Nah. / How 'bout Herman Lester?

Hey, you like fedora hats, Big Ed?

They look good on me.


You can wear one for your
mug shot, like Al Capone.


You don't get chatty real quick here,

I got my pal at the IRS comb
over your income taxes,

blow your betting operation open,
Big Ed's out of business.

Maybe I do remember young Herman.

I was hoping.

But I was better acquainted
with his Uncle Freddie.

Oh, man, ay...

Oh... Big Ed, thank you for coming.

Only reason I'm here is
'cause you owe me five grand.

Now, where is it?

There's been some complications.

Brother man, that is the wrong answer.

Yo, but, I got the right answer.

But I need one more day.

See, I got a plan.
You know, it's fool proof, too.

Check it out.

Yeah, let it rain, Herman,
let it rain!

Yo, man, you best pull out your umbrella,
cause you is getting soaked, dog.

You got to give me one more day.

See, Herman Lester's my nephew,
and the boy's got a lot of love for me,

so, see, with tomorrow night's game

I'm gonna get him
to do me a little favor.

You telling me you can get that boy
to turn the state championship out?

I can make it happen.

Yo, Herman!

- Who loves you, baby?
- You do, Uncle Fred.

That's what I'm talking about.

Freddie had that kind of
influence over Herman?

I wasn't sold.

So, I paid a visit to the Berkenpass kid.

How'd that go down?

It didn't. And with no insurance,
I decided to sit that game out.

But the way Herman played, it seemed
like Freddie did have him on a string.

All I know is when it was over,
Freddie still owed me money.

That must have had him running scared.

Sure, but he slowed down.

Maybe you've noticed Freddie
don't walk so good no more.

You got some riding on
this Friday's game, Freddie?

What do you mean?

Trying to keep Ray out of playing,
so you can score some bets?

Just like you tried to score off
his dad in ' . / What now?

We know you asked Herman to
throw the game the night he died.

Come on, now, if I did that,
why did they win, huh?

Logic, Freddie. Just 'cause they won
don't mean you didn't ask him.

I was in full support of
Herman's career.

But you owed the money to
Big Ed Brown.

I paid Big Ed. / Late. That's
why you got your knees broke.

But first you tried to fix the
Tech game to cash in on it,

'cause you didn't want your knees broke.

- Who does?
- I talked to Big Ed.

He told me you promised
Herman would lose that game.

Why didn't you say so at the top, huh?

The truth, Freddie.

It wasn't my proudest moment.

Herman, this is a one-time,
and one-time only thing now.

- I can't believe you're asking me this!
- You think I wanna be asking?

I'm embarrassed, man.

I can hardly look you in the eye.

Can't you work this out with Big Ed?

This is working it out.
Don't you get that.

He's gonna hurt me,
for keeps, man, understand?

- Freddie...listen,
- Herman,

you're gonna have everything
in this life, man.

The good Lord didn't give
me the talent he gave you.

That's okay, I make do...

but I'm asking you, this once,
toss this dog a bone.

No, I can't do it.

I'm sorry, no.

But when Herman played so bad that night,

it looked he might come
through for you after all.

Gave you hope during the whole
game right up to the buzzer.

- That must have pissed you off.
- No, no, no!

Ungrateful kid won't step up for the
man who was a father figure to him.

So maybe you're the one who
lowered the boom on Herman.

That's an outrage, you saying that!

What's wrong?

Ray's missing.

Could Ray have skipped out
on practice? / No, no, no.

Ray doesn't miss practice. He
comes early, leaves late always.

Maybe he just went
somewhere to clear his head.

- You think Billy has him?
- I'm gonna go see Billy right now.

Can I come?


Hey, Freddie.

Stay close.

Could the timing be worse?

Did Ray have somewhere he had to be?

Yeah. He had visit from two
Big Ten schools tonight.

What's more important here, coach?

I don't expect you to
understand. / Blake.

I understand a -year-old's missing.

That's important.

Out on the street, boss.

This is craziness.

My baby's all over the place
and I can't find him.

- He can't be far.
- I can't lose him, too.


Where is he?
Where's my baby?

- Tanya, what are you...?
- What'd you do with him?

- I don't know what you mean.
- Ray's been missing all afternoon.

They say you watch him!

Come on, Tanya.
That ain't gonna help.

- T, I wouldn't hurt your kid.
- How about her kid's father?

I believed you, Billy.

I was the one person who
didn't think you k*lled Herman.

So keep believing.

I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.

Not then, not now.

How'd you find this place?

Asked some old timers.

I've put up 'bout a hundred jumpers,

but didn't know where the right spot was.

What spot?

Where he died.

Do you know?

The write-up said on that free throw line.

For Herman Lester.

You make it look easy.

I'm glad you're doing this.
Finding out 'bout my dad.


'Cause I never could.

Asking her anything 'bout
him brings her to her knees.

Your mom.

I never knew him,

but that don't mean I don't
wanna hear about him

or find out how come he got k*lled.

You gonna play tomorrow?

Starting to think that
call I got was no joke.

No one'll blame you
if you sit the game out.

Coach will.

'Course, player's the last thing
Freddie wants me to do.

What's in it for him?

Freddie got me connected
with all the shoe companies.

I go league, he gets taken care of.

And you think you owe Freddie.

I owe coach, too.

What does he want
you to do? / College.

See there's two
or three schools that want me.

I thought every school wanted you.

Yeah, but there's two or three
that want both me and coach.

See, so if I sign that letter of intent,

coach comes along,
part of a package deal.

Turns out if Ray decides to go to a
certain college, Coach Lein benefits big.

So, is coach aiming to take the same
ride on Herman's back years ago?

And how badly did he want it?

Maybe the gambling angle
isn't the answer.

Did Herman ever say where
he was going to school?

No one knew.

There was a new rumor
every day: Kansas, Iowa, Duke...

She'd probably know.

Sorry, boss.

Don't let this change the investigation.

Thank you for finding him. / Sure.

Tanya, had Herman made a decision
about where he was going to college?

Temple. He was gonna
announce it the next day.

The Owls head coach is John Chaney.

He's always run a clean program.
He does not to do "favors".

So maybe Coach wanted
Herman to go somewhere else...

where they did do "favors".

Coach wanted him down in Florida.

Temple's not the place.

I've already made up my mind, coach.

You'll end up at the wrong program,
you get lost in the shuffle.

Doesn't matter how talented you are.

Down in Florida, I can look out for you.

- I got responsibilities here.
- What do you mean?

Tanya's pregnant.

- Okay, so Tanya comes, too.
- No, it's no good.

What? / No!

Damn it, Herman,
we need to stay together.

This is my shot, too!
Haven't I always been there for you?

So, Coach finds out things aren't
going the way he wants them to.

Six hours before Herman dies.


- You saved the day, finding Ray.
- Talk to her.

You get those college meetings
rescheduled, coach?

It's plan "B", if Ray doesn't play tonight.

But I know he will.

You're counting on it, aren't you?

Whatever you say, Missy.

I think this room's got the
wrong population, boss.

Lots of opinions from that one.

Blake, the last hours we've been
looking at you for Herman's m*rder.

You kiddin' me?

When Herman broke the news
that he was going to Temple,

I know you had a lot on the line.

He was hurting your future.

John, we're friends.

We're going to hear you out
one way or another, Blake.

It's better if you and I do it here and now.

Now, I know you got a deep drive.

All of us got one somewhere,

and it will either make you
a winner, or take you down.

I need you to make a gut check here, pal.

Me and Herman...

we had a moment of truth.

You been in here the
whole time? / Yeah.

Trying to wait me out like
I'd just go home?

Don't you walk away from me.



You think you can just go,
after all I've done for you?

You won us a state
championship tonight,

I'm standing here crying the blues.

That's pretty piss poor.

Good luck at Temple, son.

I never saw Herman again.

Okay, thanks.

Prints from the City Center Rec
pay phone came in.

Guess who we got a match on?


His father.

What's the big deal?

So, I made a call.

Get off my property.

Not just a call,
a "t*rror1st threat".

Come on.

No joke. So I were you,
I'd put that wood down.

Why use the phone at the Rec?

You and your son dream that up together?

- My son didn't know I was there.
- Noontime he was in the gym.

You telling me you two didn't cross paths?

We never do.
We got no relationship.

Why's that?

Billy wasn't athletic,

he had no foot speed to talk about,

so we made him a sh**t.

Developed the purest stroke
you'd ever want to see.

It didn't happen overnight. I'd feed
them and feed them and feed them

and there wasn't a night that we left
that gym without him hitting in a row.

What's that have to do with
you not having a realtionship?

He quit on me.

What, you don't tell me what happened?

You just let me show up at the game!

I was embarrassed.

Son, if you would've told me,
I would've helped.

But now it doesn't matter if it's not true
because the word's out, you're a bad seed.

I'm sorry.

Up, up, up. Chin up.

Listen, we may not get more
than a junior college offer,

but two years,
we're right back on track.

Dad, it's over! I'm done!

Don't let this break your spirit.

I'm not, dad. I don't care
about being on track!

I just want playing ball
to be fun again.


Billy, you go home
and you get your suitcase

and when you're done having fun
and you come back and you see me!

Billy never plays organized ball again,
you draw a line through his name?

We do what we do.

Now and then I'll go back and
watch him sh**t at the Rec.

Those are old wounds.

So why all of a sudden
make this call to Ray?

Now, leaving the Rec that day,
seeing Ray Lester's face splattered all over

like these people are the First Family
of Basketball or something

that nonsense had to stop once and for all.

We got to arrest you for making that threat.

- Hey, for crying out loud.
- Come on.

You got to come with us.

Prints were in the system 'cause
of a bar brawl three years back.

I talked to the guy that
got beat down by him.

Said it all started 'cause the barflies were
talking about the late great Herman Lester.

years later and he's
still smarting over that?

This guy's got deep feelings
about his son not playing ball.

- Disowned him over it.
- Maybe k*lled over it.

Problem is, the Berkenpass
alibi goes both ways.

- Covers Billy but also covers the dad.
- Ah, Senior won't give it up.

So work on Junior.

We just need some last questions
answered, then we'll leave you alone.

We got a new suspect, Billy.

Good for you.

Need the straight story on
your alibi. / Straight story?

You were in your car?
sh**ting hoops?

Doesn't matter we just got to
hear where you really were.

Watching TV with my dad.

Maybe we got to level with Billy.

He's gonna find out anyway.

Pops put the death threat on Ray.

My dad?

You surprised?

'Cause you look surprised.

But the funny thing is,
you look it and you don't.

My guess is, you never knew
your dad k*lled Herman either.

But, right now in this moment...

you do.

'Cause you and dad never
watched TV that night.

Can I just go now?

Sure. We'll walk you out.

Ray's just taking care of some paperwork.

Hey, you want to meet him,
Billy? / No, thanks.

Yeah, we keep arguing over
whether he looks like his pops or not.

He does... a little.

Yeah, but the difference is,
Ray's walking away from the game.

W-Walking away? / He's mixed
up about how his dad died.

Figures Herman made a wrong decision
and maybe that's what k*lled him.

Why's he think that?

He didn't know anything about his dad.

Looks like another Lester
won't reach his potential.

Maybe I-I will say hi to him.


Hey, kid.

I want to tell you something about him.

And that night.

I wasn't at home with my dad.

I-I was with Herman.

Got to hand it to you.

Only Herman Lester can play ball that bad
and still get carried off the court like a king.

Final score's all that counts.

Keep telling yourself that.

You think I tried to
throw the game tonight?

- Yeah, I do.
- You're wrong.

Then why did you play like a buster?



Everybody thinks I'm this one-man show.

But it's you that gets me
the ball in the paint.

When I'm double-teamed,
you always hit the J.

But you weren't there tonight.


we haven't been friends...

but we've been a team, right?

Your dad was stand-up.

There was all this junk around us,
everyone trying to make us enemies.

But he-he jsut followed his instincts...

and they were good.

The man was good.

We talked to your boy Billy,
Mr. Berkenpass.

He burned your alibi.

Why would he do that?

'Cause he didn't k*ll Herman Lester.

You did.

Billy said that?

Want us to bring him in here?


It was always awkward
for Billy and me.

Basketball was the way
that I could be his dad, see?

That was our whole relationship.

That night when I told Billy
to pack his bags, I...

I wanted to take it back.

Why didn't you?

I followed after him.

Wound up at Player's Park...

and I watched Herman and Billy.

I watched them shaking hands.

That wasn't a good thing?

That was him giving up.

I knew that he wasn't gonna play again.

That was the end of one thing
that we had in common.

Oh, hey, Mr.B.

You're looking for Billy,
you just missed him.


Think he said he was headed home.

Then I guess I'll see him there, then.

Are you okay, sir?
You, uh... look a little off.

Good game tonight.

♪ Bruce SpringsteenÀÇ
"Walk Like a Man" ♪

♪ I remember how rough
your hand felt on mine ♪

♪ On my wedding day ♪

♪ And the tears cried on my shoulder ♪

♪ I couldn't turn away ♪

♪ Well so much has happened to me ♪

♪ That I don't understand ♪

♪ All I can think of is
being five years old ♪

♪ following behind you at the beach ♪

♪ Tracing your footprints in the sand ♪

♪ Trying to walk like a man ♪

♪ Good bye Our Lady of the Roses ♪

♪ We lived in the shadow of the elms ♪

♪ I remember ma draggin' me and ♪

♪ my sister up the street to the church ♪

♪ Whenever she heard
those wedding bells ♪

♪ Well would they ever
look so happy again ♪

♪ The handsome groom and his bride ♪

♪ As they stepped into that
long black limousine ♪

♪ For their mystery ride ♪

♪ Well tonight you step away from me ♪

♪ And alone at the altar I stand ♪

♪ And as I watch my bride
coming down the aisle I pray ♪

♪ For the strength to walk like a man ♪

♪ Well now the years have
gone and I've grown ♪

♪ From that seed you've sown ♪

♪ But I didn't think there'd
be so many steps ♪

♪ I'd have to learn on my own ♪

♪ Well I was young and
I didn't know what to do ♪

♪ When I saw your best steps
stolen away from you ♪

♪ Now I'll do what I can ♪
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