01x11 - Hubris

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x11 - Hubris

Post by bunniefuu »

May ,

Detective Rush, cold jobs.

Uh, Roy Minard,

uh, Fallen from Grace.

Is that right?


You're looking at a
ruined man, I'm afraid.

Wanna sit down?

Thank you.

I was a, uh...

I was a professor at the University,

enjoying a quiet life
of arts and sciences

when I became embroiled
in a m*rder case.

My unfortunate role was as
the number one suspect.

Who had the unfortunate
role of victim?


Holly Richardson.


She was one of my students.

Very promising young mind.

k*lled on Campus?

Nine years ago.

Whipped and strangled
with a car antenna.


Well, there must have been a
reason you were investigated.

And one reason only.

Holly and I were having an affair.


Which I lied about at the time.


Why does a philanderer lie?

I was married.

Ashamed of my behavior.

Covering your tracks.

And my dishonesty on that matter

was seen as guilty in this
far more serious charge.

The press went to town.

My wife and child left town...

and I was soon relieved of
my professorship

and banned from campus.

Well, you're here talking to me,

so clearly you weren't
convicted of anything.

Not in a court of law.

And you're innocent, of course.

You've heard of Richard Jewell?


He and I would have a lot to talk about.

So why come in today, Roy?

Uh, I found this

in the newspaper.

A prost*tute in Norristown

was k*lled and dumped in
the Schuylkill two weeks ago.

Same as Holly.

A lot of bodies are
dumped in the river.

Yes, but this one was also k*lled

with a car antenna.

I saw that and I, uh,

I thought maybe I've
found my one-armed man.

Now you're Richard Kimble.

If there is a connection,

maybe you can solve two murders.

And save my life in the process.

"Holly Richardson, .

k*lled in West Philly, May ' .

lashes with an antenna

before he strangled her with it."

Little humiliation
before the grand finale.

Dumped in the Schuylkill.

Doer was probably trying
to wash away evidence.

They found semen.

Professor Minard's?


So they did it the
night of the m*rder.

Outside of that, what do we got?

He and Holy were at
the same party at the...

Elizabethan Club.

Some people saw them having words.


I love how them Ivy Leaguers talk.

They had a fight, okay, Dummy?

So that's the whole case?

That's about it.

That's nothing.

Why'd this guy get the pinch?

He lied about the affair
till the DNA came back.

Then he changed his story.

How's the Norristown
m*rder come into play?

This hooker job had
a pretty similar M.O.,

the antenna, the river dump.

Worth getting a look
at that Norristown file.

Vera won't mind taking a ride.

This professor still
teaching Art History?

English as a second language.

Step or two down.

Paid a high price if he's innocent.

Or if he's guilty,

he's gotten a lot of free years.

So, we reinvestigate him, too.

Hi, we meet again.
Excuse me.

Professor Minard,
my partner Scotty Valens.


Hi. Thank you.

You're very kind to
call me "professor",

but around here I'm just "Mr. Roy."

Yeah, okay.

So does this visit mean

there was something to
my amateur detective's theory?

We don't know yet.

I've filled a lot of time the
last nine years

reading mystery novels.

I thought maybe I was
getting carried away.

Well, we haven't seen the
file from Norristown yet.

But we were wondering where you were

the uh, night that hooker got k*lled.

Right, um...

I teach here nights,
Mondays through Thursday.

What night was she k*lled?

It was a Tuesday.

Then I was here.

other witnesses
will tell you the same,

in broken but improving English.

Lying about your affair with Holly

got you in a lot of hot water.

I was arrogant.

Bill Clinton lied to America
about the intern.

I lied to Philadelphia.

And you both got caught in the end.

I wouldn't do it again.


will get you every time.

So when Holly was k*lled,

how were you two getting along?

Well, in my first statement,

I said things were great.

I know.

But to be honest,

there was some tension.

If I had a small dinner
party, would you come?

Small, as in you and me?

Maybe six people or eight.

No, I wouldn't.

Why not?

Holly... there are rules.

Well, I wanna see you in public.

You can't.

God, don't you ever even think
about me outside this office?

Sure. Thinking is perfectly fair.

Seeing each other outside
of these four walls...

it's not possible.

What if I don't like
those rules anymore?

Sounds like you laid
it out pretty clear.

My campus and my home life
stayed separate.

No contact outside of office hours.

Is that what you called it?

Not even phone calls.

Here's the deal, Roy.

If we're gonna look
at this case again,

you gotta be an open book this time.


In fact...

Here it is.

What is it?

It's a list of women,

who were also...


Did you offer these names

in the first investigation?

No, I was pretending
Holly was the only one.

They'll probably badmouth me.

You'll hear a lot about bad behavior,

but nothing that says "m*rder."

I was sick in love with that jerk.

I see you took two different art history
courses with him, spring of ' .

Hm, 'cause I couldn't
get enough of him.

You know how vile it is
to know you were with a m*rder*r?

Why do you think he's a m*rder*r?

I read the papers.

He told City Magazine

he didn't do anything
to "hurt that girl."

Pretty strange word choice,

don't you think?

Was he ever violent with you?


Possessive? Scary, at all?


But you still think maybe
he could have whipped

and strangled with
this Holly to death.

I read the papers.

He toyed with me
my whole sophomore year.

Treated you bad?

Like a piece of ass.

Seduced me with poetry and wine
during office hours...

pretended not to know me
if I saw him on campus.

You think he m*rder*d Holly?

He got a lawyer pretty fast.

I'll tell you a secret, Monique,

that's actually the smart thing to do.

Seems like the guilty
thing to do, to me.

Roy Minard...

I wouldn't say that name
too loudly around here.

We need to know about
your relationship with him.

In ' ?

I'm on the faculty now.

It'd be bad for me if that got out.

Is that why you kept it from
the police nine years ago?

I was never asked.

Look, this isn't popular
opinion around campus,

but Roy didn't k*ll Holly.

You don't think so?

He was unethical but
he's not a m*rder*r.

You didn't think he
was unethical in ' .

I didn't really get what an abuse

it was until I started teaching.

It's just so easy to impress students.

And Roy's very charismatic.

We've met him.

Did you know Holly Richardson?

I tried to warn her not to
get in too deep with Roy.

I talked to her that night
at the Elizabethan Club.

It's not so easy seeing
them in the flesh, is it?

- What?
- The wife, the kid.

No, it's not.

Holly, this time last year,
I was standing right where you are.

Did you feel like you'd
just been hit by a truck?


He's happy with them.
He won't leave.

Why does he have affairs
if he's so happy?

I don't know his psychology.

But there's a new girl every year.

And the year's almost over.

I think it's different this time.

I felt for her.
I, I was her at one point.

But she was upset at him...
not the other way around.

So after two hours of making copies

of every page from
this Norristown job...

Stillman told us
about the flat tire.

Yeah, that precinct's copier
was from the mimeograph era.

Look, guys, it was bad luck.

Yeah, well, we finish
up your dog call,

finally get out of
traffic on Ridge Pike...

prost*tute's name was Lenore Grandy.

And bam!

And we were in the fast lane.

Vera, Jeffries thank you.

You risked your very
lives for this job.

Hey, guys, can we talk about
Lenore Grandy now?

Whipped times with a car antenna,

then strangled with it.

And dumped in the Schuylkill.

That's just like Holly.

But here's the money.

Lonore... Holly.



Gotta be the same doer.

How did no one catch this?

Different counties.
Computer don't talk.

Roy Minard have an alibi
for the second m*rder?

Teaching his class that
night. It checked out.

Maybe he did get the Jewell treatment.

I got something we can run with.



the names from vice
sweeps in Norristown

with the university alumni records.

Two hits.

Clarence Grimes.

Graduated years ago.

He wouldn't know Holly.

Yeah, but Barry Tepler would.

He was in school same time as her.

He only lives eight blocks
from where Lenore was dumped.

I don't have... people over...

We're here about Holly Richardson.

Don't bring her up.

Why not?

I stay away from Holly,
just like she told me to.

Holly told you stay away, Barry?

She invited me home for Thanksgiving...

I misinterpreted her
gesture of friendship

for a deeper interest,

but I changed my behavior
when she relayed her true feelings.

Your therapist tell you that?

Or lawyer?

When she asked me to
leave her alone... I did.


What you doing here?

I go to school here.

Well, you don't have any
classes in Williams Hall.

I wanted to see you.

Barry, you're following me.

I like you.

I'm not interested in you in that way.

You took me to meet your parents.

It was Thanksgiving.

You had nowhere else to go.

Well, can we talk about it, or...

No. Nope.

I don't wanna talk about it,

I don't want you to
call me or follow me.


And I don't want any more letters.

Those are yours.

No, they're yours.

So you stalked Holly.

I pursued her with
too much enthusiasm.

You still have those letters, Barry?


You save dental reminders
from three years ago,

but not those letters?

I... I was in my dorm room
when she was k*lled.

Where were you
when Lenore Grandy was k*lled?

I don't know who that is.

A hooker.

m*rder*d December th,
eight blocks from here.

That's a Tuesday.
Tuesdays I paint.

I have therapy at : ,

then I go to Wawa for a Red Bull,

uh, get a Newsweek,
I'm home by : .

Plenty of time for
prost*tute on that schedule.

I don't use prostitutes.


You got schizophrenia?


Hear voices?

God talking through the garbage?

I'm better now.

It's tough getting better.

You stop, taking these, you
can fall into psychotic behavior.

I take'em.

Well, maybe you lapsed

right around December th,
voices started saying

you should hurt that hooker.

I don't go near those whores!

Yeah, he comes here all the time.

Hangs around and tries to talk to us.

He ever talk to your friend Lenore?

Oh, he especially liked her.

Stared at her from across the street.

He the one k*lled her?

Uh, we don't know.

I figured it was a bad John did it.

This kid was never Lenore's trick?


He walked up to her once, though.

Said he loved her flaxen hair

and asked would she go back with him.

- She go?
- Hell, no!

He didn't have no money.

Man! I never would've thought
it could've been this creep.

We don't know that it is, Trish.

You know...

I thought you guys
would've blown Lenore off.

Dead hooker, who cares?

No one's getting blown off.

Come here.

I wanna show you something.

Get in.

Hey! Not you, her.

Tight fit in here, huh?

I'm not staying anywhere right now.

Lenore and me met while we were
studying to be beauticians.

We hit it off right away.

Look. That's us.

Best friend, huh?

Figured you should have a real
picture of her, not some mug shot.

What's this one?


Lenore had this rich John.

He was gonna divorce,

so he gave Lenore the diamond earings
he had just bought for his wife.



Instead of just keeping it for herself,

she gives me one.

We made friendship rings...
but for the belly.

Lenore had the other one, huh?

She wore it all the time.

Any mention of a diamond belly
ring in the Norristown report?

Uh, no. Doer probably took it.

You the Detectives?

Rush and Valens.

This is difficult for us.

We only had one child.

We understand.

We already know who k*lled our daughter.

Uh, we have another suspect
we wanna ask you about.

Hmm. Maybe I wasn't clear.

Roy Minard k*lled Holly.

Maybe I wasn't clear.

We're Homicide and
we're looking at someone else.


Barry Tepler.

He went to college with Holly.

He was here for Thanksgiving.

That kid was harmless.

Mr. Richardson,
if someone else is responsible,

- don't you wanna know that?
- I know who k*lled Holly.

A father knows.

Well, Barry was infatuated
with your daughter.

So was Minard.

I'll come back early,
if you break the rules

and come see a movie with me in public.

I gotta go. My mom has the cake out.

Is that for me?


A ticket to Paris?

- Who was that on the phone?
- A friend from school.

A man called for you earlier.

Dad, I'm not a kid.

Then talk to me like an adult.

Um... he is my art history professor.

He seduced her.

He fell in love with her...
and who wouldn't?

She was just so damn special.

Thought you kept your
home and campus life separate, Roy.

Not even a phone call.
Ain't that what he said?

That's right.

Except you called
Holly on her birthday.

At her parents' house.

That's right. I did.

Open book.

- You remember, Roy?
- I'd forgotten about that.

And maybe you were a little more invested
in Holly than you're telling us.

You got some other motive here, Minard?

My motive was to get my life
and my career back.

As far as the phone call's concerned,

Holly... insisted that I
call her on her birthday.

Said if I didn't,
she was gonna call me.

So what? You said your wife
knew about the affairs.

Knowing about it in
the back of your mind

and hearing a girl's
voice on the line...

they're two differnt things.

Holly told her dad she broke
things off with you in April.

But you were still
going strong in May.

You'd tell your dad the truth
about your sex life?

What's all that?

Two hundred and twenty-eight...

articles on Roy Minard...


The President's Award
for Outstanding Lecturer.

Why can't they put that on the news?

People like a story.

You're a postmodernist.

A what?

Well, that's the crux
of the theory, anyway.

Social construction of reality.

What are you talking about?

Society needs a narrative.

You know, given seemingly
random facts and events,

we need to weave them into a story.

Otherwise, the world
wouldn't make any sense.

I can see that.

How do we process
this beautiful young girl dying?

We can't.

Not without a perpetrator.

And so, if one isn't
obvious, we find one.

We assign the blame.

It makes the story complete.

It's an action-- explanation.

Order restored.

Why people gotta believe in God, too.

Mm-hmm. Exactly.

Too many unanswerables without Him.

Makes some sense.

Well, I'd be even more fascinated
if I weren't the foil of it all,

but, yes, it does.

It makes some sense.


Uh, office is closed, Rush.

Seven O'clock?

Yeah, well, spare me
the Homicide mantra:

"When your days ends,
ours just begins."

- It's true.
- Yeah, I've seen the T-shirt.

I don't know what I'd do with myself
if I went home at : .

Uh, you remember the
Holly Richardson job?

Yeah, everybody wanted that one.

Why? There's nothing on it.

Pretty Ivy League girl,
philandering professor,

kind of case gets you on Court TV.

Where you'd look like a fool,
'cause the commonwealth had crap?

I guess. Have you eaten?

Look, I need a search warrant
on this kid Barry.

Do you know any Norristown DA's?

- 'Cause I haven't eaten.
- I need it right away.

This kid knows we're looking at him.

Sit with me. We'll run the case.

Or we can do it tomorrow.
I've got, like, minutes at : .

Barry Tepler fits for both jobs.

Oh, I got a narrative on him.

A what?

A story that adds up.

He had it bad for Holly, right?

Gets rejected by her.

Then he's hanging around this hooker
Lenore the last few months.

Who he claims he didn't know.

Who also rejected him.

Both girls are end
up dead in the water.

Well, if he's so in love with'em,

why no sexual element to these murders?

Well, Barry's schizophrenic.

A lot of people with that
condition, no sex drive.

And the voices you here,
they're powerful.

They tell you to k*ll
someone, you do it.

You're, uh, knowledgeable, huh?


I know someone.

Where's Lil?

Asking a warrant for Barry's.

To find the h**ker's belly ring,
those letters to Holly.

Maybe he starts owning up.

All right.

Good night, Scotty.


So Roy Minard is innocent after all?

Hard to assume anything

but this Barry kid makes...

more sense.

So what's he like Minard?

Kind of a cad.

But a charming one?

I guess.

So you figure a guy's bad news
if he mixes work and pleasure?

I don't have a big opinion on that.


So, uh, I'll call this
Norristown guy in the morning.

How come we always talk about work?

'Cause we work together.

Well, tell me something personal.


Why not?

Come on, Rush. Why not?


I'm bad at that, and...

I gotta go.

Well, let me walk you.

- I'll be fine! I'm packing.
- Uh, watch...!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

You know... stand still, okay?

What are you doing?

I'm gonna kiss you.


Just give it a try.

Come on...

Come on, Rush.

All you, all you gotta
do is stand there.

Don't panic.

It's over in three seconds.


So sit with that overnight and, uh...

see how it settles in.

Everything has its place.
Everything has its...

Everything has its place.

Read the warrant; we got a right.

Why are you doing this to me?

What did I do wrong?

You lied about that

flaxen-haired hooker,
asking her home and all.

I just wanted to paint her.

Pay dirt.

Guess you lied about having
these letters to Holly, too.

Please don't take those.

Got to read'em, Barry.

They sent you to ruin my life.

I know...

they watch outside in the shadows,

in the closet, behind the coats...

Stress is bringing on an episode.

You think I can't hear them?

Take him out for some air, will you?

That high pitch? Huh?

Like a whistle?

That tries to make you crazy?

What's it say?

"To my Holly:

If thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool

for wise men know well enough

what monsters you make of them."

Some kind of poetry?

Maybe Shakespeare?

No belly ring at Barry's?

Mm. Turned his place inside out.

Maybe sold it for cash.

"Who set this

ancient quarrel new abroach?"

What the hell? I thought this was
about a girl on a balcony.

Just find the quote
from Barry's letter.

Well, hold up.

"Is your name Shylock?"

That's not the quote.

I know-- it's just the first thing

I've understood in about an hour.

It's here, in Hamlet.

Thank God.

"If thou wilt needs marry,

marry a fool;

for wise men know well enough
what monsters you make of them.

To a nunnery, go, and quickly, too."

Hamlet says it to Ophelia.

Looks like it was a
one-sided kind of love.

He rejects her.

- But Barry was the one rejected.
- Right.

Flip to the back.
How's it end?

Uh, she... goes mad and drowns.

Both our vics were found in the drink.

The "drink"?
You the Bard now?

Monster could mean... Barry's illness.

- He blames it on Holly?
- Let's find out.

About that belly ring, Scotty's right.

Barry could've sold it, you wanna check
consignment and pawn shops?

Yeah. Once I'm finished with
this scintillating play.

Selling or buying?


Pawn shop on the corner said
you might have what we want.

Don't give that Schmuck your business.

The schmuck that has this...

diamond belly ring...

is the one gets our business.

Just got some vintage cufflinks.

The belly ring.

That's all we want.

You're missing out, fellas.

They're tigereye.


This what you had in mind?



Nice stone. Two carats.

How much?

Ten Bens.

Call the seller--

tell him to come down here
and collect his dough.

So you saw you and Holly as a kind of
modern-day Hamlet and Ophelia, huh?


That didn't end well
for that chick in the play, Barry.

Didn't end well for Holly, either.

It's just a letter.

"Wise men know well enough
what monsters you make of them."

You saying she made you into a monster?

No, passion. Passion is the monster.

I just...I...

I wanted to get her attention,

show her I was sensitive.

Not like that old...
guy she was seeing.

Oh, you knew about Minard?

He shouldn't date students.

It's not an equal relationship.

So when Holly was stupid enough

not to be moved by
your borrowed poetry...

Throw those letters back in your face.

When she stayed in her unequal
relationship with Minard,

and told you to leave
her the hell alone,

you wanted to punish her.

Followed her that night,

snapped off an antenna,
then whip, whip, whip,

strangel, strangle.


I saw her that night.

But I only talked to her.

Are you okay?


Well, I know I'm...
I'm not supposed to come near you...

No, it's all right, you can.

I, uh...


What happened?

I found out what a bitch I am.

You're not a bitch.

I saw Minard's wife... and their kid.

They're real.

I pretended they weren't, but...

they're a family.

Guy's not right for you anyway.

Oh. Well, he doesn't think so.

He wants to stay together.


But, you know, the truth is,

I don't care about him.

I was just playing a game,

but I... I don't love him.


Maybe you could love me.


I'll never love you, either.

Girl you love says that to you,

and you just... get up
and go back to the dorm?


We didn't hear it like that, Barry.

We heard Holly was pissed off
at Minard after that party.


What's going on?

Holly's mother called.

I won't fight you.

I don't care how many
times you hit me,

- Mr. Richardson.
- I'm not gonna hit you back.

This won't solve anything.

You won't take care of this guy,

I'll do it myself.

I am taking care of it.
I'm reinvestigating.

Holly was an innocent girl,

and this bastard...

- took advantage...
- I was wrong.

Okay? I shouldn't
have been with her.

You have every reason
to hate me for that,

but I did not hurt Holly.

Don't say that.

I know you did it. I know it.

Please let me handle this.

I miss her.

I know.

Holly was special.

M-Maybe you don't
wanna hear that from me,

but she talked about you all the time.

She adored you.

I know he did it.



- Did you get that warrant okay?
- I did.

- All right.
- Thanks. / Yeah.

I guess we won't talk
about the other thing.

- Yeah. Okay.
- Okay

Shut up.

Who's this?

Jesus Torres. Ex-con.

Tried to sell Lenore Grandy's belly ring.

What's he sayin'?

Some not so nice about Vera's sister.

Well, looks like you
got two suspects now.

This ring belonged to Lenore Grandy,

the hooker you k*lled up in Norristown.

I tell you,

told you, I didn't k*ll no one.

What's your parole officer
gonna think all about this?

Six months out and you already
got ties to two murders.


Yeah. Lenore Grandy, two weeks ago,

Holly Richardson in ' . Same doer.

They say "Jesus has
not adjusted to life

after prison the way we had hoped."

Maybe I took the diamond.

Now, that's a start.

Yeah, but it ain't like you say.


What is it like?

I go to the river.

I find the girl dead already, in the water.

I see the ring.

I think, she don't need it now, right?

Nah, she's iced.

That's all I do.

I steal from someone
don't need it anymore.

Now, here's my vision for
what happened, Barry.

You met Lenore in your hood,

fell in love with that flaxen hair,

which was a lot like Holly's...

Holly was a honey blonde.

...and thought, "Well,
here's a Holly look-alike,

and she's just a hooker.

Maybe I can get this one."

I just wanted to paint
Lenore; I'm a painter.

But then she gives you the high hat.

Rejected by a whore.

That's humiliating.

The last straw.

So you figure, let me

give this bitch the same treatment
I gave Holly.

I gotta show you something.

You study the pre-Raphaelites
there, Jesus?

Que? What?

John Everett Millais
one of your favorites?

It's called "Ophelia".

I never saw that.

But you do recognize that, uh,

Lenore was posed just
like poor Ophelia here.

I don't know nothing about paintings.


All I did was steal the ring.

She was layin' in the water...

lyin' in the water already dead.

Say that again.

She was lyin' in the water dead.

- Chickens lay.
- People lie.

You take ESL with Mr. Roy?

No. Nah.

It's easy to prove, Jesus.
There's a registry for that.

You and him made a deal, didn't you?

m*rder for hire gets you the death penalty
nine times out of ten, Jesus.

Lucky part for you is,
we want Roy more than you.

Tell your side,
we tell the DA you cooperated.

I done this before-- , .

I can't do ten. Five maybe.

Come on, it... it's a hooker.

It'll be the easiest
money you've ever made.

It's so easy, you do it,

and it'll cost you nothing.

I have to be in class
to establish my alibi.


I do for six.

All right, but remember,
you stick to the script.

Everything's gotta be done exactly
like the way it was last time.

- Comprende, Jesus?
- Si.

I end up teaching this
pathetic class, and, uh...

it was all to meet you, my friend.

That's destiny.

I'll be back after this...

where I belong.

Minard, what's destiny?

It's what sets you free.

I thought it was truth.

The truth sets you free.

No. It's destiny. Trust me.

He only pay me $ , .

So I figure I deserved the jewelry.

Seems only fair.

Back inside the Ivy walls.

Yeah, lunch with the dean.

I don't wanna appear too hopeful,

but the head of my old department

in stepping down in the fall.

Getting your name cleared
would help a lot, huh?

It couldn't hurt.

So you'd be glad to know
we have someone in custody.


Who is it?

Jesus Torres.

A student in your ESL class.

Jesus... No, I'm sorry,
that doesn't ring a bell.

That's not what he says.

He says you told him you k*lled Holly.

What? / And hired him to k*ll
Lenore in a copycat k*lling.

That... that's absurd.

Well, I know you are

the brilliant professor,
and we're just dump cops...

I don't think you're dumb.

...who couldn't possibly
have heard of Ophelia.

I don't think you're dumb.

I just think you're falling for a story.

Almost, Minard.

I almost fell for your story.

But your boy Jesus
screwed up your plan.

And he got greedy,
stole some off the body.

Led us back to you.

Jesus is a lifetime criminal

with a third-world education.

I thought you didn't know him.

You have his word against mine.

It hardly makes a case.

No. But the second body being
posed just like the first,

that makes my case.

Public didn't know those details.

Only Holly's k*ller did.

And who's gonna believe a dummy like
Jesus ever studied art history.

I had to regain my station.

And Jesus offered a way to do that.

You knew about Barry's
letters to Holly.

Calling her his "Ophelia".

She showed me a few of them.

Pillow talk, if you will.

So you just needed to find
another girl to link Barry to.

Make it look like she was
his second Ophelia.

Frame him for both.

Guy's just a schizo,
what's his life worth, anyway?

I contribute.

Don't look at me like
I'm some kind of monster.

Holly shares some of the
blame of this, too.

Oh, really?

What'd Holly do?

She made me love her.

You left angry...

I could tell.

What? What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

It's just over.

What makes you say that?

You have a wife.

Then I'll leave her for you.


I will. I will.

I really will.

I thought I loved you, but
it was only in a childish way.

You know, this hard-to-get act
is a little juvenile for you.

You know, I just wanted to have fun.

I didn't even think about your family.


Did you hear what I just said...
that I love you?

Well, I don't love you.

- I don't love anyone.
- Except yourself.

Yeah, and you love you,
and that's why we get along so well.

I say when it's over.

I make the rules.

I decide.

I decide!

I decide!

I decide.

♪ OasisÀÇ "Don't look back in anger" ♪

♪ Slip inside the eye of your mind ♪

♪ Don't you know you might find ♪

♪ A better place to play ♪

♪ You said that you'd never been ♪

♪ But all the things
that you've seen ♪

♪ Will slowly fade away ♪

♪ So I start a revolution
from my bed ♪

♪ Cos you said the brains
I have went to my head ♪

♪ Step outside the
summertime's in bloom ♪

♪ Stand up beside the fireplace ♪

♪ Take that look from off your face♪

♪ You ain't ever gonna
burn my heart out♪

♪ My soul slides away, ♪

♪ but don't look back in anger ♪

♪ I heard you say ♪

♪ My soul slides away, ♪

♪ but don't look back in anger ♪

♪ Don't look back in anger ♪

♪ I heard you say...♪
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