03x11 - Mr. Monk vs. the Cobra

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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03x11 - Mr. Monk vs. the Cobra

Post by bunniefuu »


That, of course, is a clip from the classic Sonny chow film called legend of the cobra.

Gotta be one of my favorites.

We're talking with John ricca.

He is the author of a sensational new book about the late, great martial arts superstar, called paper cobra.

I believe you're supposed to hold the book up when you say that.

Oh, excuse me, sorry.

You know, John, this book is very controversial.

(John) I hope so.

(Host) In the book you claim that many of Sonny chow's stunts, including the ones we were just showing you, were actually performed by stunt doubles.

I don't just claim it. I prove it.

And you say that, for most of his career, Sonny chow was addicted to morphine.

(John) That's right. That's what k*lled him.

It wasn't a brain hemorrhage, like the studio said.

We've all heard these rumors, this notion that Sonny chow isn't actually dead.

The story goes that a Hong Kong drug cartel put a price on his head...

Believe me, Karen, Sonny chow is dead.

I talked to the medical examiner who did the autopsy, and I've seen the death certificate.

Well, based on the way you talk about Sonny chow in this book, you better hope he's dead.

Idiot. That's the last time I do your show.

[Knocking on door]



My god. Who are you?

What do you want?

What do you want?

No! No!


No, this is impossible.

Chow, is that you?

No, no! Hyah!


Ohh! Oh!


[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ You know what's in the water that you drink ♪

♪ Well, I do, it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪


No, w-wait. What's wrong with that one?

The "k" went below the line.

N-no, don't throw it away, Mr. Monk.

Please, I am begging you.

We've been here for three hours.

We've paid two bills.

Well, I don't think the bank will take this.

They'll cash it. I promise.

If I'm wrong, I'll pay your water bill myself.

Let me just start over.

It'll only take a minute.

What are you doing now? There you go.

Don't, don't, don't, don't!

Too late, already sealed it.

Do you want it?

You'll have to rip open the envelope.


All right, next thing.

Um... Here you go.

What's this?

Those are my expenses. They come to $310.

Oh... i don't pay those.

Mr. Monk, they're all business related.

Here, let me... Um...

This is my gas bill from driving you around all day.


This is my cell phone bill.

All these calls are from... You.

And this...

Is from the drug store.

I'm buying over 200 wipes a week.

Here's the thing.

I pay you exactly what I paid sharona.

I didn't pay her expenses.

Here's the thing.

I am not sharona.

I'm an individual. I'm unique.

Don't ever compare me to anybody else.

Sharona used to say the exact same thing.

Word for word.

Isn't that funny?

Mr. Monk, are you gonna reimburse me or not?

I would if I could.

But I can't afford it.

[Cell phone rings]


Oh, look, it's the captain.

It's probably about a job.




Aren't you gonna answer that?

Yeah, I don't wanna go over my maximum minutes.





You've gotta be the cheapest man I've ever met.

Hello? Yes, sir, he's right here.

That sound fascinating.


Well, I hope the crime scene's within walking distance, 'cause I'm not driving him!

Get a list of tenants. Start knocking on doors.

Lieutenant, I thought you had the perimeter.

Fist of the cobra, 1975.

I've got that same poster in my room.

Oh, look at this.

That's from ten fingers of doom.

He broke his arm doing that stunt.

He still finished the scene, though.

Oh, my god.


He's got a bootleg copy of enter the cobra.

Can I have this?

No, you can't have it, detective.

This is a crime scene.

Let's watch it.

Fine, I'll put it back.

Sir... I've got a theory on this.

This guy John ricca, he just published a book about Sonny chow, right?

Right. Well, it's a real hatchet job.

I mean, it made the cobra look terrible.

The cobra? Sonny chow.

I mean, maybe we should be looking for a Sonny chow fan.

I mean, they all hated the book.

And most of them are pretty nuts.

I mean, I see them at conventions all the time.

They are real fanatics.


Monk, thank you for coming.

Ms. Teeger.

I assume that they filled you in downstairs.

More or less. How did he enter the building?

He broke through a door on the roof around 4:00 A.M.

But get this... When he left after the m*rder, he took the elevator down and ran out.

He didn't mind being seen? Huh-uh.

Was he really k*lled with nunchucks?

Yeah. Check this out.

Gold plated.

Look at those insignias.

Sonny used a pair just like these in ninja fury.

The k*ller left these behind?

Well, they either belonged to the k*ller or to the victim.

I mean, he was writing a book on all of this crap.

Captain, here's the videotape you wanted.

Ah, thank you.

Elevator "b" at 4:07.

Let's have a look.

Can't even see his face.

He looks like the cobra.

And Sonny wore a uniform just like that in kung fu assassin.

Sonny chow is dead.

Doctor, give me the good news.

He was clutching some hair.

He must have grabbed it off the k*ller's head.

That means we have a good shot at some DNA.

How could he grab any hair?

We just saw the tape.

The intruder was wearing a hood.

Well, it could have fallen off during the fight.

It gets weirder.

The victim wrote you a note.


Why would anybody write "ow"?

Usually, that's something you'd say.

Oh, my god.

Chow... he's alive.

Sir, if the rumors are true, he's been hiding out overseas, just waiting for the right time to make a comeback.

Captain, he's alive.

Nah. Nah, there's gotta be another explanation, right?


Oh! You know what?

These are mine. I paid for them.

[Doorbell rings]


Hey, got a minute?


What are you doing?

Oh, nothing, I was just...

Polishing the light bulbs.

What's going on?

Uh, you remember that convention I went to in Atlanta about three years ago?

Well, something happened there that I didn't tell you about.

I landed, I hailed a cab, and I recognized the cab driver.

It was Harold burnshaw.


Burnshaw... he used to be a fed.

He was a real player.

He used to head the FBI's field office in Atlanta until the 1996 olympic games.

The Plaza bombing?


They accused the wrong guy.

Burnshaw booted it big time on network television.

Instant career k*ller. Now he's driving a cab.

Monk, you should have seen his face.

I'll never forget it.

Well, what does this have to do with...

20 years ago, Sonny chow froze some of his own blood in the event that he needed surgery.

So they've got bulletproof DNA for a comparison.

And that's a prelim on the hair we found at the crime scene.

It's a match.

It's Sonny chow's hair.

No question about it.

He's been dead for six years, and he's my primary suspect.


Now, if I go public with this, and I'm wrong, I'm gonna wind up at the airport, picking up cops who still have jobs.

Can you help me with this?

I mean, I've gotta know.

I've gotta be certain... Is this guy alive or dead?

(Natalie) I thought Sonny chow lived in Hollywood.

(Monk) No, he lived in this house before he became famous.

And he moved back here when he was sick.

According to his file, this is where he died.

Or did he?


Don't! Don't to that.

What's this guy's name?

Zee tai wen.

They called him master zee.

He was Sonny chow's mentor.

If chow is still alive, master zee would know it.

Mr. Monk, can we please talk about reimbursing me.

Not now, Natalie.

Hello. We phoned earlier.

I'm Adrian monk. This is Natalie teeger.

We're helping the police with a very important matter.

How are you?

I am well.


How are you?

(Monk) How are you?

Do not be insulted.

Wee ling has not spoken in nine years.

A vow of silence.

He is cleaning his soul.

You should give that a shot.

We were hoping to speak with master zee.


Come in.

The master always has time for a stranger in need.

Please, remove your shoes.


Oh... here's the thing.

I'd rather not, if that's okay.

No exceptions, Mr. Monk.

Even the master's feet are bare.

I understand.

Here's the thing.

I'm a little... Shy.

I never... I never go barefoot.

It's true. I've never seen his feet.

I've never seen my feet.

For all I know, I could have 18 toes.

He's... he's good.

So... you are refusing.

Not just that.

Uh, I would like to ask all of you, as a favor, as a personal favor, to put your shoes back on.

If that's not too much trouble.

I am sorry, Mr. Monk, but I must ask both of you to leave.

Where are you going?

It's not that big a deal.

Just take off the shoes.

Take them off. Okay!


Um, have the rugs been cleaned recently and shampooed?

I don't know.

Has the master heard of athlete's foot?

Because the fungus and the bacteria can get up in between the toes.

Oh, for Christ's sake, just take 'em off!

Wee ling.

You have spoken.

You must begin again.

Oh, forget it.

Nine years, huh?

(Monk) Please don't look.

(Natalie) You have nice feet.

You shouldn't be embarrassed.


Students from around the world come to study at master zee's feet.

His bare feet?

That is correct.

This is where Sonny chow learned the art of bow yu chuan.

This is where he became the cobra.

Did you know him?

Can one man truly know another man?

Okay, but did you ever meet him?

Yes... once, near the end.

He was very sick, could not speak.

But his spirit was strong.

He was a great man.

There's a rumor that he is still alive.

Sonny chow was alive in all of us.

Right, right, right.

Is he here? Right here, right now.

You're a very curious man, Mr. Monk.

He certainly is.

Let me ask you... Are you guys reimbursed for your business-related expenses?

Natalie. Like your laundry and all these boards that everybody's breaking.

Who pays for that stuff? Natalie.

Please stay here.

I will see if master zee is ready for you.

I told you I cannot afford to pay your expenses.

Okay, then, what about this?

I do your bills, if you remember.

This is a rent receipt.

You're renting an office downtown for $600 a month.

That's right. When was the last time you were there?

I... i never use it.

It's just sitting there, empty?

I could really use that money, Mr. Monk.

I don't want to talk about it.

You don't want to talk about it.

All right, then let's do this.

We'll ask the wizard what he thinks, and then we'll both agree to do whatever he says.

First off, he is not a wizard.

We are not over the rainbow.

We're in the middle of a homicide investigation.

This is a serious matter.

I'm going to ask him.

Don't ask him.

I'm asking him.


Aah! Unh!



What did you do?


It was a little off-center.

It was not, you know, in Harmony.

Master will see you now.

Hyuh! Hyuh!



A great sorrow has entered this room.

That would be me.

And there is a woman with you.

She is very beautiful.

How can you tell?

I could hear Mr. Huang's heart beating faster.

Now that I see you, it is obvious why.


Master zee, my name is Adrian monk.

This is Natalie teeger.

We would like to ask you some questions about Sonny chow.

You were his teacher?

That is true.

But I also learned from him.

(Monk) A man was m*rder*d two nights ago, and there is evidence that Sonny chow was responsible.

Cobra is dead, Mr. Monk.

Are you sure about that?

He died in my arms, six years ago.

I felt his spirit leaving his body.

If he were still alive, and you were hiding him, that would be a very serious crime.

It would be worse than a crime.

It would be a lie.

A man who speaks only the truth has nothing to fear.

Don't you agree?

Yes, I do.

I'm sorry I disappointed you.

But I am feeling something else.

Oh, my.

A troubled soul.

You are on a quest, Mr. Monk.

That's right.

You live in a very dark place.

The darkness is your fear.

Take this as a gift.

Light is your w*apon, Mr. Monk.

Be the light.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Excuse me, Mr. Master man.

I am also troubled.

He's not paying me what he promised.

That is not true.

Could you please talk to him?

There is no way I can cover my expenses.

Master zee, I pay her exactly what I paid my other assistant.

Which is exactly why she had to quit.

That's not the reason, really.

It was a factor.

I don't think you really understand...

Excuse me.

Ms. Teeger...

This man is your employer.

He's your master.

It is your job to serve him unquestioningly.

Mr. Monk, you should not pay her any more money.


She must learn that true wealth is in the heart, not in the bank.

It's... it's not in the bank.

All right.

You... you are a wise and learned man.


As are you.

It must be a tremendous burden to possess such wisdom.

It is a gift.

And a curse. Exactly.

Okay. Oh my god, get a room, really.

I would. [Cell phone rings]

Just get it over with.



What is it?

He's alive!

Sonny chow is alive.

He pulled an Elvis... Faked his own death.

He pulled an Elvis?

Yeah, check this out.

Six years ago, a man named Joseph Lee disappeared from a homeless shelter in the presidio one day before Sonny chow, quote, "died."

They were the same height and the same weight.

Could be a coincidence.

Well, we're about to find out.

We just got a court order to exhume the body.

They're digging it up now.

Lieutenant, you understand if Sonny chow is alive, he's m*rder*d at least two people.


You'd have to arrest him.

I'd get to meet him.

He might try to k*ll you.

Think so?

Wow, that would be so cool... Sonny chow.

[Machine whirring]

(Monk) Captain. How you feeling?

I'm a nervous wreck.

How'd things go with the zen master?

Well, he said Sonny chow died in his arms.

I believe him.

Good... well, at least the press hasn't got wind of this yet.

Once they do, it's gonna be like Christmas morning for those vultures.

Look at that thing.

Oh, yeah.

His fan club from the Philippines paid for it.

Be careful with that.

Tell them to be careful with that.

What did you say?

You want to be careful with that.

I been doing this job since I was 18 years old.

I think I know what I'm doing.

I don't come to your station house and tell you how to beat a confession out of some kid.

Do I know you?

Maybe you do.

You're Chris downey.

They let you out?

I did my time. Now I'm doing my job.

At least, I'm trying to.

I busted this lowlife for as*ault and armed robbery.

Got me on the as*ault. There was no robbery.

We never did recover the jewels you stole.

Allegedly stole.

Allegedly. I love that word.

All righty.

What do you think?

I think he's in there.

For how much?

Mr. Monk, this was not in my job description.

Let's get out of here.

Oh, I'm okay.

What a beautiful pancreas.

Okay, here we go.


We're so sorry to disturb you.

Okay, you're the expert. Is it him or not?

It's just hard to say.

I mean, Sonny had a lot more hair.

And skin.

We'll know soon enough.

It'll take two minutes to compare these with his old dental records.

I'm going with you.

Me too.

Look, I'm crazy about spleens.

Why don't you ask, and maybe they'll give you one.

You can keep it in your office downtown.

It's not my office.

What do you mean, it's not your office?

It's Trudy's office.

Yeah, all her things are in there.

Her books and her pictures.

Her files.

I can't give it up.

It's Trudy's office?

Funny, is there an echo in here?

She died nine years ago, right?

That's right.

You've been keeping an office downtown for nine years.

Meanwhile, I'm counting pennies at safeway?

Get rid of the office!

Put her stuff in storage or in an attic.

I'll do it for you. I can't.

You can't, or you won't?

I can't! And I won't.

So you're just gonna have to deal with that.

I quit my job over this!

Ow, that hurt!

Oh, it's only a pillow.

Well, it hurt.

It came from the coffin?

That's a death pillow!

You hit me with a death pillow?!

Give me a wipe!

Wipe! I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I hit you with the death pillow!

Mr. Monk, I lost my husband.

I know what you're going through.

But I have a daughter to think about.

If you don't cover these expenses, I can't work for you.

But it's Trudy's office.

It is official.

Sonny chow is dead.

So it is him.

Yeah, it's a positive I.D.

All the x-rays match.

Well, that was the opposite of fun.

So I guess we're back to square one.

Lieutenant, see that Mr. Chow makes it back to the cemetery, and tell my old pal Chris downey to stick him back in his hole.

Yes, sir.

Well, I guess I'm off the hook.


But what the hell's going on here, monk?

Somebody, somehow got a hold of a few strands of Sonny chow's hair and left them at the crime scene.

Yeah, but why would anybody want to frame a guy who's been dead for six years?

I don't know.

I'm sorry, lieutenant.

Yeah, well, at least I got to have my picture with Sonny chow.

You took a picture?!

Yeah. Maybe I'll donate it.


There's a Sonny chow museum in daly city.

Probably give me a lifetime pass for this.

There's a museum?


Looks like we missed the crowd.

[Coin rattles]

It says $5.

Suggested donation.

I considered their suggestion.

I appreciate their suggestion.

I decided to give less.

I have a suggestion for you.

Oh! Hey!

I didn't hear you come in.

Welcome to cobra's lair.

I'm Eddie frankel. I'm the proprietor.

You can ask me anything you want about Sonny chow.

I've been a corbrahead ever since I saw fist of the cobra for the first time, when I was 12 years old.

You guys big Sonny chow fans?

I guess you are, or you wouldn't be here.

Well, we're not exactly...

We have the second-largest collection of Sonny chow memorabilia in the country.

Oh, here's an interesting fact.

Most people think that Jackie chan invented the martial arts style commonly referred to as wing fu do!

But Sonny was doing triple roundhouse kicks as early as 1968.

Watch the opening scene in night of the cobra if you don't believe me.

We believe you. I'm Adrian monk.

And this is Natalie teeger.

Here... Here's a pamphlet.

Tells about some upcoming special events.

Got a floor plan of the museum inside.

We used to have a self-guided tour, but my stupid cousin, he borrowed my headphones.

He never returned 'em.

Oh, hey, almost forgot.

Have to stamp the back of your hand, in case you wanna come back. That's not really necessary.

Oh, here, here, you can stamp mine.

Okay, well, um, most people start over here.

And they work their way counterclockwise.

As you can see, it's all arranged chronologically from the birth of the cobra until six years ago, when he faked his own death and went underground.

Ah, here.

This is Sonny chow's actual birth certificate.

His real name was what? Anybody? Anybody?

(Monk) Um... that's right! Chow chiang wu.

He was born right here in San Francisco, but raised in Hong Kong.

We're really not here to see the museum today.

We're working with the police on a homicide investigation.

Homicide? You mean m*rder?

Eddie, where were you Tuesday night around midnight?

I was at home, watching blood rage ii.

No, III.

I guess both.

Were you alone? No.

I was watching with my girlfriend.

And what's her name?



Eddie, is there anything missing from the museum?

Like what?

Like a personal item of Sonny chow's.

A piece of clothing or... or a hat.

Something that might have had his hair on it.

No. There was a break-in last week.

Somebody pried open the back door, but they didn't take anything.

Uh, excuse me...

Remember, you're supposed to go counterclockwise.

Is this his hairbrush?

Oh, that's right!

Sonny used that brush while he was filming death and the darkness in 1985.

I bought it from his personal hairstylist.

So that's his actual hair in the bristles.

Could I see that? Sure.

"Made in Croatia."


Croatia's a new country.

It didn't exist till 1992.

Oh, my god. I've been rooked!

He sold me a phony hairbrush.

I don't think so.

Somebody picked this lock.

Someone broke in here.

Took the real brush.

Replaced it with this one.

My god.


I've got it.

At least, I think I do.

We've gotta get back to the fair lawn cemetery.

Wait, wait, wait! Did you say fair lawn cemetery?

That's where Sonny chow's empty coffin is buried.

You see, the Hong Kong drug cartel, they own 20...

Eddie, Eddie! Sonny chow is dead.

We dug him up three hours ago.

He's dead.

It can't be true.

Sorry, Eddie.

[Coin rattles]

(Natalie) What are you doing?

Feel this one.

I don't want to feel the pillow, Mr. Monk.

It's after 5:00.

Soft, huh?

They're all so soft.

I'm sure they are, but I told you, I have to have an answer by the end of today.

Natalie... natalie, you remember that pillow you threw at me, the one from the coffin?

I think there was something in it.

That's why it hurt. Here's what happened.

That grave digger, Chris downey.

The one captain stottlemeyer...

I don't really care about the case, Mr. Monk!

Julie is at home waiting for me.

So what's the deal?

Are you gonna pay for my expenses or not?

I'm sorry.

So that's it.

Well, I'm sorry too, Mr. Monk.

I guess this is good-bye.

It was nice working with you.

Uh, Natalie...

I... i solved the case!

Aren't you interested?

I'm interested.



[Dirt falling]

Mr. Monk?


Listen, I'm really sorry that I ran out like that.


Mr. Monk?!

Mr. Monk!

[Birds chirping]


Hello, Adrian.

Where are we?

We're near the botanical gardens.

You remember that sunday we just walked and walked and walked?

I loved that day.

That was the best day of my life.

Darling, I think you should put the candle out.

It's using up all the oxygen.

No, I don't care.

I don't know! I don't know what happened.

He mentioned something about that grave digger downey.

I... i left for maybe 30 minutes, and when I came back, he was gone!

So what... what do I do?

What do you think?

I... i can't do it.

I can't do it.

Adrian... I'm not 25 anymore.

We need to talk about this sometime.

What kind of father would I be?

You know what my family was like.

Our children will be much happier than you were.

I promise.

[Children shout]

We should have said yes.

I should have said... Yes.

Turn off the motor, throw your keys out the window!

Show me your hands, downey!

Show me your hands! Get out of the car!

Get out of the car!

Natalie, stay back. Stay back.


Where's monk? What'd you do with him?

Relax, captain. He's still alive.

For now.

Where is he? What did you do with him?

You'll be saving both your lives.

You wanna find your friend, I want something too.

I want a car to the airport.

I'm already packed.

I want a jet that can fly

2,000 miles without refueling.

When I'm in the air, I'll tell you, "a," where I'm going, and "b," where you can dig up...

Uh, dig...

You can dig...

It's a heart attack.

Downey! Downey!

Don't die on us! Don't die on us!

(Trudy) We both know what's happening here, Adrian.

You're having what Dr. Kroger would call a psychotic break as a defense mechanism.

How long do you have?

Uh, there's 50 cubic feet of air in the coffin.

35 minutes, maybe 40.

Let's talk about something else.

How did you know it was the grave digger?

I noticed the stamp on the back of his hand.

(Monk) At the time, I didn't think anything about it.

Then, later, I saw the exact same stamp on Natalie's hand.

So you knew Chris downey had been to the museum.

That's right.

He stole Sonny chow's hairbrush.

Because he needed chow's DNA.

So he could frame him for m*rder.

But why Sonny chow?

So the police would exhume his body.

It all started six years ago.

I remember the case.

Downey had stolen a half a million in jewels from a courier.

During the getaway, he assaulted an off-duty cop.

He was convicted on the as*ault.

They couldn't get him on the robbery.

(Trudy) They never found the diamonds.


He was working here at the cemetery.

Before he went home, he must have stopped here and hid the jewels.


In Sonny chow's coffin.

It was perfect.

Chow was scheduled to be buried the next day.

Downey figured he could always come back and dig it up, even five or six years later.

You felt them in the pillow case.

You felt them when Natalie hit you in the back.

That's right.

I want that back hoe running!

Ready and running! Keep it running!

All right, listen up!

We figure he's got about 40 minutes of air if he's not panicking.

So figure on 15 minutes.

This is monk! I want the best you got.

So we're gonna spread out, and we're gonna work the grid, all right?

We're looking for fresh dirt, tire tracks, boot prints, anything!

Go, go! Captain, there's a problem.

The cemetery's just expanded.

They just tore down a restaurant over there.

It's all dug up. It's like an acre and a half.

Monk could be anywhere.

Captain, it's already been 20 minutes.

Even if we find him, he'll be a basket case.

Hang on, everybody! This way!

Let's go!

So Chris downey went to prison for six years.

[Monk breathing hard] He was paroled six weeks ago.

When he came back to dig up the jewels, he must have had the shock of his life.

The monument?


While he was gone, some fan club...

Put up a monument.

Solid granite.

Weighed... three... tons.

He realized... He couldn't...

Dig the coffin up, at least not quietly.

Or by himself.

[Panting] So he got his old job... Back, at the cemetery...

And then... Framed Sonny chow for m*rder.

And got the police...

To dig up the jewels...

[Wheezing] For him.

Congratulations, detective.

A lot of good it does me here.

Okay, darling, shh.

It's all right. I can't breathe.

It's all right.

[Panting] Adrian... adrian...

I can't...

Okay, save your breath.

Breathe. Save your breath.

It's all right.

Should we bring in the cadaver dogs?

Not yet.

[Car horn honks]

The traffic light's out.


The traffic light is out!

It was working three hours ago when I got here.

Son of a bitch!

What? What?

I think he cut the power line when he was digging the hole!

Dig along here!

Over here! Over here!

He cut the cable! Everyone!

Start there! There, there!

Dig along this line!

Find the power cable!

You're so... Beautiful...


I should have taken more pictures.

Darling, don't talk.

Don't talk.


I'm not sure.


He's talking.

He's talking?

He's saying...

"I love you."

Over here! Over here!

Get that back hoe over here now!

Here, here!


Adrian, listen!

Listen, they're digging.

They're coming for you.

Natalie must have come back to look for you.

That's how they knew you were missing.

Natalie came back?

Adrian, listen to me.

I want you to do something for me.

I want you to close my office and pay her what she needs.

I can't close it.

It's just four walls and a door.

It means nothing.

Adrian, you have to go now.

No, no. Adrian, you have to go.

You have to go.

Oh! No.

I love you.

I love you.

He's breathing! Get him some oxygen!

Call Dr. Charles kroger.

Tell him to meet us at the hospital.

He's smiling.

I've never seen him look happier.

Well, I guess that's it.

Oh, there's these.

The thumbtacks?



Let's go.
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