03x05 - Mr. Monk Meets the Godfather

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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03x05 - Mr. Monk Meets the Godfather

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, yeah, people try to tell you it's not the same thing, but it is. You got to go.

Spring training's, like, real baseball.

You know, like how it used to be when we were kids growing up.

Man: Sounds great.

Have a seat. You're on deck.

Yeah, and the kids love it. They get to sit up close, and they get to meet the ballplayers.

I can see the ballpark from the back patio.

Nice. Ha ha ha ha ha.


Hey, hey, hey, watch what you're doing, would you? I'm counting here.

I'll be right back.

Take your time.

[ Rattling and clanging ] What the hell are you doing?

[ g*nshots ]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

Sharona: How's it look?

Man: Not so good. It's your suspension.

What? Again? You...

You just fixed my suspension three months ago.

Yeah, that was your struts and your shocks.

This is the, uh, tie bars.

What the hell is a tie bar?

It connects your, uh, steering knuckle to the center link right there. Can you see that?

Tell him about that noise your radio keeps making.

That's my music.

So you think I can drive it?

Oh, not like this. It's a death trap.

What do you think?

Well, that death trap thing sort of concerns me.

I think he's yanking my chain.

I mean, what am I going to do? I can't fix this myself.

Maybe I can take a look at it.

I'm... I'm pretty handy.

Remember that one time?

Norm, you win. How much?


Where the hell am I supposed to get $900?

I haven't even seen a check from my ex in four months.

How are we going to get home?

Well, I guess we're going to have to walk.

We could call a taxi.

Taxis cost money. Are you going to pay for it?

I guess we'll walk.

Ah. Whoa.

Uh, excuse me. Adrian monk?


I'm Tony lucarelli. This is Vince, my, uh...


My associate.

Look, if it's not too inconvenient, my uncle would like to talk to you about a possible job.

A job?

Uh, lucarelli... as in...

Salvatore lucarelli?

Oh, you've heard of him.

That'll make his day.

No, thank you.


Oh... oh.


Is that the right time?

We're already late.

Uh, we've got... We've got that bris.


This is a job.

We can't afford to walk away.

We can't afford not to.

Sharona, sal lucarelli is the boss of bosses.

He's the...

He's the west coast godfather.

So what?

So what? You'd take their money?

People who have 110,000 miles on their car can't be picky.

Fine. Fine. You go talk to him.

I'll meet you back at the house.

Mr. Monk...

You want my advice, I'd listen to your friend here.

She's as smart as she is pretty.

It'll only take 20 minutes.

I'm saying please.

All right, pretty please.

With a cherry on top?

With a cherry on top.


Come on.

Uh, no, not... Not in the back seat.

Wait, wait, wait, Vince, he has a thing about back seats.

Everybody sits in the back.

Uh, Mr... Mr. Monk.

You can ride in the front with Vince.

Yeah. Okay.


Well, I guess that just leaves you in the back seat with me.

Are you scared?

Are you?

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Mr. Monk, thank you for coming on such short notice.

It means the world to me.

Oh, he does this all the time.

He doesn't mean any disrespect.

I understand. I got blood on my hands.

Yes, you do.

I'm supposed to be in pebble beach.

Instead I'm here preparing for a wake.

Did fat Tony tell you about the job?

My sister's boy Ernie got k*lled yesterday, plus four of my friends. Good friends.

Barbershop m*ssacre, right?

Yeah, m*ssacre... That's the word.

I checked around, Mr. Monk, and other detectives...

Good detectives... Told me you were the best.

Called you a legend.

I'll pay you three times your usual fee if you tell me who's behind this.


I'm sorry.


I can't help you.


Or won't?

My family is hurt, Mr. Monk...

And angry.

I understand how you feel more than you know.

They're screaming for vengeance.

They want me to strike out at one of the Chinese gangs or the Russians.

I don't want to make a mistake.

I'm trying to prevent a bloodbath here.

Mm. I'm sorry.

I'm very...

Very, very, very sorry...

I'm very, very, very sorry.

You know, why don't we just sleep on it?

Maybe Mr. Monk will reconsider.

Yeah, fat Tony's right.

Let's all think about it.

Oh, Mr. Monk...

Are you right-handed or left-handed?

I'm right-handed.

But I...

I use my left hand, too.

Almost every day.

Yeah, you used your left hand this morning.

Right. That's right.

I'm ambidextrous, really.

Yeah, well, why don't you think about that, too?

This conversation is over.

Oh, he's a charmer.


I'll be right there.

I love you both.

I'd never let anything happen to you.

I-I love both my hands.


Even though I don't use my left hand as much, I-I still love it.


Let's try a different restaurant.

Thank you.

It was great talking to you. I feel better.

Agent colmes.

Mr. Monk, how are you? Get in the Van.

I'm... I'm waiting for sharona.

Well, you can wait in the Van.

She won't know where I am.

Oh, we'll tell her. Just get in the Van, please.

Don't make me say it again.

I can't, uh, I-I can't sit in the back.

There's no other seat.

Really, I am not playing favorites here.

I-I just told the mafia the... the same thing.

You can ask them.

Yeah, that's really adorable. In the Van now. Get in the Van.

I'm getting in, I'm getting in, I'm getting in.

Look, just for the record, I'm... I'm using my left hand.

That's fascinating. Get in the Van.

The government can't help but wonder what you were doing with Salvatore lucarelli and his underboss fat Tony.

Excuse me.

Why do they call him fat Tony?

Uh, because he used to weigh 250 pounds.

Oh, my god. Is this the same guy?

Mm. Now, the lucarelli family's been under surveillance by a joint A*F/fbi task force for the last three months.

Is this the barbershop?

That is right.

That was taken a week ago, right before the m*ssacre.

Now, had we stayed there one more day, we would have been able to see the whole thing go down.

Excuse me. What does he weigh now?

Okay, you know what? I have no idea.

Mr. Monk, you still haven't answered my question.

What the hell were you doing there?

Salvatore wanted to hire me.

Well, that's excellent. What'd you say?

Well, I told him I'd see him in hell first.

But not in those exact words.

We'd like you to take that job.


No, if I take that job and I I.D. The K*llers, Salvatore will go ballistic, and he'll wipe them all out, and I-I couldn't live with myself.

Mr. Monk, you're ignoring the big picture here.

This is an incredible opportunity.

No one's ever been inside the family before.

You can get us the evidence that we need to bring the whole entire family down.

Hey, I showed them my I.D. Downstairs.

I just got to talk to my friend.

What, are you reaching for your g*n?

If you're reaching for your g*n, pull it or step aside.

Monk. Hey.


What do you think you're doing?

Okay, this is a federal operation, captain.

You have no business being here.

Well, neither does he. What's going on?

They want Adrian to go undercover in the lucarelli family.

What's up with this picture of you and fat Tony?

Nothing, and don't call him that.

You're defending him?

Why don't you start by telling them what happened to the last agent that tried to infiltrate that family?

Oh, start by telling them where they found the body buried.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Buried?

Actually, the parts that they found.

Okay, that's a different situation.

That agent's cover was blown.

Monk's been invited in. They already know he's a cop.

But I'm not a cop.

Well, you could be...

If you help us out.

What? What?

Hang on. Whoa, whoa. What's going on here?

What do you mean?

Monk, he's playing you. Just walk away.

No, wait, no. I want to hear this.

What... what... What are you saying?

What I'm saying is is that if you do me this favor...

This one little tiny favor...

I will call the police commissioner the next time you're up for reinstatement.

Come here.

Monk, I know this son of a bitch.

He's not to be trusted, okay?

You could go get yourself k*lled, he would not so much as bat an eye.

He's right. It's too dangerous.

But what... what if it was you, and you didn't have this, and you wanted it back?

I'll do it.

I'm your...

I'm your man.

There was a witness eating lunch across the street around 11:45.

He saw three guys walk in here.

They stood here, rat-a-tat-tat, like fish in a barrel.

Must have been horrible.

This barbershop was being used by Salvatore and his crew as a front for a numbers game they were running out of this back room.

What's this?

Your friend fat Tony... It's his life story.

There was 7 grand on that table.

Two indictments?

That doesn't mean anything.

It means he got lucky.

Look, I know why you're attracted to him.

I get it. You think he's dangerous.

Some people think I'm dangerous.

Yeah, people driving behind you.

The ballistic report says, and special agent colmes concurs, that all five victims were k*lled with the same w*apon, an ingram Mac-10.

Three K*llers, but only one g*n?

Yeah, maybe they took turns.

The money was still here?

Yep, 7 grand.

Why wouldn't they just take it?

It wasn't a robbery.

These people don't send e-mails to each other, monk.

This is how they send a message.

What's this?

From the gumball machine.

The K*llers must have ripped it out.

Yeah, they used it to break the window in the back.

That was their only way of escape, because there were two uniforms out front.



Right. Sorry.


Yes, it's evidence. It's also been on the ground.

Yeah, you're dangerous.

Hey, monk...

You can still back out. This is not your case.

It is now.

He's just using you.

I'm using him, too.

I don't remember you testifying for me when you had the chance.

That's right, because I knew that you weren't ready.

Somebody was sitting right here doing this crossword puzzle.


Didn't finish. I hate that.

Well, whoever it was, he must have left before it went down.

But why wouldn't he take it with him?

To... to finish.

Maybe it wasn't his.

No, this is the barbershop copy here.

This had to have been his copy.

He must have been working on this unfinished puzzle for a while.

If I was almost finished with a difficult crossword, I'd... I'd take it with me.

Wouldn't you?

To finish?

No. Tell me about the witness.

Uh, his name's Philip bedard, 32, unmarried.

Works up the street.

Is he reliable?

I hope so. He works at the U.S. mint.

[ Giggles ]

I can't believe you just said that.

Well, you don't even know me.

Yeah, okay. Okay.

I'll call you later. Bye.

That was Tony.

Fat Tony?

He's not fat.

You know, he asked me out on a date, and, uh...

I told him I'd think about it.

Sharona, you know what kind of man he is.

Yeah, but that's what I like about him.

Look, I-I know you always want to check out my dates and find out what's wrong with them, but at least with Tony, I already know he's a criminal.

I mean, I can't be surprised.

I've been surprised enough, you know?

Well, as long as that makes sense to you.

Is everything all right?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Hey, Vince.

Vince, you know, you...

You don't have to follow us around.

If we have something to report back to you, I-I promise we're going to call.

Uncle sal told me to keep an eye on you.

It's for your own protection.

It's a little insulting.

I haven't needed a babysitter since I was 19.

You had a babysitter when you were 19?

Everybody did.

It was the late '70s. It was a crazy time.

Mr. Monk, Ms. Fleming, I'm Phil bedard.

Oh, hello. Thank you so much for seeing us.

Yes. Thank you.

This is, uh...

Oh, oh, I'm so sorry. Uh, this is, uh, Vince.

He... he's our friend.

Do they really make money here?

Yes, they do.

This is the second-largest mint in the country.

You got any free samples?

That's funny. I've never heard that one.

Anyway, sorry to keep you waiting.

It takes forever to get through security these days after last week.

What happened last week?

We came up 5 cents short.

All this for 5 cents?

Well, they weren't just any 5 cents.

They were five coins that were accidentally misstamped...

Heads on both sides.

Hmm. Were they valuable?

Maybe to a collector.

There's a lot of nuts out there.

You can say you got a license to print money.

Yeah, and that is original as well.

A 4-letter word for infatuation.

Are you any good at these?

Nope. Can't do crossword puzzles.

So you witnessed the m*ssacre, right?

Uh, not exactly.

Like I told the police, I was across the street.

I saw three men go inside, and then I heard the g*nshots.

Don't look now, but we're being followed.

Don't look back, I said... don't, didn't I?

Where is he?

Black leather jacket. He's been following us since we left the mint. I'll take care of him.

No, it's okay. He works for the mint. Just ignore him.

They follow employees at random as we leave the building.

Now you got two babysitters.

These... these three men that you saw, what... what did they look like?

I never got a good look at their faces.

I'm sorry.

What were they wearing?

Uh, jackets.

One... one guy had number 15 on the back.

Like a ballplayer?

No, uh...

It was... it was written funny.


Written funny. Like...

Like this?

Did it look like this?

Maybe. Yeah.

Chinese g*ng.

The tongs... That's their symbol.

Yeah, now that you mention it, they... they could have been Asian.

But everyone else is going.

Benjy, I told you, money is tight right now.

We can only afford basic necessities.

This is a basic necessity to me.

It's a theme park.

It costs an arm and a leg just to walk in.

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

Maybe next time.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Sharona Fleming?


Thank you.



Looks like you're going.

Your father sent us a check.

For how much?

For everything, plus four months in advance.

[ Car horn honks ]

What's that?

Sharona: What is he doing?

Hey, norm.


It's good as new.

Actually, it's better than new.

I left the keys under the mat, okay?

You take checks?

Uh, no charge. No charge at all.

It was my pleasure. My pleasure.

Now, I've got to get back to the garage, so you have a really nice day, okay?

Okay? See you later. Bye.

Wow, you must have a fairy godmother or something.

Who's that?

My fairy godmother.

You know, I'm... I'm really glad that your boss changed his mind about helping my uncle sal.

How's it going?

Oh, it's going good. Really good.

We have a couple of leads.

The... the guy at the mint, uh...

Do you think he's involved?

Well, we checked him out, and he has no mob connections at all.

No motive.

Did you really lose 55 pounds?

Ha ha.

You know, it was easy. I just...

Got used to being hungry.

I-I realized that no food tastes as good as being thin feels.

Except for this. Ha ha ha.

You know what?

I really think you should talk to your uncle about your nickname.

It... it doesn't fit you anymore.

Ha ha.

I thought about it, but...

Uncle sal is from another century, you know?

He's kind of set in his ways.


I get the feeling Mr. Monk's the same way.

Well, he's either from another century or another planet. I can't decide.

Ha ha ha ha.

Can I ask you something?


How did you get my ex to send me a check?

I just called him up, had a little chat.

I can be very persuasive.

No, I-I was just afraid that, um...

That what?

That I'd hurt him?

Come on, sharona. Who do you think I am?

That's a good question.

Well, I'm not my uncle.

Okay? I just run some errands for him, you know, to pay my tuition.

I'm going to night school, sharona.

By this time next year, I will have my mba.


Yeah, I'm going to hopefully have my own business.

Oh. Doing what?

Ha ha.

Okay, promise you won't laugh.

Oh, of course not.

I really want to open a bookstore.


Okay, you sound a little disappointed.

What, you... you'd prefer me to be a real badass, you know, a gangster, like you see on TV, huh?

Ha ha. No. I'm not disappointed.

Not at all.

Uh, yeah, um, excuse me.

We're looking for Jimmy lu.

Um, you... you speak English?

Gew koi-day yup ligh.

Send them in.

Mr. Lu. My name is Adrian...

I know who you are, Mr. Monk.

I know who you're working for.

I also know you've been asking people about me.


Um, is this your jacket?

That's right.

Yeah, well, a man was seen wearing a jacket like this in Salvatore lucarelli's barbershop just before the murders.

It wasn't me or my crew. Someone's lying...

Or setting me up.

Excuse me, um, I've been working on this puzzle.

Maybe you can help me out.

Blank "jaworski"... It's, uh, four letters.

Any... any ideas?


No. Sorry.


Uh, are you... are you stopping?

Are you stopping? You just... you did 99.

You can't just stop.

Why not?

Well, it's not... It's just... it's not right.

Why don't you do one more?

99 is plenty. 99 is my record.

Uh, Mr. Lu, have you ever been to Salvatore's barbershop?

Let's just make it an even 100.

Come on, one more. One more.

Sharona, give him a little boost there.

I'm not giving him a boost.

How many can you do, Mr. Monk?

I don't know. But I know this...

If I ever did 99, I-I wouldn't stop.

I'd dig down... Deep down.

All right.

I'll do one more...

Oh, please.

Because you're a friend of Salvatore's.

Tell Salvatore I'm sorry about what happened.

It's bad business.

Bad for everybody.

No. No.

You just did two.

Why did you do that? Now he's gotta do 99 more.

Now you have to do 99 more.

I'm just... I'm exhausted.

Aah! Look out!

Go! Go!

Well, congratulations, Mr. Monk.

You just about started a mob w*r.

What about them... Your undercover agents?

They were almost k*lled in that fire. No, they weren't.

My shirt was singed. You saw it.

It was all singed. My sleeve...

Why did you tell Salvatore that you thought the tongs were behind the barbershop m*ssacre?

You knew he'd go ballistic. We didn't tell Salvatore anything.

Vinnie spaghetti obviously heard you talking about it.

I'm not so sure Salvatore had anything to do with this fire.

A molotov cocktail doesn't really seem like his style, does it?

Really? Then who was it then?

Who was it? "Don't know."

Hey, this has been oodles of fun.

Sorry it didn't work out. We're outta here.

No, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Just... we could use this, all right?

What if you get Salvatore to admit on tape that he ordered the attack?

On tape.

What, you want him to wear a wire?

Are you insane? If Salvatore finds a wire on him, he'll slit his throat.

Or he'd have fat Tony do it. He's not fat.

If you do this, it won't just be me supporting your reinstatement, all right?

It'll be the Attorney General.

Okay, okay.

Here's the thing.

I can't have anything taped to my chest.

Oh, that's fine.

Come here, let me show you this.

Uh, you see, these days, we can put a transmitter just about anywhere on the human body.

We have six options.

Number one... Is out.

Number two...


You wouldn't actually shave me there, would you?


Okay. No thank you.

Number three...

What if you have to sit down?

Right. Good point.

Number four...

Even if I die, don't let them do number four.

Number five.

I'll do... okay, I'll... I'll try that.

That's only for women.

Oh, right.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, number six.

Number six... I can do that.

Number six? Great.

Not four.

Don't touch that, please.

Randy. Sorry.

Hey, hey, Joey.

Hey, sal.

Thank you for coming.

He was a sweet kid.

Yes, he was.

I gave him his first job, collecting for me after school on his bicycle.

Ha ha. I remember.

I was there when he stole that bike.


Testing, testing...

Sharona: Leave it alone.

Mr. Monk, sharona.

I'm so glad you could come.

Well, we're so sorry about your loss.

Uh, how was the service?

It was heartbreaking.

I'm gonna have to frisk you.

You understand.

Oh, sure.


Mr. Monk.

That is a very nice tie.

It's mine. I've had it for... Years.

Well, uh, who's next?

Sharona: You're very thorough.

Ha ha ha.


Adrian, sharona.

Thank you for coming.

Salvatore, how you holding up?

I buried five good men today.

But I'll survive. I always do.

It's my curse.

You're... missing a knife.

It's not missing. I know where it is.

Try this scungilli.

No. Uh, no, no thank you.

I made it myself.

Oh, I'd love some. Thank you.


I must have this recipe.

You didn't even taste it.

Oh, this is delicious.

I must... I must have this recipe.

So, um, so, Salvatore, um, I guess you heard about the, uh, the firebombing in... in Chinatown.

You just nodded. Yes?


You have any theories about who might have...

Might have done that?

Theories? Theories are for smart guys like you.

I don't need theories. I know who did it.

A couple of kids from L.A.

A couple of wannabes trying to impress me.

I took care of them.

So you didn't do the firebombing.

When I want Jimmy lu dead, believe me, he'll know it.

Hey, Luigi.


[ Groans ]

[ Squeaking sound ]

Uh, what is that? Get on that now.

[ Squeaking sound ]

Right, right, try this.

Is it the tape player?


Wait, wait, I think I got it. What, what, what?

[ Squeaking sound ]

It's still there. It's there.

Now it's a water stain.

[ Squeaking sound ]

It's gone.

[ Squeaking sound ]

There's something bothering me about this case.

I can't put my finger on it, but I would love to get back to that barbershop.

I'll go with you.

I haven't been back since it happened.

Oh, well, you know, it's an official crime scene.

They don't let civilians in.

Maybe they'll make an exception.

I'll make a call.

Okay... but you'd be wasting your time.

'Cause they never let any... Anybody in.


What's he doing?


Brainpower... do you see that?

That is the way to solve a problem.

Maybe we ought to try more of that.

Fewer people to Bury.

The mystery man is here, doing the crossword puzzle.

They grab the gumball machine...

Run out the back...

They could have grabbed anything.

Why the gumball machine?

Why the gumball machine?

Sharona. The crime scene photos.


Mr. Lucarelli, can I say something?

Your nephew Tony here is in really great shape.

Oh, come on, sharona...

I mean, he's lost a ton of weight, and he kept it off, which is really the hard part, so...

Don't you think he should have a different nickname?

Uncle sal, I didn't say anything.

He's always been fat Tony ever since he was a kid.

Yeah, I know, but look at him.

What about big Tony? That's pretty close.

We already got a big Tony. Who?

Big Tony.

This conversation is over. In fact, it never happened.

Oh, that's a shame.

It's not here.

Wh-what's not here?

The gumball machine.

Well, they used it to smash the window, then took off down the alley.

I know, but where is it?

These pictures were taken that morning.

But it's not in the street.

It's not in the back room.

They must have taken it with them.

Salvatore: Why would they do that?

Salvatore, sir, what happened here... These murders...

Had nothing to do with you or your family.

It was all...

About these.



Hey, Phil, how you doing?

Remember us?

You said you didn't like crossword puzzles.

I thought I'd try one.

You're pretty good.

Greek vowel, four letters, beginning with "I."

Iota. I-o-t-a.

Thank you.

I like puzzles, too.

I've been working on a pretty tough one.

It involves you, Mr. Bedard.

That's you, isn't it?

It was taken in front of the barbershop the day before the m*ssacre.


That's a pretty big bubble, Phil.

You must've bought, what, four, maybe five, gumballs?

It was five. Five gumballs.

Here's what happened...

You stole five cents from your employer last week.

On any other job, no one would miss it.

Of course, you work for the U.S. mint.

They were those five double-headed pennies.

We did a little research.

They're worth $200,000 each.

One of their security guards must've followed you.

You panicked.

You had to get rid of those coins.

You needed to hide them for a day or two, but where?

The gumball machine. It was perfect.

You figured you'd come back when the coast was clear and pick them up.

But you had no idea that the barbershop was a front for the mob.

You found out, though... The next day, when you tried to steal the machine.

I'll be right back.

So was it the barber that tried to stop you?

Or maybe it was a customer.

What the hell are you doing?

Whoever it was, they had a g*n...

That you somehow managed to grab, and then all hell broke loose.

All for five pennies.

That's a penny for every person you k*lled.

Then you said you witnessed the attack so that you could steer everyone...

Me, the cops, the lucarelli family...

Toward that g*ng in Chinatown.

I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Those idiots pulled out their g*ns.

It was an accident. Things just got out of hand.

Anyway, who's going to miss them?

They're gangsters, like you said.

Well, accident or not, you're going to jail.

Oh, yeah?


How are you going to prove any of this without the pennies?

Did you get that, guys? What are you doing?

See that Van over there?

Okay, fellas. You can pick him up now.


Here we go.

Watch this.

Let's go!

Here we go.


Excuse me.

Just keep an eye on him. Yeah, yeah.

Why don't you finish your puzzle?

What... what are you doing?

He just confessed. He did?

Didn't you hear that? No.

No, we got nothing but static.

Your necktie... What happened to the stain?

I finally got it out.

What did you do to the tie?

I washed it...

Ironed it.

Excuse me. Ironed it?

Are you insane? That transmitter cost $20,000.

But the stain is out.

Great, great, we blew it.

Maybe we can trick him into saying it again.

Oh, really? How are we gonna do that?

Well, I'll just go back there, sit down, and say...


It might be worth a try.

Okay, okay, I-I did it! It was me!

All right? I confess! Just... just let me in!

Stottlemeyer: Hey!

I did it, all right?

I stole it. I stole the pennies, and I shot the place up, so... just arrest me.

What are you waiting for?

What the...

He's very persuasive.

Sharona. You still seeing Tony?

Yeah. So?

I've been logging these surveillance tapes from last week.

This is from Salvatore's car Tuesday night.

I think you should hear it.

Salvatore's voice: So, what's with you and the nurse?

Tony: Just having a few laughs, you know me.

Hey, get this... I told her I'm gonna open up a bookstore.

You? Ha ha ha. I've never even seen you inside a bookstore.

What was I gonna tell her... the truth?

That I'm your enforcer, that I hurt people for a living?

And she bought it?

Hey, they always buy it. You know why?

'Cause I tell 'em what they want to hear.

You okay?

I'm sorry.

Thanks, Randy.

Maybe you won't make such fun of me all the time now, huh?

No chance of that.

So, colmes, where are you going?

Denver. Other fish to fry.

What about monk? You had a deal.

The reinstatement hearing.

Yeah, that was if we nailed lucarelli.

He's out playing golf today. We just nailed a trigger-happy coin collector, so the deal is void, captain.

You gave him your word. The deal's void, captain.

Let me tell you something, colmes.

Adrian monk may be afraid of milk and germs and elevators and puppies, but you... you couldn't pack that man's lunch.

Uh, that's true, actually.

I've seen that man pack a lunch.

He's insane.

It was great working with you, captain.

He's not gonna help me, is he?

No. I'm sorry.

I guess I never really expected him to.

Never trust a fed.

I should've decked him.

No. Don't worry. I got him back.

Really? What'd you do?

See their vans?


One of them is packed full.

The other one isn't even half full.

They're uneven.

I didn't tell him. I didn't say a word.

I'm just gonna let them drive away like that.

That'll teach him to mess with us.

Damn straight.

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