03x03 - Mr. Monk and the Blackout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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03x03 - Mr. Monk and the Blackout

Post by bunniefuu »

It's that new game doodle fever.

Oh, good, I love games.

Okay, I'm going to draw something.

You have to guess what I'm drawing in two minutes.

Why don't you just tell me what it is?

Then we don't have to play.

Well, that wouldn't be very fun, now, would it?

We're supposed to be having fun, right?

Benjy: Okay.

Are you ready?

Yeah. All right.


It's a line.

It's a slightly crooked line.

It's, um...

It's a line that should be straighter.

Two lines.

They're not parallel. They're...

Uneven lines.

They're unev... two uneven lines.


Asymmetrical. It's an asymmetrical shape.

A disturbing asymmetrical shape.

Am I close?


It's, uh...


Time's up.

It's a houseboat.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I can see that now.

Oh, I can see the wave.

That's a shark.

Oh, yeah. That should have been a clue.

Well, that was fun.

Ooh, wait, it's 9:00. The show's about to start.

Thank god.

What are we watching?

That concert for the San Francisco bicentennial.

It's with Willie Nelson.

Hey, remember when you guys saved his life?


And he gave Adrian one of his own harmonicas.

Can I see it?

Oh, no. I-I had to throw it out.

Mr. Nelson put his, you know, mouth on it.

Man: On tape at the landau auditorium in San Francisco it's the bicentennial jamboree with special guest Willie Nelson...


♪ it's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

You know that nine months after every blackout, the birth rate goes up?

Benjy: Nine months?


I get it.


Adrian, it's going to be okay.

Just relax, all right? Benjy, hold his hand.

Ow. He's squeezing it.

Let him squeeze it.


Adrian, please don't worry, all right?

The lights are going to come on soon, I'm telling you. Now I'm going to go in the kitchen, fill the sink up with water, and look for another candle.

When will it be over?

I just told you, it won't be long.

When will it be over?

Adrian, they're working on it.

When will it be over?

Will you stop asking me that? I don't know.

When will it be over? I don't know.

When will it be over? Mom, make him stop.

God, Adrian, for the love of god, please, come on!

You see?

Now, was that so bad?

I didn't know when it would be over.

So I heard.

I didn't know when it would be over.

Stottlemeyer: Uh, miss, um...


Miss rivas.

You're saying that there was no security here at all, no camera, no guard?

The cameras were all on the outside.

There are none here in the main yard.

Well, if the bomber knew that, then this is probably an inside job.

We're assuming it was, or at least he knew what he was doing.

You see, when this station went down, the next one on the grid tried to compensate, then the one after that, causing a full reactive power surge.

3.2 seconds later, the entire sector went dark.

Actually, we got lucky.

The b*mb went off at exactly 9:00.

20 minutes later, this station would have been on the primary grid, and we would have lost half of California.

Doesn't make sense.

He knew where to set the b*mb, but not when to set the b*mb.

He screwed up.


Or maybe he was being selective.

Maybe he didn't want to black out the whole state.


Feds found a note... More like a manifesto.

Well, how are the feds treating us?

So far it's a love fest. They're sharing everything.

Well, let's check it out before they sober up.



Where's edelson? I don't know.

If you see him, will you tell him to get his butt over there?

There's a reporter from the "chronicle."

She's got a technical question, needs to talk to an engineer.

And tell that man to put his hat on.

I'm sorry, sir.

You're going to have to put your hat on.


I can't wear a hat.

Well, you have to wear it, so just put it on.

You look great.

Here you go.

Are you Adrian monk?


Wow, I can't believe I'm meeting you.

I'm a huge fan of yours.

I think you're mistaking me for... Anybody else.

I was just reading about you. I was just reading about how you recovered that stolen Picasso.


You're a genius.


I'm Michelle rivas, resident p.R. Flack and hardhat adjuster.

Are you afraid of cooties?


Among other things.

The article said that you were single.

I was married.

She died.

Wow. And you still wear the ring.

I like that.

That kind of devotion...

You don't see that much anymore.

No, you sure don't.

Well, I'm sharona, Adrian's assistant.

It's very nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Gene, what are you doing up there?

What am I doing?

I am checking the auxiliary generator.

Well, there's a reporter looking for you.

You're the company mouth. You talk to them.

It's not my job.

Excuse me. Uh, do you see the sign?

Oh, no problem. I got it.

Ha ha. I've been dying to do that for six months.

Hey, monk, we've got the prelim on the expl*sive.

We think 4 to 5 pounds of a high-density plastique, magnesium charge.

It was detonated with an egg timer.

You mentioned a letter. Is that the letter?

Yeah, three pages taped to the back door.

It's unsigned.

Yeah, it's your basic environmental laundry list.

Solar power, fossil fuel, Saudi Arabia, it's the only planet we have...

"We are free men, unshackled by your barbarous laws."

I know that phrase.

I've heard that before.


Barbarous laws...

10 years ago, that exact same phrase was in a letter written by a guy named Winston... no.

Yes. Winston brenner.

Trudy wrote...

Wrote an article about him.

I remember that guy. He was a serious radical in Boston.

He blew up a recruiting station, couple of soldiers got k*lled. That's right.

Well, it looks like he just came out of retirement.

Let's check him out.


Sharona, would you, um, give this to Adrian?

You know, just in case he has any questions at all.


Or even if he doesn't.

That's my home number on the back.

Do you like him?

Well, he's a very interesting man.

Yes, he is.

And he's obviously brilliant.

Well, he can be, yes.

Does he date?

Does... does he date?



Is there something wrong with him?


I'm going to hell. I'm a horrible person.


I just told that woman Michelle that there was nothing wrong with you.

She should have asked me.

I just didn't know what to say.

I just thought...

You know, you might want to call her.

Maybe it's time.

I don't think so.

Adrian, I'm talking to you as a friend, okay?

She seems really nice, and I think you should call her.

Just see what happens.

Mm, no.

All right, here, here, here, here.

Why don't you take this in case you change your mind?

Her number's on the back.


All right, then I'll say the number.

I know once you hear it, you're not going to forget it.

555... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

♪ La la la la

555... ♪ na na na

♪ na na na na na na na na na na na na na na ♪


[ Groans ]


Monk was right.

And you were right, too, sir, about monk being right.

Good work.

What do you got, Randy?

Winston brenner.

He was an activist in the '90s.

He was indicted in a series of bombings in Boston.

Pretty angry individual. Here, look at this.

This is the letter from the power plant.

This one is from 11 years ago.

He uses a lot of the same phrases.

"The blood I shed today," "the blood I shed today."

"Price of absolute freedom," "price of absolute freedom."

Check this out.

The handwriting is identical.

This is definitely the guy.

The only thing is is that back then, brenner didn't really care about the environment.

Anti-military was his thing.

Did you read the rest of the file, Randy?

We've got some pictures, too. They're blurry but good.

Read the rest of the file, Randy. Which part?

The part here where it says that he died.

Deceased 1995.

He blew himself up before the trial.

He's dead.

No, I won't be reasonable.

I'm sick and tired of being reasonable.

I'm not coming down until you agree to build your stupid condo somewhere else!

Did you call Michelle?


Did you think about it?


Well, did you think about thinking about it?

Sharona, I'm a married man.

Captain, lieutenant.

Sharona, monk.

What's going on?

Tree hugger.

His name is Alby Drake.

He was Winston brenner's oldest friend.

They were roommates at m.I.T.

How long has he been up there?

10 days.

He'll be down soon. The judge will be ordering an eviction notice by tomorrow morning.

The FBI, in their infinite wisdom, now agrees that Winston brenner may have faked his own death back in 1995.

If brenner is still alive, that scruffy bird up there may still be in contact with him.

How does he go to the bathroom?

Mr. Drake.

My name is Leland stottlemeyer.

I'm with the San Francisco police.

He is filthy. I need some wipes.

I've got a copy of a document here.

I'd like you to take a look at it. I'm sending it up.

What is it?

There was a bombing at a power plant on Monday night.


I saw the lights go out. It was a beautiful thing, man.

The stars were awesome!

We need you to look at that document and tell me if you recognize the handwriting.

Why should I?

We believe that your friend Winston brenner is still alive.

Mr. Drake, we are also sending up some wipes.

What for?

To clean yourself.

They're pre-moistened.

They have a million and one uses.

Go to hell!

Mr. Drake, this isn't a game.

During that blackout, three people died.

They died?

Yes, sir, they did.

There were two heart att*cks and one young woman on a dialysis machine, which makes this a homicide investigation.

Do you understand me?

It's me again.

You know...

Ralph nader uses the wipes. He loves them.

And, uh...

And fidel Castro.

All the radicals...

Love the pre-moistened wipes.


He uses them all the time.


He's a rock 'n' roller.

Look, I'm going to need to think about this.

I need a little time here, okay?

That's fine, Mr. Drake. You take your time.

We'll be back tomorrow. Don't go anywhere.

Not a problem.

Oh. Oh.


Oh, god. Wipe.

Give him a wipe. Wipe.

You took them all. Oh.

You took them all.


Yo, Mr. Drake, wait...

We need... we need some wipes down here.

Could you... could you send a couple down, please?


Sharona: Hey! Hey!

Thank you.

You know, I-I thought about you during the blackout.

Were you... were you all right?

I was at sharona's.

Good. Good, you weren't alone.

A b*mb at a power plant. It's a scary world, huh?

Yes. Yes, it is.

I'm... I'm working on the case.

How's it going?

It's tough.

We have a suspect, but, um...

He's officially been dead for nine years.

Ha ha.

Ha ha.


Ha ha ha.

Something happened.

This is pretty funny.

Mm, you're going to laugh.


There's this woman.

She works at the power plant.

She, um...

She said that she thought I was interesting.

She... she gave me her number.

Ha ha.

I-I told you it was funny.

Is she nice?


Is she attractive?

Are those new shoes?

No, no, Adrian, don't change the subject.

Not today.

I would like to talk about this woman.

Is she attractive?

I don't know.

How am I supposed to know if a woman is attractive?

By looking at her.

Adrian, there's a reason why you mentioned this, and I think you should give her a call.

It's been eight years, Adrian.

Maybe it's time for you to take a tiny little baby step forward.

Adrian, I'm your doctor, and I'm writing you a prescription.

I can't read your writing.

It's upside-down.

It says, "call her."

You don't have to go out with her.

You don't even have to meet her.

Just give her a call.

What's the worst that could happen?


I might not hate it.


It's me.

I'm good.

I thought you might like to know some cops were here asking about you.

I didn't tell them anything, but I thought about it.

Three people died in that blackout.

That's not cool.

Innocent blood, man... I thought those days were over.

Don't even try to justify it.

Yeah, well, if it happens again, you're going to be sorry.

No, brother, you be careful.

[ Telephone rings ]

Michelle: Hello?

Hello. It's me.

Adrian monk.

The detective.

Hey. I was just thinking about you.

I've been thinking about you, too.

How was your day?

Oh, just still not over.

I have 10 more press releases to write.

Is there anything new in the investigation?

Not yet.

This is a very tough case.


What is it about San Francisco that attracts so many kooks?

Bombers and radicals.

I mean, does San Antonio, Texas, have problems like this?


Hold, please.

Texas. Texas.

Texas. Texas.

Where are you from?

San Francisco, born and bred.

How about you?

Chicago, but I went to college here and just never left, like everybody else, I guess.


What college did you attend, and what did you study?

Stanford. I majored in journalism.

Trudy majored in journalism.


What was she like?

She loved poetry.

She could recite 100 poems by heart.

She went barefoot all the time, even when it was freezing.

She kept every promise she ever made.

I loved the way she looked at me.

I think I miss that more than anything.


What are you doing?!

I'm up here, man!

What are you doing?! Hey! Stop!

[ Bulldozer beeping ]

Hello, police?

Somebody's trying to k*ll me!

I'm at the spring hills development at the construction site.


I'm in the big oak tree.

No, wait, don't hang up!




Did you really call her?

Yes, I called her. Is that so hard to believe?

Oh, no, no. I'm... I'm just stunned.

I... were you honest with her?

Yes, I was.

I laid all my cards on the table.

I am so proud of you.

I... are you going to see her?

I don't know what happened.

She said, "do you want to get together?"

And I panicked.

I-I lost my head. I said "okay."

So you have a date!

I have a date.

Ha ha. Aren't you excited?

Yes, I am...

If by excited you mean petrified and full of regret.

Petrified and full of regret.

Welcome to the world of dating.


Monk. Sharona.

I'm sure you've noticed by now there used to be a big tree standing right over there.

What time?

4:35 A.M.

A security guard heard somebody start up the bulldozer.

Moments later... [ Imitates tree cracking ]

Timber. Drake was dead on impact.

Yeah, he made a phone call, though, at about midnight.

To a pay phone, right?

You guessed it. Palo alto.

Oh, well, it had to be to brenner.

He's the guy.

So not only is Winston brenner alive and well, he's making sure his old pals don't rat him out.

That's right.

The FBI is calling a powwow tonight.

They want to compare notes and synchronize watches.

Whoa. Ouch.

Tonight I...


I can't make it.

He has a date.

He has a date?


It's that p.R. Lady from the power plant, right?

Ah, okay.

Ha ha. Adrian monk, you're a stud.

I'm not a stud.

You're a stud.

Where are you going to take her?

A place called Bianca's.


Is there a problem?


It... it's me... Adrian monk.

Right on time, Mr. Punctuality.

Actually, that used to be my nickname...

Mr. Punctuality.

In college?


I bought you a dozen roses.

Well, they're beautiful.


What happened to the rest?

I had to throw them out.

They were all different.

Well, thank you.

Should we go up?

I read the most amazing review about this place.

It got four stars.

Oh, good.

And look... it says "the most spectacular view in town."

Oh... good.

Are you okay?

Uh, the elevator's...

It's uneven. I think it's broken.


No, they always do that.

It's broken.

I hope you don't mind.

No, no, this is fine.

We're working up an appetite.

That's the spirit.

I like your hat.

Yeah, it's new.

Although I think it's too small...

Or my head's too big.

Your head? No, it's perfect.

Thank you.

It's perfectly round... Like Charlie brown.

Thank you.

Were you born caesarean?

I don't know.

I was born naturally, but I was raised caesarean.


Trudy's head was more of an oval.

Yes, you mentioned that on the phone, and that she loved poetry...

That's right.

And loved going barefoot even when it was freezing.


[ Monk panting ]

So, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have a sister.

She's nine months pregnant.

Oh, so you're gonna...

You're gonna be, uh...

An aunt.


[ Both panting ]


You all right?


So do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes. Yes, I have a sister. She's pregnant.

Well, by now she might have had the baby.

Ha ha. Good. A sense of humor.

You're gonna need it.

The last 20 flights are the hardest.


Oh, you dropped your flowers.


You dropped your...

Flowers fell down a little bit.

Yes, sir?

We have a reservation.

And the name?


"M" as in "my god, that was a lot of stairs,"

"o" as in...

Oh, yes. I have you right here.

Uh, your reservation was for 35 minutes ago.

Uh, I'm sorry. We had to give away your table.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

We just walked up 52 flights of stairs.

You need to feed us.

Uh, I'm sorry. There's really nothing I can do until 12:15.

Okay. No problem.

We'll wait.

That's three hours.

Why don't you just take me home?

Okay. No problem. Let's go.

It'll be a lot easier going down.

You got that right.

'Cause we're taking the elevator.

Ooh, hey, benjy, put on channel 11.


They're showing that music special again with Willie Nelson.

Why do we always watch what you want to watch?

Because you're sweet and you love me.

Man: Auditorium in San Francisco it's the bicentennial jamboree with...



I'll get the candles.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, my god.


Adrian's on his date.

Lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby...

Thank you, Phil.

You're my hero.

Lobby, lobby, lobby...

Fire department's on the way.

Thank god. What happened?

It was another b*mb. At an auxiliary station.

Oh, my god.

I work for the power company.

My job just got a whole lot harder.

Lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby.

Sir, there's no power.

It's not going to move.

You're probably right.

Lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby...

Want to hear something sad?


This isn't even the worst date I've had this year.

Really? Yeah.

I went out with this guy from work...

Gene edelson. You met him. The engineer? Lobby, lobby...

I guess I felt sorry for him.

I could tell he never got out much.

He's into country/western. Took me line-dancing.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

He had a couple drinks, then a couple more, groped me for half an hour, and puked all over the mechanical bull.

Those quiet guys are the worst.

Yeah, he sounds like a real loser.

Lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby!

[ Muttering ]


[ Grunting ]

You can let go now. We're in the lobby.


Lobby, lobby, lobby.

[ Gasps ] Oh, my god!

Oh, my god, Adrian!

Adrian, are you all right?

I'm fine. Where's benjy?

Don't... don't worry. He's with my sister.

No, don't confirm anything or deny anything until I get there.

Nothing wrong with him, huh?

First dates are always tough.

How was your night?

Not much better.

I ate pizza with benjy and saw the first 30 seconds of that TV special.

What special?

The one with Willie Nelson.

Remember, we tried to watch it Monday night?

I swear to god, somebody at that power company doesn't want me to see it.

The blackout was at 9:15.

What kind of show starts at 9:15?

I don't know.

There was a movie on before it.

Maybe it was just really long.

What are the odds of that?


Two blackouts three days apart at different times interrupting the same show?

Sharona: What are you doing?

You were right.

Somebody doesn't want you to see that TV special.

That's what this whole thing has been about.

Willie Nelson?

The expl*sive device appears to be identical to the first b*mb.

We are assuming this is the work of the same individual or group.

[ Reporters shouting questions ] There will be another statement at 6:00 A.M.

If I have anything before then, I will let you know.

Thank you.


Hello, gene.

How was your date with the detective?

Don't you have anything else to worry about, gene?

I overheard some cops talking, and the reason that he was kicked off the force...

He's off his rocker.

Maybe so, but he's about to solve this case.

Really? He's very close.

They're going to make an arrest anytime.

Maybe tomorrow.

Oh, great. We've been waiting for this.

Thanks a lot. Thanks.

Monk: Sharona, is that it?

Is it the copy of the TV special?

Yeah. I'll finally be able to see it.

What is that?

It's night-vision goggles.

I bought them after the first blackout.

How do I look?

Like the fly.

Oh, well.

It'll be dark.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Man: On tape at the landau auditorium in San Francisco it's the bicentennial jamboree with special guest Willie Nelson...

You can fast-forward.

I want to watch it.

Sharona, it is so late. I've got to go to sleep.

If I don't get my 45 minutes, I can't function.

Since when do you function?

So what are we looking for?

I'm not sure, but I'll know it when I see it.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, push play, push play.

I think this is it.

Oh, my god.


It's that engineer from the power company...

What's his name? Gene...



Gene edelson.

Except his real name is Winston brenner.

The fugitive?

Of course!

Michelle mentioned that edelson liked country music.

Okay, freeze... freeze-frame.

Look at his face.

He obviously never expected to be on camera.

Wait, he...

He blacked out the whole city twice to keep people from seeing this concert?

He was supposed to be dead.

He was afraid somebody watching would recognize him.


What is...

Lobby, lobby, lobby...

My god, I...

Why would he do this again?

The show's not on TV.


Ouch! Ouch!

[ Gasps ] Oh, my god!

What is it? What? What? What?

It's not a blackout. It's only your block.

Oh, that's bad.

That is bad.


That's bad.

Oh, god.

Captain, hey, it's sharona.

Listen to me.

I'm at Adrian's house, and somebody just cut off his power.

We think it's Winston...




Oh, god.

The line's been cut!

I cannot find my night-vision goggles!

There is a fatal flaw in the night-vision goggle plan.

[ Glass shatters ]

[ Door unlocking ]


He's breaking in.

I hear him. Where's my broom?

Oh, god, will you forget the broom? But the broken glass.

Forget the glass! We got to get out of here!





Too smart for your own good, Mr. Monk.

You should have let sleeping dogs lie.

[ Coughs ]

Where do you think you're going?

I'm not done with you yet.



Oh... adrian.

You're okay. Shh, shh, shh, shh.

No, no. Just stay there. Don't try and move.

You've got to get out of here.

Shh. Don't worry about me.

I'm wearing the goggles.



You can't hide from me forever.

I'm over here, Winston.

Or am I over here?

Be careful. Your left shoelace is untied.

How did you know that?

What's going on?


Hey! Get those lights back on now!

Or maybe...

I'm a ghost.

[ Whistling ]

You can see me, can't you?


The lights are on, aren't they?


Brenner! Sharona, you okay?

Drop the knife.

Lieutenant, these are night-vision goggles.

Turn the lights back off.

I'll have the advantage. Turn 'em off!

Yeah, we could do that...

Or we could just arrest him.

Okay. Yeah.

Just arrest him.

Yeah, let's.

Winston brenner, you're under arrest.

Give me your other hand.

You have the right to remain silent.

Michelle: As you know, Winston brenner, also known as gene edelson, was indicted this morning in federal district court.

The San Francisco power company would like to thank the A*F, the FBI, and the local police for their dedication and professionalism.

We especially would like to thank former detective Adrian monk, who was instrumental in bringing this fugitive to justice.

Thank you.


Don't worry, I didn't come to ask you out again.

I-I wanted you to have these...

A dozen roses.

You deserve all 12.

But they're all different.

They're your problem now.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ah, Adrian, you're such a sweet man.

And whenever you work through whatever it is that you're working through, would you call me?

You mean you...

You'd go out with me again?


But only on the ground floor.

If I didn't have cooties, I'd kiss you right now.

If you didn't have cooties, I'd let you.

Well, see ya.

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