03x02 - Mr. Monk and the Panic Room

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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03x02 - Mr. Monk and the Panic Room

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: ♪ check it out

♪ you ain't never heard nothing like this before ♪

♪ We gonna Blaze you with this hot joint ♪

♪ Yo, e.

♪ You ready to do this?

Can you hear that?

Sounds like another hit.

What? What?

[ Turns volume down ]

Well, you can't really appreciate it over the phone.

No, Chloe, darling, we can't re-record it.

We're already four months behind schedule.

Trust me.

Trust my gut. It's golden.

Even Darwin loves it.

He's been dancing around the house all night.

It's mommy.

Tell her how much you love her.

He can't talk right now. He's busy.

Look, I love you, too.

All right.


♪ oh, oh, oh

♪ yeah

♪ yeah

♪ you know that I came to dance ♪ Nice...

Slow fade.

You know, everything fades, Darwin.

Songs fade.

Love fades.

Happiness fades.

Idea for album cover...

[ bell ringing ]

[ Shrieking ]

It's okay, Darwin.

Come on. Don't be scared.

Come here. Come on.

[ Darwin shrieking ]

Come on, Darwin. Come on.

Come on. Let's go to the panic room. We'll be okay.

Come on, Darwin. Come on. It's okay, buddy.

Come on. It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay, buddy.

We're safe in here.

Mr. Blackburn, are you in here?

Hello, sir, we're the police!

Is there an intercom or something?

I don't see one.

[ Chatters ]

Should I read him his rights?

[ Shrieking ]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, all this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

[ children cheering ]

Benjy, I am so disappointed in you, and you were lucky you weren't expelled.



Oh, the band-aid is...

It's okay. It doesn't have to be perfect... ow!

You'll heal faster if it's straighter.

Mom, can you please do this?

You don't want me near you, and it serves you right for fighting.

I wasn't fighting. You said I could defend myself.

You weren't defending yourself.

You were defending that little boy, and you know it.

His name is Reuben.

Everyone was picking on him.

They were giving him a wedgie.

What's a wedgie?

It's when they lift your underwear all the way out of your pants.

Oh. When I was a kid, they called it something else.


An Adrian.

I feel sorry for Reuben, too. I really do.

But he's not your problem, and you should have gone to another teacher.

Teachers don't do anything.

He gets picked on every day.

He's too little to fight back.

Benjy, rules are rules.

Now, you're punished, and there's no TV, and there's no PlayStation.


Sharona, he was just sticking up for a friend.

Adrian, you stay out of it.

You're not his father.

That's true, but I care about him as much as any father.


Stop it!

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Ring ]


Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's here. Uh-huh.

Oh, okay. Yeah.

Uh, 715 vinton street.

Okay, great.

Yeah, we'll be there.

Okay, bye.

Adrian, we have a job. We got to go.


Please look at me.

Benjy, I'm going to call aunt Gail, and she's going to make you dinner tonight, okay?


Now, I want you to go to your room and think about what you've done.


You know I still love you, right?

All right. Go to your room.

[ Radio chatter ]

Monk. Sharona.


Thank you for coming.

We've got a very bizarre situation here.

I could use a second opinion.

Third opinion.


Well, I already told you what I thought, so this would be a third opinion.

Whatever. A third opinion.

Sharona: Who's the victim?

Ian Blackburn.

He's a major-league record producer, and he's worked with everybody...

The stones, Springsteen, the eagles.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Isn't he married to Chloe?

Yeah, yeah, they've been married for two years.

He produces all of her stuff.

At least he did until 5:09 this morning.

Who's Chloe?

Well, she's the most famous singer on the planet.

Oh... Chloe.

Yeah, sure. She's great.

I love that song she does about...

Lovin' that guy, 'cause...

Look, the press hasn't gotten wind of this yet, but it won't be long.

Captain? Yeah?

You wanted to see the window?

Yes, sir.

He got in through here?

No, he never got in. He broke the glass, set off the alarm, and that scared him away.

Probably just some neighborhood kid.


That is strange.

What's strange?

These footprints heading toward the house...

You see the whole foot. He's walking.


Look at these heading the other way.

You see the whole foot.

Still walking.

If somebody tripped an alarm, especially a kid, you'd think they'd run away.

You might be right, but it doesn't matter, because whoever broke that glass never got into the house. He's not the k*ller.

Then who is? Do you have a suspect?

Yep. You want to meet him?

It's a monkey.

Disher: Actually, he's a chimpanzee.

His name's Darwin. He's 5 years old.

He's been living with Mr. Blackburn since he was a baby.

I mean a baby chimp. He was never a regular baby.

I don't understand.

He's our suspect. He's the sh**t.

I don't understand.

The chimp was alone in a locked room with the victim.

We found a g*n in his hand.

I don't understand.

Look at him. He's scared to death.

Honey, come over here.

Sharona, don't touch him.

D-don't touch it.

Don't... now you're going...

You're going to have to be quarantined, and you will, too. You all will.


I think he's hungry. Has anybody fed him?

We called animal control. They'll be here soon.

Is there a kitchen around here?

Yeah, in there.

I'll go with you.


He's dangerous, sharona. He's k*lled before.

Oh, please.

He wouldn't hurt a fly. Look at him.

Come on, honey. Come on.

This is his own private recording studio.

48 tracks, all-digital. State of the art.

Is that the wife?

Yep... Chloe.

She's state of the art, too.

I just talked to her. She was in Dallas doing a show last night.

How did she take the news?

Shock, tears. It sounded genuine.

Whoa, whoa.


Yeah, she's canceling her tour.

She's flying back here. She'll be here later today.

She told me she spoke to Ian at around 4:00 A.M.

He was in here mixing a song.


And, uh, at 5:09, somebody broke the window downstairs.

Which... which set off the alarm.

Right. Right.

At which point Blackburn grabbed the monkey, and they skedaddled down that hall toward the bedroom.

Monk, stop it.

[ Faint beeping ]

What is that? Do you... do you hear that?

What? Listen.

[ Faint beeping ]

It's a pill dispenser.

Oh, yeah, she said that he was on antidepressants.

Karen's got one of those.

It's got a built-in alarm in it.

It reminds her when to take the pills.

This one's set for 4:30 A.M., but you said the alarm went off at 5:09.

So why didn't he take his pills?

Why didn't he take his pills?

That's pretty weird.

Hang on.

It gets weirder. Come on.

Okay, come on, honey.

Feel better? Do you feel better?


What happened last night?

[ Chatters ]

Guess he's not going to be the best witness.

He's not a witness, sharona.

He's the k*ller. Whoa.


Hey, watch it.

He did it.

We'll see what Adrian says.

He's very smart.

He's going to figure it all out.

Stottlemeyer: They call it a panic room.

I know that's a difficult concept, because for you, every room is a panic room.

Thank you.

If there's an intruder in the house, you run in there, you lock the door, and wait for the cavalry.

Which is what Blackburn did.

Exactly. The alarm came in at 5:09, two uniforms responded, no sign of an intruder.

They run upstairs, knock, knock, door's locked, no answer.

They cut their way in.

They find him right there, shot four times.

Once in the chest, once in the head, twice in the back.

King Kong is right there next to him, covered with blood, with a g*n in his hand.

And the room was locked from the inside?

Oh, yeah... locked and bolted.

As you can see, it's completely self-contained.

You could live in here for a week.

Well, not you, but a person could.

Who owned the g*n?

He did. He kept it in here.

So what do you think?

I mean, am I missing anything?

Because I-I want to be sure before I go on television and utter the words "k*ller monkey."


I don't know.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Help! Somebody!

Oh, my...

I'm trapped in here.

I'm trapped in here!

Monk, you're not trapped.


Monk, just push this button here on the wall.

Oh, god, it's soundproof.

Can you hear me?!

Monk, I can hear you.

I'm trapped in here!

Monk, I can hear you... I can see you.

There's a hole in the door. Monk.

I'm running out of air.

No, you're not running out of air, monk. Monk.

I'm running out of air!

You're not running out of air.

There's a... can't breathe!

Monk. Monk!

[ Gasping ] I can't breathe!

Monk, you can breathe. There's a hole in the door.

Captain, no more talking.

Monk, look at me.

Monk, push the button.

No more talking!

Monk, look at me! Monk.

Help me!

Got to conserve air.

Monk, just push the button.

Push... push... Push the green button.


The green button that says "open."

No, the button here that says "open" by the door... monk.

[ Breathing deeply ]

That's a panic room.

Adrian, are you all right?

Almost ran out of air.

Well, at least you didn't lose your head, and that's the important thing.

Excuse me. We're from animal control.

[ Darwin shrieking ]

Please, darling, come here.

Oh, shh, shh.

Here you go, fella. You got to come with us now.

That's a good boy.

No, what are you going to do with him?

If he k*lled somebody, we're going to have to put him down.

You're going to put him down?

I'm afraid so. That's the law.


Adrian, you have to do something.

He didn't do it.

Sharona, the room was locked.

There was nobody else in there.

I don't care! He didn't do it!

I... he didn't do it.

I know he didn't do it.

Ha, ha.

You like that?

You miss me? Huh?

I missed you.

So how long have you two been dating?

He's just jealous

'cause you're cuter than him, and you smell better.

Well, they finally spelled my name right, the one time I wish they hadn't.

I can't believe I let her talk me into this.

There are a few things that don't add up.

Like the footprints?

And the pill dispenser.

Monk, there's always going to be a loose end or two.

Lest we forget that the monkey and the victim were in a locked room alone.

There is that.

Look, I called the San Francisco zoo, and they don't think a chimpanzee can fire a handgun.

Of course he can.

If you can peel a banana, you can fire a g*n.

What, are you an expert now?

Are you? More than you.

Hey, children, let's not fight in front of the monkey, okay?

It's a legitimate question, and we're going to settle it once and for all right now.

Lieutenant, give me that g*n.

Is it loaded?

No, sir. I emptied it myself.

Good. Okay.

I'm going downstairs with our suspect.

I'm going to hand him a g*n, and we'll see what happens.

Great. I'm going with you.

No, sharona, it's just me and Darwin.

I'm trying to recreate the conditions in the panic room.

I'm going to lock the door, and I'm not coming out until I'm satisfied.

Let's go.

Come on.

Have a seat.


I understand you can use tools.

I know you've seen one of these before.

There's a tool for you.

Monk, can I run a theory by you?


su1c1de by monkey.

su1c1de by monkey?

Yeah, what if Ian Blackburn trained the chimp to sh**t him in the panic room?

Why would he do that?

So his wife could collect on the insurance.

Thus, su1c1de by monkey.

Thus, theory by monkey.

Randy, Ian Blackburn had a $100,000 life insurance policy.

Chloe is worth... What, $20 million?

It doesn't seem worth it.

That's true.

You keep thinking, butch.

You think you're pretty cute, don't you?

Hey, get your fingers out of your ears.

I'm talking to you.

I'm talking to you.

Are you laughing at me?

I said, are you laughing at me?!

I think you've got an attitude problem, my friend.

Okay, opposable thumbs.

Whoop-de-doo. Here, pick it up.

Here you go.

What do you think of that?

Randy, do you have another piece of gum?

Yeah, sure.


Is there a problem?

Wrong g*n.

Go on, pull the trigger. Go on, pull it.

Pull it. Pull it. Pull... pull the trigger.

You hungry, huh?


[ Shrieking and chattering ]

[ Blows whistle ]

Come on! Come on! Come on!

[ Blowing whistle ]

Here you go. Monkey. Hey.

You like that? Do you like him?

[ Shrieking ]

Captain, open the door! Open the door!

[ Blowing whistle ]

[ Yelling ]

Go away! Go away!

I'm not done yet!

I told you to leave me alone!

Go away! I'm not done yet!

The other door!

[ Blowing whistle ]

[ Shrieking ]

Captain, captain! The g*n's loaded!

Captain, the g*n's loaded!

[ Imitating chimpanzee ]

It's loaded! You've got the wrong g*n!

It's loaded!

[ Shrieking ]

[ All yelling ]

Aah! Aah! Aah!

[ Shrieking ]

Give me your best shot, your stupid primate!

The case is closed.

Monk: Sharona, you were there. He fired the g*n.

Yeah, but he didn't aim it. He didn't hit anything.

Look, in the panic room, Ian Blackburn was shot four times.

Four sh*ts, four hits.

There is no way Darwin could have done that.

There's no way.

Maybe you're right.

Okay, now, are you saying that because you agree with me or because you're afraid of me?

I'm saying that because I'm afraid of you.

Hey, good choice. That's the ultra 4000.

The strongest safe in the world.

Hi, I'm Kurt wolff. Welcome to wolff security.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

I'm sharona, and this is Adrian monk.

Hi, how are you?

All right, well, what can I do for you guys today?

We've got everything you'll need to sleep a little easier at night.

Oh, I doubt that.

Let's see... I design most of the stuff myself, like this necklace, for instance.

Take a look.

It sh**t pepper spray.

I custom-made it for a famous movie star.

Joey heatherton?

Um, I can't tell you who.

All I can say is, uh, she's very beautiful.

Joey heatherton.

Mr. Wolff?


We're helping the police investigate the death of Ian Blackburn.

Oh. Um, according to the news, they already know who did it...

That monkey of his.

Well, he's a chimpanzee, okay?

Um, you built the panic room for them, huh?

Is that right? Um, yes, that's true.

I designed it and installed it.

Excuse me. Could I see that, please?

Could I take a look at this?

Sure. Excuse me.

That $17,000 camera?

Are you sure you're still interested?

Okay. Well, I got to hand it to you.

You got great taste.

That is the best camera in the world.

I just sold five of them to the British secret service.

How did Chloe hire you?

Oh, I've known Chloe for years.

I used to do security for her band when they were on the road.

You know, most musicians can be a little...

But, uh, she's okay.

The silver one.

Good people. It's a shame what happened to them.

Too big. That's too big.

So there's only one way in, huh?

Um, yeah. Once that door is locked, there is... you'd need a t*nk to get inside.

Ah. Here we go.

The finest camera in the world.

Is that it?

That's it. Thank you.

Let's go.

Thanks a lot.

Woman: I already told the police everything I know.

Well, we really appreciate your time.

I-I'm a big fan.

And what about you?

Me, no. I haven't really listened to the pop rock 'n' roll since, uh...


That's about right... ever. But I have heard of you.

Thank you.

And not just because the monkey k*lled your husband.

Can I get you something?

A drink?

No, no, no, we're okay.

Um, we just want to ask a couple of questions, that's all.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

Mrs. Blackburn...


Chloe Blackburn.

On sunday night, the police phoned you while they were trying to open the panic room.

Yeah, I was in Dallas.

At least, I think it was Dallas.

It's all sort of a blur.

And at that time, you said that Ian probably k*lled himself.

Ian was clinically depressed.

He was in therapy and on medication.

He talked about su1c1de all the time.

Did you use the panic room a lot?

Ian did.

Um, he went there to meditate and to get away from the world.

Maybe even to get away from me.

I don't know.

Look, this isn't the best time for me.

The memorial service is tomorrow.

Maybe we can talk next week.

Next week's too late. They're going to put Darwin to sleep.

Good. That animal k*lled my husband.

I couldn't stand having that beast around.

Is that all?


I'm in mourning, Mr. Monk.

I really need to be alone.

Of course.

So then who was here last night?

Um, I had a friend over. We had some wine.

Well, champagne.

Well, you're wearing a man's shirt.

It's my husband's.

Now do you believe me? She's sleeping around.

That's not a crime.

In her world, it's standard operating procedure.

Can't we get a court order?

Adrian, they're going to put Darwin to sleep.

He's innocent.

Sharona, I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do.

Honey, it's okay. It's okay.

Oh, it's okay, honey. I got you. It's okay.

Come on.

I hate this.

Why don't you stay out here, sir?

I can handle her.

Oh, you can? Since when?


Sharona, we need to talk.

About what?

I think you know.

What happened here? Did you have a party?

Uh, it's benjy. He never picks anything up.

Sharona, where's Darwin?

What are you talking about?

We're going to find him. Is he here?

Hey, will you put that away? This is my house.

He's k*lled before.

No, he hasn't.


We know that you took him.

Now, either you tell us where he is, or I'm going to have to take you in. That is the law.

Living room secure. I'm heading to the kitchen.


You don't have to use the walkie-talkie.

I'm 10 feet away.


Roger that.

Hey, what happened here?

Benjy threw up.

On the wall?

It was pretty awful.

Kitchen secure.


Monkey! Monkey!

False alarm!

False alarm.

False alarm. It's all right.

Give me that.


You were seen.

The animal shelter has a surveillance camera.

It recorded your car's license plate as you drove away.

They were going to k*ll him.

Are you going to tell me where he is?

I can't.

Then I'm going to have to arrest you for breaking and entering and obstruction.

Go ahead.

You have the right to remain silent.

Oh, Randy, give me a break.

Damn it, sharona, you're under arrest.

Just turn around.


Benjy, hey.

What are you doing?

Um, your mom bet Randy that she could get out of his handcuffs, and, uh, she couldn't, so, uh...

Take them off.

Take them off.

Benjy, you were right.

About what?

About standing up for that little boy in school.

You did the right thing.

So now I'm standing up for somebody who can't protect himself.

You mean Darwin?


Look, everything's going to be okay, all right?

Captain stottlemeyer's going to take you to aunt Gail's, and you tell her to call Adrian.

He'll know what to do...

After I tell him.

All right?


Remember me?

Adrian, it's only been two hours. Come on.

How's benjy?

Oh, he's good.

I just talked to him. Said he's very proud of you.



Oh. Wipe.

Sharona, wipe.

I don't have any wipes. I'm in jail.

Oh, what is it?

Oh, my god, get it off me.

Oh, god, get it off. It's jail goo.

This is... this is jail goo.

You know what? You know what?

I put an extra wipe in your pocket.

Give me... give me the wipe.

Oh, god.

It's connected.

Will you please relax? I'm in no mood.

Oh, my god.

Jail goo. God.


Listen, sharona, you have to tell the police where Darwin is.


I can't do that. They'll k*ll him.

I'm falling apart here.

Look, if you want me out of here, all you have to do is prove that Darwin is innocent.

I think Chloe did it.

Chloe? How?

I don't know.

You're the genius. You figure it out.

[ Chattering ]

[ Bulb shatters ]

D-Dr. Kroger, please.

It's Adrian monk.


When... when do you expect him back?

I understand.

Well, it is, uh...

It is rather important.

All right, good-bye. Thank you.

[ Knock on door ]

Adrian, are you all right?

Dr. Kroger, yes. Thank you for coming.

Well, yeah, I usually don't make house calls, but you said that it couldn't wait.

Would you like some juice? There's an ape in my house.

I have an ape in my house.

Well, I've never... I've never been to your house before.

Adrian, is...

Is that Darwin from the m*rder case?


[ Darwin chattering ]

Uh, maybe... maybe you should just call the police.

I can't do that. Sharona left him here.

She... she's protecting him.

She'd never forgive me.

Hmm. Thank you. Thank you.

Okay, okay.

Why don't we just leave him here and...

And we'll just go back to my office?

I can't do that, either.

She expects me to take care of him.

Well, you know, Adrian, I-I can see that...

That your space has been violated, and I think you're handling it very well.

I'm... I'm proud of you.

How do... how do you feel?

[ Voice cracking ] I'm fine.

These things happen. What can you do?

Exactly, exactly.

See, these are all just material objects.

You know, you can always replace anything that he breaks or chews or...

Pees on.

Chews or pees on.

Chews or pees on.

[ Knock on door ]

Man: Where are you? Are you in here?

Hey, monk, did you put this up?

You can't sell this house. You're renting.

I can't live here anymore.

But it's not your house.

Chews or pees on.

What are you... mental?

Excuse me. I'm Adrian's psychiatrist Dr. Kroger.

You are...

I'm Leo navarro. I'm Adrian's landlord.

What the hell is going on here?

Adrian is having a dissociative episode.

He's just not thinking straight.

What the hell is that?

No pets allowed.

You know the rules.


Get off of that!

[ Shrieking ]

What did I do?

Excuse me.

Let me try something.

[ Shrieking ]

[ Shrieking ]

What, he hates bald guys?

A-Adrian, what's... What's going on?

I think I just solved the case.

I think I know what happened in that panic room.

It was here the whole time. I can't believe we missed it.

Disher: What is it? Digital tape recorder.

Ian Blackburn used to record memos to himself.


The record switch is still in the on position.

I think it might have recorded the m*rder.

Well, let's just play it back.

No, no, we can't touch it. It's broken.

If we move it, we might damage the chip.

The FBI will be here tomorrow with a tech crew.

It'll be safe in there until then, right?

Uh, yes, sir.

Safer than the bank of england.

Here's the key for you.

Good deal.

Is there anything else, uh...

No, that'll do it. Thank you very much.

All right.

When's the FBI coming?

First thing in the morning.

I can't wait to hear what's on that tape.

We'll finally know exactly what happened in there.


[ Thud ]

Sharona: Ow!



Shh! Over here!

Come here, come here.

Sit down.

Are you okay?

I'm okay. Are you okay?

I'm okay.

I'm okay, too.

I think we're all really okay.

By the way, I found your monkey.

Oh, god, I'm sorry about that.

Look, I'll help you clean it up.

Nah, I'll be fine.

I've got 17 maids in there working on it.

Shh! He's going to hear us. We're on a stakeout.

Look, so... so what's going on?

They let me out, but they didn't tell me anything.

You were right about the chimp.

He wasn't involved at all.

You were right about Chloe, too.

She had a lover. They were in on it together.

They k*lled her husband.

Now, are you sure?

There was a witness.

Your new boyfriend Darwin.

Actually, Darwin solved the case.

Yesterday at my apartment, my landlord came in. Darwin went berserk.

Then I remembered he acted the same way on Monday when he saw the animal control officer.

The two men have something in common.

They're both bald.

Sharona: Bald.

Darwin is afraid of bald men.

Why wouldn't he be?

Ian Blackburn was k*lled by a bald man, and Darwin saw it happen.

A bald man... The security guy. Kurt wolff.

The man who built the panic room.

When he installed it, he built a secret crawl space.

It goes from the basement to the panic room.

There's a secret panel behind the furnace.

We found it last night. Excuse me, would you stop pointing that in my face?

But you're talking.

You can hear me talking. You don't need to see me talking. You know it's me.

Thank you.

Sharona: He needs to see you.

Okay, fine.

So why?

Love and money...

The oldest motive in the world.

Chloe met wolff when he was doing security for her, and they hooked up, as the kids would say.

The divorce would have cost her $10 million.

So they were planning this for, like, a year?

Exactly. Kurt didn't build the panic room to protect Ian Blackburn.

He built it to k*ll him.

The plan was to make it look like a su1c1de.

Monk: It was a brilliant plan.

That night wolff snuck into the panic room.

He set the test alarm button, so the alarm rang, but only inside the house.

That's how he lured Ian into the panic room.

The plan was for Ian to be found dead the next day in a locked room.

Everybody would think that he k*lled himself.

There would be no other explanation.

It was a perfect plan.

Not quite perfect.

They didn't count on one thing.


Stottlemeyer: Darwin must have grabbed for the g*n, and there was a struggle.

Ian was shot four times, twice in the back.

Disher: Their su1c1de story wasn't going to fly.

Sharona: So he framed Darwin?

Well, it was a long shot, but what else could he do?

Of course, now he had to explain what Ian was doing in the panic room, so as he left, he broke a window to make it look like a burglar had tried to get in.

And that's how we found it.

Broken window, k*ller monkey.

Can we prove it?

That's why we're here.

Shh. He's here.

He took the bait.

He's in the basement.

He just climbed into the crawl space.


It's showtime.

Stottlemeyer: What took you so long?

Were you looking for this?

You shouldn't have bothered. We already played it.

There's nothing on it.

Ah, this is all going to go bad.

Would you excuse me?

You're under arrest, Mr. Wolff, for the m*rder of Ian Blackburn.

[ Dogs barking ]

Can we... can we go now?

Benjy: Hey, Darwin.

Hey, Darwin, hey.

Hey, buddy.

How you doing? You remember us?

Oh, he asks about you all the time.

Really? Is he doing good?

He's fine as long as I keep my hat on.

He still doesn't like guys who are b-a-l-d.


Benjy: So what's going to happen to him?

Well, he's off to the San Francisco zoo, where he's going to be treated like a prince.

They say you can come visit anytime you want.

Man: You, benjy, and Mr. Monk have a lifetime pass.

Oh, a lifetime pass to the zoo.

Your mom's a hero.

[ Gasps ]

Is this for me? Is that for me?

He's saying thank you.

Yeah, that's... okay.

Mr. Monk, he's trying to say something to you.

No, that's okay. We got to go.

No, no, no, no.

Wipe. Wipe, wipe.


Worse than jail goo.
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