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03x11 - Holiday Part 1

Posted: 07/19/21 17:57
by bunniefuu
Angela: Daddy, let me help!
Joey: Hang on. I get it down.

It's perfect.

Sydney: Almost. Craig?

Could you twist it
about degrees clockwise?

This side's fuller
than the front.

Joe, the lights on the top,
maybe a bit too much?

Okay, okay, come on. Let's go.
Let's turn it around. Come on.

Whoa, whoa!

Joe, be careful.

Joey: Good. All right.

Okay, okay.

Caitlin: Well, I have to admit,

it actually really
does look better.

Joey: Sydney has an uncanny
eye for everything.

I don't know what
we'd do without her.

Well, the Jeremiah household

is just full of amazing women
these days.

And two really lucky men.

(phone ringing)

Craig: Sorry.

Jeremiah residence.

Hey, it's Manny.
Is this a bad time?

Sort of.

Right. She's there.

Well, I just wanted to say
I miss you... a lot.

Spinner? We'll talk about
exchanging gifts tomorrow. Bye.

¶ Whatever it takes ¶

¶ I know I can make it through ¶

¶ If I hold out ¶

¶ I know I can make it through ¶

¶ Be the best ¶

¶ The best that I can be ¶

¶ Hear what I say to you ¶

¶ Whatever it takes ¶

¶ I know I can make it ¶

¶ I know
I can make it through ¶¶

I think I broke it.

Don't worry. What Sydney
doesn't know won't hurt her.

Don't you just love
the holidays?

Sure, yeah. Another excuse for
us to over-spend and over-eat.

Okay, Scrooge.
What are you gonna do?

Are you gonna visit your mom?

Nope. She's gone on a cruise
with her new boyfriend.

So I am spending the holidays
pampering myself

at a very expensive spa
in Montreal.

Oh, Caitlin, you can't
spend Christmas alone.

Joey, it's one stupid day.
It's hours.

And besides,
I want to go to a spa.

I've worked very hard.

This is my Christmas gift
to myself.

- Okay.
- Hey.

- Hey. Here you go.
- Thanks.

A toast - to Joey and Sydney,

and the best tree-trimming
party ever.

Spike: And to many, many more.

Joey and Sydney:
Merry Christmas.

Joey: Okay, disaster averted.

We found Angie's
lucky hair clips.

Great. No falling tonight.

And voilà, c'est fini.

Angela: Wow. It's beautiful.

For a beautiful girl.

So let's go upstairs,
get you dressed

and Daddy will make sure you
get to your pageant on time.

Are you're sure you can't come?
I wish you would.

Joe, we talked about
this already.

I've got a work commitment.

But Angela's gonna miss you.

I know and that's why I'm gonna
take her Boxing Day shopping,

to apologise, okay? It's fine.

Angie understands.
Nothing to worry about.

And who says money
can't buy happiness?

Joey: Come on, sweetie.
Angela: Coming.

(music from The Nutcracker)

(camera clicks)

You're going to have to make me
doubles of these for Sydney.

And I want those little
white borders, too.

Craig: Sure you two aren't
married already?

Joey: Just give me time,
all right?

Oh, here she comes!

Caitlin: Sorry.

Joey: Hi!
Caitlin: Sorry.

Joey: Hey, look who's here.
Caitlin: I'm so sorry I'm late!

All the bank machines
were down.

There were plows
backing up traffic.

Caitlin, sit here.
Bathroom break.

Caitlin: Thanks, Craig.
Craig: No problem. Excuse me.

Joey: She's the one
in the middle. Right there.

Caitlin: Angie's so adorable,
it hurts.

But seriously, though,
thank you so much
for inviting me tonight.

It's just what I needed.

No problem, Scrooge.

Oh look, there's she is!
There, right there!

I'm gonna get it,
I'm gonna get it.

Joey: Oh, look at that!

I can't you believe Sydney's
missing all of this?

Her loss.

Manny: You guys were so amazing
out there.

Why don't we take this back
to the dressing room,


And I'll meet you back there.

- Hi.
- Hi.

So I'm thinking um...

You meet me in my garage
after the pageant. : ?

Spinner: Ahem.

Manny: I should get back
to my class.

Spinner, are you
stalking me or what?

No man, my sister's on
the synchro skating team and...

Wait, why am I doing
the explaining?

Dude, you are my inspiration.
You're a man among men.

I need, I need details.
Craig: Like?

Spinner: Like what it's like
being a stud?

Craig: Nerve-wracking.
Spinner: Nerve-? Come on.

You have Ashley - gorgeous,
smart, like a fine champagne,

and then you have Manny -
cute, adorable, hot.

Like ice cream,
but hot. Very hot.

So, you don't think
it's wrong?

For me, yeah.
But for you? No.

What do you mean?

Well, I have Paige.
I know she's the one.

But you? You're not sure yet.
You're still sampling both.

It's a try before you buy
kinda deal.

Not to mention
you're a big stud.

Yeah, well...

I get around.

Wasn't Sydney supposed
to be home by now?

Yeah, she was.
You career women.

At least she's a career
woman that has a life.

What are you talking about?

You're the host of one of
the most popular programs
in the country.

Yeah, well,
it's a cool day job.

It doesn't really keep me
warm at night though, does it?

Ow, ow, man!

Oh, are you okay?
Ow. Ow.

That's gonna blister.

Caitlin: Well, you know what?
Sydney: Ho, ho, ho.


Syd, quick -
What do you do for a burn?

Put it under cold water.

Actually, hot water works
better. It's homeopathic.


Well, I'll leave
you guys to that.

I'll just show myself out.

Great job on Angie's
costume, by the way.

Sydney: Thanks.

Nice to see you... again.


Hey! You're late
and I'm freezing.

So you need to warm me up.

(chuckles) I can do that.

Okay, I know it's early


If you're practising out here,
you're gonna need it.

I knit it myself.


I know. I know, it's dorky.

Nah, nah, it's sweet.

Just like you.

Good, because all I want
for Christmas from you

is one thing.

All right, let me guess.


New car?

What? A chihuahua?


What do you want?

I want you to dump Ashley.

It's time, you know?
And I've been patient.

But I can't-

I can't make that choice.

I think you just did.

P.A. announcer: Attention
all staff and students.

The gymnasium will be closed
for the remainder of the week

as we prepare for the Holidays
around the world Festival.

Ashley: ¶ You're every present
I never got ¶

Craig: ¶ You're every wish
that never came true ¶

¶ You're every prayer
that went unanswered ¶

¶ So baby,
I'll spend Christmas with you ¶

¶ with you ¶

Both: ¶ So baby,
I'll spend Christmas with you ¶¶

This crappy guitar!

Yeah and that's gonna
make it better.

What's wrong with you today?


I'm fine.

Caitlin: Hi.
Sydney: Hi. I was
in the neighbourhood

and Merry Christmas.


So this is your office.

It's very um...


Exciting. You know,
TV, the biz.

Caitlin? Contact sheets are in.
Wanna look at them?

Oh yeah, definitely.

I'll meet you in your office in,
say, five?

The boys aren't that cute
on Bay Street.


So, he's my boss, he's gay,

and I don't date guys
in the biz.

Not since my ex-fiancee,
the director. Emphasis on ex.

So, who do you date then?

Strictly real world
guys for me.

So, big favour time, Cait.

Joe and I, we have my work
party tonight

and Craig's busy
and our babysitter bailed.

What time do you
want me there?

You're sure?

Anytime before six.

You're a God-send.

No prob.
Thanks for the plant.

If you could pick up a DVD
for Angie, that would be fab.

(reading) What's today?
cried Scrooge,

calling downward to a boy
in Sunday clothes,

who perhaps had loitered
in to look about him.

Aih? Returned the boy,
with all his might of wonder.

What's today my fine fellow?
said Scrooge.

Can I use the washroom?

Today, replied the boy...
why Christmas day.

Manny. Manny, stop!

Come on!

It's just...

I love you, Craig.

And I thought you felt
the same way.

But I do. I do, it's just-

Ashley, I know.

And she might love you,

but not as much as I do.


This is a pipe for Daddy.

Caitlin: Oh, cool.

So Daddy gets a pipe,
Craig gets a new guitar.

And now something
for Sydney.

Oh right, Sydney.

She made me a dress.
Can I go wear it? Please?

Okay, but be really
careful, okay?

Wash your hands before
you put it on.

Oh, hi.

Babysitter emergency.

I thought you were spending
the evening over at Ashley's?

Yeah, uh, I am, later.

And maybe you can help me.

Sure, I'll try.

Okay, uh... if you're with
someone really great, like Ash,

that should be everything,

So I should feel lucky.

Okay, believe me,
I'm no expert.

But love isn't about luck.

It's about being with
the right person.

Hope I helped.

(music from The Nutcracker)


I made a huge mistake!
You're the one for me.

Okay, look.

Not Ashley and I'm gonna
tell her that.

Okay? It's you.

It's always been you.

Joey: I told you I wasn't
going to fit in.

Sydney: Joe, you did great.
Joey: Yeah, right.

I talked to the bartender
all night.

He knows my whole life story.
Your friends, they think I'm a-

My friends loved you.

The more you go
to these work things,

the more comfortable
you'll be

and the better off
you'll be at them.

(camera click)

Joey: I got you.


Sleeping on the job?

We had so much fun,

and we-

Angela, why are you
wearing that?

'Cause it's my dress.
You made it.

I know I made it -
for your pageant,

not so you can watch TV
and spill stuff on it.

Oh, Sydney,
don't be mad at her-

I'm not mad at her.

Joey: Caitlin, again,
I am so sorry about that.

I screwed up as usual.

I'm supposed to go left,
I go right. I'm impulsive.

You're insane. We'll take
the dress to the dry cleaners

and everything will
be fine.

Sydney hates me.

She doesn't hate you,
she just likes things
to be... just so.

I'm such a drama queen.
I'm sorry.

It's nothing to be sorry for.
It's the holidays.

It can be tough. I know.

Hey, Craig.
Happy Hanukkah.

Take your boots off.

Hey, you're finally here.


Ashley: Is everything okay?

Actually, I wanted
to talk to you about something.

Okay, but first...

I know it looks a bit
beaten up but open it.

Come on.

It was my grandfather's.

He played it back in the 's
with Django Reinhart.

He left it to me,
and now I want you to have it.

This is incredible.

Well, it's because
you're incredible.

And you've had such a hard
year and you deserve it.

So you wanted to talk?


I love you.

Okay, Christmas could learn
a thing or two from Ramadan.

What are you talking about?

Paige: With the constant
onslaught of Verenyky,

Holubtsi and Kolbasa?

I could totally use a fast.

(guitar music)

It's like it knows the sound
I'm trying to make, you know?

So you like it?

Craig: Like it? I love it.

(guitar music)

Manny: Um... Craig.

Dress rehearsal -

I need to finalise
your make-up so...

Sure. Okay.

You do that. I'm gonna find out
from Liberty

when we're actually
performing tomorrow.

(accordion music)

P.A. announcer: Would the stage
group for the holidays

around the world assembly
please meet backstage

Hey, Manny.

Okay. You were supposed
to talk to her.

And did you talk to her?

Okay, you know,
I'm gonna go talk to her.

No, please.
I broke up with her, okay?

Like I said I would.
I just, I haven't,

I haven't told her about
you and me yet.

Okay. Why not?

Well, because we still
have to perform tomorrow.

You know, let her hate me when
it doesn't matter anymore.

Look, I promise.

Okay, next term this will
all be sorted out.
