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07x06 - Death or glory (Part 2)

Posted: 07/19/21 17:11
by bunniefuu
In front of Degrassi - On the ground

(All the students are behind fences, watching Spinner and Jimmy on the pitch.)

Girl: Come on, go!
Derek: Come on! Catch!

(Spinner looks at Jimmy, who cracks his fingers. Spinner turns to Jane who is watching him. Jimmy throws the ball and Spinner catches it. Someone whistles and everyone claps.)

Spinner: Victory for the Camberra team!

(Jimmy joins Spinner, as the other students leave.)

Jimmy: That's exactly what we needed. Did you come up with the idea?
Spinner: I am obsessed with peace, sharing, love and brotherhood.
Jimmy: Yeah. That's why you broke Johnny's face yesterday. The olive branch is stronger than the sword, old man.
Spinner: Except that the sword can easily ...

(Spinner puts the ball in a bag and lifts it up. But, he feels pain in his lower abdomen.)

Jimmy: Where are you on that side? Did you reply to the message you left the doctor?
Spinner: Yeah. I won the jackpot. I have cancer.
Jimmy: Wow. They ... Are they sure?
Spinner: Yes. I have an appointment with the oncologist today to see what to do.
Jimmy: So that means then that they are sure to treat you I guess.
Spinner: Yeah, sure. No problem. And, thank you for aiming at me there.

(Spinner slaps Jimmy on the shoulder with a smile and walks away, making way for the fake smile to be erased.)


In front of Degrassi - On the steps

(Mrs. Hatzilakos stands at the top of the steps giving her speech, with Liberty by her side. In front of her are many students.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: We would like to thank you all. These first meetings were a great success.

(Everyone applauds.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: And we especially thank the organizer of this event. Gavin Mason.

(The students applaud again.)

Ms Hatzilakos: And I invite you to ...

(The students and Mrs. Hatzilakos return to Degrassi, while Derek and Danny intercept Spinner.)

Derek: Hey, Spinner, Spinner!
Danny: You're our hero, take a look! We downloaded it this morning.

(Danny and Derek show Spinner a video of him hitting Johnny.)

Spinner: But, are you sick or what ?! Why did you do this?
Danny: So everyone can see that you jerked off that moron from Lakehurst.
Spinner: No, no, no, no, no, nobody should see this stuff. Swallow it, burn it, I don't care.
Derek: It's already too late. It is already circulating on the site on the video page. Oh ! Don't blame us. We just wanted ...

(Spinner leaves, pushing aside the two friends.)

A Degrassi - Computer room

(Spinner is on the site and looking at the page where his video is located. He flags the video and Jane interrupts him.)

Jane: So? You let me down in the middle of a game of pool, and then you avoid me. Can you tell me what's going on?
Spinner: I can't talk to you right now, Jane.
Jane: Too bad. This is what sets us apart from cavemen though. Although, you behave more like a Cro-Magnon man.
Spinner: So we just have to put an end to this, okay? And stop seeing each other.
Jane: I can have an explanation, you think?
Spinner: I have a little personal concern, okay?

(Jane points to the computer screen.)

Jane: And, is that how you deal with your worries when you have them?
Spinner: I'm not the type you think I am.
Jane: You know, I've known Johnny for a hell of a long time. He got what he deserved. But hey, you have some concerns then ... ciao.

(Jane leaves and Spinner blames herself.)

At Marco, Paige and Ellie

Jesse: Ready for the Clustorman conference?
Ellie: Yeah. It's nicer than revising the course, you know.
Marco: I would come with you. Do you have an invitation left?

(Jesse and Ellie look at each other and Marco realizes they're going to disturb them.)

Jesse: Actually it's free, but ...
Marco: Don't worry, I'll let you go on your own. I have to finish this.
Ellie: Come on.

(Ellie and Jesse exit.)

Marco: (To himself) Other than a 9, I don't see what I can put on this line.

(Griffin arrives with two shirts, one in each hand.)

Griffin: I have to go out to a nightclub tonight. There should be a ton of girls. What shirt?
Marco: Bad pick. Fashion question, check it out with Paige.
Griffin: Yeah, but style is up to you.
Marco: Well, that one.

(Marco points to the one on the right.)

Marco: With the other, we can believe that you are forcing yourself too much.
Griffin: It is.
Marco: Well yeah, but this one shows that you have confidence in yourself, but not too much anyway, you know?
Griffin: Ooh! Not bad. If ... If it works, I'll buy you a drink.
Marco: I would remember that.
Griffin: Hey, what are you doing tonight?
Marco: Not much. I continue my sudoku.
Griffin: Ah. Between us, I didn't see you doing martial arts, but you should come. I may need a teammate.
Marco: Is that true? No, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Griffin: Are you kidding? h*m* are great bait. And if the fish don't bite, we can still hang out together.

(Griffin leaves and Marco smiles.)

At the gym

(Spinner is practicing as Jimmy enters.)

Jimmy: Oh, old man! We can say that we feel that you have perspired. I hope you take a shower before you go back to class. Say, about testicular cancer, it's far from a fatal cancer, you know.
Spinner: Doctor Jimmy comes to my rescue.
Jimmy: It can be treated. And in 80/90% of cases, it is cured. Want to be in good shape for your next fight with Marco?
Spinner: He only deserves this, this guy. He seeks me, he finds me.
Jimmy: The video called 'Degrassi vs. Lakehurst'! Do you think this will bring our two schools closer together?
Spinner: Why would it be my job to get all the students to get along?
Jimmy: I don't know, sir of the peace group. You throw oil on the fire, that's all. Exactly like me at the time. Unless you've forgotten how I ended up in this chair.
Spinner: You know, it's easy for a guy who's in no state to fight not to fight.
Jimmy: And having cancer doesn't give you the right to be the moron king.

(Jimmy leaves.)

A Degrassi - In the corridors

(Johnny, Lucas and Bruce are walking, when Johnny sees Spinner.)

Spinner: Nice. I want to apologize about the fight, okay? I lost my temper.
Johnny: You know, it touches me that you want to act for peace, Gavin.
Spinner: We have to put an end to these stories between Lalehurst and Degrassi.
Johnny: I don't see why we would stop. We have a reputation to uphold.
Spinner: Are you nuts or what? The video is circulating on the site, everyone can see it.
Johnny: Exactly. This is called putting on a show. When guys f*ck each other, everyone wants to watch.
Spinner: Good. I have to take care of more important stuff.

(Spinner turns and starts to walk away.)

Johnny: If you decide to prove you have it ... My buddy Bruce behind me is lacking a bit of exercise. He would like to hide you.

(Bruce barks, then laughs. Spinner prefers to leave, leaving the g*ng smiling.)

To the hospital

Doctor: To hear that you have cancer is one of the worst things imaginable. But, we need to stay optimistic and start shock treatment. I recommend an orchiectomy first.
Spinner: Awesome. I am on it.
Doctor: Which means you have a testicle removed.
Spinner: Ah ... Okay, you butcher it, put it back in and sew me up, right?
Doctor: It's not quite that. When it's taken away, it's taken away.
Spinner's Mother: But, will he still be able to, I mean, give me little children?
Spinner: Mom!
Doctor: Yes, yes, absolutely. But, you will also need to have rays or chemo.
Spinner: Okay. Wait, if I ever ... If I change my mind, if I refuse the operation and the chemo, what happens?
Doctor: The cancer will spread. You could die in a matter of months or even weeks.

(The mother signals to the doctor to accept the operation.)

Doctor: I'm planning the operation for tomorrow, after school, is that okay with you?

Chez Spinner - In the bathroom

(Tears in his eyes, Spinner stands in front of his mirror, a razor in hand. He begins to shave his head.)

In the street

(Spinner walks over to Johnny and his g*ng and pushes him away. Lucas films the scene.)

Spinner: So, guys, do you want a show? You're going to have some. Come on Johnny, the cellphones are going to film.
Johnny: Calm down, old man, okay?
Spinner: Go ahead, prove to me that you have it!

(Johnny walks over to Spinner, but Spinner knocks him to the ground and starts punching him, in front of Lucas' camera. Bruce and Lucas step in and grab Spinner.)

Spinner: Stop!

(Bruce and Lucas let go and Spinner screams in anger before screaming in pain. He throws himself to the ground. The police arrive and Johnny's g*ng leave.)

Johnny: Come on, let's go.

(Before leaving, Bruce kicks Spinner, who is already down and in pain.)

A Degrassi - In the hall

(The next day, Spinner walks into Degrassi and Danny and Derek join him.)

Derek: Hey! You are number 10 in the ranking of the best videos!
Danny: I wish I could have seen Johnny get beaten up last night.

(Danny shows him the video.)

Spinner: You're lucky someone was there to film.
Derek: Yeah, and now everyone's talking about you versus Bruce the Brute. Are you going to organize a little fight, yes or no?
Danny: And if you do, we'll come with some film and a garbage bag.

(Danny and Derek clap hands, as Mr. Simpson walks up behind Spinner.)

Mr Simpson: Mr Mason.

(Danny and Derek leave and Spinner turns to Mr. Simpson.)

Mr Simpson: We don't like students posting fight videos online under the school name.
Spinner: If you're worried about the reputation of the school, then go after those who uploaded the video.
Mr Simpson: That's what I'm going to do. But, if you keep fighting, the police will eventually get involved.

(Spinner leaves.)

A Degrassi - In the corridors

(Spinner stops walking and notices Jane at her locker.)

Spinner: Jane. I don't bite, you know.
Jane: That's right. I saw your last performance online. It wasn't great, like your new haircut by the way.
Spinner: But, you said Johnny deserved it.
Jane: I'm talking about you, not Johnny. You've become some kind of monster. Everyone is afraid of you and me too. In any case, whatever your worries are, take care of them on your own.

(Jane closes her locker and is about to leave when Spinner grabs her arm.)

Spinner: I have testicular cancer. I'm going to have one removed after class, does that suit you?
Jane: I don't know what to say.
Spinner: Don't worry about it. Only I want to prove that I'm still a guy.
Jane: That's no reason to break everyone's face.
Spinner: You're a chick, you can't understand. You're right, I'll take care of this on my own.

(Spinner leaves.)

At Marco, Paige and Ellie

(Marco walks into the dining room with a mug, where Paige and Ellie are. Griffin also enters.)

Griffin: I'm late. (Speaking of her outfit) Marco, are you okay?
Marco: Perfect!
Griffin: Great.
Marco: Well done!

(Griffin leaves the house and Marco fills his cup with water.)

Marco: Yesterday, we both had a wonderful evening.
Paige: Huh, huh.
Marco: I like him, as ... a friend.
Paige: And, does your friend know that you like him?
Marco: What?
Ellie: First you hang out with Eric knowing your relationship is going to get nowhere, and now Griffin, a straight guy. You really can't be alone, can you?
Marco: So that's not true.
Paige: What we want to tell you, Marco, is that sometimes you're too fond of you.
Marco: I can't do anything about it, I'm a human being.
Ellie: Take a pet.
Marco: Ah, that's very funny, Ellie! Hilarious!
Ellie: Sorry,

(Ellie walks away and Paige walks over to Marco with a poster in her hand.)

Paige: There's nothing wrong with you and Griffin being friends. Here, from another stylist. You could go check it out. It just opened, it's great.

In front of Degrassi - On the steps

(Johnny, Lucas, and Bruce sit and wait for Spinner.)

Lucas: No, but if you don't believe me, ask him.

(Spinner walks down the steps.)

Johnny: You won, the champion of friendship meetings, peace, love and all the rest.
Spinner: Is that how you prove you're a guy?
Johnny: I don't care. Simpson says he's going to call the cops, so let it go.
Spinner: You have nothing to worry about, DiMarco. (Pointing to Bruce) He's the one I want.

(Bruce gets up and walks over to Spinner.)

Spinner: After school. Bring the cameras.
Bruce: (Smiling) You're dead.

(Spinner smiles and walks away.)

A Degrassi - At the gymnasium

(Jimmy is coaching girls in basketball and one of them scores a basket.)

Girl: Yeah! Perfect ! Basket !

(Jimmy hisses, as Jane walks into the gym.)

Jimmy: Alright. You played well. The two teams get along well. You can go. Before, do your stretches, take a shower and see you tomorrow morning, okay?
Girl: Okay. Thank you. Goodbye.

(The girls walk away.)

Jane: Hi coach. Do you have a second for an unknown girl?
Jimmy: Jane, right?
Jane: It might sound strange to you, but did you notice that Spinner was weird?
Jimmy: The minute I saw him. And, that hasn't changed since.
Jane: (Pointing to the lower abdomen) So, do you know what's happening to her there?
Jimmy: Yeah. And, it can't be easy.
Jane: You must also know that he intends to fight Bruce the Bully. Not everyone talks about it anymore.
Jimmy: Look, Jane. There's no way to make him listen to reason, so maybe if the other beats him ...
Jane: That's okay. He's going to miss his operation.
Jimmy: He's a big boy. He just has to take charge.
Jane: He's very sick, Jimmy. He is in danger of dying. You have to help him.

(Jimmy lowers his head and Jane realizes he won't help him. She leaves.)

At the club

(Griffin is seated at a table with other people.)

Griffin: We have a problem because ... (To the waitress) Thank you. Because all the panels in section C are ...

( Marco arrives and yells at Griffin.)

Marco: Griffin! Hi ! Have you recovered from the evening yesterday? Because me, not yet.
Griffin: (Embarrassed) Hi, Marco. What's the matter ?
Marco: I found a solution to your clothing concerns. Sale of high-end clothes at reduced prices. Here.

(Marco pulls out the poster Paige gave him and gives it to Griffin.)

Griffin: Uh ... great. But, listen, Marco. Actually, right now, we're talking about engineering stuff, you know? So ...
Marco: Ah, yeah. Of course. I'll leave you to your construction work. I'm ... I'm just ...

(Marco leaves.)

Griffin: But, we can go to your sale tonight. We meet at home.
Marco: A date ... Uh yeah, great. See you later.
Griffin: Great. See you later. Sorry.

In the street

(Spinner walks, with Danny and Derek by his side.)

Danny: Last time Bruce sent the guy to the hospital and he ate his skateboard.
Derek: Yeah. The bets are against you, but if you win I win $ 10.
Danny: Me too, I bet.
Spinner: People think I'm going to lose.
Derek: A few. Maybe if life ... I'm kidding.

(Spinner sees Bruce and his g*ng, but Jimmy steps in between them and walks over to Spinner.)

Jimmy: Am I on time for the show?
Spinner: Look, I know what you're gonna say.
Jimmy: If you've already made a decision, there's nothing I can do about it.
Spinner: So why are you here?
Jimmy: I know what it feels like when your body lets go. It's scary to fight cancer. You are going to be sick, very sick. All I know is that if you want to live your battle against cancer, you are not going to win it with your fists.
Johnny: So are you coming back or what?
Jimmy: But, if you want to go, be careful. Protect your face, put your fists in the air. Don't risk your modeling career.
Spinner: Huh? Thanks, old man.

(Jimmy walks away, showing Spinner an impatient Bruce.)

At Marco, Ellie and Paige