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05x18 - Thin Ice

Posted: 07/19/21 12:31
by bunniefuu

Your own office.




Hey, what's so urgent?

Quentin Baker.

The baseball player?
He's dead?

No, he's been accused of r*pe.

Accuser in there
waiting to be examined.

She's still alive?
Then what am I doing here?

Walcott wanted you.

Your office knows more
about crimes against

the human body than
any hospital in the city.

And I need to know everything
that's been in and on that woman.

And everything that hasn't.

You think she's lying?

Do you know how much
Baker's worth?

Oh good, you're here.

You'll be working with
Detective Simmons on this.

Everything by the book.

I can't have anything
come back and bite me.

- Look, um...
- It's okay. Don't worry about it.


I'm Lu Simmons.

I'm the detective
assigned to your case.

This is Dr. Cavanaugh.


I'll be examining you.

Look, I know this is probably
the last thing you want done,

so I'm going to try to
make it as easy as possible.

Just talk you through
everything I'm doing, okay?

Are these the clothes you were
wearing when it happened?

No, um,

they're in there.

Even the underwear?

How could he do this?

This isn't me.

I never liked the attention
from the fans.

From all the women.

I never sought it out.

I love my wife.

I know this is awkward, Mr. Baker.

Would you like some privacy?

I'm afraid I can't allow
my client to be alone with you.

It's your call.

I'm not a r*pist.

Lower your trousers, please.

You said that you saw him
in the hotel bar?

Um, yes.
With his friends.

There... there he was.
It was Quentin Baker.

Right in front of me.

And he got up to leave,
and I followed him.

My friend thought
I was crazy, but, um...

I had a few drinks, so...

I thought that
it would be a laugh.

People were all over me
at the bar.

People who...

who think they know me.

So I left.

And suddenly there was
someone from Oregon State,

someone who, uh,

didn't seem to want
anything from me.

I was so drunk,
I just made up stuff.

That I...
I went to OSU.

And I was at the game
where he crashed

through the right-field wall.

He seemed to like me.

So I talked my way
into his room for a drink.

So your were pretty drunk
at this point.

Sorry. I know
this is uncomfortable.

What did you do next, Shannon?

- I slept with her.
- Quentin.

No. It was wrong.

And I have to live
with my mistake.

Deal with my marriage.
But, um...

I didn't r*pe her.

She didn't say no?
She didn't ask you to stop?

I don't know.

What do you mean,
you don't know?

It's okay.

You can tell us what happened.

The last drink must have hit me.

Um, because I passed out.

One minute we're talking,

and the next thing
that I remember,

I'm standing in the shower
and I'm naked.

And I'm sore.

And then Quentin just
handed me my clothes

and he threw me out like
I was some piece of trash.

We had sex.

She took a shower
and then she left.

That was it.

He r*ped me.

I know he did.

But you don't remember any of it?

He's just going to
get away with it, isn't he?

You guys know me,
and you know this, uh,

obviously isn't true.

Chicago loses Baker,
they fall apart.

He's got two Golden Gloves
and a batting title.

I mean, the kid is hitting
. , with six home runs,

and we're only a week
into the season.

They say he's the next A-Rod.

Have you heard what's coming
out about the accuser?

Two drunk driving arrests,
history of mental illness.

Which probably means
she's seen a therapist.

Who hasn't?

It's disgusting how the press
is trying to discredit her.

Well, at least they
haven't leaked her name.

Baker's sex life has been
talked about on every channel.

DId you see his press conference?

How does a guy
confess to infidelity

and end up looking
so sympathetic?

Anyone can look sympathetic.

Doesn't mean
they're telling the truth.

Yeah, but that goes
for the accuser, too.

I mean, I know it's not
politically correct to say,

but the truth is

that there are some women
who make false accusations.

Am I right, Woodrow?

I... I don't know.

Hey, Jordan.
Can we talk?

Oh, nothing to talk about.

So, um, Dr. M said
you've got a case for us.

- What the hell?
- Ice.


What is it?

"The Iceman Cometh."

That's a play, right?

There's a man in there.

They found him
on Mount Washington.

So why'd they bring him here?

Military rescuers saw a piece of
the chair when they cut him out.

The ID number came from
a T- fighter plane

out of Westover, near Chicopee.

He's a fighter pilot?

Yep. Circa .

- You got it?
- Yep.

He's been in there
since the Korean w*r.

Air Force trained
pilots in Westover

ran simulations up
by the Canadian border.

Dog tags are missing
from the chain.

Did they find the rest
of his plane?

No trace.

Well, let's get him
under the heat lamps,

thaw him out at an even pace
so we don't disturb the body,

try and get ID.

Um, let me ask you guys.

Once this thing melts,

there's no chance that he's gonna...

Yeah. I didn't think so.


What is it?

It's his family.

Wife, his son.

Cute kid.

He's probably by now.

And he never got
to know his old man.

You're wearing
the tie I gave you.

It looks handsome.

Yeah, I read that vertical patterns
look good on television.

Case of the century and all.

So great that Walcott picked you.

It's what you've
been waiting for.

No, it's a... nightmare, Lily.

Cases against celebrities are
always stacked against the prosecution.

Walcott hates me.

Oh, you are going to do great.



May I please use
your office for a moment?


Yes, ma'am.

So how are we doing?

We've got Baker's
trace on Shannon,

but it doesn't really help us.

He already admitted
he had sex with her.

No defensive wounds?

No trace of Baker
under her fingernails.

But she said she was out cold,

so she wasn't
really fighting back.

What do we have?


a couple of Baker's
hairs on her shirt.

Her underwear had traces of semen.

Condom could have
slipped or broken.

I'm testing it right now
for his DNA.

About this morning...

Baker's r*pe kit's clean.
No trace of Shannon on him.

- Is that unusual?
- Yeah, it is unusual.

He took a shower.
Said he used a condom.

What about the girl's tox?

Uh, it doesn't look like
she was drugged.

Well, there are no roofies.

Just Vicodin and anti-depressants
mixed with alcohol.

Lots of it.

Blood alchohol was . seven hours
after she was done drinking.

No wonder she passed out.

I'm surprised
she remembered anything.

Her behavior isn't of issure here.

The issue is what Baker did
to her in that hotel room.

Her exam came back with
viginal bruising, lacerations.

Which could have happened
during concensual sex.

Without evidence of
a date r*pe drug...

The semen...

Not a match for Baker's.

So she's lying.

Well, she said
she was passed out.

Could be Baker's covering
for someone else.

Not someone else.
Someone after.

See, there are two stains
around her underwear.

Condom lubricant and semen.

Drying patterns are different.

So they happened
at different times.

And the semen's on top.

So whoever's semen
we just identified,

he had sex with her after.

Okay, let me understand this.

You're drunk.

You chase Quentin Baker
up to his hotel suite.

You go in willingly.

You have sex,
which you don't remember,

but you feel it was not consensual.

Then you go home
and have sex again?

I know you're scared.

But you've gotta
tell us what happened.

Did someone else hurt your?


I slept with my boyfriend Drew.

You know, most women don't get
turned on after they've been r*ped.

It's not like that.

Well, help us out, Shannon.

He wanted to have sex, okay?

I was a wreck.

I was afraid that he was gonna...

Think that you were
cheating on him.

I didn't do anything wrong.


you let us read your psyche file.

"Prone to historionics,
overly attention seeking."

Quentin Baker sure would
get you a lot of attention.

Not to mention the money.

No. This is not about money.

No, no. This is about
stopping a r*pist,

which we all want to do.

But that's why you've got
to tell us everything.

I can't go to court
if I don't have a case

that a jury's going to believe.

Look, I know my life
isn't perfect, okay?

I mess things up. But...

I thought it didn't matter
what I wore or what I drank.

I thought that people were
supposed to stand up to animals like him.

If I don't, isn't he
just gonna do it again?

He's gonna do it to
some other girl like me.

Hey, I spoke to the people
at Westover.

They have no idea
who was on that plane.

Their personnel records
were destroyed in a fire

back in the ' s.

What are you doing?

Trying to get a dental X-ray.

Nigel seems to think
we're going to find

dental records from years ago.

Why do you have
to be so negative?

I'm not being negative.

But he's been dead
for five decades.

We can wait until
he's thawed to start ID.

Bacteria on this bloke has been
laying dormant for years.

Once he thaws, he's gonna
decompose expotentially.

Twenty-four, hours...

his face won't be
recognizable at all.

That is not going
to stop our ID.

He was preserved
for a reason, Bug.

He has a son.

Now, we find him,

and we can let the boy
see his father as he was.

As he is.

Now, you might not care about that,

but I do.

What's eating him?

It's a nice gift.

Oh, yeah.
It's, uh, it's great.

I already feel Zen.
Totally relaxed.

I meant hers, not mine.

We should have talked to her.

I... I tried at the mrogue,
but everybody was around.

I meant before today.


- Hi.
- Uh, her boyfriend...

tired to call for hours.
He got nervous.

Came over.

Got the manager to open the door.

He's giving a statement.

She didn't need to do this.

Kind of tough when you feel like
the whole world's against you.

I was just trying
to get to the truth.

This was staged.

Her hyoid bone is broken.

She was strangled.

He r*pes my girlfriend.

He does this to shut her up?

And you're still waiting
to pick him up?

We're still collecting evidence.

What, and he's got
a game tomorrow, right?

Wouldn't want to get
in the way of that.

No. Whoever did this
to Shannon is going to pay.

I promise you.

I promise you.

Liver temp's degrees,

putting time of death at
approximately three hours ago.

CSU has nothing.

I'm gonna canvas the building

and see if anyone saw
or heard anything.

He crushed her windpipe,

so she wouldn't have
been able to scream.

To broken fingers
on her right hand

trying to get his
hands off her neck.

You didn't think
she was a victime before.

Just making sure you know it now.

Press is out there
clamoring for a statement.

What do we have?

Quentin Baker's accuser
conveniently silenced.

Me, I'm not much for coincidences.

Any evidence linking him to this?

What? What's that?

Cleaning solvent.

k*ller wiped down everything.

So I've got nothing
to tie this to Baker.

No. We have motive.

It's not enough.

Locard's Exchange.
If there's nothing of Baker here,

we look for trace
from Shannon on him.

How long till we can get a warrant?

Based on what?

I need evidence to get a warrant.

We need a warrant
to get the evidence.

Jordan and I will talk to him.

We'll see what we can get.

I'm sorry she's dead.

After what whe did to Quentin...


Cagney and Lacey
are here to see ya.

No offense.

You two want anything?

No thanks, Mister...

People call me Hopper.


Do you work for Mr. Baker?

Work for him, no. No.

I just look out for him.

Ever since Kenny Knox
took a swing at him

after Quentin nailed him
for a grand slam...

Kenny always was a bad sport.
That was back in the sixth grade.

Must be nice to have
friends to protect you.

Quentin's one of the good guys.
He didn't do this.

Mr. Baker, to be clear,
we have no warrant.

This is a voluntary interview.

And to be clear,
no more samples.

My client's been humiliated enough.

But I do want to help.

I can't believe she's dead.

It might be easier
if we did this alone.

No. I know you want to think
Quentin hurt that woman,

but he didn't do it.

Not the r*pe.
Not the m*rder.

We appreciate the awkwardness
of your position and...

It's not awkward.

Yes, he's made some mistakes.
But we're dealing with them.

And I know Quentin
was with me last night.

I picked her up from Logan.

We went to dinner.
We were there for hours.

Had a lot to talk about.

Quent's the last person
who would want her dead.

And now that woman's accusations
are going to follow him forever.

No, not necessarily.

We're going to turn
over every stone

to find out who r*ped
and k*lled Shannon Paige.

If it isn't you, I'll prove it.


Well, I know what your attorney says,

but let me check you for trace.

It would rule out you
being at the crime scene.

I have nothing to hide.

I got the flight bag out.

No ID, just emergency rations.

Oh, I thought you were Nigel.

Amazing. This guy looks
like he died yesterday.

Yeah, I carbon dated the ice.

And given the core temperature and
the heavy water hydrogen molecules,

he had been in there for years.

And that would make him about .

Actually, he's .

He was born in .

Calvin Coolidge was president,

George Gershwin
wrote "Rhapsody in Blue",

and the glorious
Doris Day was born.

How do you know
he was born in ?

Where there's a will,
there's a way.

I found a registry for families
looking for MIA soldiers.

A few went missing
around that time.

I emailed the photo
we found to their families.

His name is Lieutenant
Robert Nicholson.

His son is on his way in.

I remember the day
my father took this.

He had this old Kodak Brownie.

I always wanted to play with it.

You can't tell from the photo,
but we were at the zoo.

He liked to take me and Mom there
and pretend we were on safari.

In Africa or some exotic place
he visited in World w*r II.

How old were you
when he disappeared?

Oh... five.

The Air Force told you
about the crash?

We knew there was
a plane missing.

They didn't know if
it crashed or was stolen or...

I liked to think that he had...

hit his head and forgotten who he was,
but he was alive.

Out there somewhere.

I just couldn't picture him dead.

Could I see him now?

- Of course, yes.
- Sure.


This must be difficult for you.

Especially with him
looking younger than...

That's not him.

But he had your picture.

All my life I've waited.

I thought that finally I'd know.

You should have left
well enough alone.

What do you make of this?

It's a particulate
of some kind, dirt, maybe.

You couldn't get it out in trace?

I couldn't see it.
Obscured by lividity.

You wanted to see me?

Shannon's cervix was bruised.

Given the red blood cell count,
injury occured two days ago.

at the same time she was
in Quentin's hotel room.

These bruised did not happen
during concensual sex.

You know how painful that is?

Well, Detective Simmons told me

you didn't find any trace
of Shannon on Baker,

and his alibi checked out.

Yeah, for the m*rder,
not for the r*pe.

She had sex with
her boyfriend after.

I mean, if she was
in that much pain...

Well, there was Vicodin
in her system.

Maybe she took it for the pain.

And it wasn't just some romp.

You heard her.

The boyfriend wanted sex,
she was afraid to say no.

The girl was broken.

She was looking for comfort
wherever she could find it.

You're speculating.

She was victimized and
victimized and victimized again.

You want the bruised cervix
to be proof, but like it or not,

it can happen during concensual sex.

And without a victim's testimony
to persuade a jury otherwise,

it's just not proof enough.

Shannon is dead.

Frankly, her story and her motive
were clouded

when she was
alive to defend herself.

Do you wanna get
this girl justice?

Focus on solving her m*rder.

You're afraid.

Yeah, Walcott threw this case at you
because it's a minefield.

And you've been looking for
any excuse to dump it

since you called me to the hospital.

That's not true.

You let Detective Simmons
shred the accuser.

Keep the stink off your own hands,
make it all go away,

- save your own political ass.
- Jordan.

Or maybe it's just not important
that a woman was r*ped!

This is a m*rder case,
not a r*pe case.

And since you don't seem
to understand that, Dr. Macy,

I'd like to request that
Dr. Cavanaugh be reassigned.

She's obstructing the investigation.

Pull her off, or I'll call Walcott,

let you have this
conversation with her.


I think it's best if I take over.


I heard about what happened.

Oh, I don't want to talk about it.

I do.

You att*cked Jeffrey.

Jordan, he is turning himself
inside out on this.

I'm sorry, Lily,
but Shannon Paige...

Was victimized and r*ped.

But Jeffrey is not about to commit
career su1c1de to satisfy your agenda.

Not everyone is you.

If he had a case
he could prosecute, he would!

You okay?



Got carried away.

Dragged in a man
who spent his whole life

searching for his father,
and I crushed him.

Guess it was the idea of
reuniting father and son.

Happy ending.

Not like real life.

Not like with your father.

He's still alive.

And I haven't seen him
in a half dozen years.

Doesn't mean I don't wish
things were different.


Uh, the Army was finally able
to match the dental records

you got off of your ice man.

Lieutenant Frank Rigrotski,

born August , .
[font color=D EFB ] th Bombardment Group

And the family?

He was an only child.

Never married.
Parents are dead.

Found after all this time
and no one to claim him.

- Hmm.
- Or mourn him.

Rigrotski was a member of
the th Bombardment Group,

based out of Westover,
same as Lieutenant Nicholson.

That can't be a coincidence.


Nicholson was on the plane, too.

T- s can be flown alone,
but they have a jump seat...

Navigator, pilot.

I suppose it's possible.

He's still out there.

In the snow.

We're gonna find him.

I didn't believe her,
that she was r*ped.

A lot of people didn't believe her.

Jordan did.

I just have a tough time

with people who unncecessarily
put themselves at risk.

Especially women.

Well, the price for making a mistake
shouldn't be r*pe or m*rder.

I know.

We got anything else from the body?


We've got fermented
nightshade and oscuro.

It was in her hand deep.
The k*ller missed it.

- What's oscuro?
- Cuban tobacco leaves.

Tobacco, as in cigar?

You were never in her apartment?

That's the story
you want to stick to?

I know what you're trying to do.

Trying to shake me up so
you can pin a m*rder on Quent?

No, actually, we're trying
to pin the m*rder on you.

May I?

That's nasty habit.

Did she grab this from you
when you choked her?

Because it was on her hands.

Along with DNA from
whoever smoked it.


I was there,
but I didn't hurt her.

Okay? I offered her money
to leave Quent alone.

- She didn't want it.
- And you got pissed.

And you strangled her.

No, she grabbed
my cigar and threw it.

Look, Quent's my best friend.

I know he didn't r*pe her,
and I didn't m*rder her.

I think that you took
care of Quent's problems

just like you did
back in Little League.

Yeah. Only they're
your problems now.

Intimidation, blackmail,
obstruction of justice.


There was a pizza guy...

A pizza guy?

There's always a pizza guy.

He saw me leave.
That's why I left.

He rang, so I took off.

And you're just
remembering this now?

I've been retained
to represent Mr. Hopper.

He has no further comment.

I spoke to Air Force Rescue.

They won't be able to search
for Nicholson's remains

for another two weeks.

Two weeks?
That's absurd.


They said something
about a w*r going on,

and the fact that
he's waited for years,

so another days won't k*ll him.

No, but it's k*lling his son.

Well, no matter.

He have pine saplings.

Come again?

Little evergreen trees
with needles and cones.

Yes, I know what a pine tree is.
What about them?

Rigroski ejected from the plane
because it was going down.

Now, factoring in wind speed,
probable angle of descent,

and where they found Rigrotski,

I pulled up a satellite photo.

There is a foot
swath of pine saplings

about a mile and a half southeast
of where they found the body.

Something cut down
the old growth.

These boys have been
growing ever since.

And from their height,
I'd say for about years.

Look, anything could've
cut down those trees.

There could've been a forest fire,

a snowstorm, an avalanche.

What are you doing here?

feet of old growth
was decimated by

a T- jet fighter
traveling miles an hour

descending at a rate
of feet per second.

Mr. NIcholson's father should
be somewhere around here.

You are not seriously
going up there.

No, no, not alone.

Peter said he'd take
your shift tomorrow.

Sidney's taking mine.

What are you doing?

A nationwide search to see
if any as*ault charges

have ever been filed against Baker.

If he r*ped her, it's possible
he's r*ped before.

Any luck?

Not yet.

Want me to help out?

Yeah, actually that...

What is it?

There was sperm in one
of the samples I took.

Didn't we already know that?
[font color=D EFB ] Mixed DNA: Sample Contaminated

This isn't from Shannon.
It's from Quentin.

The samples I took
after the m*rder.

I swabbed his mouth.

The sequencer ID'd
sperm that's not his.

Quentin had sperm
in his mouth?

Quentin Baker.

All-American boy...

May just be gay.


Why'd he have sex
with Shannon then?

Maybe he didn't.

I'm not sure I can feel my toes.

Can you feel your toes?

It's not that cold.

We're , feet down from
where they found Rigrotski.

Oh, good.
I feel so much better.

Just think of some place warm.

Like Tahiti or
The Bahamas or something.

Yeah, or the ATV at the bottom of the hill
waiting for us to come back.

All right, I'll stop complaining.


Where is he?

Belt's unbuckled.

Maybe he... he walked away.

What, walked out of this?

It's possible.

We're looking at , acres.

I mean, he could've died anywhere.

Or maybe he walked out of here

and created a whole
new life for himself.

We'll never know.

He wouldn't have done
that to his son.

You don't know this man.

I know something kept him away.

He wouldn't have
just abandoned them.

Look, I was all for helping out,

but we are freezing to death.

Can we just let it go?

You want to go? Go.

And have someone find your body
up here years from now.

Look. Go back to the morgue.

Pick up the phone.
Call your father!

This has nothing to do with...

It's not that simple.

He got remarried
about months ago.

My brother told me.

He has a baby boy, Frankie.

Didn't even bother to call me.

Why didn't you tell me?

What is it he hates about me?

It's not about you.

He's the ass.

Maybe you're right.
We should go home.

Before we have our own headline.

"Frozen Friends Found Frozen."


That's it.

These guys...
they were friends.

What if we had crashed?

I ejected.

You survived.

Would you...
what would you have done?

I would've tried to find you.

That's why the dog tags are missing.

Nicholson found his buddy dead

and wanted to take something
back to his family to bury.

So we begin our search
from where the iceman cometh.

Oh, boy.

Come in.

How'd it go?

How'd what go?

Your talk with Jordan.

You went to the morgue
last night to talk to her.

You didn't talk to her.

I was going to, but she was
busy working your r*pe case.

Working the case?
She's off the case.

That's never stopped Jordan.

- Listen...
- You know what I think?

I think that you are
afraid to talk to her.

That's ridiculous.

You keep running back to help her.

We work together...

You are trying to
keep your options open.

This guy made it up here
after a plane crash?

I need to get down to the gym.

There's gotta be an easier way.

Now, Nicholson...

was, uh...

here when he found
his buddy dead, right?

So now he's stuck.

He's gotta be rescued.

The flight bag.

We found emergency food rations.

There should've been flares, too.

Nicholson took them.

Right, because he had to be seen.

So... that meant going up,

find somewhere flat
where he could be spotted.

Oh, jeez.

There's a clearing... right there.

How did you get back up here?

Look, you said
you had nothing to hide.

You let me take samples,
and you were right.

There was no trace from Shannon.

But there was trace
from another man.

Now, Shannon was r*ped,

but I don't think you did it.

I don't even think
you had sex with her.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

So the question is,

who are you covering for?

I think you better leave.

Was it Hopper?

Some other player on your team?

Are they threatening to out you?
Is that it?

That woman came up
to my room to have sex.

I had sex with her.

That's what happened.

That woman was violated by someone.

Her cervix was bruised.

You want to know
what that feels like?

How about having someone pound
on your testicles with a hammer?

She's lucky she was unconscious.

Now, the D.A.'s office is afraid
to prosecute now that she's dead.

If you don't come forward,

someone gets away with that r*pe.

The r*pe that led to her m*rder.
So as far as I'm concerned,

you're just as guity as the k*ller.

I worked my whole life
to play baseball.

I have sacrificed everything.

Even who you are.

What I don't get is why you'd rather
be labeled as a r*pist than as gay?

Quent, who is it?

It's no one.

Get out of here.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Fine.

Good. 'Cause I think
we're back to square one.

Your m*rder suspect, Hopper,
I think he's telling the truth.

About the pizza guy?

We just ran Shannon's
stomach contents.

Digested pepperoni pizza.

And if it came just as
Hopper was leaving,

he was at least two hours gone
before she was m*rder*d.

I checked her phone records.
Home and cell.

She never called for a pizza
and there's no box at her house.

Well, whoever k*lled her
cleaned her body.

Could have easily taken the trash.

Well, where did it come from,
our mystery pizza?

Somebody else ordered it.

As a ruse to get into her house?
I just...

Or maybe it wasn't a ruse.

She told us she loved you, Drew.

- Why are you showing me these?
- We know you were there.

We subpoenaed your phone records,
your credit card.

You ordered a pizza,

had it delivered to Shannon's
the night she was m*rder*d.

We're testing your car right now.

Do you know what we're gonna find?

Traces of cleaning solvent.

The same cleaning solvent we found
on Shannon's body left by her k*ller.

No, I loved her.

Were you jealous she went to
Quentin's to have sex with him?

How could you live up to that?

How could you compete
with someone like him?

She slept with me that night
and she didn't say anything

until after she'd gone to the police.

If he'd r*ped her,
she wouldn't have done that.

I kept telling her
to just tell me the truth.

It was the truth!

She was r*ped.


You crushed her windpipe
so she couldn't scream for help.

You snapped her fingers when
she tried to get away from you.

She just should have told me.

Oh, Jordan.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Jordan, I am so sorry if I took
your head off yeasterday.

No, he's your boyfriend.

And he's probably right about
there not being a case here.

I heard Shannon's boyfriend
confessed to the m*rder.

Even he didn't want to believe her.

Can I have a minute?


Do you know what
a locker room's like?

You know what they say
about faggots or queers?

What they do to them?

What do they say about rapists?

Mike Tyson got past it.

Kobe was accused.
He's still going strong.

But Gleen Burker came out.

And he was run out of baseball.

So, you constucted a lie.

Wife, girlfriend...

People get married
for different reasons.

Deborah, she accepted
what I could give her.

I didn't have to hide.

You're hiding now.

When Shannon passed out,

I called Hopper to get
her out of the suite.

I was meeting my boyfriend.

When I brought him
back to the suite,

Hopper was still there.

He was on top of her.

Raping her.

We were both witnesses.

What do you need us to do?

He was still wearing them
when we found him.

See, your father was the navigator.

He sat directly behind the pilot.

That's why we found the picture.

Because he taped it to the back
of Lieutenant Rigrotski's seat.

So, whatever he was
he could look at you.

Could I have a minute with him?

Of course.

Thank you.

For bringing him home.

You did a good thing, Nige.

I think of his father.

Dying of exposure.

Trying to find his way
back to his son.

You think I shoud try
to call him again?

Yeah, you could.

But you can't make him change.

You know, if there's one thing
I've learned this year,

is sometimes things don't
work out as you want them to.

But if you let them go,

decide that you are done,

you'll be okay.

I'm bailed out,
now you drag me back in?

My lawyer's gonna
have a field day.

Yeah, well, the truth is, Hopper,
your, uh,

pizza guy story checks out.

Then why are you harrassing me?

Because you r*ped Shannon Paige.

You're crazy.

You think so?

Maybe you should start thinking
about protecting your own ass.

You know, if this is what happens
when you get thrown off a case,

I look forward to the next one.

Oh, well...

Oh, well. Thanks.

You did a nice thing.

He did a nice thing.

He didn't do it alone.

Uh, there are two soldiers
here for the body.


You, uh, done?

Yeah. I'm done.

Hear you caught Shannon's r*pist.


So, no date tonight?

No. No date tonight.

Everything okay?

I, uh...

I don't know, I gave voice
to Shannon Paige today.

Made people believe her.

A lot more important than
not having a date, right?

Well, you got a date now.

It's a new place around the corner.

Got steaks this thick.

My treat.