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02x06 - One Twelve

Posted: 07/19/21 06:24
by bunniefuu


Look, if you're trying to
sell me something, get bent.

And if you ever call here again,
I'm g...


Doctor Garret Macy!

Excuse me, sir.
Could you tell us what happened?

Something bad.


- Anyone seen Garret Macy!...
- Right here!


I got him.

Follow me, sir.

You get in when I say you get in.

I don't care who the hell
you work for.

Now, run along, junior.

Where the hell's Macy!


Walk with me.

You got a cigarette?

Firemen shouldn't smoke.

Blow it out your ass.

You're the acting scene commander?

'Til the feds get here, at least.
What do you know?


Building's six stories.

Blast cratered the first three floors
of the east wing.

We've got most of the fire out.

Structural damage?

FEMA engineers are on the way,
but uh, I'd say she'll stay up.

Nineteen twenty-four,
they knew how to build 'em back then.

What's your prelim call?

Shaped charge.

God almighty.

You said it, Chief.

Six a.m. on a Monday morning.

There's a chance
no one's at work yet.

There's a law firm
on the second floor.

Benson, Tolliver and McGee.

Kid with uh, four bags of bagels
walked up to me about ten minutes ago,

said he was gettin' breakfast
for 'em.

Been doin' some deal with
a Japanese corporation.

Been here since two a.m.

How many?

All of 'em, the whole firm.


Your people,

they as good as you?


Put 'em to work.

Alright, people, this is our site
until someone takes it away from us.

How many inside?

Hundred plus.

Job's the same as always, guys.

Jordan, you're senior DI.

We're clear to begin recovery ops
in an hour.

And they're gonna be people in that building
who could care less about the remains.

And you want me there
to crack the whip.

Yeah, something like that.

Nigel, Bug, you're on the grid.

No decedents come out unless
they're tagged, bagged and flagged.


Loved ones are gonna start arriving.

Elaine said they got
Mass Fate here on site,

so I want all the families
directed back to our morgue.

We should contact BMH, too,
to set up counseling cycles.

I... I can do that.

We're ready for you.

Let's get to it.

So, Senior Death Investigator, eh?

Nice promotion.

You want it, it's all yours.

Thanks, but I'd rather stick to my role
as plucky science geek.

Do you think
we're really gonna need these?

OSHA guidelines.

Title twenty-nine...

mandates that we protect ourselves
from all bloodborne pathogens.

I wear a size two.

You saw the FBI anywhere?

I heard they're settin' up in
a Japanese restaurant around the corner.

You get transferred already?

No. Captain told me
to "liase" with the feds.

For some reason, I'm guessing
that means me going on coffee runs.

You guys are goin' in?

Well, somebody's got to.

Be safe, alright?

You, too.

Excuse me, what happened?

Do you know what happened?

I'm sorry, sir.
This is a restricted area.

It's not safe.
If you'd just walk a couple blocks north.

Who was that?

Uh, from the smell of him, I'd say
a man sorely in need of another drink.

Hey, need a hand there?

Hell, yeah.

Woody Hoyt.

Nineteenth Homicide.

Aron Miller.

Got you on a coffee run, huh?

Yeah, we're a little shorthanded.

Most of the Boston Bureau's
up north on a kidnapping.

You guys know
anything about the building?

It's not federal, but the second floor did
house Immigration Services.

So who do you think, Hoyt?


Iraqis? Al Qaida?
Local militia?

Come on, take a guess.

If I guess,
I can't really do my job.

Good answer.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.


Oh, they just call me that
'cause I'm Special Agent in charge.

Thank you, sir.

You're inside now, Hoyt.

Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut
and you might just learn something.


FEMA here yet?

Red hardhat.

We clear to go in?

Depends on who's "we."

Cavanaugh, M.E.'s office.
I'm running recovery.

Are you FEMA's engineer?


No one told me
anything about recovery ops.

Oh, okay, well, that's where we,
"we" being me and my fellow M.E.'s...

Stop talking and just listen.

This is about to be the worst day of most
of our lives and we've all got a job to do.

My job is to make sure that
no one else dies here today.

Now, you may not like the way
that I do my job.

Most people don't.

See, I lack people skills.

Then I guess you and I
have something in common.

So is it safe to go in?

Look, there's no guarantees.

But structurally speaking,
there's no danger of a collapse.

Now, listen to me.

If you're gonna go in there,

you're gonna have to go in
through the west stairwells,

and you're gonna have to work
your way over, do you understand me?

Yeah. I'll be back
in ten minutes with my people.

Any survivors yet?

There were over a hundred people
on that second floor two hours ago.

Right now, there is
no second floor.

Fire Chief's telling us the point of origin of
the blast was the underground parking garage.

Chances are our suspects drove
the device in in the morning.

And since we're talking
big ordnance...

A van.

Right out of
the Oklahoma City playbook.

Now, I pulled this off an ATM
from the bank next door.

Okay, give me that times ten
and do a wash.

Capture that.

Here's our van.

Looks like this guy's the lookout.

Gives him the all clear.

Hey, I guess our man didn't stick around
to see his friend to paradise.

Okay, rock it forward.



But someone needs to
talk to the press, Garret.

Our office is responsible for
providing a media liaison.

I'll talk to the press when
I have something to tell them.

And when you gonna do that,

before or after you set up
a mass fatality morgue?

- I can...
- No, no, stop.

Just stop.

If I put you in front of those cameras,
it sends a message.

I'm the Chief M.E.
I'm the one they talk to.

End of story.


This'll do.

Got him.

Mohammad Faraj, Saudi.

Visa expired eighteen months ago, which
didn't stop him from registering his car.

Last known address
six two four seven Barlow Street.

I worked a bust with vice
in that building.

It's ninety percent Middle Eastern.
You're gonna want to go strong.

Alright, people.
Let's roll.

You carrying?

Yes, sir.

Sir, Bureau regs clearly state
non-agents can't carry firearms...

Raise your right hand, Hoyt.

You swear not to screw up
or sh**t anyone, so help you God?

- I do.
- Consider yourself deputized.



Lemme see your hands!



Only a couple of rules
in here, folks.

First rule,
don't touch anything.

Second rule,
don't touch anything.

Got it?


Let's start the grid.

Okay, you stay here.

I'm gonna check to see if
there's a secondary fall zone.

You alright?

Yeah, fine.

Okay, people.

I want you two over in that corner,
you two in that corner,

you in that corner
and you two go in that corner.

We got a live one here!



Ca... can you hear me?


Uh, talk to me.

What's your name?


I'm John.

John, I'm Jordan.

Hi, Jordan.


We're gonna get you
outta here, John.


Just hang in there, man.



Damn it!
We need some help in here!

I am here to help.


cannot begin to imagine what you must
be going through right now.

This is a terrible...

What's happened here?!

Nobody's tellin' us anything.

I don't know.

But I... I can promise you,
whatever information we get...

Where have they taken
the survivors?

I haven't received any information
about survivors.

- That does not mean...
- So we're supposed to wait around here

until you get some information?

Who the hell is
running things around here?!

I wanna speak to
the man in charge!

- You get me the man in charge...
- Sir!

You're speaking
to the woman in charge.

Now, please, sit down and listen.

Uh, there are things
that you can do to help.

I'm... I'm gonna be passing out
questionnaires about your loved ones.

Any information you have about them
would be tremendously helpful.

If you have any recent photographs,
we need them.

Uh, we... we could also use
their combs and toothbrushes.

I... I don't want you
to lose hope,

but we've already located
the majority of the people inside.

Um, some of them
may be difficult to identify.

We need their DNA.

I uh, I... I thought you were
setting up the morgue on site.

We are. I just came back to
pull the supplies we'll need.

Are you okay?

I blew it.

No, you didn't.

They don't trust me.

They don't trust anyone.
They're in shock.


why did you say that in there,
that I'm in charge?

Because you are.

But you're so much
more experienced...

No, listen, I'm not worried about
how you deal with the families.

I'm worried about you.

I'm fine.

Of course you are.

I'm fine.

Lily, listen to me.

Listen to me.
Because I've been here before,

and I'm gonna tell you exactly what's
gonna happen over the next two days.

For the first twelve hours,
you'll be fine.

You don't have time to absorb
what's happened here.

You have a job to do
and you'll do it.

Around hour twenty,
you're gonna start to feel tired.

People'll tell you to sleep, and you'll agree,
but you're not gonna sleep.

Hour thirty, you get a second wind.

You... you... you feel euphoric.

You feel like you've really got a handle
on things and you don't.

And if you're still standing by hour forty,
that's when you can expect for it to hit you.

Now, what happens
when it hits you...

that's the one thing
I can't tell you.

But I'll be there
when you need me.

All right?

Can you give me
a tighter squeeze, John?


That's good.

So I guess I'll play
the violin again, huh?

Let's orient ourselves
here a minute.

The parking garage entrance
is west, right?

Oh, hey, guys.

Uh, take a blood ox and
keep a tight eye on his vitals.

I'll be right back.


Alright, here's where we are now.

Main floor, east of the lobby.

I know where we are.
Where's he?

Best I can tell,
the other side of that wall

used to be an emergency stairwell
to the parking garage.

Come on.

So you can break through?

Sure, I can break through.

And bring the rest of
the damn building down with it.

You see this here?

That's a support buttress.

Between the stairwell
and where we are now.

It's dumb luck that
the blast didn't take it out.

I'm sure as hell not gonna
get anybody near it.

But I told him
we could get him out.

Well, then maybe you oughta be the one
to tell him that we can't.

I need this thing up and running.

If it's not thirty-eight degrees
in here within the hour,

we're gonna have
a serious problem.

- It'll be running.
- Any word from Jordan inside?

She found a survivor.

John Morrissey, a security guard.

She's staying put,
administering emergency care.

What else?

Ident team is ready to be briefed.

Where'd we get 'em?

Local morticians, and County hospital
sent over their interns and volunteers.

None of whom have worked
a mass fatality.

So... teach them.

Alright, for those of you don't know me,
I'm Doctor Garret Macy,

and there are approximately
one hundred dead people next door.

Now, in a perfect world, we'd have the time
and resources to bring them to the morgue.

It's not a perfect world,

so we have to bring the morgue
to them.

Your job starts with removal.

All bodies recovered
have a place in the grid.

The grid is our map.

Before you even touch that body,
you assign it a number,

which is written on a flag
that corresponds to a file.

That file is our gospel.

This facility is
broken into six areas.

I need you to know 'em well.


There's a number on this board.

You bring in a new body, you tell me,
I update the number.

The remains are carefully removed
from the bag and photographed as is.

Black and white film only.

A jury's gonna be looking at this picture
and shock is not our intent.

Personal effects.

The decedent is stripped of all clothes,
shoes, jewelry, et cetera.

These effects are put in a bag.

That bag is labeled with the number.

Contents are logged into the file.

Again, this file is our gospel.


When possible, fingerprints.

When not, footprints.

I want 'em taken by hand and
scanned into the national database.

If we can't print,
our best shot at ID is X-ray.

When we start to get dental records
from the families,

you'll be the ones
making the matches,

so if you don't know how to
take a full set of teeth, ask.

Now, if we do our job right,
we'll get a name.

We get a name... the number on that file
becomes a person, a life.

We get a name, we can notify,

and those families sittin' back
at our morgue can go home.

Welcome to the mass fatality morgue,
and God help us all.

Mister Faraj.

You know why you're here?

Did you watch the news this morning?

I don't own a television.

I see you've spent
some time in Libya.


I did.

A lot of camps in Libya.

Training camps.

For t*rrorists.

You wanna tell me
what you were doing

parked next door to
Immigration Services this morning?

Okay, how about you tell me why
we found aluminum powder on your hands?

Do you know what aluminum powder
is used for, Mister Faraj?


Very large bombs.

I don't get it.
Guy does something like this,

then goes home, pours himself
a bowl of cereal and waits?


You Macy?


Barker, FBI Criminology.

We just located the vehicle that housed
the expl*sive device at the blast site.

I need two of your criminalists.

Since I'm not hearing the magic word,
I'm gonna have to ask why.

Experts from D.C. won't be
on the ground for another two hours,

and I need experienced hands.

Look, you either give 'em to me
or I take 'em.

Only reason I'm even asking is
I hear you've got two of the best.

I believe we were
in this area earlier for retrieval,

but for some reason,
we didn't stay long.

Why was that?

Oh, we got kicked out by um,
jackbooted agents for being civilians.

Aye, that's it.

We need samples off the frame, figure out
what kind of expl*sives were used.

Any debris that could have been
part of the device, keep it separate.

What about organic debris?

Human remains.

Son, if there was a human
behind the wheel of this van,

he blew to the roof
with the rest of it.

- May I?
- Severely burned bodies often char.

The epidermis gets covered in ash.

While I abhor using
outdated Yank phraseology,

I can't resist.


talk to the hand.

What the hell is this?

It's a questionnaire, Mister Brody.

Have you read these questions?

Have you looked at this thing?

"Were your husband or wife's earlobes
attached or unattached?"

What the hell does
that even mean?

The more that we know about your wife,
the easier it's gonna be to identify her,

so that you can start
the healing process.

You went to school for this?


So you're a shrink?

No, I'm a grief counselor.

A grief counselor?

Mister Brody,
I understand how angry you must be,

and I... I understand
how filling out these...

You understand?!

Who do you know who's buried
in that building over there?

A father?

A brother?

No, forget about that.

Just tell me, were his earlobes
attached or unattached?

I am just trying to help you.

How in the hell
can you help me?


you got a print station set up?

Right over there.

So what's in the box?

Oh, we found a hand.

Nigel still at the site
working the expl*sives.

Uh, can you confirm reports
that this was a t*rror1st bombing?

Turn that up, will you?

You'll have to ask the FBI.

Well, are there any survivors?

Our recovery team has indeed located
the security guard trapped inside.

His name is John Morrissey,

so that we're hoping if his family
is watching this report...

Let's get back to work.

Hey, John.


How you doin'?

Just peachy, Jordan.
How are you?

Well, I'm just gonna hang out here
and talk to you for a while, if that's okay.

Try and keep me awake so I don't
go into shock or something, right?

Or something, yeah.

You're honest.


Not always.


it's always good.

Uh, do you wanna
talk to anyone?

Uh, any family?

Um, I could get you a phone.

Tell me something
about you, Jordan.

What do you wanna know?

Well, you're a doctor, right?


Sort of.
I... I work in a morgue.

Sounds depressing.

No, it's uh,
it's not that bad, actually.

When you were a little kid,
did you tell your parents that...

when you grew up
you wanted to cut up dead people?

I... uh,

wanted to be a ballerina.

Yeah, but cutting up dead people
was a close second.


Those lawyers,
are they all dead, Jordan?

Am I... am I the only one,
the only one that survived?

Am I it?

Yeah, so far.


There you are.

I have a roster of all the people
who were... Was I not clear?

Excuse me?

I gave you an order
and you ignored me.

From now on,
you don't leave this tent.

Yes, sir.

We've brought in sixty-five bodies!

We're looking for a hundred and twelve,
minus John Morrissey!

We do not sleep until every family
has someone to bury!

Now, go back in
and find the rest!

Hey, don't you ever sleep?

I'll sleep when you do, man.

Alright, well, you're gonna be up
for a while.

How is he?

Well, I've been doing everything I can
to keep him alive.

I was hoping you could tell me
that I'm not wasting my time.

Look, my guys broke through the stairwell
from the third floor.

Search and Rescue's talking about
sending a rappel team down,

see if they can cut him out
from the other side.


Yeah, I wouldn't say
anything to him about it.

It's a hundred to one shot.

Okay, let's talk expl*sives.

In the day and age of the Anarchist's
Cookbook and the internet,

Johnny t*rror1st has
a wide variety of options

in constructing a homemade b*mb
with a substantial payload.

So we're talking fertilizer and fuel.

No, sir.

We found considerable traces of
a potassium compound and aluminum powder.

Just as easy to get,
just as much bang.



Uh, all due respect, sir,

but that combo won't give you
the same bang as crap and gas.

But what it does give you
is a much more controlled fire.

That doesn't make any sense.

If Faraj wanted to cause maximum damage,
why would he use a more stable device?

Maybe he didn't want to
cause maximum damage.

Run the sim, Barker.

Van pulls into the parking structure
at five fifty-five a.m.

Drives to the far east side
and stops.

Eight minutes later...

Lucky for us,
the blast was unidirectional.

Again, all due respect,
but luck had nothing to do with it.

Uh, the... the van's floor and walls
were lined with steel plating, and...

pieces of the roofing that we recovered
had been manually perforated so it would give.

I mean...

there was really only one direction
that that blast could have gone.


This was a targeted blast?


And quite a controlled one at that.

N... not to mention that uh,

this was found melted
into the chassis of the van.

It's an egg timer rigged to create
some kind of static charge,

presumably to ignite
the aluminum powder.

If the man driving the van
wanted to k*ll himself in the expl*si*n,

why rig his payload
to a timing device?

So now what?

Now we do a once-over of the blast site,
then we get a confession from our suspect.

It just doesn't add up.

If the Immigration Offices
were the target,

why park the van under the east wing,
and why use a controlled blast when...

We're twelve hours into
a major investigation, Hoyt.

Your buddy said the incendiary agent
was aluminum powder.

Faraj has got aluminum powder
on his hands.

Now, why don't you go home
and get some sleep.


I uh, heard you're
having some trouble.

We're fine.
And this is a classified area,

- so you're gonna have to...
- Scanning the derma?


The thing's baked.

We've tried transluce photography,
three different frequencies of UV scans,

and I can't buy one damn ridge.

Then we try
a more low-tech approach.

Look, pal, unless Bangladesh U.
has caught up with Quantico,

I don't see how rubbing alcohol trumps
five million dollars worth of equipment.

This hand has been exposed
to massive heat.

Heat causes flesh to dehydrate,
so we rehydrate.

You're not serious.

Sure I am.

Let me know
if you need any more help.

Oh, and uh, by the way,

I went to Oxford, you ass.

What time is it?

I think it's almost three.

You should go home.

I bet your husband's
gettin' jealous.

Uh, the closest thing I have
to a husband is a plant,

and it died last week.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, that's gonna happen
when you don't water it, right?

No, I meant that
you're not married.

I am not really the uh,
marrying type.

Yeah, why's that?

I don't know, I guess I have uh,

Are your parents still together?


But uh... Hey, you're...
you're married here.

Maybe you could tell me
what I'm doin' wrong.

I'm not married anymore.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Her name was Colleen, my wife.

She's gone.

And my girls, my two little girls,
they're all gone.


Pitney Corporation.

They had a power plant
just about a mile from our house,

and they were poisoning
the ground water, and my uh,

little girls got sick and uh,

a lot of people got sick.

You ever lose anyone
you loved, Jordan?


Sucks, doesn't it?






Wait a minute.

Are you wearing perfume?


I was with a lady friend
when I got the call.


- It's nice.
- There you guys are.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Congratulations, you found us.

Let me ask you guys somethin'.

Let's say somebody was
building model airplanes.

I'm talking real miniatures,
not the rinky-dink kit kind.

What kind of materials
are they using?

Uh, polymers, glue, paint.

Probably some sort of alumilite resin...

- Alumilite...
- ...for molds.

Alumilite, alumilite.

Thank you very much, guys.
Thank you.

We aim to please.
Happy modeling.

Oh, excuse me.


Uh, eh, th...
is this Fifth Street?

Sir, you shouldn't be here
right now.

I shouldn't?

You're right.


Here, take this.

Oh, I'm so tired.

If I don't get to sleep,
neither do you.

Uh, here, take this.

It's useless.



I'll be right back.


Rappel team hit concrete.

Your guy's halfway
between them and us.

We can't get to him
without blasting.

And that would k*ll him.


What you're doing,

talking to him,

don't stop.

I thought only horses
slept standing up.

Wasn't sleeping.

Of course you weren't.

AFIS found a match
for your print.

I ran it three times.

Computer made a match
with ninety-nine percent accuracy.

That's impossible.

John Morrissey?

He must have realized
what was in the van,

left his post, got behind the wheel
and tried to drive it out.

Well, if that's John Morrissey,

who's Jordan been talking to?

I don't care
if the damn grid is clear.

Someone might have been
in the bathroom.

We're doing the best we can.

I mean, considering
it's only been a day,

- I think we've done a great job...
- Yes, you've done an excellent job,

but I'll be sure to give you all a gold star
and a cookie when this is over.

But right now,
we have one man unaccounted for.

Charles Rutledge.

One man.

So find him.

How'd she take it?

Considering the dying man she's been
talking to all this time has been lying to her,

she took it okay.

She asked for an hour
before we feed the ID to Barker.

I gave it to her.

You gave it to her.

That's right,
I gave it to her.

That's very nice of you.

- Would you repeat that, please?
- I think you heard me.

If you have something
to say to me, say it.

Right here, right now.

I think you gave Jordan an hour
so you'd have time to leak it to the media.

You know what?
You're right.

So what?

You disobeyed a direct order
just so you could get your TV time,

- that's what I'm talking about...
- TV time?

I'm not running for president.

I am a Medical Examiner!

- And I'm the Chief Medical Examiner.
- And if you think I'm all ??

And that means you listen to me...

You don't know the first thing
about being Chief!

Who the hell are you
to judge me, huh?!

Like you haven't judged me
from the first moment I got here.

You are a pompous,
paranoid, conceited...

Well, you're a bitch!


Didn't that feel good?

Well, what are you lookin' at?

Didn't you hear the Chief?
Go find Charles Rutledge.


My wife.

She is... the luckiest person.

She uh,
she survived breast cancer.


And our baby.

Fertility doctors told us that
our chances were one in a million.

But here she is.

One in a million.

And uh,

last year,

she was supposed to fly to L.A.
to meet with a client,

and her car broke down
on the way to Logan.

She was booked on
flight one seventy-five.

That was the one...
that hit the South Tower.

She missed the plane.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry, I can...

Yes, I'm fine. I'm...





You're like a dog
with a bone, Hoyt.

- I'm sorry if I overst...
- You did your job.

This kid didn't feel right
from the get-go.

You just showed me
what I already knew.

I guess we gotta cut him loose.

Uh, do you uh,
mind if I watch?

Watch what?

You got him off,
you let him go.

Don't thank me,
just send a card.

You were just there
to renew your visa.

The last time I went,
I waited all day and got nothing.

I assumed it might be wise
to show up early.

On behalf of the FBI...

and the Boston P.D.,

I'd like to apologize for any
inconvenience we may have caused.

Thank you.


you were parked
next door to the building.

A florist van pulled up
next to you.

You spoke to the driver
and then drove off.

He told me it was a holiday,

that the Immigration Offices
were closed.

He said I should go home,
come back tomorrow.

He was a nice man.

How you doin'?

Doesn't hurt anymore.

That's good.

Why aren't you
holding my hand?

They found John Morrissey.

No one was supposed
to be here.

Pitney Corp.

They made your little girl sick,
so you sued them.

And they hired lawyers,
didn't they?

They hired the lawyers
on the second floor.

No, we hired them.

They told us not to accept the uh,
medical care, to hold out.

They were gonna get us
a huge settlement, and um,

they said hang in there, and
except the lawyers didn't hang in there.

They uh, called me one day, and they said
uh, that they were gonna cut their losses.

And they left my little girls
to die.

Your wife?

Oh, I used to stand
in the doorway of the girls' rooms

and listen to her sing
"Sweet and Low" to them.

And when she didn't have
anybody to sing to anymore,

she didn't want to
live anymore, and...

she didn't leave me a note.


Why didn't she leave
me a note? I...

I didn't want anybody
to get hurt.

They weren't supposed to be
here that early.

You tried to save them?

When you realized they were here,
you told the guard.

His nametag said "John Morrissey."

He died for them.

Eh, he died for those...

And I am so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

Oh, baby.

S... sweet and low.

Sweet and low.

Sleep and rest,

Sleep and rest.

Father will come to thee


Rest, rest,

On mother's breast.

Father will come to thee


You okay?

Just one left,
just Charles Rutledge.

You removed and ID'd almost all of them
in under two days, Garret.

You are very good
at what you do.

Thank you, Elaine.

Go home, get some sleep.

We'll find Mister Rutledge tomorrow.

You're in charge.

Don't screw up.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, sir.

Are you a doctor?

There's a paramedic station
set up right around the corner.

What? What did you say?
I'm sorry, I can't hear too well.

It's... it's just that...

I think I might have a small cut.

I think I might need stitches.

Alright, let's...
let's take a look at it.

Thank you.
Thank you, sir.

It's on my back, the cut.

Just sit down.

Sit down right here
and take it easy.

Yeah, it's Macy.

I need some EMTs at the east end
of the site right now.

I was just sitting in my office.

Just sittin' there.

But then I was in a dumpster.

I think I fell on some bottles.

Is the firm okay?

Did something happen?

I think something happened.

We're gonna take care of you,
Mister Rutledge.

Just call me Charles.

It's gonna be alright, Charles.