01x16 - Search & Do Not Destroy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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01x16 - Search & Do Not Destroy

Post by bunniefuu »

chris: last time on total drama island,

the teams were dissolved,

leaving each and every camper to look out for number one.

and just to add a little more drama to the mix,

izzy and eva return for more fun.

the campers were made to suffer all manner of abuse

in the "no pain, no game" challenge.

in an act of chivalry,

geoff stepped up to save his girl

from the perils of the leech barrel.

and in a deft display of log rolling,

a grisly got a piranha haircut winning leshawna invincibility.

now that the campers are forced to fend for themselves,

who will be selfless, who will be selfish,

and who will eat shellfish?

Stay tuned for the most thrilling episode yet

On total drama island.

chorus: ♪ dear mom and dad, i'm doing fine ♪

♪ you guys are on my mind ♪

♪ you asked me what I wanted to be ♪

♪ and now I think the answer is plain to see ♪

♪ I want to be famous ♪

♪ I want to live close to the sun ♪

♪ well pack your bags cause I've already won ♪

♪ everything to prove nothing in my way ♪

♪ I'll get there one day ♪

♪ 'cause I want to be famous ♪

♪ nana na'na naana nana nana na nana nana na ♪

♪ I want to be, I want to be, i want to be famous ♪

♪ I want to be, I want to be, i want to be famous ♪

(Whistling i want to be famous)



Hey, beautiful, what you sketching?


I absolutely, positively don't have a crush on trent.

I'm so over it.

I mean, come on,

Sure for a week or two I was into him but, I mean--

Arr, mateys,

Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes

And I'll tell you about today's challenge.

Well, my little, scallywags,

Have we got an adventure in store for ye?

What's under the sheet?

All in good time, laddie.

Who here has a hankering

For a good old-fashioned treasure hunt?


Now this treasure hunt's got a twist, mateys.

What you're looking for isn't hidden,

And isn't treasure.

If there's no treasure,

Then what's with the eye patch and the plastic parrot?

Arr, shiver me timbers.

Good question, me boy.

You're looking for keys to a treasure chest.

Inside each of these chests is a treasure

That will pamper you landlubbers.

and one of these chests will even give you



Now come round and pull a clue out of this bucket

or you'll have to walk the plank.

these clues will tell ye, where your key be stowed.


I was hoping you'd get that one, dude.

Ha-ha, chef's fridge, nice.

i hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints.

That there is the septic t*nk for the washrooms.

All you scallywags, go find your keys

And bring them back by : p.m.

Eastern standard time

To open up the chest and get your loot.

Fair thee well, young scallywags.

Now get to it!

I don't know who came up with these lame-o challenges

And, memo to chris,

Those pirates tights do not exactly

Flatter your legs, savvy?

Whoo-hoo! I am all about the treasure hunt.


The bears are a little concerning,

But there's treasure.

chris: trent's first challenge to grab his key

from the man-eating, shark-infested lake.

That was way too easy.

chris: heather must retrieve her key

from inside chef's bank vault of a fridge

Without getting caught.

Are you okay?

Uh, my key is in that skunk hole.

Skunks totally freak me out.

Listen, I've already got my key.

Let me help you out.

But this is practically impossible.

You could just pour water down the hole

And flush 'em out.

Can skunks swim?





(Flies buzzing) (screaming)



How come all the other kids get ponies?


(Trent chuckles)

That was moderately cool of trent

To help me avoid the skunks.

He's okay.

Okay, he's more than okay.

He's so incredible,

But don't tell anyone I said that.

The fact that gwen is so smart and independent

Coupled with the fact that she's incredible to look at,

Is just making me nuts.

She rocks my world.

So yeah,

I'll take a skunk shot for her any day.

chris: aw,

what a trust building, heartwarming moment.

did I see tongue?

That's just too much.

Everyone knows that boyfriend-girlfriend

Is just another way to say alliance.

And my alliance is gonna be the only alliance

On this island.


chris: duncan's tough exterior seems

to be helping him with his challenge.

but good old d.j. Seems a little out of his league.

meanwhile, back in the communal washrooms

things are starting to pile up.

(Lindsay screaming)

Good luck, lindsay!


Oh crap, oh crap, oh, crap.

Oh, crap.

Hey, little fella. How are you doing?

Ah, boy, you sure are cute.

And feisty, too.

There's no time for that now.

We need to have an alliance meeting.

Okay. Listen up,

We've got to break up trent and gwen.

Here's the plan.

Lindsay, I need you to go-- what happened to you?

Izzy tried to help--

Bee stinging--terror, lost keys.

Uh, yeah. Now here's the plan.

First I need you to write a letter to gwen.


gwen: I'll be back in a second.

"Meet by the dock of shame at :

For a little surprise, love, trent."


(Lindsay screams)

geoff: oh, for the love of all that's good,

someone tell me where this key is!

Okay, so after you lead trent to me,

Watch for gwen, then give me the signal.

You can count on me.

Where is she?

I knew I couldn't count on her.

Uh, I just don't know what's up with heather.


Maybe you should go talk to her.

Heather, what's wrong?


No, tell me.


I don't wanna sound like a suck or anything

But gwen's just been so mean to me

And I just don't get why.

I--i don't think I can go on.

(Pretending to cry)

Gwen's just kind of a hard girl to get to know, that's all.

Don't take it personally.

I'm just so surprised

To hear you supporting her, you know?

After all the horrible things

That she says about you and oops--

What? What do you mean?

I--i feel terrible telling you this.

I--i promised I wouldn't say a word


You should know that gwen confided in the girls last week

That she really can't stand you

And thinks you're a total cliche,

Your music sucks,

And she's only stringing you along

To get further in the game.

But I thought me and gwen had a real connection.


(Calling like a bird)

Gwen is just playing you for your vote.

She's played us all, and you're just so nice

That I can't watch you fall for it, anymore.


And all this time I thought she liked me.

She really said my music sucks?

(Calling like a bird)

Maybe gwen thinks your music sucks,

But I think you're really talented.





I thought we had--

Something real.

Man, was I ever wrong.

Oh, crap. Oh, crap. Oh, crap.

Oh, crap. Oh, crap.

Crap infinity.


What's up, girl?

How did you get all scratched up like that?

Ha, you should see the crocodile.

What about you? What's up?

Well, you see, what happened was--

Heather is so off this island.

We need you in the alliance

So we can vote off heather.

She's playing around with gwen's boy trent.

I can't believe trent cheated on gwen.

And with heather? Well, that stinks man.

We need you in the alliance so we can vote off heather.

She's playing around with gwen's boy trent.




chris: (on loudspeaker) all right, campers,

meet me at the campfire in ten

and bring your keys.

I've done my bit.

I've told everyone who listened about those two-timers.

Either way, one of them is history.

Hey, guys. Whoa, what stinks?

Izzy, you've got a snake on your head.

I know but don't worry, he's friendly.

(All gasp)

See? Kisses.

Yar, it be time to claim your treasure.

Who's fortunate enough to bear a precious key,

Come forth with it.

Is this the best you can do?

My key won't open any chests.

Oh, yeah, ha-ha,

I forgot to mention

That some of the keys don't open up any chests.

Oh, come on!

Can you at least do something about him?



Oh, and look, an invincibility pass.

Lucky me.

What the--

Geoff will be able to cover up that foul stench

With a can of new cleaver body spray.

Cleaver, it cuts through the stink.

I just snorkeled in a septic t*nk

For cologne? Nice.

chris: I hope everyone got the treasure

they were looking for... and more.

But now it's time to do your duty

And send one of you off the island for good.

So cast your votes,

And I'll see ye buccaneers

Back at the campfire after sundown.

Arr, ha-arr.

Looks like trent is going down.


You messed up, dude.

You leave us no choice.

I really feel like I made such awesome friends here,

And it's so hard for me to vote anyone off.



I'm really getting into this game.

I can play these losers like a violin.

And now the moment we've all been waiting for,

The moment of truth.

Marshmallow time!

you know the routine,

whoever doesn't get a marshmallow,

It's curtains for you.

Izzy, geoff, gwen, leshawna,

Lindsay, bridgette,

D.j., Duncan, owen,

Marshmallows for the lot of you.

Sorry, dude,

You're out.

That's right.

Take your two-timer ways

Back to where you came from.


But I thought I was getting along so well with everybody.

I guess you were wrong.

You don't even care, do you?

Hey, just playing the game.

Why should you care?

You think I'm a cliche.

Where did you get that from?


You know, even after all this, I still didn't vote you off.

Then how'd I get the boot?

My bad.

I jumped the g*n on that one.

Told everyone to turf either or heather.

But tonight I'm invincible.

So that leaves poor old trent here.

Looks like we got played. Sorry, hon.

-Oh, no. -It's okay.

Whatever happened, happened.

At least we both know that we're still okay.

We're still okay, right?


I want you to be tough and fight to the end

For both of us.

I'll be watching and cheering for you back home.

Hey, you have an appointment at the dock of shame

And a ticket for the boat of losers.

Let's go.

Love to stick around, but it's been a long day,

And I'm gonna hit the showers.

Great work, everybody.

(Heather humming)

heather: what the--eew! oh, ah, is this sewage?

Stop it. Stop, ow, no!

(Heather screaming)

heather: stop it. stop. oh, oh, stop, stop it.
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