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01x09 & 01x10 - The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual

Posted: 07/18/21 08:14
by bunniefuu
Mr. Sherlock Holmes had a very strict
principle of privacy in his investigations,

since there were people
amongst his clients

who couldn't go to the police
because of certain circumstances.

I can say about these people that they
shouldn't worry about their honor

as well as about the
honor of their families

and the great name
of their ancestries.

Care and heightened awareness
of professional duty,

are in force when selecting
amongst my notes,

and nobody's trust will be fooled.

But this case, and it
touches one noble family,

I am bringing to the
public for reprimand.

I got the permission to do so
from the very protagonist.

Sherlock Holmes.

Whose was it?

His who is gone.

Who shall have it?

He who will come.

Where was the sun?

Over the oak.

Where was the shadow?

- Let me see.
- Under the elm.

The king's sword is in king's hands.

Charles the First's spirit's entering him.

He's in your father now.

North by ten and by ten.

East by five and by five.

Tom, Tom, let me see, I want too.

South by two and by two,

west by one and by one,

and down.

Tom, we shouldn't be here.

- What do we have for the sake of duty?
- Then leave if you're scared.

Only the knight knows the truth.

Man in black, man in black,
man in black, man in black.

Man in black.

Man in black.

- Faster.
- Red! Red!

Story five. The Musgrave ritual.

I will crush you! I will tear your arms and legs off! Kanaval! I will twist your guts around!

Wait-wait-wait sorry?

Continue, these are nerves,
doctor, continue.

I'll k*ll you and your mother too!

That's it. Well,

now I'll disinfect and...

Thank you, doctor, you are
so skilled! I didn't feel anything.


Are you busy?

I want to introduce you.

Good morning.

So, it will be good if you don't wash
this place for at least two or three days

I won't wash it for a month.

That would be too much.

Thank you again, doctor.

My god, I will tell everyone.
Such skills!

Eeeh, so what's there?
Another jealous husband?

Bankrupt debtor? I'm not
a detective, I'm a doctor.

It's wonderful. I need your help.

Can you tell how mentally
sane a person is

or all you can do is cut things?

I'll wait for you.

It's John, John Watson, a
doctor and my companion.

Yes, this is Red, Reginald Musgrave,
my old acquaintance.

John, will you drink with us?


Sit down.

John. Thank you.

Holmes saved my life in America.

- Don't talk silly.
- But why? It was like that, it was!

- So
- So?

Why did you come to me?

Aaah, so, you, of course, remember
the tragic death of my father.

His head was chopped off
during the secret ritual.

I was .

- In front of kids' eyes.
- Yes, and Tom was ,

he's my brother. I was taken
to America straight after,

Tom is still in charge of the castle

and I live in America, I have business
there, work. And my work is that I...

Red, why did you come back to England?

I'm an Englishman to the core.

Traditions, gentlemen. Here in America
there are no traditions,

but here it means that no
matter how funny it sounds,

I am a part of the
British traditions.

You're right, Holmes.
The sense of duty forced me to.

I intend to come back
to the castle. You know,

I want to furnish the castle and make
it the most modern one in England.

I will conduct electricity, gas,
plumbing, even add a telephone.

I ordered the newest mechanisms
from America and Germany to...

Red, what happened?

Eeh, well, I turned
years old a month ago.


Our congratulations. The age of Christ.

Ah. Fine. Fine-fine.

I received this on the day of my birthday.

Here, read it.

Fine, okay, I'll do it myself.

Aah, John. Not "okey" - John.

Uugh, it's slang, you understand?

One second, here:

"Sir Reginald Musgrave after
reaching the age of enters

into possession of the family castle
and all movable and immovable property,

the whole list of which...",
mmm not this, here:

"...providing that he will
arrive to the Musgrave estate

and take part in the ritual the meaning
of which he knows since his childhood

Otherwise sir Reginald is
deprived of the right

to inherit the title
and family property",

that's why I'm here, that's why.

Is the ritual mandatory?

Well, it's more than centuries old,
of course it's obligatory.

Our family always performs
the ritual, always,

and I'm of the royal family and I must do
everything even if it's absurd for me.

You know, I should explain the
meaning of the ritual to you.


Who should get the sword?


Yes, yes, and I should and
I must get this damn sword.

I asked Tom, but he can't get it,
they simply won't give it to him.

Is your laboratory still there?

Of course! Of course, I equipped it

with new technology and
it's at your full disposal.

Excuse me, can I... eeh, Sherlock.


- Mrs. Hudson, but you need to...
- What can you say? - Close.

He's not ill.

Are you sure?

He's mortally scared,

on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Oh well, I'm going with him.

- Me too.
- No, you can't.

- Oh, why?
- Well, how can you go?

He's a descendant of Charles the First
and Richard The Lion Heart.

- Oh yes? - Yes.
- So what?

When we first met with Red
I got interested in this story,

so I know what this ritual is.

I found it in the works
about ancient England.

I didn't fully understand its meaning,

it's more like a spell, but I
understood that it's a secret

and an initiated into this secret, who is
not a knight, is getting a death sentence.

The one who exposed
the secret gets it as well.

North Scotland.

And the west tower will be
rebuilt as an observatory,

Tom and I were often discussing
it in the correspondence.

And the stable I want
to rebuild the stable

as a hangar for self-propelled cabs,

I think you know what
self-propelled cabs are?

Well, doesn't matter, the first one
will arrive from America very soon.

Holmes, you won't recognise
this castle after five years.

By the way, did I tell you how
Sherlock saved my life once?

We met just today.

Stop it, it didn't happen.

Yes, even you don't believe it.

In my university, my room was situated

right beneath the room for
brass band's rehearsals,

they were playing at night
and I just couldn't sleep.

I just proposed to stick
cotton in your ears.

Exactly! Next morning I woke up
with a terrible headache.

They dripped poison in my ears.

They wanted to poison me

and Mr. Holmes' earplugs saved my life.

It's all your imagination, Red,

you've read too much Shakespeare
before going to bed.

The cotton is lost, right?

So what? Do you want to say
that Shakespeare made it all up?

You made it all up, Red,

and people were poisoning each
other way before Shakespeare.

Dear Holmes, it's happening
here even till this day.

Sorry where is "here"?

The first records in the annals
about the castle appeared in ,

but first buildings appeared way earlier.

My primogenitor great
Musgrave got this castle

as a present from
Charles the First himself,

because my famous primogenitor
defeated Stafford in this very basement.

And the picture of that
duel adorns the main hall.

Tom, I arrived.

He has arrived!
The ritual will be performed!

I'll show you the castle.

Your rooms are ready, by the way.

And this is our butler...

- Brunton.
- Brunton.

Let's go.

The castle was built so mindlessly that
even I'm afraid of getting lost here,

and it's also falling apart
because of the age.

If not Tom, you know, it would
just turn into ruins. Be careful!

The steps are steep here.

Well... and this is the main hall.

It's so dark in here that candles
are burning the whole day.

Can you imagine - not very economical?

And this is the portrait
of Charles the Great,

the artist is van Dyck.

- Van Dyck?
- Yes,

here, you see, on the right this
is my primogenitor Musgrave

and this is Charles Stafford.

Yes, and what inspired faces!

Of course. They ex*cuted
conspirators that day,

- Yes, why shouldn't it
be a reason for fun?

Aah, and this is my favorite painting
since my childhood.

Here, look, look, Holmes,

it's when Musgrave chops Stafford's
head off, the first Stafford's.

Funny, isn't it?

Why funny?

Why? You see, he wants to
chop his head off, right?

Mm, look, I will show you.

Look, to chop one's head off,
Holmes, you need

to stand like this, see?

Or minimum... minimum
like that, you understand?

But he... he stands like this,
so he wants to s*ab him to death.

Excuse me, which sword out of these ones
are the actual sword of Charles the First?

Aaah, yes.



- Yes.
- "In alto."

"And up."

And where's the laboratory?

Here. It was delivered earlier,
it just needs to get unpacked.

Do you like it, huh?

- Great.
- Ooh, everything is safe...

Microscopes, new models.
I haven't even seen these.

That's great! By the way,
you room is nearby just in case,

and this... I also got this
especially for the laboratory.

- So what?
- Nothing more.

That's right. And your room is at the end
of the corridor, let's go I'll show you.

What are doing? If somebody
comes, what will you say?

I'll sayů I'll say that you are
the most seductive lady in England.

Just kissing and kissing, never anything
more, but what did you promise?

After the ritual I will announce to every-
one that we are going to get married.

Quicker, otherwise he'll do it first.

Tomorrow. Can he hold it
until tomorrow?

But you feed me with these
tomorrows five times a day.

Your room, Mr. Watson.


- Brunton, sir.
- Brunton.

Tom prepared this room for me,

but I will live in the laboratory for
a while, it needs to get unpacked,

and Mr. Watson will be temporarily
living here. Okay?

As you say, sir.

Rachel, what are you doing,
let's hurry a bit.

Well, I won't detain you anymore.
Make yourself at home.

Brunton, show the room
to Mr. Watson. Rachel!

Excuse me, of course, sir, excuse me


Rachel, Rachel, wait!

Let me go with you,
you are probably scared.

Maybe. Sir,

Brunton wants to marry me,
but he can't say it.

Not surprising, in his age
he should be careful.

Yes, but if not hurry him
my situation will get bad.

Do you love him?

Love-not love, what's the difference?
You know, the thing is...

So you are in the castle.

I didn't hear, mister.

I said "So you are in the castle.". Well...

In the Musgrave's castle, sir.

Yes. Yes.

- We are engaged in some sort.
- So what's the problem? Go!

But you are the owner of the castle,

your word is the law, sir.
If you are blessing.

- Me?
- Yes.

Of course. If the problem is in this,
then of course. I'll go by myself now.

Wonderful view.

Wonderful room.

Yes, it's wonderful in good sunny weather,

but in the night usually there is a...

What, sorry, in the night?

There are drafts here.


Well, I'm not afraid of drafts.

An old bed,

- Baldachin.
- ...on this bed,

almost all Musgraves have passed away.

It's an old castle.

- Mr. Watson.
- Yes?

I want to give you an advice.

If you see something unusual
in this room, don't worry.

Tom, welcome!

How did it go?

The heads of the clan will
be here tomorrow at lunch.

They will leave straight
after the ritual.

Why did you invite these gentlemen?

You are not going to drag
them to the ritual, right?

Exactly what I'm going to do.

You know the rules.

Tom, don't make me laugh,
it's XIX century outside.

I warned you. Where are they staying?

Mr. Holmes got a room near the laboratory
and Mr. Watson in the sir Reginald's room.

You placed a stranger in father's room?

Tom, I meant that...

You know, this morning I
didn't find my trousers,

but found a kilt instead.

I did too.

Your trousers were put into cleaning.

And they won't give them back
when you're in the castle.

Nobody walks here in
trousers, it's a tradition.

Excuse me, where are the forks?

A tradition too. Nobody eats
with forks in this castle.


They say once Richard The Lion Heart
was brought a fork from France.

He began to eat and pricked
himself, can you imagine?

And forbade forks,

that's why forks in England appeared
years later than in Europe,

and we are still living
by knight traditions.

Please excuse me, drafts,

and my age maybe.

You know, apart from the drafts
there is permafrost as well,

but steam heating would fix it all.

But I'm sure it'd be over
Tom's dead body if we tried.

Yes... you know,

I was reading the Musgrave's
annals for a half of the night

amazing things, amazing.

The castle was destroyed so many times,
so many times it was rebuild again.

Yes-yes-yes, there are my relatives.
You know, they...

Thank you.
- ...digged up all the catacombs,

were searching for Charles' gifts.

Can you imagine, all the catacombs are
just digged up with secret passages.

I closed all the passages after...

After you, yes, yes, became the house-
keeper, Tom, you was writing about this.

And what are the gifts?

The crown, the treasure and
the sword of Charles the Great.

According to the legend, Charles hid the
treasures and the crown in the castle

and gave the sword
to Musgraves and Staffords,

who would decide in a duel who will
get the honor to protect it all.

Did I say it right Mr. Cordier?

No, it's right, and the secret
was encrypted in the ritual

during which my father's
head was chopped off.

Uh, could you tell eeh mm,
who will, excuse me,

after you, so to say, get the sword?

- Well, so to say
- My son.

Well, if he will be born, of course.

And then he will turn and

generally if he will survive.

Can we look at the catacombs?

Just interesting.

Of course.

Tom is actually a really
different person.

- When we were little
- He noticeably grew up since that time.

How many people live in the castle?

Tom, Burton, stableman,
his wife cook and that's it.

Just those?

But what do you want?
People want to eat with forks.

And wear trousers.

There he goes!

Damn catacombs,

there are whole labyrinths. Careful,

so many people died

and disappeared there. Mr. Watson,


clamber for treasure and... damn castle.

Tom closed down all the exits,

but there are so many tunnels
you can crawl there for a week.

- Mr. Watson!
- Yes? - Fire it.

As I understand, this is the only exit.

Who else has got the keys?

The key. It's the only one.
Right now it's mine,

before it was Tom's, and now

now it's yours.



- Hold it.
- Are you not going?

No-no-no-no, I need
to prepare for the ritual.

Mr. Holmes!

Red's father fell in love
with a French lady,

but nobody would allow
him to marry an actress.

Soon after a child was born

the French died

and the boy was taken in the castle.

Tom is illegitimate?

Tom Cordier. Father left
no heritage, no title for him.

The legitimate heir Red got everything
instead. The legitimate heir went

to America. I think the hall is there.


I want you to be present at the ritual too.

I'm not a Musgrave.

Walls are so thick.

Here's another exit.

Hold it.

Stay there.

Exactly from there Red saw how his
father was k*lled. An excellent view!

Right here?

Remember, father had the same
boots that night, remember?

Red, stop the hysterics.

I'm beginning to see devils everywhere.

You must go through this ritual.

We have to think of this exit too.

So you think a m*rder is possible?

Well, let's hope for better.

Do you hear it?

Do you? What is it?

Yes, strange acoustics here.

Whose was it?

His who is gone.

Who shall have it?

He who will come.

Where was the sun?

Over the oak.

- Sorry. The draft.
- Where was the shadow?

Under the elm.

The king's sword is in king's hands.

How was it stepped?

North by ten and by ten,

east by five and by five,

west by one and by one,

and down.

What shall we give for it?

Everything we have
for the sake of duty.

- Only knight knows the truth.
- Only knight knows the truth.

The keeper of the sword, crown
and the treasure of Charles I,

knight sir Reginald Musgrave.

Now you are the owner of
the castle and its secrets.


So, everything is finished now

I'm a knight, sir Reginald Musgrave.

Watson, don't sit on the stone,
you have a cold already.

We'll wait for the masons and then
go straight to London, right, Holmes?

I feel like I'm in a child nightmare.

Why does nobody build
amusement parks for children?

I would organise such
an attraction here.

I would call it "House of horrors".

What? I would earn huge sums.

I will go indeed, don't feel
good a bit. Mr. Reginald.

Oh, Holmes, if only you would know
how calmly I will be sleeping today.

And you will probably spend the
whole night with your tubes?

Can I keep the key for a while?

I want to examine the basement.

You're crazy, Holmes.

You read a lot, sir,

only candle ends are left.

I actually try not to go
here without a need to.

What is it?

Mother of god.


A crack.

So what?

And that's very bad.

It's a true sign.

A sign of death.

You're exaggerating.

No, I'm not exaggerating at all.

This is very bad.

- Once I saw a black man in the mirror.
- Whom?

Have you seen him as well?

- No. - Black man,
the ghost of the k*lled Stafford.

He lives in the catacombs and
searches for the treasure.

I will go because it's late.

Yes-yes, sure.

You're right, this crack
wasn't there yesterday.

Who's there?

What happened?

Brunton, you?

What scared you so much?

Moans. Somebody's moaning.

Mr. Watson, I warned
you the castle is old,

drafty. You always hear things.

Voices. Somebody's crying for help.

A woman was k*lled in this room,
years ago though.

Maybe it was her voice you heard.

Listen, Brunton, what's this absurd?

It's the end of the XIX century,
what ghosts?

Do you hear it?

Let me just bring you
some hot tea, Mr. Watson.

No, thank you.

Then good night.

So, the sun is under the oak,

the shadow is over the elm.

So, the sun is under the oak.

They say this oak is standing here since
the conquest of England by the Normans.

Your servant mentioned that it's quite

an old oak.
But really, in the Norman times?

They say so

Where's the elm?

In the yard. Come, I'll show you.

Pity we can't measure
the elm's height now.

Easy. It was feet.

Tom wrote to that his home teacher
was giving him geometrical tasks.

He measured every tree in
our manor when he was a boy.

Listen, what does it mean,
"where's the oak", "where's the elm"?

Does it really mean something?

You know, Reginald, maybe this
hides the secret of your family.


Don't say.

Here, looks like it.

Yes, it's here.

There, not even a stump is left.

Sun is under the oak!

Sun is under the oak,

the shadow is over the elm.

Sun is under the oak.

Watson, maybe you better go to bed?

No, no, it's better for me,
to say, on the fresh air.

Take the stakes.

, , , hmm , ...

Sun is under the oak,
the shadow's over the elm.

Well, that's right, the
distant point was chosen.

Otherwise the trunk would've been
chosen as a landmark, not the shadow.

Note it, Watson.

- You couldn't sleep yesterday.
- Nope.

Oh well, here's your blissful rest

with stained windows and stone steps.

I swear I heard a
woman's voice, I swear.

Hearing voices is a
bad sign, my friend.

Why, but why don't you believe me?

I believe in mathematics,
logic, chemistry,

in your eyes red of the cold
and in your good heart,

that's it.

I don't believe in ghosts myself, but

but I did hear a woman's
voice screaming all night.


And down.

Well, we are down under.

"In alto." No, Watson,

we're not down yet.

There was a basement.

Mr. Watson.

Then it was swamped.

What got you so upset?


She disappeared.

Brunton, be kind, cry on the side,
you are disturbing my concentration.

Sorry, I'm fine.

Found it. Near the lake, there.

We've looked through all the rooms,
even the attic, but she's nowhere.



Is this her shawl? Brunton?

I don't know.

- We need to search on the coast.
- Don't know.

I don't think we will find
her body in this lake.

And why? Why would she hurry
on eve of the wedding, huh?

- Did you have an argument?
- Gentlemen, swim to this shore.

We loved each other.

Search on this coast.

Good breaststroke.

That's it.

We need to call the police.

There's no body.

But it will cause a lot of fuss.

"A m*rder in Musgrave's castle."

Don't do it.

At least right now.

Yes, yes.

Maybe you're right.

Rachel's body was not found,
but on the other side,

she threw her dress away herself.

Can be.

Could you tell me, did you meet
often with your late brother?

No, it was the basis of
our strong friendship.

Maybe this will interest you.

R.H. R.H. It's Rachel Hudge.

- It's her bag for sure.
- But how come Rachel could have it?

I don't know, maybe she found
the treasure in the catacombs.

No, no, it's not possible.

But why?

It's been centuries, my ancestors
would have found it themselves.

Red, did you have

maps of the castle's catacombs?

I didn't see them.
About years, if not more.

These maps are mentioned in
the book, eeeh, your pedigree.

To be honest, I haven't
read these books.

If maps are here, then
only Tom must have them.


- What is that coin?
- It's gold

You're kidding!


A coin from Charles the First times.

Yes, gold indeed.


I've examined your chemical experiments
of effects of heat on chemical processes.

Right now in London, there's
a German chemist Horstmann

maybe you could go there and show
him this before he goes to Berlin.

Dear Holmes maybe you haven't noticed,
but there on the last page Horstmann

has already given his negative answer.

I assure you, that day he must have
had either indigestion or insomnia.

Maybe you could go and try one more time.

Sherlock, are you...

- kicking me out of the castle?
- Rachel didn't disappear by an accident

and you are in danger.


I don't know.

I don't know yet.

Tea, sir,

as you asked.

Is there any instructions
because of your departure, sir?

No, you should follow all of Tom's
instructions. I will go in the morning.

Very well, sir.

Did Mr. Watson tell you to lie on your bed?

The best cure for sorrow is work, sir.

Tell me, Brunton, are you
serving here for long?

Five years, sir.

Your brother has my
recommendation letters.

Before you I was
serving Staffords.

Even so? So he hired a servant
from our family's enemies?

I hope he didn't regret it.

- Excuse me.
- Stay here, don't go anywhere.

I will arrange for dinner
to be brought to the room.

But listen, Holmes, this seems like
something of a house arrest.

Don't dramatise, Doctor, you are barely
standing on your feet, you are ill.

Man in black!

Man in black!

He lives in the catacombs and
searches for the treasure.

And an initiated into this secret, not
a knight, is getting a death sentence.

- Murders in the Musgrave castle
- Traditions, gentlemen!

This is an old castle.

He has arrived!
The ritual will be performed!

Is it jab?

Holmes, is it you?



Go to bed.

I can't. There are voices.
Come with me, you'll hear.

- Go to bed.
- In my room, let's go, you'll hear.

Watson, your temperature has risen,
you have a fever, go to bed.





Good morning, gentlemen.

Sir Reginald Musgrave went to
London, on urgent business.


I got a note from him this morning.

- That's sudden.
- We thank you for your help.

Reginald won't come back for long time,

he will be in London for at least weeks.

So you are proposing for
us to leave the castle?

Your trousers have been cleaned,

the carriage is here.

The sum is solid, you will be satisfied.

Sorry gentlemen, I have work to do.
Goodspeed, it was nice to meet you.

It was nice.

For us too.

You were the only man who
sympathized with my sorrow.

- Get well.
- Now it doesn't matter.

This is my last night in this castle.

Farewell, Brunton.


I'm so happy, so happy

to wear my trousers again.

So happy it's all has finally ended.

That's it.

No screams will be torturing me at night.

I indeed thought I had

gone insane.

What is it this time?

But you won't believe a
single word from me anyway.

But why?

Entertain me, the road is long.

Do you think I'm insane?

I really love insane people, they are
the ones who often speak truth.

I would ask you to leave this irony out.

The man in black,

he was looking at me like this,


Where did he come from?

Through the mirror.

What next?


I heard screams again.

Who was screaming?

A ghost.

But this time

with a man's voice.

And by the morning a second crack
had appeared on the mirror.

Holmes, what's wrong with you?



Go back!


On the bed!

Careful! Epilepsy,
I think, an attack.

Mr. Watson, can I help
you with something?

- Bring water, water and towels
- I'll bring it.

Quiet quiet quiet. All the...

thank you!

All the worst is behind now, Sherlock.

You're right, John.

A second crack had indeed
appeared on the mirror.

Sherlock, you... You...
Are you alright?

- Bring a torch and close the door.
- Sherlock.

We have no time, bring a
torch and close the door!

Watson, I have to ask you: Do not open
the door under any circumstances.

I'm pleading you to abandon

your innate humanity and politeness
in doing things for once.

Mr. Watson, you asked
for a bowl of water.



No, no, thank you.

I don't need it now.

Just in case, Mr. Watson,
I'm always at your service.

Like this. Damn.

Quiet! Quiet

- Where's Tom?
- What happened?

- Where's Tom?
- What happened? - Drink it.

- What happened, Red?
- I don't remember

I don't remember. I was writing a
letter and then I can't remember.

I regained my consciousness
already there, below.

I began to suffocate,
I don't remember

Listen, Red, the resolution is close.

The man in black is there, come with us
and we will put this story to an end.

- No.
- You hand.

- No-no-no-no-no!
- Quiet, quiet!

- I want to London!
- Quiet!

I want to eat with a fork,

to wear trousers, to
live in the XIX century!

Not to chase after a man in black to get
this damn sword of Charles the First!

What are you waiting for?

My advice is to lock
yourself in here.

No, better to try to get off
the castle and call the police.

John, you're with me.

See you in London.

Take out your g*n,
John, you will need it.

I didn't bring it.

But you didn't tell me to, I...



Show me your face, Tom

Tom, I just want to look in your eyes.

Tell me, is this pile of stones
really means so much

that you are ready to k*ll
your own brother for it?

Tom, what is it you're lacking of, huh?

Redgy, it's not Tom!

It's not Tom!


In front of you, whelp, is sir

Samuel Stafford.

So what, Musgrave?

We are in this hall again,

as our ancestors.

Right now we will resolve it all.

Wait, wait, but I'm not those
ancestors, what do you need from me?

I don't need the sword, nor the crown,
then take it, take it yourself!

First I will k*ll you.

You are not worth to be
the keeper, a simpering whelp

who doesn't remember
traditions and has no roots.

What roots?
It's XIX century outside, stop it!

Stop talking.

So what?

Does it hurt, knight?

Richard Musgrave,

your ancestor in th generation,

chopped up people himself in Tuaton,

but was k*lled by James Stafford.

And Lionel Musgrave, your
ancestor in th generation,

could sit in the saddle for three days

without sleep and rest in heavy armor.

Edward Stafford cut his head off.

And your father could do nothing,
only getting road songstress pregnant.

I k*lled him.

And who are you? Who are you?

Reginald Musgrave!

A knight, a keeper of the crown, treasure
and sword of Charles the First.

The king's sword is in king's hands.

And down

Reginald, your sword.


What's written on your sword?

"And up"

Shall we drink?


Tom wrote me that you have a daughter.

Can I meet her?


We can be keepers together.
Shakespeare will roll over in his grave!

Mr. Holmes, let's drink.

Have fun!

You know, I just like reading
books in the nights.

I was reading their annals,
examined the picture and...

Resolved the
medieval detective

while I was chasing an evil servant.

Let's go, go.

Did you notice?

He was a servant for years.

Yes, enough time to examine
the castle and the catacombs.

Red appears,

announces a reconstruction
of the whole castle,

Brunton realises that the possibility
to find the treasure disappears.

How didn't I notice it before?
Can you see?

The servant looks exactly
like this gentleman.


A property of an organism to ensure
continuity between the generations.

Yes, so many centuries,

so many centuries.

The nature is amazing after all.

And so to freely use the secret
passage in the catacombs,

Brunton put sedatives
in your tea.

But your anti-flu medicine
lowered their effect.

So you were sleeping badly, saw a man
in black coming through the mirror.

Let's go, doctor.

Mr. Holmes, pies and milk
for you for the road.

Thank you.

Why did Brunton want to k*ll
Rachel? I mean, Stafford.

An accident.

She started looking for sliced meat

found a black man in the basement.

So all this time you knew
that Rachel was alive?

I got her out of it myself and
sent her to the nearest village.

It means that the dress in the lake...


I wanted to provoke Brunton
into making a mistake.

Understand, I understand.

Let's go.

I made inquiries: Brunton was serving
Stafford and died years ago.

I've even been to his grave.

Stafford pretended to be Brunton,

wrote recommendation letters for himself

and went to Tom, and Tom
acted just out of snobbery:

Brunton, who was serving
Stafford, went to him.

But they're neighbours.

- Aren't they familiar with each other?
- No.

This rivalry lasts for long time, many-many years.

- I was suspecting Tom...
- Why Tom would need this masquerade?

The only thing Tom wanted is his
brother not breaking the castle apart,

not building an observatory instead.

They have never called the police.

And they won't.

This story won't ever
leave the castle walls.

Watson, you know, I want
to congratulate you.

We were lucky to be present
on the last true joust.


Pity the times of knights ended.

Why ended?

They haven't ended.

It's just the dragons
that are different.

An intrigue, a love story

and then this bloody inscription
on the wall - just splendid.

The readers like it. Very good, and
the Americans were mocked very well.

Just bravo.

I think it looks like a whole cycle.

But can I give you one advice?

Lift your character up in terms
of social status, understand?

So it would be a story
about noble people.

The poor is for Dickens,
nobody is interested in that.

Let your Holmes to
be a true gentleman.

And then, if you're making
him such a super detective,

do it properly. Do
you understand me?

Not really.

You know, an intelligent,
ordinary detective is boring.

Let him have some supernormal
abilities, I don't know,

he has a somewhat thing, I don't
know, never misses a shot.

But he can't do anything
in real life, he can't.

John, but who's interested
what he can in real life?

Let me tell you a story from my past.

I was very young
that time, a reporter,

and I was sent to take an interview
from colonial Moran, remember?

A man who crawled miles in a dried
river to hunt a Bengal tiger. A hero!

I couldn't sleep for the whole
night, was worrying, and then,

I saw,

a tiny man, this small,
like this. Small, puny,

trembling, looking at me with his
beady eyes like I'm his superior.

Do you understand me?

To be honest, not really.

We are the ones who make them heroes.

Or not.

That's the question,

who are heroes then?

Them or us?

The Musgrave ritual.