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04x06 - The Hound of the Baskervilles

Posted: 07/18/21 07:50
by bunniefuu
Paper, paper.


What do you make
of it Watson?


I believe you got
eyes in the back of
your head Holmes.

Well I have a
well-polished coffee
pot in front of me.

Mrs. Hudson said it
was left last night

while you were out.

What do you make of it?


his name at least we know.

I think Dr. Mortimer

is a successful,

elderly medical man,

well esteemed,

since those who know him

gave him this mark of
their appreciation.


I think he's a
country practitioner,

does a good deal of
his visiting on foot.

'Friends of the C.C.H.'

I should guess that
to be the local hunt.

Oh bravo, bravo Watson.

You know I am
bound to say

you habitually underrate
your abilities.


It may be that you are
not yourself luminous,

but you are a
conductor of light.

Some people without
possessing genius

have remarkable power
for stimulating it.

I confess, my dear fellow,

that I am very
much in your debt.

Thank you.

But I'm afraid that

most of your conclusions
were erroneous.


Surely hospital.

'C.C.' suggests
Charing Cross.

I mean if so I would
postulate a young man

under thirty, amiable,



and the
possessor of a dog.

Can I see the stick?

Thank you.

Larger than a terrier,

smaller than a mastiff.

I was right,

a curly haired spaniel.

Dr. Mortimer?

Thank you sir.

Thank you.

I wasn't sure whether
I left it here

or at the shipping office.

The S. S. Gibraltar

you see docks
today at Tewberry.

You interest me very
much, Mr. Holmes.

I had hardly expected so
dolichocephalic a skull

or such well-marked
supra-orbital development.

Would you have any
objection to my running

my finger along your
parietal fissure?

Please Dr. Mortimer.

A cast of your skull, sir,

until the original
becomes available.

It is not my intention
to be fulsome,

but I confess that
I covet your skull.

Behave and sit
down Dr. Mortimer.

Good boy.

Well I presume
that it was not

phrenological passion,

which drew you
to Baker Street?

it was not sir.


I have here...

I have here the statement
of a certain legend,

which runs in the
Baskerville family.


Yeah, I'm an executor

of Sir Charles
Baskerville's will

and found it
amongst his papers.

It concerns Hugo

he was Lord of the manor,
Grimpen on Dartmoor.


Some years ago.

The document is
somewhat later.

"Learn then
from this story

to be circumspect
in the future,

that those foul
passions whereby

our family has suffered
may not be loosed

again to our
comparable ruin,

th of November
," was it?

Intriguing preamble.

I've read of Sir Charles
Baskerville's death.

From a medical
point of view

it was a poorly
informed article.

No thank you.

He died of dyspnea and
cardiac exhaustion.

Were the conditions linked

or were they parallel?

Oh they were linked
in my opinion.

There was some, some
facial distortion.

Caused by the cardiac
pain presumably?


You sound doubtful.

It was not merely
facial distortion.

Well here in

Hugo Baskerville
abducted a young girl

but she escaped
across the moor

at night cursing.

He unkenneled his
pack of hounds

and hunted her down
like a wild animal.

When his drunken
companions followed,

they found the girl in
a deep dip or goyal

dead from fear
and fatigue.

And it also confronted
the cause of her death,

a huge, demonic hound.

Even as they looked

the hound tore the throat
out of Hugo Baskerville.

One companion died
that very night

of what he saw,

and the other twain
were broken men

for the rest
of their days.

The sound is supposed
to have haunted
the family since then

to the general
misfortune of the line.

Well this may appeal

to your lurid taste
in fiction Watson.

It's a fairy tale sir.

Of course Mr. Holmes

but fairy tales
would not survive

without a kernel of truth.

On the night Sir
Charles died

I arrived at Baskerville
Hall at first light.

I shall tell you
what I found.

No more or less.

This way please sir?

I had been concerned
about him for some time.

He had become obsessed

with the Legend
of the Hound.

It's by the summerhouse.

He believed he had heard

the hound itself
upon the moors,

he even believed
he had seen it.

At the time I took
such morbid fancies

to be part and parcel

of Sir Charles'
pathological condition.

And now?

I no longer believe
that to be the case.

There sir.

We didn't like
to move him sir.

Once we knew.

Yes, Yes quite Barrymore.

A sad occasion
Mrs. Barrymore

an unhappy vigil for you.

He was our hope doctor.

Hope for the country
here about's.

He brought the
world to us.

He was our hope.

Before Sir Charles
ran up the alley

he had eloquently
stood at the gate

for at least ten minutes.

How do you know that?

The ash had dropped
twice from his cigar

and there were also
spent matches.

I'm impressed by
Dr. Mortimer.

Was there anything else?



A man or a woman's?

Mr. Holmes,

they were the footprints
of a gigantic hound.

Several people have seen
a creature upon the moor,

a huge creature,
ghastly, and spectral.

I've crossed
examined of them.

countrymen both

and their stories tally.

I want you to advise
me what I should do

with Sir Henry

Henry Baskerville has
spent his life in America.

He has come over on
the S. S. Gibraltar

Been a pleasure having
you aboard Sir Henry.

Sir Henry,

I still haven't gotten
used to that title.

Was there any other claim
upon Sir Charles' estate?


His youngest
brother, Roger,

died in Central America
of yellow fever

some years ago.

Sir Henry is the last
of the Baskerville's.

Why did you not
consult me immediately?

There's a realm in which
the most accomplished

detective is helpless sir.

There are certain
things here,

which are impossible
to reconcile

to the settled
order of nature.

If you believe this
to be supernatural

you'll find more
help from a priest.

No, No, No, No, No.

How can I assist?

And I'll have an
answer damn it.

He's in a stir sir
about his boot.

By thunder if that
fellow can't find
my old black boot.

Surely it was a
new brown boot.

No last night they took
one of the brown ones.

Today they've sneaked
one of the black.

I'm sorry Mortimer

I'm sorry to trouble
you with this nonsense

but this is a first
class hotel damn it!

Oh hello.

Mr. Sherlock Holmes
at your service.

I think it is worth
troubling about

as a matter of fact.

You do why?

Because it's inexplicable.


That's good.

My God.

Have you got a
cold Watson?

Why it's this
poisonous atmosphere.

This is a big
thick I suppose.


It's intolerable.

You've been at
your club all day.

How'd you know that?

Where do you
think I've been?

Well here clearly.


I've been at Devonshire.

In spirit?

Quite so.

I sent out for a map
from Stamford's.

Now see here?

Baskerville Hall.

Grimpen, just a
clutter of cottages.

moorland houses,


Lafter Hall,

Merripit House
and that is all.

Oh this represents

and these barrows,

some prehistoric

or burial ground.


Disused is it

and all the rest is waste

as far as the
great convict,

the prison of Princeton.

It is a worthy setting
if the devil did decide

to dabble in the
affairs of man.

Then you yourself
are inclined

towards a supernatural

You'd better send
word to Dr. Mortimer,

we'll eat breakfast
with him tomorrow.

It arrived by post
this morning.

So you think of little
puzzles Mr. Holmes?

This one wants
more thinking

than I'm able to give it.

Posted yesterday?


A joke, as like it's not.

Tell me Sir Henry

has anything interesting
happened to you

since you've
been in London?

No I don't think so.

Ever been followed?


I seemed to have walked
right into a dime novel.

Why should anyone
follow me?

That letter was
delivered to the hotel.

You are being
followed Sir Henry.

"If you value your
life or your reason

keep away from the moor. "

The issue I suggest is
whether it constitutes

a friendly or an
unfriendly warning.

That is surely
impossible to determine.

However has features
that may help,

the envelope for example.

If somewhat trampled
is presentable.

It's contents
mostly are not.

The letter
has been torn

neatly enough along a fold

and the leader
article in the Times

the Leaded
Bourgeois printers,

has been chosen

from which to
cut the message

but the message
is all quickly cut

with an appropriate
short bladed scissors

and the gluing of the
print of the paper

is smudged and misaligned.

May I see it?

Only half a
sheet of paper

and yet the
watermark is clear.

Hudson whale.

You will find that paper

in a hundred middle
grade hotels

but not from here.

A first class hotel

would have a paper
of a greater weight.

The ink is institutional.

I would also
suggest a hotel.

Yet what can we
determine from this?

Pocket fluff.

I infer that the person
who wrote this message

is staying at a
nearby hotel.

He's neat of habit.

And studied the
task methodically.

But then he began
to fear discovery.

He rushed it through

and put the result
in his pocket

until such time
as he posted it.

It is true that fearful
people thr*aten

but my interpretation is

that this is a
friendly warning.

Because it seems a
risk was incurred

in its execution.

Bravo Mr. Holmes

you fulfill your
reputation sir no mistake,

but if you're right and
this fellow's afraid

then he's afraid not
only for his own skin

but what might
happen to me.

Quite so.

Dr. Mortimer I think it
is time that you explain.

Well now you know
the facts Sir Henry.

The question is
whether or not

you should go to Dartmoor.

There's no devil in hell

nor no man on this earth

that's going to prevent
me from going to the home

of my own people.

Then we'll see how we
can mitigate the danger.

You really believe
there is danger?

I think that if it is,
that it is considerable.

You certainly
cannot go alone.

Dr. Mortimer
returns with me.

He has his practice and he
lives some miles distant.

You'll come yourself?

I have to stay in
London, blackmail case.

I recommend my
friend Watson.

That's very kind
of you Doctor.

I will.

Dr. Mortimer...Thank you.


This way.

Who was that man?

I have no idea.

Well how did you know

someone's been
following Baskerville?

How else did they
know so immediately

where he was staying?

At least they'll
not continue to
follow him now.

When the crisis
comes Watson,

and it will,

report to me.

Watson do you know
what the residue

of Sir Charles
Baskerville's estate was?

No I don't.

Close to a million.

A stake on which
a man might play
a dangerous game.

Such a sum has a
definite materiality.

And yet of all things
in heaven and earth.

We are men of
science Holmes.


It's an ugly, dangerous
business Watson.

Believe me I should
be very glad

to have you back
safe and sound

in Baker Street Watson.

Thank you Holmes.


My dear Watson I will
not bias your mind

by suggesting theories
or suspicions.

Simply report
facts to me

in the fullest
possible manner.

Concentrate your attention
upon the following.

Above all,

avoid the moor,

when as the old
parchment frankly put it,

the paths of evil
are exalted.

What is this Perkins?

Convict, escaped
from Princetown sir.

Its days now.

They've been
watching all over,

they ain't seen
no sign of him.

Farmers don't like it.

Who is he?

Selden, the Notting
Hill m*rder*r.

Folk are locking their
doors I can tell you.

What'd the man do?

He m*rder*d a
whole family

with such savagery they
deemed him insane.

Welcome Sir Henry.

Welcome to
Baskerville Hall.

Thank you.

It's Barrymore yes?

At your service sir.

Mrs. Barrymore.


If I can be of service

do not hesitate to send
for me day or night.

Of course, thank you.

Walk on.

This way Sir Henry

Five hundred years of us.

Just as I imagined it.

To much as I imagined it.

This place needs
the products

of Mr's Swann and Edison

but I suppose I can
tone down to it.

Thank you.

Excellent meal Barrymore.

Please thank Mrs.
Barrymore for us.

Thank you sir.

She'll be pleased
you enjoyed it.

Well Dr. Watson shall we?



what is it?


my wife and I will be
happy to stay with you

or till you've settled in

and made your

But your family's been
with us for generations.

I'm sorry to start
my life here

breaking an old
family connection.

Thank you sir.

My wife and I were much
attached to Sir Charles

and his death.

We feel that nothing
can be...

we feel...

we feel we shall never be
easy here at the hall sir.


Well what do
you mean to do?

Oh Sir Charles's

has given us the means
to set up in business

in a small way sir.

Well thank you
for telling me.

Might I look forward to
you pulling me a pint

in your own house one day?

That is the sort of
thing sir thank you sir.


Mind you call it
Baskerville arms?

Yes sir.

Thank you sir.

That man is frightened.


Turning into a
rough night.

I shall walk over
to the post office

at Grimpen in the morning.

I'm sorry but
Holmes asked me

not to let you leave
the house without...

Doctor, this shall
take care of any dog

that I may meet
in your absence.

Even armed.

All right.

Tomorrow morning
shall find me at home.

I'm safe at home am I?

Well that's what
Holmes believes.

It's an ugly and
dangerous business Watson.

I shall be glad to have
you back safe and sound

in Baker Street once more.

There's a realm in which

the most accomplished
detective is helpless.

There are certain
things here,

which are impossible
to reconcile

to the settled
order of nature.

Above all avoid the moor

whereas the old parchment
quaintly puts it,

the powers of
evil are exalted.

Do you know what
the residue

of Sir Charles
Baskerville's estate was?

Close to a million.

Such a sum has such a

materiality about it.


Good morning.

How are you today?

Oh very well thank you.

There we are.

Thank you sir.

Thank you.


Goodbye sir.

Dr. Watson?

Excuse my presumption.

Dr. Mortimer pointed
you out to me

from the window of his
surgery as you passed.

Possibly he's
told you my name,

Stapleton of
Merripit House.

Yes indeed, how do you do?

We were concerned,

Frankland, Mortimer and I.


Less Sir Henry
should not have come.

You know the legend
of the fiend hound.

We thought it might
seize his imagination

just as it seized
poor Sir Charles's.

How is Mr.
Sherlock Holmes?

Dr. Watson you
are here of it.

It follows then that Mr.
Holmes is interested.

I'm afraid I cannot
answer your question.

Well may I ask if he
is going to honor us

with a visit himself?

He cannot leave town.

Other cases engage
his attention.

I assure you

I'm simply here to visit
my friend, Sir Henry.

I do not need help.

I apologize for
the intrusion.

A moderate walk
along this path

brings us to
Merripit House

I wonder or perhaps
you would spare me
an hour Dr. Watson

that I may have
the pleasure

of introducing
you to my sister.

I'm expected back at
Baskerville hall.

I'm sure an hour
will not hurt.

Thank you Mr. Stapleton.

It was entomology was it

that brought you
to the moor?

Indeed although I delight
in it for it's own sake.

It is so vast,

so barren,

so mysterious.

Well there for instance

what do you make of that?

Well it would be a rare
place for a gallop.

That is the great
Grimpen Mire.

False step down means
death to man or beast.

Well only
yesterday I saw

one of the moor ponies
wonder into it.

Never came out.

I could see his head
for quite some time

straining out
of the bog hole,

but it sucked him
down at last.

Even the dry season it
is a danger to cross it,

but after these
recent rains

it is an awful place.

And yet

I can find my way to
the very heart of it

and return alive.

But why should you

wish to visit such
a horrible place?

You see the low hills
there beyond it?

They're really islands.

Flora there is

which mean of course,

that rare species
can breed there

and one of them a
subspecies Lycanidi

is unique to the place.

In fact I'm credited
with its discovery.


The moor is
full of noises.

But what was it?

The peasants say it is

the Hound of
the Baskervilles

calling for its prey.

You don't believe
such nonsense surely?

Did you ever hear the
boom of a bittern?


The bird is said, now,
to be confined to

certain Norfolk

but why not here?

I've heard its
cry described

as being something between

a foghorn and a
soul in torment.

What do you think?



Go back!

Go straight to
London instantly!

For God's sake
do as I ask.

Go back and never set
foot on the moor again.

Sh, my brother is coming.

Miss Stapleton.

Get away from this
place at all costs.

Do you see that orchid?

Yes, yes I do.

It's a pity you
came so late.

Our best orchids
are nearly over.


You have introduced
yourselves I see.


I was telling Sir Henry

it's a pity he has missed
the beauties of the moor.

Were I Sir Henry
Miss Stapleton

I'm sure I would not
miss your beauty

but I'm afraid I'm not,

Sir Henry that is,

merely his friend

Doctor John Watson
at your service.

Did you catch
your butterfly?


Highly flies like a
witch I'm afraid.

Ah there.

Look at this.

You must forgive
and forget

my foolish outburst
Doctor Watson.

I cannot forget
Miss Stapleton.

You must.

Sir Henry is my friend.

His welfare is a very
close concern of mine.

Tell me why you
are so eager

that he should
return to London?

You know the story
of the hound?

I do not believe
such nonsense.

But I do.

If you have any
influence with Sir Henry

take him away.

I fear that unless
you can give me

more definite
information than this

it would be impossible
to get him to move.

I cannot say
anything definite

for I do not know
anything definite.

Miss Stapleton,

I would ask you
one more question,

if you meant no
more than this

when you first
spoke to me,

why were you so eager
that your brother

should not overhear
what you said?

There is nothing
to which he,

or anybody else,
could object.

My brother is very anxious

to have the
hall inhabited.

He thinks it's
for the good

of the poor folk
upon the moor.

He would be very angry

if he knew I had
said anything,

which might induce
Sir Henry to go away.

Any luck?

Afraid not.

Flies like a witch
and so beautiful.

Pale, clouded yellow.

I have a number of
them I've caught.

I must show you
my collection.

The English led the
Doctor out of my field.

And I've made a particular
study of those insects,

which inhabit the margins
of heath and marsh.

A magnificent collection

and the work of a
serious scientist.

Even the exotica,

I must mention a
brilliant creature

Morpo peridis lapida

was dated and cataloged
with the carrier replies

to his personal field,
the British Lycanidi.

One of which is
unique to the moor.

I must also report

that the new brown
boot has turned up.

Barrymore found it

amongst Sir Henry's
luggage when he unpacked.

Miss Stapleton
is very handsome

and on Tuesday we
are to dine here

at Baskerville Hall
with all our neighbors.

So Sir Henry,

who chaffs a little at
the restrictions you
have imposed upon him,

will have a
chance to judge her
beauty for himself.

We're also to meet
Dr. Mortimer's wife

and the old
vicar of Grimpen

who is very shy they say

and Mr. Frankland,

an amateur astronomer
of some note

who has a reputation

of being
litigious to a fault.

A red-letter day.

The law is law and I
need to teach them.

I have established
a right-of-way

slapped through the middle
of old Middleton's Park.

Case decided today.

We must teach
these magnets

they cannot ride roughshod

over the rights
of commoners.

Case decided today.

Today Mr. Franklin?

Today sir.

Why do you ask?

Seeing you in Fernworthy
that you had the

wood bear closed to the
villagers also today.

Red-letter day as I said.

True sir.

I shall be
burnt in effigy

tonight in Fernworthy

but I have the
case against them.

Infernal people
seem to think

there are no rights
of property.

They can swarm
where they like

with their picnic
papers and bottles

but why should
they complain?

No one goes to
the wood now.

They have to cross
the moor to get to it;

no one will
cross the moor.

And why is that sir?

You've surely heard?

The hound walks
abroad upon the moor.

The hound of the
Baskervilles Sir Henry.

I've heard.

Is it a phenomenon you
believe in yourself
Mr. Frankland.

Ask the vicar.

Astronomic and forensic
matters are my domain,

demonic matters are his.

Is it a hound of
hell vicar or what?


An interesting question.

Whatever it is
that is being seen

it is
undoubtedly something.

Our farrier, Thomas Chub,

is not a man
given to visions

and he saw something
out there.

A dog he said,

about the size of a calf.

And I do not think
local hysteria

is an adequate
explanation myself.

I pray nightly

that it remove itself

from us whatever it is

and that we all may
sleep the more soundly.


I believe it is Selden

the m*rder*r who
frightens the folk.

In Grimpen they believe
he is still upon the moor.

We are too ready to
condescend and attribute

superstition to
these poor people

when they are, in fact,

subject to a natural
and sensible fear.

Bravo Miss


This hellhound's

would not survive a court
of law, mere hearsay.

Bring the thing
before the bench

in the full blaze of
jurisprudence say I

then I will
believe in it.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for
a nice evening.


Goodnight Doctor.

Very nice to see you.

Sir Henry?


Thank you very much.

Sir Henry.

My dear fellow
it's wonderful.

I must compliment
you on that claret.


Absolutely delightful.

Thank you.




He's been there
a half an hour.

What's he doing?

I don't know.


Out on the moor.


It just happened
Sir Henry.

We must not go on to
the moor undoubtless.

And then the powers
are exalted Doctor?

Bogie's to frighten
children man.

Come on, we have a chance

of getting to the bottom
of this business tonight.



what You all right?

I felt to sh**t
but I couldn't.

Come on.


My God.

You believe there's any
truth in these rumors?


What is it?


It's not Selden
at any rate.

We were followed
in London

and we're followed still.

Come on let's get
back to the house.

What's this all
about Barrymore?

Sir it may...

it may seem that we have
betrayed your trust.


Damn it Barrymore
you have!

Sir...sir no fault
of his sir.

He didn't want it it's me.

It's me and mine.

The poor creature came
to me for help sir.

How could I refuse

after what they
have done to him?

So then Mrs. Barrymore
I don't understand

why should he come to
respectable woman?

He's her brother sir.


It's true sir.

He dragged himself
here half starved.

And what would
you expect?

We fed him.

We took food out
for him sir,

no more than you
would for a dog.

We hoped he'd go

but the light has been
there night after night.

Is this true Barrymore?

Yes sir.

Have you any conception

what this man
did Barrymore?

Yes sir.

But he's a broken man.

They done surgery
sir to tame him.

He's like a child sir.

Please sir.

Mrs. Barrymore please.

Please get up.

This is not
dignified please.

My dear.

By a leave
sir arrangements
have been made.

He'll be out of the
country in a few days.

I beg you sir say
nothing to the police.

What do you think Doctor?

You say he's harmless
now Barrymore

yet he threw a rock at us.

As a child might
throw stones sir.

The murders are
going to haunt him.

He's a frightening
baby now sir.

This is an apt

He will be harmless.

Very well.

Please take your
wife to your room.

We'll say nothing
about this matter.

Thank you sir.

I thought we had a chance

of getting to the bottom
of this business.

All we've seemed to of
done is compound a felony.

I'm glad though that you

heard that sound
on the moor.

I was beginning to
think I'd dreamt it.

I was in the
territories once.

I've heard wolves up there

but nothing to
freeze the blood

Iike that sound tonight.

Are you convinced
it's the hound?

I am.

I wish to God
Holmes was here.

Why does he not come?

And yet Holmes

when daylight and
birdsong return

the black imaginings of
the night evaporate.

Even Dr. Mortimer
assiduous visits,

accompanied as
they are,

by constant talk of
bones, or mortal residue,

fail to sour the beauties
of the moor in autumn.

We are, however,

still far from the
heart of the mystery.

The question, which most
persistently nags me,

is who's the
man on the tor?

With his identity known

I feel we should
have the key

to this fatal riddle
within our grasp.

This is rather a
nice piece of cloth.

I think they...

Meanwhile, I have
discovered a

streak amiable tender
heartedness in my host.

So guilty did he feel
of nearly sh**ting

his servant's murderous

that he's given Barrymore

many of his excellent
American clothes.

as he now is,

to play the role
of English squire

in dress as in
anything else.

Much too American and I'm
turning over a new leaf.

You take it.

Thank you kindly sir.

Very smart Sir Henry.


Well I'm going to stroll
up to Merripit House

I thought I'd invite
Stapleton and his sister

rather I should say, Miss
Stapleton and her brother

to luncheon on Monday.

Well I know you won't want
me to come with you there

but Holmes
insisted that I...

Now look here my friend,

Holmes could not have
foreseen certain

You'd make a very
civil gooseberry

but no I'm afraid I
have to go alone.

London next stop.

London next stop.


Baskerville how
dare you sir

make advances at my
sister in such a fashion.


I'm sure the lady
gave you no reason

to presume upon her
good intentions.

We welcome you into
our circle sir

and you repay
the hospitality

by forcing your disgusting
attentions upon her.

No but I assure you sir

my intentions
are honorable.

Away sir...away to the hall.

Go on?

Hello Watson.

Where have you
dropped from?

I took it upon myself
to follow you.

I'm afraid my duty to
Holmes overrode my tact.

I see.

Well hope
they're not selling
tickets in Grimpen.

I assume you saw
what happened?

Did he ever strike
you as a bit crazy

this brother of hers?

Not particularly.

I don't know
why he does me.

What's he getting
so heated about?

What objection can he have

to me as a brother-in-law?

I mean he can't object
to my worldly position

so it's got to
be me myself.

Oh I don't know.

Do you see it?

Not at all.

Nor me.

Well thanks.

He won't let us be
together not for a moment.

He must realize.

You know what I
don't understand

there's a
light in her eyes

that speaks louder
than words.

I know it...I know
it in my heart

but he treats me
as if I was a...

if I was a mad seducer
in an old melodrama.

Oh it's absurd.



I was just thinking

that this business
with the hound

and the family
curse and so on;

if Stapleton partly
believes it's true

perhaps he might want
his sister not to be.

Yes I know.

Just till the
business is resolved.

Yes of course.

Well shall we walk
home together?

The Ryan
Observatory please.

I am forever in your debt.

Oh no not at all.

Well good day.

Good day Sir Henry.

Well well.

What happened?


I still think the
fellow's crazy

but he's just given me
the most complete apology

a man's ever likely
received in his life

and he's invited us
to dinner tomorrow,
Friday indeed.

Good I'll look
forward to it.

The post at Grimpen.

Just so.

Thank you sir.

May I have a word sir?

Of course.'ve been
very good to us sir

and I should like to do
the best I can for you.

There's something
I found out sir.


We found it after
the inquest

hadn't told a mortal
soul didn't know how.

It's about Sir
Charles' death sir.

You know how he died?

No sir.

Well what then?

I do know why he was at
the gate at that hour.


To meet a woman sir.


Are you sure?

Oh yes sir.

Well what was her name?

I can only give you
her initials sir.

Yes there was something
my wife found.

She was cleaning
out this very room,

Sir Charles's
study sir

in the grate there

she found this
scrap of paper

it was all burnt but

well it could
still be read.

From the shine
and the writing

if you know what
I mean sir?

Of course I understand
please go on.

Well she called to me
and I wrote it down.


please as you
are a gentleman

burn this letter

and be at the gate
by ten o'clock.'

Then the initials 'L.L.'

Good afternoon
Doctor Watson.

Mr. Frankland?

Come along up I
shall order you tea.

Thank you.

You're here to solve

the Baskerville
mystery are you not?

Well I have a telescope.

I see things on the moor

surely you should
know about them.

This striking portrait.


Lora, your daughter
Mr. Frankland?


Yes that is my daughter.

The woman she has
become is not.

This way doctor.

How's that?

Disinherited her.

Oh I'm sorry to hear it.

You are what
do you suppose

such a thing does
to her father?

This way.

Married her seducer sir.

An artist,

so called,

not that artist

that artist earned
his living.

Her artist was to grand
to earn his living.


Wastrel Lyons,
fellow called Lyons.

Ever heard of him?

No actually.

Lora Lyons.

Nobody has.

After her money, my money.

I was burned in effigy
in Fernworthy last week.

You predicted
that I remember.

Exactly so because
I know the slackness

of authority here abouts.

A case of
Frankland v. Regina

will bring the matter

of all the attention
to the public.

I told the police they
would have occasion

to regret their
treatment of me

and already my words
have come true.

How so?

I could tell them what
they are dying to know.

But you're not going to?

Certainly not.

Some case of poaching?

Poaching fiddlesticks.

The convict sir,
Selden, the mad stabber.

You don't mean to say
you know where he is?

Near enough.

It has never occurred
to the police

that the way to
catch the man

was to find out
where he got his food

and so trace it to him.


His food is taken
to him by a child.

A child?

Why not?

I have observed the child
for more than a week.

It is in the
nature of children

to form perverse

But surely it's
more likely to be

the child of a
moorland shepherd

taking him his lunch.

Flocks move.


Doctor Watson quick.

Yes I see him.

Dr. Mortimer.

Dr. Watson.

I have something
marvelous to show you.

Isn't it beautiful?


The most complete of
its kind I've yet found.

I find it myself
once more.

The laborers
aren't here today.

It is quite,
quite beautiful.

If there's one animal
on this planet,

which I cannot abide,
it is a rabbit.


Rabbit's burrow.

Have you any conception

of what a
family of rabbits

can do to the
chronology of a dig

in a single night?

You were on your
way to Necropolis.

I could show you
around if you like.

The Necropolis?

Most people think it an
in Neolithic village

but I have
reason to believe
that a burial ground

some most
interesting features.

I shall be glad
of your company

there someone
bivouacked near there.

Who is it?

It's the man who has
been at Sir Henry's heels

since he landed here.

I can't think his motives
are benevolent so

if you come I
shall be obliged

if you bring that g*n
you handle so well.

There may be some danger.

If there's to be danger

then g*ns will
be better than one.


Do you know Lora Lyons?

Old Frankland's
daughter, yes,

she's a patient of mine.

She lives in

He's cut her off you
know without a penny.

Do you know she
was acquainted
with Sir Charles?

Oh it's possible.

After her marriage
went wrong

she was able to
set up for herself

in a small way
as a typist.

Sir Charles may have
made that possible.

He was a man who fostered
many good causes.

She may have been
one of them.

What sort of a
painter was Lyons?

Oh brilliant.

'Dr. Watson is
at Lafter Hall.

Perhaps it is you

who's been dogged
by this secret man.

Not Sir Henry at all.

What do we do?

I intend to wait.


It's a lovely
evening Doctor.

I really think you would
be more comfortable

outside than in.

When I see a
cigarette stub

marked Bradley
Oxford Street

I know my friend Watson
is in the neighborhood.

Be careful with that g*n.

I thought you were
in Baker Street

working on that
case of blackmail?

That's what I wished
you to think.

I've deserved better
at your hands Holmes.

You used me and
do not trust me.

Well my presence
would have warned

our very formidable

and put them
in our guard.

It was essential that
you and Sir Henry

believed me to be in
London all the time

and behaved accordingly.

Doctor Mortimer.

Mr. Holmes.

How long have you
been in Devon?

Right after you saw
me on my second night

when I was foolish enough

to show myself
against the moon.

All of my reports
have been wasted.

Not all of them you know.

Here they are

and very well thumbed
I assure you.

I had to subvert the
local post office.

my dear fellow,


You must, I know,
have much to discuss

and I must be
getting home.

Please one question
Mr. Holmes.

Are you any closer
to discovering what,

if anything, the hound is?

I am.

Does it exist?

It does.

Thank you Dr. Mortimer.

Mr. Holmes.

Good day Doctor Watson.

Thank you for your help.

Now let me see what meager
refreshment I can provide.

Cartwright, the
little chap from
the express office,

I brought him
down with me

to look after
my simple wants.

A loaf of bread and
a clean collar.

I've discovered that
there's a woman

Iiving in Coombe-Tracey
with the initials L.L.

Awe yes Frankland's
daughter, Lora Lyons.

Our research
has been running
along the same lines.

Did you know that she's

seeking a divorce
from her husband?

But she lacks the means
to carry it through.

It is a costly business.

Do try my stew.

Awe, now Dr. Mortimer
thought that Sir Charles

might have been a
discreet benefactor.


That's interesting.

Please Watson.

Its quite
disgusting Holmes.


Yes it is.

Well it's better
when it's hot.

Did you know there was
a close intimacy

between Lora Lyons

and the entomologist,

No I did not.

Yes they meet, they write.

She's no doubt counting
on becoming his wife.

That is the most powerful
w*apon in our hands.


I don't understand.

Because Miss Stapleton
is in reality

Stapleton's wife
not his sister.

His wife?

Yes it was she who
sent us that warning

to the
Northumberland Hotel.

Why this elaborate

Don't ask me the
particulars Watson

but it is m*rder.

Refined, cold-blooded,
deliberate m*rder.

What led you to it?

He is a genuine

But that mention of
his sole, claim to fame,

his discovery of a
subspecies Lycanidi

that was his fatal moment.

There can only be one
discoverer of a species.

That pinpointed him.

It has been a hard trail...



It's Sir Henry.

It's Selden.

Sir Henry's clothes were
the poor devils death.

Poor devil indeed.

There's only a
half-life in truth.

No one must know
for the moment.

We must hide the body.

Sir Henry
must know nothing
of hearing the hound.

He'll have a better nerve

for the ordeal he
must undergo tomorrow.

So this is
Baskerville Hall?

One moment please.


It's Stapleton!

He's a Baskerville.

Sir Charles' brother,

who died of yellow
fever in Costa Rica,

did not die childless.

We have him Watson,
we have him.

And I do swear that
by tomorrow night

he will be
fluttering in our net

as helpless as well as
his own butterflies.

I feel that Watson and
I must go to London.


I think we will be
more useful there

at this present juncture.

Excuse me.

Might I have some
fresh coffee?

Certainly sir.

But I thought
you were going

to see me through
this business?

Trust me my dear fellow.

I do.

Tell Stapleton that I
would have been happy

to come with you

but the urgent business
requires me to be in town.

I don't understand

should I not come
with you to London?

Why should I
stay here alone?

No you must stay

and do exactly
as I tell you.

Of course I will.

Drive to Merripit House,

send the truck back
and let it be known

that you intend
to walk home.

Across the moor?

At night?

If I had not
every confidence

in your nerve and courage

I would not suggest it.

It is essential
that you do this.

Then I will do
just what you say.

Take the path.

Exactly on the path
from Merripit House

to the Grimpen Road, it
is your natural way home.

And when do you
intend to leave?

after breakfast.

Thank you Barrymore.


Mrs. Lyons?


So you admit that you
asked Sir Charles

to meet you at the
gate at ten o'clock

but you say that you did
not keep the appointment?

I did not.

You do realize
that was the very
hour of his death?

Is that an accusation sir?

No, no.

I'm merely asking if you
can forge a connection

between the two events.

There is no connection.

Mrs. Lyons we believe this
to be a case of m*rder

and the evidence
may implicate

not only your friend
Mr. Stapleton

but his wife as well.

His wife?

Mrs. Lyons the person who
has passed for his sister

is really his wife.

His wife?

Mr. Holmes?

Mr. Stapleton
offered me marriage

on condition that I
could obtain a divorce

from my husband.

He told me...

how he has lied.

He has lied and
lied and lied.

Why should I preserve
faith with him

he never kept any with me?

Ask me what you will.

There is nothing
I shall hold back.

You have said Sir
Charles helped you

to set yourself up as
a professional typist,

presumably that was after
your husband deserted you.


Sir Charles knew my
father would not help me.

One thing I swear to you,

when I wrote the letter

I never dreamed of any
harm to the old gentleman

who had been my
kindest friend.

I entirely
believe you madam.

And Sir Charles
used Stapleton

as an intermediary?

He did not like to be
seen to be doing good.

And the letter that
you sent to Sir Charles

on the day of his death?

I needed money
for my divorce.

I had heard he was
leaving for London.

And the sending
of the letter

was suggested
by Stapleton?

He dictated it.

The reason he gave

was that Sir
Charles would help

with the legal
expenses of my divorce.

And he dissuaded you from
keeping the appointment?

And swore me to
silence concerning it.

He said that the death

had been a very
mysterious one

and that I should
certainly be suspected

were the facts
to become known.

He frightened
me into silence.

A very fortunate
escape Mrs. Lyons.

You have been near the
edge of the precipice.

Students of criminology
will remember

the incidents in Grodno,
in Little Russia,

in the year ' ,
and of course

there are the Anderson
murders in North Carolina,

but this case
possesses features

which are
entirely its own.

Dr. Watson tells me
that you handle a g*n.

I'm a fairly proficient.

Well it was
you, who first,

brought this case
to our attention.

Isn't it right that you'd
be with us at the climax?

Thank you.

While Dr. Mortimer
and I guard the path

you watch the
house Watson.

I don't like it.

There's fog in the air.

It's in the
hollows already.

Be careful Watson.

I'm so pleased
you could come.

It's a pity Dr. Watson
had to return to London.

Nevertheless I'm
sure we'll have

a pleasant
evening together.

If you'd excuse me for
a moment Sir Henry.

I shant be long.




Help me Please!

Sir Henry was still inside
the house when I left.

It's getting late.

You said Beryl
Stapleton was not there?


I cannot think
where she might be

and there were only
places laid for dinner.

That fog is getting
thicker all the time.

Courage Sir Henry.

Brave it.

It's coming.

You're a brave man.


It's all right Sir Henry.

It's all right.

The hound got past us

now if you can manage it

we must get back to the
house as soon as possible.



Sir no.


I protest sir.

Sir you are not allowed.


Stop sir stop.

The door's locked.


Help me!


Please help!

In here!


She's badly hurt.

The brute.

You're all right.

I thought this
man loved me.

He loves nothing!

Where is he?

The police have...

He escaped.

He'll go to his
island in the mire.

I must take care.

Great care.



Help me.

Please somebody help me!

Help me!

Holmes had established
that Stapleton

had bought the dog
from Mangles of the...

Ross and Mangles of the
Fulham Road in London.

Ross and Mangles of the
Fulham Road in London.

He took it on the
north Devon line

and walked a
great distance

over to the moor
to his home,

as we know he
eventually kenneled it

at the heart of
the Grimpen Mire.

Of the Grimpen Mire.

How on earth did he expect

to claim the inheritance
if this creature

had mauled Sir
Henry to death?

Mauled, very good
word Watson.

Through intermediaries
Baron Stapleton said

that he intended to
return to Central America

and conduct his claim
upon the estate

from the depths
of Costa Rica.

Having established his
identity as a Baskerville

through the British
authorities there.

Of course he had no
interest in the estate.

He simply wanted
the money.

What about the boot?

He stole the
boot presumably

to have an article of
Sir Henry's clothes

and to set the
hound on him.

That is why the new
boot would not do.

Sir Henry had not worn it.

Watson we are late.

I have tickets for
Les Huguenots

at Cover Garden.

A little dinner at
Marcini's on the way?

Wonderful Holmes.

Paper, paper.

Who wants an
evening paper?