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04x19 - High Stakes

Posted: 07/18/21 06:36
by bunniefuu
Anyone doesn't make the light
gets the Captain's Mast.

Let's go!

(tires screeching)




♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

You knew Percy took that
meeting with the FBI

before anybody else did.

That doesn't mean I know whether
she took the job or not.

How could you not know?

I mean, y-you're roommates, and
plus, it's been a week...

Lasalle, look, I wish I knew,
but I don't, all right?

I'm a freaking mess.

I don't want her to leave.
Neither do I.

So, but we want her to do
what's best for her, right?

Yeah, of course.

All right, so,
let's just

let it play out, give her
whatever space she needs

and hope that she stays.

Okay, I know you're right,

but, like, deep down,
what does your gut tell you?

I think she's leaving.

PRIDE: I just want you to know
that whatever you decide

is fine with me. All right.

See you soon. Morning.
Is that Sonja?

Did she make a decision?

No, Laurel. She's coming to town
for the long weekend.

We're gonna go
apartment hunting.

Oh. I mean...

That's great,
she's graduating college soon,

she's moving back;
you must be so excited.

- Yeah, I am.
- Yeah.

Four years is
a long time.

I'm looking forward to having
her back in town again.

I missed her.

I'm still mad at her for, uh,
choosing LSU over Alabama.

Roll Tide.

She's into music, not football.

Promised I wouldn't hold
that against her.

Look, I know we're all
on edge about Sonja, okay?

We've been a family.

No doubt it'll leave a big hole
if she takes the job.

You think she's leaving, too,
don't you?

I think that... it's up to her.

I told Sonja to take
as much time as she needed

to think it through.

(phones chiming)

In the meantime,
with or without her,

looks like
we got a case.

So let's roll...

tide. (laughs)

All right, I have
a better idea.

Why don't you let us
do the rolling

and you do the dad thing.

Tell Laurel
we said hi.

(indistinct radio chatter)

LASALLE: Looks like we're lucky
this is our only victim.

Morning, Miss Loretta.

Yeah, a better morning
for the cyclists

than Yeoman Bennett here.

Yeah, Navy Cycling Club on
their Saturday morning ride,

nearly got mowed down
when the truck driver

ran the red.

The victim was inside
one of the barrels

that fell off the truck
when the driver tried to swerve

to avoid the cyclists.

Might never have found
the body if he hadn't.

That means whoever
put him in there

obviously didn't
want him found.

Any idea what
cause of death is?

It's a single g*nsh*t wound
to the back of the head,

fired at point-blank range.

But no exit wound?

No. I'm thinking the sh**t
used fragmentation a*mo.

If so, the b*llet
would've disintegrated

the moment it entered the skull.

Maximum damage, no ballistics.
Sounds like a professional hit.

All right, what do we know
about this Yeoman Bennett?

It looks like Bennett
was an office manager

at the Naval Research Lab

out at Stennis.

Clean record and the
prelim background check

didn't show anything suspicious,

but I got a call out to his C.O.

- What?
- What?

What do you mean what?
What're you doing here?

Well, I got the group text.
I was close by.

- I thought I'd get a jump on things...
GREGORIO: Oh, stop.

Don't play dumb. You know
what he's talking about.

You've been M.I.A. for days; we
thought you took that FBI job.

Yeah, does this mean you didn't?

Yeah, I called them this morning
and I turned it down.

- I'm staying.
- Oh. You sure?

A girl's allowed
to change her mind, isn't she?

Does King know about it?
Yeah, I just called him.

WADE: I'm sure he also
wants to know who k*lled

Yeoman Bennett and why.

Right. Sebastian, any chance
you could put

the b*llet back together
and do forensics on it?

Yeah, well, fragment b*ll*ts
are designed to shatter

into hundreds
of pieces, but...

could use the -D scanner,
sort of piece it together

like a digital
jigsaw puzzle.

All right,
do what you can.

Gregorio, head to Stennis,
talk to Bennett's C.O.,

see if you can figure out

why he might be targeted.

Percy and I'll head over
and check out his apartment.

City Mouse and Country Mouse,
together again.

Thought you'd be happy
knowing Percy's not leaving.

I am, believe me.

I just hope it's
for the right reasons.

I really don't mind

setting you up in a hotel
if you'd rather,

or I can sleep on the rollaway.

Dad, I'm telling you, I'm fine.

Although, I think I'm gonna
keep my stuff out here

'cause there's not much room
in the bathroom.

Tight quarters, I know.
I don't spend much time here.

I'm usually either
working or at the bar.

Yeah, well maybe you
ought to be the one

looking for an apartment.

I mean, it's a little weird

you still living
above your office, isn't it?

I think we're here

to talk about where
you're gonna live,

not me.
Grab an end.

Can't believe you're graduating
in a couple of months.

Time flies.

I know, especially
when all you do is work.

Just saying,
it'll be good

for both of us
when I move back home.

After all, somebody's
got to take care of you.

Have you lost weight?

All right, I'll be the parent
here, if you don't mind.

You look at the listings yet
that I sent you?

I organized them by
affordability and crime rates.

Which, by the way,
cracked me up.

Don't worry, I printed them out.

I've got five apartments
to look at today.

That's my girl.

Ooh, and I knew you'd
be looking for work,

so I called my friend Angie--
I don't know if you

remember her or not--
but she promotes musical acts

at local clubs.

Thought maybe we could meet her
tonight at the bar.

Unless you don't want to.

Oh, no, don't-don't be silly.
That sounds great. (phone chimes)

I remember that look
all too well.

You go save the day,
I'll pound the pavement

and we'll meet tonight, okay?
Love you, Daddy.

I love you, too.

I'm back!

Good to have you back, Sonja,
but like I said on the phone,

I need you to be sure, focused.

I'm sure.

I won't let you down, I promise.

All right,
catch me up.

What have you learned
about Yeoman Bennett?

Well, turns out

Bennett was a bit of a gambler,
played poker--

a lot of poker
according to his roommate.

Yeah, in fact,
two nights ago, apparently,

Bennett was up late playing
at Treasure Chest.

Riverboat casino.

Right, and the
roommate said he was

winning big, too.
Got himself invited

to a private, high stakes game
somewhere else.

Roommate also said Bennett left
for the game, never came back.

He know where the game was?
Not a clue.

PATTON: Yeah, well,
I may have a clue.

Didn't take much deep diving
to find out

that Bennett emptied his
savings account yesterday,

took out large.

Whoa, that's a lot of dough
for a sailor.

Pretty good motive for m*rder.

LASALLE: Yeah, but still,
it's chump change

for a high-end game.

PRIDE: Bennett was the target
of a professional hit, right?

Got to be more to this
than just grand.

GREGORIO: Bennett's C.O.
said he was a regular

at the Treasure Chest,
so I got the casino

to let me check out

That's Bennett,
two nights ago,

playing poker
for a couple of hours

until that
woman showed up.

She stayed, watched him
win hand after hand,

then whispered in his ear
and led him away.

We need to figure out
who she is.

Patton, can you run
facial recognition?

No need. That's the Dragon Lady.

Wait, what?
You know her?

Know her? She's a regular
at the Treasure Chest,

just like Bennett.

I heard a lot about her at my
Gamblers Anonymous meetings.

Mostly in testimonies by newbies

who lost a lot of money
at her games.

What do you mean,
she's a recruiter?

She get high rollers to come
to these underground games,

where the stakes
can get as high as six figures.

Dangerous, though, lot of
organized crime types.

You could definitely lose
a lot more than just your money.

We got to find a game

if we're gonna solve
Yeoman Bennett's m*rder.

The only problem is,
she's the only way in,

and nobody know
who she is.

You got to get her attention,
get an invite,

but you got to be a hell
of a poker player to do that.

Forget it, Patton, there's no
way I'd ever ask you to step foot...

Pride, I am not
talking about me.

Percy. She played the Southern
circuit for almost a year

on an A*F
undercover deal,

brought down a big-time
arms dealer.

Well, he did bite his lip
every time he bluffed.

Think you can get
the Dragon Lady's attention?

Not without a stake.

The most our comptroller
will authorize

is $ , . Is that enough?

Gonna need to win big
if you gonna have any chance

of getting her to target you.

I didn't decide to stay just
to stand on the sidelines.

Bring it on.

Don't get too cocky.

All right, the last person
that lady recruited

is laying on
Miss Loretta's table.

Now, how many times are you
gonna keep bluffing me, huh?

Now, I cannot figure out
if you are that good,

or just that lucky.

Ooh. Why don't we
up the ante and see?

Table's limit's .

So? Hey.

Y'all want to see a real game?

(crowd cheering)
SONJA: Come on.

You're already up grand.
All right, why don't you, uh,

just take it slow.
Relax, Lasalle.

I'm playing with a bunch
of amateurs.

I got this.
I understand, but, uh,

you keep betting like that,

you're gonna lose
sooner or later,

and it's gonna lose
any chance we got of...

GREGORIO (over comm):
Dragon Lady's heading your way.

Guess you caught her attention.

You were saying?

Are we doing this or what?

, .
DEALER: Who's in?

I'm in.

I'm in.

, .

I'll call.

I call.

I fold.

, .



I call.

Jack of diamonds.

All in.

(crowd oohing)

Percy, she just
got here.

I know what I'm doing.

He's gonna fold.

That's , to you.

I call.

DEALER: River, ten of clubs.
MAN: Show me your cards, lady.

Three jacks.

Read 'em and weep.

That's a flush.

Club flush wins.

Wait, what?

Well, I guess I was not
bluffing that time.

Was I?

Gregorio, do you see her?
Where'd she go?

I don't know, I lost her.

All right, well,
go look for her.

She may have
went outside.

Hey, Percy, come here.

We lost her.

No. I lost her.

- Morning.
LASALLE: Morning.

You hungry?

Nah, I'm good.

Any idea how Sonja's doing?

I tried calling
her earlier.

She didn't answer.
I think she feels bad

about what happened
last night.


Morning, Daddy.

Good morning, sweetheart.
Hang on just a second.

Let me know when
she gets here, okay?

And keep trying to find
the Dragon Lady.

Copy that. Hey, Laurel

Dragon Lady?

Either you're dating
someone I do not

want to know about,
or that's what kept you

from meeting me last night?

Just a case.

Made your favorite.

French toast, pain perdu,
extra cinnamon.

I don't think I've had that
since I was, like, .


Sorry. I-I can make
something else.

Oh, no, thanks.

I'm meeting a friend
for breakfast.

And then, more
apartment hunting.

Anything look promising?
Not yet.

But, you know, I'm picky.

How 'bout Angie?

Any job opportunities
sound good to you last night?

I don't know. Maybe.

But, I got to go.

Um, I'll call you later.
Okay. Bye-bye.

(clattering outside)

I am so... sorry.

You know, I was sure
I had that hand won.

I honestly don't know
what happened.

Nothing's sure about gambling.
You know that.

You made a choice.
It just didn't work out.

Yeah, except it was a choice
that let everyone down.

And you got to know
that's the...

that's the last thing
I'd ever want to do.

That's not why you decided
to stay, is it?

Afraid to let us down?

No. No.

Of course not.

Okay. Good.

Um, how much trouble
are we in

for losing HQ's money?

(chuckles) Well, not as much
as we'll be in

if it doesn't lead
to a conviction.

Come on.

Let's go fix this.

Finally got an I.D.

on our Dragon Lady, King.

Gregorio snagged the glass

she was drinking from
last night-- got a print.

- From the criminal database?
- No.

Actually, from the Office
of Motor Vehicles.

Her real name is
Amy Collins.

Lives in Little Woods
with her eight-year-old son.

Soccer mom by day,

Dragon Lady by night.

- Are you sure?
- Yep.

And it looks like
she goes out of her way

to make sure nobody knows
she lives a double life, too.

That's why she was
so hard to find.

Yeah, but now that we've
found her, we've got leverage.

(phone beeps) Yeah, all right, well,
you and Chris go pick her up.

thr*aten to arrest her
for accessory to m*rder

unless she gives up

that private game.

If we're gonna find out

who k*lled Yeoman Bennett
and why,

she is the key.
I'll be at Loretta's.

Copy that.

All right, City Mouse,
let's go kick some butt.

Turns out Yeoman Bennett

wasn't the only
m*rder victim.

After Doc Wade extracted

all the b*llet particles
from Bennett's brain,

I then used our boss new
-D scanner here

to scan the particles
and recreate the b*llet,

digitally, of course.

He's rather proud of himself.

Yeah, I am.

So, after I very deftly

recreated the fragmentation
b*llet, which, by the way,

was a . slug,

I then searched the FBI's
NIBIN database

for any similar

and voilà.

Apparently, a truck driver
was shot and k*lled

three days ago in Slidell

exactly the same way.

Yeah, local sheriffs
just assumed

it was another robbery,
but look-- I mean,

it's way too specific of a hit
for it not to be connected.

Which means, if we can
find that connection,

it might lead us
to the k*ller.

- That's good work, Sebastian.
- I know.

(phone ringing)
Yeah. Get Gregorio, start looking.

All right, I'm on it.


This is Dwayne Pride.

Professor Handler.
How are you?

Is everything all right?

Well, ha-hang on.

I don't understand why
you're not calling her.

Oh. No, no, I-I'm...
I'm glad you called.

I didn't know.

Yes, sir, of course.

I'll talk to Laurel.
Thank you.

Is Laurel okay?

Yeah. Yeah, it-it...
it's nothing serious.

That was the dean
of music at LSU.

He recommended Laurel
for an internship

with the New York

and, apparently,
she got accepted, too.

Dwayne, that's fantastic.

Except, he just said
that she declined the offer.

Really? Why?
I don't know.

I mean, this is actually
the first time I heard about

any of this.

I mean, I don't understand why
she wouldn't have

told me about it-- why she'd
hide it from me, it just...


a wise man once told me

that our kids sometimes
don't tell us things

because they're afraid
of disappointing us.

You believed it?

Not at that time,
of course.


turns out he was right.

LASALLE: You're not an easy
woman to find, Ms. Collins.

Of course, I'm assuming
that's the point,

so you could keep
getting away

with taking high rollers
for all they're worth.

Or k*lling them.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Okay, I never k*lled anyone.

You were saying?

Oh, my God.

The last anybody saw
Ethan Bennett alive

was before he went to the game
you invited him to.

Now, common sense would say
you know who did this, and why.

It means you could be

an accessory to m*rder.

I didn't know what to do.

I-I just kept hoping
it would stop.

I never imagined that
anybody would get hurt.

You hoped what would stop?

Hey, hey.

Come on, Amy.

If you're in trouble,
talk to us.

Help us help you.

Let's start with why you
targeted Yeoman Bennett.

Not exactly a high roller.

I was told to.

Kurt knew Bennett
played poker,

knew I could lure him
to the private game.

Who's Kurt?
Kurt Young.

Before he showed up,
I ran a clean game.

High stakes, but fair.

It's how I made ends meet

after my divorce.

Then a few weeks ago,
Kurt takes over.

Forces me to do things.

I never imagined
that he would

k*ll this poor guy.

They marked the cards,
cheated him.

So he wanted Bennett to lose
to get leverage on him? Why?

All I know is that
Kurt wanted me

to recruit Bennett
because he worked

at that Navy
research place.

Kurt's taking orders

from some guy--
I've never met him,

but I've overheard them
on the phone.

They're looking for
someone else like Bennett.

Someone else who works
at the Navy research lab?

Well, Bennett wasn't the only
one who played poker.

Some of his Navy pals did, too.

Kurt said if I don't
find someone else

to recruit tonight...

he's gonna hurt my little boy.

So, it turns out the other
m*rder victim had access

to Stennis, too--
private contractor

kept their vending
machines filled.

And this mystery man,
who's Kurt's boss,

is pressuring them to find
somebody else at Stennis.

So, whatever they're after
has to be there.

Have to assume that
Bennett didn't cooperate.

Otherwise, they wouldn't
still be targeting people.

The only problem is
there's no way

to know what they're after.

Stennis isn't just home
to NASA and naval research.

They test-fire rocket engines,

NAVO's there,

All right, then,
we got to narrow it down.

Start by figuring out
who this Kurt Young is

and who he's working for.

There's not much time
to do that if he's

pressuring Amy to deliver
a new target by tonight.

I'll get NOPD to put her son
in protective custody.

That's not what I mean.

If you ask me,

the best and fastest way

to figure out
who's behind this

and what they want

is to get Amy to get us
into that private game,

and get Kurt to target us.

You mean...
get him to target you.

Look, I'm just saying

we don't have
a lot of options.

If Amy has to bring somebody,
why not me?

I won't screw up again.

SEBASTIAN: Devil's advocate,
real quick.

I mean,
even if you could get

into that game,
wh-what would it accomplish?

Didn't Amy say that they're
only targeting people

who work at Stennis?

Or people who have access
to Stennis.

Private contractor
didn't work there.

And Percy's access is...

NCIS. It opens every Navy door.

But if Kurt finds out
Sonja's NCIS,

won't he smell a rat
because of Bennett?

I doubt he knows
that we found Bennett's body.

I mean, let alone are
investigating his m*rder.

Yeah, but you can't be sure.

That's a risk
we got to take

if we want to solve
Bennett's m*rder

and find out why
he was k*lled.

Look, Amy's willing to help us.

She can introduce me
to Kurt as a civilian,

then secretly tell him I'm NCIS,
so he targets me.

PRIDE: You're right,
it's our best chance.

That said, they've already
k*lled two people,

and we still don't know who
we're really up against.

So, it's got to be
your call, Sonja.

You scared?
Are you kidding me?

Doing this type of stuff
is one of the reasons

I wanted to join FBI
in the first place.

Yeah. Surprised you
didn't take the job.

Curious as to what
changed your mind.

Yeah, I guess I didn't want
to break up the team.

Can we just focus
on the plan here?

Yeah, it's a plan I'm not
too crazy about, either.

At least HQ's
on board this time.

Ponied up
a lot of dough.

I hope they're okay
with me losing it

so Kurt gets his hooks into me.

Yeah, I hope he doesn't
suspect it's a setup.

Sonja Percy,
Christopher Lasalle.

Check your list.

Go ahead.
Thank you.

Don't worry,
Country Mouse.

I got this.

SONJA: (laughs)
Four of a kind, baby.

How's Sonja doing?

Just had four to a flush.

Just won a big blind special
with a double gutter.

English, please.

The girl is on fire.
She's winning big.


Any progress narrowing down
potential targets at Stennis?

It's like looking for a needle
in a haystack.

They got too many
classified projects.

We better hope that Sonja
gets Kurt's attention.

He goes after her when
she starts losing big.

Gregorio, Sebastian,
everything still status quo?

GREGORIO: Yeah, well,
if you call status quo

all the firepower
they got out front,


Hey, this thing goes sideways,

it could get ugly
real fast.

Why you're there.

Counting on you
to have their backs.

Keep us posted.

Raise five grand.

Man, it makes me
break out into a sweat

just thinking about
betting that much money.

I just hope Percy's not
pushing too hard, you know?

Trying to make good
for messing up last night.

You worried about her?

DEALER: Straight wins.

SONJA: What do we say
we double the blind

and make this a no-limit game?

Hell yeah. Why not?

We all came to play,
didn't we?

Hey, now we got
ourselves a game.

LASALLE: Why don't, uh,
we take a little break, huh?

Shh, shh, shh, no, baby.
I'm on a roll.

Yeah, but it's my family money,
all right?

And we agreed to a limit.

Look, I already told you.
I got this.

You're first to act, ma'am.

Ten grand.

Player bets $ , .

Water, please.

How're you holding up, Amy?

Just a little scared.
I know.

But you're doing
the right thing.

Trust me, all right?

Is that Kurt over there
on the fancy couch?

Told him your partner
came to me last night,

begged for a chance

to win your money back.

Said she didn't want
NCIS to find out

about her gambling problem.

Think he bought it?

Think so.

He's talking to whoever
he's working with right now.

Well, we'll know
soon enough,

as soon as Percy
starts losing.

Oh, she will, too.

Ronny over there
in the baseball cap,

works for Kurt

and he cheats.
DEALER: All bets in.

Thank you, dealer.

Hey, King.

Any leads

on what they're after?

No, we're still trying
to narrow it down.

It might be up to Sonja
to lead us to it, though.

Keep her focused.

You get the sense anything
is not right,

call it and get out of there.

You got it.


Player calls.

Be right back.


Oh, hey, Daddy.

You looked busy,
so I didn't want to bother you.

Yeah, I know.

Everything okay?
I'm not sure.

Got a strange call today
from your music dean.

Why'd he call you?

Actually said he'd been trying
to call you.

Wondering why you turned
down the internship

he worked so hard
to get you.

Guess I'm a little curious as to
why you never told me about it.

I mean, come on, Dad. I'm .

There's a lot of things
I don't tell you.

Yeah, well, I'm-I'm thinking

it's something you
should've told me about,

especially since your
future after college

is mostly all we've been
talking about lately.

There's nothing to talk about.

I want to move back home.

I don't want to live
in New York.


Then why'd you apply for the
internship in the first place?

And why can't you seem to find
an apartment you like here?

Even after looking at, what?
A dozen or more so far?

PATTON: Yo, Pride. Might
want to come listen to this.

We'll talk later.

RONNY: Looking kind of nervous
there, little lady.

thou to you.

I see your .

I raise you more.

Hey. What are you doing?

I'm just doing
what I do, baby. Relax.

I can't. All right?
You've been at this all night.

You need to stop.

Look, that's my money
and you're losing

everything you won.
Okay, I'm about to win it back.


All right, Pride.
DEALER: Reraise another .

Sounds like Percy's
about to make her play.

All right.
DEALER: It's to you, ma'am.

Gregorio, you and Sebastian
be prepared

to breach, just in case.

Just give us the go.

See your .

And I raise you more.

That's $ , to you,

Mr. Adler.

I'll see your .

Raise you more.

All right. That's it.
You're done.

I'm gonna need you
to front me, Chris.

I-I-I can win this. I know it.
Who are you kidding, Percy?

All right, look, admit it.
You're in way over your head.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

Are you calling my bet or not?

Nobody's talking to you, pal.

All right, we shouldn't
even be here.

You know that?
You've got a problem.

And I'm not willing to risk
any more of my money.

Damn it, Chris,
don't give up on me!

You're on your own. I'm done.
No, wait, Chris. Chris.

- Wait. Chris!
- No. Forget it. Forget about it.


Excuse me!

My apologies.

Now who the hell
do you think you are?

Someone who's interested
in covering your bet.

That's got to be Kurt.

Cover my bet?

Why would you do that?
What's the catch?

No catch if you win.

It's all yours.
But if you lose...

let's just say you owe me.

Owe you?

Now what are you,
some kind of creep?

(chuckles) I think the
bigger question here is...

do you think you can win?

Decision's yours.

Chris, Kurt has
approached Sonja.

You close?


Lasalle's comm stopped working.
SONJA: All right, I'm in.

What happened?
I don't know.

Ace-high straight.
Now beat that.

Full house. Aces full of tens.


(laughs) Looks like you're out
$ , , little lady.

Gregorio, did you see Lasalle
leave the mansion?

No. He never came out.

Where the hell is he?
RONNY: Come to daddy.


No, no, no, no.
A deal's a deal.

Screw you. He cheated!

He had to!

Please don't make a scene.

You'll just make it
more difficult.

And who the hell are you?

My name is Henry Chen.

And since you've lost,
you now owe me.

(scoffs) Look, pal, I don't know
what's going on here, but...

Like my man said,
a deal's a deal.

(camera shutter clicking)

Whoever this Chen guy is,

he's taken Sonja into the car
with one of his thugs.

Do you want us to move in?

No, stay there.

They must have Christopher;
possibly Amy, too.

Leverage in case
this is a setup.

You get the photo
Sebastian sent?

- They're just coming through now.
- Okay.

Well, we need to figure out
who this guy Chen is.

I'm all over it, King.

I'm running facial recognition,

checking every database known to man.
- Okay.

Well, hold on. What about Percy?
PRIDE: They got her for access.

Got to be taking her
to Stennis.

- I'm headed there now.
- Yeah, but the complex is too big.

We still don't know what they're after.
PRIDE: Well, we will

when Patton figures out who
the hell we're dealing with.

No pressure there.
Look, Gregorio,

you two find out where
they're holding Christopher.

But unless he's
in imminent danger,

don't make a move
until you hear from me.

Right, because
if Chen realizes

that we just rescued
his leverage...

They'll know it was a setup

and then take Percy out.
I'm counting on you.

All right, Patton.
Get me Chen.

You want me to call Stennis
and put the center on alert?

No, that'll
alert Chen, too.

Put Percy at even
greater risk.

No, our only chance

is to save her
and stop them ourselves.

Get to it!

This isn't gonna work.

We don't even have passes.

NCIS doesn't need passes.

So, what? I don't do this,
you sh**t me, my friend?

You know,
you'll die, too.

The guards will k*ll you.

If I don't succeed,

the people who sent me
are gonna k*ll me anyways.

So this is the only chance

either one of us
has of surviving.

Your choice.

Morning, ma'am.

I.D.s, please.

Special Agent Sonja Percy, NCIS.

And, uh, two forensics experts.

It's a counterintelligence

I can't tell you any more.

Welcome to Stennis.

Stay clear of the A- Stand.
We've got a launch scheduled

in less than two hours.

Copy that.

All right.

Where to?

The A- launch.

Drive the speed limit.

We don't want any
unwanted attention.

There's guards everywhere.

(whispering): Well, Lasalle's
got to be down here.

We checked everywhere else.

(man speaking in Mandarin)


(speaking Mandarin)

Got eyes on Lasalle, Patton.

He's got Amy, too.

Copy that. Stand by.

Pride is almost at Stennis.
Watch your back.

Just found out
that Chen and Kurt

are both working for the MSS.

Calling Pride now.

Chinese CIA. Great.

(man continues
speaking Mandarin)

Hey, Pride, I got a match,

but I don't think
you gonna like this.

Talk to me.

“Henry Chen” turned out
to be an alias.

When I crosschecked facial
recognition with his buddy Kurt,

they both popped up
on DCI's watch list for MSS.

Chinese operatives.

Does that narrow down
why they want access?

Got to be the Tetris satellite.

It's set to launch this morning.

It's packed with the Navy's
newest tracking technology.

They want to destroy it?

More likely, they want to bug it

so they can monitor
every ship and sub in our fleet.

Hang on, Patton, hang on.

Did another agent
just come through here?

Yes, sir,
about five minutes ago.

I need to know where
the Tetris satellite

launches from, stat.

The A- , sir.
Thank you.

Go ahead, Patton.

What are you doing?

Keep driving,
or your boyfriend's dead.

Okay, first of all, he's not

my boyfriend.
It's a complicated story,

but I don't have time
to get into it right now.

I said drive.
Second of all,

I think you're gonna
k*ll us both anyway, right?

And since I'm just now realizing
that the only reason I decided

to stay at NCIS
is because I didn't want

to let the team down,
I'm not gonna.

What are you talking about?

You think I'm bluffing?

No, but I'm not bluffing either.

(tires screeching)

(men grunting)

(phone rings)
Alfa, code three.

That car's out of control!

Close the gate.

(siren wailing)

All right, I got to stop Percy.

Get Lasalle out of there now.
Go, go, go!

NCIS. Freeze!

We got to go, before
the other guards come.

What about Percy?

(horn honking)

(tires screeching)

Sonja, look back.

Come on!

(horn honking)

(men shouting)

(horn honking)

(Sonja grunts)

Stand down!


Stand down!
Stand down!

Hold your fire!

PRIDE: You all right?

I think so.

How's Christopher?


Looks like he's all right.

I'm not sure
that was the best decision

you were about to make there.

Well, it seems
to be a pattern lately.


(jazz music playing)

(door opens, closes)

Oh... Hey.

Uh, Laurel, I...

I'm sorry. Uh...

Thank you so much for waiting.

It's okay.
(laughs softly)

I think I'm used to it
after all these years.


Not sure that's a good thing.

Your mother

certainly never thought it was.

Yeah, well, I'm not Mom.

I know what you do
and why you do it, Daddy,

and I'm proud of that.

Proud when I walk
around town

and people realize
I'm your daughter.

I just feel like I didn't get
to spend any time with you

while you were here.

You sure you got to go back now?


Can't graduate
if I don't go to class.

Can't get that internship
if you don't graduate, either.

Still available?


You want it?

Then go get it,
honey. Go.

Go to New York.

Don't worry about me.

You got to follow your heart.

Yeah, but you're
all alone here.

You don't have any family...

What are you talking about?
I got you, don't I?

No matter where you are.

And I got my team,
my friends.

Rita comes down to visit

every once in a
while from D.C.

You're a grown woman,


You got to do
what's best for you,

not somebody else.

Even if that somebody else
is me.

(laughs softly)


I'll always be here for you.

I love you, Daddy.

I love you, too.

More than you'll ever know.


Hey, what's up?

You okay?


No. Um, I don't know.

I'm just nervous, I guess.

Don't be.

I understand.

FBI's gonna be lucky
to have you.

How did you know?

I know you.

I really wanted to make
it work for me here, Pride,

I really did.

You know, I love NCIS.

I love all the work
that we've done,

how much I've grown, learned.

But it's time to move on.

Feel like I just had

this conversation-- look,

I didn't stay at
the sheriff's office forever,

even though I loved it.

Had an opportunity here,
took it, and I'm glad I did.

Sometimes you got to give up
something to get something.

I, um...

I just didn't want to let
the team down by leaving.

It's a noble reason,
for sure, just...

not a good one.


You're a terrific agent, Percy,
you really are.

I'm not gonna
lie to you.

I'm gonna miss you.


Suppose I should
tell the others now.

Pretty sure they already know.

(laughs softly)

I hate you, making me cry.

I'm so sorry.

No, don't be sorry, baby.

It's good.

It's what you want, right?

PATTON: Well, listen, baby,
that's all that matters, girl.

You know what?

Matter of fact, I'm tired
of vegan stuff, anyway.

So get your tofu,

rice cake-eating ass
out of here.


Yeah, you know,
plus, we already...

we already thought
that you were leaving anyway,

so honestly,
at this point, it's just,

you know, it's old news.

So I'm also gonna
call dibs on your desk.

PATTON: Oh, man.

The corpse ain't even cold yet,

and you already measuring
for drapes?

I love you.

It's just real drafty
by that door.

Come on, everybody,
let's go to the bar,

and do this right.

I'll call Loretta,
tell her to meet us there.

PATTON: Yes, sir.
Good liquor, free liquor.

(laughs softly)

I'll... I'll catch up with you.

You mad at me?


No, I'm happy for you.

It's just...


I don't know.

Now that this is
really happening,

and you really
are leaving,

I can't help but to wonder
what might've been.

Me, too.

(laughs softly)

It's kind of funny.

We chose not to follow through
for the good of the team,

and you almost
sacrificed yourself today

for the same reason.
Yeah, well,

I came in a lone wolf,
leaving a team player.

Yes, you are.

I'm gonna miss you, City Mouse.

I'll miss you, too,
Country Mouse.

Come on.

Let's go be with our friends.

I'll be right there.