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04x15 - The Last Mile

Posted: 07/18/21 06:33
by bunniefuu
(bell dings)
Order up.

I got a bad feeling about this,
for real.

Ever since I woke up
this morning.

Relax, Cyrus.

Eat your biscuits and gravy.
It'll calm your nerves.

This dude Belanger is bad news.

Where's your FBI backup?

What if he spots them?
Gets spooked.

He won't.

No one to spot.

I'm on my own here.

You're kidding.
It's like you said,

we don't want to spook this guy.

If this goes wrong...

If this goes wrong,
then we're both screwed,

so calm down and eat
your damn biscuits.

Uh, hey, Belanger.

Uh, this is my boy
I was telling you about.

Ray Jones.

Okay, Ray Jones.

Why are we here?

He say he got a piece
of work lined up...

Cyrus, I'm talking to Ray.

Cyrus says that
you're a wheelman.

Says you need reliable muscle
for a job that starts tomorrow.

That's me.

And what qualifies you?

Ever heard of “Shock and Awe”?

Armored truck robberies
out of Virginia.

Crew was no joke.

But you are.

Only people ever called
that crew Shock and Awe

were the freaking cops.

Hey, Cyrus, what is this?

Come on, Belanger,

you know I wouldn't bring
the cops to meet you.

Yeah, 'cause you know
I'd do this.


(people gasping)

Call now!

(sirens wailing)

(tires screeching)

(man shouts)

Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!

(tires screeching)

(sirens wailing)

Hands where we can see them!

Okay, okay, don't sh**t.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

(lock buzzes)

Oh, my goodness.

- Raymond.
- Dwayne.

I appreciate you
calling me, Francine.

You mind giving us a moment?


(lock buzzes)

Busy day, huh?

I know it looks bad.

Ah, well...

You were involved in the
sh**ting of a federal informant.

They told me that Cyrus
is gonna make it.

And you were arrested
two miles away

after engaging the suspect,
Donny Belanger,

in a high-speed chase.

I almost had him.

You were armed,
but without credentials.

Neglected to identify yourself
as an FBI agent.

They got my I.D.
when they pulled my prints.

And you asked
the arresting officers

not to notify the New Orleans
FBI field office,

but instead call me.

Couldn't trust anyone else.

What exactly are you up to?
A case.

Big one.

And, technically,

the FBI doesn't know
I'm working it.

Man in the hospital
with a g*nsh*t wound,

suspect got away.

I have pull with NOPD,

but not enough to keep this
from your bosses.

Well, I was hoping that you
could stall them long enough

for us to find Belanger.

- Us?
- Dwayne.

This is important.

I need your help.

PRIDE: Love what you've done
with the place, Raymond.

It's very homey.

I have no intention of
making a home here, Dwayne.

Aw, why? At least
make it comfortable. I...

When we're done with the case,
I'll buy a plant.

This is what I've
been working on.

Series of “last-mile
truck heists”

pulled over the past two years.

And I've been working on this
ever since I got down here.

Okay, so what
are they...


Straight from
the manufacturers.

The trucks are hit

right before their
drugstore deliveries.

Four-man takedown crews,

targeting high-value dr*gs:

hydromorphone, fentanyl.

$ million worth.

Why haven't FBI and DEA

Because it's under the radar.

Never the same crew, never
the same jurisdiction.

And no single heist
takes a haul large enough

to warrant federal intervention.

But you think...
it's connected.

Case by case,
there's not much to go on,

but as a whole?

Big picture?

There's a pattern.

The getaway cars.

Always late model sedans,

always fall off the grid
a few miles from the heist,

and always when they're headed
in the same direction...

New Orleans.

What happened when you brought
this to D.C.'s attention?

Tilting at windmills.

Jockeying for my
old position back.

They told me to
stay in my lane.

Heard that before.

But considering
all the trouble you've been in,

including today,
maybe you should listen.

When I was a rookie...

someone close to me
got injured on the job.

Got hooked on pills.

Devastated him.

Nearly destroyed his career
and his life, and...

No, I-I can't let this sit.


Okay, Raymond.

So, tell me, what happened
at the restaurant?

Belanger is hiring talent
for a pharma truck heist.

Needs muscle fast.

It connects.

So you went solo,

and Belanger pegged you
as law enforcement.

He's the only lead I have to
figuring out who's behind this.

I got to find him.

I need your team to do it.

You're asking us to join an
unsanctioned FBI investigation

with no NCIS ties?

I'm asking you to sanction it.


Petty Officer Todd Walsh,

based out of Belle Chasse,

died of an opioid
overdose-- fentanyl.

You're thinking the pills came
from one of these heists?

Oh, I'm sure of it.

And that would make this...

an NCIS investigation.

Don't understand, King.

Petty Officer Walsh
died six months ago--

how'd we land this
case overnight?

It was brought
to my attention

that Walsh's death might connect
to the heists I sent your way.

- By who?
- Isler.

Case is a political hot potato
for him, so we're pinch-hitting.

Sounds like a political way of
saying the FBI doesn't approve.

Should we be doing this after
D.C.'s finally off our ass?

Well, Isler caught a raw deal
getting sent down here.

He's helped us in the past,
and we should do likewise.

And why not enjoy
the sweet irony

of him needing our help again?

Gonna lord it over
him for years.

I spent the morning
crossing T's and dotting I's

with the local
New Orleans field office.

We're good
to pursue the case.

Isler's cleared
to join us.


What have you learned?
Ms. Loretta's

looking into
Walsh's overdose

to see if it connects
to one of these heists.

Patton's digging
into Isler's research.

Maybe help us identify
some of the suspects.

That leaves Donny Belanger,
our missing driver.

And our only link
to any of the heists.

SONJA: Belanger's a Louisiana
native and NASCAR washout.

Turned his obsession
for fast cars

into a career
as a getaway driver.

Did time for as*ault,

grand theft auto,
weapons possession.

Now, he's supposed to be
serving probation in Lafayette,

but he's been off the grid
for months.

Yeah, I mean,
there's been a few sightings

in New Orleans,
but nothing since yesterday.

I mean, this guy's really good
at not being found.

Well, if we can't find him,

what about his car, the Charger?

Well, Sebastian processed
the scene of the escape.

Pulled cameras from the area,

but the trail went cold
when Belanger

blew through a fence
and cut across a levee.

That's rough terrain
for a factory sedan

to be crossing
at top speeds,

especially after he
took a -foot dive.

All right.

I'll meet Isler at the lab,

see what Loretta
and Sebastian came up with.

Meantime, keep on the hunt
for Belanger.

Check on the BOLO.
Knock on doors.

He's out there somewhere.

WADE: I pulled Petty Officer
Walsh's autopsy file

and tox screen.

The chemical signature
of the pills he took

match those stolen from one
of your heists in Tennessee.

I knew those dr*gs
were coming into New Orleans.

Yes, and Walsh
is not the only victim.

I pulled a half a dozen
other fentanyl overdose files.

Those dr*gs are k*lling people.

- We'll shut them down, Loretta.
- Yeah, we better.

Otherwise, I'm gonna start
running out of lockers.

I hope that smile means

you found me a lead,
Special Agent Lund.

Uh, no. This smile is
'cause I've been watching

the greatest car chases
in film history.

Thought you were supposed to be

finding Belanger's car,

Yeah, I was.

I mean I am. I--
right this--

yeah. Right now.
This is research. Here.

Uh, Belanger's
jump, you know,

was straight out of
The Fast and the Furious.

Which one?

Well, take your pick.

I mean, personally,
my favorite,

that's Fast Five.

'Cause that chase
in Rio, remember?

Man, that thing. And then,

Tokyo Drift on
the other hand...

- But we digress.
- We do. You're right.

The point is that

there's no way
that Belanger's Charger

could have survived
the impact from that dive

unless it had been
heavily modified.

Custom work.

Talking, you know,
reinforced frame,

extended wheelbase,
heavy-duty tires

on heavy-duty wells...

How does this help us
track Belanger?

I don't think that the Charger
entirely survived the jump.

I found motor oil

at the impact site,

probably from
a-a cracked oil pan.


So it's leaking oil.

It is, but it's not
just any oil.

Regal Purple W- .

High viscosity for
performance vehicles.

This is very hard to find,
and it's very expensive.

You just don't pick this up
at a Pep Boys.

So you're saying
he needs this stuff.

Yeah, he can't get far without
a new oil pan and a top-off.


So we're looking
for an auto shop

that sells Regal Purple
but also performs

specialty repairs
on custom cars.

Yes. And the good thing is that
there are only three places

in New Orleans
where you can get that.

PRIDE: Ah, that's
good work.

Let's divide and conquer.

Send me those, Sebastian.

There's the Charger.

Yeah. Keep your eyes open.
Belanger can't be far.

BELANGER: Thought you were gonna
put two guys on it.

- This is my best guy.
- Him?

What, is he new?

Donny Belanger? NCIS.

LASALLE: Hands where
we can see them.

He's got a g*n!


Don't move!


Pretty sure he ain't going
anywhere, New York.


Okay, Belanger.

Time to talk.

Unless one of you guys
has a medical degree,

I'm not saying a damn thing.

My arm is broken.

And I'm not feeling a lot
of sympathy for the guy

who shot my C.I.,

and attempted to sh**t
two federal agents today.

This is police brutality.

stabilized your arm.

We'll get you a doctor as soon
as you get us some names.

Everyone involved
in these truck heists,

or you take the fall alone.

Well, here's the thing.

I'm terrible with names,

and I don't respond to threats.

This is not a threat.

You're looking at ten
to years, mandatory.

Consider me informed.

Now about that doctor.

You don't want to...

Oh, God!
Hey, Ray.

Whoa, oh, wow.

That arm is a lot worse
than I thought, Pride.

I think that bone
is shattered.

Like I said, it needs attention.


But not from just any doctor.

You need an expert orthopedist.

What are y'all talking about?

Surgery, probably.

Otherwise you'll lose
use of that arm.

They might even
need to take it.

You know, the head

of orthopedic surgery
at LSU is a friend.

I could make a call to Dr. Zura.

If you had a reason to.

If I had good reason to.


I don't know much.

Last week, this guy reaches out.

His name's Hal Cranston.

We did a bit at
Angola together.

He says he's got
a one-time job.

Big money, low risk,
boosting pharma-grade opioids.

He said I'd be
the wheelman.

He had muscle,

needed one more guy.

When's this job going down?

Supposed to meet up this
afternoon, go over the plan.

Clearly, I'm
otherwise engaged.

Now, about that doctor friend.

First, you're gonna tell us
where and when the meet is.

Then we'll deal with the arm.

Hal Cranston's a
stickup man by trade.

Served multiple stretches
for armed robbery--

couple of jewelry stores,
truck hijacking;

smash and grab, mostly.

He's no criminal mastermind.

Yeah, scope of these drug heists
is too complex

for a thug like Cranston.

He's working for someone.

All right, so we
bring him in, right?

Get him to roll on his boss?

We'll need leverage to do that.

Right now, all we got
is Belanger's word.

We got something else.

Cranston needs a driver
and a takedown man.

We can deliver both.

What are you thinking, King?

I'm thinking Sonja

has access to clean

A*F covers.

You two go in as replacement
driver and muscle.

Catch Cranston
while planning the heist,

force him to give up his boss.

Sounds like a plan.

- One small adjustment.
- Hmm?

I'm going in as the muscle
instead of Lasalle.



I started this thing, I should
be the one to see it through.

Right, but you were made
within a minute at that diner.

You reek of cop.

Error in judgment yesterday.

It won't happen again.

'Cause you're not
going undercover.

Look, I've been working on this

on my own for months,

putting the pieces to...

This is my case.

Technically, it's ours now.

Look, I'm not sitting back

and letting anyone else
be put in danger.

SONJA: Well,
just to be clear,

you wouldn't put
Lasalle in danger,

but I will be there, too.


Hang on.

Operation carries a lot
of risks, Raymond.

I am well aware of
the risks, Dwayne.

This is too important to me.

Isler goes undercover
with Sonja.


we need recon
at the meet.

Check out the location.
You're the backup.

Sebastian, we'll coordinate
comms from here.

I don't like this.

He's not ready.

Hey. I'm standing right here.

Okay. Look.

You have a few hours.
Get him ready.

What if I can't?

Then it's your call to pull him.


Well, I guess you're with me.

ISLER: I'm Alton Webber from
Detroit. I came to New Orleans

ten years ago
as a mud-man on the derricks.

I tore my ACL,

lost my job,
had to make ends meet.

I'm good with a g*n,
and I don't get nervous.

Bang, you're dead.

Hey. Percy.

That was letter perfect.
Come on.

That's the problem.

You're all head and no heart.

Okay? It's not enough
to say the words,

you got to believe them.


And get rid of the hat, it's ridiculous.

I got this, all right?

Not a question
of your enthusiasm.

Look, we don't have time, okay?
The meet happens in an hour.

Doesn't have to
happen with you.

- Wa-Wait.
- Look,

last person you worked with got
shot at point-blank range.

- I'm in no hurry to take a b*llet.
- Okay, look.

Hey, hey, I can do it again.

All right, let me
do it again.

I can do it,
I can do it better.

I'm focused, I'm in control,
all right?

I don't need focus
and control.

I need you to say
one authentic thing

that tells me
you're Alton Webber.

I like pills.

That's really how
I lost my job.

After the injury,
I was high all the time.

There was an accident

on the derricks.

A man almost died.

It was because of me.

(clears throat)

Look, I'm sober now,

but, uh...

I-I almost lost everything.

Family, work.


And that was years ago,

and I haven't had
so much as an aspirin since.

Well, damn.

Where was that
in Alton Webber's file?

It wasn't.

I improvised.

Well, if we can get
a little more of that,

we might have a fighting chance.

Now let's go over it
one more time.

But this time...

with feeling.

I'm Alton Webber from Detroit.

I came to New Orleans
ten years ago.

I don't like this position.

There's too much distance
in case they need backup.

Only place with cover.

Otherwise, we get spotted.

I know it.

I just don't like it.

(camera beeps)

We're set, Pride.

All right, signal's clear.

We got audio and visuals.

All right, everyone.

NOPD's a mile away.

This gets messy,
we call in the cavalry.

Are we expecting messy?

Not if Sonja did her job.

Here comes the Charger.

Not sure what hurts
more, my arm

or my ears after hearing you
strip my transmission.

Okay, first of all, it's not
your transmission anymore.

Your gear is sticking.

You need to learn how to...

Stop talking.

Are you ready?

You're late.

(train horn blows)

Okay, they're in.

Whoa, whoa.
We just lost image and sound.

Christopher, Gregorio?

What? We got nothing.

Lost contact with NCIS

and the audio inside
the building.

I don't know what's happening.

Well, I hope I'm gonna get
a receipt for those.

Get your personal items
back later.

The hell happened to you?

Broke my arm.
I can see that, genius.

Got you the car like I said.

Tori here's the second-best
driver in town.

Check out the size
on my man, Webber.

(Cranston chuckles)

Can't fault your work ethic,

But you brought two strangers
to the meet.

That's unacceptable.


And you...

you got five seconds
to convince me you're not a cop.

Okay, hold on.

Let's take a beat there, friend.

I'm not your friend.

I don't know you,
and this guy's got cop eyes.

Okay, well, we don't
know you, either,

but I thought that
was the whole point of this job.

This is the part where you
convince me you're on the level.

SONJA: Nah, we came
here to do work.

Now, if you not offering that,
we'll bounce.

Ain't that right, Alton?


Why did we lost comms,

I don't know,
Cranston must have engaged

some sort of short-range
signal jammer

inside the building.
Well, can you counteract it?

Yeah, yeah,
I'm trying, I'm trying.

That's four.

Tell him, Alton.

King, do you read me? King?
Phones aren't working, either.

Dude, I wouldn't
bring a cop.

Dude, we both know you'd do

whatever it takes
to save your ass.

All right, I'm pulling

the plug-- we're going in.
No, no. No, hold on.

Let's get eyes inside
the warehouse first,

see what's happening.
All right, you're right.

You can make me waste a b*llet,
but I won't waste time

digging a grave.

Yeah? Then let's get to it.

Three, two, one.
Pull the trigger.

Time's up.

Just make sure
you take me out.

See, I've been shot before,
by an actual cop.

But he couldn't close the deal;
I took his g*n...

left him in a ditch.

Load of crap.

Let's play it out.

Where you going?


You're crazy, man.

(chuckles, snorts)
I love it.

So we cool?


The both of you.

This job's gonna
be a blast.

I had to prove a point.

No hard feelings?

Whatever, man.

BELANGER: Somebody, somebody
want to help me out here?

I think you cracked my skull.

Suck it up.

We're on a schedule.

You stay put.
We got a job to do.

Uh, we-we doing the job now?

Only way the boss does it.

We meet, hit the
road, do the work.

No second-guessing,
no loose lips.

Help me with the gear.

Looks like they're in.
Let's keep trying to get Pride.

We're good.

All right, let's go. Load up.

Pride. Signal's back.

So, uh...

where is this job, anyway?

No idea.
Charlie's gonna

tell us everything.

Who's Charlie?

The Wizard of frickin' Oz.

PRIDE: Christopher, Gregorio,
you there?

Yeah, we're here.
We lost you for a second.

Sebastian thinks that Cranston

has some kind
of a signal blocker.

It looks like
Isler and Sonja

are all right.

Yeah, they're fine now.

They survived the interview.

But we got a problem, King.

The job is happening now.

As in now now, like right now?

Yeah, now, now, Sebastian.

Well, we-we got to call NOPD.

We don't have much
to charge them with.

Conspiracy, maybe.

LASALLE: There's something else
you should know, King.

Cranston's getting instructions
on a special phone

from a guy named Charlie.

Yeah. Seems like the shot caller

on these heists.

What if we just
let this play out?

You-you want them
to rob the truck?

No, I want to get to Charlie.

If he's the boss and we
can wrap him up in this, then...

Lasalle, Gregorio,
let this ride.

But stay close.

(engine starts)

You got it.

What are we gonna do
with this guy?

You leaving me here?
Shut up.

NOPD's on their way
to pick you up.

Gregorio! We got to move.

This is not cool at all.


This is not cool!

These guys literally
just met,

and they're about
to hijack a truck?

Yeah. Whatever
this Charlie's doing...

it's been working for two years.

How can he keep his crews
in the dark like this?

He's gaming
the system.

Sounds like you
found something, P.


I went down the rabbit hole
on each heist

that Isler was investigating.

Evidence, police comms,

escape routes.

They were all over the place--
through back roads, tiny towns.

That's how the getaway cars

drop off the radar.

And when they

Always in a new jurisdiction.

Law enforcement loses
Charlie's crews

and they hand off across city,

county, even-- look--
even state lines.

The crews know
where the police are gonna be

before the police do.

Maybe Charlie's
some sort of a cop.

Maybe he's gaming

the system,
because he knows the system.

How to avoid detection,
which dr*gs to steal,

and what amount to steer clear
of federal intervention.

A cop could also access
encrypted police signals,

guiding his crew
around roadblocks.

Which he does
using modified cars

that can travel
across any terrain.

All right, look, I'm
gonna stay on the line

with Lasalle
and Gregorio.

You two dig deeper
into Cranston.

If he's taking orders
from a dirty cop...

Something in his past
will point to who.

And we need to identify who
before Sonja and Isler

get in too deep.

All right.

SONJA: Look, we've been driving
for over an hour.

How long are you gonna keep us
in the dark?

When I know where to stop,
you will, too.

Is this some kind of scam
you're pulling here?

Relax, big guy.

Charlie never lets me down.

Good afternoon.

You've almost arrived
at your destination.

Welcome to Gulfport.
Please continue down this road.

Like I said.

Target ETA is ten minutes out.

And what exactly is this target?

Charlie talks, we listen;
not the other way around.

♪ ♪

GREGORIO: This thing's
about to go down, Pride.

Are we gonna let it?

Moment they pull the truck over,

we've got them dead to rights.

LASALLE: They're armed
to the teeth, though.

If we don't play this tight,

things could go sideways fast.

Get ready.

The target is closing in.

Three, two, one.

Hey! You move, I sh**t!

Hurry up.
Get in there.


Come on.

Come on. Hurry up.

That's what we need. Let's go!

MAN: You ain't
goin' anywhere!

Drop your weapons now!

I said drop 'em!

So much for playing it tight.

Do it now or I'll smoke you.

(tires screech)


Look out!


Get in the car!

Get in the frickin'
car now!

Gregorio! Are you with me?

CHARLIE: Call went out.
seconds till the arrive.

What about Hicks?

Just drive!

(tires squeal)

(Gregorio groans)

Gregorio, you all right?

I'm fine, I'm fine.
The vest took the slug.

It hurts, though.

What about the Charger?
Percy and Isler

took off with Cranston.

They're gone.


Tammy was shot?

In the vest.

Cracked a couple ribs.
She's tough.

Well, we got to pull Percy
and Isler out of there now.

We got to find them first,

We got no communication.

Right, right. And with...

Charlie helping
Cranston avoid the police,

it's gonna be even harder
to track them down.

So we track Charlie instead.

I've been digging
in Cranston's background.

I've been looking for any
connection to any cops.

That's a pretty big pool.

Plenty have arrested him,

questioned him,
testified against him.

Plus, Cranston
moves around a lot,

so there's a dozen
different jurisdictions up here.

So we need to
narrow it down.

Lasalle and Gregorio's
surveillance mic

recorded Charlie's voice just
before the Charger got away.

Charlie said “the ”
were seconds out.

That's slang for law enforcement
in the Atlanta area.

All right,
so then we focus on Atlanta.


Hey, I got something here.

FBI Special Agent
Roger Driscoll.

SEBASTIAN: Driscoll.
Here he is.

Former agent,
actually retired in .

Before that, he was head
of the resident agency in Macon.

Arrested Cranston

for weapons possession
a decade ago.

And then Cranston became
Driscoll's C.I.,

and they went after stickup
teams across Georgia for years.

Yeah, means they had
a close relationship.

Not only that,

but Driscoll owns a property
right outside of Lakeview.

All right,
we need to get there fast.

Sebastian, you're with me.

No idea if Cranston made
Sonja and Isler.

But if he did,
they're in trouble.

Patton, keep Lasalle
and Gregorio in the loop.

CHARLIE: Time for another
detour, Cranston.

We need to get you
off this main road.

Take the next left
and pull behind the barbershop.

You'll need cover.

State police are approaching
from the opposite direction.

(sirens wailing)

How you doing back there?

ISLER: You're bleeding out.

You need a hospital.

What I need is an explanation.

What's NCIS?

And why'd you warn them

about Hicks?

I wasn't warning them,
I was warning Hicks. Wait.

You still think I'm a cop?

Cops would want to get me
to a hospital.

Crooks would let me die.

You two,
on the other hand...

...still a question mark.

You're clear.

Keep heading north.

Do what the man says.


Pride, I need you out back.

Keep your speed under

to avoid unnecessary detection.

Continue down the frontage road.

Federal agents!

Then once you cross
the train tracks,

you're in the clear
for the next ten miles.

Well, this is where Driscoll's
running the heists from.

Yeah, but he's not here.

But his equipment is. Satellite
tracking, communications.

It's all online right now. He's
probably logged in remotely.

Does that mean you can crack
his system and find him?

Yeah, with Patton's help, I can.

Well, get to it.

In yards,

you'll turn off
the frontage road.

Keep driving
until you see the tires.

Then pull over.

Okay, Cranston, we're here.

And, look, we gonna have to have
a little conversation

about workplace etiquette.


you hear me?

He's dead.

Well, isn't that great?

Why couldn't he have done that
miles back

when we knew
where the hell we were?

Situation has much improved.

We're armed, and we're about
to take down Charlie.

No, we about to back up out
of these spooky-ass woods

and find us some help.

Sonja, we're too close.
We can't turn around.

We have no way
of contacting NCIS,

which means we have no backup
and no idea how many men

Charlie's coming with.

I'll call Pride on this.

Do it on the drive.

Welcome back.

After all the trouble
in Gulfport,

I'm sure
you're ready to be done.

Bring me the merchandise,

Now what?

I'm gonna make the trade.

You gonna what?
Cover me.

The minute he's back in the car,
sh**t out the tires.


(exhales sharply)
I got this.

You got to stop saying that.

Cranston's dead!

But I have the take!

Bring it here.

But move slowly.

Driver, back
in the vehicle!

Bad news
about Cranston.

How'd it happen?

Cops shot him.

Live by the sword, right?

deal's a deal.

Drop the bags.

Payment for services rendered.

Wait a minute.

Raymond Isler?


Small world.

Hands up.

What's going on here, Driscoll?

You tell me, Raymond.

You're gonna lower the w*apon,

Misjudging the situation here.

I've got the leverage
right now.

I guess I should
be flattered, Raymond.

My little side gig
got you out in the field.

You know this guy?

We used to work together.

Years ago.

They sent him
to the Macon office

after his nasty little
drug addiction.

But it wasn't
for long, was it?

He got the corner office
soon enough.

But me, I have
a perfect record.

I got the boondocks
for years

and a bad buffet lunch
to say good-bye.

And now you're running heists.

Spent a career trying
to get somebody in D.C.

to pay attention
to this opioid crisis.

No one listened.

So you decided
to get yours, huh?

Tell your girl
to toss the w*apon.

You're caught here, Driscoll.

We called in the
moment we got here.

Backup's minutes away.
Communications are down.

There's not a cop
within ten miles of this place.

You want to live,

you'll follow
my instructions.

Not gonna happen.

See, Percy here

is NCIS.

Expert sharpsh**ter.

She can take you out
at , meters.

You're as good as dead,

Well, I guess we'll find out.

(siren wailing)

Hang on!



Isler, you okay?


(siren wailing)

It's not the best time,
but you should

probably know that I get
intense motion sickness

when driving at high speeds
over uneven roads.

Not now, Sebastian.

If Driscoll makes the main road,
he's gonna outrun us.

(truck horn honks)

He's gone.

All right, I need
to take a seat real quick.

That was a little too fast
and furious for me.



♪ ♪

Hail the conquering hero!

You're alive!

- No hugging for four to six weeks.
- Okay. Here.

- Thank you.
- Are you gonna be all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just, you know,

my rib's a
little sensitive.

Eh, that's not what you were
saying on the way over here.

Complaining and
whining the whole way.

That's because you hit
every pothole in New Orleans.

Come on, take a seat, Tammy.

No, sitting's hard.
I'll just stand.


I'll lean, actually.
Le-Leaning's good.

I tried taking her home, but...
But I had to see

for myself that you and Raymond
actually pulled this off.

I know.
I mean...

Yes, Gregorio.

Somehow, we managed
to stop the bad guys.

So you're back in the suit?
I was feeling the leather.

Uh, no, no. The-the
leather's retired.

I have...
I've got a late flight to D.C.

The bosses want to
discuss my future.

Oh, off the bench and back in
the game. Congrats, Isler.

Yeah, don't forget about us
when you're all, you know,

big and important again.

Actually, on second thought,
do forget about us...


...because when you're here,
man, it's-it's complicated.

Well, you know, I don't know
if I can make that promise.

Why don't you guys try
staying out of trouble?

Eh, I don't know if, uh,
we can make that promise.



Um, I had a lot of doubts

about you, but...

you did good out there today.

Thanks, Percy.

you exceeded my...

Well, they were low

expectations, but still.
(chuckles) Yes.

Well, I always thought your
greatest skill set was snark.

You're welcome.

But after what I witnessed

you're as versatile
a field agent as I've ever met.

This town ever gets too small
for you, call me.

FBI can always use
talent like yours.

♪ ♪

♪ Tie my head to the block
and chop ♪

♪ sh**t me dead
when I tell you to stop ♪

♪ Fake an exit
that's all too grand ♪

♪ Just to haunt me... ♪

I heard D.C. called for you.

Figured you'd be
on the first flight out.

Yeah, couldn't leave
without saying good-bye.

Yeah, well, can't let
you leave without, uh...

without a toast.


Lemon or lime?


For my club soda.


she told you about my past?

No, no. I had a feeling.

You took this case...

Plus, I've never seen you
have a drink.

It's been years.

Good for you.

You know, I couldn't have done
any of this without you.

I owe you one.

You owe me nothing.
We're friends.

To you and
your team and...

And to New Orleans! Ha!

Okay, fine. Just this once.


♪ Ticktock, the clock is... ♪


when I get back to Washington,

I'll keep an eye out.

I'll warn you if there's
any problems headed your way.

Raymond, I've been good
with the suits for months.

Toeing the line.

No more beefs with the bosses.

This isn't about the bosses.

This is about your enemies.

I told you before, someone
has their sights on you.

Someone with real power
who wants you gone

no matter what
line you toe.

Do you understand?
I appreciate that.

But I won't be afraid
of the unknown.

Can't live like that.

If you get something
substantial, let me know.

If I learn anything,

I'll be in touch.

- Raymond, hey, hey.
- Yeah.

Be in touch regardless.

♪ Gasoline you set on fire ♪

♪ You light the pyre that sets
my soul to flames, I want to ♪

♪ Feed you to the wolves,
but I know ♪

♪ You'll just haunt me. ♪

♪ ♪