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02x04 - Sock Opera

Posted: 07/17/21 17:10
by bunniefuu
All right, Mabel, today is the big day.

Big day!

Soos finally fixed up the laptop.

If this thing works, we could learn the identity of the author and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls.

You ready?

Oh, I'm ready, baby.


This is it. This is it.

It worked.

Blip, blap, bloobity bloop, twins.

Ugh! Of course, a password.

Don't you worry, bro bro.

With your brains and my laser focus, there is literally nothing that can distract us from...

Did you hear that?

♪ All my life I've been dreaming ♪

♪ Of a love that's right for me ♪

♪ And now I finally know her name ♪

♪ And it's... sing it with me kids ♪

♪ Literacy ♪ I finally understand what all the buzz is about.


Give me some of that honey.

Ba bump. Ba bump.

Oh, boy.

Thank you. Thank you.

Just when I was getting over Mermando, of course, you show up at my doorstep.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about Mermando.

Did not care for Mermandooo.

Okay, this cryptology book says there's 7.2 million 8-letter words.

I'll type, you read. Okay, Mabel?


♪ And that's why we don't stick our hands in... ♪

♪ Other people's mouths ♪ Hey, I'm Gabe Benson, y'all.


Hey, good job today, you guys.

You were late on your cue.


Hey, hey. Be good to each other.

We're all stars.

Hey! Guess who's Mabel?

I am.

Care to learn more? I bet you do.

You like to learn.

And I'm up.

Oh, hey, I'm Gabe, master of puppets.

Nice to meet you.

You're amazing with those puppets.


A lot of people think puppets are dumb or just for kids or something.

Are you kidding me? I'm puppet crazy.

People call me "puppet crazy Mabel".


People used to call me "puppet crazy Gabe".

So when's your next puppet show?

My huh?

I mean, you can't truly love puppets if you're not throwing puppet shows, right.

Yeah, I mean I'm totally working on a puppet show.

Oh, what are the details?

There are SO many details.

So how'd it go?

Dipper, how hard do you think it would be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by Friday?

What? Mabel, are you serious?

I don't know what happened.

I got lost in his eyes and his ponytail and I'm going to be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have anything.

But what about cracking this password?

You know, mystery twins?

If you help me with this for just a couple of days, I promise I'll help you with the password.

Please. Pretty please.

It's for love, Dipper.

All right, okay.

Yes! Thank you.

This guy, he's number one!

Okay. Okay, okay, okay.


Man, I can't wait to get to the bottom of this laptop.

We're close to something big here.

I can feel it.


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Come on.

All right, the play is going to be called

"Glove Story- A Sock Opera.” Just a warning, people's eyes will get wet, 'cause they'll be crying from laughing, from how tragic it is.

Yeah, that... that sounds great.

Come on, Dipper, you just got to roll with Mabel's craziness.

It's what makes life worth living.

♪ Puppet boy, puppet boy ♪

♪ You're the boy I... ♪

♪ Love ♪ Not even gonna ask.

Goodnight, my babies.

Wack, wack, wack, muaah.

Soon, Gabe Benson.

Ugh, wrong password.

Wrong. Wrong! Ugh!

Don't stay up all night, Dipper.

Last time you got this sleep deprived you tried to eat your own shirt.


Just a few more tries.

Ugh! I can't take that sound anymore.

I hate you sound.

There has to be some shortcut or clue.

Who would know about secret codes?

I think I know a guy.

Well, well, well, you're awfully persistent, Pine Tree.

Hats off to you.

You again!

Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me.

Hardly. You worked with Gideon.

You tried to destroy my uncle's mind.

It was just a job, kid. No hard feelings.

I've been keeping an eye on you since then and I must say, I'm impressed.


You deserve a prize.

Here, have a head that's always screaming.

The point is, I like you.

How's about you let me give you a hint, huh?

I only ask for a small favor in return.

I'd never do a favor for you.

Don't forget who defeated you last time.

Right, you defeated me.

Well, if you ever change your mind, I'll be here for you ready to make a deal.

Hey, want to hear my impression of you in about 3 seconds.

Hey, I'm puppet Stan.

Still ignoring this.

Hey, Mabel.

Whoa, bag check for Dipper's eyes.


Dipper, I told you to get some sleep last night.

Here, wake up with some Mabel juice.

It has plastic dinosaurs in it.

It's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby.

Mabel, listen.

Last night I had a dream with Bill in it.

Wait, hold up. The triangle guy?

He said he'd give me the code of the laptop if I gave him something.

Like I'd actually trust Bill, right?

Don't worry, bro.

Today is the day that the mystery twins are back in action.

I'll help you crack that code.

I just got to hand off my puppet stuff to my production crew.

Production crew?

We read the script. Very emotional.

I cried, like, eight times.

Hey, ladies.


I was just blading by.

Helps me dry out my ponytail after a shower.

Aah. Aah.

Hoppity boppity.

It's so great to see you.

I was just working on the world's greatest puppet show.

It has puppets.

Your passion is so refreshing, Mabel, unlike the girl from last night's puppet show.

Single-stitch on one puppet and cross-stitch on the other?

I was like, uh-huh.

Cross... huh?

Naturally I deleted her off my cell phone contacts list.


I know you won't let me down though.

Based on what you said the other day, you must be a puppet expert.

You know, Gabe, you look pretty sweaty.

You should really take your shirt off.


Aren't we all thinking that?

Later, ladies.


We got to up our game, girls.

Did you hear that thing he said about the stitches?

Don't worry, Mabel, your crew can handle it.


How many eyes does a face have again?

I got it. I got it. Oh!

I'm not okay.

Ah! Okay, I'm back on fabrication.

Get me my lint roller.

Whoa, hey.

You just said you were going to help me.

Dipper, this sock crisis just bumped up to a code argyle.

The laptop can wait.

Mabel, do you seriously think that your random crush of the week is more important than uncovering the mysteries of this town?

You're obsessed.

I'm obsessed?

Look at you. You look like a vampire.

And not the hot kind.

But you said you were gonna help me today.

Well, I can help you with tickles.

Okay, fine. You know what?

I'll do it on my own.

Passwords, passwords.

Mabel is useless.

Oh, man.

Too many failed entries. Huh??

Initiate data erase in 5 minutes.

No. No, no, no!

I'm gonna lose everything? I only have one more try?

Well, well, well.

Someone's looking desperate.

I thought I told you to leave me alone.

I can help you, kid.

You just need to hear out my demands.


What crazy thing do you want, anyway?

To eat my soul? To rip out my teeth?

Are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something?

Yeesh, kid, relax. All I want is a puppet.

A puppet? What are you playing at?

Everyone loves puppets.

And it looks to me like you've got a surplus.

I don't know, man.

Mabel worked really hard on these.

Seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe.

Besides, what's your sister done for you lately?

How many times have you sacrificed for her, huh?

And when has she ever returned the favor?

Tick tock, kid.

Just one puppet? Fine.

So what puppet are you gonna pick anyway?

Hmm, let's see. Eenie meenie mynee...



What? This can't be happening.

What did you do to my body?

Sorry, kid, but you're my puppet now.

Oh, my gosh. This can't be happening.

This can't be happening.


Man, it's been so long since I've inhabited a body.

Ooh! Ooh!

Pain is hilarious.

And two eyes? This thing's deluxe.

I don't understand.

Why are you doing this? I thought we had a deal.

Look, kid, you've been getting way too close to figuring out some major answers.

I've got big plans coming and I don't need you getting in my way.

Destroying that laptop was a cinch.

Now I just need to destroy your journal.

Race you to the bottom of the stairs.

Hey. Human soda.

I'm gonna drink it like a person.

So where do you keep that journal anyway?

It's got to be around here somewhere.

Boy, these arms are durable.

I've hidden it somewhere you'll never find it in a million years.

Hey, Dipper.

I borrowed your journal to use as a prop in the show.

I hope you don't mind.

I'm gonna go before you process this sentence.

Okay, bye!

Sure, sounds great, sister. I'll see you at the show.

Wait. No, Mabel, don't listen to him.

That's not me.

You've got to hear me.

No, no. Wait. Stop!

Ha, welcome to the mindscape, kid.

Without a vessel to possess, you're basically a ghost.

Oh, hi, Dipper. There you are.

What up, dude?

Soos. Wendy. Help me.

We're headed to the theater. Need a ride, Dipper?

Anything for you, Red.

I'm gonna stop you, Bill.

I'm gonna find that journal before you do and I'm gonna stop you!

But how can you stop me if you don't exist?

Bill? Bill!

Got to get my body back before he does something crazy with it.

Ah, nothing like the theater, huh, toots?

Hey, Soos, want to hear the exact time and date of your death?


Hey, guys, you all made it.

Are you kidding me?

I would never miss whatever this is.

By the by, Mabel, where'd you put my journal again?

I used it as a prop for the big wedding scene.

I still need a reverend though.

Hey, what if I play the reverend?

I mean, someone's got to hold that journal, right?

Great. Let's go.

Oh, no, wait. Mabel!

The show is about to begin.

Please turn off your cell phones, unless you're texting me, cuties.

Gather around and let us sing about a girl who had almost everything.

Look, it's Mabel.

Hey there.

Did you say stable?

No, he said Mabel.

Okay, hit it, boys!

♪ Who's that girl with the pig and the braces? ♪

♪ She put smiles on everyone's faces ♪

♪ When she's around, no, you're never bored ♪

♪ I'm a mayor ♪

♪ I'm here for an award ♪

♪ Thank you, mayor ♪

♪ It's true, I'm great ♪

♪ But the perfect girl needs the perfect mate ♪ Hey, what's up? I'm Gabe.

So, hey, Grendo, where's that book prop I'm using for the wedding scene?

It's up in the wedding cake.

But that doesn't come down until Act 3.

So hold your horses.

Oh, I'll hold my horses. I'll hold them.

You monster.

Hey, listen. Have you seen Mabel?


What did Bill say?

I can't be heard without a vessel?

Where would I find a...

Finally we're together.

I'm sorry, Mabel, but I have to go fight in the w*r.

I'll wait for you, Gabe.

I'll wait for you.

Our intermission has begun.

Mill about.

Ooh! Okay, you can do this, Mabel.

Only 36 more musical numbers.

Psst. Mabel.

It's come to life.

The puppet books didn't warn me about this.


Mabel, it's me, Dipper. You need to help me.

Wait, what? Dipper?

But you're so much more of a sock than usual.

Mabel, you have to listen. Bill tricked me.

He stole my body and now he's after the journal.

You have to find the journal before Bill destroys it.

It's the only hope to get me back in my body.

But my cue's coming up any minute.

Hey, Mabel, do you have a moment?


Ow! Mabel.

Mabel, it's clear to me now that you really love puppets.

I mean you went whole hog.

And if you stick the ending, well, maybe later you could join me for a biscotti?

You drive a biscotti?

I'll be waiting.

Did you hear that? He loves it!

This play has to be flawless.

Can't we wait until after the show?

Mabel, you want me to be a sock puppet forever?

I'm sorry.

It looks funny when you're mad.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Just take over for me until I get back with the book.

Little puppet face.

Gabe, you're back from the w*r.

Yes, I am.

Want to kiss and sing at the same time?



Come on. Come on.

I hope this kiss never ends.

Come on, come on.

There must be a way to get Dipper's body back.

Oh-oh, but why would you want to do that?

Bill-Dipper! Bipper.


You wouldn't want to ruin the show.


It's slipping.

How's about you hand that book over?

No way. This is Dipper's.

I'd never give it away.


You didn't seem to have a problem taking it for your own play.

Or ditching him when he needed you.

So come to your senses.

Give me the book or your play is ruined.

There it is.

I mean, who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?

Dipper would.


Oh! Hey! Hey! Hey!

I'm giving you away.

You are a woman now.

Waddles, the rings.

Wait, what?

Oh, no.


Get out of my brother's body, you evil triangle!

Whoa! Children fighting.

I can sell this.

Aah! You can't stop me.

I am a being of pure energy with no weakness.

True, but you're in Dipper's body.

And I know all his weaknesses.

What do you mean "his--?"

Tickle, tickle.

Aah! Body spasms.

What are these?

A little note about the human body.

You haven't slept in over 24 hours.

Also, I got a full night's sleep and I'm on four mega sh*ts of Mabel juice.

What is this feeling?

My body is burning.

I can't move these stupid noodle legs.

Curse you, useless flesh sticks.

Body shutting down, must scratch, mosquito bites.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey!



I'm in my own body and it's just as underwhelming as I remember.

Everything hurts.

This isn't the last you'll hear of me.

Big things are coming.

You can't stop me.

I'm sorry, Gabe.

Don't worry.

I've seen enough movies to know this is the part where the audience thinks it was all part of the show and loves it.

Cue applause!


Stick around for the wrap party?

We got mini quiches.

Don't speak to me, Mabel.

You've made a mockery of my art form.

Let's go, my loves.

Did he just make out with his puppets?

I might have dodged a b*llet there.


Mabel, I'm sorry about all this.

It's my fault your puppets got ruined.

Well, one of them survived.

And she has something to say to you.

I'm sorry, Dipper.

I spent all week obsessing over a dumb guy.

But the dumb guy I should have cared about was you.


Mystery twins.

Mystery twins.


What did Bill do to my hand?


Nothing a little sleep can't fix.

Come on, bro bro, let's go home.

Seriously, I need to go to the hospital.

Hey, Dipper.

What did one sock puppet say to the other sock puppet?

I don't know, Mabel.


You look like you could use a hand.

That joke was really something.

Yeah, something terrible.