02x02 - Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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02x02 - Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, there he is!

Whoo! Yeah!


We see you, man! How you doing?

Man: I'm doing great! This rocks!

He says it rocks.

Tell him to jump.


The pilot's a total n*zi! He made me ditch my beer!

Oh, don't worry, dude, we got a couple cold ones down here for ya!

Don't drink 'em all. I wish you guys were up here.

Hey, we didn't win the contest, man. You did.

Let me see it. Hey, chip!

Are you gonna jump, or are you wussing out?

I want to see a man jump out of an airplane.

Yeah, jump, man! Here I go!

Jump! Jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump!

There he goes! Whoo!

All right, chip!

Ha ha! Chip!

It's Superman!

Open the chute, man!

[ Fabric rips ]

Why isn't he opening the chute?

There's something wrong.

Pull the cord. Pull the cord, chip!

Aah! Oh, my god!

Dios mio!

Capitán Alameda...

Yes, doctor.

You say this boy fell?

That is right. From an airplane.

His chute malfunctioned.

Capitán, are you telling me everything?

Yes, of course. What else is there to tell?

Well, it is true this boy fell.

There is massive trauma and internal injuries.

But that is not what k*lled him.

This is impossible.

It's a mistake.

There is no mistake, lieutenant.

Cause of death... he drowned?

How could he drown? He jumped from an airplane, he landed in the desert.

Well, look for yourselves. His lungs are filled with water.

This boy drowned.

In midair?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, all this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

Can we go now?


The letter's mailed.

It can't get any more mailed.

Now what?

It's almost 9:00. That's the next pickup.

You're gonna wait for the mailman?

I just want to make sure he doesn't drop anything.

You're lucky I get paid by the hour.

I'm telling you.

Hey, monk.




What you doing?

Mailing a letter.

Where's the letter?

In the mailbox.

We're waiting for the mailman.

Here he is.

Monk, the mayor needs your help again.

He's got a friend whose kid was k*lled down in Mexico... A kid named chip rosatti.

Sharona: What happened?

Disher: Skydiving accident.

His chute didn't open?

No, he drowned.

Did he land in the ocean?

No. L...

Apparently the kid jumped out of an airplane, and he drowned in midair.

That doesn't make a lot of sense.

Hardly any, really.

Which is why the mayor wants you to go down there and look into it.

It's right up your very unique alley.

Hey, we can use a vacation.

Now, look, I know how you hate to fly, so you're going to have to drive, and it's a long way to San macros.

You're going to have to leave immediately.

Mexico... I can't go to Mexico.

Why not?

It's not... Here.

Wait, you can't say no to the mayor.

Gail can watch benjy.

It's a done deal.


Monk, where you going?

Uh, I'm just gonna make sure he doesn't drop anything.

No, no, no. You got to go home and pack.

Lieutenant, follow that mailman and make sure he doesn't drop anything.

Yes, sir.

We made it.

Welcome to Mexico.

What are those?


You've had them in the whole trip?

Since Los Angeles.

You haven't heard a word I've said.


I've been talking the whole time.

Did you say anything important?


Adrian, take off your sunglasses.


You look like a drug dealer.

No, I don't.

I'm telling you you do.

You fit the profile perfectly.

You have 18 suitcases, and you're wearing a suit.

I mean, if you were a cop, wouldn't you think you look suspicious?

Buenos dias.

How long will you be in Mexico?

Two to three days.

I'm not a drug dealer.

Pardon me?

I'm not a drug dealer.


I want you to park over there and meet me inside.

Are you opening a restaurant here, Mr. Monk?

No, I'm not opening a restaurant.

He's kind of particular.

We have bottled water in Mexico, señor monk...

Many fine brands.

Well, all he drinks is Sierra Springs.

Ah, there he is.

The genius from America, here to show us simple peasants how to solve a homicide.

I have seen this brand here as well.

Well, you know, better safe than sorry.

Send him home, captain.

We don't need a babysitter.

I wish I could, but I promised the governor I would be a gracious host.

I only hope he doesn't get in my way.

Oh, one second, sir.

Lieutenant, will you marry me?

Sir, I, uh...

I'm joking, lieutenant.

Those are pillowcases...

And backup pillowcases.

And these are?

Moist towelettes.

Why so many?

In case I happen to, you know, meet people.

Señor, I think you have a very poor image of our country.

Oh, no, no, no. It's not just you.

He thinks everybody is dirty.

You must be a very lonely man, señor.

I am, thank you.

This man is my guest, sergeant.

Let's close up their bags and put them in the car.

Sí, capitán.

Señor monk. Señorita Fleming.


I am captain Alameda. This is lieutenant Plato.

Señorita Fleming, welcome to Mexico.

Oh, well, thank you for inviting us.

We didn't invite you.

In fact, you are wasting your time.

We are going to be making an arrest in this case very soon. You have a suspect?

Not yet, but we have a theory.

What's that?



It's always about the dr*gs.

Well, his parents swore he was clean.

Uh, the most he ever had were a couple of beers.

Captain, how do you explain the cause of death?

He drowned in midair.

I don't know.

I admit it sounds baffling, but at the end of the day you will see it was dr*gs.

We have the case folder.

We translated it for you.


I'm afraid the nicer hotels in town were all booked up with American teenagers.

It's spring break.

Oh, this will be fine.

Oh, I didn't know whether to book one room or two.

Two. Two rooms. Two.

Uh, dos... two. Two rooms. Two.

I think they understand, sharona.

Uh, two rooms.

It doesn't really make any sense, does it?

19 years old, comes down for spring break, wins a free skydiving lesson, goes up in the plane...

And drowns.


Somehow, dr*gs.

It is always the dr*gs.

Have you spoken to the pilot?

Yes, many times.

He is as baffled as we are.

He swears the boy was alive and well when he jumped off the plane.

Would you like to meet him?


First I'd like to talk to the witnesses...

The boy's two friends.

I'll arrange for it.

Give us a call when you've had a chance to freshen up.

Until later.


Por nada.

What do you think?

It's weird.

Everything's weird.

It's like another county.

This way, please.

Your bags will be right up.

Is this your first time in San macros?

Yes, it is.

Adrian! Adrian, look.

You can see the Plaza.

Uh, señor monk is in here.

Señorita, you are in the next room.

There is a connecting door.

Well, it locks, right? There's a lock on the door?

How do you say lock?

La cerradura. Sí, there is a lock.

You have air conditioning and a minibar, and the 3-way light... Low, medium, high.

This is the only room in the hotel with a 3-way light.

Good thing we called ahead.

Here is a list of things you cannot flush down the toilet.

Adrian, they have chocolate mints on the pillows.

That is not a mint. Excuse me.

Uh, don't eat the mints.

[ Whispering ]

Is there a problem?

Uh, sí. Your bags... They have been stolen from your car.

You must have left it unlocked.

Oh, my god.

Our bags? All of them?

I'm afraid so.

Th-there were 18 of them!

That was only five minutes.

It would take a small army and a u-haul truck to do that.

Perhaps your friends in the police can help.

I'm very sorry, señor.

Enjoy your stay.

I'll call captain Alameda.

They took all my food and water.

What am I going to eat and drink?

Adrian, they have food and water in Mexico.

Answer the question!

What am I going to eat and drink?

Every time I close my eyes, I can see him falling.

Was he alive when he left the plane?

Yeah, I think so.

I saw him kicking, waving his arms.

How well did you know chip?

I didn't know him at all.

I didn't even know his last name till I had to identify the body.

We just hooked up the other night at this club in rivesta.

And you all just decided to go parachuting?

No, no, no. Chip won a free lesson or something from this flight school for one free jump.

He just asked us to come and watch.

It sounded like a blast.

I was talking to him on his cell phone the entire time.

He sounded scared... But excited.

You know, the coroner said chip rosatti drowned.


Does that make any sense to you?

Something from the bar?

I'll have an iced tea, thank you.

Me too, please.

Sounds good.

And for you, señor?

Do you have any Sierra Springs?

No. We have Perrier.

No, thank you.

Do you know anyone in town that sells Sierra Springs?

I'm afraid not, señor. We have some Pellegrino.

No, thank you.

We have aquafina.

I don't think so.

We have polaris.



No, thank you.

Deer park. No.

We have evian. It's delicious, señor.

It's our best seller.

It is?

No, thank you.

I'm sort of used to Sierra Springs.

We have aqua fresca.

It's owned by the same company that bottles Sierra Springs.

They use the same water, señor.


But it's the same water, señor. It's just a different label.

Adrian, it's the same water.

No. I-I'll be fine.

How long can you go without drinking?

I don't know.

What's the record?

That man.

That... that man. What about him?

He's wearing my clothes.

I think he stole my suitcases.

Excuse me.

Hello? Excuse me.

Sir? Sir? Hello?

Excuse me! Excuse me!

Sir, excuse me.

Hey, señor!

I'd like to talk to you!

Sir? Sir?

Con permiso! Señor, wait!

[ Engine revving ]

Stop! Stop!



Adrian, are you okay?

Oh, my god, he could have k*lled you!

I think that was the idea.

My goodness, señor monk, you are lucky to be alive.

Did you get the license number of the truck?


He was probably drunk. He lost control of the vehicle.

He wasn't drunk. He tried to k*ll him.

Why would anyone in San macros want to hurt señor monk?

Do you have any enemies here?

No. Not here.

So I am right.

A drunk driver.

Or maybe it was the dr*gs.

We'll find him.

Oh, señor monk, Dr. Madero, our local coroner.


This is a great honor, señor monk.

You are legendary, even in this tiny corner of the world.

I know. It is a frightful smell.

Here. Mentholated cream.

Uh, put a little bit under your nose, and you'll be fine.

Is that better?



Want some?

Doctor, señor monk is, uh, helping with the chip rosatti case.

Ah, excelente.

He wanted to see your report.

Of course. Anything you need.

You know, I just love it when Americans visit.

I've never been to the United States.

It's been my life's dream.

Here it is.

Ah, thank you.

Catastrophic injuries... Both internal and external.

Consistent with a fall from a great height.

Plus, his blood was hypertonic, and there was a pint of water in each lung.

In other words, he drowned.

Sharona: Was he drugged?

Oh, no, no. No dr*gs, no alcohol.

No signs of force.

Time of death?

There was zero lividity. No rigor mortis.

He died just before impact.

This case is even stranger than the one last year.

Oh, what happened last year?

Another unusual death.

An American student was mauled by a wild lion.

A wild lion?

What, did he escape from the circus?

That was the puzzle. There was no circus.

A wild lion in Mexico.

It was definitely a lion.

I did the autopsy myself.

It was drug-related somehow. I am sure of it.

I'm sure you're right.

I wish you had been here for that case, señor monk.

All right, let's forget about the lion.

The lion's ancient history. It's old news.

Yes, let's concentrate on the case at hand.

He jumped from an airplane and drowned.

[ Monk coughs ] Are you all right?

I'm... I'm just a little thirsty.

Do you have any bottled water?

Oh, yes, I have Perrier.

No, thank you. I'm fine.


No, thank you.

It's fine. It's in a can.

It doesn't say where it was bottled.

I'm captain valez.

You wanted to see me?

Uh, yeah. I'm sharona Fleming, and this is Adrian monk.

We're investigating the death of chip rosatti.

Well, I wish you luck.

The police have shut me down...

Until they figure out what happened.

Well, we understand you were the last person to see chip alive.

The police think I was involved, which is crazy.

Why would I do this to my own business?

Why don't you tell us what happened?

The kid rosatti showed up with a letter from the home office that said, "good for one complimentary jump."

It turned out to be a forgery.

But at the time, it looked...

How do you say? Kosher.

So I took him up, I strapped him in, and he jumped. That's all I know.

Captain, the ripcord on the boy's parachute was severed. So they tell me.

Who had access to the parachute?

Everyone. Anyone. It was sitting right here on this shelf all weekend. Anyone could've cut it.

From now on, I check them all.

I feel terrible.

Is this the plane?


Did anything unusual happen during the flight?

No, it was routine.

I've logged over 1,000 flights just like it.

So chip was alive when you took off?

Everybody saw him. Talk to my crew.

He was alive when he jumped.

I don't know what happened after he left the plane.

Why don't you talk to his three little friends?

Three? I thought there were two.

Two came to watch, but there was a third kid who dropped him off. A third kid?

An American.

Did you get a name?

I think his name was t.J.

I saw chip give him something.

What was it?

I don't know.

This kid t.J... He was wearing a rolex watch and driving a very nice car.

You might want to check the grande lago resort.

That's where all the rich kids stay.

Oh, excuse me, we're looking for t.J.

Good luck.

I have, ahem, never been prouder to be an American.

They're having fun.

So this is fun?

I've heard about fun.

I've never been this close to it.

Hey, you're hot.

You wanna, you know, go upstairs?

I'd rather chew glass.

Ha ha ha ha!

Did you hear that?

Did you hear what she just said to me?

Excuse me.

Where'd you get that water?

I brought it with me from San Diego.

We'll give you $20 for it.


Look, it's the only brand that he likes, and he hasn't had anything to eat or drink all day.

Well, here you go.

Ah, thank you, thank you.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

That's the most obnoxious thing I've ever seen.

Yeah? Is it more obnoxious than this?


My god!

Hey, hey, are you still looking for t.J.?

'Cause he's right over there.

Oh, thank you. Thanks.

Oh, my god.

So you'd rather chew glass, huh?

Hey, look, I'm sorry I said that.

It was... Just an expression.

Oh, yeah, well, I know a few expressions, too.

We know that you drove chip to the airport on the day he died.

I barely knew the kid, all right?

I met him that morning. He asked me for a ride.

Why didn't you go to the police?

Yeah. Right. Like I'm going to get involved with the federales.

The pilot said that chip gave you something just before they took off.

Maybe he did.

What? What was it?

I told you I am not going to get involved.

Did you hear what he said?

We're with the police.

Somebody is dead.

I'll tell you what.

I'll drink you for it.

Me and my buddy against the two of you.

One pitcher each. If you finish first, I'll tell you what I know.

Fine. You're on.

No. What? No. This is insane.

No. Forget it.

We'll just call captain Alameda.

It's a piece of cake.

Sharona, I don't drink.

Don't worry about it. I do.




What are you doing?! It's a race!

One second. You'll thank me later.

Give it to me! Give it to me!

Chug! Chug! Chug!

Four years of catholic high school!

Fork it over.

Okay. Here.

A key?

What it's for?

I don't know. He just asked me to hold onto it for him.

[ Belches ]

Adrian, why don't you go back to the hotel?

Vacuum or something. I'll stay here for a while.

Want to do another one?

Let's do it. All right.

[ Door closes ]

[ Door opens ]

Hey, detective.

Where have you been?

Are you okay?

Did you have fun?

I had fun.

I forgot how much fun fun was.

I like it here.

Where did you get that necklace?

I don't remember. Don't ask me anything else.

It hurts to think.

Th-that's my bed.

Your bed is in the next room...

Oh, shut up.

I've been asking around about the key.

The concierge says it might fit a locker at the bus station. You want to go check it out with me?

You mean now?

I'm afraid they're going to clean out the locker, and we'll lose whatever's in there.

I think what I'd rather do is die...


So I'll just go out alone...

[ Groans ]

Without you...

By myself.

Ah, señorita Fleming.

Are you all right?

Do you have any aspirin?

Yes. How many do you need?

A thousand.

I like your necklace.


Sharona, something has happened.


It is your friend señor monk.

Was he at the bus station last night?

Yeah, yeah, I guess so. Why?

Oh, my god, what happened?

I'm terribly sorry.

Señor monk...

He is dead.


Well, judge Dexter won't give us the warrant.

Yeah. I knew she was trouble when they appointed her.


Yes, captain.

Yeah, I know him very well. What's he done now?

Thank you.

I-I have to hang up now.


That was captain Alameda, San macros police department.

Adrian monk is dead.

Sharona: He never used the same umbrella twice.

Every time it rained, he threw it out.

It drove me crazy.

I don't know what I'm going to do without him.

Señorita, you have to come down and identify the body.

I will go with you.

If it's any consolation, your friend showed great courage.

After he was run over, he crawled inch by inch through the mud and garbage, trying to get help.

He crawled through what?

Mud and garbage.

He's not dead.

Pardon me?

It's not him.

Señorita, your friend is gone.

It's not him. Maybe it's the guy that stole our suitcases.

How can you be sure?

Adrian monk would die before he crawled through mud and garbage.

But he was dying.

You don't understand.

[ Gasps ] Adrian! Señor monk!

That officer outside told me I was dead.

I'm not dead. Am I?

You're not dead.

I didn't think so.

I am so thirsty.

Uh, I found this in the locker.

It's chip rosatti's.

[ Weakly ] I'm thirsty.

In a way, given what he had to deal with, he was the bravest man I've ever known.

I measured everything I did against him.

He was my yardstick.

I never told him that.

I'm sure he knew, sir.

I'm sure he did.

The son of a bitch knew everything.

I want a full dress funeral.

I want the governor there.

I want the entire department there with black armbands and white gloves.

Sir, monk wasn't on active duty.

We can't go full dress.

Adrian monk is to be buried with honors, or I quit.

I'm going to tell you something, Randy, and I'm not ashamed to admit this.

I loved that man.

[ Telephone rings ]

This is stottlemeyer.


I understand.

I hate that man.

I hate that man!

Thank you for coming, señor monk.

As you can see, there is nothing unusual here.

Here is some skin cream, a t-shirt, some magazines...

Oh, yes, a candy bar.

No dr*gs.

No, señor.

Which makes me think... For once, we have a case that may not involve dr*gs.

I have a theory.

What is it?

The boy chip rosatti drowned at the resort...

In the swimming pool.

It was an accident.

The resort owner panicked.

He couldn't afford all the bad publicity or a lawsuit, so to cover up, he arranged for the boy's body to be put on an airplane and made it look like a parachuting accident.

But his friends talked to him just before he jumped.

They were obviously paid off.

But the pilot swore he was alive.

Then he was paid off, as well.

What do you think, Mr. Monk?

Uh, I'm sorry. I wasn't listening.

Capitán, I have some excellent news.

Don't tell me you have the news.

Tell me the news.

He's here.


Oh. The hotel owner is here.

He will be in the next room.

You will have a front-row seat.

He will be confessing very shortly.

Can we get you anything, Hernandez?

Hernandez: It is a bit hot in here, capitán.

Of course. Sergeant, get some water for our guest.

Hernandez, we know all about the accident at the swimming pool.

What accident? Don't play games.

We know chip rosatti drowned there, and you tried to cover it up.

You're crazy. Is that why you brought me here?

Sierra Springs.


Is there any more Sierra Springs?

I'm sorry. No más. That was the last one.

We have Perrier.

I like your beads.


[ Monk groaning ]

What was that?

Don't change the subject.

Do you have witnesses?

If he drowned, there must have been a witness.

Maybe you paid them off like you paid off the pilot.

Adrian. Adrian. Look at this.

What is it?


That means he was allergic to chlorine.

He never would've gone swimming.

I don't care.

I'm just so damn thirsty.

If chip didn't drown in the pool, something must've happened on the plane.


I think we should go back to the airport.


I'm going to call benjy.

Sharona: Hi, honey, it's me. How are you doing?

You did? That's... I'm so proud of you.

You want to tell him about it? Okay, okay.

One sec, okay? I love you.

I love you, too. Bye.

Adrian, he wants to talk to you.

But the painting...

I'll fix the painting. Come on, he wants to talk to you.

Hi, benjy.

It's me... monk.

What are you drinking? Oh.

I thought you were drinking something.

Hold, please. Sharona... the bed.

It's not made.


The maid hasn't been in here.

Don't move!

Benjy, we'll call you back.



Somebody's been in this room.

How do you know?

The 3-way lamp...

It was on low when we left, but now it's on high. And that painting...

Was tilted the other way.

Señor monk?

Señor monk?

Señor monk.

There you are.

Are you all right?

You are a brave man, señor monk.

You are not sweating at all.

I'm dehydrated. I'm out of sweat.

I want to sweat. I'm trying to sweat.

Clearly you were right, señor.

Somebody is trying to k*ll you.

You must be frightening someone.

But we don't even have a suspect.

This isn't about the chip rosatti case.

It's about something else.


I don't know.

Maybe it's just a local zafado who hates people from San Francisco.

Excuse me?

He's right.

You, chip rosatti, the boy last year who was mauled by the wild lion...

You are all from San Francisco.

The boy who was mauled was from San Francisco?

Yes, from marin county. From a wealthy family.

And chip rosatti's family had money. What?

I got it. I know who did it.

I know how, and I know why. You do?

Get the car and start packing! We're going home! What?

It's all over! We're going home! Captain Alameda: What?

When did the coroner Dr. Madero first arrive in San macros?

Wait. Don't tell me.

A year and a half ago.

That's right. But what does madero have to do with all this?

I didn't catch it before because I was so damn thirsty.

Smell this.


Madero uses mentholated cream when he works at the morgue.

Go find Dr. Madero and bring him here rápido!


Come on! Come on, pack! Pack!

It's nothing personal. I just...

I just gotta go home.

I still don't understand, señor monk.

Captain, the wild lion last year and the boy who drowned in midair...

What do they have in common?

I don't know!

They're both impossible.

One impossible m*rder, maybe.

Two impossible murders?

It's just not possible.

Is the car downstairs?

Yes, I just called.

Come on. Wait, wait, wait! My hairbrush!

I'll buy you a new one! But how are you so sure?

Two years ago, back in the states, I testified against a doctor named Louis nivara.

I remember that case. It was an insurance scam.

It ruined him. He lost his practice.

His poor wife committed su1c1de, and he always blamed me.

So you think this Dr. Nivara...

And your coroner Dr. Madero are one and the same.

Why didn't you recognize him?

I never met the man.

It was a grand jury... Closed hearing.

He jumped bail before the trial and disappeared.

Excuse me, could we go first? I haven't had a thing to eat or drink in 36 hours.

Hi, we're checking out.

What room, señor?

The room with the b*mb behind the painting.

Ah, yes. Room 403.

Speak of the devil.

¿Que pasa, capitán?

Dr. Nivara... I believe that's your real name.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about homicide, doctor.

I was just explaining to the captain why you k*lled chip rosatti.

[ Speaks Spanish ]

This whole thing has been about me from the beginning, hasn't it?

About you? You wanted to k*ll me.

You blamed me for ruining your life by testifying against you, but you couldn't return to the states.

You're a wanted man. So you had to find a way to get me to come to you.

Señor, would you care to check the bill?

No, it's fine. You needed the right bait.

A kid from San Francisco whose family had money and connections.

If the m*rder was difficult enough and mysterious enough, you knew the mayor would bring me in.

It's true. He's the go-to guy.

Monk: You went to the grande lago resort, and you found chip rosatti.

He was a thirsty victim.

I mean, a perfect victim.

His family was rich and well-connected.

You sent him a letter with a coupon for one free skydiving lesson.

But first, you made sure that his parachute would never open.

Shall we keep this on your card, señor monk?

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Shall I staple them together?

I don't care! Do what you want.

Where's the car?

It's coming. Continue, señor monk.

Monk: When chip rosatti's body was brought in, the good doctor poured water into his lungs and announced that the boy had mysteriously drowned.

He knew the mayor often asked me to look into cases like this.

Capitán, you cannot believe a word he's saying.

Actually, doctor, it explains quite a bit.

There were some fingerprints on the parachute handles we couldn't match up.

I'll be interested in comparing them with yours.

You're leaving, too?

I'm afraid your impression of our town must be... Terrible.

Will you give us another chance?

Oh, of course. I love your country.

Maybe you come back alone, you can earn some more necklaces.

Why does everybody keep mentioning my necklaces?

They're fiesta beads.

What are fiesta beads?

You don't remember how you got them?


Guys give them to girls at parties.

Oh, what for?

[ Gasps ]

Oh, my god! Why didn't you tell me?!

You wore them so... Proudly.

Oh, god.


The car is here! Let's go!


Señor monk, you said you ruined my life.

That is wrong. You stole it!

I made one foolish mistake.

Nobody even noticed.

Who the hell are you to point your finger at me?

Who is he?

He is a police officer and a damn fine one!

Keep your eye on him, lieutenant.

He is a primary suspect in two homicides.

Actually, three... Three homicides.

Don't forget the boy he k*lled last year. Aah!

The wild lion?

Exactly. He fabricated that, too.

Only it didn't work, 'cause no one called me.

So he waited a year and tried again.

All this because you smelled menthol cream on the curtains?

Actually, I've been thinking about madero for a while.

He claimed he had never been to the United States, but then he said there was a pint of water in the boy's lungs.

He didn't say half a liter. He said a pint.

Only a person who practiced in the United States would've said that.

Señor monk, I want to say it has been an honor to work side by side with such an accomplished detective.

Sharona: Mail it to us!

Just put 'em anywhere.

Thanks a lot.

I see you bought some water.


What are you doing?

I'm thirsty.

No, no, no. Don't... Don't drink that.

That's my emergency stash.

You have, like, a thousand bottles here!


Here. Drink this.

That's fresher.

Hey. Oh, great.

Great. Now I'm going to have to order some more.


It's from San macros.

They indicted Dr. Madero. There's a trial date.

It's hard to believe.

I never even met the guy in person, and he wanted to k*ll me.


I said, it's hard to believe.

I barely knew him, and he wanted me dead.

I mean, it's hard to believe, don't you think...


He wanted me dead. Hello?
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