02x01 - Mr. Monk Goes Back to School

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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02x01 - Mr. Monk Goes Back to School

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: Is there a problem?

Woman: Derek, you're avoiding the subject.

What's wrong with the subject?

Your neck is my favorite subject.

Let's go inside.

You can't. You have to get up early tomorrow.

The sats, remember?

I'm not taking the stupid test.

I'm just making sure the little bastards don't cheat.

What about laury?

My wife? She took the sats.

I think she got about a 1680.

I'm serious. If you don't tell her... I mean soon. I mean tonight...

I'm going to do something about it myself.

Beth, honey, come on now.

We don't want to go there.

We are there.

This isn't like one of your science experiments where you get to control everything.

This is my life, too.

I know. I'm not 25 years old anymore.

I know, honey.

We could be happy anywhere.

All right.

Let me just think.

No. No more stalling, Derek.

I mean it this time. I'm giving you until tomorrow night.



Look, you're right.

I'll tell her tonight as soon as she gets home.

Just tell her.

Be brutal.

"When 'tis done, twere well it were done quickly."

You have a quote for everything, don't you?

That's "Macbeth."

That's what you get for dating an English teacher.

All right, tomorrow...

Meet me, 8:00 before the test, our usual spot.

I'll tell you how it went.

[ Car alarm blaring ]

[ Screaming ]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, all this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there.

Adrian, don't do that. I'm just centering the pieces.

I know what you're doing. I'm trying to concentrate.

Hold on. You'll thank me later.

You always say that.

Have I ever once thanked you later?


Are you done?



[ Laughing ] No.

You don't want to move there.

Why not?

I'll capture your queen with my bishop.

What are you doing?!


Your move.


Okay, I win. You just forfeited.


You can't do that. It's illegal.


You know what. You can't lick the queen.

She's my queen!

It doesn't matter whose queen it is.

You can't lick any queen. It's an unwritten rule.

There's an unwritten licking the queen rule?

You're not even allowed to touch a piece during a game. You can ask anybody.

Oh, my god, you have been touching pieces left and right.

You have been sexually harassing every piece on this board.

I was centering them. That's different.

How's that different?

Okay. Okay. Okay!

I'll move.



[ Telephone rings ]

[ Ring ]

Adrian monk's office.

Can you just hold on one sec?

Adrian, do you know an arleen Cassidy?

Arleen Cassidy? Oh, my god.

Trudy used to talk about her all the time.

They went to high school together.


Hi. I'm sorry.

Uh-huh, sure.

Yes, I know where that is. Mm-hmm.



Thank you.

Adrian, she really wants to talk to us.

She just gave me the address.

She said it's very important.

Do you think we should go?

It could be a job.

Do you want to leave now? Yeah.

Before we finish the game?


Then you forfeit.

Monk: Wait. This is a handicapped space.

I think we qualify.


This is where Trudy went to school?

How'd she afford it?

On scholarship.

Ah, she loved it here.

She described it to me in such detail.

I almost feel like I went to school here.


Man: All right, then let it ride.

Yeah, bet the whole $200.

What's the spread on Michigan?

Uh, excuse me, excuse me.

Hold on, j.J. Can I help you?

Yeah, we're looking for an arleen Cassidy.

She's the vice principal.

Yeah? You reporters?

No, we're with the police.

My wife went here. Did you know her?

Trudy Ellison?

No, I only been here a year.

She was valedictorian.

Great. Congratulations.

She was on the yearbook committee...

Adrian... He didn't know her.

Um, where would we find miss Cassidy?

Uh, administration building, second floor.


Oh! Sorry.

Were you here this morning?

No. Missed it.

Thank god, huh? Heartbreaking, isn't it?

But what are you gonna do?

Hey, you there?

I was living in New York when I heard the news about Trudy.

I cried for weeks.

Ahh. We all cried.

And they never caught the people responsible?

We're still looking. Were you and Trudy close?

Oh, we were like sisters.

But everybody felt that way about Trudy.

I helped her through algebra, and she got me through English lit.

She was a wonderful writer.

Did you ever read any of her poems?

I read them almost every night.

Oh. I'm so sorry I never made it to the wedding.

Was it wonderful?

It was... Wonderful.

So, uh, what happened here today?

One of my teachers died a few hours ago.

I'm still shaking.

Um, her name was Beth landow.

She was first-rate...

One of the best English teachers I had.

They found her over there by the clock tower.

The police are calling it an apparent su1c1de.

But you don't believe them?

No, it's not that I don't believe them.

But they didn't know her.

Why don't you think miss landow k*lled herself?

Look, Beth worried... Maybe too much.

She cared... maybe too much, but she was not suicidal.

I will never believe that, ever.

You want me to look into it?

I-I can pay you.

No. No, uh, I couldn't take a nickel.

It's for Trudy.

Just tell him to wait. I'll let him know.

Okay, boys and girls, let's wrap it up.

That's it. Tell the medical examiner we're on our way, and I want that report on my desk in the morning.

Captain, Adrian monk is downstairs.


The vice principal asked him to look into it.

It turns out that Trudy, his former...

Ex... well, late...

Yeah, I know who Trudy was, lieutenant.

This is her Alma mater. He'd like to come upstairs.

Hang on. Nobody move.

What am I forgetting?

I mean, we got the prints off the railing.

Yes, sir.

We've got photographs of everything, every angle.

Did you bag the shoes? Yes, sir. Done.

The medical examiner will get the tissue and the fibers.

Don't worry, sir. We're covered here.

We got the coat... Sir, we've got it.

All right, let him up.

Bring him up.

Don't look down.

Morning, monk.

Captain. Sharona.


Well, I imagine this is your worst nightmare...

A crime scene on a roof.

No, it's not my worst nightmare.

It's my fourth worst. No, wait... fifth.

No, fourth.

Fourth... fourth or fifth.

I didn't bring the list with me.

What's homicide doing here? It's supposed to be a su1c1de.

It's not a su1c1de until we say it's a su1c1de.

This happens to be one.

No signs of a struggle?

No, she left her jacket neatly folded over there.

What... what's that?

Those are her shoes.

She folded her jacket there?

Why did she leave the shoes over here?

She jumped. She was taking antidepressants, and we found a note.

It was in one of her pockets.

It's printed. Yeah.

Usually, they're written longhand.

I've seen 'em printed.

I've seen 'em written, I've seen 'em written in blood, I've seen 'em written in crayon. I've seen it all.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, easy, easy.

"To whomever I may have hurt, "the world and its problems are just too much. I am so sorry. Beth."

I don't think Beth landow wrote this note.

Why not?

Well, it should be "its," i-t-s, no apostrophe.

And then here it would be "whoever" not "whomever."

This wasn't written by a "first-rate" English teacher.

She was distraught. She wasn't thinking straight.

It's a su1c1de note, for Christ's sake!

Did anybody see her jump?


About 50 kids heard it, though.

Everyone was inside, taking the sats at the time.

They were in the main building?

How did they hear anything?

She hit a car. The alarm went off.

She hit a car? Yeah, come look.

Sharona: How old was she?


Monk: Which one was her car?

White corolla, right over there.


And whose car was this?

Derek philby.

Another teacher. Is there a problem?

Well, why would anyone park here with all these broken bottles?

He could've parked anywhere.

I've parked on broken bottles before.

And the doors are unlocked.

Yeah, it's a safe neighborhood.

You're right. It is a safe neighborhood.

So... why was the alarm turned on?

It doesn't make sense.

It never does.

She just cut her hair last week.

Well, why would she do that if she was planning to...

My sister suffers from depression.

It works that way sometimes. It just overwhelms you.

I didn't really know her. Did she have any family?

A brother in St. Louis, I think.

Excuse me.

Ahem, excuse me, um, my name is Adrian monk.

And this is sharona Fleming, my assistant.


My assistant/colleague.


Um, I know this is a very difficult time...

Uh, I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

Are you a policeman, Mr. Monk?

Used to be. Um...

I'm a private consultant now, and, uh...

I'm just helping the department with their report.

Were you all here when miss landow died?

That's right. The students were taking their sats.

We were proctoring the test.

So... so you were all together?

No, we were in different classrooms.


Excuse me, what are you doing?

Um... just making them even.

But you're mixing the regular with the decaf.

But they're even.

But they're mixed together.

But they're... they're even.

But they're mixed together.

But they're even.

But they're mixed together.

But they're even. So the test was in progress when the car alarm sounded?

Yes, we started the test at 8:20.

On the dot.

On the dot?

On the dot.

It starts at the same time all across the country.

It's a standardized test.

You've never taken the sats?

No, no, they gave me a different test.

Can you think of any reason why Beth would've k*lled herself?

You know we were just talking about that.

Didn't she say anything in her note?

No. It was pretty vague.

You're Mr. Philby?

That's right. Derek philby.

And you teach...

Chemistry and biology.

And it was your car that she landed on, right?

Yeah. Even if they can fix it, I can't imagine driving it.

It just wouldn't... It wouldn't feel right.

No, of course not. Of course not.

Could I ask you something?

Apparently, there's no stopping you.

Why did you park by the tower?

Isn't there faculty parking near the classrooms?

I was going to take a jog after the sats, so I wanted to park by the field.

Which reminds me, I need to call a taxi to get home.

I have the number in here somewhere.

You left your car alarm on.


You left your car alarm on, but your doors were unlocked.

I forgot.

I guess I'm not perfect.

I guess you're not.

He's the guy. Who's the guy?

Mr. Science, Derek philby.

He asked about a su1c1de note. I never mentioned a note.

Well, maybe he just assumed.

Isn't there usually a su1c1de note?

As a matter of fact, there isn't.

Also, he cheats on his wife. How do we know this?

Wedding ring. He was wearing his wedding ring.

Yes, I know, but he takes it off a lot.

When he opened his wallet, I noticed a small indentation in the leather where he keeps it.

You noticed that... A little indentation?

It's a gift and a curse. He's the guy.

But, Adrian, he was proctoring the sats at the time, and there were 50 students in the room.

That's true.

So how could he have k*lled her?

He can't be in two places at once.

I know, it's impossible. But he's the guy.

There's my girl. She looked happy.

Oh, she was very happy.

She hadn't met me yet.

You wanted to see her appointment book.

This is a copy. The police took the original.


Can you tell me about Derek philby?

Yeah, he's the most popular teacher in the school.

He has a wonderful family. We're gonna miss him terribly.

He's leaving?

He got another job. He's going to be headmaster at Lincoln academy in marin county. It's a big promotion.

Ms. Cassidy, could Beth landow have been involved with Derek philby?

Beth and Derek?

I don't think so.


He was using a pen from the modesto inn.

I think I'd like to spend a little more time with Mr. Philby, get to know him better.

Adrian, you can't skulk around the school.

I'm not going to skulk. I don't skulk.

Stottlemeyer said the investigation is officially over.

She's right.

We still haven't found a substitute to take Beth's class.

Don't even think about it.

They're teenagers.

[ Bell rings ]

[ Weakly ] Hello.

I understand that, uh, it's been a very difficult time for everybody.

I'm going to be filling in for... Two or three days.

And my name...

Is Mr...

[ Students murmuring and giggling ]

[ Chalk squeaks ]


[ Murmuring and giggling continue ]


Mr. Monk.

Okay. I understand that you've been, uh, reading

"the red badge of courage" by Stephen crane.

It's one of my favorite books.

We'll start with chapter one.

What's up with that "k"?

[ Boy laughs ]

Oh, my god.

Adrian, Adrian. Are you okay?

What happened?

Chalk dust.

[ Coughs ]

I have to go to the nurse.

I can't breathe.

Give me that. You don't have to go to the nurse.

Just sit down.

[ Coughing ]

Okay, who threw this?

What's your name?

I didn't do it.

Look, I know when a man's lying, okay?

I was married for 3 1/2 years.

I didn't do it.

I know that smirk.

My husband had that same stupid smirk on his face when he got back from bally's, where it turns out he spent the weekend with Betsy Bennet, his so-called ex-girlfriend.

Bally's, lady? What are you talking about?

Is that chalk on your hand?

Maybe I should call your parents.

My dad's a gym teacher here, and he's gonna be pissed.

I'm really scared. You should be.

Ow, lady! You're gonna get fired!

Yeah? I don't work here, chump.

[ Bell rings ]

Okay, great. Great work, everybody.

[ Coughs ] For tomorrow, read chapters one and...

Uh... one...

Uh, read whatever the hell you want.

[ Coughing ]

Brings back memories, huh?

Yeah. Mostly bad ones.

Did you check out Beth landow's appointment book?

Yeah. Nothing unusual.

She had a doctor's appointment three days ago.

I'm looking into it.

Thank you.

From this angle, that looks a little bit like food.

It's vegetarian lasagna.

No thank you.

I bet you always sat at the popular kids' table.

I bet that was you over there.

Where were you?

I'm over there.

I should go over and talk to him.

What would you say?

Things get worse.

Mixed vegetables or Mac and cheese?

Can I have both?

Can I have neither?

If I don't get at least a 1550, my dad is going to k*ll me.

Excuse me, um, did you take the sats on Saturday?


Uh, by any chance, were you in, uh, Mr. Philby's room?


So when miss landow died, you heard the car alarm go off...

Everybody did. There were people screaming.

I guess everyone ran to the window then, huh?

Yeah, pretty much.

What did Mr. Philby do? Did you happen to notice?

Yeah, we were talking about that later.

He never moved. He never even looked up.

Boy: What's up, Mr. P.?

Randy! Good luck today.

You got another shutout in ya?

You know it. Thataboy.

Mr. Monk. Derek.

Heard you were filling in today. How'd it go?

It was... Great. It was great.

Actually, I heard you got off to a bit of a rough start.

A little friendly advice... Control the classroom.

Don't let 'em see you sweat.

Believe me, he's much better at his other job.

Which is what?

Catching murderers.

Mr. Philby. Yes.

Got a minute?

Actually, no. My wife is picking me up.

I have an ethical question for you.

Yesterday, I was talking to that policeman Mr. Monk, and I lied to him.

That's wrong, isn't it?

Lying to a policeman...

It's been bothering me all day.

What did you tell him?

He wanted to know if I saw anything Saturday morning...

Anything unusual... And I told him I didn't.

But the fact is, Mr. P., I did.

I gotta give you credit.

It was pretty clever how you pulled that off.

[ Horn honks ] Honey!

At first, I didn't know what the hell I was looking at.

Pretty smart.

Apparently, not smart enough.

Here's the thing. I'll cut right to the thing.

I owe some friends of mine some money.

How much?

$10,000. And I need it by tomorrow.

See that? The class of '77.

We had one of these murals in our high school, too.

Everybody painted a little piece of it.

Trudy painted these flowers.

How can you tell?

I can tell.

Hey, hey, hey, not so fast, sister.

I'm Kyle Patterson's father.

You were hassling my kid during second period.

Excuse me?

Uh, I was there. Your son was way out of line.

He threw an eraser at me.

He says it was an accident.

Well, maybe it was.

Although, it wasn't.

Who are you?

I'm, uh, I'm monk.

I'm Adrian monk.


Well, Adrian, this is between me and the lady.

Or should I say the other lady?

No, I think this is between you and me.

Whatever you say, Adrian. Come on, come on.

Boy: Hey, coach!

Hey, guys, huh, never give up.

You know that.

I'm gunning for you, pal.

When you least expect me, that's when you can expect me.

Uh, wait, wait, uh, I'm sorry. Um...

"When I least expect..." what?

Expect me when you least expect me.

That doesn't make sense, though. Uh...

When the time comes, it'll make perfect sense.

You know what the hell he was talking about?

[ Gas hissing ]

[ Coughing ]

Somebody burnt the toast.

What do you think?

I think it's weird. The guy worked at the same school.

We got two dead people. That's weird.

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Weird.

Captain, what do you got?

Well, it looks like a pinhole rupture in the gas line.

It happens all the time. He came in, tried to relight the pilot 'cause he wanted to make a fire, and, uh, he did.

Monk, what do you think?

Monk. Hey.

What do you think?

[ Coughs ]

Uh, I don't think he was lighting a fire.

You don't?

No. It was pretty warm last night.

That's true.

Benjy didn't even use his comforter.

Plus, the air conditioner is on.

He's right. It's on.

And the flue wasn't open.

This was m*rder.

This was... This was premeditated.

Excuse me.

You'll thank me later.

All right, I think you're right about Beth landow.

This is a crime scene. Let's lock it down.

And I want to put a man in the school.

You already have your man in the school.

And this is general Grant.

And these are the Southern generals surrendering at the courthouse in appomattox, Virginia on April 9th, 1865.

Very good, Cathy.

Very good.

Okay. Excellent.

So, who's next?

I am.

Oh. Good. Kyle.

This is sherman's march.

This is them burning down Atlanta.

And what's that?

That's a Cannon.

I mean, next to the Cannon.

A t*nk.

A t*nk, Kyle?

It's a sherman t*nk.

It's general sherman. Sherman's march, sherman t*nk.


Huh, I don't think the union army had tanks, Kyle.

My dad helped me with it.

I could be wrong.

She made the bed.

Why would she make the bed if she was planning on leaping?

I don't know. Maybe she was just putting her house in order.


She wore glasses.


Those sunglasses have a heavy prescription.

There were no eyeglasses at the crime scene.

Contact lenses?

I don't know.

Let's find out, shall we?

This has got to be it. What?

This is Trudy's tree.

She used to talk about it all the time.

She said she used to get here early and sit down under it and write poems.

Poems about me.

I thought you didn't meet her until later.

She didn't know they were about me until we met.

That's what she used to say.


Come here.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god, he was right.

I wasn't expecting him, and here he is.

You're just gonna run away? Absolutely. Join me, won't you?

You can run, but you can't hide!

Oh, yeah, I can hide! Don't think I can't hide!

He thinks I can't hide.

He doesn't know who he's messing with. Nobody hides like you.

Adrian, what are you doing?

The carrots and the potatoes were touching.

Would you like separate plates? Of course I would.

Benjy, go get Mr. Monk separate plates.


[ Telephone rings ]

[ Ring ]

Mom says you're having a tough time at school.


Something about a bully.

Just a misunderstanding.

Mom says he wants to kick your ass.

No. I mean, yes.

Remember Jeffrey appella kept beating me up in the fifth grade?

You said if I ran away from him, I'd be running away my whole life.

I said that?

I hit him in the side one time, and he never bothered me again.

You can't be afraid of everything, Mr. Monk.



Remember Beth landow's doctor's appointment?

Well, it was with a Dr. Sedlik.

So I called my friend Maureen whose roommate's sister knows a nurse who works for him.


She pulled her file for me.

Is that ethical?

Do you care?

No. I thought I should ask 'cause the kid's here.

Your basic tennis ball.

It cost me $1.59 of my own money, Amy.

We're about to put this in some liquid nitrogen.

Mr. Monk, was your hand up?

No. I have some questions, but not about your tennis ball.

And we just demonstrated what?

The atomic rearrangement of...

Class: Amorphous solids.

Oh, very good.

Q.e.d. Thus, it is proved.

[ Bell rings ]

All right, put the goggles back on the lab shelf.

And remember next Thursday is midterms, all right? Goodbye, Marsha.

Mr. Monk, you had a question.

If you wouldn't mind.

That's what teachers do. Satisfy curiosity.

Did you know Beth landow was pregnant when she died?


No, I didn't, but that would explain why she jumped, wouldn't it?

The baby's father, whoever he was, must've run out on her, huh?

You. You were the father.

[ Chuckles ]

Unfortunately, you can't prove that, Mr. Monk.

Her body's already been cremated.

What did she do, thr*aten to tell your wife?

You would've lost everything...

Your new job, your family...

Again, impossible to prove.

I think you're failing this course, Mr. Monk.

I think I'm doing all right. I have a motive now.

Well, you're going to have to do a little better than that, Mr. Monk, because you're in a science classroom now.

And when you're in my classroom, if you have a theory, you better have some proof to back it up.

I was proctoring the sat test when that poor girl died.

I never left the room.


If that mouse vanished, you could think that the snake did it.

I mean, he's got motive, he's hungry.

He likes to eat mice, but he's in a separate cage.

There's no way that the snake could've done it.

It is one of the immutable laws of physics, Mr. Monk...

Nothing can be in two places at the same time.

Any thoughts?

I think the snake did it.

No sign of a struggle...

Her jacket folded neatly... Her shoes were over there.

The note was in her pocket, and he was across the campus.

Maybe he had an accomplice.

No. He's too smug.

He's arrogant.

You should've seen him earlier today.

He was... he was taunting me.

How did he...

Do it?

Adrian, you're going to make yourself crazy.


What's wrong?

I'm afraid.

Okay, well, don't look down.

No, I'm afraid he's going to get away with it.

You'll get him.

You always do.

I think this guy is smarter than me.

Nobody's smarter than you.

Come on. You'll think a lot better when you're not so high up.


What is it? Eyeglasses.

They're Beth landow's.

Stottlemeyer called.

He said they still haven't been able to locate them.

Adrian, if she jumped from the roof, how'd they get here?

See, that's a good question.

Thank you, boss.

Hey, professor!

It's showtime.

Oh, my god, keep walking.

If he catches up with us, fall to the ground, curl up in a ball, and protect your face.

No. No, no, no, no, no, I can't.

I can't keep running. Benjy was right.

I can't run away from everything.

You're going to be picking up your teeth with your broken fingers.

Did you hear that... about the teeth and the fingers?

Do you want me to call the police? No, I've got to do this.

Come on, come on.


[ clock tower chimes ]

You hear that, Mr. Monk?

It's 10:00 A.M.

At 10:05, you're going to be waking up in an emergency room.

No! Wait.

What do you mean "wait"? We're fighting here!

Cut it out for a minute, will ya? I'm thinking here.

I'm thinking, too. I'm thinking about punching your lights out.

Will you shut up? Shut up!

[ Chiming continues ]

Did you solve the case?

Thank you. Thank you.

For what?

I couldn't have done it without you.

I'm going to give your boy an "a."


Well, all right then.


Who won here?

Mr. Monk.

Derek, I just wanted to stop in and say goodbye.

They found a full-time replacement for the class.

She's coming in tomorrow.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Monk.

A good teacher merely explains. A great one inspires.

I think you could have been a great teacher.

Well, I'll still be here. I just won't be teaching.

Oh, yes, your hypothetical m*rder investigation.

How is that going?

Pretty well, actually. Thanks for asking.

We just got a big break. Her eyeglasses.


Beth landow always wore glasses.

Seems she was blind without them.

But, um, they weren't near her body or on the roof.

Where are they, do you suppose?

I don't know.

We'll find 'em.

Tomorrow morning, there will be about 200 police cadets here searching every square inch of the campus.

We'll find them, and when we do, we'll...

We'll know where Beth landow was k*lled.

Good luck.

Yeah, good luck.

Monk: Working late, Mr. Philby?

What's going on?

Mr. Philby, you're under arrest for m*rder in the first degree, special circumstances.

Come on.

That's insane. I told you, I was...

Proctoring the sats at the time.

We know.

It took me forever to figure out how you pulled it off. But then it hit me...

You k*lled landow before the test started.

You met her on the clock tower roof that morning at about 8:00... 20 minutes before the test.

Then you k*lled her.

And you carried her body down the stairs to the clock room.

This was inspired. She fell, all right...

But not from the roof.

She fell from the clock.

You laid her body out on the minute hand.

It was 8:15, so the hand was perfectly horizontal.

The sats were to begin at 8:20.

You had five minutes to get back to the classroom...

Plenty of time.

And you let gravity do the rest.

It was just like one of your science experiments.

You took a pretty big risk, philby.

Hiding the body in plain sight.

But it wasn't such a bad bet.

That side of the tower faced the athletic field, which, on a Saturday morning, was completely deserted.


Until 8:25, when the body slid off the clock and landed on your car.

You made sure that the alarm was activated so that everyone would know exactly when she fell.

It was a perfect alibi.

There was only one problem.

The groundskeeper just happened to see you.

But you took care of him later.

I told you, Mr. Monk, a theory is just that unless you have some proof.

It's true. I don't have any proof.

But you do.

It's in your hand.

Oh. I found these on the roof.

I think they're Beth landow's. I think you're looking for them.

You didn't find them on the roof.

You found them in the clock room under the gear box because I put them there two hours ago.

Only Beth landow's k*ller would've known to look for them there.

Q.e.d. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Thus, it is proved.

I guess we have to find another science teacher.

Well, make sure you check their references.

I will.

What was she like?

Who? Trudy.

Smart, quiet, didn't date much.

Said she was waiting for the right man, said she'd know him when she met him.

She met him.

Where is Mr. Monk? I'd love to thank him. He's with her.
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