01x12 - Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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01x12 - Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger

Post by bunniefuu »

[On the road again intro]

♪ On the road again

♪ I just can't wait to get on the road again ♪

♪ The life I love

♪ is making music with my friends ♪ Uh, hold it a minute.

Uh, a little less harmonica in the monitors and a little more bass, please.

(Man) Sure thing, Willie.

And a little less light on the harmonica player, please.

Thank you. [Laughter]

♪ On the road again

♪ I just can't wait to get on the road again ♪

♪ The life I love

♪ is making music with my friends ♪

♪ And I can't wait to get on the road again ♪

♪ On the road again

♪ going places that I've never been ♪

♪ Seein' things that I may never see again ♪

♪ And I can't wait to get on the road again ♪ Is that enough of it?

(Man) Sounds great. 100%.

Mr. Nelson. Hello.


[Chuckles] Hey.

I just spoke to the front office.

Both shows are sold out.

Can't beat that, huh?

No, sir.

And I gave your driver directions to the radio station.

(Willie) What radio station?

For that interview you have in the morning.

You remember. All right.

Can you excuse me a minute?

Not a problem.

Will you, uh, let go of my hand?

I am so sorry.

(Sonny) Put the women's bathroom signs over the exits.

We can get more people in that way.

I-I gotta go.

Hey, will. Sorry I'm late.

How'd the rehearsal go?

Well, we managed to get by without you again.

Something wrong?

Yeah, something's wrong.

If it's about the $400 from last night's poker game...

No, it's the $400,000.

The books didn't add up.

Can we go, uh, talk about this on the bus?

We'll talk about it now. Are you rippin' me off?

(Sonny) No! Is this a joke?

(Willie) No joke.

You know I never do the books till we get back to Austin.

Well, if the books don't add up today, you won't be goin' back to Austin.

Now just shut up and listen.

Get all the receipts you can together.

I'll make up the res... ah, jeez.

Oh, please, calm down.

I gotta go.



(Woman) Help! Come quick!


Help! Help!

Help, somebody!

Somebody help!

I'm in the alley! Come quick!

Oh, god!

Call 911!

What's goin' on?

Sonny's been shot.

(Woman) Somebody come quick!

Oh, god!

What did you do?

[Woman wailing]

[Upbeat acoustic music]

(Disher) No press. Nobody gets wind of this, okay?


Just bag it until you get to the lab, okay?

Okay. Who is it?

Block off that side over there.

(Sharona) I told you my hours were crazy.


You know what?

I-i-i just got to the crime scene.

I'll... I'll call you later, okay?

How... how late are you gonna be up?


All right. Okay.

All right, bye. Who was that?

None of your business.

Well, can I take a wild guess?

You never take wild guesses.

Was it the guy you met last week at the party... Justin?


When do I get to meet him?

Never, 'cause you ruin everything.

I'm protecting you.


Adrian, you're not my mother.

Look, I checked him out on the Internet.

He's an architect who's won awards.

He's the real deal.

So let me meet him.

We'll invite you to our tenth anniversary, okay?

Now, will you pay attention?

There's a dead guy over here.

Um, can we cut the witness loose?

Yes. No, no. Wait, wait.

Uh, no. Uh, no, no.

We better not.

Sir, the building next door has a security camera.

Maybe we could have a look at the tape.

Yes, good idea. Talk to the owner.

Wouldn't we need a court order for that?

Right. I'll take care of that later.


Where's the captain?

He's getting an X-ray.

He was in an accident.

Is he okay?

He fell off his motorcycle. That's all I know.

Until he gets back, I'm in charge.

Oh, my god.

I'm so glad you're here.

Monk, listen. This is big.

In fact, this could be the big one.

We have a suspect inside.

It's Willie Nelson.

The red-headed stranger?

The press hasn't got wind of it yet, so just...

Can i... can i... Can I talk to him?

You like Willie Nelson?

Are you surprised?

Well, yeah.

It's just so... so normal.

Willie's inside, and he's not talking to anyone until his lawyers get here.

If you want, you can meet his road manager.

Say hello to Sonny cross.

Hey, we found this on the front door, to lure him into the alley.

What does the "j" stand for?

His legal name was Jason cross.

Look at this.

Shot one through the collarbone, shot two straight in the back while he was running away.

We have a witness, monk, who heard Willie Nelson and cross arguing just before the sh*ts were fired.

We found the g*n over there behind the dumpster.

It's a webley, a Mark 1 .38-caliber.

No prints.

An old webley?

Yeah, so we can rule out a mugging.

What's he doing?

What are you doing?

The b*llet hole in the jacket lines up with the entry wound.


Well, you said they were arguing, but if he was animated, if his hands were up or he was gesturing, then the holes wouldn't match up.

No, this man had his hands down at his sides.

And he... he wasn't frightened either.

He... you say there was an eyewitness?

Well, not exactly an eyewitness.

Her name's Wendy mass.

She's been blind since she was 16.

She lives in one of those assisted living places up on mountain view.

Oh, my god. I know her.

I've seen her in the park.

That's your witness?

She said she heard the whole thing.

Lieutenant, from here, it looks like your hands are empty.

Excuse me?

You're not holding a warrant, are you?

No, I'm not.

Then we're finished here.

(Disher) I-I just wanna make sure that we have all the details.

What more do you want?

Our client has given you his statement three times already.

(Willie) It's okay, Josh.

I'm as anxious to get this thing cleared up as you are.

(Disher) Thank you.

Now, Mr. Nelson, you admit that you and Mr. Cross were arguing yesterday?

We argue all the time.

About what?

Only two things to argue about, and money is one of 'em.

And you were coming here to do a radio interview?

(Lawyer) We've already been over this.

It's okay. He's just doin' his job.

Look, lieutenant, I got out of the car, I heard some sh*ts, I went around the corner into the alley.

Sonny was layin' dead.

I couldn't believe it.

Was there anybody else in the alley?

There was this lady with a cane.

Uh, she could've been blind.

She was screamin' at the top of her voice.

She had a great set of lungs, I know that.

Thank you very much. That's all I need for now.

[Clears throat]

Excuse me.

Mr. Willie... Wilson... Nelson.

I just have, uh, one question.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Adrian monk.

(Lawyer) And what department are you with?

Mr. Monk isn't on the force.

He's here as a consultant at my request.

First of all, I just wanna say i'm... I'm your second biggest fan.

Well, who's the first?

Uh, that... that'd be my wife.

I lost her about five years ago.

I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Monk.

Well, I just wanted to tell you how much your music has meant to me and to my wife.

(Sharona) Adrian, this isn't a fan club.

Just ask your question.

Right. Come on.

How long did you know Jason?

Who the hell's Jason?

Uh, I'm sorry.

I mean Sonny.

Oh, I'd forgot his real name.

About 18 1/2 years, on and off, mostly off.

(Lawyer) All right.

Enough is enough.

Come on, Willie.

You know where to reach us.

Yes, I do.

Randy, you got a second?


Look. Look again.

"J" cross.

Whoever wrote this knew Sonny by his legal name, not his... not his nickname.


I don't think Willie did it.

Monk, he was shot twice...

Once in the back, 20 feet away.

It wasn't the blind lady.

Then there must've been somebody else in that alley.

(Disher) Now, Mrs. Mass, you said you were taking the bus.

That's right.

I was visiting a friend, and I missed my stop.

I never like to admit it, but it happens.

So I got off, and I started to walk.

Then I turned down that alley, thinking that I could cut through to 4th Avenue, but it was blocked off.

Well, the alley was a dead... (Sharona) Oh, yeah.

There was construction. Uh-huh.

It's a dead-end.

(Wendy) Dead end. Exactly.

So I started to turn around, and then I heard these two men arguing.

Uh, about what?

I-I couldn't tell, but they were very angry.

And then I heard these two sh*ts...

Bang, bang.

[Pencil sharpener whirs]

Well, my heart was pounding and I couldn't move.

Then this one man came up to me, and he said, "tell anybody about this and I'll k*ll you."

[Pencil sharpener whirs]

(Sharona) Adrian.

How's it going?

(Disher) Miss mass, this is captain stottlemeyer.

Mrs. Mass, how do you do?

(Disher) He'll be in charge of the case from here on in, thank god.

Good job, lieutenant.

Oh, thank you, sir.

You're welcome. Sharona.

Hey, hey. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Oh, his arm's in a sling.

Oh, sorry.

(Sharona) What happened?

It's nothing. I fell off my motorcycle.

I was on the dirt trails north of highway 18.

Slipped on a bunch of wet leaves.

It could've been a lot worse.

You're a very lucky man, sir.

Yeah, well, I don't feel like a lucky man.

It's a feeding frenzy out there.

We've gotta be very careful how we handle this one.

(Disher) Yes, sir.

Are you okay? So what's the plan?

Well, you know how they handled the o.J. Case down in Los Angeles?

We do the opposite.

Where are we?

Uh, same as I told you on the phone, sir.

Mrs. Mass is reasonably sure that she can recognize the assailant's voice.

Reasonably sure?

(Stottlemeyer) Excuse me, Mrs. Mass?

Do you listen to country and western music?

No, I like classical.

(Stottlemeyer) Okay, good.

Bring him in.

Captain, uh, I wouldn't tell that story about your accident to too many people.

Why not?

Well, the hills north of highway 18 have been closed for two weeks.

Brush fires.


What really happened?

I was cleaning my gutters and I slipped, fell off the ladder.


(Disher) We're ready, sir.

Now, Mrs. Mass, I want you to take your time, and I want you to listen very carefully, okay?

All right. Are you all right?

(Wendy) Yes. Good.

All right, number one, please.

Tell anybody about this, and I'll k*ll you.

No, no.

Number two.

Tell anybody about this, and I'll k*ll you.


And number three.

Read the line, please.

Tell anybody about this, and I'll k*ll you.

That's him. That... that's the voice.

That's him.

(Stottlemeyer) Now, you're sure?

(Wendy) That's him.

I know that's him.


This investigation is open and ongoing.

We have at least one witness, and there is some physical evidence, which is being analyzed as we speak.

Captain, is Willie Nelson a suspect?

We haven't ruled out anybody as of yet.

That's all I can say.

Has Mr. Nelson made a statement?

Mr. Nelson has been very cooperative.

He's agreed to stay in town and remain available to us at our discretion.

Now, I-I wanna stress this again.

We have not accused or charged anyone of this crime.

(Streaker) Whoo-hoo!

[Laughter and applause]


What the hell was that?

That was a streaker, sir.

What is this, 1974?

Oh, yeah!


Well, if there are no further questions...


We'll be going.

Thank you.

Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Justin, hold on. Hold on.

One sec.



Adrian, you're gonna have a heart attack.

I can't believe he called me.

Willie Nelson called me.

Okay, will you just relax?

He's just... Adrian, he's just a regular guy who happens to sing and play guitar.

No! He's not!

You take that back!

Okay. Okay, here he is.

Here... here he comes.

Okay, just act natural.

Okay. Justin, just hold on. Just be cool.

Be cool. Just hold on.

Hold on. It might be him.

False alarm.

Oh, god.

I wish... I wish you were here.

My boss is tryin' to act cool, and he is totally hyperventilating right now.

Okay, all right, now he's gonna block the street.

All right, Justin... We're gonna miss him now.

Okay, just let me... let me... Let me call you back later.

Excuse me.


This is not a bus stop! Adrian, please!


I'm waiting for Willie!

(Sharona) He's not blocking the road.

Hello, Mr. Monk.

Sorry we're late. Come on in.

All right.

(Willie) Thanks for coming.

My lawyer tells me that you're about the only friend I got left in town.

Do you smell that?

Uh, no, I don't, and you don't either.

(Monk) I don't either.

[Both chuckle]

Yeah, this is a little piece of Texas on wheels.

I love it. It's the b*mb.

"It's the b*mb"?

b*mb is good. It's good.

Willie, uh, if you wouldn't mind.

Where in the world did you get that?

I haven't seen that one in a long time.

Ah, I have 'em all.

And if you could just...

If you could make it out to Trudy.


She worshipped you.

On our first date, we went to see one of your shows.

It was the shoreline amphitheater.

Yeah, I remember y'all.

You were sittin' on this blue blanket.


No, I'm just kiddin'.

[Both laugh]

Oh, he's jokin'. Willie's jokin'.

Hey, the bus is moving now.

Mm-hmm. It's gonna do that. Sit down.

There you go.

Thank you.

[Laughter and chatter]

One more card, down and dirty.


So it's up to me?


Well, I think you're tryin' to buy it.

I don't believe you got that deuce.

He's not bluffing.


It's okay. It's a friendly game.

He's not bluffing. He's got the deuce.


I fold. What do you got?

Now, what do you want for that?

How'd you know that?

When you looked at your card, you started to hum that song deuce's wild from the yesterday's wine album.

You played stand-up bass on that cut.

Did you play on that?

Oh, yeah, he sat in for three songs on that album.

I believe that was the first time you used a stand-up bass in the studio.

You know more about me than I do.


He knows more about everybody than they do.

Well, why do they think I shot Sonny?

Um, well, you gotta admit, it looks pretty bad.

The blind lady said that she heard everything.

The blind lady is lyin'.

Why would she lie?

I don't know.

I do a lot of things, but I wouldn't hurt anybody.

You know, I might write a bad song about 'em or something, and as far as Sonny was concerned, maybe I should've fired him a long time ago, but there's a bunch more I could've fired too.

Is... is that a rosewood?

Yeah. You play?

Ah, a little.

Oh, he's just being modest.

No, he's very good.

I've never... never played a rosewood clarinet.

That's... that is a beautiful thing.

Well, come over and kick the tires.

Um, um, Willie? Yeah.

Um, Adrian can't play somebody else's instrument.

He, uh, has a little problem with germs.

I got a brand-new mouthpiece right there, untouched by human lips.

[Playing smoothly]

♪ Very nice.

You think so?

Do you know Georgia on my mind?

Oh. Sure.

Tomorrow night, we're doing this radio concert.

My agent thought it might be a good idea for publicity or whatever.

Uh, we're gonna do Georgia on my mind.

Would you like to come over and play?

You... you mean play with the band?


You think about it.

No, no, I'd better not.

If I think about it, I might say no.

[Sharona laughs]

[Playing Georgia on my mind]

♪ Honey, do your homework.

I can't concentrate.

I know, but he has to practice.

He's gonna be on the radio with Willie Nelson.

Who's Willie Nelson?

He's a country singer.

Has he ever been on mtv?

No, but he's been on the news.

What for?

Well, according to the IRS, when he was a little boy, he didn't do his math homework.

Oh, I think I got it.

Listen to this.

[Playing song] Adrian, will you give it a break?

Benjy could play the song by now.

Come on.

[Monk continues playing]

Did you really meet a blind lady?


Does she have a dog?

No, she had a cane.

Hey, maybe I can interview her for that report I have to do on people with disabilities.

Wait, I thought you were gonna write about...

It only has to be two pages.

Mr. Monk is a whole book.

You know what? I'll ask her.

[Phone ringing]


Will you stop it?




[Phone beeps]


[Plays single note] Uh, Adrian!

Yes, yes, yes, um, right.

We'll be there right away.

[Continues playing]

Adrian, Adrian!

That was stottlemeyer.

He wants to see us right away.

Should I bring my clarinet?

I could practice in the car.

I'll just leave it right here.

Close the door.

What you are about to see cannot leave this room.

The tabloids would pay

$1 million for this videotape.

It's from the surveillance camera near the crime scene.

The alley's a dead end. This is the only way in.

And the side door to the radio station was wired to an alarm, so we know it wasn't opened.

Bottom line, we can tell for sure who was or was not there.

What the hell are you doing?

Oh, uh, he's practicing.


Willie Nelson invited him to sit in with his band.

(Stottlemeyer) Well, he may be live from folsom prison.

Check this out.

Go ahead.

Yeah, there goes Mrs. Mass.

Tap, tap, tap. She goes into the alley.


And there goes the soon-to-be-late Sonny cross.

And there goes Willie Nelson.

Nobody else goes in or out.

Pretty much a slam dunk.

Are you gonna arrest him?

(Stottlemeyer) The d.A. Is ready to move.

I'm waiting for some tests from the lab.

Maybe tomorrow.

Call your mom. Tell her to set the VCR.

We're gonna be on the 6:00 news.

Captain, what about the note on the door?

My videotape trumps your note. Ask any lawyer.

I don't know.

Monk, look.

My heroes have always been cowboys too.

It's either "a," the blind woman who has zero motive, or it's "b," your buddy, the red-headed stranger.

Who had motive, means, and opportunity, and was the identified by the only witness at the scene.

(Stottlemeyer) "A" or "b," monk?

I think it's "c."

"C"? What the hell is "c"?

I don't know yet.

So he just wants to ask you a couple of questions.

I don't mind. I love children.

430, 431, 431 cereal boxes.

That's a prime number.

(Sharona) Now, is there anything else you need?

Let's see. Mushroom soup.

It's in the next aisle.

Uh, uh, Mrs. Mass, I have a few questions.

How did you know the alley was there?

Well, I have a lot of friends in that neighborhood.

I've lived in San Francisco for 17 years.

The soup should be right up here.

(Sharona) Oh, I got it.

Thank you.

I peel back the corner.

That way I can tell which can is which when I get home.

I got a hundred little tricks.

Let's see. Oh, some juice.

Excuse me.

Should be... yeah.

Is this apple?

Yep. Okay.

Then we're done. Mrs. Mass.

Are you certain that there was no one else in the alley?

Maybe someone hiding behind the dumpster?

Well, I didn't hear anybody, and I didn't sense anybody, and I'm not easy to fool.

Mr. Monk, I'm sorry about Willie Nelson.

I'm sure he's a very talented singer.

But I was there. He did it.

Hey there, Mrs. Mass.

Hello, Janice.

Well, as you can see, I didn't need you this time.

Uh, this is Mr. Monk and... and his friend sharona Fleming.

Hey, how are you? Hi, how are you?

Okay. That comes to $25.88.

Here's a 20, and there's a 10.

I'm telling you, she's an amazing woman.

And I'm not just saying that 'cause she didn't sue us.

Didn't sue you?

Well, I had a little accident in the produce section last year.

I slipped in a puddle of water.

A little accident?

She had a concussion.

We had to call the ambulance and everything.

It was just a little bump. I was fine.

(Man on P.A.) Grocery clerk to aisle four, please.

What's all this?

It's for Saturday night.

I'm cooking dinner for Justin.

Maybe I should drop by.

Adrian, I love my job, but if I have to get a restraining order, I will.


Where did you get that?

I borrowed it from benjy. Okay.

This is where it happened.

So, I'm the k*ller.

You're Sonny cross.

Okay, I'm hiding.

There is so much garbage back here.

Oh, please.

Okay, here I am, I'm hiding.

You walk up the alley.

I jump out.

I step up to you and bang!


Why am I always the victim?

Because the victim usually ends up on the ground, in... in the dirt, and i'm... I'm me.

Okay, so now you've been shot, so now you run away.

With pleasure.


And here comes the second shot.


You know... give me that g*n.


This is ridiculous.

Okay, the first shot was point blank.

Even the blind woman could've done that one.

But the second shot.

The second shot, 20 feet away, a moving target...


So it had to be Willie Nelson.

I don't think so.

Then what do you think?

I think we need to learn more about Sonny cross.


Gold mine has it for 40 in better condition.

Then go buy it from gold mine.

Go on, go. Leave.

Why are you still in my store?

Look at all these plastic bags.


You must be in heaven.

I never heard of these bands.

You never heard of the ramones?

Oh, yeah. The ramones. Yeah, they are great.

I love that song they do about loving that woman all night long.

Shut up.

Look, if you must manhandle, at least put things back where they came from.

I think I did. No.

You put things back alphabetically, but there happens to be a chronological sub-order.

Now I have to redo the whole section.

Thank you very little.


So you wanna know about Sonny cross, hmm?

Well, he managed these guys for a while, back in '87, till they fired him.


Same reason these guys fired him in '82.

He was humping the lead singer's wife.

That cat had nine lives.

Oh, he, uh, he managed these guys for a while as well.

They fired him?

Didn't have a choice.

Hard to handle them from the Florida state penitentiary.

Did, uh, two years, I think, drinking and driving.

Apparently, he k*lled a guy.

And now he's been immortalized as the man Willie Nelson shot.


You missed one. I didn't.

Oh, you're right.

Are you two related?

[In unison] Why would you say that?

Sir, are you ready for this?

What is this, a game show?

Can't you just walk in here and say what you have to say?

The droplets on Willie Nelson's jacket...

Human blood from the victim.

Well, he said that he leaned over the body.

Maybe he got the blood on him then.

The lab is 40% sure they're splatter marks from the actual sh**ting.


What do you think?

Well, I think it's not exactly through the hoop, is it?

Okay, the blood is 40%.



Voice I.D.?



20. Well, that's, like, 123%.

I mean, plus means and opportunity.


All right, bring him in.

I have to be crazy.

Be plumb out of my mind to arrest Willie Nelson.

(Kenny) We're back. I'm little Kenny Freedman.

You're listening to three chord monte on kngy.

We are very excited to have live in our studio the legendary Willie Nelson.

I know you've been reading a lot about Willie in the papers.

Everybody seems to have an opinion on "the incident."

But tonight, we're gonna forget about all that and enjoy the music.

Willie, would you like to introduce the band?

Yeah, thank you very much.

First of all, on the bass here from helotes, Texas, Mr. Bee Spears.

This is your microphone.

Just don't get too close.

Here, I'll show you.

(Willie) Jody Payne from Alabama, and our special guest is Adrian monk, playing the clarinet and sittin' in with us on a ray Charles standard that we love to do called Georgia on my mind.

[Willie playing song intro]

♪ Georgia

♪ Georgia excuse me.

We have to stop.

We can't stop. We're live.

No, my friend can't play now.

That guy just put his lips on his clarinet.

♪ Just an old sweet song

♪ keeps Georgia

♪ on my mind

[mouthing words]

♪ Georgia

♪ Georgia

♪ a song of you

♪ Comes as sweet and clear

♪ As moonlight through the pines ♪

♪ All right, Adrian.

Play it, Adrian.

[whistling the tune]

♪ Georgia, Georgia

♪ no peace I find

♪ Just an old sweet song

♪ keeps Georgia

♪ on my mind

♪ And just an old sweet song ♪

♪ Keeps Georgia on my mind ♪

♪ On my mind

♪ On my mind

♪ On my mind ♪

♪ Nice solo.

Some mighty good whistlin' there.

Well, did you have fun?

It was great.

If there's anything I can do for you guys.


You used to be a cop, right?

Well, yeah.

Get us a key to the evidence room.

(Monk) Yeah.


Willie Nelson?

I'm Willie Nelson.

I'm Willie Nelson.

I'm Willie Nelson.

I don't think they're goin' for it, boys.

Mr. Nelson, we have a warrant for your arrest for the premeditated m*rder of Jason " Sonny" cross.

Captain, this is a mistake.

He is not the guy.

Well, you can't be objective.

You're a member of the damn band.

(Willie) Mr. Monk.

This way, Mr. Nelson. Let's go.

(Jeff) As you know, Willie Hugh Nelson was arrested at 10:15 last night.

He will be indicted in judge hackman's courtroom tomorrow.

Captain stottlemeyer was the arresting officer and will be happy to answer any of your questions.


Thank you, Jeff.

First of all, I would like to thank the members of my department who have been investigating this case.

They've done an outstanding job.

Captain, how strong is your case against Willie Nelson?

We would not have authorized this arrest unless we were certain that we have all the facts for the district attorney to successfully prosecute this case.

Oh, get a shot of that.

(Streaker) Hey, hi!


For the love of... I want him.

Go, go! Get him!



San Francisco. You gotta love it.

(Streaker) Come on, girls.

We're on foot, heading south towards prospect.

(Female dispatcher) Is there a description?

He's wearing gray sneakers.

(Female dispatcher) Is there anything else?

He's not Jewish!

Come on!


Excuse me.

Oh, yeah.


Good boys.

[Siren in distance]

(Disher) All right, hold it right there! Stop!

Stay where you are.

All right, we got him.


Streaker in custody.

(Wendy) I've never been interviewed before.

I feel like a celebrity.

[Loudly] Are you ready?!

I am clicking on the tape recorder!

Benjy, you don't have to shout. My hearing's fine.


Have you always been blind?

Well, I could see until I was 16 years old.

I was in a car accident.

I have a question.

Mrs. Mass, the m*rder w*apon was found behind you, near the dumpster.

Do you have any idea how it got there?

No, I don't remember much. I was scared to death.

(Sharona) Adrian, this is benjy's interview.

Then what am I doing here?

I don't know. I never know.

(Benjy) How do you know what to wear every day?

What a good question.

I add special buttons to my clothes so I can tell 'em apart.

Like this jacket, I know that it's blue because the bottom button is square, see?

(Benjy) Oh, cool.

(Wendy) Uh-huh.

Did you parents teach you that?

No, my parents were k*lled in the same car accident that blinded me.

I lost everything in one horrible moment.

My sight, my family...

Um, sorry, dear.

What's next?

(Benjy) Uh, why do you keep pictures on your walls?

Oh, they're for visitors like you.

(Monk) You lived in Florida?

Yes, I grew up in tampa.

(Benjy) What does it feel like to be blind?

Well, at first, I was always scared.

Then when I turned 20, I decided that I wasn't gonna be scared no more.

I accepted it.

Now I feel I can do anything I want.

Well, I think we've taken up enough of your time, Mrs. Mass.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, miss mass.

Thank you, benjy.

Good luck on your report.

Okay, thanks.

Sharona. Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much.

Mr. Monk.

Yes, thank you. Thank you very much.

[Mouthing words]

Thank... thank you very much.

All right.

Thank you.

All right.

Good day.


Um, Justin?

Hi. It's me, sharona.

Just give me a call whenever you can.

Okay, bye.


Benjy I need your notebook and your knapsack.



I-I just wanna say thank you for the great job you're doing.

What are you doing?

We just solved the case.

I need a wipe.

[Door buzzes, opens]

Lady godiva, it's your lucky day.

Somebody made your bail.

(Prisoner) Lucky.

(Stottlemeyer) What's she doing here?

I-I asked her to meet me.

Well, do you mind telling me why?

You'll see. Just wait.

(Stottlemeyer) Son of a bitch. He's back.

Lieutenant, call the 23rd.

Get a black and white down here asap.

Captain, no, no, not so fast.

What are you talking about?

I bailed him out last night, and I hired him.

You hired the streaker? To do what?

Son of a bitch.


She can see.

She can see?

She can see.

Son of a bitch.

Sh... sharona!



What are you doing here?

Friend of yours?

We're still on for Saturday, right?

(Stottlemeyer) Okay, Mrs. Mass, when did you get your vision back?

A year ago.

It was your accident at the supermarket.

When I woke up, I had regained sight in my left eye.

That's how it happens sometimes, after a blow to the head.

It was a miracle.

But you didn't tell anybody.

No. No, you kept it a secret.

If people believed you were blind, you could k*ll Sonny cross and nobody would ever suspect you.

(Stottlemeyer) Why would you want to k*ll Sonny cross?

(Monk) Revenge.

He was driving the car that k*lled your parents and left you blind in tampa

36 years ago.

You knew he toured a lot.

You waited for him to come through San Francisco, and eventually he did.

They announced on the radio that Willie Nelson and his tour manager would be stopping by the station.

So you got there early and put a note on the door.

Then you waited.

Before you k*lled him, did you tell him who you were?

(Wendy) Yes.

You k*lled my parents. This one is for them.



(Monk) And you made sure that the second shot was from 20 feet away.

A crime no blind woman could have committed, but then Willie Nelson showed up in that alley.

You didn't count on that.

You couldn't just leave the scene so...

(Wendy) Help! Help!

Help, somebody!

You had to pretend to be a witness.

(Wendy) Jason cross served a year and a half.

Vehicular manslaughter?

That wasn't justice.

What I did last week, that was justice.

How did you know?

I knew that cross had been arrested in tampa.

When you mentioned that you'd grown up there, it seemed like a remarkable coincidence, but I didn't put it together until I remembered something you had done last week when you met captain stottlemeyer.


When you came in with your right arm in a sling, everyone in the room naturally extended their left hand to shake, including Mrs. Mass.

This was before anyone mentioned you had hurt your arm.

So how could she have known that you offered your left hand?

[Wendy chuckles]

Thank you, Mr. Monk.

You're thanking him?

I am so relieved.

It was tearing me up inside that that poor man was taking all the blame.

You're gonna have to go to prison.

I understand.

Maybe I can talk to the d.A.

About extenuating circumstances.

There's only one thing that I want.

What's that?

A window.

♪ In the twilight glow I see her ♪

♪ Blue eyes cryin' in the rain ♪

♪ And when we kissed good-bye and parted ♪

♪ I knew we'd never meet again ♪

[joining song]

♪ Love is like a dying Ember ♪

♪ And only memories remain

♪ Through the ages, I'll remember ♪

♪ Blue eyes cryin' in the rain ♪

♪ Someday we'll meet

♪ We'll stroll hand-in-hand again ♪

♪ In a land that knows no parting ♪

♪ Blue eyes cryin' in the rain ♪

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