01x05 - Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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01x05 - Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival

Post by bunniefuu »

(Stottlemeyer) I don't like it.

You oughta be wearin' a wire.

Oh, listen, Leland, we don't even know what he's got.

Well, look, maybe I should hang and watch your back.

Oh, come on.

You worry too much.

You always did.

Leland, go home.

Get some sleep.

Past your bedtime.

Look, Adam, could you do me a favor?


When we're in public you call me "captain", okay?

Oh, I'm sorry, captain.

Still can't say it without laughin'.

(Girl) How about a photo?

Here's your ticket.

You can pick it up when you leave.

No thanks.

John gitomer?

You kirk?

Somethin' you wanna tell me?

No, no, no.

I said I had something to sell you.

Oh, okay, what?

Shipment of purple haze, 10,000 tabs.

I know where, I know when, I know who.

You interested?

If it's righteous, I'm interested.

Okay, but not here. No, this is fine.

Hey, hey.

Hey, get your hands off me, man.

Listen, do you got a problem?

I can't talk here.

Why not?

Up there.

I don't think so.

Who told you to call me?

I'll tell you up there.

No, who gave you my name?

See ya.

(Gitomer) Hey, somebody call the cops!

Hey, this guy's tryin' to k*ll me.

(Kirk) What are you yellin' about?

(Gitomer) For god's sake, stop the ride!

(Kirk) Hey pal...

(gitomer) He's k*lling me!

(Kirk) Calm down.

(Gitomer) He's trying to k*ll me!

(Kirk) What are you yellin' about?

(Gitomer) Hey, help!

(Kirk) Cut it out.

Calm down.

(Gitomer) Somebody call the cops!

(Kirk) What? I'm not...

(gitomer) He's trying to k*ll me!

(Kirk) Stop it!

Stop the ride! Stop the wheel.

Let me off.

(Kirk) You're sick, buddy.

Police officer, step back.

Everything's all right.

(Girl) What did you do?

(Man) Guy just jumped that guy.

(Girl) Somebody call 911.

I didn't do nothin'.

I was...

[Upbeat ragtime music]

(Female reporter) Lt. Adam kirk is, of course, no stranger to controversy.

Six years ago he was suspended for using excessive...

Have you been drinking?

I don't know... a taste.

Amphetamines, anything?

They're gonna want a blood test.

Bring it on.

And he was in the news again recently when alleged k*ller Leonard Stokes accused him of police brutality.

Captain, we got to...

Give me 30 seconds, all right?

All right.

Internal affairs is gonna try to rip you apart.

Well, they've been tryin' for years.

Look, Adam, is there somethin' you wanna tell me?

He pulled a knife?

There was a fight, it was either you or him?

Leland, Leland, I never touched him.

There were bruises on his chest.

Well, he must've stuck himself.

He stuck himself?

All right, look, from this point forward, you don't say anything.


No, you don't speak English.

I'm gonna call Sam dwyer from ppa and he'll send somebody over.

Leland, I never touched him.

Not a word.

I'll talk to you later.


All right.


Well, he was stabbed in the aorta.

He was gone before he hit the ground.

Self defense?


What about the bruises?

There was a fight, that's all I know.

(Paul) When I get him down to my beauty parlor, I'll know a little more.

Thanks, Paul.

All right, I need the lab to run the knife as soon as possible. Yes, sir.

And I need Adam charged and booked.

Have parko do that.

What am I supposed to do?

Two guys go up alone, one of 'em comes out dead.

What do you want me to do?

Captain, what about monk?

He might see something that we're not seeing.

Monk is no good to anybody right now.

He's going before the review board tomorrow.

You know how he gets when he's under pressure.

He's gonna be a basket case tomorrow.

(Male board member) Former detective monk, we've been reviewing your file which includes a statement from your psychiatrist, Dr. Kroger.

Now he says you're still obsessed with the m*rder of your wife to the point where you are emotionally paralyzed.

Do you agree?

Well, she was my wife.

You can understand.

It's not just another case.

How's that investigation going?

(Monk) We're stalled.

Frankly, it's a dead end.

(Male board member) However, there is some good news.

Kroger says that, uh, you've been showing some significant progress in some of your other problems.

Yes, I've been working hard.

Since your suspension, you've been working as a private investigator.

Is that right?

Well, it hasn't made me rich.

But, you know, it's what I do.

It's what you do.

I like that.

You feel that you're ready to do what you do for us again?

I mean, officially?

I think I'm ready.

As you know, I've been doing some consulting work for the department.

Yes, on eight occasions.

It's very impressive.

Although, isn't it true, Mr. Monk, that on more than one occasion, your phobias have hindered the investigation?

For example, last February your fear of heights allowed a suspect in San anselmo to escape.

Well, no officer is without fear of some kind.

That's true.

We all accept that.

As long as those fears don't interfere with the performance of his duties.

(Male board member) We'll be making a formal recommendation by the end of the week.

We have to speak with two or three more people.

Including captain Leland stottlemeyer.

Captain stottlemeyer?

As your commanding officer for years his testimony is crucial.

(Female board member) Thank you for coming in.

Mr. Monk?

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

We'll reconvene tomorrow at 5:00.

(Sharona) How'd it go?

It went great.


I was amazing.

I was Fred Astaire. Yes, yes!

Did you remember to bite the tip of your tongue to help you focus?

I bit the tip of my tongue.

I was great.

Get in the car.

What are you doing?

I'm driving, get in the car.

No, you're not.

Sharona, they could be watching me right now from the... don't look... From the window right now.

Don't look.

So what?

So I can't let them see you driving me.

I'd look like an invalid.

So get in the car.


Get in the car.

Will you get in the car?

Do you even know how to drive?

Yes, I know how to drive.

I've never seen you.

Well, there's about 15 things that I can do that you've never seen me do.

Like what?

Drive, I can drive.

Get in the car.

Don't... They're not watching you.

(Monk) Look, what are you doing looking?

What are you doing?

Do you even have a license?

Of course I have a license.

Is it valid?

You know what?

I'm gonna show it to you in the car.

I just put in a new $1,200 transmission.

I'm not gonna wreck your precious transmission.

Get in the car.

I have an idea.

Start yawning.

Yawning? Yeah.

To make it look like you're too tired to drive.

Why would I be too tired to drive?

It's 10:00 in the morning.

I'm not in kindergarten.

I'm tryin' to get my badge back here.

Everybody gets tired.

You don't think cops get tired?

Anyway it's too late to start yawning now.

I would've had to start yawning when I was upstairs to set it up.

It is not too late to start yawning right now because you have to start yawning at some point in the day.

Everybody yawns all day.

There's no rules, yawn.


Mr. Monk.

You're still here.


Yeah, we're leavin' though.

We're going... here we go.


You comin'?



Good parking spot, though.

Don't you think?

I mean, lucky, lucky.

Can't beat it with a stick.

Okay, I got it.

See you next time.

[Cars bump together]

[Car alarm sounding]

[Car honking]

[Car crashing]

What were you thinking?

You said "turn", so I turned.

No, I meant into the parking lot.

Look at my headlight, Adrian.

It's nothing.


It is totally smashed.

Look at that.

[Cell phone rings]


Yes, he's right here.


Okay, we'll be right there.


He says it's very important.

No, no!


I'm driving.

When hell freezes over, you can drive again.

No, you know what?

Even if hell freezes over, I'm still driving because I don't want you driving on the ice.

Get in the car.

Your honor, this is not lieutenant kirk's first offense.

(Male prosecutor) We have a case, docket 4-5-5, Adam kirk versus Leonard Stokes, in which lieutenant kirk is accused of police brutality.

This is obscene.

(Kirk) Don't touch Stokes, but he can string me up right here?


(Judge) Can you or can you not control your temper?

I can, your honor.

Then do it... on the street and in my courtroom.

(Judge) Mr. Dwyer?

We request that lieutenant kirk be released on his own recognizance.

Adam kirk is a decorated officer.

(Dwyer) And the claims against my client in this case and the case involving Mr. Stokes, have not been substantiated.

I don't know how much more substantiated a case can get.

Bail is set at $50,000.

[Gavel striking]

So what do you think?

They're on a Ferris wheel alone.

The Ferris wheel stops.

The guy's dead.

I know it looks bad.

"Bad" is not the word.

"Guilty" is the word.

Kirk has got a temper; We're not denying that.

You couldn't deny it.

I've seen it first hand.

There's something not right here.

He swears up and down he did not touch the kid.

Maybe he blacked out or something.

You know, like you do.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to do your thing.

I want you to do that thing you do.

I've known kirk for 20 years.

He's a great cop.

You used to say that about Adrian.

Could we not make this a personal thing?

This is not about who daddy loves more.

Monk, I need this.

You do right by me, and I'll owe you one.

All right?

I'd like to talk it over with sharona.


What do you think?

I think you should do it.

The captain's gonna testify in front of the review board tomorrow.

This may be good help.

I agree.

But let's stay here a minute.

Make it look like it's a tough decision.


What should we talk about?

I don't know.

How's benjy?

He's good.

What grade is he in now?

Fifth. Fifth grade.

Failing math.

It's driving me crazy.

Hey, monk. Yeah?

We can hear you.

All right, here's the deal.

This has gotta be done under the table.

All right?

Off the book.

Internal affairs is all over it.

They don't want any outsiders poking around.



Thank you.

It's okay.

I saw that, Adrian.

Look at 'em out there.

Tryin' to get a picture of the k*ller cop.

Too bad I can't charge 'em rent.

Did you talk to them?

I just told them I was a friend.

Thanks for lyin'.

You know, I don't hold what you did against you.

Why would you?

I told the truth.

From your point of view.

I was there, lieutenant.

I saw what you did.

It was resisting arrest.

I was there.

Well, that makes your bein' here now mean even more.

You know what really kills me about this is I'm supposed to testify against Stokes next week.

Best thing I ever did was gettin' that butcher off the street.

Now he's gonna walk.

Why would he walk?

He claims that I beat a confession out of him.

This makes his case.

What are you doin'?

If you don't mind, it helps him think.

Oh, knock yourself out.

(Monk) Wanna tell me what happened on the Ferris wheel?

Yeah, that was stupid.

I get a call from this punk, gitomer.

You knew him?

No, I never met him.

I checked him out.

(Kirk) He's got some punk stuff.

Possession, stolen vehicle.

So he wants to meet at the carnival.

Busy place.

A lot of people.

Meet about what?

He's got somethin' on a shipment of purple haze.

So we meet.

He starts hemmin' and hawin' and then he says he'll talk but only up on the Ferris wheel.

Ferris wheel's his idea?

Oh, yeah, his idea.

So we get on.

I don't get out word one, he goes postal.

You didn't do anything?

Hand to god.

He starts throwin' himself around.

He's screamin', "help, he's gonna k*ll me!"

So the operator shuts down the rig, I get off.

I walk ten feet.

I hear screamin'.

I turn around and there's gitomer on the deck with a knife in his chest.

Whose knife was it?

Not a clue.

(Monk) And now, you didn't touch this guy?

No, I didn't touch him.

Maybe he shoved you, you shoved him back.

No, I didn't touch the guy.

Things got outta hand, it happens.

No, it doesn't happen!

Not to me.

Not anymore.

How's Anita?

(Kirk) Oh, she's good.

Thanks for askin'.

Where is she?

You just missed her.

She's just out shoppin'.

She should be back, oh, any minute now.

Listen, friend, if I'm gonna help you, uh, you can't lie to me.


You two had a fight and she moved out.

Now who told you that?

The woman is obviously into gardening.

But every plant in the place is dying.

Well, she always comes back.

I'm done here.

You're gonna make somebody a wonderful wife.

I can't make any promises.


(Monk) Okay, remember, we're not officially on the case so be cool.

Yeah, I'll be as cool as you.

(Benjy) Mom, how many tickets can we get?

(Sharona) I don't know.

(Benjy) Okay, let's get a whole sheet, which is $40.

(Sharona) I don't know, benjy, I work for a very cheap man.

How many? Ten.

That's true; She does.

He's also a very naive man who doesn't know when he's being used.

Who... what?

Who's being used?

You are.

Kirk's no good and you know it.

He's stottlemeyer's ex-partner.

The captain will do anything to save his ass.

He just wants you to come up with one of your convoluted theories so he can parade you in front of a jury.

Are you listening to me?

What's wrong?

The Ferris wheel.

(Monk) It's kinda big.

I can't go on it.

Well, you have to.

It's a crime scene.


Benjy, the bumper cars are over there.

Nah, uh-uh.

(Sharona) Come on, please.

We gotta find stottlemeyer.

(Stottlemeyer) Hey.


You remember benjy.


How you doin', benjy?

You're in little league, right?

Yeah, I think my kid beaned you last year.

Hey, folks, how about a photo?

No, no, thank you. No, thank you.

Come on.

It's a souvenir.

It's a carnival.

One big happy family.

Thank you very much.

Here's your ticket.

You can pick it up on your way out.

Thank you.

Let's go.


(Sharona) Adrian.

Monk, come on.

Here you go.

Unclaimed from the day you were asking about.

This is everything.

Adrian, I promised benjy I'd take him on the bumper cars, so we'll meet you later, okay?

Just stay close to the captain.

And if you get lost, find a policeman.



Look at the sweatshirt.

I was thinkin' the same thing.

Zipped all the way up.

But it must've been 95 degrees that night.


(Stottlemeyer) So they meet over there, walk through here, get on the ride, go round and round, it stops, and the kid's dead.

Did you question the other riders?

Oh, yeah.

I grilled everybody in the park.

I got a list of...

Internal affairs.


Look, you just happened to be here, okay?

It's your day off, understood?

Hey, Walt.

Captain. How are you?

Mr. Monk.

Walter cauffel.

How's it goin'?

It's a bitch... bitch and a half.

(Cauffel) What are you doin' here?

I'm here with my assistant and her kid.

I never figured you the amusement park type.

Oh, sure, I love it.

It's so, you know, edgy.

Heard you're up for reinstatement.

Good luck.

Thank you, I really should be going.

Have you seen sharona?

Yeah, sharona's right over here.

Okay, see you.

Give me a couple minutes and I'll get rid of him, all right?

What should I do?

Just have fun.



Look, you've seen other people have fun.

Imitate them.

[Mallets banging]

[Bell rings]


I am so hungry.

Then get a hot dog.

No, no, thanks, no.

Mom, can I have $2?

Wait, what for? It's a contest.

There's a big jar of jellybeans, and if I guess how many are in the jar I win a boom box.



That's how many jellybeans are in the jar.




Have you seen the jar?

How can you guess if you haven't seen the jar?

Benjy, 8,385.

Thanks, mom.

Okay, now you owe me $2.

(Monk) There's I.A., don't look.

Come on.

We gotta look like we're blending in.

Let's go.

Yeah, we'll blend.

Thank you.

No problem.

Just take it.

Come on.

It's good.


You having fun?

I think so.

My head stopped throbbing.

But too many clowns.

Just way too many. [Clown horn honking]

Oh, come on, relax.


Oh, my god.

Where did you get that?

I won it.

It was that jellybean contest.

Mr. Monk was right.

You were only off by eight.

Adrian, how'd you do that?

Lucky guess.

No, I'm serious.

(Sharona) How'd you do it?


Adrian, I'm talkin' to you.

Come on, come on.

We got about an hour.

I sent 'em to that stripper bar on baker Avenue.

I told 'em kirk hangs out there.

Hello, kitty.

Aw, hell, I thought you guys were gone.

I'm tryin' to make a living here.

(Stottlemeyer) Sorry, I'm sorry.

This will only take a minute.

Adrian monk, kitty Malone.

She's been workin' the Ferris wheel for seven years here.

Never had a problem.

Never had an accident until last night.

Suppose he wants to hear the story too?

Yes, please, if you don't mind.

The freakiest thing I ever seen.

Two guys got on.

A few seconds later, one of them starts screaming.

You mean, Mr. Gitomer?

I don't know names.

The soon-to-be-dead one.

He was screamin' "help, he's tryin' to k*ll me!"

I looked up.

Basket four is rockin' back and forth.

I figure they're either fightin' or fallin' in love.

You-you couldn't see what was happening?

Nah, you can't really see what's goin' on up there.

So I stopped the ride, you know?

I always stop for crying babies and guys knifing each other.

Anyway, I popped the bar, the cop gets out.

He's pissed.

He's screamin', "I didn't do nothin'!"

Where was he?

Over there.

And the other guy?

Doubled over in his seat.

Got a knife in his chest.

Then he falls over right there.

(Woman) Get it moving!

Two more minutes, then I gotta start chargin' you guys.

Okay, but could you just...

Could you take your hand off...

It's not gonna move.

But she's got her... by the...

It's not gonna move.

She's right by the control. It's okay.

(Man) Hurry up!

Thanks, kitty.

(Woman) Come on!

(Man) Let's go!



What is that?

A tarot card.

Or a half of one.

(Stottlemeyer) Anybody coulda left that.

I think I need to see gitomer's place.

What's it mean, half a tarot card?

I don't know.

It's a tarot card.

(Monk) But, Mr. Crenshaw, does it mean anything to you?

Yeah, it means you're wastin' my time.

Mr. Gitomer used tarot cards?

I don't see what anybody does.

I'm only the landlord.

"The peepholes on the door face the wrong way."

That's what I always say.

How long did he live here?

Eh, nine weeks.

But he paid for ten, so I guess someone has a refund comin'.

What's this?

(Crenshaw) Mister, you wouldn't believe what I seen hangin' from those fans.


This is weird.

He keeps his batteries in his socks?

Oh, my god.

What is it?

(Monk) It's a w*apon.

They use them in prison.

It's torn here.

Could you?

Hook it?

Stand back.

What the hell is that?

I think he hit himself with it.

All he had to do was ask.

I woulda been happy to beat the crap outta the kid.

I knew he was trouble.

Never paid the phone bill but always had money to go dancing.

He went dancing?

Yeah, every night.

That club over in the park there.

The Luna lounge.

[Loud electronic music]

Hey, excuse me.

We're not open yet.

Is this your claim check?

Actually, I got somethin'

I can show you in the back.

Here it is. It's been here for a while.

(Monk) How long would you say it's been here?

I can't hear you.

I need to know how...

Thank you.

(Male board member) Captain stottlemeyer, you have used former detective monk several times over the last 2 1/2 years.

Yeah, that's right.

On a consulting basis.

Have you been satisfied with his work?

Yes, absolutely.

He, um...

He has helped me solve five... no, six...

Very difficult cases.

He has a unique way of looking at evidence even after a scene is cold.

In your professional opinion, do you think Adrian monk is ready to be reinstated?

He is an excellent investigator.

(Female board member) I believe we've established that.

The question is, do you believe that he should be reinstated to the San Francisco police department?

He is reliable.

He, uh, has an encyclopedic knowledge of the strangest, most arcane things.

Like book binding.

There was a case before he got...

Captain, this is a yes or no question.

In your opinion, is he or is he not ready to be reinstated?

Yes or no?

The people are asking for a continuance, your honor.

Of course they wanna postpone.

Lieutenant kirk wasn't one of their witnesses, he was their only witness.

Now he's accused of m*rder.

Your honor, my client, Leonard Stokes has been in jail for 14 months based solely on his testimony.

Mr. Zweibel, are you presenting Adam kirk or not?

Your honor, we can no longer vouch for lieutenant kirk.

(Judge) Well then you leave me no choice.

Without your witness, the statements that Mr. Stokes made in the back of that squad car are inadmissible.

Mr. Stokes.

I'm dismissing this indictment.

So I'm free to go?

I'm sorry to say that's true.


I need the yellow copy.

Are you gonna tell me how you did the jellybeans?

You know you're gonna tell me, Adrian.

Stokes, Leonard.

I need the yellow copy. Mm-hmm.

Wait here.

Excuse me, Leonard Stokes, can I talk to you?

It's a free country.

Least it will be in about ten minutes.

My name's Adrian monk.

I'm investigating the death of John gitomer.

Did you know him? No.

This is his cell phone.

We found it in his knapsack.

Mr. Gitomer received two calls from this facility.

From the phone bank in your wing on the day he was k*lled.

So what?

You were calling him.

I checked the records.

They log in every outgoing call.

Sign here.

That's a nice watch.

Yeah, gitomer, I remember, he was here.

I knew his name, that's all.

Why were you callin' him?

I don't recall.

What difference does it make?

It's just interesting.

You two knew each other and his m*rder is the basis for your appeal.

What's that?

It's from my straight and sober group.

Three year pin.

Very nice, congratulations.

Look, I know where this is goin'.

You're workin' to clear your pal.

Lieutenant kirk.

No, no, no.

No, I'm not on the force.

Oh, come on, sure you are, I can smell it.

Just lookin' for the truth.

Lieutenant kirk is a k*ller cop.

That's the truth.

Just not the truth you want.

You could be right.

Is there some place that I can reach you?


See you around.

Gee, he's a charmer.

Oh, my god.

Is that the right time?

Stottlemeyer's testifying.

Oh, my god.

You look great.

I haven't worn it since Trudy's funeral.

You sure you're not getting your hopes up?

Of course I am, that's what hopes are for.

I was gonna smooth it out but it's...

Yeah, I know.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

You didn't recommend me.

Look, monk...

You son of a bitch.

Thought you were gonna do the right thing.

I think I did do the right thing.

(Sharona) He saves your ass all the time.

And he never asks for anything in return.

He closes case after case and then he goes home and watches you on the news taking all the credit.

I wanted to recommend you.

I tried to recommend you but I just couldn't do it.

Adrian, you are not ready to carry a g*n.

You're not ready to have other cops depend on you under fire.

In your heart you know you're not ready.

At least your friend Adam kirk has the decency to s*ab people in the front.

You okay?

I just wanna be alone.

Okay, I'll come with you.


How did it go this afternoon, sir?

It was rough.

(Disher) Well, I'm sure you did everything you could.

You, uh, wanna go grab a drink?

(Stottlemeyer) No, I'm good.

Hey, Randy?

Did I ever tell you about monk's first day as a detective?

No, sir.

Have a seat.

He didn't have a partner so I got stuck with him.

Was he, you know?

No, he was a little wound.

He used to wipe off the windshield and rearrange the glove box before we'd roll.

Anyway, we're the primaries on a body in a hotel in the Castro.

A hooker had swallowed a bunch of promazine.

You know, the big sleeping pills.

Horse tranquilizer, sir.

I said "su1c1de".

Every cop on the scene said "su1c1de".

Medical examiner said "su1c1de".

Monk walks in, says "m*rder".

Where's the water?

The room had no water.


Eight people in the room but nobody saw that.

Well, I'm sure you would've seen it eventually, sir.

Don't kid yourself.

There is only one Adrian monk.

[Vacuum whirring]

You're gonna wear out the carpet.

Have you seen the downstairs?

The whole basement.



Damn, damn it!


What happened?

I knew it.

Damn, I knew it.

Knew this was gonna happen.

Ah, why me?

Every single damn time.

Adrian, what happened.

I solved the case.


(Stottlemeyer) Yeah.

Here's your sandwich.

Thank you.

Ham and cheese on rye.

And your soda.

Goody, goody.

You want your pickle?

Not anymore.


Sharona Fleming is on line two.

Tell her I'll call her back.

Well, she says it's important.

Hi, sharona.

(Sharona) Captain, Adrian knows what happened on the Ferris wheel.

Do you wanna meet us at the carnival?

(Stottlemeyer) Let me talk to him.

He wants to talk to you.

He's shaking his head "no".

Was it kirk?

Was it lieutenant kirk?

No. No.

This is crazy, sharona.

Put him on the phone.

Adrian, he really wants to talk to you.

I'm not talkin' to him.

If you wanna hold the phone up, fine.

Hold on.

It was Leonard Stokes.

He planned the whole thing from prison.

His trial was coming up and somehow he had to get his confession thrown out.

(Monk) The only chance he had was to discredit the cop that arrested him and that was Adam kirk.

(Monk) Stokes called his pal, John gitomer.

He convinced gitomer to lure kirk onto the Ferris wheel and then make it look like kirk beat him up.

The bruises on gitomer's chest were self-inflicted.

That's why his sweatshirt was zipped up all the way.

(Stottlemeyer) Okay, what about the stabbing?

Captain says, "what about the stabbing?"

I'm getting to that, aren't I?

Aren't I?

It turns out gitomer only knew half the plan.

He was the real patsy.

(Monk) Stokes had another partner.

Someone who worked at the carnival.

Someone who loved him.

(Stokes) Hey, baby, it's me.

(Monk) Someone who would k*ll for him.

(Sharona) Ferris wheel operator?

Wait, how does he know it was the Ferris wheel operator?

They were both wearing straight and sober buttons.

When do you wanna meet?

(Monk) Orange ones.

Every chapter has their own color.

Took me a while to put it together.

(Monk) Stokes didn't want to make lieutenant kirk look corrupt or hot-tempered.

He wanted to make kirk look like a k*ller.

Kitty was there to finish the job.

They've been here all week.

I've been questioned, like, seven times.

Shh, kitty, baby, I got a plan.

Yeah, yeah, we're here.

We're by the spider.

Don't do anything.

Don't go anywhere.

We're on our way.


Okay, they're on their way.

They're on their way.

Something's wrong.

[Woman screaming]

(Man) Call an ambulance!

Excuse me.

(Sharona) Oh, my god.

He's still somewhere in the park.

There's no way he can get out of here now.

We should go up on the Ferris wheel so we can see everything.

(Monk) I got a better idea.

You go on the Ferris wheel.

You can see everything.

[Metal hinges squealing]

Do you know how to work it?

How hard can it be?

[Bell rings]

Adrian, stop.

(Sharona) It's perfect.

You lookin' for me?

Well, here I am.

You better hang on, Adrian.

This ride's gonna get pretty wild.

Oh, my god.

Adrian... Adrian, he's up here!

Get me down now!


Stokes is up here!

(Sharona) Get me down now!

[Crowd gasping]

(Sharona) Adrian, get me down!

Please, hurry!

Just hurry up!

(Monk) I'm trying!

What a stupid place to hide.

(Monk) No wonder this guy spent half his life in prison.

You just told me down there that you knew how to do this!

(Sharona) Hurry up!

I am not familiar with this particular model.

(Sharona) Do something and do it fast!

Damn it, he's gonna get me, hurry up!

It's not working.

[Bell rings]

(Sharona) Will you stop thinking and do something?

(Sharona) Adrian!

He's got a knife!

[Machinery breaking]


Oh, my god.

(Sharona) Adrian!


Adrian, help!

[Siren wailing]

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

You're saving me!

(Police officer) Police!

(Stottlemeyer) Turn off the damn Ferris wheel.



[Crowd gasping]

(Police officer) Give it up, Stokes!

I've been looking forward to this.

I'm sure you have too.

Your badge and your g*n.

They don't belong in my desk.

They belong with you on the street where you can do your job.

(Kirk) [Sighing]


Welcome back.

(Stottlemeyer) Your reinstatement is effective immediately.

All right, vacation's over, back to work.

Just a... just a second.

Monk, thanks.

Don't give up.

Wait a minute, is that an order?

Yes, it is.

(Sharona) How'd you guess the jellybeans?

Sharona... sharona, just give me the shoe.

No, not until you tell me.

Come on, this is not funny.

I can't walk.

How did you do it?

All right, I'll tell you.

As we walked into the carnival there was a pile of garbage.

A pile of garbage?


And I noticed that they were throwing away some empty jellybean boxes.

They were labeled.

Each one contained 1,400 jellybeans.

There were six boxes.

So that's 8,400 beans.

You figure the kid who ran the game ate a couple of handfuls.

So that's 8,385.

Now can I have my shoe, please?

You remembered how many empty boxes you saw?

Yes, it's a blessing and a curse.

Please don't ever take my shoes again.


Not funny.

Never will be funny.

Won't be funny the next time you do it.

[Upbeat ragtime music]
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