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05x16 - Survivor

Posted: 07/16/21 07:31
by bunniefuu
(Liam coughing)

I told you every--

Please. Please, don't
do this. Please.


- Please don't do this, please don't do this.
- Liam.


We're gonna talk.
Okay. Okay.

(Liam quivering)

Did you know I spent three years
in a Karelian prison?


It was quite literally
Hell on Earth.

The inmates
were animals,

the guards were worse.

But no matter what
they did to me,

it was nothing

to being separated

from my wife and my son.


So I escaped.

I k*lled
five men to do it.

And when I finally got
ho...I held them,

and I swore that I would
never leave them again.

But then you
and your comrades...

...made me a liar.
It was an accident.

I'm so...

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry...

Shh. It's-it's okay, it's okay.

You don't have
to be sorry, honestly.

We're all sinners.


we will all
be judged in the end.

Please, I'm so s-sorry.

You... sooner than
the rest of us.

Oh, God.

Oh, God. Oh, please, please.

No, please...

But first,

you'll tell me
everything you know

about Hannah Khoury.

(train horn blows)

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

(Jordanian music playing)

Okay, baby girl,
ten seconds. Go.

Uh, under the tables?

Mm-mm. No, you'll be exposed
from all angles.

What is the number one rule?

Stay out of sight.
That's right.

Come on, Naomi, you can do it.

The cabinet

under the hostess desk.
That a girl.

Thank you.

Eh, don't you think our
daughter's a little young

for basic training?
Oh, come on.

She loves it. Thank you.

- Yeah, Dad, I'm a total badass.
- HANNAH: Hey.


Anyway, she needs to learn
how to protect herself

in a volatile situation.

Or, you know,
learn to play the violin.

Mm, it's never
too early to start.

Anyway, the violin's boring.

- Yeah, Dad. The violin's boring.
- Yeah, Dad.

Okay, I surrender.




Victor Zelko was
k*lled in Yemen.

I coordinated the raid myself.

These photographs are fake.

They've been vetted
and verified.

If that's true,

why would Zelko
expose himself now?

I was hoping you'd tell me.


When he found out Zelko's family
was collateral damage,

he became obsessed
with digging up answers.

Maybe he dug too deep,
brought Zelko out of hiding?

I need your phone.

(line ringing)

LIAM (over phone):
Hey, it's Liam. Please leave...

Still no answer.

The team will do everything

to track Liam down.

Okay. I'll see if, uh,
my Intel sources

can intercept any chatter.

We got this, Hannah.

You should go home
and be with Naomi and Ryan.

And tell them what?

Tell them the truth.

That the man who tried
to k*ll us is still alive?


I swore this nightmare was over.

Dwayne, I promised them
that we'd be safe.

Now I have to tell them
that I was wrong.

Yes, sir, I will.

That was
Director Vance.

Victor Zelko just popped up
on HQ's radar

within the last hours.

I'm guessing
he was in the Ukraine?

How'd you know?

Because it's also the last place

Liam Somers's
cell phone pinged

- before going off-line.
- PRIDE: So Liam

vanishes just
as Zelko reappears?

That can't be a coincidence.

Sebastian's on with
the American embassy in Kiev.

They've been coordinating
a search for Liam.

We've got to tell Hannah.

No, no. Not until we
know something more.

She's got enough to worry about.

(exhales): God, I can only
imagine how she feels.

First Norman Wong leaks
the footage from the raid,

now Zelko's back.

Yeah, we've all got skeletons
in our closet.

Yeah, but Hannah's are up
and walking around.

Fortunately for her,

Ukraine is about as far
as it gets from New Orleans.

Yeah, well, not far enough.

Zelko is extremely dangerous
and completely unpredictable.

As long as he's breathing,

he's a threat
to Hannah and her family.

Ukrainian Security Services
found Liam.

His body was discovered
in a rail yard

outside the Darnytskyi
industrial district.

- He was hit by a train?
- If you're asking

SBU, yeah.
They're calling it an accident.

I'm not buying it, King.

No, me, neither.

Sebastian, you and Gregorio
get these photos to the morgue.

I want Loretta's eyes
on them ASAP.

Chris, you and I are gonna
get on the Zelko trail.

Only way to stop him
is to figure out

where he's headed next.



We need to leave now.


Thought it was your day off.

It is. It is. Be right back.

It's all right.

I am with my family.

They have to come, too.

What's going on?
We picked up

some chatter. Zelko's trying
to send a message,

scare us off the investigation.

Our identities are safe,
the whole team is deep cover.

Yours was blown.

He knows
your real name.

He's making a move today.

Oh, my God.

What's going on?

We need to go, now.

What's happening, Mom?
Come on. Come.

We've got transport around back.

Come, come.

♪ ♪

Get down. Get down!

(people screaming)

- Baby, are you okay? Are you okay?
- No, no.

Are you hurt?

Don't you dare tell me to relax.

You swore this monster was gone.
I thought that he was.

- Are we in danger, Hannah?
- The latest Intel

has Zelko , miles
away from us.

Then why are you here?

I promised you that I would

never keep anything from you
ever again.

And no matter
what, I'll do

whatever it takes
to keep you and Naomi safe.

Yeah, I've heard that before.

I can't find
the oven mitts!

Don't you dare tell her.



Look at my little chef.

I'm baking cookies.

I didn't know
you were coming over.

Mm. Surprise.

NAOMI: You have to wait
for the cookies.

- It's a new recipe.
- Oh?

Double chocolate snickerdoodles.

God, that sounds amazing.

Don't go. They're almost done.


We need a contingency plan.

In case something happens.

It's very interesting.

- Interesting good or interesting bad?
- What's the difference?

Liam's injuries
are wildly inconsistent.

But considering the extent
of traumatic fractures

and patterned contusions,

seems he did indeed
get struck by a train.

Okay, so it really was
an accident?

Mm, I didn't say that.

Last time I checked,
locomotives can't

systematically remove

Zelko must've tortured Liam
to get the information.

Yeah, he also inflicted the most
excruciating pain possible.

As if throwing him in front
of a train wasn't bad enough.

This was personal for Zelko,

and meant to send a warning
to anyone else

who may have wronged him.

We need to warn Hannah.

I could call my cousin.
There's-there's always extra bedrooms

in the farmhouse.
Protocol dictates

that we just stay put unless
there's a credible threat.

I don't give a damn
about protocol.

The only thing that matters
is protecting our daughter.

That's why we need
to tell her everything

that's happening.
That's not fair, Hannah.

She's already been
through too much.

She'll get through this.

We all will.


(phone vibrating)


(metal clattering)

Naomi? Naomi?

What's going on?

What happened? Are you okay?

There's someone in the backyard.

Go. Call .

Federal agent.
Hands up.

Avner? What the hell?

It's good to see you,
too, Khoury.

Want to explain why
an Israeli intelligence officer

was sneaking around
a civilian's backyard?

Mossad puts security
above all else,

especially when it involves
a former colleague,

and a friend.

You two worked together?
Joint task force.

and Mossad.

We spent a year investigating
Victor Zelko.

Actually, it was months.

But who's counting, right?

It wasn't just us.

Liam was a valuable asset
to our mission.

Too emotional, perhaps,
which probably got him k*lled.

You're blaming the victim?

- Just stating a fact.
- PRIDE: How about the fact

that somebody covered up
the killings

of Zelko's wife and son?

So I heard.
That was not our intention.

Our orders were to eliminate
a hostile target.

And you failed.
Zelko's still alive.

But you wouldn't be here
if you didn't already know that.

Our Intel confirms Zelko
was aboard a private plane

that landed in Veracruz
this morning.

GREGORIO: That's only a few
hours away from New Orleans.

but Zelko would be

the most hunted fugitive
in the world.

Doesn't matter.

He's coming for me.

Going after the people
he blames for the raid.

Lasalle, Gregorio,

contact FBI and NOPD.

Sebastian and I will comb
through all my old records

on Zelko. We'll look up
his financial records,

we'll contact
known associates.

Hannah, stop.

You cannot work this case.

He's right.

I sacrificed more than
a year of my life

trying to track down Zelko,

and now you want to take him
down without me?

We didn't come here for Zelko.

We came here to protect you
and your family.

I can't just hide,
not like this.

That's exactly
what you're gonna do.

We'll take care of Zelko.

We don't have to play heroes.

Not this time.

There's an armored
car outside,

will take you guys
to Muscat International.

We'll be sitting ducks
in that thing.

Decoy cars will leave
five minutes before.

You'll switch vehicles
halfway through.

You and Naomi
will be safe.

Me and Naomi?
What about Hannah?

Where's your bag?

I don't have one.

It's okay, baby.

I have to stay, okay?

It's okay.

She's crucial
to our investigation.

No, she's crucial
to my family.

Ryan, please, don't
make this hard, okay?

You haven't answered
my question.

Why aren't you
coming with us?

Zelko will come
after me again,

and the only way that
I keep you and Naomi safe

is by putting distance
between us.

Baby, who's gonna
keep you safe?

That's my job.
HANNAH: It's okay, baby.

It's okay, baby.
It's just for a little while.

Okay? It's okay.

It's time.

Come on.
HANNAH: It's okay.

I'll see you soon,
okay? I promise.

Come on, come on.

Come on, let's go.

We're leaving, aren't we?

Guess that means there's
a credible threat again.

I don't want to go.

It's only for a short time.
Okay, sweetheart?

I can't believe this, Hannah.
This is just like the last time.

No. It's different.

I'm coming with you.

Just the three of us?

Avner and his team are gonna
get us a safe house.

They're gonna provide

Oh, great. Avner and his team.

What about Fortnite?

Sorry, sweetie,
no unsecured electronics.

- Put it in there.
- AVNER: Street is clear.

We should move out.

I-I need a minute, okay?

I feel like I'm
abandoning you guys.

Focus on Naomi and Ryan,
we can handle the rest.

Yeah, taking down a arms-dealing
psychopath like Zelko,

I mean, what? That's...

like, a piece of cake.
(laughs softly)

You made a promise to
your family you have to keep.

Let us put an end to this
nightmare once and for all.

We need to find Victor Zelko.

I can't believe that's
only one year of Intel.

Yeah, it's more like a
lifetime's worth. I mean, look,

she's even got what kind
of toothpaste Zelko used.

Can you blame Hannah
for being thorough?

Zelko was selling weapons
to dictators and warlords.

Yeah, and thanks to her, they
found Zelko's compound in Yemen,

and we found these,

three of Zelko's
lesser known aliases.

Yeah, which I used to create a
communications search algorithm.

Just got a hit.

- Nice.
- Let's see.

Dozens of e-mails
from an Anton Caracas,

aka Zelko, to, uh,
one coded recipient.

LASALLE: Looks like
they were discussing

a safe passage out of Veracruz.

Sebastian, we need
the names of every vessel

with upcoming routes
between Veracruz and Louisiana.

Yeah, that's easy,
there's only one of them.

The Simón Junior.

Yeah, it's gonna dock outside
of New Orleans in Houma...

in less than minutes.

Sebastian, find out
who Zelko was e-mailing with.

Chris, you're with me.
Let's move.

Wait here.

Must be the off-season.

Yeah, well, that's probably why
they picked this place.

Fewer people
in harm's way.

Mom, is someone gonna
sh**t at us again?

We're secure.

Let's go. Follow me.

The hotel is
under renovation.

No guests for
the next six months.

Except us.

There's also running water
and a fully stocked kitchen.

And just in case,
we built a panic room.

We had a limited time,
but we got it done.

The door is
reinforced titanium

with surveillance
and communication.

We worked all night
to outfit it.

Totally awesome.

Yeah, exactly what
I was thinking.

How many, uh, agents
do you have on your team?


Strategically positioned
inside the building

and across the grounds.

Zelko won't find us
here, and if he did,

he will be neutralized
before stepping foot inside of the lobby.

You guys will be safe.

We also bought you some clothes

and some personal

Thank you, Avner.

Okay, well,
I'll take the pullout.

No, no, no, I'll take the couch.
No, it's fine, Ryan.

- I can take the couch.
- No. - Nope.

You and Naomi take the bed.

I insist.

How long are we
staying here?

Not long. Okay, baby?

Why don't we go to the kitchen,
hmm? I have a surprise for you.

Yeah? Okay.

Let's hope Zelko's inside.

Eyes open.


two, one.

I got two dead bodies.
It's clear.

I'm coming down.

No Zelko.

Damn it!

This m*ssacre's got his name
written all over it, though.

We need to find him
before he finds Hannah.

ID'd the victims
on the boat.

All four of them had
serious rap sheets:

drug trafficking,
racketeering, smuggling.

Yeah, Zelko chose the right men
to sneak him into Louisiana.

Then he returned
the favor

by k*lling them all.

He's tying up
loose ends.

He didn't leave any witnesses,
but he did leave a big mess.

Four victims.
Big fight.

Hard to believe Zelko
ambushed all of them by himself

CSU found three sets
of distinct footprints

leading from a dock to an access
road nearby with a fresh set

- of tire tracks.
- Well, that means he had

at least two accomplices
with a getaway car.

We've got state-wide BOLOs
issued, but no hits so far.

Well, someone helped Zelko
get into the country

and provided that getaway car.
I want a name.

Shelby Kinsey.

She sent Zelko the e-mails
coordinating his travel.

CEO of ADM Limited-- it's a
local tequila import company--

and is the registered owner
of The Simón Junior.

If Kinsey brought him
get in the country,

she might know what
Zelko's planning next.

Yeah, let's find out.

Good work, Sebastian.

Okay, baby, do we have
any more cookie dough left?




Give me that.


We should do this more often.

Go on the run?

No, silly.

We should make cookies together.

Hope you made

enough for everyone.

HANNAH: I wouldn't touch that
if I were you.

Unless you want your hair
to look like Albert Einstein.

Point taken.

(both laugh)

Hey, Naomi, will you give
Mommy and Daddy a minute? Yosef?

But we're not done yet.

Oh, right.
Grownup talk.

Fine, but I'm taking
the dough with me.

No, no, no, no. That's gonna
make you sick. Put it down.

A little bit won't hurt.

Cookie dough stays, please.

You're a little
hard on her.

Well, one of us has to be.

What's that supposed to mean?

I know you're making up
for lost time.

Look, I know none
of this is ideal.

I'm just trying to make
everything seem... normal.

For all of us.


Nothing in the world sounds
better to me than normal.

Truth is, I'm really
struggling with all this.

I never stopped
loving you, Hannah.

I just want to know
why it got so complicated.

It just did.

My job, time differences...

missed phone calls.

(sighs) We were just living
in two separate worlds.

Not my choice.

I screwed up, okay?
It was an emergency.

There was a lockdown,
it was no messages in or out.

Yeah, well, Naomi doesn't
care about that, does she?

She just knows you said
you'd call and you didn't.

Okay, well, put her on.
Let me explain.

It's : a.m., Hannah.

She's at school.

It was her first day at school.

I forgot.

Well, did you get
all her supplies?

Yeah, I handled it. Graphing
calculator, notebook, backpack.

Thanks for covering.
(knocking on door)

It's called parenting.

And it would be a lot easier
if you were here to help.

Yeah, well, I'm doing everything
in my power to make that happen.

Okay? We're so close to Zelko.

You've been saying that
for a year.

Why aren't you responding
to your texts?

S-Sorry, is someone there?

Yeah. It's, uh, it's work

Look, I'm sorry, I...
Yeah, okay. Bye.

I'll tell her you called.

Avner, what do you want?

You really need
to check your messages.


We're a go.

In Yemen?

Special ops is prepping now.

Oh, my God.

My Intel on Zelko was good.

Get your bag and let's go get
this son of a bitch.

I never stopped
loving you, either.

Then why'd you wait so long
to tell us

you were in New Orleans?

Things were really complicated
for both of us at that time,

if you remember, Ryan.

That's not an answer.

I'm gonna check on Naomi.

You just, uh,

let me know
when the cookies are done.

Tell us where Zelko is.

Sure thing.

Just as soon as you tell me
who the hell that is.

You'd probably know him
by his alias, Anton Caracas.

I'm sorry to disappoint,
but I'm drawing a blank

at that name, too.

You brought him and his men
into Louisiana on your boat.

The only thing I import
is tequila.

So unless you're in the market
for some top shelf reposado...

Sit down.

This is the forensic accounting
of your finances.

It shows everything.

Including a substantial
wire transfer

into your personal account.

Money came from
an offshore trust

by the name of Anton Caracas.

Still drawing
a blank?


Caracas is one

of my international
tequila distributors.

I may have neglected

to mention some
of my business dealings

to the IRS, so...

you can understand my reluctance
in mentioning him.

You're a liar.

And by harboring Zelko,

you're also
an accomplice to m*rder.

What are you talking about?

The crew of your ship is dead.

Zelko ex*cuted them.

No... They were late
checking in,

but I just thoug...


k*lling my men
was not part of the plan.

What was the plan?

My orders were to get Zelko
into Louisiana,

provide him a car

with an address preprogrammed
into the GPS. That is it.

What address?

What address?

Grand Haven Hotel in Gulfport.

Leading him straight to Hannah.

If anything happens to them,
it's on you.

No, no, no. Wait, wait.
You got it all wrong.

I am on your side
here, I swear it.

If you don't believe me,

call Avner Ben Arazi.

He set it all up.


You son of a bitch,
you lied to me.

You have ten seconds to convince
me you didn't set my family up.

What are you talking about?
Pride told me about Shelby Kinsey,

and how you led Zelko
straight to us.

No, that's not what I'm doing.
You didn't leak our location?

Yes, I did.

But I'm not helping Zelko.

I'm trying to stop him.

You know what Zelko's w*apon
did to my people in Modi'in.

I would do anything
to put him away for good.

even use my family as bait?

Zelko will never
stop hunting you.

He has nothing else
to live for.

This was the only way
to stop him.

I'm gonna take Ryan and Naomi.

We're gonna get the hell out of here.
(static on computers)

(g*nf*re, shouting in distance)

Get to the panic room.

No. Not without my family.

(expl*si*n in distance)

Yosef, efo ata?
(g*nf*re continuing)

Ma kore? Do you copy?


So nice of you to join us.

HANNAH: Everything's gonna
be okay, baby.

Just stay calm,
look at me.

Okay, look at me.
Never take your eyes off me.


You invited me
to this party, Avner.

Here I am.

Don't be angry at Yosef.

Turns out, I pay better.

I will take your g*ns now.

You must be Naomi.

You leave her alone! She
has nothing to do with this.

She has everything
to do with this.


It's okay.
No one's gonna hurt you.

Such a pretty little girl.

Victor, please.

What happened to your wife
and your son--

I take full

I had no idea they were there.

It was a
tragic mistake,

but... it's on me.

No, that's not true.

It's not on
you, Khoury.

And it certainly
wasn't a mistake.

What are you doing, Avner?

Telling the truth.


But I appreciate it.


AVNER: I knew your family
was in Yemen.

I knew they were with you

when I personally approved
the raid on your compound.

And you know what else?

If it meant wiping you
off the face of the planet,

I'd do it again.

Your honesty is refreshing.




Run, Naomi!

Drop it, Yosef.




Hey. Hey, listen to me.
I'll take care of him.

Go save our daughter.

(sirens wailing)

GREGORIO: Can't get through
to the safe house.

Nobody's responding.

Mississippi Highway Patrol

had a unit nearby.
They're on their way now.

PRIDE: No idea what they're
walking into.

They'll need backup.
How much further, Sebastian?

Ten minutes out.
Take that right.


Good girl.

Avner led Zelko right to them.

We need to find Hannah
and her family now.

Second floor,
below the sign.

Cover me.


I got this.

Oh, my God,
did you see that?

I can't believe
I hit him from here.

You didn't.

That makes more sense.

All right, spread out,
watch your backs.



Don't sh**t, don't sh**t!

Thank God
you're here.

Zelko and his men ambushed us.

Where's Hannah and her family?

Upstairs, panic room.

Follow me.

Hey, listen, listen.
Stay here.

Help's on the way.


She's downstairs.
She went looking for Naomi.

(Naomi crying)


Naomi, baby?

(Naomi crying)

Naomi, baby.
Oh, my God.

I did what you said,

I found a good hiding spot.
You did good. You did good.

Okay. Okay, come on.
Come on. Come on.

Stay low. Come on,
let's go. Come on. Come on.


(door continues rattling)
Okay, come on, come on. Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go.
Go, go, go.

Go. Go. Get inside.

Get inside. Stay here.
Don't make a sound.

- Plug your ears. Trust me.
- Mom...

Shh. Don't come out
until I say it's okay.


There's nowhere left
for you to run, Hannah.

I've been thinking about this
for a long time.

Visualizing it.

Seeing all the ways

I'm gonna make you suffer.


(microwave hums)


You stole everything
from me that day.

My joys,

my reason for living.

It's only fair
I return the favor.



Naomi. Naomi.

- Baby.
- Mom!

You can come out.
Come on.

Come on. Come on.

I need you to close
your eyes, okay?

Close your eyes, okay?
Close your eyes.


I didn't think
you will come.

Yeah, well,
it was Pride's idea.

I was completely content
despising you from afar.

Hannah, what I did
was wrong.

But it worked out.
We got Zelko.

It didn't work out.
You lost six men.

Liam was k*lled.
My family almost died.

And to be clear,
I got Zelko, not you.

Fair enough.

We should be relieved.

You just don't get it, do you?

After everything that
she has been through,

Naomi will never
be the same again.

And that is as much
my fault as it is yours.

But I am gonna spend
every last breath I take

making it up to that
incredible little girl.

And staying away from you.

I hope someday
she could forgive me.

And you can, too.

How is he?
He'll survive.

How about you?

(sighs) I used to say
I'm tougher than I look,

but I am just not so sure.

Good thing I am.

How's Ryan?

He's recovering, but, you know,

he's not the one
that I'm worried about.

Naomi's gonna be fine. She's
a fighter, just like her mama.

Can I get that in writing?

You know what my
mama used to say--

a parent is
always a parent.

We're always gonna be
worrying about our kids.

But I've learned that if

you give them the right tools,

trust them to use them,

children will grow up
to surprise us

in the most amazing ways.

I wish I could express

what I'm feeling right now,
I just-I just...

I don't have the words.

You saved our daughter.
Nothing else needs to be said.

I want to stop running.

Running from what?

From my past.

From my mistakes.

...every tough conversation.

I didn't tell you
that I was in New Orleans

because I was afraid that...

...Naomi wouldn't
want to see me,

she wouldn't
need me.

Look at me.

Our daughter idolizes you.

She's always gonna
need and want you.


Do you?


Let's, uh, let's keep it simple

for now, yeah?

Focus on Naomi.

That's fair enough.

And I want you to know
I'm here now.

For her.