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05x24 - The River Styx, Part II

Posted: 07/15/21 08:35
by bunniefuu

Got hard Intel

Avery Walker's holed up
in South Ossetia.

Gotcha, Walker.

- Abort! Abort!
- Isler!

NSA picked up some chatter
about a ransom.

- How much was I worth?
- $2 million.

We got Isler.

Walker knows you're here.
He's gonna keep coming.

Sounds like Pride, Isler
and Lasalle are still alive.

If they are,
they're being hunted

by Apollyon.

I'll draw
their fire.

Your friend Hannah called.


He needs medical attention.

Where's Pride?

There will be no
ransom for you.


- Walker.
- Dwayne.

(intro to "Angel Baby" by
Rosie and the Originals playing)

(takes deep breath)

♪ It's just like heaven

♪ Being here with you

♪ You're like an angel


I don't mean
to be impolite, but...

you've looked better.

- What?
- Shh.

It's okay.

Don't speak.

They really did
a number on you, huh?

It's all right.

I am going to fix you up.

♪ When you are near me

Am I dead?

Oh, no, Dwayne.

It's much worse than that.

Here. Drink this.

♪ Because I love you

Strong cup of tea
is good for the soul.

And you're going to need
all your strength

for what's about to happen.

♪ My angel baby

What's gonna happen?

You're gonna tell me everything
you know about Apollyon.

- Sorry I have

to get physical with you,

Dwayne, but we got
a lot of work to do,

and we don't have a lot of time.

Now... I know you're
probably scared.

And I'll be honest,

you have a right to be.

Because, Dwayne,

this is gonna hurt.

A lot.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ How, how, how, how

♪ Hey, hey

♪ You gotta come on.

You okay,

Looks worse than it is.

Any word on King?

HQ sent a REACT team
into South Ossetia.

Found a lot of bodies,
none of them Dwayne.

Well, that means there's
hope he's still alive.

Or it means that
he'll come home like Isler,

if he comes home at all.
- Well, Avery Walker

went through a lot of
trouble to lure Pride.

If all he wanted to
do was to k*ll him,

he could have just
sent a hit team here.

- Walker wants Pride alive.
- Yeah,

we need to figure out why.

Locate them, and fast.
All right, first things first.

I'll escort Isler to autopsy.
He shouldn't be alone.


(Pride panting)

What are you giving me?

A series
of psychoactives.

Atropine, DMT...

an experimental synthesis of
lysergide I've been working on.


The object is to lower
your inhibitions,

get access to what's
in that brain of yours.

We start with the cleaver,
then we move to the scalpel.

Which is so much more elegant.
Don't you think?

What do you want from me?

Very simple.

We pulled this off of a man
that you sent to k*ll me.

I didn't send him.

And it was
completely destroyed

in the firefight, but...

your man survived just
long enough to confess to me

that every single bit

of Apollyon Intel that
Amelia Parsons collected

is on this laptop, and...
that there's another one

in your possession.
- I don't have...

Now, Dwayne...

I don't expect you

to give this up

but you are
going to tell me

where this laptop is,
what it contains,

and every single person
that ever laid eyes on it.

- (gasps)
- (whispers): It's okay.

It's okay.

Dwayne, you tell me
what I want to know,

and you are more
than welcome to die.

We know Pride's no longer
in South Ossetia,

and neither is Avery Walker,
so where are they now?

Short answer:
we have no clue.

I was able to piggyback

on Apollyon's comm system

for a hot minute,
but I got kicked off.

Yeah, we've been trying
to reestablish the connection

so we can monitor their chatter
for the last two days,

but they've gone dark.
- Okay.

Keep working.
What else we got?

Well, Apollyon planted a
double agent in intelligence

or law enforcement

Whoever it is was able to tip
Walker off about Isler's raid.

Yeah. If we find the double
agent though, we might be able

to leverage them
into leading us to Walker.

We just got to do it quietly.

Quietly is the problem.
After everything

that's happened,
we're under a microscope now.

I'd say more like
a floodlight.

Special Agent Parker?
What is Homeland doing here?

We've got a real crap storm
on our hands.

D.C. sent me in to clean it up.

Well, Pride's our family.

We will get him back.

But you're failing.

Aside from
almost causing

an international incident

halfway across
the globe,

getting Raymond Isler k*lled,

losing your boss...

- Should I continue?

We could use the help.

Actually, you'll help me.

I'm running a
joint investigation

into the matter.

NCIS is under my purview now.

You're going to brief me
on every detail you have

on Apollyon and
Avery Walker,

and I expect full cooperation.

First thing we need

is to see Raymond Isler's body.

This is ridiculous.
If too many cooks spoil the broth,

what do you think it
does to an autopsy?

I hear you, but on the other
hand, we don't have a choice.

- This is Parker's show now.
- This is my morgue.

Don't leave that
there, please.

You haven't performed
the autopsy.

I'm waiting for the circus
to leave town.

You can stand down.
FBI medical examiner

will come in from D.C. tomorrow,
handle it personally.

Can you explain to me how that
will help us get Dwayne back?

(quietly): Just got
to stick to the plan.


No, don't get up.

I just want to, uh, show you
the results of your hard work.

Raymond Isler is dead.

So you need to
stop fighting.

You need to cooperate.

Nobody else needs to die.

All right, my friend?

We'll start again soon.

Can't help but feel
responsible for all this.


His deal does sound
pretty good to me.

But what do I know?

I'm dead.

Hold that.

(gasps, groans)

What just happened?

I just pumped you
full of adrenaline.

I'm alive?

Thank God.

Careful. His wound's still fresh.
(stammers) Sorry.

Did the plan work?

Isler, you're okay.

I've had better days.

We're just glad you're not
in a coma, Y'd or tied.

Well, next time you have a brilliant plan,
you should be the one who dies.

I'm pretty sure that

we have convinced official
Washington that you're gone.

Pretty sure?

The plan was to draw out
the double agent,

hope that he reached out
to Walker to inform him

of your... demise.

GREGORIO: Well, that's
exactly what happened.

Patton intercepted
a remote message

sent from near the morgue.

- Photo of you on the table.
- So someone

in the autopsy room yesterday
is definitely the mole

or working with the mole.
- Yeah, the message came

from a secure phone-- Patton's
trying to trace the signal,

but it keeps bouncing around.

What is Walker's endgame here?

The Apollyon Intel
from Amelia Parsons' tattoo.

- Pride has the last copy.
- Where?

Well, I was hoping
that you might know.

(door opens)

Hey, what are you doing
here at 5:00 a.m.?

I co-own the bar.
I was gonna start the gumbo.

What's your excuse?

It's Dwayne.

What happened?

Jimmy, it's a long story.
I can't get into the details,

but Dwayne's missing.

- He could be in trouble.
- Well, he's my brother.

If he's in trouble,
I want to help.


Who are you?

Raymond Isler. Friend
of your brother's.

Okay, we need to get back to work.
Track that signal.

Keep looking
for the double agent,

and keep DHS occupied.
- On it.

Jimmy, there is a way that
you might be able to help.

We need you to hide him.

No one can know
that he's alive.

There's something else.

Would you have any idea
where Dwayne

might have hid
something important?


are you with me?

First I'm gonna ask you
some simple baseline questions.

Easy ones.

"What is your name?"

Dwayne Pride.

Very good.

"Place of birth?"

New Orleans, Louisiana.

There you go. See?


"Mother's maiden name?"


"What's your purpose in life?"

My purpose?

(sighs) Your greatest failure?

- I...
- Your hopes, your dreams.

Your secret crush.

Y-You're going too f-fast.

What's the worst lie
you've ever told?

The hardest truth?

- Please.
- Dwayne.

Pay attention.

Have you ever faced death?

Were you tempted?

I should probably explain to you
that you'll be seeing things.

Don't fight it.

Name of your high school.


Hey, man, y'all can't
sneak up on us like that.

No sneaking,
we just walked in.

Yeah, you and every other
federal agent in here.

When this is done, we got
to invest in some locks.

Provided we still have jobs.

Any luck tracing where
the photo of Isler went?

Plenty. Just not the right kind.

Yeah. Patton was able to
piggyback onto the signal,

but every time we get close
to the origin point,

we lose contact.
- Some kind of firewall?

It's not like
a security measure,

it's more like
the origin point disappears.

Yeah, then it reappears
somewhere else and we have

to start all over again.
We have no idea how the signal

keeps bouncing around.

So in other words,
you need more time.

More time for what?

Don't all answer at once.

Uh, we're gathering
Intel on Apollyon.

I can smell B.S.
when it's being shoveled.

I know what's going on.

You do?

You're feeling territorial, but
there's no time for that now.

You have a mess on your hands.

Are you gonna help me
clean it up or not?

Well, let me tell you
what I'm gonna do.

You're gonna listen to
everything Special Agent Parker

has to say and cooperate fully.

Come on, move it. Now.

Gregorio, with me.

Were you serious
in there?

We need to sell
this better

if we want to get
Parker off our backs.

Okay? I need you
to cover for me.

I'm gonna head out.

Where to, Special Agent Khoury?

You're everywhere.

I was just gonna pick up

some lunch for you guys;
it's the least we can do.

You want to know why D.C.
sent me to run this operation?

A few years back, I was
investigating Avery Walker.

No one knew Apollyon existed.

I had him in my sights.

Before we could make a move,
my entire team was taken out.

There was a mole
feeding Walker information.

Someone from law enforcement;
never found out who.

So if there's anything
you're not telling me...

now's the time.

You know what we know.

Okay. Good.

Whatever you're getting
for lunch,

I hope there's a protein bowl.

I'm on a strict keto diet.

He's ready.

Anybody there?


Anyone here?

We're out of options.

Pride's been taken. There is no
good way to get him out alive.

Yeah, but this plan is crazy.

Gotta roll the dice.

Seriously. Gotta roll the dice.

Oh. Snake eyes.

We're gonna have to pull
a Hail Mary card.

(Patton exhales)

All right.

I get shot by sn*pers.

Incinerated by a car b*mb.

Throat slashed. Ear to ear.

Captured, tortured,
beaten to death.

Still, it's our best chance.
Let's go.

- All right.
PRIDE: No, no, no.

No. No, wait. Wait.

Wait. Wait. Wait!

You know it's a trap, right?

That's why I'm going after them.

A trap for you.

I get it.

This is--
this is all in my mind.

Yeah. And it's a dangerous place
to wander alone.

I'm just supposed
to trust you?

Trust your instincts, Dwayne.

(boy laughing)

You find anything over there?

Yeah. Loose floorboard with a
few thousand dollars in cash

and what I think might
be a gold doubloon. You?

Yeah. Found a strongbox
with some birth certificates,

deed to the bar...

No secret agent stuff.

It's gotta be around here
someplace, right?

Unless he hid it at the office,

in the squad room,
cabin in the woods...

(piano key makes no sound)

Or... right here in the piano.
You think he hid

a top secret computer
in his piano?

Oh, yeah. Got something.

"In the event of my death."

(knocking on door)

- Who is it?
HANNAH: It's me.

Hey. Anything?

Personal papers, hidden cash.

And death letters.

Made out to
his loved ones.

And to the team.
You want to see?

No, I'm good. That's bad karma.

Well, I'm gonna read mine.

Hey, Jimmy, we're
running out of time here.

Okay, Parker still thinks
I'm holding out on her.

We are no closer to tracking
Pride or the double agent.

(Jimmy laughing)

My big brother just gave us
a map to the treasure.

Do you have any idea
what he means?

Well, uh, he
makes a big deal

about how I should visit
our father's grave

every week just like he does.

Yeah. Still don't get it.

Dwayne's been to visit
Cassius' grave once.

The day they placed him there.

Now, why do you think
he wants me to go?

You stay down, all right?

And out of sight.


That is a lot of grave
for one man.

Well, it's a family crypt.

of Prides here.

There's even a
place for you, Jimmy.

Nah, can't be,
I'm not a Pride.

Looks like there's
a screw loose.



Pride never ceases to amaze me.

I was wondering why lunch
was taking such a long time.

You put a tail on me?

No. You would have made it.

I had NSA track your car's GPS.

Oh, that is completely
out of line.

So is running a shadow
investigation into Apollyon...

with whoever this person is.

Jimmy Boyd. How you doing?

I'll take that.

I was gonna take it back.

No, you weren't.

I trusted you were above board.

I learned my lesson.

You're off the case, Khoury,

and probably looking
at suspension.

(car doors closing)

What are we gonna do now?

You're gonna head back to
the apartment with Isler.

I'm gonna head to NCIS and
see if I can plead my case.

Uh, that's gonna
be a problem.

Your car is gone.

So is Isler.

(phone ringing)

- Hello?
ISLER (over phone): It's me.

Where did you go?

ISLER: I just saw Parker
and her people take the laptop.

I'm following them.

Okay, well,
get back here immediately.

They're not heading to NCIS.
They're getting on the highway.

I need to see where
they're going.

Yeah, I did something
similar recently

and got suspended.

Yeah, well, I'm dead.

What more can they do to me?

How's our patient?


I'm adjusting the meds.

It's rough, huh?

Not being able to tell
reality from fantasy?

I get it.

It's especially hard
for a fighter.

Careful now, big brother.

He's baiting you.

What do you want from me?

WALKER (chuckles):
Come on, Dwayne.

There's too much respect between
us to lie, don't you think?

I don't respect you.

I respect you,
'cause you

have the courage
of your convictions.

You choose to run into
the burning building

when other people flee.

Man, this guy, he really knows
how to lay it on.

Listen, you and I,

we sacrifice everything
for our work.

And it, it costs.

You might find yourself
the target of a manhunt,

or strapped to a chair
with no hope of survival.

But never forget
what's most important.

Family, Dwayne.

Can't argue that.

Ain't nothing more
important than family.

What are you gonna do
to save yours?

What are we looking at here?

Some kind
of government facility.

Yeah. I've been here before.

It's a satellite relay station
for secure

government communications.

Gotta be a supervisor
with top security clearance

to even enter.

Why bring the laptop here?

Maybe she's uploading to D.C.

Or using our comms
to send Intel to Walker.

There's no way of knowing
since she's

in there and we're out here.

There's one way of knowing.

Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hannah said we're supposed
to observe and report.

Nah, can't observe
from this side of the fence.

I get that,
but the problem is that...


Let's skip to the part

where you agree we're going in.

All right.

Oh, oh. You got no
clearance to get inside.

I've got bolt cutters and pliers
that say otherwise.

Isler, you're pretending

to be dead to smoke out
this mole.

Don't judge me on a little
B and E.

It's just easier this way.

(piano music playing)

(door opening)


Hey. Hey!

You're still here.


Laurel. Oh.

It's so good to see you.

We don't have time
for a reunion.

- I'm in trouble.
- What do you need?

- Come on. Quickly.
- Okay.

Come on.

Apollyon Intel?

The only thing that can save me
is in that pile.

Let's find it together, Daddy.

Okay, baby.

That's the one.

Why do you need this one?

Just read it to me. Can you?


No, I c... I can't.

Daddy, please.

I'm sorry.

Help me!

Did I do that?



What's going on?

You want him
to recall something specific

from his subconscious.
It's a process.

Requires patience.

(phone vibrating)


Might not require patience
after all.

That went well.

(continues indistinctly)

(beeps, door unlocks)

- Key card entry.
- Yeah, I didn't see that coming.

Can you hack it?

Course I can.

Here goes felony number two.

Is every NCIS agent

completely insubordinate,

or is it just
the New Orleans office?

What are you doing
with the Apollyon files?

This is my investigation.

We're in the middle of a
secure government facility.

Who do you think
I'm sending it to?

Avery Walker.

- She's reaching for something.
- Relax.

It's my phone.

I'm calling security
to have you removed.

GREGORIO: We should
all go to security,

sort this thing out.

Nothing to sort out. I've got
clearance to be here. You don't.

Oh, whoa, okay.
Are we doing this?


Cover me. I'm gonna detain
Special Agent Parker.

I'm done, anyway.

stop whatever she did!


Don't even think about it.
(Sebastian groans)

What the hell did you do?

It was uploading,
and I couldn't stop it,

so I, uh... I shot it.

(door opens)

Hands in the air! All of you.

- Hope it works.
- Yeah. Me, too.

This is a first for me.

Got two federal agents

brawling like
it's the main event

and a third discharging

his w*apon
into my computer servers.

I need one of you to explain.

I can do that.

He's a snake.
Well, here's the deal...

One of you.

NCIS has reason to believe

that Agent Parker is a traitor

working for Apollyon.

SECURITY CHIEF: I have no idea
what Apollyon is.

SEBASTIAN: Oh, right.

It's this, uh, super secret...

And I don't care.
Special Agent Parker

is the only one with permission
to be in my facility.

Then if you will...

Sorry I'm late.

Rita Devereaux, DOJ,
National Security Division.

Parker, Homeland Security.

Those are your two suspects.

Actually, I'm here for you.
You're being detained

by the FBI
under suspicion of treason.

- Based on?
- The unregistered cell phone

found in your personal effects
with messages to an individual

we believe to be Avery Walker.

That is not...

And payments
you've been receiving

to an offshore account
under your dead mother's name.

Best we could figure,
you were turned

three years ago.

Betrayed your own team
and got them all k*lled.

If you'll let me explain...

You can explain to the FBI.

They're dying to hear
what you have to say.

Catch you later.

Will you uncuff them, please?
They're coming with me.

SECURITY CHIEF: There's still the
matter of the servers

this one sabotaged.

I'll be taking those, too.

Do you have a warrant?

Warrant is right here.

Now, if you'll excuse us.

Thank you.

Look, don't get us wrong.

We're pumped to see you,

but how'd you even know
that we were here?

I was already on my
way down from D.C.

after I'd heard about
what happened to Dwayne.

But then I got a call
from Raymond Isler,

which was disconcerting

considering he's dead.

- We can explain.
- Yes.

Explain later. We need
to get those servers

back to NCIS.

May be our best lead
on getting Dwayne home.

You sure you're ready,

Oh, are you kidding me?

My first autopsy,
and it's on somebody I know?

It was inevitable

that Dwayne would
end up on my table.

Of course, he suffered
needlessly to get here.

Yeah, well, least we'll get
to see what makes him tick.

Well, what are you waiting for?
Open the man up.

All right.

No, wait, wait.

I'm-I'm not dead.

Well, that's what
makes this so much harder.

Just stop being so stubborn,

and give Walker what he wants.

- I can't.
- Then we've really got no choice.

(saw whirring)

Put down the saw.

Saw? What the hell
is going on with him?

I can't control his mind.
I can only nudge him.

My operative
on the ground just failed,

so he is the only
option we've got.

Nudge harder!

Get him back on the damn file.

How long before we land?

30 minutes, sir.

I just spoke to the FBI.

Parker threw herself
on their mercy,

admitted everything,
but has no idea

where Walker or Dwayne might be.
- (scoffs)

- She's probably lying.
- It doesn't matter.

We don't have time
to interrogate her properly.

Not gonna need to.

Patton was able
to get a new bead

on Walker's
communication signal.

Despite the fact that
Sebastian m*rder*d the servers

in cold blood.

I was improvising.
I don't know...

What did you learn, Patton?

I figured out why the signals
keep bouncing around.

They're literally moving.
500 miles an hour.

Walker's on a plane.

Yeah, one that's
been traveling west

from Eastern Europe for hours.

And he just landed

in the good old U.S. of A.

Yeah, Brownsville, Texas,

to be precise.

Estate on the Gulf
near the Mexican border.

Used to be owned by
the cartel kingpin.

It's been dormant for years.

But why would Walker head back

to the United States
if he's a wanted man?

More importantly,
is Dwayne with him?

There's only one way
to find out. Let's roll.

What is that place, Patton?

Walker's own personal Alamo.

Where am I?

Doesn't matter.

Room's different, circumstances
are still the same.

- Let's cut right to the heart of the matter.

Now, you know what I want.

My personnel file.


Now, no more denials.

No distractions.

- You understand me?
- I don't...

I know that you have read

every single word in that file.

And there is something
that I need from it.



♪ Like smooth wine

♪ It's like heaven

♪ In the room with you

♪ And we're awake in...

I know what you're thinking.

Everything seems just right.

Like I'm home.

This could be
forever if you want.

What do you mean?

I mean forget about
the world.

Let it slip away.
Be here with me.

I want that.

- I got you something.
- What...?

- (scoffs)


♪ Give you a kiss or two...

Go ahead.


I can't.

Well, of course you can.

For me. For us.

Oh, this self-righteous crap

only goes so far, Dwayne.

You claim you want to help
the ones you love.

Rita, please.

But you've sacrificed
your marriage, your daughter,

any substantial relationship
you've ever had.

- And for what?
- This-this isn't real.

- This...
- That file is real, and what's inside

is your only hope
to save us.

But you don't care.

No, that's not true.

Do the honorable thing
for once in your life.

Open the damn file
and tell me what's inside.

Otherwise, we all are dead.

Just checked the perimeter.

There's eight guys to my count.
Probably more inside.

- Well, any sign of Pride or Walker?
- No.

They could be inside, too.

We go in.

FBI and HRT are ready.
So are the Rangers.

SEBASTIAN: A firefight
could get Pride k*lled.

I'm not seeing much of a choice.

We've come this far to get King.

No turning back now.

This is Khoury. We're a go.

What's happening out there?

It's the Feds.

Federal agents!

Everyone drop your weapons

and get on the ground!

We should go.

We need to finish the mission.

- We don't have any time.
- He's right there

in that house with the
information that I need.


Pride, listen to me.
Look, look, I need you to focus.

Okay? I need you to tell me

where you are right now.

This is the Coast Guard.

Put your weapons down
and surrender.

Tell me! Come on!

I can't open that file.

I don't care about the file.

Tell me about the house.

Tell me
about the house.

(woman singing in French)

(continues singing)


You look good.

Not sick.


Don't be troubled, Dwayne.

It's a beautiful day.

Look how happy he is.

Is that me?

Have we been here?

Oh, no, we've
never been here.

And I don't know the boy.

But I like him quite a bit.

It all seems
so familiar.


You have all the answers.

You just have to look.

No. I can't.

I can't. (sighs)

I can't do this anymore.

I don't even know
what I'm fighting for.

This is not the Dwayne Pride
that I raised.

You stood your ground
when your father disappeared.

And when your mother lost
a part of her reality.

Don't you give up now.

This isn't about me.

It's about Walker.


Walnut Lane.

That's my son.

I am so proud of you.

I just gave Walker
everything he wants.

You never had a choice
about that.

But you do have a choice
about what happens next.


Dwayne, you fight.

(singing in French)

You stay here with him.
I'll check it out.

What am I supposed
to do with this?

I got what I need from him.

Clean up.


(groans softly)



(indistinct shouting)

RITA: You've sacrificed
your marriage, your daughter.

Help me!

RITA: Any substantial
relationship you've ever had.

And for what?

We all are dead.


JIMMY: Can't argue that.Ain't nothing
more important than family.

What are you gonna do
to save yours?


Dwayne... don't sh**t.


It's me.

Lower your w*apon!


Hey. Hey.
King, it's me.

It's all right.

(siren wailing)


We have seven Apollyon
operatives in custody.

We still don't know where Walker went.
GREGORIO: My guess is

he's over the border. He's gonna
be impossible to find.

Good news-- you're
gonna be okay, King.

Soon as we pump these dr*gs
out of your system.

Not impossible.

- Yeah, right, just a couple days rest.
- No. I mean,

it's not impossible...

to find Walker.

I know where he's going.


721 Walnut Lane.


Why am I not surprised
that you survived?

Or that you tracked me here?

dr*gs did a number on me.

No idea what was real,
or what was fake,

but this place stood out.

I figured that the kid
in this photo was you.

But the family
who lives here

has no connection to you.

Except for one thing.

The boy is your son.

They adopted him.

You know, having children in
this line of work is dangerous.

His mother--

she didn't survive childbirth,

I had
to put him somewhere safe.

Somewhere even
you didn't know about.

Somewhere where he could just
live a normal life.

But Amelia Parsons--
she figured it out.

She used that picture
as leverage on me.

And after her, you knew

that we had it.

I knew it was only
a matter of time

before someone came for my boy.

It's like
I told you.

Family's everything.

What was the plan?

Take him?

- Disappear?
- That's still my plan.

Not gonna let it happen.

Pride, look at you.

You can barely walk,

and you know
that I would k*ll you

before you ever
pulled your w*apon.

I won't have to.


You got two choices, Walker.

You can surrender, or you can...



Or you can die here.


Your son will be safe.

No one will ever harm him.

That much I can promise.

♪ I got that fever

♪ All deep inside of my chest

PRIDE: Yeah, except
he got shot.

♪ And all that sweet,
sweet lovin'... ♪

There we go.
Come on, Jimmy! Oh!

So, how does it feel
to rise from the dead?

SEBASTIAN: Well, which one of them
are you talking about?

I guess both of 'em.

Well, I-I, for one,

enjoyed being dead.

Fewer responsibilities.

Let's agree to disagree
on that one.

I am glad to be back.

Apollyon's finished.
So is Walker.

Hear, hear.

Now, please tell us
you're gonna take some time off.

A proper vacation.
Yeah, I'm going to New York.

I'm gonna spend
some quality time with Laurel.

Then maybe go see my mama.

Been too long.

♪ ♪

Not much more I want to do
than that right now.

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh...

Hey, Dwayne Pride.

Get out here.
(all cheering)


Oh, no, no, no.


I'm too woozy.
I'm too woozy still.

(whooping, cheering)

♪ Dougie's gonna be there...

I don't think she's gonna take
"no" for an answer, big brother.

I can see that, Jimmy.
♪ Even the soldiers

♪ Need a break sometimes

♪ Listen to the groove, y'all

All right, all right, all right.

♪ Let it unwind your mind

♪ No intoxication

♪ Unless you see what I see
Whoa, whoa.

♪ ♪

♪ Dancin' hot 'n' sweaty
right in front of me ♪


♪ Oh, call it what you like

♪ I'm gonna call it how it be

♪ It's just another one
of God's gifts ♪

♪ Musicology!

♪ You got
to keep the party movin' ♪

♪ Like I told you

♪ Kick the old-school joints

♪ For the true funk soldiers

♪ Musicology...

♪ ♪

♪ Wish I had a dollar...

- Get up here. Come on, everybody.
- Yeah!

♪ Don't you miss the feeling

♪ Music gave ya
back in the day? ♪

♪ Keep the party movin'

♪ Just like I told you
♪ That's what I'm talking about ♪

♪ Musicology

♪ For the true funk soldiers

♪ Let go, all right

♪ Come on, y'all.