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05x23 - The River Styx, Part 1

Posted: 07/15/21 08:34
by bunniefuu
(birds hooting)

(body thuds)



(phone chiming)

(line ringing)

ISLER: Dwayne.
- Raymond.

- It's for real?
ISLER: Source panned out.

Got hard intel Avery Walker's
holed up in South Ossetia

near the border with
the Georgian Republic.

South Caucasus is not
friendly territory.

They got a w*r on.

We get in fast,
we grab Walker,

and any other Apollyon assets,

we're back in Tbilisi
before daylight.

This feels right to you?

Got him on the hook.
Just got to reel him in.

All right, I'll monitor
the mission from SCIF.

Hey... be honest.

Kind of wish you were here
for this, right?

Just want y'all back safe.

See you on screen

in a couple hours.

We got you, Walker.


Ready to breach.

Last drone pass
was ten minutes ago.

Thermal imagery showed
three inside.

Looks like a courtyard.

Walker's one of them.
Let's get this son of a bitch.

Be careful.

Hands where we can see them!
On the ground, now!

What the hell?
What's going on, Raymond?

Abort! Abort!

- Kirby, it's a trap!
- Get out of there now!

They're up top!

(indistinct shouting)

(Isler groans)

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ How, how, how, how

♪ Hey, hey

♪ You gotta come on.

What happened?

Intel led the task force
to a compound

over the Georgian border
in South Ossetia.

Walker was supposed
to be there.

It was an ambush.

- How many survived?
- I'm not sure.

Maybe no one.

The operation was compromised.

- Who else was read in?
- Me,

Isler, the task force.

What about Ryan's source?

Luka Osman.

Former Turkish

He fed us the location
of the compound.

I'll have Ryan circle back.
See if Osman double-dipped.

There's something else.

Satellite feed
I was watching.

Moments after the ambush,
I lost contact.

Someone switched it off.

Luka Osman couldn't
have done that.

No. Someone closer to home.

Someone with access
to our secure comms--

We have a double agent.

Walker's still
out there.

But whoever betrayed the
task force is our path to him.

You want to read the rest of
the team in or should I?

No. This stays between us.


Walker knows that
we're onto him.

I need to be strategic about
who I let into the circle,

and when.
- You need help.

Isler tried to help.

I stayed behind,
and he paid the price.

And I'm gonna deal
with this.

I don't want to put
anyone else in danger.

You can't go after
Walker alone.

Hannah, I'm asking you
to back my play.

All right.

I'll make some inquiries
to the intel community.

See if we can't find
any survivors.

I won't give any details
about the raid.

But if there's a chance
that someone is still alive...


- Everything okay?
- Yep.


'Cause you've been sitting
out here for a while.

Like... two hours and
12 minutes by my count.

You stalking me, Sebastian?

Not as much as you're stalking
Hannah, who's been in SCIF

for two hours
and 33 minutes.

It's, like, a weird gift
that I have.

I don't have to look at a clock.

Like having a superpower.

No practical application.

Yeah. Well, my weird gift
is knowing

when something's not right.

Hannah's been in and out
of that SCIF room all day.

Could be administrative

Could be. She's been taking
several calls from Pride, too.

You're just gonna sit here
and wait till she comes out?

(clears throat)


Should I get some snacks
or something? This...

Hey, guys.
What's going on?

Can I help you
with something?

Uh, you could start
by helping us understand

why you've been in there
all day.

Administrative stuff.

No, that's not true.

He's got a superpower.

And since the moment
you came in this morning,

it's clear that something
big is happening.

Don't be holding out.

Chris, I am not holding out.

But Pride is?

All right.

I'll just go to Belle Chasse
and talk to him myself.

He's not at Belle Chasse.

You used to be

a secret agent.

Thought you'd be better
at the secret part.

We didn't give
her a choice.

Yeah, whatever you're going
through, we're here for you.

- All right? We're family.
- I haven't told them a thing.

And I have new intel
about the raid.

What raid?
What's going on?


- Avery Walker?
- He's still alive.

Like I thought.

He's somewhere in
Eastern Europe.

Raymond Isler and a small
off-the-books task force

tried to take him down,
but... they failed.

Walker knew they were coming.

Someone spilled the beans.

Got any leads on who?

Ryan had a source.

Luka Osman. Gave us intel
leading up to the raid.

He's gone to ground.
He's either dead or...

Or sold out the task force.

Any survivors?

Doesn't look like it.

that's not true.

A colleague over at NSA

picked up some chatter about a
ransom going out from South Ossetia.

Ransom for who?

Hostage captured
by local militia

who say he's important.
A U.S. citizen.

African American.


He's alive, Dwayne.

I need to get him.
Before Apollyon.

No, King.

We need to get him.

But first,

you need to read in
the rest of the team.


What's the play, boss?

Isler's task force
was compromised.

Maybe it was Luka Osman.
Maybe it was closer to home.

Dig into every task force

Somebody talked
to someone.

Not just talked.

They were able to hack
into the secure SCIF feed.

Monitor communications
during the raid.

I'll find out who and how.

GREGORIO: Which leaves the
issue of Isler

being held c*ptive halfway
across the world

in South whatever-it's-called.

Well, it won't be for long.
I'm heading there today.

- No.
- LASALLE: King...

Area's gonna be crawling
with Apollyon operatives.

HANNAH: Not to mention
warring militias.

State Department

has specialists that handle

these kinds of ransom

PRIDE: Isler had no official

to even be in South Ossetia.

His entire task force
has scrubbed identities.

No one even knows
he's in the region.

How are you gonna get there?

Task force snuck in with
non-official cover

as members of an NGO
providing humanitarian aid.

I'll do the same.

They want $2 million ransom.

Where are you gonna get that?

Still working on that.

Sebastian and I
got you covered.

Counterfeit currency we seized
from the Prescott Shipping bust.

Oh, yeah. We still have
that in evidence.

- We can requisition that.
- Yeah.

We just need
approval from the SAC.

Consider it approved.
Get me that cash.

All right.
I got a flight to catch.

You need backup.

Someone who's been to
that part of the world before.


My first overseas
assignment with NCIS.

Spent three months training

in the Georgian
federal police.

I know the terrain.
I know the people.

HANNAH: And you don't know
what's waiting for you when you get there.

It's a good idea.
Take Lasalle.

Grab your go bag.

Jet lag hitting you?

Two flights ago, back in Ankara.

Hmm. Thank you, Pete.

Probably only gonna be
a day or two at the most.

I'm going back across
the border to Georgia.

Can't stick around here.

I like breathing too much.
- (chuckles)

The vehicle you asked for
is over there.

I'm gonna refuel.

Call me when you need
transport back.

You got it.

Thank you.

(takes deep breath)
I like this place.

Reminds me of the
woods back home.

Yeah. Let's just get
the gear in the car.

This is gonna be
a piece of cake.

(sirens wailing)

You just had to say it,
didn't you?

Here's hoping our Canadian
passports work.


Hi. We're, uh...

We are just moving, uh,

medical supplies.


Oh, yeah. Sure.

Here you go.

(speaking Russian)



(speaking Russian)

Medicine. All right?
Uh, doctors.

(shouting in Russian)

Little help, Christopher.

(speaking Russian)


- What'd you say?
- I meant to say

we mean no harm, but...

it's possible I insulted
their mamas.

(shouting in Russian)

Okay, excuse-excuse me.

We can pay you money,
give you money...

if you just let--
just let us go.

May I? Okay, right...


I can just...

(speaks Russian)


This is the worst
rescue attempt ever.

(rock music playing loudly
over SUV speakers)

♪ ♪

(music stops)

(man speaking Russian)

(continues in Russian)

(speaking Russian)

Here we go.

Who are you?

I'm Luka Osman.

Your asset.

You know, I already
paid them off. $5,000.

You were robbed.
The going rate is 500.

I'm guessing we can't
get a rebate.

Afraid not.

I'm very sorry for all the,
uh, inconvenience.

I would have been here sooner,
but I had to avoid firefight

on the way in, you know?

We've been trying to
get in touch with you.

And now I'm here.
Okay, forget this rusted heap.

Put your bags into my car.

We have meeting
with militia soon, yes?

Get your friend back.

How'd this joker know
we were coming?

Good point. Mr. Osman?

Please, for my friends, Luka.

Ryan Porter reached
out to you

when our colleagues'
mission failed.

You never answered.

It hasn't been that safe to use

traditional communications

But I've kept my eye
on situation.

Now, do you want
to take scenic route

or play dodge RPG?

Let's go, come on.

Sure we can
trust this guy?

Not sure we have a choice.

Okay, I'll check in with you
in the morning.

Yeah. Give her a kiss
from me. Okay.

What's up?

I sent Ryan and Naomi to stay
with relatives in Kansas

until this ends.

Yeah, if it ever ends.

Well, I-I'm just saying,
Avery Walker, you know,

he-he picked up
the Apollyon torch.

He escaped federal prison,

he's eluded capture for,
like, months.

He's just a man, Sebastian,
a bad one,

but one that we're gonna stop.

But every attempt that
we've made to-to catch him,

or even find him, i-is failing.

It's like he erased
himself permanently.

Nothing's ever
permanently erased.

Just got to keep digging.

Sounds like you
found something, P.

Whoever got into that
Belle Chasse SCIF system

to hack into that sat feed
of that raid is good.

During the raid, the system
intruder kept bouncing

the signal across terminals
all over the world.

But I got
a taste of him.

GREGORIO: What are
we looking at here?

Weeks of data mining to find the
origin of the hacker's signal,

but I found
a shortcut.

You know how he accessed
the secure line?

He went old school, baby.

He tapped into the
Belle Chasse hardline.

Probably attached
a sniffer to search

for the encrypted feed.

Means he had access to the base.
Military clearance.

We need to cross-reference
everyone who's accessed

Belle Chasse with people
connected to the task force.

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

What is this place?

My office.

Ah, that's a
word for it.

PRIDE: Lot of these
are U.S. military.

Do I want to know
where you got them?

OSMAN: A man needs
to make a living.

I make mine
by providing

"hard to come by" merchandise.
- Obtained illegally.

There's no laws here.

Eh, not ones that you are
used to upholding.

Anything to make a buck, huh?

Why don't we stay focused, huh?

Your job is to find
your friend, yes?


And to find out how Isler and
his team walked into a m*ssacre.

And, obviously, you suspect me.

As it should be.

But I was not responsible
for their betrayal.

So we're just supposed
to take your word for it?

I am many things, but above all,
I am loyal to my friends.

- Isler wasn't your friend.
- But Ryan Porter is.

I owe him my life,

and he asked me
to look out for your people.

So what happened?

I met Isler on the Georgian side
of the border.

And I shared with him everything
that I had acquired about

the whereabouts of Avery Walker.

When I found out that
the mission had failed,

I assumed the worst.
I was...

shocked to find out
that Isler had survived.

And the militia
that captured him?

They call themselves Cerberus.
In Ancient Greek mythology,

it's the three-headed hellhound
that guards the entrance

to the underworld.
- Really?

Pretentious, I know, but...

they are dangerous
and they are desperate.

w*r is not going their way,
and they need cash.

Do you have the money?


Boys, it's my business
to know these things,

but it's not theirs.

These bills, they should be
good enough to fool the militia.

If not...

we'll all be shot
in the head, yes?

Who wants tea?

(clears throat)

He's fun.

Pride and Lasalle made contact
with Luka Osman.

They'll make
the trade soon.

That's assuming Isler's
still alive.

Yeah. You two were
pretty close, huh?

I mean, he was my boss
at the FBI.

We didn't go bowling
or anything, but...

if it weren't for him,
I wouldn't be here.

He convinced you to join NCIS?

Kind of. I mean,
he brought me down here.

Could tell I wasn't
satisfied in D.C.

Yeah. (chuckles)

Becoming part of the team
changed everything for me,

and Isler was
a big part of that.

- We'll get him back soon. Yeah.
- Yeah.


We found the mole.

Had to drill down
because the DoD files

on "Special Operations"
were heavily redacted.

Special Operations?

SEBASTIAN: That's the work
that Isler's teammate,

Will Kirby, was doing for the CIA.

He served under a former

Delta Force commander,
Major Thomas Dixon.

And Dixon's been out
of the service for years,

but he used his veteran's I.D.
to access the Belle Chasse

Naval Exchange a few days ago.

HANNAH: So Kirby broke ranks

and talked to his old commander
about the task force mission.

Dixon made a deal with Apollyon.

PATTON: He could've
hacked the SCIF line

and hop onto Pride's encrypted
satellite feed.

Which means Dixon
had all of those men k*lled.

Do we have a location?

Yeah, he lives an hour away
in Mississippi.

I'll contact Pride,
tell him we found the mole.

This Cerberus militia,

they gonna be true
to their word?

As true as anybody
in these parts.

That's not really
an answer.

You can ask them yourselves.

(rock music playing loudly
over SUV speakers)

(music stops)

Let me speak to the leader
first, huh?

And if, uh, something happens
to me, don't try to save me.

Don't worry.


(speaking Russian)

That's not good.

Let's just hope Luka's
making a deal

to release Isler,

instead of offering
two more hostages.

(speaking Russian)

Stay with the cash.

I got you covered, King.

Not sure that'll
do any good.

How's it going
over here?

I was just trying to negotiate
a fair price.

There's no negotiations.
$2 million for your man.

Your English is good.

FSB trained us
to know our enemy.

Russian State Security.
We're not your enemy.

Just want my man.

Your man is U.S. government,
you are U.S. government,

and the U.S. is our...

Is the enemy, I understand.

But you want
your money,

show me my man.

Money first, then the hostage.

We need to see Isler.

Dwayne, what are
you doing here?

Had a bunch of vacation days
saved up. You okay?


Everyone is good?

I check the money,
you check him.

How much was I worth?

$2 million.

The State Department
agreed to pay that?

State Department has no idea.

Then how'd you get that money?

You don't want to know.

(speaks Russian)

ISLER: What aren't you
telling me about that money?

We are good.

(inhales sharply)

Dixon's been shot.

Let's move in.

Federal agents!


So who k*lled Dixon?

(phone rings)


Good news, Hannah.

We've got Isler.

HANNAH: That's great, is he okay?
(helicopter approaching)


(men shouting)


(helicopter blades whirring)


It's coming back around
for another pass.

We can't be out here
in the open.

Where's Luka?

No time to find out. Let's go.

(glass shattering)

(g*nf*re stops)

They must be reloading.

I got two.

Two more out front.

Four-man team, not a fair fight.

- Stay down.
- Where you going?

Evening the odds.

Well, what are we
supposed to do?

Play dead until
you hear my signal.

Where is Avery Walker?

This was a setup.

They led us to Dixon
to take us out.

They may well be doing
the same thing to Pride.

(phone ringing)

HANNAH: Pride, we just
walked into an ambush.

(speaking Russian)


(grunts, panting)

Raymond, hey.

- You okay?

Yeah, just... took a bad step.

I know this
ain't easy, Isler.

But we got to
watch our step.

Broken branches and boot prints

put these guys
right on our tails.

Just try to avoid
loose dirt and mud.

All right. I'm sorry,
I wasn't expecting

to sprint after my capture.

Maybe you guys should just

leave me behind.
- Are you kidding?

It wasn't my first choice.

Raymond, we'll just stop for
a second, take a breath. Okay?


(Isler panting)

But let's take it quick.

g*nf*re stopped
a few minutes ago.

Someone will be
looking for us.

Hey. That gunship.

- That was Apollyon.
- Yeah.

It means that Walker
knows you're here

and he's gonna keep coming.
- Militia, too.

They probably think
we set them up.

Where does Luka fit in?

He double-cross us?

No time to find out.

We need to get across
that border

into Georgia.
Only way we survive this.

(man speaking Russian
in distance)


- Ow, ow, ah!
- Shut up.

Hey, where's Hannah?

Still trying
to make contact with Pride.

Yeah, it's taking too long.
Doesn't feel right.

Yeah, well, not much
we can do from here

other than work the case.
You got something, P?

Only confirmation
that we got played big time.

Dixon wasn't even
involved with Apollyon.

He was a patsy?

I thought he tapped
into the hardline at Belle Chasse.

No, he didn't.
He didn't even access the base.

Wait, wait, wait.
Base logs confirmed he did.

Dixon wasn't even in the States
when his I.D. was scanned.

Apollyon wanted us
at Dixon's house to take us out.

I guess he wasn't
a traitor after all.

But someone is.

Well, whoever they were,
they had access

to the SCIF feed
at Belle Chasse.

Yeah, we may
have to look

a little higher up
the food chain.

Somebody with
major security clearance.

Doc Wade's got
the hit-squad bodies.

Maybe she's got something.

- Yeah, I'm gonna go find out.

'Cause Apollyon
is not done with us yet.


We should keep moving.
Get to the border.

Yeah, sun is setting.

We're not gonna be able
to make it before dark.

You won't be able
to find a path?

Hey, I can track a buck
in the pitch-black.

Not sure I can do the same
for a border checkpoint.

All right.

Let's stop here.

All right, we'll spend
the night in that barn.

It'll be safer.



PRIDE: Looks like they're down
for the night.


(Isler panting)

You holding up?


Nothing a week
in a hospital won't fix.


Lucky to be alive, Raymond.

Wasn't luck.

It's been eating at me
ever since

we walked out
of that ambush alive.

What has?

The fact that
I never should have.

We were fish in a barrel.

- Why wasn't I k*lled?
- You're thinking

Apollyon wanted you to survive?

Well, how did you end up
with the militia?

Assuming they were tipped off.

They knew exactly
where to find me.

This was all a setup
to draw you out.

We're the only
two left...

who had access...

to the full extent of intel
from Amelia Parsons' tattoo.

Walker wants anyone
who's seen it dead.

Please tell me
that you did not share it.

No, but...

it hardly matters.

Walker's gonna cover his bets.

The team's in danger.

Your team...

can handle themselves.

You've given them
all the necessary tools.

LASALLE: I think I
found a way to the border.

All right.

So we're right here.

So, we'll take
the woods

straight to...
Little Liakhvi River.

It flows right down into

the Georgian Republic.
- Yeah, exactly.

It's not the
straightest path, but...

but it'd be harder
for them to track us.

Need to get some rest.

(grunts) Sleep in shifts.

I'll take first watch.

Please tell me
you made contact with Dwayne.

Well, if he and the others
are alive,

they're flying blind out there.
We need to help them.

Agreed, but how?

Anything from these guys
who tried to k*ll us?

Can you I.D. them?
Track where they came from?

You know how Apollyon operates.

Prints lead nowhere.

Dental work is custom.

DNA has no matches.

Like they've never even existed.

There is a "however."

Someone's been keeping tabs
on these men.

I found...

injection marks

on each one of
their thumbs.

These were
implanted in them.

Looks like an RFID chip.

Radio-frequency identification.

Tracking their movements?

I think it's more than that.

Go, go.

You're gonna
clue us in, Sebastian?

Yeah, I went through
the operatives' equipment

back at Dixon's house,
including their smartphones.

They wouldn't switch on.

Damaged in the gunfight?

No, they just wouldn't activate.
But now...

I think I know why.


That chip is
a personalized passcode.

It's a fail-safe.

If equipment
falls in the wrong hands,

it can't be used
against Apollyon.

Do you think Patton

can use this unit to get a lock
on Apollyon's encrypted feed?

Well, if he can,
then we can maybe

figure out where Walker
and his men are, too.

(horse nickers)

(rooster crows)




Nobody woke me
for my shift, man.

Executive decision.

Told Christopher you needed
to get some rest.

Hey, I'm sorry about this.


Dwayne, getting you involved
in the task force,

and dragging you back
into all this.

We've always-- hey.

It's okay.
We're good.

We've always
underestimated Apollyon.

But that ends now.

We get back,

take the fight
to Walker.

ISLER: Can't tell
you how many times

I was sure I was dead
in the last few days.

I think I made my peace with it.

I don't want to die.

But I'd accept it.

The worst part of surviving...

was I was sure that
you were gonna come

looking for me.

- The last thing I wanted

to do was put you in danger.

And yet, strangely...

I knew that you were
my only hope of surviving.

You'd do the same for me.


I mean, I kind of
have to say that now,

under the circumstances.

(vehicle approaching)


No. It's militia.

(man speaking Russian)

We got to go.


Come on, we got to go.

Okay. (groans)








It's gonna be all right.

Come on. Huh?


ISLER: I think she knows
not to accept

candy from strangers
hiding in her barn.

I guess we'll have

to up the ante.

Look. Hmm?


(engine starts)

She did good.

For a thousand dollars,
I'd sure hope so.

Let's get out of here.



That's our river.

Yeah, we maintain this pace,

we'll be back in Georgia
within the hour.

Militia will have trouble
tracking us by the water,

but we'll be exposed
to the gunship.

LASALLE: The border can't be more than
two or three klicks downriver.

Then let's get going.

PATTON: Pride and the others
are still alive.

- At least for now.
- How can you be sure?

Walker's not playing around.

His network is protected
by a 256 AES encryption.

Yeah, but the RFID chip that
we got let Patton exploit it.

We got access
to their comms now.

And the order to attack you guys

in Dixon's house
came from South Ossetia.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, we're sure.

All their communications
are coming through this point

right here.

That's where Isler's task force
was taken out.

Avery Walker's hideout.

What's that?


Apollyon helicopter.

I was able to tap into
their real-time communications

a few minutes ago.

HOME BASE: Jäger Two-Six,
any sign of the targets?

PILOT: Negative. Brush is thick.
Gonna take another pass.

HOME BASE: Roger. Radio silence
until you make contact. Over.

- That's all we got.
- Yeah, but it sounds like

Pride, Isler
and Lasalle are still alive.

If they are,
they're being hunted

by Apollyon and the militia.

Can you pull up the location
of my last contact with Pride?

That's the site of
the Isler exchange, and this

is the current location

of that Apollyon aircraft.

Well, if they're hunting Pride,

that's the direction
he went running.

- Son of a...
- What? What happened?

They discovered
that we were in their system,

they gave us the boot.

That's okay.

I know where Pride's headed,
and how to help him.

You gonna share with
the rest of the class?

You see someone?

No. But I see a way
to get home faster.



You all right?

Yeah, it just stings.


I think I got grazed.

We need to get in the boat.

I'll draw their fire.

We're not leaving you, Dwayne!

You're gonna get
across that border,

then you're gonna come back
for me with backup.

And that's an order,

Are we really gonna do this?

He's not wrong.

Ready? Go.

(engine starts)

(g*n clicking empty)



(men shouting in Russian
in distance)



I need b*ll*ts.

We're at the border, Isler.

We made it.


I'm gonna get in touch
with Hannah.

Get her to bring
Special Forces for Pride.

Lasalle. We got a problem.

I guess I wasn't
grazed after all.

We're gonna find the bleeding,
uh, and get it stopped.

Okay. Yeah, sounds
simple enough, huh?

(vehicles approaching)

Friend or foe?

I'll guess we'll find out.

What are you gonna do?


We-We're Americans.

That's going to leave a mark.

Flesh wound.

You survived?

I snuck away
during the firefight.

I made my way across
the border last night.

Your friend Hannah called to say
that you might show up here.

Isler, you hear that?


Isler. This man
needs medical attention.

Hey. Isler.

Come on, man.
Stay with me.

Where's Pride?

(speaking Russian)

(bird cawing)


(g*n clicks)


There will be no ransom for you.


(glass shatters)




Nice to see you again.