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05x19 - A House Divided

Posted: 07/15/21 08:30
by bunniefuu
Oh, Angela Prescott
went all out again.

It's the first public event
Angela's held all year.

Wants to show off
the golden child.

Sure his brothers are thrilled,
being upstaged by the w*r hero.

Are they even here?

I saw Caleb earlier
looking miserable.

Oh, well, wouldn't you be
if your trust was frozen?

You're such a gossip.

Ladies and gentlemen,

gather around.

The Prescotts

have been sponsoring this gala
for 20 years,

and no one knows
more about giving

than their youngest
son, Wyatt.

And no one makes them prouder.

So it only seems fitting

that he present
this year's Prescott donation

of $5 million.

So with no further adieu,
please let me introduce

Lieutenant Wyatt Prescott.

Uh, Wyatt? That's your cue.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Khoury. Excuse us.
Thank you.

Hey. Brought out the big
g*ns for this one, huh?

I got calls from bosses
I never even knew I had.

Well, half the people in this
room have a direct line to D.C.

Yeah. Victim?

Navy Lieutenant Wyatt Prescott.

Youngest son of the Prescotts.

Prescotts as in
Prescott Playhouse?

And medical school.

Well, that'll complicate things.

What do you know, Loretta?

I know my entire house could fit
in this room.

About Lieutenant Prescott.

Broken neck
as far as I can tell.

There's 21 steps
in the staircase.

It's quite a fall.

Did he fall?

- Or was he pushed?
- I cannot tell yet.

If it was an accident,
I may have the cause.

These were hidden
in Lieutenant Prescott's room.

That's a lot of pills.

Yeah, and that's not all.

May have been having
a private party.

Ooh, well, depending
on what's in those pills,

combined with alcohol,
that could send anyone

tumbling down those stairs.

Yeah, well, we'll know more
once I've run a full tox screen.

According to the guests,

there was an argument
that broke out

right before the lieutenant
came tumbling.

Any details?

Tammy and Sebastian
are questioning the guests now.

And the Prescott family?

We're looking for them.

What do you mean, "looking"?

Well, it is a big house,
as Loretta said.

The mother disappeared
as soon as NOPD arrived.

Hasn't been seen since.

Well, let's get on that.

Got it.

This is really too much.

Do you think you could
get me a sparkling water?

I wouldn't know.
I don't live here.

You know what,
we'll ask one of the servers

and see if maybe
they can bring you something.

We will?

Yeah. So, what happened earlier?

Wyatt came tumbling
down the steps. End of story.

Is that what you saw?

Didn't see anything.

We were too far
from the staircase.

We miss all the good stuff.


And to pay $2,000

just to get in the room?
That seems unfair.

Did you notice anything
off about Wyatt?

He never joined the party.

We only saw Caleb.
The rest of them were hidden out

in the west wing
most of the night.

But the Prescotts do have
addiction in the genes.

From what you hear
or what you know?

Mark's just repeating rumors.


Ask anyone.

Well, no, I'm asking you.

That's quite a tone
you're taking.

Me? You want a tone?

Uh, hey, you know,

I was meaning
to ask you earlier.

Is that a Cosmograph Daytona?

It is.

My father knows the North
American distributor.

- Wow.
- We always get dibs on the best pieces.

Yeah, you know what? My mother
knows Phil the butcher.

We get dibs on the best chops.

Let's get back to
what's happening.

We've told you
everything we know.

Now maybe you could point us

in the direction
of something to eat?

- What?
- Yeah. We're gonna go ahead

and see if we can get that
taken care of for you, okay?

Can I talk to you
for a quick moment?

Just here in the
corner for a sec.

Get in.

What is your problem?

- What?
- Where are your manners?

My manners?
These rich people...

Yeah. They're rich, okay?

- They got to be handled.
- By kissing their asses?

Which you did impressively,
by the way.

Well, I'm fluent
in rich speak.

Since when?

Since boarding school.
I was, like,

one of the only kids there
that wasn't from legacy wealth.

Talking eight figures
in the bank,

royalty in the bloodline.

Like, Lafitte Club rich.

What's the Lafitte Club?

It's a private club.

Generational families only.
It's super secret.

It's super fancy.
That's... We just...

we have to treat
these people differently.

No, I'm a cop. I treat
everyone the same.

And that's egalitarian,
and I love it.

It's just not gonna get us the
information that we need, okay?

We got to be smooth, you know.

We got to be classy.
We got to be refined.

Real refined.

It's these flowers.
I got these allergies.

All right, honey, let's get
you away from the plants

before all your class comes
running out of your nose.

Ms. Prescott?

Special Agents Pride
and Khoury from NCIS.

We'd like to
talk with you

about your son.

Absolutely, Special Agents.

Let me offer my full assistance.

I'm Lisa Butler.
Prescott family attorney.

I'll answer any questions.

Afraid we need to speak
with the Prescotts directly.

I'm sure you understand
how distraught they are

given this tragic accident.

I'm sure you'll understand
that we have questions,

given that we're not convinced
this was an accident.

I know that you're
doing your job.

And I'm doing mine.

What exactly is your job?

the Prescott family interests.

I've already put in a call
to the district attorney,

who's a close, personal friend
of Ms. Prescott.

Appreciate that,
but Wyatt was Navy.

Makes this an NCIS case.

Secretary of the Navy, then.

I'm not sure he's available.

He will be for Angela Prescott.

Look, I don't mean
to be difficult,

but these are very powerful,

very private people,
and they can't just talk

to anyone.
- Okay, well,

I'm special agent in charge
of the Southeast region.

Would that suffice?


If you do speak to them,

they don't say a word
out of my presence.

Tell us what happened
earlier today.

What do you mean?

Wyatt fell down the stairs.

He's gone.

Witnesses heard

- Wyatt arguing before the fall.
- No one

can positively state it was
Wyatt they heard. Not relevant.

What was he doing
leading up to the party?

Uh, he'd just come back
from overseas.

He jumped right into
planning the gala,

preparing his speech,
checking the menu.

- Busy guy.
- Yeah.

That was Wyatt.
Always working.

Was he dealing
with any problems?

not relevant to the accident.

Wyatt never met a problem
he couldn't solve.

That's what made him
who he was.


One summer,
the three of us boys,

we built this boat from scratch.

Bryce installed the prop,
but he was always lazy,

and it was off-balance,

and it kept going in circles,
throwing it off course.

I think we're off course.

We'd worked so hard,

and Bryce screwed it up.

He was always taking shortcuts.

But Wyatt,

the shrimp,
he was focused on the boat.

He worked all night on that
prop until it was fixed.

That was Wyatt.

He balanced us.

I'm sure that Caleb told you
the boat story.

- It is one of his favorite pastimes.
- He did.

But we are
interested in Wyatt.

We found dr*gs and
alcohol in his room.

Are you asking me
if he was using?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

My-my little brother, he
was too pure for all that.

You know,
"his body is a temple" BS.

Oh, it's kind of
like you, Lisa.

You make that sound like a flaw.

Oh, no. Wyatt had no flaws.

Well, everybody's got something
secret, skeleton in the closet.


you don't have to respond
to that.

We're trying to find out
what led to Wyatt's death.

A fall led to his death.

There was an argument.

Did somebody want
to hurt Wyatt?

Hmm, only if you met him.

Okay, look,

the guy was my brother,
and he just died,

but he was definitive.
- Definitive.


Like, everything was black
and white. There was no gray.

So when I say that he had
no flaws, he was all too quick

to point out yours.

Well, that could rub
someone the wrong way.

Yeah, you think?

Wyatt got along with everybody.

He made it
his mission in life.

No enemies at all?

He couldn't abide
anyone disliking him.

Did Wyatt seem
distracted lately?

Wyatt was on task.
My savior.

I was distracted.

By the gala, my business,
what I was going to wear.

If I'd known what was
going to happen...

If you'd known what?


was there an issue
in Wyatt's life?

We've already established
there wasn't.

Ms. Prescott...

we'd all like to believe
it was an accident,

but under the

The dr*gs, the alcohol,
the argument.

We need to determine if Wyatt
was struggling with something.

My skinny, bookish son

managed to get an appointment
to Annapolis.

Graduated at the
top of his class.

He never struggled.
He simply performed.

And now he's dead.

You have what you need.

And now the Prescott family
needs to grieve.

We've questioned 200 guests,

ten servers
and the entire staff.

Couple of people say they heard
an argument before the fall.

Yeah, but no one can determine
whose voices.

Prescotts give you anything?

Only that Wyatt was perfect
in every way.

That's the most suspicious
of all.

Which means we need to
question them further.

Well, the lawyers won't let us

until we have
some more specific questions.

It's in Loretta's hands now.

Once she completes her autopsy.

Dr. Wade.

- Dr. Huffman.
- Uh-uh.


There you go.

Why is the state coroner
in my morgue?

And where is my body?

Lieutenant Prescott

has been removed
from your workload.

No need to thank me.

On the contrary.
What do you think you're doing?

A favor, actually.

Look, I know you see it

as stepping on your toes,
but the Prescott autopsy

is being handled by my office.

Oh, I'm dying to hear
the explanation.

This is about as high-profile
a case as they come.

I am attuned to the delicate
nature of the circumstances.

That was not an explanation.

I was at my granddaughter's
dance recital

when my phone started ringing.

State superintendent, police.
Attorney general.

The governor.

You don't need that.

Lieutenant Prescott's
death is an NCIS case.

Lieutenant Prescott's death...

is an accident.

You can see
for yourself.

Tox screen's preliminary.
It's incomplete.

Your dedication is admirable,
but as I said before,

Lieutenant Prescott's death
was an accident.

Ten autopsies
won't change that.

Now, excuse me.

Just spoke to Loretta.

Lieutenant Prescott

has been taken
by the state coroner.

Is that even legal?

Not as far
as I'm concerned.

But the body...
is out of our custody now.

Well, we need to get him back.

Have you spoken to
the state coroner?

He's ducking my calls.

He's not the only one
who's stonewalling us.

Been reaching out to witnesses,

trying to ask
follow-up questions.

Everyone keeps referring me
to their lawyers now.

If the Prescotts really believe
this was an accident,

why are they trying
to cover it up?

I don't love
the term "cover-up."

Well, what would you call
having the state coroner

Bigfoot our investigation?


We're getting
Lieutenant Prescott back.

There's really no point.

Wyatt is being cremated--
his mother's wishes.

The case is closed.

We determine
when the case is closed.

You're obstructing justice.

I understand your frustration.

The Prescotts do, too.

But there is a silver lining.

Oh. Well,
what would that be?

Angela and her sons
truly appreciate your...

discretion and

during this
difficult time.

Is this a service order?

By the end of the week your
cables will be upgraded

to, uh,

- Cat 8.
- What?

We've had this request
pending for months.

- How did you do this?
- Completely above board.

We made a few inquiries
on your behalf.

If you have any other
problems or requests,

give me a call.

Already have your card.

What you have is a friend
in Angela Prescott.

That is a
valuable asset.

Use it wisely.

This isn't over.

This is what rich people do.

They sweep dirt under the rug,
and then they wave

something shiny in your face,
hoping you forget about it.

Are we just gonna let the
Prescotts get away with this?

Not by a long shot.

Hey. I talked to the
attorney general.

U.S. attorney, too. We can
definitely take legal action

to get Lieutenant
Prescott's body back,

but... it'll be a process.
- Well, good. Let's get going.

They also said,
off the record,

the Prescotts will pull
any strings they can to stop us.

They said it might be smarter

to leave it alone.
Every move they make

points to the lieutenant's death

being more
than just an accident.

I know, Gregorio,

but we have to play
this one smart.

The Prescotts are hiding
something from us.

We're gonna find out what.
What are you thinking, Dwayne?

We've been pushed away
from investigating

Lieutenant Prescott's death...

so we'll look into his life.

Wyatt Prescott appears
as advertised.

A squared-away Navy officer
with a perfect record.

His digital life is
as squeaky clean

as anything else about him.

He doesn't do social media

and he doesn't surf
questionable sites.

What's his most
recent Navy post?

port relations.

A couple of months ago, he was
negotiating a lease in Brazil

when he was in a car accident.

his collarbone.

Could explain the pain pills.

Then he came home to recover.

He was back in New Orleans?

That's when it gets interesting.

While he was here,
he made multiple phone calls

to CGIS Agent Michael Martin.

Why was he talking
to the Coast Guard?

They were investigating
Prescott Shipping.

We don't have
any record of that.

- What was he investigating?
- We're not sure.

We reached out to CGIS,

and they said the investigation
was closed, records sealed.

You get ahold of
Special Agent Martin?

You mean former special agent.

Couple of days

after talking to Wyatt,

he was suspended without pay.

Well, that may be
Prescott's doing.

Any idea where Martin is?

♪ Rolling and reeling ♪

♪ Up the river ♪

♪ To my queen ♪

♪ And we rolling... ♪

They called it
dereliction of duty.

Said I came to work wasted.

Lasalle, you know me, I'm a pro.

Course you are.

There must have
been a reason

they came gunning
for you, though.

Prescott Shipping,
for instance?

Got nothing to say about that.

And if you're smart,
neither do you.

But you were
investigating them.

Had several conversations
with Wyatt Prescott. Why?

You want to know?

Talk to him.

Well, we would,
but... he's dead.

Don't go sniffing.

We need to know
what you found out

about Prescott Shipping.

I had no proof.

Of what?


The "lost and found"
of Port New Orleans.

Container bar code doesn't scan,
it gets routed to purgatory

until it's claimed.

And Prescott Shipping?

There was a pattern.

Every month like clockwork,

- You check it out?
- Of course.

But when I got to the containers--
they were empty.

Then what's the crime here?

Purgatory containers
don't get weighed

and don't go through customs.

So if someone
was moving contraband...

But to pull it off,
you need an inside man.

But Wyatt didn't work
for the family business.

No one else
would talk to me.

Then I heard
Wyatt was back.

I served in the
Navy ten years.

Figured I'd reach out,
sailor to sailor.

What'd he say?

He was defensive,
of course.

Said the family business
has always been above board.

I asked him to
check it out anyway.

36 hours later,
my case was closed,

I was suspended.

And now Wyatt's dead.

There you are.

Heard you had an
unwanted visitor.

Gator Huffman is
a blowhard and a twit.

If he thinks he can walk
into my morgue,

do my autopsy,

and rule my case
as an accident...

He's got another
thing coming?

I wasn't able
to complete the autopsy

before Lieutenant Prescott
was taken away.

However, I did keep
a sample of his blood.


Hey. Hey.

We've been warned
off the case.

When has that ever stopped us?

Christopher and Gregorio
just spoke to a man

whose career was ruined

for poking the Prescotts
where he shouldn't.

You're telling me that...

Dwayne Pride is feeling g*n-shy.

I want us to all be
aware of the stakes.

And yet, here we are...

about to look
at the abnormalities

in Lieutenant Prescott's
tox screen.

You found something?

Potent cocktail
of oxycodone

and alprazolam.

A mixture like that would
have made him delirious.

Maybe he overindulged
at the gala.

He wasn't the indulgent type.

None of the dr*gs
found in his room

were prescribed to him.

And according
to Navy records,

he refused pain medication
for a fractured collarbone!

You're thinking
he was dosed?

I know he was.

Sebastian analyzed
the scotch glass from his room.

We found traces
of the same dr*gs.

Gator Huffman

can call this an accident

till he's blue in the face...

but I have no doubt
we're looking at a m*rder.

So, we've been looking
through Agent Martin's notes

on the suspicious Prescott
shipping containers.

Over the last two years,
dozens have gone to purgatory

only to show back up
in the log as empty.

Hmm. Any idea
what's in those containers?

It's safe to say,
something bad.

Yeah. What we do have, though,
is a partial list of container numbers.

Whoever's responsible

is lazy-- they've been
reusing the containers

for this scam.

Bar code numbers reused
over and over again.

Yeah, and Lieutenant Prescott
knew it, too.

Yeah, he visited purgatory
the day before he died.

His I.D. was scanned at
the security entrance.

Any idea
what he was doing there?

Uh, he was checking out
container number VX729-33.

It's been sitting there
dormant for days.

We need to figure out
what's inside.

That's gonna require
the Prescotts' consent.

Yeah, well,
that's not gonna happen.

Sebastian, go get Gregorio.
Get to purgatory.

I want to know
who claims that container.

This is giving me

some very unpleasant
high school flashbacks.

Last time
I was folded up like this,

I was being stuffed
into a locker.

Boarding school with
a bunch of rich kids--

must have been
rough, right?

Actually ended up okay.

Kind of figured out
how to get along.

- How's that?
- Self-deprecation.


You make fun of yourself before
they can make fun of you. Boom.

Plus, I was really good
with numbers, so I created

an algorithm that could
predict the stock market.


Oh, I made a k*lling
for my classmates.

Even got scouted
by Wall Street.

Huh. You didn't want to be
master of the universe?

Nah, I wanted to be master
of a science lab instead.

If they could see
you now, huh?

Well, I mean,
this isn't really one

of my defining moments,
but yeah.

I guess things are pretty good.

You might get to unfold
yourself right now.

- Come on, come on.
- What?

- All right, give me a second.
- Come on.

Federal agents.

Don't make a move.

I got him.

Turn around,
put your hands behind your back.

She said not to move.

What do we got?
Coke? Heroin?


A lot of it.

Tammy and Sebastian found a
container of cash at the port.

All counterfeit,
according to the Secret Service.

Well, ship came from Peru,
which is responsible

for 60% of the
world's fake currency.

Was Lieutenant Prescott

Uh, suspects claim
they don't know.

Once a month,
they pick up packages,

drop them off at a warehouse
outside the city.

Yeah, they're glorified

They're sent instructions
via anonymous e-mail,

then paid through wire transfer
when the delivery is done.

Okay, let's focus
on this warehouse.

If Lieutenant Prescott
was smuggling cash,

he had to pay it a visit.

Hold on.
Right family, wrong son.

Well, what do you mean?

I've been scanning security video

from around the warehouse.

Found footage from two days ago.

That's Lieutenant

It looks like
he's trying to get in.

But there's more.

Who is that?

Glad you asked.

That's Bryce. That's one
of Lieutenant Prescott's brothers.

Well, why would
a billionaire scion

risk his family
shipping business

to smuggle counterfeit cash?

'Cause Bryce is not a
billionaire. His mother is.

I looked into Bryce's finances.

His condo, his car, all
his living expenses is paid for

by Prescott Shipping.

Wow. He only has
$100 in the bank?

- He's broke.
- So he's been running

fake papers
through the family business.

His baby brother finds
out, confronts him.

- Then what?
- We need to talk to Bryce again.

Call the family lawyer.
Tell her to bring him in.

I don't think
you're gonna get him.

I've been tracing
Bryce's phone. It's pinging

from a tower
by Lakefront Airport.

I'll call Pride.

Special Agent Pride.

What are you doing here?

Same as you.
Making contact with Bryce.

Sadly, you are too late.

He's just taken off.

You let him
get on that plane?

I told him to. He has urgent
business out of the country.

And nothing to say to NCIS.

I'll answer any
further questions.

You can tell me why he was
smuggling counterfeit currency

and what his involvement is
with his brother's m*rder.

We've been through this.

Lieutenant Prescott's
death was an accident,

and the rest is a

We both understand
perfectly well.

Bryce is a m*rder suspect
and a fugitive now.

That makes you
an accomplice.

What are you doing?

Arresting you

for obstruction.

There isn't a judge in the state

that will let
this obstruction charge stick.

You're wasting your time.

No. You are,

by protecting Bryce Prescott,

who's smuggling
counterfeit cash...

You can't prove that.

...and running
from the m*rder investigation

of his brother.
- Or that.

We need Bryce
back in New Orleans


Make a call.

That's out of my control.

Then I'll have you processed.

You really want
to do this to yourself?

Ruin your impressive career

over misplaced suspicion?

Huh. You're gonna do me like
CGIS Agent Michael Martin?

The Prescotts
are like family to me.

I do what I need to
to protect them.

Protect some of 'em.

You don't seem
to give a damn for Wyatt.

How many times do I have
to say it?

Wyatt's death was an accident.

He had a potent cocktail

of opioids and anxiety meds
in his system.

Someone snuck it
into his drink.

That is not an accident.

This is a pointless exercise.

You say the Prescotts
are like family.

But they're not your family.

End of the day,
they'll circle the wagons.

You'll be on the outside.

You've literally
just described my job.

I am paid
to be outside the circle.

And I am prepared
for what's next.

Are you?

Plane landed in
Havana 20 minutes ago.

Local agents checked it out.

Bryce's phone was
there, but Bryce wasn't.

- This whole thing was a diversion.
- Maybe.

But if Bryce hasn't left the
country, we don't have anything

to hold her on.
Got to let her go.


Yeah, we do... eventually.

You want to keep her here?

I want to take our time
releasing her.

If Butler's benched,
we got a shot

at getting the Prescotts
to open up.

I hear
you've kidnapped my lawyer.

Provocative move, Special Agent.

Well, gives us
an opportunity to talk.

I have no interest in talking.

But you have a deep interest

in finding out
who m*rder*d your son.

No. This is not happening.

You need to leave
our house at once.


We run a Fortune 500 company.

- We have more than one lawyer.
- Caleb.

- An army of them is on their way.
- Caleb.

Caleb, shut up.

Why would Bryce be
involved in Wyatt's death?

It might have something to do
with a smuggling operation

using Prescott Shipping

How many accusations are you
going to throw at my family?

We're not accusing
anyone of anything,

but we do need clarity.

Bryce and Wyatt had an argument
the day before Wyatt died.

At a warehouse used to store
smuggled counterfeit currency.

It was being leased
by a holding corporation

that leads back to Bryce.

Prescott Shipping has been
operating above board

for over three generations.

A legacy I preserve
above all else.

No son of mine would
jeopardize that.

You cut off your
sons' trusts?

That is none of your concern.

Maybe Bryce is being played.

Maybe he's smuggling
the cash himself.

Either way,
Wyatt discovered it.

Now he's dead.

I've heard you out.

I have no idea
where Bryce is.

And even if I did,
I wouldn't tell you.

Caleb, show them the door.

Do you have evidence
of any of this?

If you want to see it,

bring Bryce to NCIS.

We'll show you everything.

All right, let's hope
he takes the bait.

All right,
we got eyes on Caleb.

- He's on the move.
- Keep close.

My guess is, he's gonna lead us
straight to his brother.

You got it, boss.
Patton gave us access

to Caleb's phone,
so, we'll be listening.

Bryce, it's me.

Yeah, where are you?

Downstairs in my car.

You come alone?

Yeah, but you got
to get out here now.

NCIS knows you're still in town.

We need to move.

- Yeah, okay. Be right there.
- Pride was right.

Seems like Caleb knows
exactly what was going on.

Yeah, the minute we see Bryce,
we take them both down.

You got it.

- Let's go get 'em.
- All right.

What the hell?!

Stay back!
Stay back!

Federal agents.

He's dead.

Caleb Prescott hit his
Global brother Bryce with a car,

k*lling him instantly.

Just one day after their younger
brother Wyatt died suspiciously.

And after Wyatt discovered

a counterfeit
smuggling operation

hidden in the family business.

Did Caleb k*ll Bryce
for revenge over Wyatt's death,

or to cover up his own
involvement in this mess?

Well, only one
way to find out.

We need Caleb.

He disappeared after
the hit-and-run.

Abandoned his car
a few blocks away.

We put a BOLO out, and
Lasalle's with the NOPD

right now on a manhunt,

but he can't get that far.
Yeah, unless it's his turn

to jump on a plane
and flee the country.

So then let's talk
to the family lawyer.

No, we let her go
a couple hours ago.

She's not gonna be
in a giving mood.

And I wouldn't expect
Angela Prescott

to be very cooperative.

Two sons dead,
and one on the run.

Well, we don't think
he's on the run.

I ran a trace on Caleb's
cell phone and credit card.

No call or charges.

He's gonna want to escape.
He's gonna need help doing it.

Well, I think that he went
to the one place

where he knows that he can go.

Do you remember that plaque that
we saw at the Prescotts' house?

- The pirate thing?
- Yeah, the Lafitte Club.

What's the Lafitte Club?

Very old, very exclusive.

- Prescotts are members?
- And...

the club is only a few blocks
away from where Caleb hit Bryce.

Great job, Sebastian.
Let's go find him.

Excuse me, gentlemen.
Step outside, please.

I thought I'd have more time.

The wine hasn't even
opened up yet.

Life's full of

- Is he dead?
- Yes.

I did that.

We know.

We're wondering why.

Caleb, don't say another word.

Ms. Butler.
You got here fast.

We can talk about
the seven different reasons

why I'm suing you in a minute,

but right now,
Caleb is requesting counsel.

- No, I'm not.
- Caleb, please be quiet.

I'm done being quiet.

Following the rules,
making Mom happy.

I need to talk.

You'll get your head straight
and listen to me.

I can't do it anymore.

I k*lled Bryce because...

he k*lled Wyatt.

None of this is admissible.


are you aware of your rights?

I know that I can have a lawyer

if I want to, but I don't.

Bryce cheated.

His whole life,
he cheated on girlfriends,

he cheated on tests,
his-his family.

He didn't care
if he destroyed the company

as long as he got
a little pocket money.

He was running
the smuggling operation?

Yes. And Wyatt confronted him.

Bryce tried to cover it up

by k*lling the one
good person in this family.

We're gonna take
you back to NCIS.

You can write
it all down.

Whatever you say.

Caleb, m*rder has
a life sentence.

If you do not stop,
you will die in prison.

Does it matter?

Caleb Prescott confessed?

Yeah. Gave us everything.

Proof Bryce was moving
counterfeit currency,

and that Wyatt found out.

Pride's wrapping up
the interview now.

One brother kills the other
to keep his secrets.

And then the third brother
kills him for revenge.

Really tragic.

Turn it over
to the D.A.

and they'll take
it from here.

We got a problem.

The evidence doesn't match
the confession.


So there were
flowers everywhere

at the Prescott gala
the day that Wyatt died.

- I had an allergic reaction.
- Yeah, he was sneezing like crazy.

- His nose was running all over the place.
- That's not the point.

- I'm just saying. It was a mess.
- We don't have to...

The point is that
it wasn't the flowers

that caused the reaction,
it was the mold spores

that the flowers were carrying.

Okay. You're allergic
to mold. So?

Well, even if you're not
allergic, those spores,

they attach themselves
to your lungs

and your nasal passages.
- And it stays for days.

Yeah. And Wade just finished
Bryce's autopsy...

no sign of any spores.

How is that possible?

Because Bryce didn't
join the party.

Yeah, he stuck to
the west wing

where there
were no flowers.

Bryce didn't k*ll Wyatt.

And Caleb k*lled Bryce
for no reason.

We're back to square one.

We need to tell Pride
and figure out

who had a motive to k*ll Wyatt.

I think I got an answer.

When I was looking into
the smuggling operation,

I got very familiar
with Prescott Shipping.

What'd you find, P?

A company that's in turmoil.

Repair work pending on ships,

upper management leaving
and not being replaced...

lots of unpaid bills.

Reminds me of my father's
company at the end.

- Are you thinking bankruptcy?
- Could be.

Might explain
why Angela Prescott

has been taking regular trips
to Houston the last few months.

What's in Houston?

Allied Freight.

That's the Prescotts'
number one competitor.

I think we're looking at
a corporate merger.

I'm not seeing
the motive for m*rder.

Well, I might see one.

Allied Freight holds
hundreds of millions

in military contracts.

A lot of government
scrutiny on business practices.

If it was revealed that the Prescotts
were running a smuggling operation...

Bye-bye, merger.

Prescott Shipping is
a publicly traded company,

lot of shareholders
have a stake.

Yeah. For the merger
to be successful,

the smuggling operation
has to disappear.

There's one person in
the Prescott organization

who handles the dirty work.

Ms. Butler.

Thanks for meeting me.

Can I buy you a drink?

It's not gonna stop me from
suing you for unlawful arrest.

No strings attached.

You have a dry
Sauvignon Blanc?

I've got cold white wine.

So what do you want?

A conversation.

No badges.
No law degrees.

Just two people talking.

I don't know what
there is to say.

You've already ruined the
life of one of my clients.

Caleb ruined his own life.

And for no good reason.

Bryce didn't k*ll Wyatt.

I've been telling you that.

Kristen Jones did.

I'm not familiar
with that name.

You should be.

It's a pseudonym.

Used to acquire prescriptions
for alprazolam and oxycodone.

Both found in Wyatt's

And we've spoken
to the doctor

and he told us that
Kristen Jones is you.

It's not an uncommon practice
for high-profile individuals

to use an alias
when procuring medications.

That's not an admission,
by the way.

Bryce said you
were like Wyatt.

You didn't take pills.

The dr*gs weren't for you.

They were for Angela Prescott.

You know I won't say either way.

Yes. Because you're guarding
the Prescott family.

Covering up anything that could
derail the company's merger.

I'm sorry. Are you suggesting
that I k*lled Wyatt?

I'm suggesting that
Angela Prescott did.

And I think you
believe it, too.


The woman you work for

single-handedly runs
the business.

Her sole concern is preserving
its legacy. Her words.

What wouldn't she do
to save it from scandal?

She wouldn't m*rder
her own child.

Not on purpose.

Maybe... maybe by accident.

It's all conjecture and theory.

Yes, which is why I need
your help to prove it.

And why would I do that?

Your job was to protect the
Prescotts and you failed.

Two sons are dead.

One is going
to prison for life.

I wouldn't be able
to live with that.

Can you?

Ms. Prescott.

You need to come with us.

I can't believe you're doing
this to me again.

I need to make arrangements
for a second funeral here.

And you have our sympathies,
but it'll have to wait.

Lisa, deal with this.

Just go with them, Angela.

I'll be there, too,
and we can sort this out.

What exactly are we sorting?

The fact that you drugged
Wyatt the other night.

And it led to his death.

That is absolutely not true.

I told them I gave you
the medications.

Same ones that ended up
in Wyatt's bloodstream.

How could you?

I also told them I don't think
you meant to hurt him.

You can't say that.

Crime-fraud exception.

Attorney-client privilege

doesn't apply to covering up
a m*rder.

You used me, Angela.

Wyatt confronted you about
the smuggling operation

Bryce was running, didn't he?

Threatened to expose you.

Which would k*ll the merger
and ruin your company.

I won't stand
for these accusations.

He was my son.

The best of the three.

I know, Angela.

I know how much
he meant to you.

He wanted to go
to the authorities.

I promised to stop Bryce.

Promised to shut it all down.

All he needed to do
was stay quiet.

But he wouldn't.

He refused to lie.

Even for me.

Even for one night.

You wanted to slow him down.

Talk some sense into him.

That's why you used the dr*gs.

I needed time to think...

to change his mind.

It was an accident.

We argued.

He got up to leave
and then he tripped, and...

I couldn't get to him
before he fell.

Oh, Angela.

He was the one
who held us together.

He was the one
that this was all for.

And now he's gone.

They're all gone.

It's okay.

Give us a minute.

She'll come willingly.

Not too often another family
makes mine look normal.

I've never seen
a-a powerful family

implode up close before.

It was kind of like
witnessing the big bang.

The good news
is CGIS Agent Martin

is being reinstated.

And we shut down the biggest
counterfeit operation

in the Southeast.

Plus, I had it at 50/50 odds

we'd even have jobs
by the end of this case.

So I'm feeling pretty pumped.

Well, that was the last bit
of paperwork for me.

I'll see you guys tomorrow.

- Night.
- Bye.

All right,
take care.

So, uh, this stock thing
of yours. The algorithm.

I was wondering how long it was
gonna take you to bring this up.

No. Uh-- I'm curious.

This is a Beautiful Mind

Why wouldn't you use it
to make some real money?

Have I ever told you about my
Uncle Jerry up in Illinois?

I don't think so.

Okay, so he runs
a fishing charter.

All right? It's
just him, one boat.

Out on Lake Michigan.

And one time I bring up a
buddy of mine from school,

just to go check it out,

this hotshot venture
capitalist guy.

One of your bros from
the boarding school days?

Exactly. So, my buddy, he
has this amazing time, okay?

All the worries of the world,
they just, they disappear

while we're on this, like,
five-hour fishing trip.

So now he wants to invest
in my uncle's charter.

Mm. I like where
this story is going.

Yeah. He offers him a million
dollars right then and there.

My uncle turns him down.

What? Why?

Because he already has
everything that he wants.

He's got his boat, he's got his
business, he's got the lake.

I mean, why ruin something
that's already perfect

just for more money?

Because it's a million dollars.

Yeah, but he didn't need
a million dollars.

Just like he didn't need
a bigger business.

You know, he was already
living his dream.

I get to work every day
at a job that I love

with people that I love.

In my book,
that makes me pretty rich.

That's a beautiful sentiment.

Stupid, but beautiful.