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04x01 - Rogue Nation

Posted: 07/15/21 07:01
by bunniefuu
(jazz music playing)

Ten seconds.

(g*ns clicking)

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)

(truck horn blaring)

(tires screeching)





Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!

Go now! Go! Go!

(horn honking)

(horn blaring)

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ How, how, how, how

♪ Hey, hey

(music playing quietly)

Ugh! All right.

We're supposed to fill out these
witness statement forms now,

but I can't find it.

Try Form / e?

I did, but nothing comes up.

Did you forget the "E"?

Can't forget the "E."

I forgot the "E""

Forget the "E" again, Percy,

and I'm gonna
have to / you.

Agent Complaint Form.

Do it and I'll smack you.

I'm teasing.

I'm not in the mood.
She's not in the mood.

I'm just saying.

We used to go to the bar
after closing a case.

You know, have a little fun.

Now we're stuck here,
filling out

these stupid forms.
The bar exploded.

That's not her point.
That's not my point.

All right, you know what,

you guys have been doing that a
lot lately, and it's real weird.

Doing what?
- Doing what?

Regardless, I still think
this is temporary.

It's all gonna
go back to normal soon.

I don't know, Sebastian,
it's been over six weeks.

This has to be about more
than HQ punishing us.

They're not punishing us,
they're punishing Pride.

Which is punishing us.

I just wish he'd come back
already, and make it stop.

Make our lives easier.

Speaking of lives, you said
I could afford the Marigny.

Even the one bedrooms
are out of my price range.

- Try the Bywater.
- Try the Bywater.

That is weird.

Hey. It is all good.

All right?
We don't have to do Cajun again.

Look, next time, you choose.

Surprise me.

I'll call you later.

Boss here yet?

Matter of fact, she is.
I swear to God,

I don't see how
you people stay fit

eating this crap all day.

Last field office HQ sent me to
at least had jerky.

(claps hands)
All right, let's roll,

boys and girls,
we got us a big mishegas

out on the Interstate
near Crowder,

wherever the hell that is.

Who's driving?


(indistinct conversations,
radio chatter)

All the vics Marines?

Active Duty Reservists.
That's why we called you.

Any other casualties, Captain?

Other than a few civvies
who got injured when the rig

slammed into their cars, no.

Wow, what a mess.
- Yeah.

BOYD: Looks more like it does
a couple of thousand miles

down the road.

NCIS San Diego, my first
interim gig way back when,

captain got canned,

love triangle thing.
Moved on to Okinawa,

that office out, too

Great sushi,
not a fan of geisha girls.


Uh, yeah, pretty consistent.

Panel van came up from behind,
forced the big rig to stop,

four or five gunmen got out,
shot and k*lled the rig drivers,

and then the trailing
SUV guards.

So where's the rig?

Oh, the gunmen dumped it
at the next off-ramp.

Still trying to figure out
why they wanted it so bad.

Lasalle, send some agents.
I want to know.

Oh, Sebastian and Percy
are already there,

Special Agent Boyd.

We checked in
with NOPD,

we wanted to get
a jump on things.

You see, Pride likes us
to coordinate

with each other
as much as possible.

Local knowledge
is everything to him.

Too bad following orders isn't,

otherwise he wouldn't still
be on administrative leave,

and I wouldn't be in charge.

Check all the vics.

I want to know what's
so special about the rig

that it required armed escort.

I like geisha girls.

Tracheas, esophagus,
carotid and vertebral arteries.

b*llet hits everywhere.

Appears all four victims
met the same fate.

Poor guys never had a chance.

- No.

Based on the b*llet hits
and shell casings,

definitely a*t*matic fire.

Probably MP s.

You run tests already?

No, but unfortunately,

I've had far too much experience
with the damn things.

Yeah, well, something
doesn't add up.

The heist was well-timed
and precise.

But the firepower and wild
spray pattern was anything but.

Yeah, so they weren't

Yet, they ex*cuted a plan
to get what they wanted.

Question is, what did they want?

Well, that's the million
dollar question,

even after inspecting
the big rig's trailer.

Yep. Clean as a whistle,
as if nothing was ever inside.

So, no indication
of anything stolen?

Whatever it was,
it couldn't have been much,

'cause other than a few
trace particles of dust,

it was like a lab in there.

Except the outside of the truck
was a whole different story.

Yeah, obviously, not your
everyday Tonka toy, which,

whoa, crazy Christmas flashback.

I remember my Opa

gave me his classic AA
Tonka Wrecker Tow, man.

Loved that thing.

Until I blew it up
with a cherry b*mb.

Yeah. Sorry. The point is,

this rig had, like,
countermeasures built into it.

Shock-delivering systems,
bulletproof walls,

axles designed to explode
so you couldn't tow it.

So the only way they could
take it was to hijack it.

Well, that explains
the armed escort.

Yeah, but not
what they were escorting.

Oh, can't you find out?

Oh, yeah, we can
find out all right.

We just have
to follow protocol,

and run it up the flagpole
and get permission first.

Special Agent Boyd
is kind of a stickler

when it comes to rules
and regulations.

And forms.

Lots of forms.

Well, that's ridiculous.

Especially when you have
a situation

where time's of the essence.

I miss Pride.

(tuning piano keys softly)


I still don't see
why you went and bought

another old, antique piano,

knowing good and well
you almost went broke

trying to fix the
last one all the time.

Well, the last one meant a
lot to me, you know that.

Lot of memories.

Wanted to restore as
much of everything

in this place as I could.

History matters,
especially in this town.

Yeah, good thing you had a lot
of time on your hands, too.

Bar looks good.

Look ready for reopening.

And I got a great band lined up
to do exactly that.

You're gonna love them.

Yeah, that begs the question:

what's next?

What do you mean?
- Come on, man,

you know you gonna have to make
a decision sooner or later.

I'm not signing HQ's
Personal Improvement Plan,

if that's what you're implying.

I didn't do anything wrong.

No, look, you ain't
got to convince me.

If it wasn't for you,
people would've died.

And Mayor Hamilton's
corrupt butt

would be running
for governor right now,

instead of rotting
in somebody's prison.

Still, you did

sort of disobey a direct order.

You know, almost getting
NCIS thrown out of the city...

I remember, Patton.

Come on...

Look, all HQ wants you to do
is say you won't do it again.

That's all.

In fact, you don't have
to even really mean it.

Patton, I know.

I know you and
the team miss me.

And I miss you guys, too,
believe me.

But this isn't...

It's not just about me being
willing to follow rules.

It's not that simple.

Why not?

Come on, Pride.

It's me, baby.

Come on, man, you know, we've
been through a lot together now.

Talk to me, man.

I just I can't go back un...

until I...

Until what?

You know I almost k*lled
Hamilton, right?

Before I arrested him,
I almost pulled the trigger.

But the point is you didn't.

No, the point is
that I almost did.

How I got to that place,

I don't know,
even after all this time.

But what I do know is,

I don't ever want
to go there again.

And I'm not
signing any papers

until I can figure it out.

Okay? I can't.


(phone beeps)

Duty calls?

Yeah, man.

Get out of here, would you?

You got work to do.

(door opens)

What the hell?

Look what somebody
did to your ride.

Did they get the inside, too?

No, thankfully.

We might've just
chased them away.

It's a damn shame.

Everybody who's anybody knows
this is your baby.

Yeah, well, maybe
that's the point.

Wait, you know who did this?
No, but...

...this isn't the first time
something like this

has happened, lately.

Started to think maybe
HQ's not the only one

unhappy with me right now.

- Look.

Bringing Hamilton down
cost folks jobs.

Guess I might not as popular
as I used to be, huh?

Anyway, you, uh...

you're good from here, right?

- Well, go learn things.

Bad guys may not have
been trained for weapons,

but they obviously knew exactly
where and when to attack.

Timed it to take place

in between the LSP patrol shifts
and traffic cams.

Off-ramp where they
unloaded the big rig

was under an overpass, too.

Also outside of traffic
and surveillance cams,

plus the adjacent highway
was closed for construction.

Plenty of cover to get rid of
whatever it is they took

and lots of escape routes
to flee the scene.

Can't just be from
casing the area,

has to be some local
knowledge, too,

which means homegrown bad guys.

Marines weren't
homegrown, though.

They're from all over.

They did have one thing
in common.

They were assigned
to the Department of Energy?

No, not just assigned.

They were handpicked by the DoD,
CBRN warfare group.

CBRN? Chemical, biological...

Radiological and nuclear.

It's not the best acronym,
but got even worse news.

So, those, uh, particles
that I found in the big rig?

Turns out that they had
elements of neutrons

activated by exposure.

In other words,
radioactive contamination.

Nuclear waste.
That's what was stolen.

Whoa. Wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Are we infected?

No, there was
only a trace amount

and according
to my calculations,

there wasn't even
that much raw waste inside.

LASALLE: So, wait.

DOE has been
transporting this stuff

on a public highway?

Yeah. And even scarier,

they do it all the time,
all over the country.

It's supposed to be
a covert fleet,

but its obvious vulnerability
is that...

Looks like we're dealing
with t*rrorists, people.

Just in the SCIF with HQ,
found out that the big rig

was from a subbase
and they were hauling...

Radioactive waste,
we already know.

How? I just got read in myself.

We can't always wait to get
read in down here, ma'am.

when we do,

it's too late to do
anything about it.

Yeah, well, it's already
too late for us now.

HQ wants me to turn this over
to the FBI, DHS.

Wait, what? Why?

Well, t*rrorists, nukes.

It's their specialty, not ours.

Yeah, well, it's our city
and our jurisdiction.

Yeah, well, get over it.

D.C. is taking the lead now.

Pride wouldn't let
anybody else take the lead.

Yeah, well, Pride isn't
here anymore, is he?

You might want to start
getting used to that, too.

(indistinct chatter)

Lasalle, this is
Agent Lamont, DHS.

He'll be taking
the lead from here.

Agent Lasalle
is one of NCIS's

best and brightest, rising star,
great teeth.

He'll get you
everything you need.

(laughs) I'm sorry to take over
your office like this, Lasalle.

FBI Nola is overloaded.

New Orleans, not Nola.

It matters. Just saying.


you want to tell my team here
what you just told me?

!sis chatter
has been increasing.

They've been targeting the
Office of Secure Transportation

trucks for a while now.

Obviously not very secure.

Patton. Continue.

They're building a
dirty b*mb, right?

We think so. How did you know?

Well, why else target trucks,
steal radioactive waste?


We got to get it back
somehow, too, fast.

If they know what they're doing,
it won't be long for them

to turn the material
into a b*mb.

We did a mock attack.

Sebastian, show him.

Right. So, as you know, uh,
it's not really the detonation

that's the problem,
unless, of course,

you're nearby
when it happens.

PATTON: The radioactive cloud
is really the danger.

Contaminate the city.

But if we can figure out
where they're gonna get...

They are not targeting
New Orleans.

How do you know?

!sis chatter.

- Houston, Dallas, maybe L.A., right?
- Yeah.

All we really know
for sure is that

they've been targeting a major
Western city for months now.

Yeah, but if you're wrong
about who's behind this,

you could be wrong
about who the target is.

Right, and based on

our preliminary

since local knowledge
was key into the attack,

it could indicate we might be
dealing with a local group.

They could still be
!sis sympathizers.

Look, all due respect,
I don't have time

to download you all
on our Intel,

but it is substantial,

believe me.
So, priority number one,

contain the t*rrorists so they
don't reach their target cities.

DHS and FBI have blocked all
the roads out of the state.

Coast Guard already has helos up

looking for radiation

You want me to get the Louisiana
National Guard to assist?

Yeah, but do it on the QT. Hey.

I don't want the media
involved on this.

We don't need to create a panic.

Even if they're right

and New Orleans isn't
a primary target...

It still could be
a secondary one.

Right, 'cause even if they're
able to keep the bad guys

from getting out of Louisiana,

they might have no choice but
to target New Orleans instead.

So, you sayin'
Homeland is willing

to sacrifice us to save what?

Dallas? Have they ever
even been to Dallas?

LASALLE: All right, look.
Let's just think.

All right, what would
Pride want us to do?

He'd want us to pull
the fire alarm,

get these people
the hell out of the office.

He'd want us
to keep investigating

and do whatever it takes.

All right?
So let's get to work.

But that dude,
he is right about one thing.

We got to keep the panic
out of the streets,

especially with the city's
tricentennial festivals

and fireworks about to begin.

We should start
with the panel van,

the one the t*rrorists
used to stop the big rig.


So, a witness found
a partial plate

that matches a stolen rental,
but Patton found

a city cam shot of it

parked out front of a building
on Decatur.

No specific suspects,

but one of the tenants
has a rap sheet.

All right, you guys go.

See what you can find,
but look, be careful.

Full gear.
- All right.

Meanwhile, you two
monitor everything

that comes in and out
of here, all right?

We don't want DHS
overlooking something.

Something like New Orleans?

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna go talk
to Miss Loretta.

See if she's interested
in getting Pride involved.

What? I mean, A-A-Agent Boyd's
not gonna let him get involved,

let alone HQ.

Don't ask, don't tell.

Terrance Deleon,
apartment V.

as*ault charges, civil
disobedience and spoiled brat.

Trust fund baby,
fourth generation local.

I.e., he's not your type.

"My type"?
Who said I was looking?

Oh, you're looking.

You just need to get things
straight with Lasalle first.

Hey. Hold up.
First of all,

there's nothing
to get straight.

We're just friends.

- Oh. Oh.
- We're cool. And second,

stop profiling me.
It's creepy.

Okay, whatever.

But just so you know,
I got your back.

Just saying.

Terrance Deleon,
federal agents, open up.

It's, like, a really
nice building.

I wonder what
the rent is here.

Dream on.


You Mr. Deleone?

Yeah. What's this about?

This is about a stolen van

outside your building
two days ago.

Recognize it?




Drop it!

Hey, you good?


That was close.

♪ I put some sauce on it

♪ I put my teeth upon it

♪ I put some sauce on it

♪ Here comes
your mother-in-law ♪

♪ With that dried-up chicken
again ♪

♪ Looking underneath the table

♪ Calling for the family dogs

♪ Spit it out in your napkin
♪ Oh, man

♪ Got to deal
with the situation ♪

♪ Firing it up right now

♪ I'm picking up, still up

♪ I'm breaking out flavor, baby ♪
Baby, baby.

Yeah, there it is.

Come on now, everybody.

Put the damn sauce on it.

(Pride laughs)



Be right back.

Hey. Thank you, thank you.

Hey, Loretta,
what are you doing here?

You should've told me
you were coming.

I wanted to surprise you.

Well... (laughs)

Mayor Taylor.

Well, this is a surprise.

Acting mayor, actually,
until the special election.

Which Zahra is running for.

Says you.

You'd be a welcome change...

especially after everything
the city has gone through.

Although, seeing as how you
put our last mayor in jail...

Oh, he deserved it.

It wasn't a power struggle.

So you keep telling me.
Look, Zahra,

we've known each other
a long time,

before I was a deputy

and before you were
a councilwoman.

I'm not a threat to you, Zahra.


I just want what's
best for this city.

Hamilton just wanted
what was best for him.

I want what's best
for this city, too, Dwayne,

and to do that, I need to change
its history of corruption,

which means I need to look
at everyone and everybody

to make sure they're not part
of the problem,

and that includes you.

Well, for what it's worth,
I'm all for it.

But something tells me

that's not what you came here
to talk to me about.


Christopher called,
off the record,

said it was important,

important enough for
me to involve her.

He say what it was?

He said the city might
be a t*rror1st target

and that they need you.

Okay, but what am
I supposed to do?

NCIS put me on leave.

Plus, I'm not exactly in
the right frame of mind to...

Still, no one cares
more about New Orleans

more than you do, Dwayne.

Besides, being on leave
doesn't keep you

from doing your civic duty,

especially when
the city asks.

And, since I'm the city now,

I'm asking.

What's going on?

What's Captain Estes
doing here?

You didn't tell them?

Nah, I figured Pride wanted to.

Mayor Taylor filled me in.

Asked me to help Estes
and NOPD investigate.

Sorry I've been MIA lately,
I just, you know...

dealing with stuff.

we're just glad you're back.

Yeah, does this mean you're not
on administrative leave anymore?

No, I'm just acting
as a civilian here,

helping out


I'm hoping that
you'll help, too,

off the record.

Meaning DHS and NCIS
can't know about it,

for obvious reasons.

Reasons being you'll get
fired if they find out, right?

Not about me.

Too much at stake here. I can't
just stand by and do nothing.

That's music to our ears, King.


looks like we're going
rogue again.

So how exactly is
this gonna work?

I mean, isn't Special Agent Boyd
gonna wonder where we are?

Are you kidding? She's probably
happy that we're not there

driving DHS crazy
with all our nutty ideas.

Look, you'll still be working
the case, developing leads.

Don't withhold
anything from them.

It wouldn't matter
if we did,

they don't listen
to us anyway.

we wouldn't be here.

Yeah, well, all that
matters is we find out

what's really going on
and we stop it.

Doesn't matter who's right,
or who gets the credit.

Yeah, but what if we find proof
that New Orleans is the target

and Homeland doesn't believe us?

Then we'll have to
handle it ourselves,

with NOPD.

Sebastian, how long's it take

to turn radioactive waste
into a dirty b*mb?

I mean, if you know
what you're doing,

and we have to assume
that they do,

I don't know,
a day, max?

But you got to build
a detonator, too, though.

You got to build them
both together, depending on

how and where they
decide to explode it over the city.

Question is,
how are they building it

without being detected?

Other than Shreveport,
DHS lost their trail

right after the heist.

Maybe Deleon's laptop can help
give us some answers.

Wait, how did you
get Deleon's laptop?

Oh, um, we took it

after we shot him.

And forgot to

turn it in to Homeland,
but it's just...

- Yeah, I'm not hearing any of this.
- No, absolutely.

Okay, ladies.
All right.

go get it and
bring it back here.

And, Patton,
you're gonna tear it apart.

You got it, boss.

open for business.

All right, I'll continue
to coordinate with NOPD,

set up a secure line
here at the bar.

Thanks, Carl.
- Yeah.

LASALLE: Hey, one
more thing, King.

We're kind of
flying blind here

without access to all
the Intel DHS is getting.

Sebastian and I will head
back to the Squad Room

and feed it to you.
No, no, no, it's too risky.

If Boyd finds out
you're working with me,

won't just be
my job on the line.

Yeah, but, wait,
if we can get into SCIF,

then we could set up
a secure line back to here,

gain access,
she'd never even know.

I like it. Let's go.

Now, hold on. Stay here,

get Patton set up.

I'll go.

Wait, wait, what
about Agent Boyd?

She's not gonna be
very happy to see you.

Yeah, well, there are
a few people around town

that aren't happy to see me
right now.

I'll handle Boyd.

Old remote.

Lost the new one
a couple months ago.

Been meaning to
replace it. May I?

You got to input VCR first,

even though I know
it's not a VCR

and you're probably
too young to know

what I'm even talking
about. Anyway...

There you go.

All set.

- Yeah.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're not supposed
to be here, Dwayne.

You need to leave now.

I know, sorry, I'm just--
I'm running out of clothes,

I just need a couple
clean shirts.

Well, how about a couple
quarters instead,

for the Laundromat?

You're not still mad
about what happened

all those years ago
in training, are you?

You mean when you cheated?
I improvised.

You broke the rules.
Did what it took.

some things never change.

Look, let's be honest,

if you really wanted to
come back,

you would've signed HQ's
stupid piece of paper

promising to be a good scout

a long time ago.

I've been around, I've seen it
before with other agents.

It's called "burnout."


I read the FBI report
on your last case.

Something happened to you,
didn't it?

You're not even sure
if you really

want to come back
anymore, are you?

You don't know me.

Maybe, maybe not.

I do know one thing:

you put together
a hell of a team.


They deserve someone who
really wants to be here.

Got anybody in mind?

I wouldn't get too comfortable.

You got five minutes, Dwayne.

(beeping, trilling)

SEBASTIAN: Oh, awesome,
you did it, Pride. That's great.

Did, uh, Agent Boyd
give you any crap?

Nothing I can't handle.

And you should now have
full access,

including the fact
that DHS did lose

the radioactive trail
after Shreveport.

Told 'em, decoy.

Let's backtrack.

Check the last
hits they got in the city.

See if we can't figure out
where they were headed.

I may not know that yet,

but I do know
how and when they knew

which big rig to attack.

Apparently, Deleon was a bit of
a hacker himself.

He broke into the DOE's

classified systems.

And downloaded
the nation's entire

classified nuke
truck routes.

But specifically targeted
the one near us,

even though we know, obviously,

there are more vulnerable routes
in the Texas panhandle.

Which they'd do if Dallas
or L.A. was their target.

More evidence we are.
The question is,

where and when
are they gonna strike?

Might help if we can figure out
why the radioactive trail

suddenly disappeared.

(computer beeps)

Maybe they went underground.


The old Rivergate.

If we're dealing with
a local t*rror1st group,

they'd know all about it.

City had the idea to
bring the interstate

through the Quarter
years ago,

but the residents
were having none of it.

LASALLE: Yep, so they decided
to go underground, instead.

Pumped out the groundwater,

buttressed walls, hoping to
build a six-lane tunnel.

But the streets above buckled,

preservationists complained,
so they abandoned it.

When the casino got built, they
turned it into a parking lot.

Which would make it the perfect
place to hide nuke waste

from monitors.
All right. Good job.


We have, uh, cleared the lot,

sealed off both entrances
just to be safe.

All right, good.
- This way.


My personal w*apon.

Just in case you need to
make a citizen's arrest.

Thanks, Carl.

(Geiger counter
beeping steadily)

That thing better work.

I don't want to stumble
across something

and start glowing
in the dark.

Yeah, but on the plus side,
you know,

maybe we'll all get
super powers.

That's not funny.

GREGORIO: Anything?

SEBASTIAN: Uh-- that's like
the fifth time

you've asked me, all right?
You're driving me nuts!

- Hey.

Up ahead.

What's that?

(Geiger counter continues
beeping steadily)

Low levels of radiation.

Well within the safe zone.
We're good.

The bad guys were definitely
here, though.

No doubt about that.

Making the dirty b*mb?

Looks like it.

Ten bucks says that's
potassium nitrate.

Sulfur, too.

The detonator?

Most likely.

So, what, they're done?

Dirty b*mb, detonator?
What are we supposed to do?

Kiss our asses good-bye?

(indistinct chatter)

Everybody listen up!

Sorry, no time for pleasantries
or protocol.

Folks, we all need to work
together fast.

Who the hell are you?

Special Agent Dwayne Pride,

Yeah, he's the boss
around here.

Not anymore, he's not.

Leave now or I'll report you.

Go ahead.

You in charge?

DHS, Agent Lamont.

All right, Agent Lamont,

I can download you on the
specifics, but I'm telling you,

it's not !sis,

it's not Dallas or L.A.

It's homegrown,
it's New Orleans,

and it's imminent,
otherwise I wouldn't be here

risking my career.

Oh, don't worry,

Sebastian said the radiation
levels probably aren't lethal.

What is this?

Proof that we know
what we're doing.

Which means,
the only question is,

do you want to believe
your chatter,

or you want to
believe us?

I'm listening.

Let's go.

My team is inputting
what we found

so you're up to speed,
but we need you

just as much
as you need us

if we're going to stop

the real t*rrorists.

Who's coordinating
the helos?

I am.

Redirect them
and their monitors

back to New Orleans, stat.

- Yeah.

work with DHS profilers.

We need to find out
who we're up against.

On it.


Tap into Homeland

and FBI databanks,
get more on Deleon.

We need to know who
he was working with.

I'll get you access.

Come on.

My forensic agent is breaking
down the detonator materials.

Might make it easier
for us to figure out where

and when they're gonna
set off the b*mb.

Can you and your team

start working likely
local scenarios

so that we can narrow
the attack down?

Yeah. Jackson, Pierce, with me.
Excuse me.

Good to see you back
in the saddle again, King.

I gotta say...
I missed it.

MAN (on radio):
This is CGIS helo Niner.

SARSAT and SAR CM active.

Radiation negative. Over.

Copy that, Niner.

Continue search pattern
and advise. Over.

Roger, base. Copy that.

(blade rings, man grunts)

Get the b*mb.
Keep it dry.

We got something. Sonja's
still deep diving Deleon,

but we got a hit from
the Treasury Department.

Turns out our little trust fund
baby, Deleon, has been secretly

laundering money to a group
called Endnukes.

More than just the funding.
According to DoD's

Biometric ID System,

he's been linked to an attack

at the White Sands nuclear site.

Same place
the leader of the group,

Armand Pritchett, was arrested.

FBI lists Endnukes
as a radicalized

domestic t*rror1st group.

With the stated goal
of doing whatever it takes

to get rid of the nukes.

Including sacrificing a city

to prove how dangerous they are.

Not just any city,
our city.

Hey, guys,
so talk about karma.

Do you remember that
cherry b*mb incident

that I told you about
back when I was a kid?

- Sebastian!

Okay, he thinks

they're gonna use
the fireworks

to detonate the b*mb,

SEBASTIAN: Well, except
I don't think, I know.

The powder and materials
that we found in the tunnel

are the exact elements needed
to launch fireworks.

Well, it makes sense.
Exploding the radioactive cloud

high in the sky
gets maximum dispersion.

Are there fireworks tonight?

Yeah, the Tricentennial kickoff
on the river.

Less than an hour from now.

I'll call the FBI, SWAT...
No, you can't.

Any show of force might
make them detonate the b*mb

before we even have
a chance to stop them.

He's right.

So what do you have
in mind?

(fireworks exploding,
lively jazz music playing)

Excuse me, sir.

Federal agents.

Sorry to do this
to you, Captain,

but do you see that

fireworks barge out there?

Yes, sir.
- I need you to get us

as close to it
as you can ASAP,

or we're all dead.

- Yes, sir.

(fireworks exploding, whistling)

If Sebastian's right,
they'll wait

till the big finale
to detonate.

They'll maximize the spread,
the wind will take

the radioactive cloud
right over the Quarter.

Get us as close
as you can.

We'll let the current
do the rest.

It's a long shot, King.

Still, the fireworks won't
last that much longer.

After we leave,
take this boat

and get as far away from here
as fast as you can.

Let's get wet.

(crowd cheering)

(whistling, exploding)



(g*nf*re continues)

NCIS. Hands up!

(g*nf*re, b*ll*ts ricocheting)

Cover me.

(g*nf*re continues)



I never really liked
fireworks anyway.


(whistling, exploding)


MAN: That's a local
New Orleans office...

(indistinct chatter)

Welcome back, boss.

Yeah. Thank you, Roy.

Just hope I'm ready
to be back.

There's only one way
to find out.


Oh. Full of surprises,
aren't you, Dwayne?

How's that?
- I didn't expect you

to actually sign
the paper.

Promise HQ
you'd toe the line,

follow orders.
- Yeah, well,

the bar's almost done,
about to reopen.

I guess I was worried
I'd get a little bored.

(chuckles) You and I both know
that that's a crock.

You miss the action.

You miss being part
of something bigger.

Nothing you can do
about it.

You're hard-wired
for it, you know?

I saw that when we met.

Maybe you do know me.

Oh, I know you, all right.

I know that just 'cause
you told HQ

what they wanted to hear
doesn't change a thing.

Doesn't change whatever
rocked you

when you took down Hamilton,

and it doesn't change the fact

that it'll bite you
in the ass again

if you don't
figure it out.

No, it's just a matter of time.

Don't get too comfortable.

Hey, what up?

Hey, Perc, thanks
for coming, baby.

Yeah, sure.

Just why, though?

I mean, the case
is closed.

There's nothing more
for us to do.

Is there?
- Isn't there?

Uh, I don't know.
You tell me.

I mean, look at this place.

It's perfect.
Perfect for what?

To rent, to live in.
I mean, yeah,

there are a couple of
b*llet holes in the walls

and some blood on the carpet,
but we'll call a priest in,

he'll exorcise the place.

Plus, the landlord said

he's willing to re-patch and
paint and change the carpet.

Are you out of your mind,


I mean, aside
from the fact that

a man was actually
k*lled here...

Oh, stop. By us.
Not the point. Besides,

you can't begin to think you can
afford a place like this.

No, you're right, I can't.

But we can.

- We?
- Don't talk. Listen for a second.

The landlord's willing
to lower the rent.

Because, as you said, who else
is gonna rent a place like this

where a guy was
just shot to death?

He's desperate.
- Yeah, but...

Secondly, there are
two bedrooms.

Okay, so if you and I
split the rent,

it'll still be cheaper
than that crappy place

you're paying for now.

You starting to feel it?

You starting to see it?

Come on, it'll be
so much fun.

Forget Lasalle, we'll take
this place by storm.

We'll be like
Laverne and Shirley.

I mean...


Come on.


- Yes.

But who's Laverne and Shirley?

Maybe it's not
gonna work, actually.

Thanks for being here.
Appreciate you.

All right, ladies, the bar's
not quite finished yet,

but it's close enough,
all right?

So enjoy yourselves.
Thank you so much.

All right.

If you think I'm gonna
waive the cover charge

for you, Mayor Taylor,
forget it.

Nope, that's all right.
Like I said,

I don't want anybody
playing favorites.

Just feeds the corruption.

Oh, don't mind him

and don't believe him, either.

There's no cover charge.

Just trying to start off
on the right foot.

You already have.

Not a lot of people will
ever know what you did,

but I do,
and I'm grateful.

Well, I'm glad
things worked out.

- Okay, enough chatting.

It's time to party.


All right, hey,
hurry up, get inside

before the fire department
shuts us down.

Who else is out here?

- Hey.
- You Dwayne Pride?

- Yes, I am.
- Ooh...

Bastard. You cost us
the shipyard!

You cost us jobs!

Come on. Come on,
man, let's go.


♪ I don't smoke,
I don't sh**t smack ♪

♪ But I got this spicy monkey
ridin' on my back ♪

♪ Don't eat beignets,
too much sugar and dough ♪

♪ But I, I will play for gumbo

♪ You know

♪ I will play for gumbo

♪ It started in my grandma's
in her kitchen by the sea ♪

♪ Where she said
hey, little Jim ♪

♪ You know
the first one's free ♪

♪ Hit me like a brick

♪ Or some Taekwondo

♪ But I will play for gumbo

♪ You know,
a piece of French bread ♪

♪ With which to wipe my bowl... ♪
Hey, King.

Everything all right?

Oh, yeah. Sure.
Just caught a...

caught an elbow.

Everybody's excited
to see Jimmy.

All right. We're jammin'.

♪ I'm not talking quesadillas

♪ Or a dozen Krispy Kreme

♪ Mound of caviar,
hey, that's a rich man's dream ♪

♪ No banana split
or filet of pompano ♪

♪ No, I will play for gumbo

♪ You know

♪ Hey, Jeaux's is fine.

All right!
Give it up for Jimmy Buffett!

Welcome back Pride
and the TruTone!