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02x08 - Diamonds Are a Gal's Best Frien

Posted: 07/14/21 18:53
by bunniefuu

It's not often a case takes us
north of Lawrence Avenue.

Well, one Bert Sommers
who owns a homestead

says he needs our help.
Said his horse is missing.

- His horse?
- That's what he said.

You sure it wasn't a cow?



Excuse us!

Don't you just love the country?

You city folks
and your fancy umbrellas.

Well... Best be prepared, I suppose.

Rain came down quick today!

So tell us about this horse.

Oh... Plain old horse,

but a farm don't run without one.

I guess Mr. Drake don't see it
that way,

him sending two secretaries

instead of attending
to the matter himself.

Can you give us
a description of the horse?

She's dapple Grey with a white mane.

Handsome creature.

When did she go missing?

This morning, when I called
Camille in for breakfast.

- Camille's your horse?
- No.

- Camille's my daughter.
- Your daughter?

She was working in the garden.
The horse was grazing nearby.

Well, maybe Camille knows
where your horse is.

She won't be no help. She's gone too.

Your daughter's missing?

Didn't I tell you that when I called?

Well, seeing as your horse is missing

and your... your daughter is missing,

perhaps they're missing together.

Where would she go?

I have no idea.

She's such an innocent thing,

Hardly ever leaves the place.

Except to sell these here.

Yeah, it was Camille's idea

to grow herbs and fancy vegetables.

She thought there would be
a market for them in the city

and we needed the money.

She sells them to restaurants.

So... Did she go into the city today?

No. Tuesdays and Fridays
are her delivery days.

She takes the horse and cart
and off she goes.

So she was in Toronto yesterday.


Does she know anyone there?

I don't know.
Never go near the place myself.

Do you mind if I take a look around?

Suit yourself.

Do you think she might have
some friends down there?

None I know of.

Can we get her delivery route?

If you think it will be help.

Anything can at this point.

It's just not like her

to take the horse without telling me.

Seems like he cares about
that horse over his daughter.

I'm sure he cares.
He just doesn't show it.

- Look at this.
- Oh!

Looks like she's not as innocent
as her father thinks.

I wander what else she is hiding.

Maybe more than a bottle of hooch

and a racy novel.


There's fresh footprints.

It rained heavy overnight.

So they're likely from this morning.

That's not from Mr. Sommer's boot.


It looks like a dress shoe.

Seems Camille had a visitor.



It's Turkish.

- Someone with exotic taste.
- Hmm.

Maybe Camille was having a fling

and didn't want her father
to find out about it.

She and said fling
took off on Daddy's horse.

Can't blame her for running away

from a struggling farm.

Take a look at this.

Seems like Camille was in a hurry.

Did she run away with someone...

Or was she running away from someone?



Last stop on Camille's route.

Hopefully they have
something more useful

than compliments
about her vegetable garden.

My ma has a vegetable garden.

She takes a lot of pride in it.

That's right! Doesn't she make
a mean rhubarb pie?

Oh, I remember that pie!

- And now, I'm hungry.
- Me too!


Officer Shaw,
keeping the city streets safe.

There you are. I won't be long,

I'm just finishing this report.

We're gonna have to make
a little detour

on our way to lunch.
Gotta visit a crime scene.

A crime scene? Are you collecting

forensic evidence? Can I help?

Nothing to collect
except for the coroner's hat

that he left behind.
He asked me to pick it up.

Too bad. Well, at least
we'll get to go for a walk.

Interview everyone!

Anything else is out of the ordinary,

I want to know about it,
however small.

- Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.

Thank you.

That Officer Greyson...

What about him?

You know, he's pretty handsome
when you see him up close.

In a detective sort of way.

How about an introduction, Mary?

He's very busy
and this isn't a good time.

Let's go.

- Flo!
- Hmm!

Camille brings the vegetables.
I pay her. Why you asking?

She's missing.

Ain't that a jam.

- Anything else you can tell us?
- What's there to tell?

She's a country girl,

straw hat, the whole shebang.

Blinded by the lights
of the city maybe.

Is there anyone
that she ever talked about?

Maybe someone who knows her?

You could try Hank at the stable.

She took her horse there
when he was lamed.

She'd talk about him sometimes.

She'd get all tongue tied
when she did.

- Where's the stable?
- Down on Cherry.

- This side of the tracks.
- Thanks.

Stable's a good place
to hide a missing horse.

Maybe Hank has an exotic taste
for cigarettes.

You're thinking
that Camille wasn't abducted?

Let's find out.


Haven't seen her in a week or two.

Which is it? One week or two?

Well, I guess
it's more like two weeks.

- I'll look around.
- Hey, where are you going?

- Mind if I take a look inside?
- You can't go in there!

Why is that?
You're trying to hide something?

- Or rather someone...
- I said stay out!

- Hey!

Slow down, farm girl!

Get off of me! Who are you?

Frankie Drake and Trudy Clarke.

We're private detectives.

What do you mean? Who hired you?

Your father.

If you and Hank
were trying to run away,

you sure were doing a poor job.

Oh no! You got it all wrong.

Hank here was just trying to help me.

I'm sorry, Camille.
I tried to stop them.

It's okay, Hank.
You did your best for me.

So why would you run away
from the farm

- in such a hurry?
- Because a man came

into the garden this morning
and tried to k*ll me!

- How do you know?
- He had a knife.

I jumped on my horse
and got out of there!

I tore my dress.

Why would this man want to hurt you?

I don't know.

But I saw him yesterday on my route.


So tell us what happened, Camille.

Well... I was standing right here...

I had just loaded my basket

with vegetables and herbs
for the restaurant.

When I turned to go...

this man nearly bowled me over.

All the vegetables
went flying everywhere.

He didn't stop to help me.
He just kept going.

- He looked desperate.
- Where did he go?

Just there. He looked back... in his car and sped off.

Did you get a good look at him?

- Hmm-mmm!
- Anyone else around?

- No.
- Did you see

- or hear anything else?
- Nothing.

He must think you saw
something incriminating,

otherwise he wouldn't have
followed you to the farm.

Well, if I did, I...
I don't know what it is.

So he ran past you here...

which means he must
have come from there...

What are you girls doing here?

Picking up the coroner's hat.
He left it at a crime scene.

- What crime scene?
- There was a m*rder.

In the Queen's Hotel.
What are you doing here?

Not sure yet.
Tell us more about this m*rder.

A hotel guest was stabbed
to death in their room.

Right there. Unpleasant way
to end a vacation.

- When was that?
- Yesterday afternoon.

This may explain things.

What's going on, Frankie?

I think this woman
may have seen the k*ller.

Oh no! I didn't see
anyone m*rder anyone.

But the k*ller probably thinks

that you saw him in that window.

That's why he came looking for you.

I don't understand.
How did he find me?

You're not that hard
to track you down.

The farm's name and address is
written on the back of the cart.

Oh no...

Can you describe him?

He was fair, quite tall,

he had a hat... and a cane.

Anything else?

Just the car. It was red.

Red? Well, that's unusual.
Did you get the license plate?

Only the first two numbers.

. I remembered because
that's my birthday. July th.

Mary, can you look
into the license plate?

I can try.

Flo, we're gonna need to
take a look at that body.

No problem. He's not going anywhere.

What about me?

We'll let your father know
that you're safe,

but you can't go back to the farm.

The k*ller's still after you.

- Is my father in danger?
- No,

but the k*ller's after you.

We gotta to get you somewhere safe.

- Where are you taking me?
- Get in!

What are we doing
in a place like this?

So this is her?

- Who are you?
- Camille Sommers,

meet Nora Amory. My mother.

Despite opinion to the contrary,

I don't bite.

She'll take care of you,

- I promise.
- You sure?

Nora's one tough broad.
You'll see soon enough.

When you said
she was fresh off the farm,

I didn't expect the whole
country mouse routine.

She's terrified!

Just make her comfortable,
if you can manage that.

Well, you know me.
My middle name's comfort.

That's not very reassuring.

Well, then why did you bring her here?

No one's gonna expect her to be

in a swanky place like this.

- What?
- She's hardly incognito!

I mean, she stands out
like a sore thumb.

Just go easy on her.

Me? I'm always easy.

The straw hat and the drab dress
have got to go.

What do you mean,
the funeral director is

on his way to pick up the body?
You tell him to hold his horses.

Dr. Thompson hasn't signed
the release form yet.

Oh. You already have it.

Well, it's not the first time
he's kept me out of the loop.

But you know what?
I won't send a respectable man

halfway across the city in the buff.

Can you... can you buy me a half hour?

Okay, hon. Thank you.

Thank you! I appreciate it.

- Hey, Flo.
- There you are.

You got here just in time.

Our friend was almost whisked away

to his final resting place.

What can you tell us about him?

Archibald Carnegie was an American

visiting from Chicago.

Stabbed to death
by an unknown assailant

in his first floor room
at the Queen's Hotel.

The wound was a clean thrust
with a sharp blade,

likely a dagger.

- Oh!
- Those are his belongings.


It's one nice suit!

This wasn't cheap either.

Mr. Carnegie wasn't short of money.

Makes sense.
He was an investment banker.

That explains the nice threads.

He was identified
by the hotel's desk clerk.

Said he wasn't shy
about flashing around his cash.

Looks like he wanted to keep
some things he keeps private.

What's that?

Looks like a key

to a locker from the train station.

Number .

Maybe Union Station.

Why would you hide a key
in the heel of your shoe?

Only one way to find out.

You ladies get out.
I have to dress Mr. C.

He needs some privacy.

I don't know about this.

How come I need to change my clothes?

You need to look like you
belong in the city, honey.

Who's going to see me?

A gal's got to be
prepared for anything.

I mean, who knows, you may have
to make a run for it.

A dress is only as good
as the girl who's wearing it,

so stand up straight.
We're not milking cows here.

See? Now, you're gonna try
and put a little sass

in your walk. Watch, like this.

You try and throw some hip into it.

Okay, well, that needs some practice.

Here! See what magic
you can do with that.

There. See?

You'll pass.

Oh my!

If Hank could see me now.

- Is Hank your sweetheart?
- You could say that.

Do all city girls look like this?

The secret is making
your own kind of glamour.

You believe in yourself
and the world's gonna buy

the whole kit and caboodle.

Frankie sure is lucky

to have her mother like you
around to teach her.

Yeah, well, Frankie more
or less taught herself.


Mrs. Amory? It's the hotel manager.



I know you're in there.

Mrs. Amory! We have to talk
about your last cheque.

I regret to inform you it bounced.


This matter must be resolved
with some urgency, madam.

To that end, rest assured that...

I will be back.

Are we going to get kicked out?

Of course not. I'm just
a little late paying my bill.

- How late is late?
- I don't know, six months.

- Give or take.
- Isn't that really late? Is it?

Yeah, well... Maybe I'm running out

of wiggle room here.

Anyway, that's no concern of yours.

How come you live in a hotel anyway?

Oh! That, my dear,
is an interesting story.

A lot of it, trade secrets. But...

Nora Amory has lived many lives.

Nora Amory. You could be a character

in a Judith Dawes book.

Doesn't she write
those racy romance novels?

My father only has the Bible
to read at the farm,

but I like to buy them
when I'm in the city

and read them in secret.

I love romance and adventure.

Yeah, nothing wrong with that.

So why do you live in a hotel?

Alright, honey, saddle up.

I've got tales to tell.
Can you be discreet?




Trudy, you have to hear this.

"He took her in his muscular arms.

"Her heart pounded against the warmth

"of his mighty chest.

""The city of love", she whispered.

"The lights on the Eiffel tower
glistened in the night air

"as he brought her quivering lips

to meet his."


Camille sure likes to dream.

Well, a gal's dream
deserves better prose.

Do the lights of the Eiffel tower

- really glisten?
- Not when I was there.

But there was a w*r
going on at the time.


Let's see what was in locker .

Not the quality of suit he was wearing

- when he was k*lled.
- Nope.

Strange. This is the wardrobe
of a completely different man.

Archibald Carnegie
wasn't an investment banker.

He was a claims investigator
for Primary.

Primary? That's only the largest
insurance company in America.

One hundred thousand dollars...

Not exactly pocket change.

A bearer bond is equivalent to cash

and completely untraceable.

Right. To be used for money laundering

- and other shady deals.
- Exactly.

But what is an insurance investigator

doing with $ in his suitcase?

Maybe the $ is
the reason that he was k*lled.

Oh! It's a newspaper article.

- How's your German?
- Hmm. A bit rusty.

It's a news report
about a stolen diamond

that surfaced in Vienna recently.

The police moved in, arrested a fence,

but the seller got away
with the diamond

and is still at large.



This must be the diamond
they're talking about.

Carnegie was the investigator.

What was he doing in Toronto?

Maybe he followed the thief here.

I guess he's a good investigator.


There's... there's something
hinky about this bond.

It feels... thin.

Trudy, can you look into it?

I'm going to see what I can
find out about this diamond.

Oh, I wasn't going to let him
get away with it that easily,

so I followed him
until he stopped at a light.

I edged in close enough
to slip my hand

into his pocket like so
and relieved him of his wallet.

- And he never felt a thing!
- How did you do it?

The key is to move fast
and slow at the same time.

You sure do know a lot
about a lot of things.

A gal's gotta go what a gal's gotta do

to get ahead in this world.

(KNOCKING) He didn't waste any time.

- Nora, open up. It's me
- Oh! Just Frankie.

No need for her to know about
my little money problem. Hmm?

Use the code knock!

- Any news?
- Not yet.


I see Nora's worked her magic on you.

It's so I'm incognito

in case we need to make
a quick getaway.

Your mother thinks of everything.

- Doesn't she just.
- I'll take the compliment.

I need to pick your brain
about jewels,

- diamonds to be precise.
- Yeah, sure.

What do you wanna know?

It's her! I don't believe it.


Oh, Frankie, come on!
You don't know the Antoinette?

I mean, who the heck raised you?

Don't answer that.

Oh, this rock is legendary.

Out of this world!

The original stone was found in India,

then cut by Cartier,
along with a sister diamond,

the Carolina. Yeah, well,
the Carolina is now owned

by some private collector
down in the States,

but the Antoinette...
Oh, that's the finer of the two.

- Recently stolen.
- Yeah, from Paris,

some months ago.

A pretty audacious theft
is what I heard.

So, why the sudden interest?

The Antoinette might be the reason

that Camille is in danger.

What? You're kidding! How?

It may have surfaced.

Oh! And I suppose
you would like me to contact

a certain gentleman I know and
make some discreet inquiries?

- Well, since you're offering...
- I wasn't, but I will.

And you're welcome.

Go easy.


Stay on your toes.

Do you and Frankie work together?



Placing a call to New York City.

Yeah. .

You make a great team.
What else do you get up to?

Yeah, we don't really spend
much time together.

- That's a shame.
- Yeah, just the way it is.


Hello, Lenny? Yeah, it's me, darling.

Oh, I know, I know,
it's been ages, but here I am.

Well, of course I want your help.

Why else would I be calling?

Constable Ripley!

Please tell me you've got something.

I checked the hotel room again, sir.

And no one saw anyone come or go
from Mr. Carnegie's room.

That's terrific.
So even if we had a lead

on Carnegie's k*ller, which we don't,

we'd still have nothing to prove it.

No fingerprints, no m*rder w*apon.

I'm sorry.

Just... get back to work.

- I met with Freddy the Forger.
- And?

The bond is the best he's seen.

- But it is a forgery.
- Yep.

And you were right
about the weight of the paper.

Freddy was impressed
you figured that out.

So an insurance investigator
is in Toronto

with a forged bearer bond...

Disguised as a wealthy banker. Why?

- He was buying the diamond.
- He was setting up the thief.

So they set up a meeting
at the Queen's Hotel...

But it doesn't go right and the thief

figures out Carnegie's ruse
and kills him.

And then he runs out the back door...

Running into Camille.

He thinks that she's seen
more than she has,

so he decides
to take care of her as well.


It's one dangerous character.

Well, there's a black cloud
hanging over the station today.

They have nothing
on Carnegie's k*ller.

Detective Greyson
is in a real funk about it.

- What about the car?
- I'm not sure.

I have found a red sedan
with a on the plate.

- Good work, Mary.
- Well...

It's registered to a widow
who lives here in Toronto.

A Mrs. Edith Burns-Higgins.

Doesn't sound much
like a k*ller to me.

We need a picture of that car.

Maybe Mrs. Burns-Higgins has a driver

with a murderous sideline.

This is a gin Rickey cocktail.

Favorite of Scott Fitzgerald.

Speaking of which,

you might want to expand
your reading beyond Miss Dawes.

But I love her stories.

Yeah, sure you do,

but broadening your horizons
isn't a bad thing.

I'm beginning to figure that out.

You think Hank will still like a girl

who stepped out of the nest?

Well, as long
as she's stepping out with him,

I don't see why not.

Hmmm! Not your first kick
at the gin can, I see.


Mrs. Amory! We need to talk
and I'm not leaving this time.


I think it might be time
to face the music.


Let me handle this.

Don't come any closer.

But I must speak to Mrs. Amory.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

She has a highly contagious case
of... the measles.

- Who are you?
- I'm her niece.

Mrs. Amory has a family?

Estranged from her sister, sadly.

I've defied my mother's wishes
by helping to nurse

my poor aunt back to health.

I hope to heal the rift between
the two with my sacrifice.

That may be so,

but I can't have people
with contagious diseases

in my hotel. She'll have
to leave immediately.

Sir, I'm aware of my aunt's
financial predicament.

And I can assure you
that once Mrs. Amory's illness

resolves itself one way or the other,

if you catch my meaning,

my family will pay any debts.

And of course there will be
a little something extra

- for your patience.
- What guarantee do I have?

Is my word not enough?

I'd prefer to hear from your mother.

It's not possible.

Currently, she's taking
the waters in Baden Baden.

Clearly I should speak
to your superior.

- Where is he?
- Uh...

I'm sure that in this one instance,

- perhaps I can make an exception.
- Excellent.

Then I thank you to leave us in peace.

No need...

- How was that?
- Bravo!

Measles! Brilliant.

Family rift, inspired.

But Baden Baden takes the biscuit!

- Where'd you dig that up?
- From one of those

Miss Dawes stories you think
I shouldn't read anymore.

I take it all back.
Miss Dawes is a genius!

To romance and adventure!

Well, adventure does have its price.

What do you mean?

You kept the manager at bay for now,

but you gotta be realistic.

Sometimes you gotta know
when the jig is up.

But you're Nora Amory.

You can reinvent yourself
someplace else.

What's keeping you here?


It's Frankie, isn't it?

Yeah. Well, might have been.

You know, uh...

Things just didn't work out between us

- the way that I'd hoped..
- Can't you fix things?

Too late for that.

No happy ending to this story.

Sorry, kiddo. (KNOCKING)

Speak of the devil.

- Do you want to get that?
- Sure.


Well, if it isn't
the intrepid detective.

- Did you find out anything?
- I made a couple of calls.

So after the k*ller
was almost caught in Vienna,

he took off, but he's not given up.

So he's still looking
to unload the rock.

Oh, he sure is and word is
after that close call,

- he's desperate to sell.
- Well, we might have a suspect.

Camille, look at this.

Looks like the car
I saw the k*ller get into.

- Is this the guy?
- Not him.

- So we have the wrong car.
- This man!

He's the one I saw.

Well, it looks
like you found the k*ller.

So who is he?

And how do we catch him?

According to Camille,

this is definitely
the man that she saw.

He's sure a dapper dresser.

A real gentleman jewel thief.

Dapper or not,
Camille can put him at hotel

at the time of the m*rder.

It's still not enough to nail him

and certainly not enough
to make Greyson happy.

- So what do we do?
- According to Nora's sources,

our guy's desperate
to unload the diamond.

So if he's looking for a buyer...

We give him a buyer.

I like where this is going.
So how do we get to him?

Well, our mark was close enough

to Mrs. Burns-Higgins
to borrow her car.

And I may have a way
into that household.


Hi. I'm Trudy Clarke.
Thanks for coming.

- Please have a seat.
- I don't have much time.

I'm supposed to be out
shopping for the house.

What's this about?
How do you know Shirley?

I've known Shirley for ages.
She's my hairdresser.

Shirley does the best
Marcel wave in town.


Listen, I'm a private detective

and I need some information
about this man.

I believe he knows your employer,

- Mrs. Burns-Higgins.
- I can't help you.

I can't afford to lose my job.

Shirley told me about
your mother getting sick.

- I'm not taking your money.
- Take it.

I know you don't earn a lot
and every bit helps.

Are you sure nobody will find out?

Anything you tell me is confidential.

Shirley said you were straightforward.

He's a guest at the house.

His name's Count Johann.

How does he know Mrs. Burns-Higgins?

They met on a European river cruise

a month ago.
She invited him to Toronto.

- Where's he from?
- Supposedly Vienna,

but I think he travels a lot.

- Speaks a couple of languages.
- He's a worldly man.

- Does he smoke?
- Yes.

Some foreign cigarettes
that smell funny.

Listen, I need to go.

Mrs. Burns-Higgins
is throwing a garden party

in honour of the Count
and the house is in a tizzy.

- When's the party?
- Tomorrow afternoon.

- So, can you do it or not?
- Tomorrow afternoon!

You're not giving me enough time.

Come on, Nora.
You're the perfect candidate.

Cut the sweet talk.

- I'm no performing monkey.
- Fine.

- I'll get someone else to do it.
- Hold on!

What's the role? Um...
Another brothel owner perhaps?

No, it's something
much more difficult.

You'd have to pretend to be my mother.

Hold on. You and me?
Mother and daughter?

Like I said, I'll get someone else.

No, no. I'll do it.
It'll be my perfect swan song.

Swan song? What, are you
leaving town or something?

- Something.
- You care to elaborate?

No. So what's the first step
in your grand plan?

We need to set the bait.
Maybe Lipstick could help.

I'll fire up the old typewriter.

What did you have in mind? (CLICKING)

"About town, look for Eudora Nelson,

"wife of dashing millionaire
Oscar Nelson,

and her beautiful daughter,

- Cleopatra?
- What's wrong with that?

- Too flowery.
- What?

- What about Olivia?
- Everybody's a critic.


"Word is they look more like sisters

than mother and daughter,
but that's another story."

Got a uniform, courtesy of Mavis.

- For you.
- Oh! It's perfect.

- What are you going to wear?
- What do you think?

It's beautiful.


"Fellow New Yorkers call Mrs. Nelson

"The Diamond Queen
for her insatiable appetite

"for the glittering gemstones.

"Rumour has it Mrs. Nelson
had her heart set

"on buying the fabled Antoinette rock

and was heartbroken
when it was stolen in Paris."

Good morning, Count!

Perfect weather for a party, isn't it?


Quite perfect.

We leave for the garden party
in five minutes.

Mavis is gonna let us in.

You all know your parts.
There can be no mistakes.

Our mark is no amateur.

He k*lled the last person
who tried to best him.

- Everybody ready?
- Ready.

Stay in the suite
with the door locked.

Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.

And don't drink all my gin.



- Ginger ale or iced tea?
- Oh!

I've never been to Vienna.
I'm not very good in boats.

But of course, with all those canals,

how else does one get around?

Oh, you probably have
your own private gondola.

Madam, you're confusing
your European cities.

Oh, you must meet Olivia.

She was there last season.
Simply enchanted with the place!

She will be thrilled. Oh-oh!

Heads up. Here they come.


Wouhou! Olivia darling,
look what I've found.

A genuine Austrian count!

Count Johann, meet Olivia
and her mother Eudora.


Do we have to call you Count

or is there something less formal?

- Please, call me Johann.
- Charmed, I'm sure.

Oh, Eudora!

Didn't I read about you
just this very morning?

Oh, not that drivel
in the paper, please.

When will those reporters
stop saddling me

with that silly moniker.
Diamond Queen...

For Heaven's sake,
it sounds like a paddle wheeler

on the Mississippi.
But enough about that.

I'm interested in your title.

How does one become a Count?

That comes with a castle, I assume?

Of course, complete with moat
and drawbridge.


Well, I'm sure you've had
to discuss your pedigree

- with all the guests.
- My pedigree

is endlessly fascinating
in the New World.

Oh! Hello, darling!

Mrs. Nelson! Sorry to interrupt,

but you have a message
from Mr. Nelson.

Oh! What does he want now, Rutherford?

Well, he said
he's cancelled his appointment

with Mr. Rockefeller in Manhattan.

He's taking the early train to Toronto

to spend the evening with you.

When will Oscar get it
through his thick skull

I have no desire
to spend an evening with him?

Not here. Not anywhere.

You book me and Olivia
on the next train to...


- Let's get out of here.
- Yes, Mrs. Nelson.

- Was the accent too much?
- No, the accent was perfect.

Suitably irritating.



You'll have to excuse my mother.

She doesn't do things in halves.

Mr. Nelson has quite upset his wife.

He sure has.

Oscar, husband number three,

was indiscreet
with a Broadway starlet.

And careless enough to get caught.

It's gonna take something
very extravagant and shiny

to win back the Diamond Queen
this time.

- A difficult task.
- Oh, don't feel too sorry

for Oscar. He has oodles of money.

He can afford
whatever her heart desires.

- Handsome couple.
- Hmmm.

Shame he's a m*rder*r.

I think we could show them
a thing or two.

Do you dance?

- I had an excellent teacher

in Paris.

So you dance and are well traveled.

Seems I'm in good company.

Well, my father taught me
education through experience.

Sadly he passed.

But life with your mother
is hardly onerous.

She cares more about diamonds

than her daughter.

How hurtful.

Actually, I find it amusing.

Reel him in, honey.

That's it.

Reel him in.

- Can I tell you a secret?
- Perhaps.

Well, the owner of the Carolina,

Antoinette's sister diamond...

- That's my mother.
- Really?

She would've done anything
to own the pair.

So she was interested
in buying the Antoinette.

Oh, you do read that awful drivel!

Everyone enjoys a little gossip.

She would have done anything
to own it.

Perhaps she still can.

Don't be silly! It's gone forever.

Yes, maybe you're right.

Unless you know
something you shouldn't?

Mrs. Amory! What are you doing here?

God, not that bluenose!

Don't pretend
you don't know me, Mrs. Amory.

Oh, that woman... Oh, my God!

I thought your mother
was called Eudora Nelson.

- She is.
- Then who, may I ask,

is Mrs. Amory?

My mother hates
being called Mrs. Amory.

Abe Amory was her second husband.

That's quite a string of husbands.

Well, she collects them.

Like diamonds.

- Hmmm.

You said the word "diamond".

What brings you here, Mrs. Middleton?

I'm bridge partners
with Mrs. Burns-Higgins.


Who invited you?

Mrs. B-H, of course.

We met at the ROM.

- Charming person.
- Oh, the ROM, I think not.

The woman's allergic to history.
Let's ask her.

- Oh!
- Aaaah!

- Oh...
- Clumsy fool!

- I'm so sorry, madam.
- Let's get you dried off.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

I was actually quite fond
of old Amory.

He the one who bought my mother
the Carolina.

How generous of him.

Then he traded her
in for a newer model.

Still, she landed on her feet,

marrying a millionaire.

Still a sore spot for Oscar.

- Meaning?
- You know,

- male pride and all that.
- No, I don't.

Well, my mother's
most cherished possession

was bought for her by another man.

It just... it doesn't
sit right with him.

Then perhaps it's time for Oscar

to become the better husband.

- What do you mean?
- Oh, Olivia!

There you are.

I have this evening's arrangements.

Mr. Nelson arrives at eight

and your train to Montreal
leaves at ten.

I've arranged a car to take you
to the train station.

- Thank you, Miss Rutherford.
- Oh, and Mrs. Nelson thinks

now is a good time to leave
so you can pack.

- Seems I must go.
- What a shame.

Perhaps I'll see you again sometime.

From the sounds of it,

there might be a small window
this evening.

Is that so?

It could be the perfect time

for Oscar to reunite Carolina
with her sister.

Oh my!

Shall we say : at our suite
in the Crown Ascot?

Perhaps I will see you again
in that case.

Perhaps you will.

- He's not coming.
- I was so sure that I had him.

Looked to me that you did.

- Where did it go wrong?
- I'll tell you where.

It was going like clockwork

until that dreadful
Fiona Middleton barged in.

I couldn't stand that irritating woman

the first time I met her.
Now I'm just ready

to wring her neck. Oh, I need a drink.

- We don't have a fallback.
- There's always a fallback.

We could break into his room
at Mrs. Burns-Higgins' house

- and find the diamond.
- If he's onto to us,

he'll be expecting a move like that.

- Chut!


Thank you.

Right, gals, that was the front desk.

The Count's here and on his way up.

We're on. Places everyone.

- You ready?
- Sure am.


Count Johann!

I believe Miss Olivia
might be expecting me.

Of course. Come in.

You came.

And just in time for cocktails.

Something stronger
than ginger ale, I hope.


Is Oscar joining us?

So you do have the solution
to Oscar's marital predicament.

Only the buyer sees the stone.

Just a peek!

To see if she is who you say she is.

- You will have to take my word.
- Trust you, you mean?


It's getting late. Where is Oscar?

Well, seeing as you're in a hurry...


Oscar, meet Count Johann.

I believe you may have
something to show me.

His friend, the Antoinette.

Oh! Oscar!

You naughty boy! She is just gorgeous.

How much are you asking?

Shall we say...


Well, that seems reasonable.

Camille! What do you think?

That's him! That's the man I saw.

Detective Greyson, Toronto Police.

You are under arrest
for grand larceny and m*rder.


Get off me, you brute!

Don't think I won't do it.

Take one more step
and I will slit her throat.

You're not gonna get away
with this, Johann.

Auf wiedersehen.

- Oh!

Nice shot, Miss Clarke.

Thank you! It's a speciality.

This is likely the m*rder w*apon.

Very likely.

Thanks for playing along.

Well, it is my job.

This should be a tricky one
to explain down at the station.

I'm sure you'll think of something.

Does anyone have any smelling salts?

So, where's the diamond?

If you don't mind, I sure would like

one last look at that beauty.

Check his pockets.

Well, his right pocket.

- It's gone.
- What?

- Where is it?
- Where's Camille?

She took off with the diamond.

Try Hank's!

So the lovebirds have flown the coop.

Did you see that coming,
Camille and the diamond?

Not for a second.

Oh! Seems Mr. Sommers
has lost a daughter

but found his horse.

So it ends here, Frankie.

I wish we could've put the past
behind us,

but maybe we never can
and to tell you the truth,

this mess was probably all my fault,

that's if I'm being honest.

Maybe in our next lifetime, huh?

Still, it's been swell




Yeah, no need to break it down!


I'm coming.

Bags are packed. I got
a train ticket out of town.

Oh! Nice of you to see me off.

Well, I wish you a good trip.

- The hotel is most grateful.
- I'm sure you are.

Not many of our guests pay
a year in advance.

Well, isn't that something.

Yes, well...
I look forward to your return.

"I've bought you a little more time.

Give it another year. Antoinette." Oh!

Oh! Camille, you little minx!

Get me Room Service.

Thanks for bringing her home to me.

Not that I need her now.

I could retire if I wanted to.

Thanks to Camille
and that new husband of hers.


- Look at that!
- Oh my!

Runs like a top!

Debts paid off too.

- Struck lucky, did she?
- Could say that.

Wrote that she met a man,
a Viscount or some such.

- Sounds like a fairy tale.
- It is at that.

She's somewhere in Europe.

I hope she's still going to church.

I'm sure she's counting her blessings,

wherever she is.

Camille loved reading
those Judith Dawes adventures.

And now she's living one on her own.

Here we thought
she was just a farm girl.

Just a farm girl, my ass!

And you owe me for that dress
she took off in!

It was expensive, so dig deep.

Well, she was a quick learner.

You got to give her that much.

Oh, wasn't she just...
And I should've thought

of nicking that stone myself!

A gal's gotta do
what a gal's gotta do.

Even if it means stealing a diamond?

Isn't really stealing
if the diamond's already stolen?

But how did Camille manage
to sell the Antoinette anyways?

Oh! Guess who took off
with my little black book

- full of all my fence contacts.
- Oh!

- That's some nerve!

Well, she learned from the best.

I wonder where she is now.

We got a special delivery.

Real champagne.

From France.

That might answer your question, Nora.


To Camille.

What a gal!

- Here you go.

There you go.

Thank you.

So what happened to you leaving?


I thought this was
your perfect swan song.

Oh, that, yeah!
Um... I've decided to...

give it another year.

A year?

Why not?

Why not?