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04x01 - Scavenger Hunt

Posted: 07/13/21 10:41
by bunniefuu


It should just be up here.

We have to go degrees west.

So here, here!

(TRUDY): You're sure
you're not regretting this?

Spending my last weekend of freedom

- tramping through the woods?
- Mm-hmm.

No. It takes my mind off of Monday.

Flo Chakowitz, you are not
getting the jitters

about starting
that clinical training, are you?

Jitters? What's to be afraid of?

Not a thing. You're gonna be
the best doctor in the place.

- Oh, most likely.

Besides, I wouldn't miss this.
Frankie said

that this is your engagement party.

That's why she brought all that gin.

Tell me again about your proposal.

- Were you surprised?
- Well, Bill doesn't have

one ounce of a poker face.

That is a good quality in a husband.


Oh, hey, did you get my message

- that your mother called you?
- Yeah. I'm just so busy

getting packed up.

She's just gonna invite me
to another tedious dinner

- with her new beau.
- Perhaps she wanted

to make it up to you for last time.

Well, the best way to do that

is to not invite me to any more of them.

- Mary, there it is!
- Where?

- Right there.
- Let me see.

Oh, I see it!

That's very high, Frankie.

Come on.

- Be careful.
- OK.

- Hey!
- We found one! We found one!

- It's up there.

Frankie's climbing up. Careful!

Hey, Frankie, you bringing
your new man to the wedding?

- Well, we'll play it by ear.

- See, I told you

- she wouldn't commit.
- What's so funny?

No joke, Frankie.
Your new man sounds wonderful.

Fast car...

Only the best restaurants in the city...

(FLO): European accent.

European moves! (CHUCKLING)

I don't see the problem.

We just think he sounds
too good to be true.

Got it! Majestic moose.


All right! Three items down,
seven to go!

We could actually win
this scavenger hunt!

Oh, don't get my hopes up.
The prize is outrageous.

How did Frankie get us in this thing?

It was some anonymous gift
from a client.

Is that like the detective's version

- of a secret admirer?
- Hmm!


- Hey, Trudy?
- Yes?

Is there a dead body on that list?




Let's find out everything
we can before Mary gets back

with the police.
You know, we're out of bounds

but this doesn't look like a local.

He's definitely one of the players.
I talked to him at the starting line.

Is he the one who
gave you the fly repellant?

He seemed like a friendly guy.

Someone disagreed.
I counted s*ab wounds.

- Ooh!
- Frenzied. Maybe the k*ller was

- inexperienced or in a rage.
- Either way, it was overkill.

The one in his heart was plenty
good enough to finish him off.

Good place to hide
a m*rder w*apon around here.

How long do you think he's been dead?

Well, he's still warm,
but it's a hot day.

Livor mortis has set in
but there's no rigor

in his face yet. I'd say

expired two to four hours ago.

But that bruise on his face,
that's older.

He didn't have that when I met him.

So it happened during the game.

Oh, the list from the game.
He has four items checked off.

I wonder where they are.

I don't see his bag anywhere here.

(MAN): Hello.

Mr. Spry?

Dave Spry, the gamemaster.

And you're Frankie Drake.

Yes, that's right.
Mary didn't come back with you?

She's attempting to reach the OPP,

but I think it'll take them
at least a day to get here.

What a dismaying turn of events.

I'm so sorry this has marred your game.

- Much worse for that fella.
- This is all

quite beyond my job description.

Miss Shaw told me you
might be willing to handle

the investigation
until the authorities arrive.

- Yes, of course.
- That's a great relief,

- I can't tell you.
- We believe the victim may have

been one of the players.

- Oh, no.
- I'm hoping you can take a look

at the body, maybe identify him?

Oh, dear.

Uh... that's Harold Luddy.

Dr. Harold Luddy.

The game was going so well!

Are you positive it wasn't an accident?

No doubt about it.

Are there other competitors
capable of doing this?

Surely not. It's a friendly competition.

- With a very hefty prize.
- Provided by

the generosity of Campbell Games,

a wholesome family board game company!

Marketing and generosity
are very different.

Will you shut the hunt down in
light of the m*rder, Mr. Spry?

Well, I don't myself have
the authority. I'll have

- to consult with the sponsors.
- You'll want to transport

this body to the nearest morgue
sooner rather than later.

The park ranger's on holiday this week.

Well, we're on a farm; there
must be a wagon somewhere.

Ah. Very good.

Well, I'll make arrangements.

I'm gonna need a list

of all of the players' names
and a map to their campsites.

Perhaps you'd be willing to inform

Dr. Luddy's teammate
of his unfortunate end?

Yes, of course. Good place to start.


You know, wholesome family game or not,

another player could have done this.

A prize of $ would
certainly attract

some unsavoury characters.

His bag and items were missing.

But you can't just k*ll
all the other players

- to win the prize.
- Well, nobody's saying that's

a good strategy. You know,
this is gonna hurt

our chances of winning the hunt.

Can we even morally continue
when someone's been k*lled?

People die every day.

My share of the prize was
gonna be your wedding present.

- Aw, Frankie!
- Well, we haven't won yet.

All the other players are
still collecting items while

we're still looking for this k*ller.

Well, maybe we could do both?

We do need to question
all of the players...

Dr. Luddy won't be
any less dead if we take

a couple of detours along the way.

And the next clue actually
mentions water, which is that.


Well, if you guys run into anybody,

just check their alibis!
I'm gonna go talk

to Dr. Luddy's partner. I'll
meet you guys back at camp.

- OK.
- OK.

What does the thing say?

Hmm, it's gotta be around here.

This is terrible.

Who would want to hurt Harold?
Everyone liked him.

Did Harold have any enemies in the game?

Anyone could be out to get us.
You know he and I won last year.

No, I didn't know that.

Poor Harold.

He really did want to be
a two-time champion.

He loved the hunt.

You won't continue the game without him?

Of course not. How could I?

He had a bruise

on his face, from before he was k*lled.

Do you know how he got that?

- That was Jerry.
- And who's Jerry?

Jerry Vernon.
Jerry came in second last year.

He was pretty sore about it, too.

- They fought?
- They were racing

for the blue jay. Jerry threw an elbow.

Harold got there first anyway.


- Do you mind if I take a look in his tent?
- In fact, I do.

You say he was stabbed?
Shouldn't the police be here?

I'm a detective. The gamemaster
asked me to investigate.

You two weren't hunting
together this morning?

Our strategy was we could
cover more ground separately.

Right. So he went toward
the Western rock outcropping.

- What about you?
- I went east.

He didn't have his belongings.

They should have been in his bag.

Did he have his backpack
when he set out this morning?

(WOMAN): Frankie!

Oh, my darling! Oh!

Here I am. I've been looking
for you everywhere.

- Yeah, well, you've found me.
- Gregory and I are through.

- That's a shame.
- Well, plenty of fish

in the sea! In fact, I've already met

this lovely gentleman. Oh, Mr. um...?

- Uh, Keith. Call me Keith.
- Keith!

Keith rescued me when I got
very turned around

- in this dreadful forest.
- Nora, I'm here

- investigating a m*rder.
- (KEITH): What?

- What, here?
- In the game apparently.

- That's terrible.
- Yeah.

Well, no. My daughter is
the best private detective

in Toronto. So, this case is
in excellent hands!


it's good luck you're here.

I remember you from the starting line

- of the scavenger hunt.
- Yeah.

It's nice that you're dropping
the game just to help my mother.

Oh, no! I hope I didn't interfere

- with your little sport here.
- Hmm!

Life is about the adventure,
not the reward.


- Are you here by your lonesome?
- The bag?

Uh, he had it with him.


- Oh, there it is! I see it.
- I got it. Got it. Got it.

- I'm gonna get it.
- Great job!

- Hey!
- Mark it off.

- Yes!


Hey, get your hands
off of her! Mary, are you OK?

This game has a Code of Conduct, mister.

This is scavenger hunt, little lady.

The code is whoever gets there first...

I was there first. What is your name

- so I can report you?
- It's Jerry.

My advice is be faster next time.

My advice is watch your back!

Yeah, you're gonna see our face again!

Agh! Come on.

- What a bum!
- Jerry!

- Ugh! Jerry.
- What did I

- ever see in Gregory?
- He wasn't that bad.

What? You never liked him.

- How did you even find me?
- This invitation on your desk.

And it was a miracle I even
found it in all that mess.

Honestly, Frankie,

it would not hurt you to file.

Get Trudy do it for you.

Trudy is my partner, not my secretary.

I didn't say she... All I meant was

- she's the organized one.
- It wasn't even that big

- of a mess.
- Anyway, I took this

as a sign. Leave him behind.

Perfect timing for a weekend
out of the city.

And an opportunity to see the daughter

who has been avoiding me.

- I haven't.
- Don't lie to your mother.

You cancelled
our last dinner engagement.

So, do tell: new man?

- I had a case.
- A case.

Of course. A case more important
than your dear mother.

A woman needed to get
her and her daughter away

- from her husband. You tell me.
- All right,

no need to snap. I'm sure the
poor girl was lucky to have you.

Just, you know, as long
as you're not avoiding me.

Of course not. Especially now
that I know you've dumped

that terrible bore.

He was. Oh, God, he was.


Hello, ladies!

- Hello, Nora!
- What a pleasant surprise.

I'll make another plate.
I hope you like beans.

- Oh... Mmm!
- Frankie, we have

- a new suspect.
- Who is it?

- Oh, just an absolute boor.
- With a very square jawline.

- Do you have a name?
- Jerry.

You don't say.

- You've met him?
- No, but I heard

he was sore Harold Luddy
b*at him in the hunt

last year. I'm gonna go
have a chat with him now.

- Good. You can avenge me.
- You OK here?

- Trudy Clarke,

- what is that on your finger?!
- I said "yes."

- Wow!
- Right?

Look at that!

Excuse me! Excuse me!

You're in the scavenger hunt?

Frankie Drake. Who are you?

Wilbur Ellinger. And I'm
informing all the players

that we have a cheater in our midst!

- Go on.
- Harold Luddy,

he sabotaged my game map! Sent me off

on a wild goose chase
that cost me hours!

I don't want him to pull the same
dirty trick on any other players.

I don't think you're gonna
have to worry about that.

Has he already been caught?
Expelled from the game?

He's was m*rder*d.

- I beg your pardon?
- Did you confront him

- about this cheating?
- No, I...

Well, where were you between and ?

I was...

I beg your pardon. I am not the k*ller,

I'm an aggrieved party.


I've been sh*t!

Let me guess... you're Jerry.

You got a wound about an inch deep.

I'm gonna clean it, stitch it,
and apply a bandage.

- Just get on with it, woman!
- Hey!

She is a trained medical professional.

And she'll treat your messed-up leg in
exchange for that bear you took from us.

Hey, I got it first fair and square.

No, you didn't.


Where were you this morning, Jerry?

Are you talking about
old Harold biting the dust?

It obviously wasn't me. The same jackass

just sh*t me! Argh!

Could have been an accident,
a hunter, an accomplice.

Don't be foolish. Whoever did this is
the same one who messed with Harold.

- That makes sense.
- Yeah. And if you ask me,

it was that excitable man, Wilbur!

Everyone's out here for the same
prize. What's so special about Wilbur?

He's some sort of nature lover,

wants to donate the whole
shebang to saving the trees.

Like we don't have enough trees!

Well, I could do with a few less myself.

He was close by when you were sh*t.

And he had a bow and arrow
with him at the start

of the race. That's weird, right?

I said, "How's that gonna
help you win a scavenger hunt?"

And what'd he say?

He said he hoped to barbecue a rabbit.

Let's go visit Wilbur in the morning.

- Mm-hmm.
- Good as new.




- I can see how

I may have given you the wrong
impression, Miss Drake.

You were very angry with Harold Luddy

- the day that he d*ed.
- I was only disappointed.

Treat others the way
you wish to be treated

is a rule I live by.

It disturbs me when others do not.

I can see that your arrows are different

from the ones used to sh**t Jerry.

Oh, thank goodness.

- What's this?
- It's my knapsack?

Strange. It has Harold Luddy's
name written inside the pocket.

OK. What happened was,

I found the bag on the path.

- I... I never saw Harold, I swear.
- Show me where.

- Here.
- Wait a minute.

That's out of bounds, Mr. Ellinger.

Because of what I've been telling you:

Harold sabotaged my map. (STUTTERING)

I accidentally dropped
my game map in the fire.

I was going out to get

a replacement when I ran into Harold.

He was "good enough" to let me copy his.

A kindness or so I thought at the time.

He showed you his official
map and let you copy it?

Yes. By the time I realized
he'd snookered me,

- I'd wasted half a day.
- And then you went after him.


All right, yes.
But I only found his bag.


- What?

- I found it!
- Yes!

- There's a skunk! Skunk!
- Where? AH!

It's behind me!
It's behind me! It's behind me!

No, it's not. There's nothing
behind you. You're fine.

Hey, ladies.

Let me see.


There you are.
I need help reading this map.


Uh, hold on.
This is different from ours.

- Where did you get this?
- Another player who said

that he got it from Harold.

Which means that someone gave
Harold a sabotaged map.

- We need to find out who.
- I should come with you.

OK, let's go.

- Ah! Check this off your list.
- OK!

- Good job!
- That was fun!

- What's next?
- Let's go that way.

- OK.
- Watch your step.

This is fun!


So, Harold didn't give Wilbur
the fake map on purpose.

Because he believed it was real.

But someone gave that map to Harold.

If that someone wanted
Harold to lose the game,

sending him off course should
have been enough. Why k*ll him?

Maybe that was the plan all along.

Maybe they wanted to lure
Harold out of bounds,

so none of the other players
would find him.

- That's dastardly.
- Hmm...

We have to figure out
where this fake map came from.

That's why we're gonna talk to Mr. Spry.


That was the worst night's sleep
I've had

since the week I spent
on Herbert Holt's sailboat!

Well, camping is all about the
art of being at one with nature.

- Sleeping on he ground as you find it.
- Yeah, yeah.

Nothing noble about having

a craggy old root
poking into your ribs all night.

Hardships make pleasures sweeter.

Listen, mister, you don't fool me.

You're a man who appreciates
comfort. Those boots

you're wearing...

- they're custom made.
- Touché.


So what can I do to improve
your experience, Nora?

Well, as a matter of fact,
I was thinking

that while the others are out, you know,

tramping over hell's half-acre
searching for tchotchkes...

- Right.
- I might just stay behind

and kind of, you know,
fix things up here.

Oh! I have

collected these branches.
Now, what I'm thinking

is could they be built into
some kind of sleeping platform?

Oh, yeah. Yes, a simple matter.

You build a frame, you lash
some cross-pieces atop.

I knew you were
just the man for the job!

- Mm-hmm!
- Oh! Here's some rope.

Thank you.

Gosh, I bet you're the kind of fella

that could build a flying machine

out of lollipop sticks.


So, how fares
your daughter's investigation?

Hmm... Oh, you know,

every player is a suspect.

And the motivation for the m*rder
is the prize money, she believes?

What else could it be?

I'm sure I couldn't guess.


- Long walk.

Yeah. It is.

Good thing I'm in tiptop shape.

That's true.

Frankie, can I ask you a question?

Of course.

What do you think
of Trudy marrying Bill?

I think as long
as she's happy, I'm happy.

Right, yes. Obviously, of course.

- What do you think?
- Nothing...

Come on, you can tell me. It's
just between us and the woods.

You know, it's just that
Trudy is so lively and dynamic

- and...
- Bill is kind of the opposite.



I mean, he seems very nice.

Bill is very nice.

But is "nice" enough for Trudy?

I just thought about this right
now, but maybe we're just worried

- that we're gonna miss her.

- You're probably right.


Frankie, I think there might
be another camp near here.

OK. Why don't you go talk to them

- and I'll go talk with Spry.
- OK, I'll catch up with you.

This one is definitely incorrect.

So, how did it get
into Dr. Luddy's hands?

I have no idea.

As you saw at the start of the
game, I gave everyone the maps

supplied by Campbell Games.

Could anyone have made a copy
of the map before the game?

I don't see how.
They were all here in my tent

- while I set up the clues.
- Right, but the tent was

- left unattended, right?
- I suppose that's true.

So, it is possible.

Did Dr. Luddy's partner say
anything about an incorrect map?

He certainly did not. We should ask.

Well, I'm afraid
it's a little late for that.

- Why is that?
- He said that he was leaving the game.

Well, that's strange. He's still playing.


Frankie, I thought you told me

Harold's partner was
broken up about his death.

- Doesn't look very broken up to me.
- You lied.

- You never intended to leave the game.
- No, I did plan to leave.

OK, this looks bad.

To tell you the truth,
I can't afford to quit.

After we won last year, I got

a little careless
and I'm in over my head.

Deep enough that you'd get
rid of your partner to keep

- that prize money for yourself?
- Come on now.

- What do you know about Harold's map?
- His game map?

It was altered so he'd go out of bounds.

- Easy enough for you to do.
- I don't pay attention to maps.

I know these woods
like the back of my hand.

So, why wouldn't you let me
go into the tent yesterday?

Harold had written out
answers to all the clues.

- I didn't want you to see it.
- So, you didn't even need

- Harold to win, you already had his list.
- You're twisting everything!

I... Listen, I'm not a monster, OK?

I hiked out yesterday and called
the Hospital for Sick Children

to have them notify
Harold's next of kin.

That's really all I can do.
It doesn't mean I k*lled him.

Harold worked at
the Hospital for Sick Children?

He's a paediatrician. Why?

I suppose Mildred is
already planning the wedding?

I couldn't stop her if I wanted to.

She wants this more than I do.

- Is that right?
- It's about the marriage,

- not the wedding.
- I won't argue with that.

How does Bill feel about everything?


Was... was that an animal?

- Human, I think.
- The k*ller?


I know what that is.

- Ma'am, are you all right?

Glorious, thank you.

Well, here's a new hole in the fence.

This woman is in labour.

There's been something strange
about this case

from the very beginning.

Starting with my "special
invitation" to join the hunt.

And Nora said that my desk was a mess.

What does that have to do with anything?

I didn't leave my desk in a mess.

I think that someone came in and
ransacked the place after we left.

What would they be looking for?

And what does that have
to do with Harold Luddy?

- You didn't know him.
- No, I didn't,

but we are connected.

A while back, I had
this client, Grace Patrick.

She believed that her
and her daughter weren't safe

with her husband.
The little girl had polio.

Oh, let me guess. Mr. Patrick
didn't take well to her illness.

He was controlling and prone to anger.

When the little girl got sick,
he just got worse.

Is that how Dr. Luddy is connected?

He treated her, saw that she
was being mistreated

and suggested that they seek help

- from their minister.
- Oh, I'm sure

that only made things worse at home.

So, Grace reached out to me.

Now, Martin Patrick is a chef
at this posh restaurant.

One night when he was working late,

I went and picked up
Grace and her daughter.

Was that that trip you took last month?

The one where you wouldn't
tell us where you were going?

They're in a new city now,
with new identities.

- He's never gonna find them.
- So, you're thinking

that Martin Patrick
k*lled Harold Luddy...

because he interfered in his marriage?

I think we've been all wrong
about the motive.

I don't think this is about
winning the scavenger hunt.

I think this is personal.



- Keith?

Oh, Keith, come and see.



- Who's there?

If Martin Patrick knows

that I'm here, there's no way
that it's a coincidence.

Frankie, if this Martin
Patrick k*lled Harold Luddy

because he advised Grace
to get counselling...

Then what I did is much worse.

Do you think he's planning
on coming after you?

I think he already has.

That arrow that hit Jerry!

It wasn't aiming at him;
it was meant for you, wasn't it?

There is one silver lining.

He's k*lled someone now,
which means he'll be put away

for good. I just need to find him.

Where is everyone?

Trudy and Flo should be back by now.

Nora was here.

"If you want your friend,
come and find her."

That's the Park Ranger's office.

Friend? Who does that mean?
They could have anyone!

If Trudy and Flo had been here,

they would have started
the fire. He has Nora!

I, uh...

Hey, I'd hand over my valuables,

but I didn't bring my good
earrings into the woods. Heh!

Silly me, huh?

You know, if your plan is to get rid

of the players and walk off
with the Gs,

I applaud you. But, hey,
you've got the wrong gal!

I was never gonna win
this scavenger hunt.

You know what, I can barely find
the ocean on a map, believe me.

- A doctor in training, you say?
- Mm-hmm.

- That explains everything.
- How so?

I thought I would make it
to my mother's house in time,

but I see now you were meant to find me.

We really ought to get you to a
hospital. Trudy, hitch up a horse.

What horse?

There's a wagon, there must be a horse.

No, my baby can't be born
at the hospital.

Maternity services are much
safer now than they used to be.

Not for this little one.
I had a vision, you see.

The doctor at the hospital
was a malevolent force.

- It was very clear.
- You know what?

My aunt had strange dreams
before all her babies.

- It's nothing to take to heart.
- This wasn't a dream.

I saw it, and afterwards
I confirmed it with the cards.

In any case... (SCREAMING)

(PANTING) It's too late now.


Did her vision tell her that
we're delivering this baby?



But, you know,

if you're not after money,

you know, what are you after, huh?

Maybe I can...

maybe I can help you with that? Just...

Please don't hurt me, huh?

And you know, frankly,
I don't like your chances.

You've already k*lled one guy;

now you got a detective on your
trail, and a lughead like you

ain't never gonna b*at her.




- Nora. Where is he?
- He's in there!

Flo, you've never delivered
a baby before?

- Read the textbook.
- That's something at least.

It will have to do. Now, let me think...

Recognition of the three points
of great practical importance.

- OK.
- One.

- Mm-hmm.
- Presentation and position.

- OK.
- Two. Relation between

foetal head and pelvis size.

- How are you going to...
- Three!

Oh my heart's...
Uh... my heart's... Three!

- Three?
- Presence

- of foetal heart sounds.
- OK.

And I'm up the creek
without my stethoscope.

- Are you sure I shouldn't go get help?
- No, we can do this.

You're gonna hold her
hand and keep her calm.

She seems pretty calm to me.

Just remember:
people have babies every day.

Yes, you're right.

- Mm-hmm.
- And she's in good hands.

I am going to check
on the baby's position.

OK! Haha!

- Baby's on the way. OK.
- Aha, OK!


Oh, my God! Look what I did.

- He got away.
- Oh, Frankie, you should have

- seen me. Hah!
- He left this behind.

Yeah, I knocked it out of his hand
and then I kicked it under the desk

and that's when he decided
he'd better run!

I would have liked a word.

But I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

- Did you get a look at him?
- No, he stayed behind me

- most of the time.
- Did you recognize his voice?

No, it was muffled and he barely spoke!

- What was he wearing?
- Oh!

Something dark.
How'd you find me anyway?

He left this note.
We think he's after Frankie.

Well, you mean this isn't
about the scavenger hunt prize?

I helped his wife escape
from him and now he's after me.

He kidnapped me
because he wants to k*ll you?

That may have been
his second order of business.

- What do you mean?
- He brought Nora

to the one place in the park
with a telephone.

He wants to speak

to his wife. I'm the only one
who knows where she is.

Time to push, Bonnie.

Not until my husband gets here.

- There's a husband?
- Of course.

- My dear Remy.
- He left you

- here alone?
- He went to town

just before the pains started.

I had a moving desire
for hot cross buns.

Push. Oh, no!

I don't tell you how
to read tea leaves, young lady;

- don't tell me my job!
- Remy needs to be here.

Besides, the energy isn't right.

- There's a tension.
- If you push,

- I will relax.
- It's not coming from you.

It's you!

- Let me get a reading.
- No, thank you.

I mean, you've got
a lot of things to do right now.

Yes, I feel it.

You have been ignoring plain truths.

This is giving you a blockage.

- Blockage?
- Between your head

and your heart.
There's a tension that comes

from denying your inner guiding light.

- I think you've been mistaken.
- Ugh! Easy decisions

- come at a price.
- Why can't I have things easy?

- Trudy...
- I can only tell you what I feel.

You choose what to do
with the information.

Well, knowing there's
a problem is half the battle.

Yes, yes, I feel better already.

- There's Remy!

- Thank the Lord!
- Honey, I got the buns.

Go away.


OK, let's meet this baby!

Push. That's good. Nearly there.

- You're a strong, brave woman!
- Take a deep breath.

- Just one more time.
- Just one more!

Almost there. You're doing great.

- You're so close!
- It's a girl!



Mama and baby are healthy.

- There you go.
- She's beautiful.

Didn't I tell you you'd have a daughter?

- You're never wrong.
- Thank you both so much.

You were in the right place
at the right time

- for our family.
- And Bonnie predicted

the universe would
provide the help we needed.

As long as the universe
provides a doctor visit.

It's important that this baby
is checked again within a day.

Of course we will.

So, where are those hot cross
buns? I think we deserve a treat.

- Mm-hmm!

And out came a perfect little girl.

Not bad for a day's work.

So, wait, one of the men

in the hunt is really Martin Patrick?

You never got a look at him
when you were helping out Grace?

Steering clear of him was
part of the plan all along.

You know, a few weeks back,
Alessandro was

- gonna take me to his restaurant.
- Excuse me, "Alessandro"?

He has a name!

- Well, did you go?
- No.

I didn't want to put any money
in that man's pocket.

OK. Well, what about
Harold Luddy? How come

he didn't recognize Martin
Patrick at the starting line?

Grace said that Martin didn't go to any

of their daughter's
medical appointments.

Ooh, this Patrick fella seems
like a prize of a guy.

What about the other players
on this list

- that we haven't met yet?
- Flo and I talked to them this

- morning before we met Bonnie.
- All of them

on the other side of the park
when Dr. Luddy was k*lled.

They alibi'd each other.

So that leaves Wilbur,

Jerry, Ray, Keith...

...and Mr. Spry, I suppose.

(TRUDY): That's interesting.

Keith's name is scribbled
at the end of the list.

Maybe he joined the game last minute?

Keith seemed cagey
from the moment I met him.

He wouldn't even give me his last name.

His last name's not on this list!

Keith is not the k*ller.

He doesn't seem to give
a toss about the game.

All he cares about is helping you out.

Maybe that's because he enjoys
my sparkling company!

I don't think that's the case.

You always want to spoil it
for me, don't you?

Fine. Just figure it out yourselves.

Let's go back to Jerry.

He couldn't sh**t
an arrow from behind me

and also hit himself in the leg.

But what if Martin Patrick
didn't sh**t those arrows

at all? What if that was
just game sabotage all along?

I would have happily taken
a sh*t at Jerry myself.

- Exactly!
- You know, it's funny

you mention Mr. Spry. He would've had

the easiest chance
to give Luddy the fake map.

All of his equipment was left
in his tent unattended

days before the hunt even started.

Anyone could have gone in there
and copied the map.

We're no closer to figuring
out who Martin Patrick is.



I have an idea.



So... what's this all about?

Has your daughter solved the m*rder?

- Oh, she's close.

I, um... I do hope you're prepared

to have all your... secrets exposed.

We should be able to see
everyone from here.

How long will it take Mary
to get back with the police?

I'm not sure.

- Here they come.
- Oh, yeah.

What's the meaning of this?

- We've got a hunt to finish.
- As I told you,

Mr. Vernon, I have called a
timeout at Miss Drake's request.

I've already answered Miss
Drake's questions.

Quit complaining, Jerry.

What can we do for you, Miss Drake?

- And how long will it take?
- It's quite simple, really.

We'd like to take your
fingerprints. We've confiscated

the g*n that was used
by the suspect. Miss Clarke has

dusted it for prints.
So, it's simply a matter

of comparing the prints
on the g*n to your own.

- I don't believe you.
- Why is that?

Well, who brings fingerprinting
equipment to a scavenger hunt?

Well, in a pinch, cocoa works
really great for dusting powder

along with a makeup brush.

- Oh.
- So, who's first?

Let's get this over with.

- The hell you will.
- Gentlemen,

there is a timeout. Neither
of you will return to the game

- before the other.
- I was here first.

Ow! Hey!

- (MAN): Gentlemen!
- Look, for goodness sakes,

we know that neither one of you
is the k*ller.

- How so?
- We know that the k*ller used

a fake name. Now, both of you

played in the scavenger hunt last year.

There's no way that you would be
able to play alongside Harold

or each other
with a new identity this year.

Well, I certainly am Wilbur Ellinger.

Have been my whole life.

So, you don't mind if we take
your prints, then?

- Not at all.

I take it you already know
the true identity

- of the k*ller, Miss Drake?
- We do.

His name is Martin Patrick.

Do you know him?

- Not at all.
- (TRUDY): Thank you.

Mr. Spry, care to go next?

By all means.

- You seem upset, Keith.
- Absolutely. I'm disappointed

that this game was used
in a vile m*rder plot.

Against a paediatrician at that,
a man who does good works.

How did you know
that he was a paediatrician?

I know all the players' occupations.



- You.
- I beg your pardon?

Old burns, small cuts.

These are the wounds a chef would have.

It's you. You are Martin Patrick.

Old scars don't prove anything.

We already have your prints.
And Trudy will be able to trace

them to the g*n that you used
when you kidnapped my mother.

I'm sure that whoever did
kidnap your mother wore gloves.

Only you and her would know
that for sure.

- Anyone could guess.
- Grace left you

and you blamed Dr. Luddy.

Heh. I don't know
what you're talking about.

You stalked him. You found out
that he competed in scavenger hunts,

and you went so far
that you became the gamemaster.

- Good Lord.
- These accusations are madness.

The police are gonna have
no problem proving

- that you're Martin Patrick.
- This is conjecture!

- She's obviously unhinged.
- Is that what you say

about women whose behaviour
you don't like? Is that what

- you said about Grace?
- You're not making sense.

Your own wife and
daughter were scared of you

- and I made them safe.
- I keep them safe!

- Dr. Luddy didn't think so.
- Putting ideas in her head.

- Oh, so you k*lled him.
- She's my wife!

He took what's mine.
Of course I k*lled him.

(FRANKIE): It wasn't him.

I'm the one who helped them escape.

And I promised her she would
never have to see you again,

and now she never will.

- Agh!


- Ooh!
- Ah!


- Oh! Whoa!
- Ow!

- Oh! Ooh.
- That's my girl.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

- Good job, Frankie.

- Agh!
- Good luck in prison, Martin.

(NORA): He kidnapped me.
He kidnapped me!

Very impressive work, Miss Drake.

Well, she gets that from me.

I guess that's it for the game, is it?

I should say so.
How are we supposed to finish

- without a gamemaster?
- Well, perhaps

the sponsor has the authority

- to oversee the finish.
- That would be great

- if they were here.
- I think what Nora is trying

to say is that the sponsor is here.

That Nora. She knows how to spot them.

- Watch and learn.
- That's why you hid

your last name. You knew
all the players' occupations,

and you didn't try to win.

What did I try to tell you?

(KEITH): How did you know?

Hmm! No big mystery.

That's a Campbell tartan.


Well... I knew I couldn't compete,

and I do love a good game,
so I thought I'd just come

and play along.
And lucky for me that I did.

Because I was the one who found
the biggest prize of all.



Uh, this game is not over.

Timeout ends in five...

- Four...

- We gotta go! Let's go!
- Three...


- one!
- Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

- Let's go!
- Look out!

Oh... Keith.

Congratulations! Congratulations!

I'll see everybody next year!

- (MAN): Thank you.

(WOMAN): Congratulations!

- After you.
- Oh!

Well, we didn't win.

(FRANKIE): He deserved it.

And you got to help deliver a baby.

- That is a prize to some people.
- Mm-hmm.

Wait, where's Mary and Flo?
I think I've had enough

- of this country living.
- Mary insisted that they go

back to make sure
that the fire was put out.

Once a Girl Guide, always a Girl Guide.

Of course.

You know, we should come back
and do this again next year.

I'd do that. Just imagine
how well we would

do if we didn't have a m*rder to solve.

- "If"?

Hey, Flo says that
your woods mama was a psychic.

Yes! Told me if I took the easy route,

- it would only lead to misery.
- The easy route with what?

Does it matter? The trick
to being psychic is just saying

something so common that
anyone would think it's true.

- Did she say anything true?

Not that I know of.




Did I tell you when I was gonna be home?

I took a guess and got lucky.

Well... that's very good timing.

- I'm known for that, you know.
- Really?

Si. Among racing fans.

You don't say.


I thought you might enjoy a hot bath.

You thought right.


I can't tell the girls about this.

Because it would make them jealous?

Because they think
you're too good to be true.


Is that what you think?


I don't see any flaws.

It only seems that way
because you don't know me yet.

I do know you don't expect me

to get into that tub by myself.